Why do the leaves of indoor milkweed turn yellow and fall: diseases and pests. Euphorbia indoor: leaves turn yellow and fall

Turns yellow and falls

Why does a plant drop leaves and what to do about it? This is due to:

  • burns- the plant receives them due to direct sunlight. To solve this problem, you need to put the flower in partial shade.
  • natural causes- with the onset of autumn, spurge prepares for winter and its leaves may turn yellow and fall off. This is a completely natural phenomenon, which you should not be afraid of and should not interfere in this process. He will rest and green leaves will appear again in the spring.
  • Diseases or pests- you should carefully examine the plant and identify the cause of whether it is sick or infected with a pest. It is necessary to save the plant by understanding what exactly caused the yellowing and falling of the leaves.
  • Improper care- due to improper watering or maintenance, the leaves can also turn yellow and fall off. Care should be reviewed and errors corrected.

    Watering should be moderate because due to abundant watering, the roots begin to rot and the leaves and the whole flower suffer from this. It could also be due to a lack nutrients- Feeding is required. Temperature and lighting are also important.

opal foliage

Most often this happens on natural causes. For example, with the onset of autumn, when the plant is preparing for winter. In this case, no treatment is required. With the advent of spring, the leaves will reappear on the flower. Also, pouring can fall due to improper care. To solve this problem, it is necessary to correct errors in the care and maintenance of the plant.


Occurs when:

sank down

Why did the euphorbia drop its leaves? The main reason why spurge lowered its leaves is the wrong one. Leaves drop when there is a problem with the roots, which begin to rot due to an excess of moisture. In order to save the plant, you need it. Before transplanting, remove the rotten parts of the roots.



Red oval pads appear on the surface of the leaves, which later merge and turn into strips of a rusty hue. It most often spreads on the underside of the leaf, less often on the petioles or stems. If you do not fight it, it will lead to the death of the plant.

Important! The cause of this disease is a lack of moisture or its increased evaporation from the surface of the sheet. To prevent its occurrence, it is necessary to properly water and spray the plant. In the case when the flower is already affected by rust, it must be treated with fungicides.

Gray rot

The disease is caused by a fungus. Stems and leaves are stained with rot Brown. Further, the spots increase and cover large areas of the plant. Also, the leaves may become covered with a gray mushroom coating. The disease is transmitted through soil, water and air. Another cause of the disease will be high humidity, excess water in the soil, poor ventilation and damage to the plant.

To prevent disease you need to avoid waterlogging, plant spurge in a high-quality and loose substrate. If signs of disease are noticed, it is necessary to treat with fungicides.

root rot

It is easy to determine - dark depressed spots appear on the stem above the surface of the substrate. If the plant is not treated in time, then they spread and destroy the tissues of the stem, from which it breaks and dies. On the damaged areas, the mycelium of the fungus of a gray shade develops.

The reason is hidden in the soil. The plant becomes ill due to an excess of watering, top dressing, lack of lighting, high temperature content and too dense soil.

To avoid disease, you need to properly care for the plant. If signs of illness appear, treat with fungicides, stop watering and replace wet soil with dry.

fungal diseases

Large spots on the leaves, most often dark ones, will let you know about their appearance. The reason is waterlogging and hot air. The soil may also be the problem. To avoid illness, you need proper care. For treatment, fungicides are used.



These are microscopic worms that develop in a humid environment and can lead to the death of the plant. The plant is covered with dry necrotic spots. Leaves shrink and wither. Over time, they become thinner and begin to shine through. Later they dry up and die. Later, the plant dies. For prevention, it is enough to keep the plant dry, spraying.

spider mite

Quite small, red or light brown. It feeds on young leaves. Signs of infection are white or yellow spots on the leaves. To fight, you can treat the plant with a soapy solution.. In a more serious form of infection, treat with acaricides.


It affects the roots of the flower. The infected plant stops growing, the leaves turn yellow, dry and die. When infested with insects, it is necessary to remove the plant from the pot, clean it from the soil and treat the roots with insecticides. Disinfect the pot and plant the plant in a new soil.


It feeds on the juice of the plant and destroys the tender top of milkweed. When infested, insects can be easily seen on the plant.

To fight, you can independently collect insects with your hand or wash off with soapy water. In case of severe damage, treat the plant with insecticides.

There is another one on our site. helpful information about milkweed. Read about how to properly prune its shoots and when is the best time to do it, and from you will learn how to achieve euphorbia flowering, as well as the species characteristics and nuances of plant care.

Euphorbia - medicinal flower with many useful properties. It, like other plants, is susceptible to various diseases. Most of them from improper care. Therefore, be attentive to the flower in, and also make sure that insects do not harm it.

Euphorbia white-veined plant is unpretentious, but there are several subtleties of care, the knowledge of which helps to grow luxurious specimens.

White-veined milkweed care

Euphorbia can grow indoors with any orientation to the light. Just do not put it in direct sunlight - the leaves can get burned, and in general the plant begins to wither ... It is very thermophilic, therefore temperatures of at least 16-18 degrees are desirable in winter. Euphorbia also does not like drafts. But dry air winter time tolerates well and does not need spraying.

You need to be careful with watering: water only with settled water room temperature, plentiful in summer (but only after the top layer of the earthy coma dries up!), In winter - moderately. Both drying and overflow immediately affect appearance milkweed - leaves droop, fade. Overflow is even more dangerous. If, during drying, the drooping leaves again cheerfully rise up and the decorative effect of milkweed is restored, then overflow (especially in combination with low temperatures, causing hypothermia of an earthy coma) can cause root rot, lead to the death of your green pet.

Why does spurge shed its leaves

All these factors are stress for the plant, and white-veined spurge reacts to any stress, even the most insignificant, by quickly shedding leaves.[k]

Massive leaf fall of white-veined milkweed is also observed in autumn, when there is less light. Depending on the degree of illumination and the correctness of watering, the plant can shed either part of the leaves, or leave for the winter without any hair at all. But in the spring, leaves will certainly appear on it. Some flower growers, in order to activate the process of the appearance of leaves, arrange a hot shower for milkweed in the spring (two or three times). But we did not use this approach.

If in white-veined milkweed only the lower leaves turn yellow and fall off - this is a natural process, it is typical for it to have leaves only in the upper part of the trunk. And so that it grows evenly leafy on all sides and has beautiful view, from time to time turn it in different directions to the light. And from spring to autumn, at least once every two months, feed your green friend with flower fertilizers (it is better to take those intended for cacti).

The flowers of white-veined milkweed are small, not of interest. If you don't need the seeds, remove them by blotting the secreted milky juice with a tissue. The peculiarity of this milkweed is that when the seeds ripen, it shoots them wherever it hits, and numerous seedlings quickly germinate in other pots. Then you are tormented to pull them out.

Is spurge a poisonous plant?

Just remember that the milky juice of euphorbia is poisonous, so be careful when caring for this plant.

The soil for it is suitable for any loose with the addition of sand. Drainage is required. It is better to take a pot wide (but corresponding to the size of the plant) and shallow, since milkweed white-veined has a superficial root system. Transplant it as it grows. For large plant the container is taken heavier so that it does not tip over. Or give stability to the pot by placing more stones on the bottom.

They write that white-veined spurge is damaged by aphids, scale insects, spider mites ... No pests were noticed on our spurge.

Euphorbia (euphorbia) is almost common all over the planet, some of its species are found only on the African continent.

The Euphorbia family belongs to the succulents, that is, long time keep moisture inside.

Despite the fact that milkweed juice contains toxic substances, for many pests this is not a hindrance.
Table of contents:

  • Diseases
  • Pests
  • Ways to fight

lovers decorative species one should also be aware of the presence of potential diseases that require treatment.

If you have a question: why does milkweed turn yellow and leaves fall and what to do about it? - most likely the whole thing is in the wrong care. Insufficient lighting leads to pale leaves and falling off. Rapid temperature changes lead to wilting or loss of leaves.

Why does spurge dry (turn yellow) and shed its leaves?

"Autumn Syndrome", when indoor milkweed leaves turn yellow and dry, and subsequently fall off, signals insufficient watering or excessively dry air.

Why did spurge drop its leaves?

This is associated with overwatering. It will also affect the coloring: in this case, the leaves will be unevenly colored.

The most common infectious misfortunes include fungal and viral diseases:

  • alternariosis;
  • root and stem rot;
  • powdery mildew;
  • gray rot;
  • bacteriosis;
  • mosaic

Fungal disease, characterized by the appearance of brown rotten spots on the leaves. Gradually increasing, the spots capture the entire leaf.

High air humidity leads to the fastest development of the fungus, as a result, the leaves turn gray.

Infection is possible through air, water and soil, in which the fungus persists for a long time. Factors that increase the risk of infection:

  • too humid air;
  • lack of ventilation;
  • soil saturation with nitrogen.

Used to fight fungus systemic fungicides(antifungal agents). Prevention - avoid waterlogging and use sufficiently loose substrates for planting.

The appearance of the fungus is indicated large spots on leaves, often dark.

Older or weakened leaves are at greater risk.

Hydration and hot air accelerate the development of the fungus.

The causative agent can be found in the soil and the remains of diseased plants.

Systemic fungicides (Ridomil Gold, Skorr) are used for treatment. If the air humidity is high enough, it is necessary to apply biological fungicides for prevention.

It is characterized by the appearance on the stem, directly above the soil surface, of dark depressed spots. Gradually, the infected area grows, penetrates deep into and affects the internal tissues. The stem breaks and dies. The causative agent (pathogen) remains in the soil for a long time.

This situation most often results excessive application of nitrogen and too abundant watering, hot climate and lack of lighting, as well as increased density of substrates.

At the first signs of infection, treatment is carried out systemic fungicides, watering stops, and the substrate is replaced with a drier one.

The causative agent is also a fungus and manifests itself in the appearance of a fluffy coating (powdery mildew).

Under the coating, the leaf tissues dry out.

If a take no action, infection can lead to death succulent.

The fungus is transmitted from a diseased plant through the wind. The dry and hot climate worsens the situation, overdried substrate.

The fungus is not able to harm a healthy green organism, therefore the best prevention is an proper care. If the infection still progresses, antifungal agents are used.

Bacteriosis is accompanied by poor growth and cessation of flowering. Stems and leaves are striking rotten spots, from which a turbid liquid with a pungent odor is released. The causative agent can be in the remains of diseased plants for a long time.

Increased chance of infection at high humidity , abundant watering and high nitrogen content.

Should exclude the possibility of mechanical damage, since it is through them that the pathogen penetrates.

A viral infection in which the leaf undergoes deformation, and signs of chlorosis are visible on the veins.

The main signs are the appearance on the leaf blade of a pattern consisting of the smallest multi-colored spots, colors from white to yellow and red.

Most often, insects become carriers of the virus, especially - whitefly.

Infected cuttings are better do not use. For prevention, it is necessary to carry out insecticidal treatment.

This kind of developmental difference can't be called a disease., it's just a protective reaction to open sunlight.

Rough brown thickening adversely affects the appearance, but in no way dangerous.

It is impossible to cure and not necessary, and if such a view is undesirable, then it is necessary to protect it from the scorching sun.

When aphids appear, the foliage of milkweed is deformed, then turns yellow and falls off.

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Other affected areas become discolored.

The plant looks depressed stops normal growth and development.

To fight insects, you need, first of all, assemble them by hand.

They are not difficult to notice, they are yellow or light green. Severely affected shoots will have to be removed.

For further processing drugs are used:

Whitefly larvae greenish color, and the adult white midge, whose presence can be easily seen.

When larvae appear, the affected areas should be cut off, and the healthy parts should be sprayed with insecticides. 1 time in 3 days.

If the infection progresses, insects become visible on the root neck.

As the roots are damaged, the plant is more and more slows down growth.

Leaves first turn yellow, then dry and die.

If insects are found, you should carefully dig up the spurge from the ground, remove the remnants of soil from the roots and treat with an insecticide solution.

pot need disinfect and fill with fresh earth. At each transplant, look closely at the roots. for the detection of this disease.

spider mite small enough, only half a millimeter, light brown or red. It feeds on young leaves. If white or yellow spots appear on them, this may be a sign of the presence of a tick.

For isolation, infected seedlings should be doused with warm soapy water. Used to kill ticks acaricides.

It must be remembered that this insect breeds very fast and measures to combat it must be taken immediately.

The size of the larvae is about half a centimeter, and they are especially dangerous for seedlings.

When larvae are found, the best option will transplant immediately healthy seedlings, isolating it from the infected.

For prevention, you can treat the soil with insecticide. Dry sand sprinkled on top thin layer, is also not attractive to mosquitoes. Arriving adults can also be fought in the traditional way - "Velcro" from insects.

What to do if the spurge turns yellow and sheds leaves? The characteristics of diseases show that almost all of them occur with improper care of green pets.

Video: The simplest method of treating lemon from scale insects. Diaspididae treatment

Violation of agricultural technologies leads to certain deviations in development. Infectious diseases primarily affect weakened plants. Compliance with all rules virtually eliminates the risk of infection. However, sometimes it happens.

The gardener's task recognize the threat in time. It is necessary to conduct regular inspection of green pets, and if a disease is detected, take action.

Hello Olesya!

In autumn, for milkweed, the process of yellowing and falling leaves is natural. But if this happens in the summer, there may be problems with watering. Either the plant lacks moisture, or, conversely, it is poured. Also temperature environment may be too low. It is possible that the pot is standing in a cold draft. It is necessary to attach the plant to a more comfortable place for it.

Favorable conditions of detention

  • Watering milkweed. The most important point of well-being. Since this representative of the flora belongs to succulents, he does not like moisture too much. Moreover, overflow is fatal for him, and often the plant cannot be saved. For all to be well, watering should be moderate. This means: in the summer, water once a week, in spring and autumn - once every two weeks, and in winter once a month is enough. Before watering, check the earthen ball - it should have time to dry out between waterings! But the drying of the soil should not be allowed. Use soft water at room temperature for irrigation.
  • It is preferable to transplant the plant into a shallow pot. In a large flowerpot, it is difficult to maintain a favorable watering regime.
  • The best place for milkweed. Plant loves sunlight, but direct rays are fatal for him. It feels good on a south or southeast window. Optimum temperature during growth - 22 - 25 degrees.
  • Fertilizer for green and strong leaves. From spring to autumn, it is recommended to feed your pet every 2 weeks with special fertilizers designed for cacti. The lack of nutrients adversely affects the plant: in milkweed, the leaves turn yellow and fall off.
  • In winter, the plant should have a dormant period. To do this, it is desirable for him that the ambient temperature is not higher than 15 degrees. Watering is moderate. If the temperature is higher in winter, additional lighting should be created, otherwise the stem will bend. A fluorescent or LED lamp will do.

milkweed secret

In addition to creating favorable conditions for the life of your pet, you can additionally support it. To do this, use epin - a drug that allows you to adapt to stressful situations. It also favors plant growth and stimulates them. immune system. It will be useful in the following cases:

  • The plant survived drought or waterlogging;
  • Not enough light and heat;
  • The soil is depleted;
  • Unbalanced diet;
  • Attacks by viruses, fungi or insects.

How to help milkweed with epin:

  • To support the vitality of milkweed and awaken its dormant immunity, prepare a solution. It is convenient to do this in the following way. Draw the entire contents of the ampoule into a syringe. Get 1 ml. A lot of solution is not needed to process the plant. Enough 0.1 ml per half liter. Water must be taken settled or filtered, it can also be boiled. Its temperature should be slightly warm.
  • If your plant is dusty, you need to clean it before spraying. You can use a brush to remove dust.
  • It is advisable to carry out the processing procedure in the bathroom with the curtains drawn (the solution is still poisonous).
  • It is necessary to spray until the green mass is completely wetted.
  • Pour out the rest of the solution.
  • After the plant dries, you can pull back the curtains.
  • The treatment of milkweed, which is in an unfavorable environment, must be carried out once every 10 days.
  • The remaining epin can be stored in a syringe wrapped in a napkin on the refrigerator door.

Sincerely, Galina.

If you have a question: “why does milkweed turn yellow and leaves fall and what to do about it?” - most likely the whole thing is in the wrong care. Insufficient lighting leads to pale leaves and falling off. Rapid temperature changes lead to wilting or loss of leaves.

Why does spurge dry (turn yellow) and shed its leaves?

"Autumn Syndrome" when indoor milkweed leaves turn yellow and dry, and subsequently fall off, it signals insufficient watering or excessively dry air.

Why did spurge drop its leaves?

This is associated with overwatering. It will also affect the coloring: in this case, the leaves will be unevenly colored.

The most common infectious misfortunes include fungal and viral diseases:

  • alternariosis;
  • root and stem rot;
  • powdery mildew;
  • gray rot;
  • bacteriosis;
  • mosaic

Gray rot

Fungal disease, characterized by the appearance of brown rotten spots on the leaves. Gradually increasing, the spots capture the entire leaf.

High air humidity leads to the fastest development of the fungus, as a result, the leaves turn gray.

Infection is possible through air, water and soil, in which the fungus persists for a long time. Factors that increase the risk of infection:

  • too humid air;
  • lack of ventilation;
  • soil saturation with nitrogen.

Used to fight fungus systemic fungicides(antifungal agents). Prevention - avoid waterlogging and use sufficiently loose substrates for planting.


The causative agent is also a fungus and manifests itself in the appearance of a fluffy coating (powdery mildew).

Under the coating, the leaf tissues dry out.

If a take no action, infection can lead to death succulent.

The fungus is transmitted from a diseased plant through the wind. The dry and hot climate worsens the situation, overdried substrate.

The fungus is not able to harm a healthy green body, so the best prevention is proper care. If the infection still progresses, antifungal agents are used.


Bacteriosis is accompanied by poor growth and cessation of flowering. Stems and leaves are striking rotten spots, from which a turbid liquid with a pungent odor is released. The causative agent can be in the remains of diseased plants for a long time.

Increased chance of infection at high humidity, abundant watering and high nitrogen content.

Should exclude the possibility of mechanical damage, since it is through them that the pathogen penetrates.

tobacco mosaic

A viral infection in which the leaf undergoes deformation, and signs of chlorosis are visible on the veins.

The main signs are the appearance on the leaf blade of a pattern consisting of the smallest multi-colored spots, colors from white to yellow and red.

Most often, insects become carriers of the virus, especially - whitefly.

Infected cuttings are better do not use. For prevention, it is necessary to carry out insecticidal treatment.

Rough growths on milkweed

This kind of developmental difference can't be called a disease., it's just a protective reaction to open sunlight.

Rough brown thickening adversely affects the appearance, but in no way dangerous.

It is impossible to cure and not necessary, and if such a view is undesirable, then it is necessary to protect it from the scorching sun.



When aphids appear, the foliage of milkweed is deformed, then turns yellow and falls off.

Other affected areas become discolored.

The plant looks depressed stops normal growth and development.

To fight insects, you need, first of all, assemble them by hand.

They are not difficult to notice, they are yellow or light green. Severely affected shoots will have to be removed.

For further processing, drugs are used:

  • fitoverm;
  • derris;
  • actellik;
  • decis.


Whitefly larvae greenish color, and the adult is a white midge, the presence of which can be easily noticed.

When larvae appear, the affected areas should be cut off, and the healthy parts should be sprayed with insecticides. 1 time in 3 days.

Root mealybug

If the infection progresses, insects become visible on the root neck.

As the roots are damaged, the plant is more and more slows down growth.

Leaves first turn yellow, then dry and die.

If insects are found, you should carefully dig up the spurge from the ground, remove the remnants of soil from the roots and treat with an insecticide solution.

pot need disinfect and fill with fresh earth. At each transplant, look closely at the roots. for the detection of this disease.

Red spider mite

spider mite small enough, only half a millimeter, light brown or red. It feeds on young leaves. If white or yellow spots appear on them, this may be a sign of the presence of a tick.

For isolation, infected seedlings should be doused with warm soapy water. Used to kill ticks acaricides.

It must be remembered that this insect breeds very fast and measures to combat it must be taken immediately.

Mosquitoes on milkweed

The size of the larvae is about half a centimeter, and they are especially dangerous for seedlings.

If larvae are found, the best option would be transplant immediately healthy seedlings, isolating it from the infected.

For prevention, you can treat the soil with insecticide. Dry sand, sprinkled on top with a thin layer, is also not attractive to mosquitoes. Arriving adults can also be fought in the traditional way - "Velcro" from insects.

Ways to fight

What to do if the spurge turns yellow and sheds leaves? The characteristics of diseases show that almost all of them occur with improper care of green pets.

Violation of agricultural technologies leads to certain deviations in development. Infectious diseases primarily affect weakened plants. Compliance with all rules virtually eliminates the risk of infection. However, sometimes it happens.

The gardener's task recognize the threat in time. It is necessary to conduct regular inspection of green pets, and if a disease is detected, take action.
