Magical gestures are wise to attract love. Mudra attracting love

. "Working for energy level, such practices help to open up, increasing attractiveness and charm, - says Victoria Druzhinnikova, yoga nidra teacher. - It happens that a woman has enough sexual energy, but for some reason it is blocked. With the help of mudras, you can free her and become a magnet for the opposite sex.

Practice results different people will not be the same. “In order for mudras to work effectively, it is necessary that the desire to attract love and (or) strengthen existing relationships comes from you,” says Max Tal, author of the book "30 new wise for good luck, achieving a goal, gaining the right qualities at the right time" . - If it is imposed by others, you are unlikely to succeed. It is not difficult to check the truth of desire. If, thinking about something, you feel a surge of energy, warmth that spreads throughout your body, then this is exactly what you want.

How to practice love mudras

* Twice a day (morning and evening) for 10 minutes.

* Sit in a comfortable position with your body relaxed and your back straight. If you find it difficult to relax, use breathing techniques or auto-training.

* When doing mudra, think of what you want to achieve as a fait accompli, and not as a distant future.

* All of the following mudras must be performed until the desired result is achieved.

Mud-ra lo-tosa

The lotus flower symbolizes purity, happiness, well-being, rebirth ... It is no coincidence that this particular mudra is associated with the heart chakra. Practicing it is especially useful for those who are in search of a second half and suffer greatly from loneliness. The lotus mudra helps to attract the attention of the opposite sex.

How do you-half-take: connect the bases of the palms, the pads of the little fingers and thumbs of both hands at chest level. The remaining fingers should be open in the form of a lotus flower. Hold your hands in this position for four breaths. Then fold your hands into a bud - the pads of the opposite fingers of both hands are in contact with each other. Relax your hands. Hold this position for 4 breaths. Next, open your fingers again in the form of a flower. Repeat the mudra 5-6 times.

Mud-ra for about-re-tenija love-vi

A great practice for those who really want to fall in love, but for some reason can't. This mudra will help activate the current of love energy and awaken a feeling both within yourself and in your chosen one.

How do you-half-take: Sit in a comfortable position with your back straight. Medium and ring fingers press both hands to the palms. The rest of the fingers are pointing up. Raise your elbows to chest level, close your eyes. In this position, you need to be at least 2-3 minutes. Breathe evenly: inhale slowly for 8 counts, then exhale sharply for one count. While performing the mudra, imagine yourself surrounded by a warm energy cocoon.


The name of the mudra speaks for itself: it is designed to awaken sexual energy. It can be used both to awaken your sensual side and to improve intimate relationships with a permanent partner. It is also good to practice if you would like to conceive a child.

How do you-half-take: clench both hands into fists, do not strain your hands too much! Pull the index finger of the left hand up and insert it from below into the right fist. In this case, the pad of the thumb of the right hand should touch the tip of the index finger of the left hand. Keep your hands at the level of the abdomen when performing the mudra.


Ganesha is the god of wisdom and prosperity. In the Indian mi-fology, this is a deity that overcomes any difficulties. If it is difficult for you to build relationships with the opposite sex, or if a crisis is brewing in your couple, Ganesha Mudra will help you make the right decision and smooth out the brewing conflict. It is also good if you find it difficult to fully open up. close person tell him about your feelings.

How do you-half-take: bend the right hand at the elbow under the chest, the palm looks forward. Bend your fingers a little. Interlock your right hand with your left hand, place them at heart level. As you inhale, pull your arms to the sides, while not disengaging your fingers. Relax as you exhale. Repeat 6 times. Then change the position of the hands (the left hand is facing forward) and do the mudra 6 more times.

Mud-ra "Clear water"

Suitable if you have already made your choice and want to attract the attention of a specific person. It will also be appropriate in a situation where it is necessary to improve relations in a couple. It will help you let go of accumulated grievances, teach you to see the virtues and accept the shortcomings of another person. When performing mudra, it is important that you are sincerely committed to improving relationships and confident in the correct choice of your potential partner.

How to perform : Place your hands in front of you, palms up. Lay cross right hand back side to the left. Fingers-tsa-mi left-howl ru-ki, grab the right hand from the bottom. Take the little finger of the right hand to the palm of the hand and press it on top with the thumb of the left hand. Connect the big and ring fingers of the right hand into the ring. Straighten the index and middle fingers of the right hand and add them together. Ru-ki dis-locate at the level of the solar plexus or a little lower. Look right before you fight. Do the mudra for two minutes. If you are making a mudra to improve your relationship with a particular person, add it up when you meet him. Do this until you get results.

Wisdom of good luck

It will help not only to get to know your potential partner, but also to have a pleasant date with him, which will most likely turn into a long-term relationship. Mudra will help strengthen sympathy and become the basis of a lasting alliance.

How to perform: spread your hands in front of you - the right palm looks up, the left one looks down. The ends of the fingers of both hands are directed towards each other. Connect the pads of the fingers of both hands (except for the large ones), slightly rounding the palms, the fingers of the left hand cover the fingers of the right from above. Connect the pads of the thumbs so that they form a straight line. Keep your hands in front of you in a position that is comfortable for you. Hold the mudra for 2-3 minutes. Just before an important date, it should be practiced for 8-10 minutes. You can imperceptibly fold the mudra during a date for a couple of minutes.

Master these simple mudras to quickly find your soulmate or strengthen the love you have already found.

. “Working on the energy level, such practices help to open up, increasing attractiveness and charm,” says Victoria Druzhinnikova, yoga nidra teacher. - It happens that a woman has enough sexual energy, but for some reason it is blocked. With the help of mudras, you can free her and become a magnet for the opposite sex.

The results of practice will vary from person to person. “In order for mudras to work effectively, it is necessary that the desire to attract love and (or) strengthen existing relationships comes from you,” says Max Tal, author of the book "30 new wise for good luck, achieving a goal, gaining the right qualities at the right time" . - If it is imposed by others, you are unlikely to succeed. It is not difficult to check the truth of desire. If, thinking about something, you feel a surge of energy, warmth that spreads throughout your body, then this is exactly what you want.

How to practice love mudras

* Twice a day (morning and evening) for 10 minutes.

* Sit in a comfortable position with your body relaxed and your back straight. If you find it difficult to relax, use breathing techniques or auto-training.

* When doing mudra, think of what you want to achieve as a fait accompli, and not as a distant future.

* All of the following mudras must be performed until the desired result is achieved.

Mud-ra lo-tosa

The lotus flower symbolizes purity, happiness, well-being, rebirth ... It is no coincidence that this particular mudra is associated with the heart chakra. Practicing it is especially useful for those who are in search of a second half and suffer greatly from loneliness. The lotus mudra helps to attract the attention of the opposite sex.

How do you-half-take: connect the bases of the palms, the pads of the little fingers and thumbs of both hands at chest level. The remaining fingers should be open in the form of a lotus flower. Hold your hands in this position for four breaths. Then fold your hands into a bud - the pads of the opposite fingers of both hands are in contact with each other. Relax your hands. Hold this position for 4 breaths. Next, open your fingers again in the form of a flower. Repeat the mudra 5-6 times.

Mud-ra for about-re-tenija love-vi

A great practice for those who really want to fall in love, but for some reason can't. This mudra will help activate the current of love energy and awaken a feeling both within yourself and in your chosen one.

How do you-half-take: Sit in a comfortable position with your back straight. Press the pads of the middle and ring fingers of both hands to the palms. The rest of the fingers are pointing up. Raise your elbows to chest level, close your eyes. In this position, you need to be at least 2-3 minutes. Breathe evenly: inhale slowly for 8 counts, then exhale sharply for one count. While performing the mudra, imagine yourself surrounded by a warm energy cocoon.


The name of the mudra speaks for itself: it is designed to awaken sexual energy. It can be used both to awaken your sensual side and to improve intimate relationships with a regular partner. It is also good to practice if you would like to conceive a child.

How do you-half-take: clench both hands into fists, do not strain your hands too much! Pull the index finger of the left hand up and insert it from below into the right fist. In this case, the pad of the thumb of the right hand should touch the tip of the index finger of the left hand. Keep your hands at the level of the abdomen when performing the mudra.


Ganesha is the god of wisdom and prosperity. In the Indian mi-fology, this is a deity that overcomes any difficulties. If it is difficult for you to build relationships with the opposite sex, or if a crisis is brewing in your couple, Ganesha Mudra will help you make the right decision and smooth out the brewing conflict. It is also good if it is difficult for you to fully open up to a loved one, to tell him about your feelings.

How do you-half-take: bend the right hand at the elbow under the chest, the palm looks forward. Bend your fingers a little. Interlock your right hand with your left hand, place them at heart level. As you inhale, pull your arms to the sides, while not disengaging your fingers. Relax as you exhale. Repeat 6 times. Then change the position of the hands (the left hand is facing forward) and do the mudra 6 more times.

Mud-ra "Clear water"

Suitable if you have already made your choice and want to attract the attention of a specific person. It will also be appropriate in a situation where it is necessary to improve relations in a couple. It will help you let go of accumulated grievances, teach you to see the virtues and accept the shortcomings of another person. When performing mudra, it is important that you are sincerely committed to improving relationships and confident in the correct choice of your potential partner.

How to perform : Place your hands in front of you, palms up. Place your right hand crossed with the back on your left. Fingers-tsa-mi left-howl ru-ki, grab the right hand from the bottom. Take the little finger of the right hand to the palm of the hand and press it on top with the thumb of the left hand. Connect the big and ring fingers of the right hand into the ring. Straighten the index and middle fingers of the right hand and add them together. Ru-ki dis-locate at the level of the solar plexus or a little lower. Look right before you fight. Do the mudra for two minutes. If you are making a mudra to improve your relationship with a particular person, add it up when you meet him. Do this until you get results.

Wisdom of good luck

It will help not only to get to know your potential partner, but also to have a pleasant date with him, which will most likely turn into a long-term relationship. Mudra will help strengthen sympathy and become the basis of a lasting alliance.

How to perform: spread your hands in front of you - the right palm looks up, the left one looks down. The ends of the fingers of both hands are directed towards each other. Connect the pads of the fingers of both hands (except for the large ones), slightly rounding the palms, the fingers of the left hand cover the fingers of the right from above. Connect the pads of the thumbs so that they form a straight line. Keep your hands in front of you in a position that is comfortable for you. Hold the mudra for 2-3 minutes. Just before an important date, it should be practiced for 8-10 minutes. You can imperceptibly fold the mudra during a date for a couple of minutes.

Master these simple mudras to quickly find your soulmate or strengthen the love you have already found.

Vajra Mudra

This mudra stimulates the circulation of the genitals.

How to perform:

Bend and hold together three fingers - the middle, ring and little fingers, and with a large one press on the edge of the middle nail.

Extend your index finger and relax.

Do this on each hand for 5 minutes 3 times a day.

Great Sacred Mudra

This mudra helps with orgasm difficulties. It can bring relief in case of illness Bladder, prostate in men, with pain during menstruation in women. The great sacred mudra is performed with both hands.

How to perform:

Connect the tips of the ring fingers, and put the little fingers on the thumbs.

Hold this position for 10 breaths.

Then connect the pads of the little fingers, and place the ring fingers on the thumbs.

Hold for 10 breaths.

Do mudra for 7 minutes 3 times a day.

Shiva Linga

Shiva in Indian mythology is the god of destruction, thanks to which a new creation becomes possible. Without death there would be no birth. In nature, there is a beginning and an end everywhere. The Shiva Linga, or Shiva's reproductive organ, represents male power and is a symbol of destruction and subsequent rebirth. This mudra can help to conceive a child. It rejuvenates the body and has a great healing effect.

How to perform:

Place your right hand with your thumb up on the palm of your left.

The left hand should resemble a narrow, elongated bowl.

Close your fingers on it and cup them.

Keep your hands at your stomach with your elbows pointing outward and slightly forward.

Give the right hand a fist likeness with the thumb extended upwards. She should rest as if in a cradle formed by the left. This mudra can be done 2 times a day for 4 minutes or more.

Uttarabodhi Mudra

Mudra charges the body with sexual energy.

How to perform:

Place your hands at the solar plexus.

Place the index fingers and thumbs of both hands on top of each other.

The index fingers should be pointing up and the thumbs pointing down.

This position can be held for any length of time.

Perform mudra 2 times a day for 3 minutes.

Lotus Mudra

This mudra is associated with the heart chakra and symbolizes purity. It helps a lot in times of loneliness and despair. Thanks to the lotus mudra, you can gain self-confidence, sexual charm, which will attract the attention of the opposite sex to you.

How to perform:

Join hands: fingers are located vertically, relaxed and stretched out in different directions. The lower parts of the palms, as well as the pads of the little fingers and thumbs, touch each other. When we fold our hands in this way, they resemble the bud of a lotus flower.

When we open our hands and spread our fingers to the sides, it looks like a blossoming lotus.

After taking four deep exhalation breaths, again fold your hands into a bud and connect the fingers of both hands so that they touch each other with their tops.

Connect back sides fingers and hands, hang your hands for a while, letting them stay in a completely relaxed state.

Fold your hands like a bud and open the flower.

Repeat several times.

Pushpaputa Mudra

Pushpa translates as flower and this mudra depicts a bouquet of flowers. Pushpaputa mudra is associated with openness and willingness to accept new acquaintances. These qualities are indicated by the gesture itself.

How to perform:

Put open arms palms up on your thighs.

Relax your hands, put your thumbs on the outer edges of your index fingers.

Perform mudra 3 times a day for 30 minutes.

Varada Mudra

If you have offended your chosen one or any person of the opposite sex, you must definitely perform varada mudra. It will help you to correctly assess the situation and improve the situation. If it is no longer possible to revive the old relationship, varada mudra will contribute to the search for a new chosen one.

How to perform:

Extend your left hand forward, palm down.

The palm should be open and pointing outward.

Place your right hand on your knees or thigh.

Perform mudra once a day for 5 minutes.

These are far from all the wise ones that can help you find love and a life partner.

Unobtrusive musical background will help you find the right mental attitude; music for mudra should be calm and pleasant (you can use music for relaxation).

In general, mudras can be performed in any environment, even at work, even in transport, even at home on the couch, the main thing is to stay calm.

but maximum effect they give when the TV, computer and phone are turned off and nothing distracts, making it possible to fully concentrate on performing the mudra and your desire.

Apply and share with your friends! All wishes will come true!

This mudra is able to awaken your sexual energy. Indians believe that for a prosperous life, a person needs proper quality sex. Orgasm with the right partner is an act of the utmost intimacy that can lead us to the sanctuary of purest joy. This is a moment of true bliss, and echoes of ecstasy remain with us long after the act itself. The quality and regularity of sex depends on several factors, including health, nutrition, freedom from stress and anxiety, and, most importantly, a responsive partner. A favorable environment, suitable music, stimulating incense, etc. also help. Well-being in love is directly related to good health and happiness. Your desire must be given free rein. The sexual fluids have a cleansing function, and as you recognize and meet the needs of the body, a radiant calm fills your entire being.

Kundalini mudra is associated with sexual power that needs to be awakened. This exercise contributes to the unification of the male and female principles.

How to perform:

Both hands loosely clench into fists.

Then extend the index finger of the left hand, take it into the right fist so that the latter is on top of the left, and place this finger on the pad of the thumb of the right hand.

With the other fingers of the right hand, grasp the index from above, as if forming a free and comfortable natural cover for it.

Keep the hands joined in this mudra at the abdomen as low as possible.

Do this exercise for 15 minutes 3 times a day.

Rudra mudra

Rudra mudra enhances the earth element and the organs associated with it. It counteracts sexual impotence.

How to perform:

Connect the tips of the thumb, index and ring fingers.

Relax and stretch the middle finger and little finger.

Do this on both hands for about 5 minutes 3 to 6 times a day.

Ushas mudra

This mudra affects the second chakra - the center of sexuality and creative energy.

How to perform:

Perform mudra in the morning, immediately after waking up.

Lying on the bed, clasp the back of your head with your clasped hands.

Take a few strong and full exhalations.

Open your eyes and mouth wide, pull your elbows back, resting them on the pillow.

Put your hands together so that thumb right hand was on the thumb of the left, slightly pressing on it.

Women should place the thumb of the right hand between the thumb and forefinger of the left, pressing on it with the thumb of the left.

Practice mudra every day.

The duration of the exercise is from 10 to 15 minutes.

Hakini Mudra

This is a very interesting and important mudra that can be practiced anywhere and anytime. When people sit in contemplation, they inadvertently put their hands together with their fingertips and hold them in front of them. This mudra has a beneficial effect on the brain, memory, and sexual function. With its help, you can attract the attention of the opposite sex.

How to perform:

Put your hands together with your fingertips, look up.

While inhaling, touch the gums with your tongue, and when exhaling, return it back.

Breathe deeply.

Do the mudra for a few minutes when you have the opportunity to rest.

Vajra Mudra

This mudra stimulates the circulation of the genitals.

How to perform:

Bend and hold together three fingers - the middle, ring and little fingers, and with a large one press on the edge of the middle nail.

Extend your index finger and relax.

Do this on each hand for 5 minutes 3 times a day.

Great Sacred Mudra

This mudra helps with orgasm difficulties. It can also bring relief in case of diseases of the bladder, prostate gland in men, pain during menstruation in women.

The great sacred mudra is performed with both hands.

How to perform:

Connect the tips of the ring fingers, and put the little fingers on the thumbs.

Hold this position for 10 breaths.

Then connect the pads of the little fingers, and place the ring fingers on the thumbs.

Hold for 10 breaths.

Do mudra for 7 minutes 3 times a day.

Shiva Linga

Shiva in Indian mythology is the god of destruction, thanks to which a new creation becomes possible. Without death there would be no birth. In nature, there is a beginning and an end everywhere. The Shiva Linga, or Shiva's reproductive organ, represents male power and is a symbol of destruction and subsequent rebirth. This mantra can help you conceive a child. It rejuvenates the body and has a great healing effect.

How to perform:

Place your right hand with your thumb up on the palm of your left.

The left hand should resemble a narrow, elongated bowl.

Close your fingers on it and cup them.

Keep your hands at your stomach with your elbows pointing outward and slightly forward.

Give the right hand a fist likeness with the thumb extended upwards. She should rest as if in a cradle formed by the left.

This mudra can be done 2 times a day for 4 minutes or more.

Uttarabodhi Mudra

Mudra charges the body with sexual energy.

How to perform:

Place your hands at the solar plexus.

Place the index fingers and thumbs of both hands on top of each other.

The index fingers should be pointing up and the thumbs pointing down.

This position can be held for any length of time.

Perform mudra 2 times a day for 3 minutes.

dynamic mudra

Dynamic meditation, which was practiced at the Osho Ashram, is all about energy and movement. After it comes a complete catharsis - you feel like a different person. All the burden of the past is thrown away, and the space of the soul opens up for the new. You seem to have been bathed in a stream of pure spring water. Everything old is carried away, and sprouts of the future appear.

Thanks to Osho, Dynamic Meditation has gained worldwide fame, and even management schools, after careful research, have included it in their training courses. Try to practice it, and you will be convinced of the effectiveness of the practice. After one session, confused and desperate people were completely transformed. This speaks volumes. Imagine: mature men and women, who are fully realized, but who want to find a high meaning in their lives, are completely captured by the frantic movements of dynamic meditation, scream, jump, gradually reach exhaustion, and then cry like little children, splashing out of their body all that has accumulated in it is unclean, like housewives throwing away food waste. This is a truly cleansing process - effective and humbling the pride of its participant and outside observer.

All self-improvement systems constantly emphasize purification. Even in vastu and feng shui, the importance of free space is emphasized, through which prana can flow unhindered. Disorder in the physical or mental space prevents the free passage of energy. Therefore, we need to regularly clean up the clutter caused by the chaotic nature of our daily lives.

Dynamic mudra is built on the same principles as the dynamic meditation described above.

In addition, this mudra will help you achieve maximum pleasure with sex.

How to perform:

As you exhale, connect the tip of any finger of one hand with the tip of the thumb of the other.

As you inhale, extend your fingers again.

While doing this, say a mantra consisting of individual syllables: pronouncing "saaa", connect the big and index fingers; "taaa" - large and medium; "naaa" - big and nameless; "maaa" - big and little fingers.

Practice mudra every day.

Duration of execution - up to half an hour.

Although the mudra is dynamic, breathe slowly. The duration of inhalation and exhalation should be the same.

Lotus Mudra

This mudra is associated with the heart chakra and symbolizes purity. It helps a lot in times of loneliness and despair. Thanks to the lotus mudra, you can gain self-confidence, sexual charm, which will attract the attention of the opposite sex to you.

How to perform:

Join hands: fingers are located vertically, relaxed and stretched out in different directions. The lower parts of the palms, as well as the pads of the little fingers and thumbs, touch each other. When we fold our hands in this way, they resemble the bud of a lotus flower.

When we open our hands and spread our fingers to the sides, it looks like a blossoming lotus.

After taking four deep exhalation breaths, again fold your hands into a bud and connect the fingers of both hands so that they touch each other with their tops.

Connect the backs of the fingers and hands, hang your hands for a while, letting them stay in a completely relaxed state.

Fold your hands like a bud and open the flower.

Repeat several times.

Bhumisparsha mudra

This mudra will help you tune in to pleasant acquaintances, new love.

How to perform:

Sit down, lower your left hand down to the ground, so that your fingers touch the surface.

Hold your right hand palm up, giving it the shape of a blossoming flower. This is a gesture of enlightenment.

Perform mudra for 1 minute 5 times a day.

Pushpaputa Mudra

Pushpa translates as flower and this mudra depicts a bouquet of flowers. Pushpaputa mudra is associated with openness and willingness to accept new acquaintances. These qualities are indicated by the gesture itself.

How to perform:

Place your open arms, palms up, on your hips.

Relax your hands, put your thumbs on the outer edges of your index fingers.

Perform mudra 3 times a day for 30 minutes.

Varada Mudra

If you have offended your chosen one or any person of the opposite sex, you must definitely perform varada mudra. It will help you to correctly assess the situation and improve the situation. If it is no longer possible to revive the old relationship, varada mudra will contribute to the search for a new chosen one.

How to perform:

Extend your left hand forward, palm down.

The palm should be open and pointing outward.

Place your right hand on your knees or thigh.

Perform mudra once a day for 5 minutes.

Mudras to attract love will help you attract a person into your life who can make her happy. Use this finger yoga to get rid of loneliness, to become happy and loved.

In the article:

Wise to attract love

Unfortunately, often on their own a person fails to attract streams of love into his life, to find the only one who will be ready to share all the sorrows and joys. In this case, you can use various Hindu practices:

  • sing and listen;
  • color mandalas of love and use them as amulets;
  • and of course, resort to the help of the wise.

Using these gestures, you can change your mood, state, control energy flows. They help a person to heal, relax, concentrate, fill with energy and power.

It is necessary to practice love mudras twice a day (after waking up and immediately before going to bed, for 10 minutes). When you start practicing, immediately take a position in which you feel comfortable. The back should be straight and the body relaxed.

You can turn on your favorite relaxing music, light aroma candles, make the atmosphere as comfortable and soothing as possible. When practicing mudras, do not think about what you would like to get what you want. Visualize a situation in which you have already achieved everything you were going for. Mudra is performed every day until the wish is fulfilled.

To find love

Such a mudra is suitable for those who do not have a partner or they do not have warm love feelings for anyone. If you really want to know this wonderful state of falling in love, then opt for this practice. Mudra activates the energy of love and attracts the most suitable partner to you.

To perform, connect the pads of the middle, ring fingers and palms. Thumb, index and little fingers always look up. Position your palms so that your elbows rise to the level of your chest. The exercise is done with closed eyes.

To begin with, you can stay in the pose for 2-3 minutes. Subsequently, the time increases. Your task is also to control your breathing. Inhale for eight counts, exhale for one count. During practice, imagine that around you is a cocoon of warm, saturating grace and love energy.

Ganesha mudra

Anyone who is familiar with Vedic culture clearly knows who Ganesha is. This special deity, which could bestow prosperity, helped to overcome any difficulties. Therefore, many people use in order to fulfill their dreams, including those related to feelings, love.

If you are unable to build your own strong union, or a quarrel is brewing between you and your companion, which you cannot resolve on your own, then use the gesture of Ganesha. It will allow you to eliminate the conflict, make the right decision, and also help if you need to open your soul to a loved one.

Place your right hand at chest level (palm should look forward). Bend your fingers a little. Position the left in the same way (only now with the palm facing you) and interlace the fingers of both hands. Should be a castle. Position it at heart level.

While inhaling, stretch your arms in different directions, but do not tear your fingers apart. As you exhale, stop manipulation. The exercise is repeated exactly 10 times, after which the hands must be changed. Now right palm should look forward, and the left at you. After this, the exercise is performed 10 more times.

Mudra "Clear Water"

This practice is suitable if you have feelings for certain person but he doesn't reciprocate. It will also be effective for those who are faced with a misunderstanding of a partner, who simply wants to improve relations in the union.

Thanks to this combination, it turns out to get rid of resentment, claims, partners begin to see good in each other, perceive their shortcomings, no longer try to remake one another. Your task is to place your palms in front of you. It is very important that they look up. Following left palm placed under the right.

The right little finger should be pressed against the palm and pressed with the left thumb. Right big and ring fingers bend into a ring. The index and middle fingers of the right should remain straight. Place the combination near the solar plexus.

When performing mudra, think about the fact that everything has already improved in your family, the atmosphere is favorable, there are no quarrels and misunderstandings, understanding and grace reign in the house. It is also recommended to immediately make a combination when you meet your lover.

Wisdom of a good date

This combination will help you suddenly meet with the most suitable partner (if you are single), have a pleasant meeting with an individual who sympathizes with you and build a strong alliance. Your task is to arrange your palms so that the right one looks up and the left one looks down.

All fingers, except for the thumbs, must be connected. It is enough just to touch the fingertips of both hands. Round your hands so that the left palm, when viewed from above, completely covers the right. After that, the hardest part begins.

You need to fasten your thumbs. And this must be done so that they form one line. Turn your palms as you feel comfortable in order to make this straight line. The mudra is kept regularly for about three minutes. Just before an important meeting, she practices up to 10 minutes.

Shiva lingam mudra

Shiva is an important character in Indian mythology. People believe that it makes it possible to create something new, to move forward. It's a symbol male power, destruction and restoration.

Why should those who want to attract love use this mudra?
Everything is very simple. It allows you to get rid of depression, self-doubt, envy and fills you with energy. A cheerful, full of energy person will certainly attract the opposite more than a sad and suffering person.

The practitioner needs to clench the right hand into a fist and place the thumb so that it is pointing up. left hand put it under the right one. Squeeze your fingers tightly so that they look like a stand. The design is held against the abdomen. Turn your elbows so that they look slightly outward. The combination is performed up to 5 minutes.

Lotus mudra for loneliness

Since ancient times, people believed that the lotus is amazing plant, which has special magical properties. It was associated with harmony, understanding, beauty, good luck, and to this day is considered a magical symbol. In turn, it will help a person become a bright personality, attractive and charming of the opposite sex.

Regularly using this combination, you will be able to attract grace, good luck in matters of the heart. The combination is made in several stages. To begin with, the palms should be placed in front of you. The bases of your palms and the pads of all fingers (thumb to thumb, index to index, and so on) should be connected.

Now "open" this "lotus". Connected together should remain only the thumbs and little fingers, the base of the palms. Your task is to inhale for 4 counts and exhale for 2 counts.

Your task is to visualize how the flower opens inside you with each breath. Now close the bud again, stay a little longer in this position. You should be absolutely relaxed and liberated. The mudra is repeated from beginning to end 10 times.

kundalini mudra

The kudalini energy is truly limitless and a person who is able to control it can achieve anything. This energy accumulates in the lower abdomen. That is why it is often associated with sexuality. Therefore, it is quite logical that if you decide to practice the kudalini mudra, you will be able to increase your sexuality.
