Who was older than Judas or Jesus. Judas Iscariot

It is agreed that Iscariot was the only representative of the tribe of Judah among the apostles.

According to another theory, since the word "krayot" means suburb, then "Ish-Krayot" literally translates as "suburban dweller", which is very likely, since Jerusalem at that time was quite big city, and near it there were many small villages, which were called "Krayot".

bible story

After Jesus Christ was sentenced to be crucified, Judas, who betrayed him, repented and returned 30 pieces of silver to the chief priests and elders, saying: "I have sinned by betraying innocent blood." And they said to him: “What is it to us?” And throwing the pieces of silver in the Temple, Judas went and hung himself.

Judas returning the money to the chief priests.

According to one legend, Judas hanged himself on an aspen, which since then began to tremble with horror at the slightest breeze, remembering Judas the traitor, and acquired the properties of a magical weapon capable of hitting vampires.

After the betrayal and suicide of Judas Iscariot, the disciples of Jesus decided to choose a new apostle to replace Judas. They chose two candidates: "Joseph, called Barsaba, who is called Justus, and Matthias" and praying to God to indicate who to make an apostle, they cast lots. The lot fell to Matthias, and he was numbered with the Apostles.

The name Judas has become a household name for betrayal. According to legend, Judas was paid 30 pieces of silver for betrayal (30 silver shekels, this is the price of a slave of that time), which are also often used as a symbol of the traitor's reward. Judas kiss has become an idiom denoting the highest degree of deceit.

The "land of blood" controversy

A well-known contradiction is connected with the death of Judas. According to the Gospel of Matthew, Judas returned the money to the chief priests, and they bought land from the potter with it. This land is called the "land of blood" or Akeldama. According to the Acts of the Apostles, Judas himself acquired the "land of blood" with "an unrighteous reward".

According to the Lutheran Heritage Foundation, this contradiction is explained as follows. The land was bought by the high priests, but since they did so with Judas' money (and possibly on his behalf), the purchase is attributed to Judas himself.

Non-canonical perception of Judas Iscariot

The story of Judas attracted a number of modern writers, in whose works the deed of this biblical character was subjected to various interpretations and interpretations in an attempt to get away from perceived as ridiculous motivation. For example, the explanation spread that Judas had to betray his teacher in order for Jesus to fulfill his mission, and Judas was aware of this. In this understanding (and in several other close ones), Judas, like Christ, also sacrifices himself. In particular, this is how Nikos Kazantzakis interprets the act of Judas Iscariot in his novel, which was adapted by director Martin Scorsese in his film The Last Temptation of Christ.

A complex and contradictory image of Judas, loving but betraying Christ, was created in Leonid Andreev's story Judas Iscariot.

Also in the work of Arkady and Boris Strugatsky "Weaved down with evil, or forty years later", Judas is presented as a poor oligophrenic who has joined the company of Christ and fell in love with the latter. Christ, once in Jerusalem, almost got lost among the false prophets and various "teachers", and the only option for him to stand out and attract people to himself was martyrdom. Christ gives clear instructions to the fool Judas where to go and what to say, who does this without understanding the meaning of his actions.

Judas from Kiriath in the novel The Master and Margarita, interpreted by Mikhail Afanasyevich Bulgakov, is a handsome young man, a womanizer, devoid of moral principles and ready to commit any crime because of money.

In Orthodox interpretations and in liturgical (liturgical) texts, it is emphasized that Christ, knowing that Judas often steals from the money that was intended for distribution to the poor, did not drive him away from Himself and did not deprive him of the grace gifts, with the help of which Judas, like all the other apostles, he healed the sick and cast out demons. And even during the treacherous kiss, Christ is not angry with the traitor, turning to him: "friend", waiting for the repentance of Judas.



  • Judas dans la littérature, des origines du christianisme au 20 siècle (Jacqueline SAYERLE) (French)
  • Et si Judas n'avait pas trahi Jesus? 17 siècles après … la vérité sur la vraie personnalité de Judas (fr.)
  • Judas Iscariot and the Gospels of Judas. Paaso W. T.

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010 .


See what "Judas" is in other dictionaries:

    JUDAS- (Judas Iscariot - an apostle of the twelve, who betrayed Jesus Christ; also in the meaning of the nav.; see also ISCARIOT) And I, insignificant mortal dust, At your feet I will be anxiously Searching in the deep heavens for Christ, the teacher of Judas. AB899 (I,424.1); And there was a sign and a miracle: ... ... Given name in Russian poetry of the XX century: a dictionary of personal names

    Y, husband. Star. redk.Otch.: Judich, Judichna. Derivatives: Judas; Yuda. Origin: (Ancient Hebrew name Iehuda he praises God. From hoda to praise.) Name day: July 2, July 13 Dictionary of personal names. Judas Praise of God (Heb.) and the name of one of the tribes of Israel. 2… … Dictionary of personal names

    Cm … Synonym dictionary

    - (Judas), (And uppercase), Judas, husband. (bran.). Traitor, traitor. "Where is the villain? Where did Judas flee in fear? Pushkin. (On behalf of the Apostle Judas, who, according to the gospel story, betrayed Jesus Christ.) Dictionary Ushakov. D.N. Ushakov. 1935 1940 ... Explanatory Dictionary of Ushakov

    JUDAS, turned into abusive: a traitor, a traitor. Judas kiss, sly, sly hello. Judas tree, aspen. You will pass the world through Judas, but you will strangle yourself. To believe in Judas, it does not matter to pay. Than to be a Judas, it is better not to be born into the world. Our Judas eats without ... Dahl's Explanatory Dictionary

The ancient and now unused name Judas has long been a household name. Even those people who are far from biblical texts are well acquainted with this character and his deeds. But we decided to take a closer look at who Judas is, why he committed his ill-fated act and what versions of him exist. life path.

telling long history briefly, most often they say: “Judas was one of the twelve disciples-apostles of Jesus Christ, thereby betraying his teacher for 30 pieces of silver.

Having committed such a heinous act, he committed suicide, having previously returned the money paid for the betrayal to the high priests. This interpretation is often given by Wikipedia, as well as a number of other sources that allow you to quickly get acquainted with the essence of what is happening.

But more interested in the question of who was this character before, from the moment of birth and ending with suicide? Why did you decide to betray your own mentor? Where is the logic in actions?

The Bible is very sparing in describing the life path of this man, his deeds and thoughts. Scripture gives answers only to the simplest questions: “Who is this - Judas Iscariot?”, “What did he do?”, “How did he die?”. The remaining versions are the developments of historians, archaeologists and researchers in the field of antiquity. All of them are equally truthful and thought out, since, alas, no one can probably get to the bottom of the truth.

Based on a long search, it became reliably known that this apostle had good spiritual qualities, was very smart and savvy. But the very act that does not fit either into the framework of the Christian worldview or into logical considerations remains a mystery.

Biblical image

At the very beginning, we will consider who Judas is in the Bible and what his brothers write - the same disciples of Christ as he is.

It is worth noting that of all the twelve apostles, only two bothered to make a note about the traitor - John and Matthew. The first gave a description of the sedition itself committed by the apostate, while the second described the moment of death of the traitor.

All 11 disciples of Jesus Christ came from Galilee (northern Palestine), but Judas is the only native of Judea.

By the way, the very name of this land is given from the namesake of the traitor - a man who is considered the forefather of the entire Jewish people. Moreover, during the life of Christ given name was very common. Even in the Bible, it occurs more than 14 times in the context of different people.

What other qualities does Judas Iscariot have according to Holy Scripture?

  • He was chosen by the Lord himself to preach and heal the sick. He had the same qualities as all the other disciples of Christ, and was a full-fledged apostle.
  • Judas Iscariot had good economic skills and the ability to count money. For this, he was assigned to take care of the urn with the capital of Christ, which the Savior earned by saving people.
  • It is said that the date of birth of the traitor is April 1. This day is considered unfavorable in many religions of the world.

The story of the betrayal itself is described briefly and dryly. Moreover, it is not said why Judas betrayed Christ and what the motive was. But it is reliably known that, leaving the Last Supper (Last Supper), this apostle went to the high priests, who had long hunted for the Messiah.

Bringing them to the very place where Christ rested with his disciples, he said: "Whoever I kiss, arrest him." Then he kissed Christ, and he was sent to execution.

After that, the once Holy Judas, and now cursed and even demon-possessed, appeared again to the high priests with a desire to return the payment of 30 pieces of silver. Having said: “I have sinned by betraying innocent blood”, I received the answer “So what?”. Leaving, the traitor threw the money on the floor and, regretting what he had done, committed suicide. Judas hanged himself on an aspen (elderberry), and the insides fell out.

Well, we got acquainted with the biblical version and the facts, and now let's discuss what we have just learned.

The origin of the apostle and his name

As mentioned above, the name itself in those days was more than common. Its roots turned back into the depths of centuries, because that is how they called the very ancestor of the Jewish people. His, so to speak, "surname" - Iscariot, pointed to the native city in which the future apostle was born.

Interesting to know! In the novel "The Master and Margarita" by Mikhail Bulgakov, it is indicated that the traitor was from a certain city of Kiriath. Here the whole focus lies in the decoding and transcription of the ancient dead languages. According to one version, the homeland was indeed a certain city called either Kiriaf, or Kefira.

For unknown reasons, the parents saw evil in the baby and threw him into the river. To spite them and nature, the child survived and even got a good job in a new place. Later he returned to his homeland, dealt with his father and committed the sin of incest with his mother.

For this he had to pay for a long time before becoming one of the disciples of the Messiah, performing ascetic deeds.

After that, only Christ could judge whether Saint Judas was or not, and, as we know, he attributed this “title” to him.

Centuries later, the image of Christ the Savior and all those around him, including the traitor, were depicted with halos above their heads. But only for our hero this halo had a black, charcoal color (photos of icons and frescoes confirm this). Moreover, in Byzantine and Orthodox churches the traitor himself is never portrayed full face, so that the person does not meet his sly gaze.

The Bible makes it clear that the Lord himself gives Judas Iscariot the gift of healing, secret knowledge and skills. At the same time, Jesus called this disciple of his the most unfortunate person, arguing that salvation cannot be achieved without betrayal.

Based on all these facts, some researchers argue that Judas betrayed the one whom the Lord pointed out. He was a kind of weapon in the hands of God, thanks to which Christ was able to resurrect and ascend to Heaven, becoming a real and immortal Messiah.

Motivation and illogicality of actions

Most of the sources that today can be content with, state that
Judas' betrayal was done purely for money.

This was his only passion, moreover, being the treasurer under Christ, the apostle often stole from the common "piggy bank".

30 pieces of silver is a very impressive amount. With this money it was possible to purchase a plot of land (which, in fact, the high priests did after they received this “gift” back).

Therefore, until the moment of betrayal, history is clear and transparent. But the suicide of an unfaithful student is a mystery of the era that no one has ever guessed.

There are certain versions that more or less clearly and clearly explain what the betrayal of Judas was and why everything turned out that way:

  • Satan has taken possession of the traitor. This is confirmed, firstly, by a black halo above Judas' head, and secondly, on many icons he is depicted sitting on his knees at the devil (or the devil sits on his shoulder).
  • The second version has a more "earthly" justification. Judas' betrayal was committed in the hope that Jesus would not be judged or executed. The apostle believed that Christ would ascend over the people not as a spirit resurrected from the dead, but as a person who would take the throne of the most powerful state on the planet. He, as before, will be a representative of the state treasury, that is, he will be able to master such wealth that no one has seen before. Upon learning that Christ was crucified, he realized that he had nowhere to go, and committed suicide.

Of course, the canonical version assures us that the traitor of Christ committed suicide, and now the soul, sinful and wicked, wanders between the worlds, not finding its place in either heaven or hell.

More or less clear is the question of which tree Judas hanged himself on - this is an aspen, some sources say that the tree was an elder.

Another fact begins to disturb: how it happened that his insides were turned inside out.

You do not need to be an investigator to assume that suicide was faked (and very badly), and Judas himself was killed and already hanged dead. A similar version is confirmed by The Master and Margarita, where we see how the envoys of Aphranius, the head of the secret service under Pilate, kill the traitor with a knife.

The Bible and Christianity in general position Judas as a negative character, prone to dark power.. But at the same time, it is argued that the Lord himself chose him to accompany Christ, therefore, everything was His will.

We, living in an age of humanism and pluralism, can conclude that Judas is a man whose fate was extremely difficult and difficult. There was both light and darkness in him, he fought with his demons, but could not overcome.

Interesting to know! It is believed that he crossed paths with the Messiah in infancy. Then the boy was possessed by demons, and he was brought to the baby Jesus for healing. The demoniac attacked the Holy Child and bit him on the side (the same side that was pierced by Jesus with a spear on the cross).

Useful video: Why did Judas betray God?


A medal always has two sides. Like the extremely kind and positive people there are their “skeletons in the closet”, so you can find bright qualities in villains and traitors. Judas Iscariot, once the Holy Apostle, a disciple of Jesus, a preacher and healer, also possessed those. Yielding to the will of the evil one, he did evil, but he paid dearly for it.

Phrases and words that destroy marriage (media)

Family First President Mark Merrill writes in Charisma magazine about the phrases and words we shouldn't use to keep our marriages together.

Below are 5 examples of "poison" words to avoid if you want to build a good relationship.

1. Sarcastic phrases.

For example, the phrases “What, the legs of the trash can grow by themselves?” or “I didn’t hire you as a servant” at first glance seem not to be such a serious problem, but in fact they are a sign of a hidden unmet need or unjustified expectation of one of the spouses, for some time.

2. Unfavorable words.

Every spouse wants to hear words of encouragement addressed to them, and not those that will kill any desire in you to do something, or do it the best way possible. Phrases: "Is this nonsense?" or “Do you think that you will be able to do this?” actually mean “I don’t believe in you, I don’t believe that you are capable or capable of doing this” or “I’m not on your team and I won’t help you ". Of course, this does not mean that you need to remain silent or not be honest when the ideas that your spouse will come up with are not really the best. But instead of saying it's the biggest bullshit you've ever heard, you can say, "That's not a great idea, but I think you can come up with something even better." You must support each other, support any aspirations and desires, and then you will have a happy and favorable relationship in marriage. You should be the biggest fan, not the critic of your spouse.

3. Disrespectful words.

Respect is not something that can be earned. Respect must be shown unconditionally. The phrases are disrespectful: "Can't you find a decent job?", "Yeah, I don't give a damn what you say there, I'll do it my way anyway", or "Oh, you have gained or gained so much weight." These are offensive and unpleasant phrases that can undermine the sense of significance of one of the spouses.

4. Comparisons.

When we say: “And for his wife he would make a sacrifice and do what she asks”, or “Well, why are you not like everyone else?”, really mean that your husband or wife is not good enough for you or not suitable for you.

5. Selfish words.

“I don’t care how you feel at all, you have to do it, period,” or “I urgently need this new dress,” or “I need a person who will fulfill my every whim.” A spouse who puts their own interests above others most often uses the address with the words "I", everything revolves around them, their desires, and needs, regardless of the desires and needs of the other.

If you have ever used these phrases or words, then you need to ask for forgiveness and be patient while your spouse goes through the process of healing from these "poisonous" words. If you can forgive each other, then your relationship will begin to recover. Don't be quick to speak, think about what you're saying before you want to say it out loud. Make a promise to yourself that you won't use those "poison" phrases again, even when you're upset.

Rene Scott, a historian from the University of Hesse, published a monograph on the topic “The death of the Pope and the world community since 1878. The medialization of the ritual,” reports Week.

The last days, death and burial ceremony of the Pope, starting from the last third of the 19th century, began to be covered in the media. However, the press, radio and later television reported not only on the papal death, but also on related events. Medialization also influenced the structure of the ritual and its public presentation.

The study examines the changes in the form of the ritual and its public presentation in the period from 1878 to 1978. The work shows that interest in the papal death and the events surrounding it remains consistently high. The high position of the Pope is the reason why his death is always perceived as an important turning point in the history of the Catholic Church.

The pope, whose pontificate saw the emergence and rapid development of the means of communication, Pius IX (1846-1878), belonged to the conservative wing. In his famous "List of Errors" (Syllabus Errorum, 1864), the pontiff denounced free speech as "the error of modernity." Under him, the newspaper L'Osservatore Romano began to be printed. About the death of Pius IX in Rome on February 7, at 17:45, the newspapers wrote already 12 hours later. For comparison: the death of his predecessor, Gregory XVI, was written in the newspapers only after 6 days.

After the Second Vatican Council, the Church took a different look at the media. Like some other large-scale events of the first decade of the second millennium, such as the 9/11 terrorist attack or the tsunami, the death of Pope John Paul II in 2005 captured public attention for a long time. In April 2005, almost 7,000 journalists from 106 countries on all continents were accredited to the Vatican Chancellery. In addition, nearly 5,000 correspondents from 122 countries worked for 487 TV channels, 296 photo agencies and 93 radio stations.

Until the Pope. Hollywood to make film about Cardinal Bergoglio's life

The famous American director, producer and screenwriter Christian Peshken decided to make a feature film about the life of Jorge Mario Bergoglio: a priest, a cardinal, and now the Pope, Christian Megaportal invictory.org reports with reference to Blagovest-info and Apic.

The film will tell about the ministry of Bergoglio in his native Argentina and will end with his election to the papacy.

Peshken, a German-born convert who recently converted to Catholicism, said a group of European investors had already promised him $25 million to make the film. Filming is expected to begin in 2014 in Argentina and Rome.

"This film will appeal to all people," the director added.

The title of the film has already been approved: Friend of the Poor: The Story of Pope Francis.

As consultants, Peshken invited the famous Vaticanist Andrea Torinelli, the biographer of the new Pope, who has known Bergoglio since 2002, and Serge Rubin, co-author of the book The Jesuit.

The idea to make the film came to Peshken when he saw the newly elected Pope walking out onto the balcony of St. Peter's Basilica. “The film will end with this scene,” says the director. “And it will be a grand finale!”

Oksamita: Easter is the time to fill the heart with gratitude to the Lord

The partner of the public TV channel TBN-Russia, singer Oksamita, told the readers of Lady TBN about Easter traditions in her family.

- How do you feel about Easter?

– I think, first I need to say what Jesus Christ means to me. This is my Lord, the meaning of my life, all my activities. I hold concerts during which I praise Him, pray to Him, and speak about Him to the audience. On the day of the resurrection of Christ, all my feelings - love, awe, reverence, reach their climax. I am trying to understand the incomprehensible plan of Christ for the salvation of mankind, the crucifixion and the bright resurrection. Easter is an opportunity to once again express your feelings to the Lord, as well as reach out to many people, tell them that the time has come to open your heart, fill it with gratitude for the saving sacrifice of Christ.

Do you remember how you spent Easter as a child?

- Certainly. Comes to mind country house grandparents, a family evening during which we talk about the resurrection of Christ. Maybe I did not fully understand then what we were celebrating, but the custom of family gatherings on this blessed holiday remained. Years have passed, but still I associate the unity and love of relatives with Easter. Today we also gather with loved ones and thank the Lord. My daughter is already 6 years old, and she joins the prayer to the Almighty, to gratitude for His gifts, protection and blessings.

– How do you prepare for this Divine holiday?

The Jewish people have a tradition that I really like. Before the Easter holiday, it is customary to remove all rich bread from the house so that only unleavened bread can be eaten during Passover. Yeast bread symbolizes pride, and unleavened bread symbolizes humility. According to this Jewish tradition, it is useful to put things in order in your spiritual home before Easter. To humble ourselves before God, to realize that everything that we have has been given to us through the sacrifice of Jesus, the blood shed by the Almighty.

Nine Charismatic Habits to Break

Former editor of Charisma magazine J. Lee Grady, in this article, we offer a look at 9 charismatic habits that we need to get rid of.

According to Grady, the New Testament tells us to allow the Holy Spirit to manifest through us. The Apostle Paul in his letter to the Corinthians gave us guidelines on how to use the gift of prophecy. Paul saw people healed, he received supernatural visions from God, he did not forbid church leaders from speaking in tongues, he was the embodiment of charismatic spirituality.

But not everything that we now practice in our time will be a manifestation of the Holy Spirit. Over the course of four decades, charismatics have introduced some traditions that not only make all charismatic churches a laughing stock, but also prevent people from heeding the Word of God. I think our spiritual immaturity has allowed us to behave in this way.

1. Don't push people.

Sometimes when the Holy Spirit touches us, we can feel our body weaken and we just can't stand. But it happens that we do not get weak from the Holy Spirit, but from the fact that the preacher hits us or pushes us. In doing so, he shows that he hopes for his strength, as if he is trying to demonstrate it, passing it off as a “strike” of the Holy Spirit.

2. Fall out of courtesy.

Some people fall to the floor while praying because they believe there is spiritual power in it. But Scripture doesn't say that you have to fall in order to receive God's anointing or healing. All this you receive by faith.

3. Never-ending song.

From the fact that we repeat the refrain or verse of a song for 159 times, God will not listen more closely to our prayers. It doesn't change anything, He hears us the first time.

4. Amateur flags.

In the 80s, flags and banners appeared in churches, which undoubtedly attracted attention during worship. But where did the idea come from that we should wave them in worship in front of our brothers and sisters?

5. Don't procrastinate your church offerings.

Yes, your tithing counts as part of your worship of God. But do not go too far, and devote too much time to tithe during the service, otherwise suspicions creep in that something is wrong here.

6. Finish your sermon on time.

I don't mind a long sermon, or the fact that sometimes you can preach a little longer than the allotted time. And don't say in front of an audience that you're done when you know you have 30 more minutes to continue preaching.

7. Dirty dancing in the church

I don't see a problem to dance in church to glorify God. But, I am against when we allow many non-professional, but amateur dance groups, to dance in front of a church audience in tight-fitting costumes.

8. Too loud

When the early church prayed, the building shook. Today, our buildings are shaken by the volume of our sound systems. Sometimes you have to put earplugs during worship. “Charismatic” doesn’t mean loud, our spirituality is not measured in decibels.”

9. Launch of Glossolalia

Speaking in tongues is one of the most wonderful gifts God has given to Christians. But, some believe that the repetition of certain phrases or words can help them manifest this gift. Stop manipulating the Holy Spirit.

American minister called 12 signs of a stupid person

The founder of the Fivestarman movement, Neil Kennedy, in his article says that King Solomon warns us about the dangers of communicating with people who can negatively affect our inner world.

As Kennedy states, “If you want to become spiritually mature, you need to be surrounded by wise people like mentors who will help and guide you on the path to success.” “And if you are constantly among people who act stupidly, then they will carry a destructive influence in your life, paving your way to death,” he said.

He also named 12 signs of how to distinguish a stupid person from a wise one.

1. Fools despise wisdom and instruction (Prov. 1:7).

2. Fools mock a person and slander (Pr. 10:18).

3. Fools have no moral restraints (Pr. 13:19).

4. Fools take sin and its judgment lightly (Prov. 14:9).

5. Fools cannot be trusted with important information (Pr. 14:33).

6. Fools neglect the instructions of their father (Pr. 15:5).

7. Fools show disrespect towards their mother (Pr. 15:20).

8. Fools do not learn from punishment when they go through suffering (Pr. 17:10).

9. Fools express arrogant disdain for God (Prov. 19:3).

10. Fools stir up quarrels wherever they go (Pr. 20:3).

11. Fools squander all their income (Pr. 21:20).

12. Fools create their own theology to justify their actions (Pr. 28:26).

That's all. See you soon!
May God richly bless you as you seek to know Him!

The story "Judas Iscariot" summary which is set out in this article, was created on the basis of a biblical story. Nevertheless, even before the publication of the work, Maxim Gorky said that few would understand it and would cause a lot of noise.

Leonid Andreev

This is a rather ambiguous author. Andreev's work Soviet times readers were unfamiliar. Before proceeding to a summary of "Judas Iscariot" - a story that causes both delight and indignation - let's recall the main and most Interesting Facts from the writer's biography.

Leonid Nikolaevich Andreev was an extraordinary and very emotional person. As a law student, he began to abuse alcohol. For some time, the only source of income for Andreev was painting portraits to order: he was not only a writer, but also an artist.

In 1894 Andreev tried to commit suicide. An unsuccessful shot led to the development of heart disease. For five years, Leonid Andreev was engaged in advocacy. Writer's fame came to him in 1901. But even then, he evoked conflicting feelings among readers and critics. Leonid Andreev welcomed the revolution of 1905 with joy, but soon became disillusioned with it. After the secession of Finland, he went into exile. The writer died abroad in 1919 from a heart defect.

The history of the creation of the story "Judas Iscariot"

The work was published in 1907. The plot ideas came to the mind of the writer during his stay in Switzerland. In May 1906, Leonid Andreev informed one of his colleagues that he was going to write a book on the psychology of betrayal. He managed to realize the plan in Capri, where he went after the death of his wife.

"Judas Iscariot", a summary of which is presented below, was written within two weeks. The author showed the first edition to his friend Maxim Gorky. He drew the author's attention to the historical and factual errors. Andreev re-read more than once New Testament and edited the story. Even during the life of the writer, the story "Judas Iscariot" was translated into English, German, French and other languages.

The man of notoriety

None of the apostles noticed the appearance of Judas. How did he manage to gain Master's trust? Jesus Christ was warned many times that he was a very notorious man. He should beware. Judas was condemned not only by “right” people, but also by villains. He was the worst of the worst. When the disciples asked Judas about what motivates him to do terrible things, he answered that every person is a sinner. What he said was in tune with the words of Jesus. Nobody has the right to judge another.

This is the philosophical problem of the story Judas Iscariot. The author, of course, did not make his hero positive. But he put the traitor on a par with the disciples of Jesus Christ. Andreev's idea could not but cause a resonance in society.

The disciples of Christ asked Judas more than once about who his father was. He replied that he did not know, perhaps the devil, a rooster, a goat. How can he know everyone with whom his mother shared a bed? Such answers shocked the apostles. Judas insulted his parents, which means he was doomed to perish.

One day, a crowd attacks Christ and his disciples. They are accused of stealing a kid. But a person who will soon betray his teacher rushes to the crowd with the words that the teacher is not possessed by a demon at all, he just loves money just like everyone else. Jesus leaves the village in anger. His disciples follow him, cursing Judas. But after all, this small, disgusting man, worthy of only contempt, wanted to save them ...


Christ trusts Judas to keep his savings. But he hides a few coins, which the students, of course, will soon find out. But Jesus does not condemn the unlucky disciple. After all, the apostles should not count the coins that his brother appropriated. Their reproaches only offend him. This evening Judas Iscariot is very cheerful. On his example, the apostle John understood what love for one's neighbor is.

thirty pieces of silver

The last days of his life, Jesus surrounds with affection the one who betrays him. Judas is helpful with his disciples - nothing should interfere with his plan. An event will soon take place, thanks to which his name will forever remain in the memory of people. It will be called almost as often as the name of Jesus.

After the execution

When analyzing Andreev's story "Judas Iscariot" Special attention devote to the final piece. The apostles suddenly appear before the readers as cowardly, cowardly people. After the execution, Judas addresses them with a sermon. Why didn't they save Christ? Why didn't they attack the guards in order to rescue the Teacher?

Judas will forever remain in the memory of people as a traitor. And those who were silent when Jesus was crucified will be venerated. After all, they carry the Word of Christ on earth. This is the summary of Judas Iscariot. To do artistic analysis works, you should still read the story in full.

The meaning of the story "Judas Iscariot"

Why did the author depict a negative biblical character in such an unusual perspective? "Judas Iscariot" by Leonid Nikolaevich Andreev is, according to many critics, one of the greatest works of Russian classics. The story makes the reader think first of all about what is true love, true faith and fear of death. The author seems to ask what is hidden behind faith, is there a lot of true love in it?

The image of Judas in the story "Judas Iscariot"

The hero of Andreev's book is a traitor. Judas sold Christ for 30 pieces of silver. He is the worst of all who has ever lived on our planet. Can you feel compassion for him? Of course not. The writer seems to tempt the reader.

But it is worth remembering that Andreev's story is by no means a theological work. The book has nothing to do with the church, faith. The author simply invited readers to look at the well-known story from a different, unusual side.

A person is mistaken, believing that he can always accurately determine the motives of the behavior of another. Judas betrays Christ, which means he bad person. This indicates that he does not believe in the Messiah. The apostles give the teacher to the Romans and Pharisees to be torn to pieces. And they do it because they believe in their teacher. Jesus will rise again, they will believe in the Savior. Andreev offered to look at the act of both Judas and the faithful disciples of Christ differently.

Judas is madly in love with Christ. However, it seems to him that those around him do not appreciate Jesus enough. And he provokes the Jews: he betrays the adored teacher to test the strength folk love to him. Judas is in for a severe disappointment: the disciples fled, and the people demand to kill Jesus. Even Pilate's words that he did not find the guilt of Christ were not heard by anyone. The crowd is out for blood.

This book caused indignation among believers. Not surprising. The apostles did not snatch Christ from the clutches of the escorts, not because they believed in him, but because they were afraid - that, perhaps, the main idea Andreev's story. After the execution, Judas turns to the disciples with reproaches, and at this moment he is not at all disgusting. It seems that there is truth in his words.

Judas took upon himself a heavy cross. He became a traitor, thus causing people to wake up. Jesus said that the guilty should not be killed. But wasn't his execution a violation of this postulate? In the mouth of Judas - his hero - Andreev puts words that, perhaps, he wanted to pronounce himself. Did not Christ go to death with the tacit consent of his disciples? Judas asks the apostles how they could allow his death. They have nothing to answer. They are confusedly silent.
