How to organize a board game library. Names for children's playroom

The main site for board games in Russia. Russian-language analogue of Includes a database of games, gaming companies, people, clubs, sites, events and news related to board games. Allows users to create their own collections, rate games and communicate about this exciting hobby.

Tabletopia is a digital platform for board games with support for PC, iOS and Android. It makes it possible to remotely play both popular and completely new board games in an interface as close as possible to a game at a real gaming table. With its help, game authors and publishers can easily transfer their games to digital format. And everyone who wants to create and test their own desktops. is an extensive collection of free games in the “print and play” format. Each PDF release contains one or more games that you only need a printer, paper and pencils to play.

How to hold a game library?

A game library can mean different things. Some call it a personal selection of board games or a collection that a group of friends puts together. Others mean public game libraries - publicly accessible sets of board games in a school, hospital, or cafe. Still others call gaming meetings - weekly friendly gatherings or city festivals for hundreds of people - game libraries.

Before you start collecting your own collection of board games, we recommend that you familiarize yourself with our selections of games for all occasions. You will learn about the best places to purchase board games in the section. The section “What to read?” will tell you where you can find out additional information about individual board games and in general. .

Game meeting

Does your group regularly get together to play board games? Then it’s a good idea to make a schedule: on what days of the week are you meeting, who is having the meeting, what time it starts and how long it lasts. Consider what to do if one of the players does not come: are there enough participants for the board game you were going to play, and if not, are there alternative options. Prepare everything you need in advance, clear the play area, and organize drinks and snacks if necessary. It is especially important to pay attention to all these nuances if you are playing a role-playing game, which, as a rule, stretches over several meetings.

Regular members of your gaming company may have a special status. Do anyone's gaming preferences reflect those of the majority? Give him the authority to choose new games for your general collection. Is anyone able to quickly and clearly explain the rules? Put him in charge of teaching the basics of the game. Is someone a born diplomat? Let him resolve disputes that may arise during the game.

Little tricks

Even the heroes of the series Lost know a lot about board games

Before the game starts, agree on how much time the player is allowed to think about a move. If necessary, get a timer.

Decide which player will be the “treasurer”—responsible for distributing figures, tokens, and other small items that are more convenient to store in a box rather than spill out on the table.

Discuss whether it is worth giving inexperienced players or children a head start, and if so, what kind of handicap.

When a group of people play the same board game for a long time, so-called “house rules” often appear - changes and variations of the basic rules accepted in this circle. So that the “house rules” do not come as a surprise to any of the participants, approve them before each game.

It may be worth providing a symbolic reward for the winner or a consolation prize for the loser, especially if you are playing with children.

Play not just for fun, but for fun. You can find the basic ideas for game rewards and punishments on the website

Organize a tournament for your favorite game. Come up with a scoring scheme and hang the standings in a visible place. You can reward the overall winner of the tournament or celebrate the points leader on a weekly basis.

Keep your camera handy. Even if you are not going to make a photo report, you will probably want to save especially outstanding game situations for posterity. In addition, if you decide to postpone an unfinished batch, then next time you can restore the layout using photographs.

Gaming accessories

All components of the game fit into the box

The insides of a Western-made box are most likely designed to store game elements. You can carefully place chips, decks of cards, and the playing field in the designated compartments. All this harmony probably won’t survive turning the box upside down, but you’re not going to play football with it. Sometimes rubber bands for cards and plastic bags for chips or tokens are included in the box. Feel free to use these simple devices, and if necessary, get your own supply: the domestic manufacturer is not yet so attentive to the convenience of the players.

Plastic or wooden counters, well-made cardboard tokens and boards will likely serve you for decades, but cards wear out quite quickly, especially if they need to be shuffled frequently. Fans of collectible card games, who are familiar with this problem first-hand, use special protective bags. These are also suitable for board games - but before purchasing bags, make sure they are the right size for you.

Other useful accessories that can be useful to keep on hand during a gaming session include tokens (home improvement stores sell multi-colored glass droplets that are great for many board games), an hourglass, a set of dice (in addition to the classic dice, sometimes in board games dice with 4, 8, 10, 12, 20 and even 100 sides are used), boxes and bags. Many online stores listed in the section sell accessories for desktops; there is also a wide selection in the store.

Often you need to take your favorite board game with you, for example, on vacation or to a tournament. Usually, in this case, it is better to leave the box at home and put the game elements packed in bags into the pockets of a bag or backpack. Fans of military-tactical games often have special suitcases in which they conveniently place their armies and accessories. If you take several games at once, see if they have interchangeable elements - you can only take one set of these.

Where to play

There are board game clubs in many cities in Russia and abroad. You can find the club closest to your home on the encyclopedia website or the Association of Board Game Clubs.

The Association of Board Game Clubs was founded at the end of 2012 on the initiative of club leaders from 10 Russian cities with the aim of developing the club movement and popularizing board games in Russia and the CIS countries. Among the main activities of AKNI are the creation of a unified database of clubs, the organization and conduct of tournaments, gaming events and unified actions aimed at popularizing board games, the creation of a Russian player rating system, interaction with foreign Board Game Associations and the organization of participation of representatives of Russian clubs in international tournaments and exhibitions, assistance in creating clubs and club game funds, carrying out wholesale purchases of games and related products from manufacturers to meet the needs of clubs, organizing and coordinating charitable toy libraries and events, as well as participation of clubs in the publishing of board games.

There are already so many computers in our lives that when a game is mentioned, most people think about computer games. Although we all, without exception, once played some kind of board games. During the Soviet era, gatherings with dominoes or backgammon in parks or courtyards of apartment buildings were common. Connoisseurs of intellectual games usually preferred chess, and lovers of gambling spent their days playing “one hundred and one” or “throwing the fool.” In Soviet times, even quite decent grandmothers could be found playing cards or lotto in the yard.

Now only Soviet films and tables with benches near children's playgrounds, which have been preserved in some old courtyards, remind us of outdoor board games. It seems that no one then thought to call them game libraries, especially since there were official chess clubs and cultural centers. However, there were few popular and accessible board games for adults in the 20th century: chess, checkers, backgammon, dominoes, lotto and cards.

Nowadays, many board games are published; there are excellent translations into Russian of world-famous foreign games for children and adults. A new subculture of board game lovers is developing, who usually gather in groups of similar interests in local anti-cafes. Time club is an establishment where everything is free, except time, and most anti-cafes have a collection of board games and offer free tea, coffee, sweets, and unlimited wi-fi. Of course, there are game cafes where computer games are also offered, but events in anti-cafes always include a game library with board games. However, even fans of board games do not always immediately correctly understand what a gaming library is if they have never been to such an event.

How does a fun games library go in an anti-cafe?

We often play educational games with children or “adult board games” with friends, but if you are not a “fan,” then it gradually gets boring. On the one hand, any board game is an opportunity for live communication, on the other hand, if the company of players does not change or expand, then it becomes boring. And all because the majority constantly wants new experiences - expanding their circle of acquaintances. That is why online games on the computer are now the most popular; we play the same chess, checkers or lotto, but constantly communicate with new people while playing via chat on the Internet. The variety and simplicity of virtual communication during an online game does not let you get bored and even takes you away from reality. The variety of computer “board” games is also impressive, although many of them are adaptations of board games, for example, from modern ones - this is the popular Carcassonne, available also on tablets and smartphones.

People who come to the anti-cafe spend their free time most often playing board games, unless there is a specific event (concert, training or presentation). A free toy library in an anti-cafe is also a kind of event that is announced in advance.

    Participation in the game library is free for everyone, you just need to pay for the time at the anti-cafe rates at the exit. Additionally, you get unlimited wi-fi and tea, coffee, and sweets.

    The game library in the anti-cafe is a great opportunity to make new acquaintances among creative young people, because you can choose any company that has free seats at the table for some kind of game.

    You can come to the game library even if you have never played board games before (they will quickly teach you; there are “board games” with simple rules and easy but exciting game mechanics).

    You can bring your own board games; the gaming library can be themed and closed to outsiders (if you agree with the administration of the Time Cafe to be allocated a separate room).

    Often the gaming library takes place in the form of a tournament for some kind of board game, and if sponsors are found or a prize fund is reserved, the winners receive real prizes.

    There is also a playroom for children, and if the anti-cafe provides animator services, parents will be able to play adult board games with friends and have fun in a separate room while the children's playroom is in progress.

What kinds of educational games are there - toy library for adults

In any anti-cafe, board games are available to all visitors; of course, the collection of “board games” depends on the specific gaming cafe. In almost every anti-cafe you will find: Dixit, Activity or Elias, Carcassonne, Monopoly, Svintus or Uno and cards for the role-playing game Mafia, as well as many other board games.

Some board games have age restrictions, but they allow you to get to know the opposite sex in the most relaxed way. Sometimes a night games library for adults is held, since the advantage of an anti-cafe is that visitors can gather in groups and offer their own options for events. As a result, in almost every anti-cafe there is a mafia (a group of fans of the Mafia role-playing game). “Mafia” players gather regularly in anti-cafes, but they often play other “board games” and organize game libraries.

It should be noted that the board game library is addictive and, after trying it once, most come back to the game library again and again, enthusiastically trying out different board games. Even board game lovers who have their own collection of games at home often go to game libraries, because anti-cafes are convenient for large groups of people to gather together. In addition, the Time Club has a special atmosphere of free space for communication. And in a good anti-cafe, positive administrators charge visitors with fun, help them master the rules of unfamiliar board games, play “mafia” games, and all this is often free. The essence of the anti-cafe is payment only for time, although sometimes they charge a fixed fee for entry to a specific event. To get to the free board game library, keep an eye on the posters in the anti-cafe in your city.

If you want to open a children's playroom, but cannot find a suitable name, the examples and classification below will help you make the right choice. This article describes the basic principles of creating bright and thematic names for children's playrooms, and also provides many examples of already operating playrooms throughout the country.

Principles for naming children's playrooms

As a rule, the owners of such halls try to give them names that will one way or another be associated with fun, childhood, and play. The main categories of such names are described below and the basic principles of their formation are explained.

  1. Names that include the words “game”, “play”, “game”. This group of names for children's rooms is one of the most popular. By combining the above words with others, you will get an interesting and thematic name for your hall. Thus, names such as “Game City”, “Play Now”, “Game Time” sound great and fulfill their direct function - they communicate the specifics of the room and attract both children and adults.
  2. Names containing the words “children”, “children”, “kids”. In fact, this category of names differs from the previous one only in the keyword. Titles such as “Kids in Business,” for example, will attract parents who will be able to do their own things at the right time for them.
  3. Names that include the words “cheerful”, “fun”, “joy”. “Fun Jump”, “Happy Panda”, “Jolly Island” - these names are excellent options for a children's playroom. Take a Russian or English word associated with joy and fun and combine it with another word, be it “jungle”, “island”, “world”, “planet”, etc. This way you will get a concise, thematic and catchy version of the name.
  4. Other names. Whatever one may say, even if the name of a children's playroom does not fall into any of the above categories, it still refers to the “children’s” theme. You can use the names of animals, for example, “Owlet”, “Smart Rabbit”, “Snail”, etc., characters from cartoons and fairy tales, for example “Kapitoshka”, “Kolobok”, and fairy tale names: “Forest of Miracles” , “Lukomorye”, “Magic Country”. Do not limit your imagination, but remember that the name should not only be thematic, but also catchy and concise - it must be well remembered and easy to pronounce.

Examples of names for children's playrooms

Titles containing the words “game”, “play”, “game”

Names containing the words “children”, “children”, “kids”

Names containing the words “cheerful”, “fun”, “joy”

Other names

Run Fantastic World

Ay! Parrot








Bob the Builder

Big sandbox

Baby Smart Guy


Above the Rainbow


City of Dreams


The jungle is calling

baby zebra

Call of the Jungle

Interesting Academy




Cool place


Toddlers Corporation


Rabbit Misha


Forest of Wonders

Forest Glade









Treasure Island



Holiday Planet

Holiday Land

Jumping gallop

Jumping gallop

Birds and Bees






Family motive

Solar kingdom

Sunny Harlequin


Twin Kids





Tutu City

Smart bunny





Miracle Island

Miracle Park

Chocolate Factory


I'm loved

Interview with Elena Sokolova, an attentive mother of two children, the owner of the online store “Veselye Derevyashki” and the leader of children’s playrooms in Samara. The questions were asked by the authors of the Game Gallery, Irina Samoshkina and Andrey Vasilenko.

How did you come up with the idea of ​​holding play libraries?

It was a long process, not spontaneous. I noticed more and more parents who said about 5-6 year old children that they were already adults, that modern children now only need a computer and nothing else. This was the most depressing and haunting thought. I was simply sure that if children were interested in something in the real world, and not in the virtual one, then they would be much more interested here and that they would not rush to the computer. The main thing is GAME. Moreover, for younger schoolchildren, it is the game itself and the gameplay in which children live a different life that is also important. I myself really like to play with my children (I have two of them - 5 and 2.5 years old). Thus, the idea of ​​toy libraries for children of different ages, with different games - mobile, board, role-playing, etc., began to crystallize.

In Moscow, there are game libraries dedicated to board games, this is done by board game stores: to get acquainted with the game, you need to play it, the salesperson behind the counter won’t tell you that much about the game. Do you have a toy library that introduces you to different toys? Or something else?

First of all, the toy library is an opportunity to show children and their parents all the diversity of the gaming world. Most people who come to game libraries have absolutely no idea that there are such interesting and entertaining games. Moreover, we hold game libraries not only with those games and toys that we ourselves sell - i.e. We are not at all interested in advertising a specific product. Nevertheless, we are glad that children play, learn something new, and parents understand that the child has not grown up YET and is ready to play and play, the main thing is to find games that are appropriate for the child’s age.

What problems do game libraries solve, what are they for?

The main goal of the idea is to convince and show parents that their children want to play in the real world. Take children away from the computer. Then the idea came up to play both toys from our store’s assortment and other games. At play libraries, children sometimes reveal their most unpredictable sides. In board games, children play as a team against a team, or one on one - they learn to interact with each other, to solve problems not with force, but with their brains. And sometimes children play so hard that parents cannot take the child home 😉

Who comes to the game rooms? At what age do children participate in play libraries? Are there any age restrictions?

Children from one and a half to 15 years old come and a separate category is adults. The game libraries are divided by age: 1.5-3 years, 3-5 years, 5-7 years, 7-10 years, 10-15 years. Sometimes 5-year-olds come to play with 10-year-olds, we don’t interfere. But it’s still better to play for children of approximately the same age; we think about the games in advance and select them for the specific age stated in the announcement. In addition to children's playrooms, we also host playrooms for adults - with board games. The evenings turn out to be incredibly interesting and fun. There are also tournaments for some games with winners, awards and valuable prizes, which is very important for children.

How were the first game libraries, what obstacles did you encounter along the way?

One of the obstacles is NOT a clear organization of the people. Sometimes too many people came and the games library turned out to be chaotic due to not having enough space for everyone. And sometimes not many people came, and then it could be a bit boring. It is important to introduce mandatory pre-registration.

What are the differences between playrooms and a developing children's club or Montessori environment?

Children's clubs set themselves the goal of teaching a child something and showing parents the RESULT of learning. At play libraries, we don’t teach a child anything until he learns something himself. Complete freedom of action!

What changed, what did you have to give up?

At first, the game libraries were free, but then, due to the same desire to organize the process itself more clearly, we introduced a fee. Then people began to take the event more seriously.

How often are game libraries held now, would you like to hold them more often/less often? Why?

About once a week, sometimes once every 2 weeks. I would like to do it more often, of course.

How exactly are playrooms held, what do children do, is there a clearly established plan?

Children play games at play libraries 😉 There is a rough plan, the process is calm and self-governing. With children, sometimes it is completely impossible to predict what they will like to play today. Children are offered various freely available games that are appropriate for their age, and the children themselves wander off in different directions. Sometimes everyone sits and puts together puzzles, sometimes they compete in dexterity in outdoor games, sometimes they build a city from a huge number of cubes, sometimes one person builds a railway with complex junctions, while others build a city around it, with board games everyone is involved in the process and focused on winning.

Are there many children playing at the same time?

Based on practice, we do not invite more than 10-12 people. If it’s more, it turns out noisy and fussy. Although it all depends on the size of the room, the larger the room, the more families you can invite.

And the largest gaming library you had in terms of the number of participants – how many people? And the smallest one?

The most fertile audience is children from 1.6 to 3 years old. For now, they all stay at home with their mothers and these mothers are relatively free during the day. That's why there are always the most of them. Once there were about 20 kids and, accordingly, the same number of mothers;)) Nothing - everyone was distributed according to their interests in one large room. The smallest toy library - once there was one girl, with her we built different figures from the Matador construction set - she was absolutely delighted! And one weekday evening, no one came at all (there was heavy rain plus a big accident on the central highway of the city - the whole city was literally stuck in a traffic jam), we sat down with the administration of the children's club (there were 4 of us) to play our favorite game " Dixit” – we played for 2 hours and went home happy 😉

Who runs the game library, what should the leader of the game library be like, what are his main qualities?

I always run our gaming library myself; I haven’t delegated this process to anyone else yet. I repeat that I myself really like to play, so if something interesting happens, then I’m all in the game, too, along with the children. In general, the presenter should be well aware of the games offered, where they can be bought, how to play them, etc. In addition, the presenter must be a kind and open person 😉

What rules apply at the game library, how and who monitors their compliance?

There are practically no rules. Unless the children harm themselves physically. Their mothers also play with the kids in the hall. The presenter monitors the general game process, directs children to certain games, introduces children to toys, and explains the rules of specific games. If there are prizes, then you need to make sure that someone doesn’t feel offended later that they didn’t give him anything - something small, but pleasant, should be given to all participants in the game library.

What should a room for a playroom be like, what is important to pay attention to when choosing a room?

For children under 3 years old, it is definitely necessary for the room to have a carpeted floor; they constantly crawl on their knees. For playrooms with board games, you need tables: low for kids and regular for older children and adults. If children are engaged in building with cubes or railroad tracks, then you need to check the stability of the cubes on the carpet so that there is no “bubbling” of the carpet anywhere. The cubes must be stable, for example, our children play with construction sets from our Russian manufacturer, the Krasnokamsk Wooden Toy Factory. These cubes are wonderful, time-tested - they do not slide over each other, stand very well on any edge, and are stable, which is good for large buildings. If there is no carpeting, then you must immediately warn participants to bring replacement shoes with them.

Have you held playrooms outdoors? Which?

Yes, we had game libraries at the Valery Grushin art song festival, at the “Night at the Museum” event for children and many other venues. Children also enjoy playing with the games offered to them, more, of course, outdoor games. But sometimes everyone sat on the mats and enthusiastically assembled wooden puzzles from the assortment of our store 😉

How do relationships develop between children during play?

Mostly positive. Only small children under 3-4 years old can start screaming at each other over one toy. But overall everything will be settled. After playing board games, children even take their acquaintance beyond the toy library.

What “sharp corners” arise when running games?

The children haven’t played enough, we have to wait and gradually prepare them for the end of the game. If the leader of the toy library has his own children, then it is advisable not to bring them to his toy library; it is better to come with them to the toy library, where there will be another presenter, and not their parent.

How do the game library deal with those who are tired of playing quietly and want to move around?

Let them move! Difficulties arise with babies, some begin to cry, then you can’t think of anything other than leaving with your mother - but this happens very, very rarely...

Does it happen that children, having played a game, do not want to part with it and are ready to take it with them? What do you do in such cases?

We explain to them that other children will also want to play with it. We distract the child, try to switch his attention to something else. But if the case is really serious, then we rent the game until the next game library.

Are there children who don’t want to play at the playground? Do you involve them in the game, how?

They happen, but rarely. If you can’t get people interested, you can try organizing competitions with prizes. If he doesn’t want to anyway, then let him do what he wants. Basically, after 3-5 minutes of solitude, the child himself gets involved in some kind of game.

What games and toys do you choose for playrooms? What thematic playrooms have you held?

Lots of different games. We mainly choose something that is not hackneyed or familiar. Thematic - on a military theme with games of vehicles and soldiers; fun board games, challenging logical board games, wooden toys for kids, wooden board games with a wooden railway and other materials for those who like to create with cubes, construction with the Matador construction set, Memory game tournament, etc. During school holidays, we try to reach schoolchildren during the daytime hours.

Are there any advantages and disadvantages of game libraries on a given topic compared to a free game library?

A free toy library is not bad either 😉 At first we had those - we just played with the assortment of our store. But, as I see the situation as a whole, thematic game libraries immerse the child much deeper into the world of the game. For example, at a free toy library, one child built a building out of cubes, another child built something, a third could break everything and start building his own. And on the thematic side, they are all united by one goal - to build one big city and then run trains, cars, put little people in houses, etc. in it.

How often do new themes for game libraries appear?

When I have some new idea or when I discover something new and interesting for myself, this usually happens often. Sometimes I see my son at home playing some kind of game, and I understand how interesting it would be to play the same thing with his peers.

Does it happen that someone or something suggests a new topic to you? Or is it all by herself?

Sometimes after the toy library we give a questionnaire with questions about the toy library or discuss the results in a circle. Sometimes the situation itself tells you what to do at the next event. Mothers of children sometimes express their wishes. For example, there was a proposal to turn on music sometimes during games, or there were wishes to hold a toy library with wooden puzzles for children 6-8 years old, recently they suggested holding a charity toy library - the proceeds from it will go to the treatment of two sick twin brothers. Often people asked to bring some game from our store’s assortment to the game library - to look at it and touch it. Now we always have this offer - you can order any game from the store at the game library and play it there.

What toys are most popular among children?

Wooden construction sets - blocks, wooden railway, puzzles, and much more. We can absolutely say that children aged about 7 years old simply love to build roads and cities from construction blocks. Of the board games, I would especially like to highlight absolutely everyone’s favorite games without exception: Lotto “Teach-ka”, “Kiki-Riki (Chicken Coop)”, “Cephalopods”, “Rush Hour” and many, many more very interesting things, but it’s better to just come and play once.

What theme do you like most?

I really love playgrounds for children 5-10 years old, they are the funniest and most spontaneous. Moreover, children both 5 and 10 years old love to play with excitement. They like outdoor playgrounds in the summer, when they can run around and do puzzles. I love it when we organize board game tournaments between adults and children, for example, the Memory game. You can watch the children continuously at these moments - how much joy they have when they win! Moreover, it is absolutely certain, according to our game statistics, that children remember cards better in Memory.

Who do children come to the toy library with most often - with mom, with dad?

With my mother, and during school holidays - with my grandmothers...

Moms and dads play differently, are there any differences? What about grandmothers?

If dads play, then they play for real, without “brakes.” And with all children at once, and not just with your child. And if grandmothers come, then for some reason they are more shy than playful. But there are (rarely) such grandmothers - a treasure trove of ideas, finds, rhymes, ditties... then we have fun together 😉

Do parents play with their children, how do they play, what toys do parents like best?

They play, but are often shy. There are those who enjoy playing, but they are few. In the Memory Game tournament, parents played against children, and when the parents won, they rejoiced like children!

What do parents do if they don’t play with their child?

They drink tea, talk about their own things, watch the children play.

You said that there are game libraries for adults - have you ever held one yourself? Tell us a little more about them, please.

Conducted. But the majority of people who come to such game libraries are not new people from the street, but acquaintances or acquaintances of acquaintances. That is, those people who have not only heard about board games, but have already played and become involved in this tempting process. Although now the ice seems to have broken, and people are starting to come to game libraries with interest after seeing our announcement online. Let's hope that we will stir up adults too.

Do you have regular customers who go to all the game libraries? What are they?

Of course I have! These are mostly people who welcome conscious parenthood, treat their children carefully and wisely, with sparkles in their eyes, and are optimists in life.

Is there a community for game library participants in Samara, a VKontakte group, on Facebook? Are there many participants there?

Our group is in contact

Many of us like to spend our free time with friends, sharing positive emotions, boasting of achievements and victories. Unfortunately, the busy rhythm of modern life does not always allow gathering friends around a round table, and quite often evenings turn into contemplating monitor screens and watching familiar movies. Today we will tell you about a bright and unusual replacement for these boring everyday life! We invite you to visit the world of board games, where you will have fun and useful time, make new friends, find worthy opponents and celebrate victories and defeats together. But first things first…

Let's start with the fact that the world of board games is large and diverse. Over the past ten years, this type of entertainment has undergone many changes: bright components, original mechanics, unusual storylines, classification of games by type and much more... Every year dozens of new products are released, designed to surprise experienced players and capture the imagination of beginners. The shelves of specialized stores are full of boxes of different sizes, and gaming experts hold game libraries that attract hundreds of visitors. Never heard of this?! Well, let’s lift the veil of secrecy about this popular pastime.

Igroveda's game libraries are absolutely free, and you only need to take with you a good mood. All games are provided by the store, and any open copy can be played both with friends and with numerous visitors to the event. If this is your first time opening the rules booklet, then do not hesitate and call for help from game experts who know absolutely everything and will give explanations on any questions.

By the way, presentations of new products and tournaments among visitors are held at game libraries, by participating in which you can earn a prize and go home with a copy of your favorite game! And if you dare and come with the whole family, you can take part in several tournaments and earn not one, but several boxes - use dexterity, attentiveness and logic to empty the store’s warehouses!

Did you come in splendid isolation?! Congratulations, you will find new friends at the game library, and you will be carried away by a whirlwind of new sensations!

Oh, yes... Some, after reading these lines, will think: “I’ll come to this game library, and I’m an airy, shy nature - I’ll fall asleep in the corner on the sofa in splendid isolation, forgotten and misunderstood by everyone.” We assure you, this will not happen! Firstly, it is absolutely impossible to sleep while listening to the joyful cries of the winners and the emotional cries of the players. Secondly, be brave, catch any gaming expert and quietly ask him to seat you at that table. And then you will find your way...

If you liked the game, the child clutches the coveted box, the husband with shining eyes does not let go of the toy soldiers figurines, the wife does not take her eyes off the bright puzzles and exciting games, for example,
