How cows' nails are cut. How to properly trim goats' hooves: why and when

Often, cattle owners do not pay due attention to the hoof trimming procedure. If this is not done on time, the animal may be seriously damaged. In winter, cows often develop limb diseases due to the fact that the hooves were not trimmed and the overgrown hoof horn was trimmed untimely.

In cows and bulls, within a month, the horny wall grows by an average of 7 mm. During walking, it wears off and the shape of the hoof does not change. During winter, when the mobility of livestock is limited, the horn grows in excess and the hoof changes pathologically, taking on a disfigured shape. After which, the horn splits and the soft tissues of the hoof itself are injured. The animal gets sick, milk yield decreases significantly. Therefore, it is necessary to trim the hooves at least 2 times a year and trim off overgrown hoof horns.

How to properly trim hoofs?

Trim one by one, first the front hooves, then the hind hooves.

The process of removing excess horn from the front hooves requires two people. The cow should be secured with a short rope to the place of the feeder, one holds the bent leg, and the second, after carrying out hygienic procedures, cleans the hoof and trims the overgrown horn. If damage to the animal’s skin is detected, they are treated with iodine.

It is safer to treat the hooves of the hind limbs on an animal that is securely fixed in a prone position.

Farms have special machines where cows are securely fixed in a motionless state, and they can carry out this procedure without fear.

Hoof trimming on specially designed machines is not always suitable for personal use, due to the high cost of purchasing such equipment.

The cow must be handled calmly and kindly during hoof handling and trimming.

Using a special knife designed for this purpose, a cutter or a milling cutter, a cut is carefully made from the sole and crumb of the old hoof horn of cows. It is distinguished by its gray color, brittleness and fragility. The new horn is light and elastic. Cut until a white line appears.

The cutter for processing cow hooves has a typical hole for attaching to an electric grinder. The cutter can be used to process the end side; the angle of action of the knife in this case is aimed at reducing stress for the cattle.

If you plan to cut by hand, then it is better not to “finish” a little than to touch the “living” hoof horn. Timely hoof trimming , will protect the health and life of cattle.

The health of the animals and their productivity directly depend on the condition of the hooves of cattle. Due to its anatomical structure, the cattle hoof tends to grow and, as a result, under the influence of surrounding factors, its shape can become asymmetrical.

Over time, the regrown corneal wall can crack or break, damaging soft tissue and increasing the risk of infectious diseases. In this case, the animal will begin to limp and eventually have difficulty moving, which will undoubtedly lead to a decrease in its productivity. To exclude asymmetric development and further diseases of the animals’ hooves, it is necessary to trim the hooves of cows 2-3 times a year.

What are the benefits of timely hoof trimming for cattle?

Hoof trimming is a preventative measure. But, as they say, it is better to warn... If cows' hooves are not trimmed for a long time, the ligamentous apparatus of the claws will be stretched. In this case, it will be almost impossible to restore it, even if you continue to regularly trim the cows' hooves.

So, what are the advantages of this procedure? 1. Proper trimming improves the condition of the herd. 2. The milk productivity of cattle is restored and increased. 3. With regular implementation of the procedure, lameness in cows is reduced by more than 80%.

How to properly trim cows' hooves?

Firstly, let's say right away, trimming cattle hooves should be done by a qualified specialist - this is a delicate job that requires the use of special knowledge. All work is best performed using modern hydraulic equipment - this way, the occurrence of a stressful situation for cows is reduced to a minimum. It is necessary to observe the seasonality of pruning - the minimum procedure should be performed 2 times a year, in spring and autumn. If necessary (depending on the type of cow keeping), hoof trimming is done more often.

It is advisable that the herd be “observed” by one specialist and after each procedure an inventory of sick animals is compiled with a detailed description for each hoof. In addition, a general picture of the condition of the cattle herd’s hooves should be obtained. In view of the fact that not every farm can pay for the work of a personal orthopedist or have the latest equipment, it is best to use the services of mobile teams, which include professional veterinarians.

Such teams work quite quickly (on average 1000 animals per month). Specialists regularly improve their skills by participating in various training seminars and programs. At the same time, the price of a one-time trimming turns out to be significantly lower than the maintenance of a full-time specialist and equipment, and with constant cooperation with one company, the animals of your farm are under constant qualified supervision.

What is required for proper hoof trimming?

It is essential to have your hooves checked twice a year. Illness and injury reduce productivity and can lead to loss of animals. To prevent this from happening, you need to make the hooves as stable and mobile as possible and diagnose the problem as early as possible.

Good quality pruning equipment and professional tools can solve half of this difficult task. The second half, of course, is carried out by the hands of professionals whom you can trust one hundred percent.

There are modern devices that fix the cow in a horizontal position. This allows you to immobilize all four limbs at once, without discomfort or pain. There are also advantages to a vertical machine, where the animals and the trimmer are in a natural position for them.

To perform work on trimming and processing cattle hooves, it is better to use modern hydraulic machines that secure the animal and make this process absolutely safe, including for humans.

Their advantages are undeniable:

  1. The entire process occurs hydraulically.
  2. These machines are quite easy to operate, and thanks to the durable frame made of galvanized metal, they are reliable.
  3. They are highly technical and detailed.
  4. They operate almost silently, without irritating the animal.
  5. Their mobility is ensured by wheels and a handle: the machine can be installed anywhere and moved at the right time.
  6. The latest energy saving technologies make the operation of this machine quite economical.

In addition, the fastening process is controlled using a remote control; the animal, including its head, is fixed hydraulically, quickly and effortlessly. All manipulations with the fastening are completed in about one minute!

Why should you entrust this work to experienced professionals?

To do a job well, you need to be a specialist. Especially when it comes to health and life. Experience also matters a lot. The Koshutin team has been working for a long time and with high quality, each of our employees is a high-class professional and approaches their profession with full responsibility. It is always easier to prevent a disease than to spend energy and money on its treatment. Due to untimely, poor-quality hoof trimming, you may lose your entire livestock.

Cattle hoof trimming- a complex, labor-intensive process that requires certain knowledge. It is better to entrust it to people who know all the nuances of this matter, work according to all standards, and comply with the necessary rules, otherwise the animals may receive even greater injuries and stress. In addition, it is important to have high-tech, high-quality equipment and a set of necessary tools.

Previously, in our country, trimming the hooves of cows was done by people who did not have the necessary knowledge about the anatomy of the hooves and possible diseases. And the equipment was used what was at hand - a knife, hemp and boxes. Naturally, this negatively affected the productivity of pruning, and as a result, milk yield decreased. Specially created, qualified teams consisting of several high-level specialists are the best solution for small farms. Not everyone has the opportunity to buy expensive equipment for hoof trimming, but a seasonal call for such a group will be relatively inexpensive.

Limb diseases are a serious problem faced by many livestock keepers. Scientists have found that the appearance of lameness is caused by several pathologies. For example, a sole ulcer resulting from improper care of the hoof horn. Hoof trimming of cows is considered a mandatory grooming procedure that prevents the occurrence of many problems. Timely manipulation will guarantee the health of the animal and increase productivity.

The hoof (hoof) is a modified skin epithelium that forms on the distal part of the toes. The main function of this body is shock absorption.

It is formed with the participation of the following components:

  • stratum corneum;
  • musculoskeletal system;
  • blood vessels;
  • tendons.

In conditions of mass detention, it is often exposed to various pathologies. Therefore, it is important to carry out regular inspections and timely pruning. Particular attention is paid to animals kept in stalls.

The hoof includes several pairs of hooves crowned by phalanges of the 3rd and 4th toes. They are separated from each other by a small gap. There are a pair of additional hooves on the 2nd and 5th fingers. Since they are rudimentary, they do not perform a supporting function. At the base of the organ there is a skin sheath. A number of joints and tendons are responsible for the flexion of the organ.

Why should a cow have her hooves trimmed?

The productivity of the herd depends not only on a high-quality diet or compliance with the rules of housekeeping, but also on appearance. Trimming the hoof horn is considered an important procedure in hygiene measures. Regular implementation of this manipulation allows you to increase the life expectancy of cattle. The average growth of the stratum corneum is from 6 to 8 mm every month. Only the dead upper epithelium, which is a protective capsule, can be processed.

The stratum corneum is periodically renewed, replacing worn-out tissue. When cows are kept on pasture, the sole wears out naturally. During walking, which involves minimal mobility of the animal, a new layer grows on the unworn old one. As a result, bends and cracks form on the hoof. If the procedure is not carried out, the cow may suffer greatly.

You should be especially careful with pregnant females. During gestation, the growth of the horny cover decreases, and the degree of wear increases. Since hooves wear out quickly, trimming activities are carried out only after a thorough inspection.

Factors affecting hoof condition:

  1. Coating. It is advisable to make the floor from concrete. This is especially true for loose livestock. The surface should be smooth and without large gaps. Continuous accumulation of excrement is unacceptable.
  2. Nutrition. An unbalanced diet negatively affects the condition of the stratum corneum. With the predominance of starchy foods, almost no fiber enters the body. Such processes are unfavorable for this part of the body.
  3. Litter. Clean and dry. Otherwise, pathogenic bacteria will multiply on the hooves.

In addition, the condition of the premises in which the animals are located is important. It must be ventilated. It has been proven that dry hooves are harder and of better quality than wet hooves.

Consequences of ignoring pruning

Main physiological manifestations:

  • loss of appetite;
  • deformation of the thickened layer of the cornea;
  • soft tissue injury;
  • the occurrence of inflammatory foci;
  • rotting of dead tissue;
  • uneven distribution of body weight, which negatively affects the condition of the joints;
  • decrease in milk productivity.

If an animal's hooves are not trimmed regularly, each step will cause severe pain.

How to properly trim a cow's hooves: step-by-step instructions

As part of stall housing, this procedure is carried out at least 3 times a year. For pasture or boxing - 2 times, in spring and autumn during the period of pasture to the meadow. Unscheduled measures are carried out only when injuries occur or the hoof horn is broken.

To perform the procedure correctly, the presence of 2 people is required. In the absence of proper experience, it is advisable to invite a specialist.

Step 1: Assessing Hoof Condition

Before proceeding with the removal of the upper stratum corneum, it is important to evaluate the appearance of the hooves. For example, if there is curvature of the limbs, pruning according to the prescribed technology will contribute to the formation of lameness. Since the manipulation performed will not be consistent with the incorrect anatomical structure of the hoof. In the presence of inflammatory processes or extensive injuries, it is advisable to wait for complete healing and then cut off.

Step 2. Preparing tools

To carry out the procedure you will need the following tools:

  • professional pruning knives;
  • cutter;
  • forceps;
  • scissors.

In addition, a machine is needed. To secure calm individuals, one rope is enough. If cracks or wounds appear during work, you will need a disinfectant.

Prices for end cutters

End cutters

Tweezers are considered an effective tool for quickly removing chips and stratum corneum. They are made of first-class steel and are a simple device with long handles. Soft tips are provided for gripping. This measure allows you to minimize the labor intensity of the process when removing particularly strong build-ups. In most cases, this device comes with replacement cutting knives.

To carry out this manipulation, it is advisable to purchase or make a machine yourself. It firmly fixes the cow's body. Leather belts do not put undue pressure on internal organs. With its help, pruning can be done by one person. One positive aspect is the reduction in stress levels during the procedure. It has been proven that stressful situations have a negative impact on the quality of milk.

Step 3. Preparing the animal

The cow is fixed either by the horns in a standing position, preferably in a pen. In this case, the limb being treated is tied to a stable object.

Many farmers use the old method of placing cows on litter.


  1. Prepare a strong, but not rigid rope about 6 m long.
  2. Tie the cow by the neck to a support or to a tree.
  3. From the side from which you plan to fall the animal, tie one end to the front leg in the area of ​​the fetlock joint.
  4. Tie a rope around the body under the shoulder blades, without squeezing the stomach.
  5. Tie the free end on the hind leg.
  6. Pull the rope and lightly kick above the fetlock joint of the bandaged limb.
  7. When the cow automatically raises its leg, press it to your chest.
  8. Pull the end loosely entwined on the hind limb so that the rope is located under the animal’s body. As a result, it will lose stability and lie on its side. The back leg will instinctively extend.
  9. Secure the free end of the rope to the second hind limb.

As a result, three limbs will be bandaged.

Step 4. Pruning technique


  1. Transfer the cow to wet bedding 1 day before the scheduled manipulation. This measure helps soften the upper stratum corneum.
  2. Disinfect tools.
  3. Make sure that the straps hold the animal securely.
  4. Administer a sedative if necessary.
  5. Calm the cow using voice commands.
  6. Assess the condition of the hooves and take measurements.
  7. Start by trimming the front legs.
  8. The movement of the hand should come from the inner layer and slowly move to the keratinized areas.
  9. Remove scraps of fur with scissors.
  10. Using a special knife, carefully, without injuring the animal, make a model of the hooves.
  11. Round off sharp edges with a special file.

The remaining hooves are treated in a similar way. All actions are carried out slowly. Otherwise, the inner layer of the claw may be damaged, causing lameness.

The thickness of the epithelium to be removed is 5 mm. The total is from 3 to 5 mm.

Step 5: Check that the trim is done correctly

If the sole fits tightly to the hoof knife, the procedure was carried out correctly. There should be no cracks or wounds on the hooves after trimming.

To determine the correct execution, a special hoof horn tester has been developed. This will help identify if there is an angle between the sole and the front of the hoof.

Video - Hoof cutter with replaceable knives

Prices for leveling cutters

Leveling cutter

Treating cows' hooves

For most diseases, cleansing the sole and removing keratinized epithelium is a preparation for therapeutic procedures.

Table No. 1. Pathologies and treatment options for which pruning is performed.

DiseaseDescriptionTreatment regimen
Acute purulent inflammation.
Appears when animals are kept on wet bedding for a long time. High humidity promotes tissue maceration, which negatively affects the skin's resistance to harmful microorganisms. The inflammatory focus in the form of bleeding ulcers is concentrated mainly in the area of ​​the interdigital gap. In its advanced form, the cow begins to limp, the general tone of the body decreases and body temperature rises.Drug therapy is used:
- the animal’s body is secured with straps;
- the hoof is cleaned with warm water;
- they put a novocaine blockade in combination with an antibiotic;
- wash the wound with a 3% solution of hydrogen peroxide;
- remove dead tissue;
- “Synthomycin” is applied to the inflammatory area in the form of an ointment;
- apply a bandage to the hoof.
After 1 week the course is repeated.
During treatment, the cow is transferred to a separate stall with soft, dry bedding. In addition to a high-quality diet, she is provided with vitamins and immunostimulants.
The disease quickly passes after exposing the hoof to cold using liquid nitrogen. The procedure must be performed by a veterinarian. Self-cauterization is not recommended.
An inflammatory process affecting the interhoof cleft or pulp. Occurs as a result of complications after puncture injuries. Less commonly, it is a consequence of purulent inflammation or arthritis. Accompanied by acute pain and fever. Detachment of the hoof horn often occurs.The main direction of treatment is to relieve swelling. To do this, alcohol compresses are placed on the affected area. The ulcers are opened in a horizontal direction. If you make a vertical cut, cracks may form on the hoof wall. After opening the abscesses, they are washed and a course of antibiotics is prescribed, for example, Nitox 200. A 0.5% solution of Novocaine in combination with Streptomycin and Penicillin has proven itself to be excellent.

If there is no relevant experience in hoof trimming, it is better to invite a veterinarian to carry out the procedure. If you do not have a machine, it is not recommended to carry out this activity alone. Cows are strong animals and in a state of panic they can harm a person. Regular removal of the upper keratinized tissue will prolong the life of the animal and protect it from the occurrence of many pathologies.

Video - Processing and trimming cattle hooves

Hoof diseases in cows are a serious problem in livestock farming. In the process of scientific research, it has been established that the main causes of lameness in cows are white line disease, sole ulcer, interdigital necrobacillosis (hoof rot) and digital dermatitis. White line disease and sole ulcer result from damage to the hoof due to disruption of the hoof horn, while digital dermatitis and necrobacillosis are infectious diseases of the epidermis and dermis. The solution to this problem can be regular trimming of cows' hooves.

Rules for keeping animals

A cow in a stall should rest at least 12–14 hours a day. Reducing the animal's rest time, especially in the precalving period, when the rate of growth of the hoof horn drops sharply in relation to the rate of its wear, can lead to hoof diseases and lameness. With little time spent in a stall, the sole of the hoof can become very thin, especially if the animal is kept loose on a concrete floor.

A few weeks after calving, the flexibility of the hooves increases, which increases the mobility of the navicular bone. If the animal is idle for a long time, there may be a risk of injury to the hoof tissue, which contributes to the appearance of sole ulcers.

Also, an unbalanced diet: low in fiber and high in starch can lead to the development of lameness from a sole ulcer.

Dry hooves are much harder than wet hooves, making wet hooves more susceptible to infection and damage. The causative agent of digital dermatitis is transmitted only in the case of prolonged wet hooves (up to 10 days). Therefore, it is very important to monitor the animal’s bedding and remove manure at least twice a day; it is also important to ventilate the barn well and add high-quality drainage to the bedding for the liquid fraction.

Also, great attention should be paid to the quality of the floor. Because if certain rules are not followed, various hoof diseases can occur in cows. It should be absolutely even, and slurry from manure should not accumulate on it. Under no circumstances should individual floor elements be unstable. Floors can be slatted or solid, depending on the manure removal system. Slotted floors are currently considered the easiest to manufacture and the cheapest. In such floors, manure enters the underground manure storage facility through the cracks, which saves the cost of removing manure and transporting it to storage facilities.

Hoof trimming

Regular hoof trimming of cows is very important. When the hoof horn grows, the weight of the cow moves to the sole from the toe part, because of this the stratum corneum grows and forms an influx on the sole of the hoof. As a result, pododermatitis develops and trauma to hoof tissue increases, which can lead to infection. If a cow's hooves are not trimmed for a long time, the ligamentous apparatus of the hooves is stretched and practically cannot be restored. These animals will be more susceptible to hoof diseases than others. It is advisable to trim hooves 2-3 times a year. For hoof trimming, there are special boxes in which the animal is placed and the leg is fixed. Pruning should only be done by a well-trained professional. Various tools are used to trim and trim hooves: hoof knives, hoof tongs, pliers, cleavers, rasp, hammer, chisels, chisels, electric cutters.

The trimming procedure is performed in a machine, the limbs are fixed with belts or soft ropes to the crossbars. To prevent a possible fall of the animal, it is secured in the pen with straps that are secured under the belly. If the animal is calm, then it is possible to trim the hooves not in a machine; I fix the front limbs with a rope, throwing it over the body. The hind limbs are fixed with special twists.

First, the hoof is cleaned of dirt, then the old coarsened horn is cut off with a cutter or hoof knife. Then the excess hoof wall is removed with forceps. These procedures should be carried out very carefully, since the thickness of the sole is only 2.5–5 mm. You only need to remove the old horn, which is crumbling, fragile, and gray in color.

After trimming, it is very important to check the shape of the hooves and the position of the animal's limbs. If everything is done correctly, then the axis of the digital bones (the conventional line running in the middle of the coffin, coronoid and fetlock bones) should be a straight line. Then the sole and edges of the hoof wall are leveled with a rasp.

Hoof baths

Infectious diseases that lead to lameness can be controlled using hoof baths, but not as a treatment, but for prevention and prevention. The disease of digital dermatitis in one individual should be considered as a potential danger of infecting others. Hoof baths can also serve as a treatment for the initial stages of infected hooves. Baths should be prepared using formaldehyde and copper sulfate.

Formalin is a water-based solution of formaldehyde. It is an effective remedy for the prevention of hoof infections in animals. The optimal concentration is 2–5%. Prepare a bath of 200–205 liters and change it after processing 200 heads. The use of formalin is effective only at ambient temperatures above 13 0 C. In addition, its use can be dangerous for personnel, since a strong unpleasant odor can cause allergic reactions with manifestations in the form of inflammation of the mucous membranes, redness of the skin, irritation of the respiratory tract, even asthmatic syndrome. In some countries, the use of formalin is generally prohibited.

Copper sulfate - copper sulfate is also an effective remedy for the prevention of hoof infections. It is recommended to make an aqueous solution with a vitriol concentration of 5–10%. However, diluting this powder in water is a rather labor-intensive process, and it tends to accumulate in the soil, which pollutes the environment. And when dirt and manure get into a bath with a solution, the antiseptic properties of copper sulfate are sharply reduced, which leads to frequent changes of the solution in the bath. Considering the cost of the drug and the frequent change of solution, the feasibility of such treatment is questionable.

Recently, scientific laboratories have been carefully studying various options for the prevention of hoof diseases. Not long ago, a new product was developed based on organic acid and ammonium compounds. It was called “four hooves”. It has a pronounced antiseptic effect and remains effective when the bath is dirty by 20%.

Rules for treating hooves in the bath

Video - Trimming hooves, trimming cattle hooves

Cow lameness is a guaranteed loss for agricultural enterprises. Milk yield decreases, additional costs have to be spent on treatment, or even the animal may be completely culled. The most common causes of lameness are hoof injuries, foot rot, laminitis and digital (hoof) dermatitis, which typically affect the animal's hind legs. Meanwhile, in many cases, a sick cow can be cured and its productivity restored.

Claw diseases are one of the most common health problems in cattle. It accounts for up to 20% of economic losses on farms. Another 45% of damage is reproductive dysfunction, 35% is mastitis.

Scientists have identified a direct relationship between problems with limbs and the incidence of mastitis. It is much more difficult for a lame cow to lie down comfortably and ensure normal blood supply to the udder. Due to difficulties with movement, the animal often lies down on the passage, contaminating the udder and thereby increasing the risk of mastitis.

Lameness also negatively affects reproductive function. Due to soreness in the limbs, animals stop showing signs of heat, so identifying a cow in heat is much more difficult. A lame cow comes to the feeding table less often, eats and drinks less, loses weight quickly, and poor nutrition disrupts metabolism. About 30% of heifers entering dairy farms are culled in early lactation due to claw failure and associated poor fertility.

Causes of hoof diseases in dairy cows

Globally, the increase in limb morbidity is associated with the consolidation of dairy farms and increased milk productivity. Thus, in large MTFs there is a higher risk of the introduction and spread of pathogenic microflora. A large livestock brings a lot of manure, and its untimely removal creates an alkaline environment in which the horn of the hoofs swells, loses strength and collapses.

Another common cause is untimely hoof trimming. Some cattle producers believe that only some cows need to have their hooves trimmed. Previously, when cows gave 10-12 liters of milk per day and grazed 5-6 months a year, this was enough. But many years of selection work to increase the milk productivity of cows led to the appearance of animals with a very fast metabolism. In such cows, the hoof horn grows much faster and needs regular trimming.

Keeping cattle on hard concrete surfaces all year round leads to uneven hoof wear, which requires artificial correction. Keeping on a soft surface (deep bedding, rubber coverings), on the contrary, reduces the rate of abrasion of the hoof horn. As a result, the hooves take on an irregular shape.

Microtrauma to the hooves of dairy cows is often caused by potholes in the concrete floor, steps and protruding reinforcement. Pathogenic microflora enter the damaged areas of the hooves, which quickly develop and lead to dermatitis, ulcers and other diseases.

In addition, the cause of limb diseases in cows can be rumen acidosis, prolonged standing of animals (cows should rest lying down for at least 10 hours a day) and a lack of vitamins, micro- and macroelements.

Prevention of limb diseases

The health of animals on a farm depends on many factors: the living conditions, the quality of feeding, and the condition of the farm buildings. Without feeding the cow properly and without providing her with comfortable conditions, it is pointless to expect an increase in productivity and good health of the animal. However, in the case of diseases of the limbs, it is important to follow certain preventive measures.

First of all, this is timely trimming of hooves, which should be carried out at least once a quarter. Cows with properly trimmed hoof horns are significantly less susceptible to lameness. In the case of an acute problem with the limbs of cattle, the affected areas of the hooves are treated in the machine at least twice during the course of treatment (5-10 days).

Regular hoof baths are a good therapeutic and preventive remedy. And when used together with high-quality and regular hoof trimming, lameness problems can be reduced to a minimum. The best special products for hoof baths today are considered to be quaternary ammonium compounds and preparations based on glutaraldehyde. These are strong disinfectants that are easy to dilute and effective at low temperatures.

  • Create conditions for proper rest for animals: on a dry straw bedding, in a dry stall. The air temperature in winter should not fall below 5 °C;
  • Manure removal - 2-3 times a day;
  • Regular exercise. Cow walks should be conducted in any weather except rain and snow. Walking yards should be regularly cleared of manure, and potholes in the floor should be promptly repaired;
  • Once a quarter it is necessary to disinfect rest areas and all passages;
  • Include sulfur-containing vitamins in the diet to strengthen the hoof horn;
  • The strength of the hooves is an inherited trait. Therefore, when selecting animals for broodstock, you should choose animals with hard and less moisture-intensive horns.

Hoof trimming equipment: advantages and capabilities

Today on the Belarusian market you can find various machines for trimming hooves. There are electrical and mechanical models. Both are welded from high-quality steel profiles and can be used by both farms and professional hoof trimmers.

Properly selected equipment not only allows you to securely restrain the animal, but also ensures the safety of hoof trimmers. The animal's hind leg is securely fixed with a special hook and chain. A head restraint with sliding flaps helps avoid suffocation or other injuries in timid animals. The machine is very convenient to use: removable wheels and a lever for lifting the frame make it easy to move the equipment and secure it to the floor. To ensure that all the necessary hoof trimming equipment and veterinary medications are at hand, a removable tool tray is attached to the machine.

The advantage of electric machines is their versatility. In addition to hoof trimming, they can be used for gynecological examinations, blood sampling, ultrasound diagnostics, fortification and vaccination of the animal. Electric drives allow you to lift the chest and hind legs of the cow, and the front flaps securely fix the head. The support for fixing the front legs is adjustable in length, lift height and rotation angle.

Hoof trimming quickly and efficiently? Contact the professionals

Experts in the field of cattle orthopedics recommend creating orthopedic teams of two to three people, including one qualified doctor, at large dairy complexes. It is also necessary to organize a special place where the hoof trimming machine will be installed and the tools will be stored. However, what to do if there is no way to properly trim the hooves on the farm? How to do everything quickly, with a minimum amount of discomfort for the cows?

The best option is to contact specialized hoof trimming companies. Veterinarians who specialize in problems with limbs in cattle carry out professional functional trimming of the livestock, firstly, more efficiently, and secondly, quickly. In addition, field specialists also provide cow hoof trimming services: they can be ordered to almost any farm in Belarus and Russia.

Tatiana Troyanovskaya
