Nail production as a business: list of equipment, description of manufacturing technology, nuances of the business. Nail production: a profitable business for beginners Description of the nail structure

To get a decent profit, it is not at all necessary to organize a technically complex production with large capacities and high-tech equipment. There are also areas of activity that do not require large capital investments from the entrepreneur, but with products that are in great demand on the market. Without a doubt, we will include this as a nail manufacturing workshop. If you buy a machine for producing good quality nails, you can start a business literally at home. Fastening materials do not require advertising, the sales market is huge, the technology is extremely simple, the devices are relatively inexpensive - all this makes this line of business very promising.

Our business assessment:

Starting investment – ​​400,000 rubles.

Market saturation is average.

The difficulty of starting a business is 5/10.

What nuances does a businessman need to think through before opening a mini production of nails in Russia? Despite the fact that a small workshop is planned, there is a lot of work ahead.

Registration of a future enterprise

It is unlikely that any wholesale client will cooperate with a company that is not officially registered. Therefore, first of all, we set off to officially register our workshop. The IP form may well be suitable for a mini-factory.

Due to lack of time, the collection of documents and permits can be entrusted to a qualified lawyer.

GOST does not impose any special requirements for organizing a workshop for the production of fasteners, and therefore it should not take a lot of time and money to collect the necessary documents.

Nail manufacturing technology

The production of nails as a business is especially good because the technological process of production is extremely simple. In addition, all stages are performed on special equipment. And this saves a lot of money for the entrepreneur, since there is no need to hire highly qualified personnel. If you wish, you can train workers to operate the machine yourself.

The technology for making nails is as follows:

  • The wire unwinds from the reel and enters the machine.
  • The wire is cut in accordance with the specified parameters.
  • At the other end, through a blow, a cap is formed.

The technology may differ slightly depending on what product is planned to be produced. For example, the production of galvanized nails implies the presence of one more stage - galvanization. But it can also be omitted, since it is possible to immediately purchase ready-to-use raw materials - galvanized wire. And this is sometimes more economically profitable, because it does not require additional equipment in the workshop.

Purchase of quality raw materials

Having understood all the nuances of the technology, you can begin to search for suppliers of raw materials. And this is a very important stage in organizing a business, since the quality of the finished product will depend on the quality of the raw materials. And the main component here is steel wire. Wire for the production of nails is usually supplied to workshops in the form of large coils of 500 kg each. There are also larger spools weighing up to 1.8 tons. And the exact form in which to purchase the wire will depend on the equipment purchased, since not every machine can “handle” the large weight of the skein.

The cost of the wire will depend on its type and the pricing policy of the specific supplier. On average, the price range ranges from 25,000 rubles. up to 35,000 rub. per ton.

In order for a nail production plant to produce only high-quality products, it is important to organize careful incoming control of raw materials at the enterprise. Here the compliance of the actual parameters (skein weight, color, brand) of the wire with those specified in the accompanying documentation is monitored. And good raw materials will not only be the key to producing a high-quality product, but will also save equipment from premature wear.

In addition to wire, the workshop needs to arrange supplies of wooden containers - boxes. Finished products will be poured here during the manufacturing process. And right in these boxes, finished products can be supplied to wholesale customers.

Workshop technical equipment

There should not be any problems with the technical equipment of the workshop, since there are a lot of offers for equipment on the market today - from the cheapest manual machines to entire production lines. And how much a mini machine for making nails with your own hands costs will depend on the power of the device, brand, configuration and degree of automation.

An entrepreneur can choose machines of both foreign and domestic production. And it is impossible to say unequivocally which option is better here, since in terms of the technical component they are very similar. The main difference is the price. But is it worth overpaying for foreign devices if they work with the same raw materials and the same technology?

Automatic machine for the production of nails

Since almost every nail production line is equipped in the same way, when choosing suitable machines it is better to pay attention to their individual characteristics:

  • The speed of obtaining the finished product is of great importance.
  • It’s good if the machine can work with wire of different diameters - 1.2-2 mm.
  • Obtaining nails with different shaft lengths (15-60 mm) will expand the range of products.
  • If it is possible to adjust the diameter of the nail head, it will be possible to obtain products for various purposes.

The issue of the cost of technical equipment in many cases will be decisive in the choice. And this business is also good because the price of equipment for the production of nails varies over a wide range. Completely manual equipment, which can easily fit in an ordinary garage, will cost the entrepreneur no more than 400,000 rubles. But if we talk about more powerful machines, then for such equipment you will have to pay much more - up to 1,000,000 rubles. For example, the AG4116 machine, which is popular today with average productivity, costs ≈700,000 rubles.

And if the available money is not enough for even the cheapest equipment, then you can think about purchasing used equipment for the production of nails. This will save you a lot of money - practically new devices can be bought 2-3 times cheaper.

Modern automatic nail release machines are very easy to operate, and therefore you can start a business even without outside help - with small volumes of production, even one person can handle servicing the equipment.

Taking into account the fact that in the process of manufacturing finished products, huge spools of wire are used, it is advisable to supplement the automatic nail production machine with an electric or manual forklift. This equipment will greatly facilitate the process. A manual lever hoist (with a load capacity of up to 2 tons) can be bought for about 20,000 rubles. – it will be quite enough for a small workshop.

Problems of selling finished products

It’s great if, even at the stage of business planning, an entrepreneur evaluates the competition in the regional sales market. This will help in the future to plan the enterprise development strategy and customer search plan.

As in many other manufacturing areas, in this niche we rely on wholesale buyers. Even a low-power machine will produce large volumes of products that private individuals simply will not buy up.

It is absolutely clear that the price of a machine for producing nails will pay off the faster the sooner contracts for the supply of finished products are concluded. Potential wholesale consumers:

  • furniture factories,
  • construction companies,
  • construction bases and shops.

Surely, large companies are already cooperating with someone, which means that it will not be easy to win them over to your side, only if you reduce the price of the product. And let the entrepreneur lose a little profit here, but this will allow him to immediately ship the manufactured products. With the development of the workshop, prices for products can be raised, covering new markets.

Since our target is wholesalers, there is no point in launching a large-scale advertising campaign. But you can still make yourself known - advertisements in newspapers and the Internet, articles in specialized magazines.

How profitable is the nail making business?

Every business plan for the production of nails, even if we are talking about organizing a home business, must contain a section proving the profitability of the planned workshop.

But before we talk about profits, it is necessary to calculate capital costs. And here everything depends on specific conditions - the cost of equipment, the availability of production premises, the terms of the contract for the supply of raw materials. On average, 1,000,000 rubles will be enough to organize a full-fledged workshop.

This will include the following expense items:

  • Purchase of medium power machines (≈350pcs/min) and their commissioning.
  • Rent a small room.
  • Providing a raw material base.
  • Official registration of the workshop.

But if you purchase used equipment and install it in your own garage, then the entrance ticket to this niche will cost no more than 400,000 rubles.

Practice shows that the production and sale of nails with established distribution channels can bring a consistently high income to an entrepreneur. But it is impossible to indicate an exact figure for income, since everything here is strictly individual. And to understand how profitable this area is for an entrepreneur, you can take the following profitability indicators as a basis: the cost of a ton of products is ≈30,000-38,000 rubles, the selling price of nails ranges from 40,000-45,000 rubles/t.

First way. Simplest. We take brass wire of the required diameter, a sharp scalpel or knife and begin to cut a piece of brass wire, rolling it on something hard. When cut in this way, an annular bead is formed. I use this method for fastening very small parts where I need to imitate small nails. For example, rudder hinges on a boat. A hole exactly the same size as the wire is drilled in the loop and in the base, a nail is inserted, and the collar prevents the nail from flying through the hole. To prevent the nail from flying out of the base, it must be slightly bent.

Second way. Nails with heads are hidden. To do this you need to make a small adaptation. You need to take a metal plate 2-3 mm thick and drill a hole in it with a diameter for a wire, for example 0.5 mm. Next, using a 1 mm drill, we make a countersink to the depth of the conical part of the drill or a little deeper. The device is ready.

Rice. 1. Countersinking the hole.

Next you need to make nail blanks. To do this, you will need a gas burner or a household gas stove, as well as baking soda as a flux. With their help we will form thickenings for the caps at the end of the wire. Add a few drops of water to a small amount of soda to form a solution of liquid sour cream. Dip the wire into the soda solution. Holding the wire vertically, we bring it to the burner flame, while the brass begins to melt and curls up into something like a drop.

Rice. 2. Forming a droplet on the tip of the brass wire.

Rice. 3. Drop at the end of the brass wire.

We cut the required length from the wire with the drop and repeat this operation the required number of times. Next, insert the workpieces into the fixture and flatten the top of the workpiece with a hammer.

Rice. 4 and 5. Insert the wire into the device.

Rice. 6. Flatten it.

Then we remove the excess metal with a file.

Rice. 7. Treated cap.

The result is a nail like this.

Rice. 8. Nail after processing in the device.

After removing the flash we get a finished nail.

Rice. 9. At the stage of removing the flash, the nail is clamped into a collet clamp

Rice. 10. Finished result

Advice. Before forming a ball at the end of the wire, it must be stretched a little. The diameter of the wire will decrease slightly and the workpieces will be easy to insert into the fixture.

Third way. Nails with semicircular heads. Here, too, you will need to make a device, quite complex.

Rice. 11. Devices for making nails with semicircular heads

First you need to make a guide. It is made from any metal and any length. One condition is that the hole must be calibrated with a reamer. In this example the diameter is 6 mm. Next we make an anvil. It is made from the shank of a slightly larger 6mm drill. and machined to the size of the guide hole. The anvil should fit into the guide hole without play, but not tightly. Next we need to make the punches. They are made from the shanks of needle files. Since the diameter of the file shanks is smaller than the guide hole, we had to make adapters that should also fit into the guide hole without play. All this is done to ensure that the heads are in the center of the nail. In this Figure 12, the head of the round head nail is misaligned due to wear on the jig.

Rice. 12. On the left is a normal nail, on the right is a defective one.

How to make a semicircle in a punch. To do this, you will need a bearing ball, a selected diameter, a guide and a punch adapter. We anneal the shank of the file so that the metal becomes soft. On a lathe, we make a shallow countersink in the center of the end of the shank, assemble the punch and adapter and insert them into the guide. We place the ball on a strong metal base and hammer the ball into the punch. The ball may burst, so there should be several of them. Next, on a lathe, we make a cutting edge at the punch, an angle of at least 120 degrees. At a lower angle, the punch will chip.

Rice. 13 and 14. Punches

When the recess and corner are made, the working side of the punch must be hardened. The hardness of the punch must be such that when it hits the anvil, the edge of the punch does not wrinkle or chip. We heat the working part of the punch to cherry color and, holding it vertically, lower it into the water. Only the working part needs to be heated, the rest should be soft. If necessary, we also heat up the anvil. I managed to make a working punch about the third time. The first one hardened everything, and at the first blow it split. The second one made the angle of the cut too sharp and it also split. It only worked the third time. In Fig. 15, the left punch is a little overheated, the cutting edge is chipped, but nothing, it works.

Rice. 15. Comparison of cutting edges of poissons.

Using balls of different diameters, we get caps of different sizes. We make blanks for nails and process them using the technology described above.

Rice. 16 and 17. Insert the wire with a ball at the end into the anvil until it stops.

Rice. 18. Place the anvil with the wire in the guide.

Rice. 19. And from the other end of the guide a poisson enters.

Rice. 20. By hitting the poisson with a hammer, the head of the nail is formed.

Rice. 21. Formed cap.

Nail- this is a fastener, which is a hardware in the form of a rod with a head and a sharp end. The shape of the rod can be cylindrical, parallelepiped, cone-shaped or pyramidal. A nail is used to fasten (usually wood) parts made of different materials together.

Equipment for the production of nails

The following equipment is used:

  • Nail machine. Pay attention to the length and width of the product it can produce. Universal machines will be more expensive than mini-devices designed to produce nails with a small diameter. The cost starts from 500 thousand rubles;
  • Grinder. It will give the product a marketable appearance. The price of such a device is at least 200 thousand rubles;
  • Packing machine. Packing nails by hand is difficult and time-consuming. But, you can purchase a packaging machine that will be used to pack goods in an automated manner. Its price is approximately 400 thousand rubles;
  • Tap. His task is to lift coils of wire and install them into the machine. Price – 150 thousand rubles.

The above prices are for new equipment. You can save money and purchase used machines. But you should do this carefully, making sure that the products are in good working order and have not completely exhausted their service life. The equipment must be repairable, and spare parts for it must be available for free sale.

Production technology

GOST standards

The main GOST standards used in the production of nails:

  1. GOST 4029-63 Round tar paper nails. Design and dimensions;
  2. GOST 4030-63 Roofing nails. Design and dimensions;
  3. GOST 4032-63 Round finishing nails. Design and dimensions;
  4. GOST 4033-63 Round wallpaper nails. Design and dimensions;
  5. GOST 4034-63 Round container nails. Design and dimensions;
  6. GOST 4035-63 Round molding nails. Design and dimensions;
  7. GOST 6750-75: Copper nails for shipbuilding. Specifications.

Raw materials

The advantage of the business is that production requires only one consumable - wire.

According to GOST 283-75, nails are made from wire:

  • round section - from low-carbon steel wire, thermally untreated, uncoated in accordance with GOST 3282 or from wire in accordance with normative and technical documentation (NTD);
  • shaped section - from low-carbon steel, thermally untreated wire without coating according to NTD.

It is sold in reels weighing from 150 to 2,000 kg. The wire must be strong. For example, a ton of steel wire costs about 32-36 thousand rubles. When sales are established, it will be possible to purchase raw materials in large volumes, which will lead to a reduction in their prices.

In the past, nails were made from bronze or wrought iron, but modern production typically uses steel, often coated to prevent corrosion in harsh environments or simply to improve adhesion. Conventional wood nails are typically made from mild, low-carbon steel (about 0.1% carbon, the rest iron and possibly traces of silicon or manganese). To produce nails for concrete, high-carbon steel containing 0.5-0.75% carbon is used.


We list the main types:

  • An ordinary construction nail;
  • Screw;
  • Duckert;
  • Comb (ruffed, grooved);
  • Slate;
  • Roofing (tar paper);
  • Finishing;
  • Nail for concrete and metal.


Most countries, with the exception of the United States, use the metric system to describe sizes. If, for example, the package indicates a size of 2.0×50, then the smaller number – 2 mm – is the diameter, and the larger number – 50 mm – means the length.

Table - Standard Dimensions and Theoretical Weight

Size, mm Weight 1000 pcs, kg
0.8x8 0,032
0.8x12 0,051
1.0x16 0,100
1.2x16 0,147
1.2x20 0,183
1.2x25 0,219
1.4x25 0,302
1.4x32 0,385
1.4x40 0,482
1.6x25 0,397
1.6x40 0,633
1.6x50 0,791
1.8x32 0,640
1.8x40 0,787
1.8x50 0,967
1.8x60 1,160
2.0x40 0,949
2.0x50 1,190
2.5x50 1,870
2.5x60 2,230
3.0x70 3,770
3.0x80 4,330
3.5x90 6,600
4.0x100 9,500
4.0x120 11,500
5.0x120 17,800
5.0x150 21,900
6.0x150 32,400
6.0x200 43,100
8.0x250 96,200

Note. The mass of 1000 club nails is 15%, and club nails with jumpers is 12% less than the mass of 1000 round nails of the same size.

How to do it + video of a simple machine in operation

By the end of the 19th century, forged nails were the subject of an extensive cottage industry. Production, as a rule, consisted of the following: a blacksmith took an iron rod, heated it in a forge, and with hammer blows pulled it back on the anvil, sharpening it at the end and leaving a thickening in place of the future head. Then the rod at the head was cut off and inserted into a block with a hole (nail), after which the head (cap) was flattened with a hammer. Master nailers achieved significant speed in manufacturing, managing to forge two nails while the rod was cooling, and a certain James Leiston in Birmingham forged 17 thousand pieces in two weeks.

In other cases, the nails were cut from an iron strip (crutches). The technology involved cutting such a strip first into transverse strips with a width equal to the expected length of the crutch, and then lengthwise into separate pieces (diagonally so that one end was pointed) to obtain longitudinal fibers in the crutches themselves. Then the blunt side was bent in the nail maker to form a head. Crutches, with their narrow heads, are used in carpentry.

The same operations subsequently began to be performed by machines. Nails were forged from hot iron and from cold iron. Cast ones were made of cast iron and fired.

Currently, modern technologies and equipment are used for production in the form of a special rotary press, popularly called a nailing machine.

Video. How nails are made on the simplest machine:

A new nailing machine (machine) AG4116 is sold at a price of around 1,200,000 rubles. It is intended for the production of ordinary construction nails in accordance with GOST 4028-63 and container nails with a flat head (GOST 4034-63) from low-carbon steel wire (GOST 3282-74).

The AG 4116 nailing machine can also be used for the manufacture of products from non-ferrous metals and alloys with a tensile strength from 50 kg/mm ​​to 100 kg/mm.

The machine is equipped with an unwinding device for installing coils of wire up to 1500 mm.

The process of making nails for a nailer and a nailer is significantly different, which we will discuss in a separate article dedicated to them.

Sales of products

Every construction site, production facility and every residential building requires the presence of nails in varying quantities. They are used for a wide variety of activities - from assembling furniture to assembling frames for pouring foundations. At first glance, the need for nails is simply enormous, and the owner of the enterprise will definitely not be left without orders. But, you need to understand that many wholesale buyers prefer to cooperate with large suppliers, and also take into account competitors. The domestic market offers nails not only from local manufacturers, but also from foreign companies. To get a competitive enterprise, you will need to thoroughly promote it with the help of advertising, produce high-quality products and sell them at low prices. Only compliance with the three specified factors guarantees the success of future entrepreneurial activity.

Of course, there is no point in standing on the market and selling nails produced at your own enterprise. Such an implementation is unlikely to recoup investments in production even after many years. Sales must be large-scale. Nails should be supplied to large construction hypermarkets and small stores. It would also be useful to sell it through online stores. You can negotiate the supply of your own products to retail outlets yourself or hire a sales manager. He will be fully engaged in this activity. With a successful combination of circumstances, in a month it will be possible to establish serious sales.

Finding premises for organizing activities

To organize activities, you will need a premises with a total area of ​​at least 150-200 sq.m. On its territory there will be equipment for production, a warehouse, offices for an accountant, a technologist, a manager, a canteen and a locker room. It will be difficult to buy it, since an object with such a square footage will cost about 10-15 million rubles. It’s easier to rent production space. An object somewhere on the outskirts of a populated area would be suitable. It is desirable to have an asphalted area and equipped entrances. This will facilitate the delivery of raw materials and loading of finished products to consumers. The cost of renting a premises of 200 sq.m. it will cost about 100,000 thousand rubles per month. In small towns this figure is several times lower.

Here you need to add one-time work on organizing a workspace for personal needs - 200 thousand rubles.

Purchase of furniture and equipment for organizing administrative and economic activities

A couple of computers, computer desks, printers, shelving, cabinets and other furniture, as well as equipment are necessary for the full-fledged conduct of administrative and economic activities. In total, the purchase of the listed items will cost about 200 thousand rubles.

Recruitment of employees

The following specialists must work in production:

  • equipment installation engineer;
  • two workers;
  • storekeeper-loader;
  • accountant;
  • master of cleanliness;
  • sales manager.

Their monthly salary fund is about 250 thousand rubles per month. About 600 thousand rubles will be provided for the payment of wages to employees in the amount of the initial investment.

Formal side of the matter

The production must be formalized legally. This is the only way it can work within the framework of the country’s legislation. Choose a form of activity for the enterprise and a simplified taxation system of 6%. OKVED code for the enterprise: 25.93. It is extremely difficult to formalize legal proceedings on your own. There are a number of subtleties and nuances, ignorance of which can lead to delays in opening an organization. It is recommended to contact lawyers who will take on the formal side of the matter. The one-time remuneration for such employees will be about 30-50 thousand rubles.

Total investment amount

To open a nail production enterprise, you need from 500,000 rubles, if you use simple automatic machines.

Payback period

We can only say about them approximately - from 6 months. Much depends on the number of competitors in the market, the volume of construction activity, the total population, and the talent of the entrepreneur. You can increase your income by selling nails in other areas.

How did ancient people make nails? The first nails were invented back in primitive times; they were made from hard wood, fastening together the wooden parts of a home or other buildings. Nails were also made from other natural materials, using fish bones or sharp plant thorns. In the Borovichi district there is a nail museum, where you can see nails from different times, ranging from wooden ones, of different sizes and brands.

By the way, wooden nails have never lost their relevance. At the beginning of the 20th century, village shoemakers skillfully hammered miniature birch nails into the soles of their boots. The birch stilettos swelled from the water and held the soles tightly.

The answer to the question of when and from what metal nails were made in the old days suggests itself. The first metal nails began to be made in the Bronze Age, casting or forging them from copper and bronze, and subsequently, in the Iron Age, from a more durable material - iron.

Depending on their purpose, the nails had their own names. For example, “baroque nails” were used for the construction of river vessels, and “ship nails” for sea shipbuilding.

In the 19th century in Europe, the production of nails in factories was carried out manually in a handicraft way (small-scale production using manual labor): blacksmiths brought a metal rod to a heat in a forge, stretched it on an anvil and sharpened it at the end. After this, the workpiece at the head was cut off and flattened in a block with a hole with a hammer to give the shape of the head.

Nails only became a common commodity in the first decades of the 19th century with the invention of forged and wire nailing machines. Wikipedia states that the patent for the nailing machine was received in 1790. However, in the dictionary of Brockhaus and Efron we will see a different date: “The patent for the first machine for making nails was received in England in 1606 by Sir Davis Bulmer,” and it is noted that this invention had no effect on practice.

What and how are nails made nowadays?

Today they are made mainly of steel. For special purposes, nails are made from copper, brass, bronze, zinc and other materials. There are examples of the use of more unusual materials. Germany produces steel nails with a thin polymer coating. Their use is justified in the furniture business; thanks to the protective coating, rust does not damage expensive wooden products. Fiberglass safety nails are as strong as iron fasteners. They are also used for fastening furniture parts, in shipbuilding, etc. Plastic nails are produced in Japan. They are very durable and can be easily driven even into oak boards.

In modern nail production, rotary presses are mainly used. Products – products with a length from 6 to 400 millimeters and a thickness from 0.8 to 8.8 millimeters. To make nails, wire with a round cross-section is used as semi-finished products.

The working mechanism of a nail machine consists of a simple algorithm: the device cuts a nail to the required length, forms a head and forms a pointed end.

The video shows the process of making nails on a machine.

The smart nails puzzle is a classic one, consisting of two identical nails.

The gap where the nails intersect is wider than the thickness of the nails themselves, so the nails can be connected to each other as well as separated without the use of force.

The apparent simplicity of this puzzle is what makes it great, and the solution to the puzzle is not as obvious as it seems at first glance.

This tutorial will show you how to shape the nails into the correct shape and, of course, how to solve the puzzle itself.

Step 1: Bending Machine

The secret to creating this puzzle is understanding how to make 2 nails in the correct shape.

The simplest way is to create a bending device, which consists of two 7.5 centimeter metal rods and a wooden block. The rods can be made from two bolts by tightening them in a vice and cutting off the heads and threaded parts. The sharp edges remaining after the cut must be carefully sanded.

Using a 0.8cm bit, I drilled two holes in the piece of wood about 2.5cm apart. One hole was about 2.5cm deeper than the other - this is important.

Step 2: Clamp the bending machine in a vice

Metal rods need to be driven into the holes, and a wooden block must be tightened in a vice.

You can create a device like this using a variety of materials and tools - the idea is that you need two strong poles mounted close to each other on a fixed base.

Step 3: Nails

I tried different nails, but the ones I liked the most were the 16D 3 1/2″ standard nails. Try making puzzles using several types of nails, or you can also make them with wire, to find the perfect one.

If the nails are coated with anti-corrosion grease, it is better to wipe them off, otherwise, by the time you finish the job, all this grease will end up on your hands.

Step 4: Bend the nails

Holding the nail firmly in the pliers, place it between the rods as shown in the picture and bend the nail around the longer rod.

It may take a few tries to get good results, but after a couple of bent nails you'll get the hang of it.

Step 5: Almost done

The nails should look like this.

Step 6: Clearance

The key is to get the correct gap where the nail crosses itself.

The gap should be slightly wider than the thickness of the nail itself.

If necessary, carefully tap the bent nail with a hammer until an identical nail cannot fit through the gap.

Step 7: Do more and more...

Obviously, you need two nails for one puzzle. But I recommend making a lot of puzzles simply because it will be a great gift for those people you come into contact with.

Step 8: How to Solve the Puzzle

First you need to put the nails together. The process is the reverse of how to separate them. The solution is in the second and third pictures - the movement requires a lot of rotation. The two nails should wrap around the midpoint where they touch.

Just play with them and apply a little force at different angles and you'll get the hang of it.

But, everything is not as simple as it seems, and for the joy of solving, I highly recommend following the photos just to collect the nails. And try to disconnect without peeking.

Bent Nails is a classic DIY puzzle that should delight you and anyone you give it to.
