Home robot assistant: what you can do with your own hands. Household robots for the home Worx Landroid Robotic Lawn Mower

Automation tools are increasingly becoming part of our lives. Washing machine, microwave, multicooker - and this list can be continued for quite a long time. But such automatic assistants can not only be bought in a store, but also made with your own hands. Three of them will be discussed in this article.

What is a robot

This is the name given to automatic devices that operate by trying to copy the principle of movement of living organisms. They can carry out various operations that have been thoughtfully implemented using hardware and software. Obtaining information about the outside world is carried out using sensors that act as sense organs, which are inherent in living organisms. In this case, there may be a connection with the operator and the ability to process his commands. Their appearance is not tied to a single standard. Thus, robots are used in production, which, for economic and technical reasons, are far from humans. This term can also be used in relation to software, for example, with the prefix “search” or as a game object - “bot”.

Home robots

Robotics is a field that has seen a significant surge of interest in recent years. This can largely be explained by heredity (amateur radio was very popular in the Soviet Union). When creating robotic structures at home, significant investments are usually not required, which allows quite a large number of people to develop such a hobby. In addition, a home robot can perform a number of useful functions, so they are often assembled to make life easier. I suggest you familiarize yourself with several representatives that can be assembled relatively easily.

What you need to practice home robotics

In the technical part, you should have a workplace, a soldering iron, solder, rosin and elements that will be used in the circuits. From a theoretical point of view, it is necessary to know what is connected and how to get the desired result. There may be certain problems with the latter, but then the Internet is at your service, where you can ask for advice and receive it in order to bring the moment when the home robot will be able to perform the tasks assigned to it. This topic is quite popular, so finding the answer to your question or asking it on a specialized website will not be difficult. Now let's look at examples of home robot assistants.

Automatic backlight

Flashlights serve as sunshine to us in the dark. This design will be useful for those who often have their hands full, as well as for people with disabilities who are not always comfortable using conventional lighting. How will she act? The robot can use an infrared signal beacon as a guide, which can be attached anywhere (shirt, shoes, object). To make it, you can use LEDs that generate a signal of the required range. The robot itself can be placed on a wheeled platform (placed on a hill) and driven by two motors (or one that can rotate in two directions). The backlight will be activated by infrared phototransistors. To bring it into working condition, you can use two switches. To prevent this home assistant robot from falling and being damaged, it can be placed in a PVC tube with additional support in the form of rubber bands. If desired, this design can be easily improved.

Cleaning robot

I propose now to consider a device whose purpose is to clean the room, slowly but surely. This model is a vibration robot and is developed on the basis of a regular brush. The components can be a vibration motor, a standard battery and a switch. Assembly is easy. It is necessary to connect the battery to the engine, and a switch to it. Next, the entire structure is attached to the brush and turned on. This home robot vibrates while cleaning the surface. The design has significant prospects for improvement.

Window cleaning robot

Perhaps the most complex design. Here, in addition to the obvious need for a motor, it is also necessary to ensure that the device can move vertically. To control the entire process it will be necessary to resort to the help of microcontrollers. To simplify the design, you can use not a battery, but connect the robot to the power supply. As a cleaning device, you can use a small motor that will constantly move the cleaning element in a circle or in two directions. To attach the structure, you can use small suction cups, which will be good enough to hold the robot, but will not stop its movement (like a gecko).


And that's not all the possibilities! Robots for home use can have a wide variety of uses. And don’t let the samples described in the article limit your imagination. After all, a person can create any gadgets. Home robot assistants can help with a bunch of other things: for example, you can modify an iron so that it can move independently. Or create a hand that will be attached to the ironing board and move it. As you can see, there are a lot of options. And what your home robot will be like is up to you to decide.

Twenty years ago, we could easily do without mobile communications, and not everyone had landline telephones. And now we live in an age of new technologies, which are improved every day and offer us something new, practically straight out of the pages of science fiction novels. And the new generation can no longer imagine studying, working and leisure without smartphones, tablets, laptops and other gadgets. And for the advanced and fashionable, a home robot assistant was invented.

What it is?

A home robot assistant is a device whose purpose is to help a person in everyday life. Unlike conventional household appliances, it is endowed with artificial intelligence, although it is not yet completely perfect, but work in this direction does not stop.

There are different units with specific functionality: glass cleaners, lawn mowers, pool cleaners. But robotic vacuum cleaners have become the most popular recently. Read about them below.


This is a unit with artificial intelligence, the purpose of which is to automatically clean rooms. A modern device often has the shape of a disk with a diameter of about 30 and a height of 10 cm. The front of the robot is equipped with a large contact sensor (bumper), which helps it avoid collisions with obstacles. This assistant runs on internal batteries and is recharged from a base (special module), which it finds and connects after cleaning. It charges from two to five hours depending on the type of battery used.

During the cleaning process, the home robot moves autonomously along the surface, collecting garbage along the way. Using special algorithms, he decides how to overcome the obstacle he encounters. Thanks to its low height, this smart vacuum cleaner can easily fit under beds or other furniture. If he still gets stuck and cannot move, he will notify the owner about this with sound signals.

Organization of the cleaning process

A home robot vacuum cleaner, depending on its functionality, is included in one of the following groups:

  • Cleaning only by suction power (the most economical and small models). Debris is drawn into the dust collector through a narrow slot. It is located on the bottom of the device. Due to the weak suction power compared to conventional vacuum cleaners, such an assistant can only cope with collecting light debris, dust and hair from a smooth surface.
  • Powered by suction power and a turbo brush. At the bottom of such vacuum cleaners there is a rapidly rotating brush that sweeps debris into the dust collector. At the same time, air is drawn in through the slot for the turbo brush, due to which the dust cloud it creates is collected.
  • Similar to previous models, but with a double turbo brush. At the bottom of such machines there are two densely spaced brushes that rotate in the opposite direction. One of them sweeps debris into the dust collector, and the second one lifts the pile of carpets. The block with brushes moves vertically under its own weight, providing more effective cleaning of carpets.
  • Wet polisher - equipped with a microfiber cloth that is constantly moistened from a vessel with water (through a capillary system). The use of such a module should be preceded by dry cleaning to avoid dirt stains. It is usually produced not as a stand-alone device, but in the form of a replacement unit for units that suck up dry waste.
  • A dry floor polisher, sometimes also called a robot mop due to the lack of a suction system. Using the same microfiber cloth, wipe the floor. Depending on the model, the vacuum cleaner can move debris both in front of itself and spreading it from the center of the room to the corners (with the exception of the part that settles on the cloth).
  • Washing robot - characterized by the function of moistening the surface from a container of water and further collecting the resulting dirt into a special tank. This category is represented on the market by only a few models due to the rather labor-intensive maintenance of such an “assistant”.

How to make a home robot?

Devices with good functionality are usually not cheap. But what to do if you do not have the required amount, and the desire to comply with fashionable technological trends is great? The answer is simple - do it yourself. No matter how surprising it may sound, a robot created with your own hands is possible if you have the necessary information.


To complete the technical part, you should arm yourself with a soldering iron, solder, rosin and elements that will be used in the circuits. From theory, it would be nice to know what needs to be combined with what to get the desired result. What kind of robot can you get at home, you ask? Let's consider a couple of options.

Robot vacuum cleaner (home version)

Capable of gradually but thoroughly cleaning a room, this vibration robot is designed around a simple brush. The components will be a vibration motor, a standard battery and a switch. Assembly is carried out as follows: connect the motor to the battery, and connect the switch to it.

We attach the resulting structure to the brush and turn it on - the home robot vibrates and thus cleans the surface.

Robot glass cleaner

Here the mechanism is more complicated. It is necessary to force the machine to move vertically. Microcontrollers will help manage the entire process. To make the device less bulky, you can connect it to the power supply and not use the battery. The cleaning mechanism will be a small motor that constantly moves the cleaning element in a circle or in opposite directions. It is convenient to attach the structure using small suction cups.


Life in the world of new technologies surprises us with its developments every day. And the types of assistant robots considered are not all that the market offers to the modern buyer. Recent developments present us with robots, practically family members, who can make video calls, control smart home components, entertain a child, and so on.

But don’t underestimate your ability to create home helpers. After all, a robot created with your own hands is an exclusive model, a source of pride, and generally costs more than any money. Moreover, there are a lot of options in this area. You can turn the iron into a robot that can move along the board itself. Or make it in the form of a hand attached to the ironing board and moving it. It all depends on your imagination and desire.

Having your own automated interactive helper has been a dream for many people for a long time. The robot assistant helps you keep track of news, weather, information of interest, and is also ideal for managing certain tasks. The device is controlled via smartphones with a special application, and in some cases, by voice. The cost of a mobile assistant directly depends on its technical performance, generation and other features.

Existing varieties

Choosing a mobile robot assistant requires a lot of knowledge, because the device will accompany you for years. Initially, you should decide what type of structure you are interested in:

  • Butler. Loyal companions, similar to humans. They have access to the Internet and a huge number of possibilities, including taking photos and videos. This robotic assistant is considered the optimal choice for robotics teachers and people who want to master this field in a short time.
  • Rocking chair. A home assistant that helps you put your baby down and maintain sleep through rhythmic rocking. A convenient solution for a young family.
  • Small movable manipulator. Six-wheeled all-terrain vehicles with a hydraulic manipulator can go anywhere and also lift and transport light objects. They feature the most capacious battery among alternative options.

The robot assistant is designed to solve dozens of tasks, from helping with housework to teaching students. Often our clients find it difficult to make a final decision. In this case, managers advise on emerging issues and offer the optimal solution that meets the requirements.

Robot assistant and its capabilities

Modern assistant robots come in dozens of varieties, although only three have gained particular popularity: humanoids, transporters and nannies. In most cases, manufacturers tend to build in a standard set of functions:

  • photo and video shooting;
  • remembering commands;
  • voice control;
  • full or partial autonomous execution of assigned tasks;
  • face and voice recognition.

The robot assistant is equipped with a fairly powerful engine and a user-friendly interface, which greatly simplifies control and makes it as convenient as possible. Depending on the purpose, this list may be changed or supplemented with special functionality. As a result, the user receives the most useful equipment, which he uses for years with pleasure.

Placing an order

To place an order for a robot assistant, you must select the product you are interested in, add it to your cart and provide your personal contact information. The manager will call you back to clarify the details, after which we will send the device to the specified address. We offer our clients a number of advantages:

  • high speed of order processing;
  • competent consultation;
  • loyal pricing policy;
  • the catalog is periodically updated with updated models;
  • We cooperate only with trusted manufacturers.

Order a robot assistant in our store, and in the near future you will appreciate the benefits of a personal companion. The catalog contains high quality models from the best manufacturers.



Project in nomination No. 10 “First steps”

Project topic:

"Robot -


Slobodyanyuk Sergey Vyacheslavovich

Class 4-B

Scientific director of the project:

Moreva Oksana Nikolaevna

Place of work: MOSH No. 1

Position: teacher

primary classes

2015 - 2016 academic year


1. Introduction............................................... ........................................................ ...................................3

2. Main part…..………………………………………………………………………………4-15

2.1. The study and its results......................................................... ........................................4-5

2.2.About Robots...................................................... ........................................................ ...................6-10

2.2.1. History of the creation of robots…………...………………………………………………………………6-7

2.2.2. Types of robots................................................................... ........................................................ ..........8-9

2.2.3. Robots in literature, cinema and cartoons.................................................... ..................10

2.3. Relevance of the development of robotics............................................................ ..................eleven

2.4. How a robot is created............................................................ ........................................................ 12

2.5. Technological sequence of creating a robot.......................................13-15

3. Conclusion….................................................. ........................................................ .......................16

4. List of references and Internet resources.................................................... ...............................17

5. Application


It's no secret that tidying up is not the most exciting activity. Many boys and girls, and adults too, do not like to clean. There is not always time or desire to clean the house, but modern technologies make it possible to create robot assistants. Robots have long entered our lives and help make it easier.

I consider my project relevant, due to the fact that in the modern world time is worth its weight in gold, and spending it on everyday cleaning worries is simply irrational.

One day, after my parents bought a robot vacuum cleaner, I wondered: How are robot assistants created? And who is working on it? What other robots are there? In technology lessons, we got acquainted with computers and their structure, and in computer science lessons, the guys and I drew robots and created algorithms for its actions, but this information was not enough for me. I asked my classmates if they knew about the structure of robots, but they also found it difficult to answer.

I became very interested in trying myself as an engineer-inventor. I set myselftarget make a robot assistant with your own hands. To achieve this goal I need to solve the followingtasks :

1. Study the literature, collect information on this topic.

2. Summarize and analyze the information received.

3. Draw up a work plan for the project.

4. Present the result of your work.



I conducted a survey among my classmates. For this purpose, I compiled a questionnaire (Appendix 1). 23 people were interviewed, 12 boys and 11 girls.

After analyzing the survey, I found out that:

1) Most of the guys in my class love robots;

Do you love robots?

2) The guys believe that the main use of robots is in science and in the military sphere;

3) Most of the guys in my class don’t know how robots are created;

Do you know how robots are created?

4) Classmates learn about robots mainly through movies and cartoons, but many could not remember the robots they knew.

The guys in my class believe that robots are needed in the modern world, they help us cope with complex tasks, and they also entertain us and bring joy to our lives.



I went online to the free encyclopedia site Wikipedia and read that the word Robot translated from Czech (from robota- forced labor) means automatic device. Acting according to a pre-programmed program and receiving information about the external world of the sensors, the robot independently carries out operations usually performed by humans. In this case, the robot can receive commands from the operator and act autonomously.

I looked for information about robots in various sources: from books, the Internet, educational television programs. This is what I learned about the history of the creation of robots.

The word “robot” came from the pen of the Czech science fiction writer Karel Capek, who wrote the play “R. U.R.” - “Rossum's Universal Robots” (Fig. 1), which told about a factory producing artificial people. After the book was translated into English, the term robot conquered the whole world. RFig.1

Although, as it turned out, the idea of ​​​​creating robots is not at all new, as it might seem. Androids came to us from ancient myths: this is Galatea, a statue of a woman, brought to life by her creator Pygmalion; This is Cadmus who sowed a field with the teeth of a dragon to raise an army of soldiers; This is the clay giant Mistcalf, created by the troll Rungner to fight the god Thor.

In 1495, Leonardo da Vinci designed a mechanical knight (Fig. 2) P Fig.2

But it was only in the 18th century that the first winding mechanisms appeared that imitated living beings. French mathematician Jacques de Vaucanson(Fig. 3) in 1727 he opened a workshop and began to design various mechanisms. The most

Fig. 3 famous ones are copper ducks that fluttered, beat their wings, and pecked at scattered food (Fig. 4); and the mechanism is a figure the size of a man who played the flute.

Fig.4At the end of the 19th century, the Russian inventor Pafnuty Chebyshev (Fig. 5) presented a project for a “stop-walker” - a humanoid off-road vehicle (Fig. 6).

R is.5

R is.6

And in 1898, the Serbian Nikola Tesla (Fig. 7) tested a radio-controlled ship (Fig. 8), after which the march of robots around the world could no longer be stopped.

R is.8

R is.7

In 1960, the first multifunctional self-propelled platforms were created to collect the same radioactive materials, and in 1970, after the end of the Lunar programs of the USA and the USSR, devices for neutralizing explosive objects appeared, for example, the ultra-light mobile robot MRK-01 MSTU. Bauman (Fig. 9). Fig.9


Currently, modern robots are used in all spheres of human activity. People received faithful assistants, capable of not only performing life-threatening work, but also freeing humanity from monotonous and routine work. I bring to your attention the five most popular and in-demand robots:

Humanoid robots -they are able to imitate human feelings:touch, hearing, speech, vision. They can also demonstrate clothing and provide care services for elderly and disabled people (Fig. 10).

If you have a large lawn and you have absolutely no time to care for it, a robotic lawn mower will help you improve the quality of both your lawn and your lifestyle (Fig. 11).


Washing windows is a necessary job, but not the most pleasant, and in some places even dangerous, if we are talking about high floors. Todaya multifunctional robot has been created for cleaning windows and glass (Fig. 12). The powerful vacuum motor holds it to almost any vertical or horizontal surface. It can also clean tiled walls and floors and mirrors.



Very popular are robots that can fly above the ground and take photos and videos (Fig. 13).


Another indispensable robot assistant is a rocking robot, which repeats the movements of mothers rocking their babies in their arms - without being nearby, you can be sure that your baby will fall asleep peacefully (Fig. 14).


Robotic cleaners are now extremely popular; they are, in fact, automatic vacuum cleaners that can independently tidy up an apartment and return to their place to recharge without human intervention (Fig. 15).



Of course, myths and facts related to robots are also reflected in literature. The word “robot” itself first appeared in the work “Rossum’s Universal Robots” by the Czech writer Karel Capek. The word “robota” in Czech means “hard labor”, “hard work” - this is where “robot” came from. The action of the play "RUR" took place in a factory for the production of robots, although these were not iron machines, but rather androids (Fig. 16) - after all, they were created from human tissue.Fig.16

Chapek first asked readers the question of whether it is humane to use artificial people as consumables and what consequences their creation could have.

Cinema simply could not ignore such an interesting topic as robots and everything connected with them. First of all, robots “made a contribution” to the science fiction genre. It is impossible not to recall the mechanical pair of all times from the Star Wars trilogy, robots with the names “R2-D2” and “C-3PO” (Fig. 17).

Animation also has its own Greatest Robot. Oscar winner and also the best cartoon about the love of robots. Of course, this is my favorite cartoon "WALL-E" (Fig. 18).


It talks about a world when humanity left the earth, leaving the Universal Annihilator (i.e. the cleaner) Landscape Light Intelligent (abbreviated as WALL-E) to clean up after itself. But WALL-E's mechanical heart could not resist the beauty of the robot EVE, who flew to Earth in search of a living plant.



The topic of this work is relevant, since the development of robotics is constant. Since their inception half a century ago, robots have evolved from primitive mechanisms to complex, efficient devices, surpassing humans in many ways in their capabilities. In the coming decades, increasingly advanced robots will become indispensable assistants to people and will be able to take on most of the needs of civilization.

Currently, the development of robotics is included in the list of priority areas of technological development in the field of information technology, which are determined by the Government within the framework of the “Strategy for the development of the information technology industry in the Russian Federation for 2014–2020 and for the period up to 2025.” An important condition for the successful training of engineering and technical personnel is the introduction of engineering and technical education into the education system of schoolchildren.Fig.19

Educational robotics allows you to involve children in the process of technical creativity, starting from primary school age, gives students the opportunity to create innovations with their own hands, and lay the foundations for successfully mastering the engineering profession in the future (Fig. 19, Fig. 20)

As the Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation Dmitry Medvedev said: “Already at school, children should have the opportunity to discover their abilities and prepare for life in a high-tech competitive world.”Fig.20

Russian President Vladimir Putin, announcing a message to the Federal Assembly on December 3, 2016, stated the need to create an Agency for Technological Development, which willsearch for promising developments (Fig. 21).This Agency will open in Russia this summer.



To create a robot assistant I needed the followingmaterials (Fig. 22):

small floor brushes 3 pcs.,

plastic plate or lid,

computer fan 2 pcs.,

old power supply for computer 1 pc.,

battery "Krona" with contacts 2 pcs.,

self-tapping screws 7 pcs.,

bolts 8 pcs.,

insulating caps 6 pcs. or electrical tape.

Andtools and accessories (Fig.22):

screwdriver or screwdriver,


stationery knife,

metal scissors,




Then I made upwork plan:

1) prepare materials and tools,

2) process the parts,

4) assemble the robot,

5) carry out tests,

6) make a comparison.



Tools and accessories

Disassembling the power supply


We remove the “extra wires” and leave the cooling fan with mounting bolts and a switch


We prepare 2 cooling fans and mounting bolts


Using metal scissors, we cut out the installation location of the fan in the power supply and file it so that there are no sharp edges

metal scissors, file

Using a screwdriver and fastening bolts, we fasten 2 fans together, ensuring that the blades rotate in the same direction

screwdriver, bolts,

Using metal scissors, cut off 3 blades from each fan to create an imbalance during rotation.

metal scissors

We make an approximate arrangement of equipment


Using a drill and a drill, we make holes for attaching the elements to the brushes


Using a screwdriver or screwdriver using self-tapping screws, we attach the equipment to the brushes

screwdriver or screwdriver, self-tapping screws

Screw the stand to the brushes


Using a utility knife, we expose the ends of the wires

stationery knife

From the power supply wires we separate 4 wires with special terminals for convenient connection to the switch


We connect the wires together, 2 to the fans and 2 to the battery contacts


To prevent short circuits, we insulate the contacts with insulating tape.

insulating tape

We fasten the fans to the installation site with mounting bolts

bolts, screwdriver

We connect wires with special terminals to the switch and battery


The robot is ready for testing


Using a hot awl, we make holes for the wires in the lid.


Screw on the decorative cover, hiding all the wires on top


Decorate the robot to your taste

colored paper, decorative stickers

The robot is ready


After completing this project, I achieved mygoals : Created your own robot assistant! As a result of the work done, I learned a lot and read a lot of literature.

It took 3 hours of free time to create my assistant robot. As you can see, my robot does not require any special skills or large financial outlays. After making a comparison (Appendix 2) between a robot - a vacuum cleaner bought in a store and a robot I created with my own hands, I realized that my robot has its advantages. After all, inexpensive materials were used to create it, and some, such as fans, can be taken from an old computer. Of course, my robot will not solve all cleaning-related problems, but it will be able to polish a table or floor until it shines.

Having completed this project, I tried myself as an engineer-inventor and got acquainted with modern technologies in practice, gaining additional knowledge useful for my further professional and personal development.

After doing this work, I did conclusion: that creating robots is a very exciting activity that requires a lot of knowledge. I present to your attention my project and invite you to see what I came up with. Thank you for your attention!


1. Soviet encyclopedic dictionary, gEdition code:1984, Publisher:Soviet encyclopedia;

2. Book: War with the Newts, author Karel Capek, Translator Timoshkin Alexander, published 2015, Inostranka Publishing House;

3. Book: Legends and myths of Ancient Greece, author N.A. Kuhn, Mr.edition1985, Ipublishing house:People's Asveta;










Annex 1


Questions and answers


(12 people)


(11 people)

Do you love robots?







Do you know how they are created?







Do you know books, films, cartoons about robots?




Yes (list)

Book about robots



Movie about robots



Cartoon about robots



Where do you think robots are used?

At home



In production



In medicine



In education



In the military sphere



In science



Which robot are you familiar with?

Robot vacuum cleaner



Robot toy



Difficult to answer



Appendix 2




with your own hands





Weight, kg





Size, cm

diameter 30


diameter 20


Problems to be solved

Robot vacuum cleaner


Robot floor polisher


Costs, rub.

price from 5000 to 30000.

we will take 16,000 rubles.


floor brushes-360, battery "Krona"-140, self-tapping screws-7, bolts-40,

electrical tape-13, cover, computer fan, power supply for computer – (used) free of charge.

Total costs: 560 rub.


Makes work easier





Operating time without charging, min.






possible from the remote control




Low body that can fit under low furniture





Noise level during cleaning








In 2015-2016, these robots, as a rule, are highly specialized - each for one type of activity. In the future, we can expect the emergence of multifunctional, universal robots capable of performing various types of activities.

Classification (varieties)

As a rule, we are talking about a mobile or voice interface to a program for controlling one or another “smart home” functionality. However, the functionality of a butler can be broader, including, for example, the duties of a personal robot (robot companion, robot assistant, etc.).

Robots designed primarily for cooking. These can also be 3D printers. One of the concepts is two manipulators controlled by an AI program equipped with technical vision. These “robotic arms” prepare food in a manner familiar to humans.

Pruning robots

Gardi is a robot for curly pruning of bushes, presented in 2015 at Robotics Expo 2015 in Sokolniki.

Trimbot2020: Kinova robotic arm mounted on a platform for Bosh Indigo lawn mowers, known in 2018.

Pool cleaning robots

Robots for bactericidal treatment of premises

There are security robots for various purposes. There are many home robots. There are security robots designed to protect apartments and houses, as well as those that can also protect the territory adjacent to the house. Mobile and fixed. For example: iCamPro Deluxe, RAMSEE. Riley, SensorSphere, Trawl Patrol.

The most prominent representative of the family of robotic pets in the 2000s was the robot dog Aibo. Although the project was promoted by Sony, it failed, and psychologists said that such a fate was quite expected for anyone who understands what people want from their pets. Among other qualities, they named “slight unpredictability of behavior,” “the ability to feel one’s duties and responsibility for a living being,” and “acting as a silent, attentive and understanding interlocutor.” The first generations of robotic pets did not provide their owners with all this, so the sad end of the project was expected. That doesn’t stop followers from trying to succeed in this field.
Examples of products: Aibo, Sony - dog; CHIP K9 is a dog.

Companions, entertainment robots, social / conversational robots, rehabilitation robots for the elderly or other categories of people in need

For example, Pepper, Asus Zenbo, Jibo, Da Zhi, etc.

Ironing robots

One of the types of household robots, the purpose of which is obvious from the name.

As of 2016.02 there are no commercial samples yet

One of the types of “household robots”, these can be used at home or, for example, in dry cleaning or laundry.

Robots for adults

A category of robots addressed, for example, to lonely, shy or sick people. There is little doubt that such robots will become widespread, first of all, in Japan, and then in other countries of the world. There are also critics who believe that this direction is unethical and can harm human society.

Devices for hygiene (toilets), feeding, entertainment of pets.

Robotic furniture is a modular design that allows you to quickly reconfigure the same room in accordance with current tasks in real time. Electric drives, obeying a programmed program or pressing buttons in an application, pull out beds or tables from the depths of the robotic complex, and configure the configuration of cabinets and shelves. And in a robotic house, even the partitions between rooms can move as the owner needs now. Both in manual mode and automatically, for example, in such a house the curtains will open just when the owner gets up, and at the same time, for example, the coffee maker will turn on.

A device for automated movement (transportation) of things while traveling. As a rule, it has the following capabilities: holds several tens of kilograms of luggage (up to 15-30 kg); is capable of independently moving behind the “owner”, focusing on the signal from a pocket radio beacon; when the signal is lost, it turns on loud beeps; Thanks to a digital camera and a set of sensors, it is able to find its way through a crowd of people without colliding with them or falling from unfenced areas or stairs.

Examples of home robot models

Da Zhi, Shandong Polytechnic University, China

Social robot. A chatbot with some additional features. Capable of “carrying on a conversation” offline.

Patin, Flower Robotics, Japan

Robot vacuum cleaner. 2015.05 The price when purchasing at an Aliexpress auction is $266.

Roxxxy, True Companion

Robot for adults.

Tony, Robotronic.ru, Russia

2015.08 It is reported that work on creating a robot suitcase has been resumed after the developers of the Russian company Robotronics received funding from one of the Skolkovo investment funds. For now this is just a concept. The idea of ​​the robot is to automatically follow its owner. The following distance is set via an application on a smartphone, communication with the three-wheeled robot is carried out via BT. If the distance increases, the smartphone and suitcase sound an alarm. The design of the robot-suitcase includes a gyroscope, photo sensors, ultrasonic and IR sensors, which allows it not to bump into obstacles, slide down inclined planes, or fall from a height. The battery charge lasts for 2 hours, the charger is built into the body, which is also equipped with a soft bumper. The user can turn on the "side lights". The maximum transported weight is up to 30 kg. The first prototype is planned to be presented in the spring of 2016. Estimated price - $2000. The idea is not original; Canadian designer Peter Yeadon came up with the Fido Lugguge robotic suitcase back in the mid-2000s, however, it never came to commercial release. Source: robotronic.ru

2015.04.26 Remain in eternity as a robot avatar? Robots that imitate human personality.
