Raspberry history. Interesting Shrub Facts Raspberry Facts

Raspberries differ not only in excellent palatability but also an interesting educational history. It is probably difficult to name a corner of the planet besides the north and deserts where raspberries would not grow. There are many varieties of this plant, but the most popular is red raspberry. Most likely, the name "raspberry" appeared due to the color of the berries. In the ancient Indian language, there is the word "malinaz", which means "black" in translation, "melen" in Breton means yellow, and from Latin "mulleuz" means red. And the most interesting thing is that there really are varieties of raspberries, the berries of which are red, yellow and black.

History of raspberries

In the wild, raspberries have been known for a long time. And about the cultivation was first indicated in the writings in the 3rd century BC. Raspberries were especially valued in the territory Ancient Russia, where poems, epics and legends were composed about her. Some scientists believe that cultivated raspberry species began to be grown in gardens in European countries in the 16th century, and 200 years later in America. A plant was discovered in Greece on Mount Ida, which is why it was called "ideus" in science. At first, raspberries were used as medicinal plant: The Greeks and Romans drank a tincture of flowers to protect themselves from the bites of snakes and scorpions.

Brought raspberry varieties from wild forest. In the 18th century, when there was a rise in horticulture, they began to cultivate raspberries in Russia, although even before that, raspberries transplanted from the forest were grown in Moscow and Novgorod, Suzdal. It is interesting that many people point out forest raspberries, as more fragrant, tasty and less watery. Moreover, wild raspberries are better suited for drying, because. do not lose their shape.

The historical fact is that raspberries are one of the most ancient berry bushes, and Yuri Dolgoruky was the first to grow them in Russia. With the scale of the spread of raspberries, the interest of breeders in culture also appears in parallel. They worked fruitfully and created new large-fruited varieties, which can bear fruit both in summer and in autumn. It is thanks to scientists that affordable varieties of red, yellow and black raspberries have appeared in the world.

To date, the well-known centers where raspberries are cultivated are the village of Gorki, Pirogovo, Zaborye and Nepetsino.

  1. Raspberries contain vitamins of groups A, B and C, essential oils that are considered beneficial to the human body.
  2. In botany, raspberries are called not a berry, but a multidrupe, because it contains a large number of small fruits with seeds that have grown together.
  3. Raspberries are used in medicine not only because of the useful elements in it, but also because of the taste and pleasant smell. The berry acts as a sweetener for medical preparations.
  4. If the bees collect raspberry nectar, you can be sure that the harvest will be good: they increase it by 60-100%.
  5. Tea is prepared from the leaves of the bush: crushed and crushed so that the juice stands out, and then dried.
  6. Most of all, raspberry bushes are grown in Russia, about 200 thousand tons of berries are produced there annually.
  7. In the folk art of Russia, raspberries are called a sweet and free life, which contrasts it with viburnum, which symbolizes grief.
  8. A group of criminals are often called raspberries, not because of the berry, but because in Hebrew "melina" means "shelter".
  9. Raspberries have a beneficial effect on the functioning of the heart, brain and blood formation, and also help maintain youthfulness and skin tone.
  10. Raspberries contain copper, which is why they are recommended for people suffering from depression.
  11. In Moscow, Yuri Dolgoruky was the first to create a raspberry garden. It was huge, because of which bears and other animals walked in it.
  12. The Greek myth tells that one day a nymph wanted to give raspberries to Zeus when he was still small. He cried so loudly that the gods of Olympus could not hear each other. And when the nymph plucked raspberries from the bushes, she tore her hands with thorns until they bled, because of which the berries turned red.
  13. Raspberries are very tasty, but fresh ones are considered the most useful. Although most often raspberries are consumed in a processed form: they prepare jam, jam and other sweets, as well as alcoholic and non-alcoholic drinks.
  14. Raspberries are low in calories. But you can’t use them excessively, especially when dieting, because. it contains a lot of sugar. It consists of 11% of it.
  15. There are not only red, yellow and black raspberries in the world, but also purple ones. It was created by crossing red and black raspberries. For the first time, such possibilities became known to science after the Geneva experiment, which was carried out in 1896. But over time, they found a purple raspberry that appeared naturally, in North America where red and black raspberries grew side by side.
  16. Raspberries are considered one of the most fruitful crops in the world, thanks in part to bee pollination.
  17. Berries are very beneficial for facial skin. Raspberry extracts, namely berries and foliage, are used in cosmetology. But even just by eating berries, the condition of the skin of the face improves.

People who are fond of natural ways of maintaining health are sure that this fairly well-known berry - raspberry, which pleases with a rich harvest every year, may well replace chemical pills. Its healing qualities can be explained by the powerful composition useful substances. To be impartial, it is worth recognizing that not every berry is able to boast of such a fabulous amount of vitamins. But in raspberries there are a huge number of them.

Housewives, having harvested from raspberry bushes, process it by freezing freshly picked berries or making jam. Fresh berries can be cooked delicious compotes and tinctures. Raspberries are also suitable for fillings for pies. Also from ripe berries are obtained interesting decorations for holiday baking.

If the use of raspberries was limited only to the culinary sphere, it would not be so interesting for adherents. healthy lifestyle life. But the facts say amazing chemical composition berries guarantee the prevention of diseases if eaten regularly. For example, it well strengthens the body's defenses, treats anemia. Copes with sciatica or arthritis.

No one disputes the assertion that no one canceled the official medicines. It is important to strictly follow all the prescriptions of doctors, well, but sweet and juicy berry culture- raspberry, for example, helps if it is recommended to strengthen the immune system, saturate the body with vitamins and minerals.

B vitamins

Vitamins of this group are struggling with the precursors of vegetative-vascular dystonia, excessive susceptibility to trouble, fatigue, melancholy, autumn depression. Therefore, adherents proper nutrition so love this berry. There is a lot of copper in the fruits of the bush. Copper contributes to the regulation of the nervous system.


Scientists have determined that there is more in raspberries large quantity pectins. These are also very useful substances for the body. Still, because they improve the secretory and motor activity intestines, stimulate the processes of bile secretion, increase many times the excretion of a fat-like substance, cholesterol, through the intestines, and reduce its content in the body. It's just great to know that with the help of raspberries you can clean vessels and internal cuts well.


Everyone has heard about the benefits of a highly valuable element, vitamin E. You might think, so what, that this vitamin is present in it, and what effect it has on the human body. In fact, vitamin E has on cells and tissues human body only positive impact.

Raspberry in cosmetology

And how wonderfully such a tasty and, moreover, useful berry will help in cosmetology! Absolutely any skin problems can be solved by using anti-aging raspberry masks. Masks can be applied only from raspberries, or you can combine them with other fruits or sour-milk products.

In any case, raspberry-based cosmetic masks will play a positive role in moisturizing the skin, eliminating bags or dark circles under the eyes.

Raspberries are the most delicious fruit. For many of us, it grows in the country or in a village house with grandparents. But the virtues of raspberries are not limited to the pleasant taste alone - it is also extremely useful, and it is not for nothing that people in Russia have used it for centuries. traditional medicine, simple but effective.

Facts about raspberries

  • Raspberries contain vitamins of groups A, B and C, iron, potassium, magnesium, zinc, calcium, as well as three types of alcohols.
  • Raspberries are actively used in medicine - dried fruits are used to remove from the body harmful substances, and fragrant raspberry syrup improves the taste medicines. Adherents of traditional medicine recommend raspberries for patients with flu and colds, suffering from fever and inflammation.
  • Raspberry flowers look down, so the rain does not prevent the bees from collecting nectar from them. From the nectar extracted from a hectare of forest raspberries, 70 kg of honey is obtained, and from a similar amount garden bushes- 50 kg.
  • Dried raspberry leaves can be a complete substitute for tea.
  • Russia holds the world championship in growing this berry. It is followed by Serbia and the United States by a wide margin.
  • Thieves and other dishonest subjects call brothels "raspberry", and in Russian folklore "raspberry" is usually called a cloudlessly beautiful and sweet life.
  • According to legend, in ancient times in Crete, a young princess, who decided to treat baby Zeus with sweet raspberries, scratched her hand. So the once white berries of this plant turned red.
  • Raspberries are mentioned in the chronicles of the ancient Romans, which date back to the third century BC.
  • At the end of the 19th century, Swiss scientists developed a variety of raspberries with purple fruits by crossing shrubs with red and black berries.
  • Beauticians claim that this berry has a beneficial effect on complexion and skin condition. She is even credited with the ability to smooth wrinkles and rejuvenate the body as a whole.
  • The leader in the amount of nutrients is black raspberry, which was bred and grown in the United States. It is also known that red fruits are healthier than yellow ones.
  • Raspberry is mentioned in Russian fairy tales more often than any other berry.
  • Thanks to bees collecting nectar from raspberry bushes, their yield increases by 60-100%.
  • Asia is considered the birthplace of raspberries, although this shrub is so unpretentious that it grows on almost any soil.
  • From one raspberry bush, you can collect up to one and a half kilograms of fruit.
  • Raspberry stalks, on which berries appear in summer, die off with the onset of cold weather, and in spring new ones grow in their place.
  • Yuri Dolgoruky ordered to break the first garden in Russia, planted with raspberry bushes. The garden was so large that wild animals, including bears, roamed its paths.
  • Raspberries grown in the garden are larger than forest raspberries, but inferior to it in terms of healing properties.
  • Raspberry leaves are used to treat respiratory diseases, gastritis and enteritis. Fruits are recommended for people who have problems with the heart and blood vessels, including those who have had a heart attack or stroke, as raspberries help normalize blood pressure.
  • Raspberries are recommended to eat to strengthen the immune system and improve metabolism.
  • Medicines from raspberries help get rid of acne and burns.
  • Raspberries were brought to Europe in the 16th century, and in Russia wide use received a century later.

Raspberry is an extremely popular plant in the ex-USSR countries, and not only. Delicious and healthy berries This shrub with regular (but at the same time moderate) use has a beneficial effect on the body. In addition, they are very palatable - this opinion is shared by most people who have ever enjoyed fresh raspberries.

  1. Raspberries can be colored in any shade of red, from pale pink to deep burgundy. The berries of some varieties are yellow, white, and sometimes even black (for example, blackberries).
  2. Raspberries contain vitamins C, A and B, as well as other substances beneficial to human health, such as essential oils.
  3. From the point of view of botany, the raspberry fruit is not a berry, but a polydrupe, that is, it consists of many tiny fused fruits with seeds.
  4. Raspberries are used in medicine not only because of their useful properties but also for a surprisingly pleasant taste and aroma. Raspberries are often used as a sweetener for potions and other medicines, and in folk medicine it is considered a reliable remedy for colds, nausea and fever.
  5. Raspberries can be eaten raw or prepared from them in a variety of dishes and drinks: marmalade, jam, jam, jellies and juices. Raspberries are also used to make wines, liqueurs and liqueurs that do not require artificial flavors.
  6. Bees, collecting raspberry nectar, increase the yield of bushes by 60-100%. The raspberry flower is turned down, so insects can eat from them even during rain (see).
  7. Raspberry leaves can be a great substitute for tea - they are kneaded in the hands until they release their juice and turn black, and then dried at a high temperature.
  8. Russia is the world leader in the cultivation of raspberries; more than 200 thousand tons of fruits are produced here per year (see).
  9. Scientists began to divide raspberries into various varieties back in the 16th century. At the same time, the cultivation of these plants began.
  10. In Russian folklore, "raspberry" is often called a free, pleasant and "sweet" life without any problems. In this sense, it is the antipode of bitter viburnum, meaning misfortune and misfortune.
  11. Among criminals, "raspberry" is called a thieves' den. True, according to one version, the gathering of intruders did not get this name because of the berry - “raspberry” became a distorted version of the Hebrew melina (translated as “bunker, shelter”).
  12. Raspberries can help maintain the functioning of the heart, kidneys, circulatory system and brain, it allows you to maintain youthfulness and skin tone. The fruits are rich folic acid and iron, which makes them especially useful for the body of women (primarily pregnant women).
  13. Raspberries are considered an excellent antidepressant due to the copper they contain.
  14. According to a well-known legend, the first garden with raspberry bushes laid by the outstanding ruler, founder of Moscow and other Russian cities, Yuri Dolgoruky. The garden was so large that wild animals, including bears, walked in it.
  15. For the first time, people discovered raspberry bushes in Greek Crete. The Romans became the pioneers, and this happened as early as the 3rd century BC (see).
  16. In Greece, they tell a myth according to which the nymph decided to treat little Zeus with raspberries, who cried so loudly that the gods on Olympus did not hear each other. When she was picking berries, she tore her hands on the thorns in blood - that's why the raspberries turned red.

Raspberry leaf tea

We are used to brewing dried raspberries or jam, getting a healing drink. But tea can be made using the leaves of this plant. Why should they be mashed with your hands, achieving the release of juice. When they turn black, they can be sent to the oven or dryer to dry. Just be careful! On the leaves, or rather on the veins, there may be small spines, so it is necessary to knead carefully.

Healing berry

Many, despite the abundance of medicines, at the first sign of a cold, reach for a jar of raspberry jam and do it right. This berry is able to cope not only with a cold, but also with the flu. Dried raspberries are used as an effective diaphoretic. The antipyretic properties of raspberries are provided due to the salicylic acid contained in it.

purple raspberry

For us, a red berry is more familiar. Recently, raspberries began to appear more often among gardeners and on the market. yellow color(By the way, she is considered the less useful "red sister"). Through natural selection, raspberries are found in North America purple, which was the result of crossing black and red berries in places where these two species grow side by side. There is a purple raspberry obtained artificially by breeders in 1893 (Geneva).

Raspberry against depression

The point is the copper contained in raspberries. This element helps the body cope with depression.

In addition, raspberries are also used for other medical and cosmetic purposes:

  • Support in good working condition of the heart and brain.
  • Prevention of kidney disease.
  • Improvement in anemia (due to iron content).
  • Skin tone support.


Botanists have their own view on the name of the fruit, for them it is a multi-drupe (or combined drupe), consisting of a large number microscopic fused fruits with stones. For us, a simple layman, it is and will remain a berry.

Bees work for the benefit of the raspberry harvest

During the collection of nectar, bees provide an increase in the yield of bushes by 60-100%. Since the flower of the plant is turned down, rain is not a hindrance for feeding insects.

Just an interesting fact

The whole universe is covered with the same chemical compound which gives the raspberry its original taste. According to scientists, the universe (assuming it could be licked or bitten off) tastes like raspberries.
