The best varieties of irgi. Types and varieties of shadberry Large-fruited shadberry varieties for Siberia

Irga is a shrub that is known to every gardener. It looks beautiful in any garden and is completely unpretentious in care and planting. It perfectly withstands frosts, it could withstand the North Pole, and besides this, it has a number of useful properties. The varieties of shadberry are very diverse, so the spiky shadberry is an excellent ornamental tree and can decorate any garden. There are several dozen of them.

Irga takes root in various climatic conditions. This may be the northern region or the Urals. This is a very hardy plant. Under natural conditions, it can live for about 50 years. Each year it produces fruits, the total weight of which is from 5 to 10 kg, depending on the variety. When the trunk dies, a new one comes to replace it.

The berries themselves are of different sizes, one variety is large-fruited, the other may differ in the purple color of the berries.


One of the species is irga spiky. She has rather small fruits, compared with her "relatives". Berry weight of 0.5 g is a very good result for this variety.

This shrub does not stand out with bright taste qualities. It seems that the sugar content is quite large, but it is rather difficult to call the spicy irgu a juicy, tasty berry.

It grows preferably on rocky coastal areas; it can be found in rocks, on ledges, in mixed forests. In height, as a rule, it does not grow much, on average it is 50-70 cm.

Irga spiky can be propagated by shoots, cuttings, seeds or by dividing bushes. If you use seed breeding, then before the process itself, they are stratified for three months at a temperature of + 1 + 5C.

In the case of reproduction by cuttings, most of them take root and take root. This variety tolerates drought and frost very well. It is not necessary to cover for the winter.

Due to its small size, the shrub often acts as an ornamental tree. A distinctive feature is the presence of a fluff on young leaves, the back side. The same felt is observed on the tops of the ovaries and pedicels. In autumn, it does not change the color of the leaves, like most varieties. As a rule, the bush is densely strewn with berries that have a dark and rich color.

blood red

Another varietal variety is the blood-red shadberry. Compared to other species, it begins to bloom late, and the fruits ripen later than all. The berries are shaped like blueberries, they are slightly flattened. An interesting fact is that birds do not eat them due to the content of a large number of bones, which, to put it mildly, are not very tasty.

The berry itself is dense and like rubber. A lot of juice is obtained from it, since the pectin content is small and almost no coagulation of the liquid occurs. Juice can be mixed, for example, with apple juice. It turns out a very interesting taste.


Irga round-leaved has olive bark and small size. This is a deciduous shrub. It has an ovoid leaf in its shape. The flowers are dazzling white, which bloom in May, when the branches are still quite bare.

This plant loves a lot of light and if it grows in forests, then in thinned ones. It can be found on the edges, on the southern rocky slopes.

Irga oval perfectly survives severe frost. When it begins to ripen it becomes red, turns blue over time and eventually turns into a black, deep saturated tone, berry. They usually ripen from the end of July.

The taste of irga is round-leaved fresh-sweet. It makes a delicious jam or jam. Can be processed into juices or used for jelly, jelly, compote. Dried berries are used to make additives to wine or liqueurs. It can also be used as food coloring.


Canadian irga is a large tree. Its height can be 12 meters and is distinguished by a red tint of shoots. It has beautiful white inflorescences-brushes, and the berries are purple, dark with a rich color.

Very often it serves as a decoration of the landscape, since by autumn the leaves are poured with a crimson color.

This variety is planted in the spring or before the onset of winter. The most effective method of propagation is cuttings or using rhizome shoots. It is very easy to care for, requires almost no watering, shelter in the winter and tolerates frost well. Easy to trim.

It is considered an excellent honey plant and calmly takes root in a gassed area and in an urban environment.

This variety is distinguished by a rather dense and strong wood, which makes it possible to make interior items from its raw materials.


This shrub is very fond of moisture and, unlike its "brothers", which tolerate drought and are indifferent to watering. Young shoots are round and descend to the ground. The berries are large, 10 to 15 mm in diameter. From the point of view of fruit growing, it is a valuable shrub.

In nature, it is found on the banks of rivers, streams, on wet slopes. But it does not take root in swampy areas. In height it can reach about 9 meters.

It is best to plant the plant in autumn or spring. Propagated by both seeds and cuttings. Although the cuttings take root with difficulty and require a lot of effort and their own characteristics. Needs regular watering, tolerates winter well. It can take root in urban conditions, and shows maximum fruiting after 5 years from planting.

Video “Description”

From the video you will learn a lot of interesting things about irgu.

Beneficial features

Irga is characterized by a number of useful qualities. It is an excellent preventive berry for viral diseases. Perfectly replenishes the reserves of vitamins and minerals in the body. Even with heat treatment, the berries retain their benefits, the fruits are stored for quite a long time.

In the presence of problems with cardiovascular processes, this berry is recommended for use. It contains beta-sitosterone, which helps lower blood cholesterol. But also its benefit lies in the fact that it helps to prevent varicose veins, heart attacks, and reduces the negative effects of electromagnetic radiation. The latter is especially true for all residents of megacities.

Despite the significant benefits that bring the body, there are a number of indicators in which this berry should not be consumed.

Abundant intake of fruits increases drowsiness, when combining its use with drugs, you should be careful, it is best to take it at bedtime.

Hypotension patients should stop using it, it significantly reduces blood pressure. In addition, it helps to increase blood clotting. If there is a predisposition to thrombophlebitis, then the use of irgi berries should be canceled.

An interesting species is the tree-like irga. Also known as Robin Hill. This variety has beautiful pinkish buds. Like other plant varieties, the irga “worthily” endures the winter. Another beautiful and decorative species is the profusely flowering irga, it resembles a round-leaved one, but its flowers are larger.

Irga Pembina is also a very beautiful variety, like Krasnoyarsk Irga. Irga garden is very popular. It is unpretentious and does not require much attention and time.

Canadian irga is a plant that definitely has a place in the garden of any gardener. It is not too whimsical, usually bears abundant fruit, can serve as an ornamental hedge and lives for fifty years.


Irga Canadian is a fairly tall shrub, reaching a height of six meters. The tree has a large number of trunks, from three to twenty, the exact number of which depends on the variety. Irga is able to grow up to fifty years, and if one of the trunks dies, then a new one will definitely form. The depth to which the roots go varies from fifty centimeters to three meters. The diameter of the crown is in the range from two and a half to five meters.

By itself, the "cap" of leaves resembles an umbrella, the branches of which look down. The trunks are covered with a smooth bark of a pleasant brown hue and most often look curved. Young shoots appear red. The leaf length is approximately six centimeters, and the petioles are about one and a half centimeters. They are covered with silvery down and have the shape of a rounded oval, the top of which is much narrower than the bottom.

Each flower has narrow petals, the diameter of which is about two centimeters. One of the advantages of Canadian irgi is the winter hardiness of flowers - this culture does not die from frost if the temperature does not fall below -7 degrees. Buds begin to bloom at the end of April, and flowering lasts approximately fourteen days. Fruiting begins in the third year of the existence of the shadberry, but a large number of berries appear from the tenth to the thirtieth year of life. On one bush, the gardener collects from six to eighteen kilograms of shadberry - again, the exact amount depends on the variety.

The berry itself weighs only one gram, and its average width is sixteen millimeters. The fruit has a neat round shape and a sweet taste. You can harvest in the second half of summer. The maturity of the shadberry is easily determined by its color - ripe berries look dark purple, and unripe berries look pink. Blue is considered a transitional color. As part of the irgi, approximately twelve percent of sugar, 40% of vitamin C, one percent of fruit acids, carotene, as well as other necessary substances and vitamins are isolated.

The variety is not afraid of either drought or low temperatures - the shrub will survive frosts reaching -40 degrees. It is self-pollinating, which is very convenient, does not express special requirements for the condition of the soil, absorbs noise and is able to grow even in an urban environment. Among the shortcomings of the culture, there are problems with uprooting the plant and a long period of fruiting.

Variety overview

Thyssen is the earliest variety of shadberry, because gardeners begin to harvest already at the end of the first summer month. The berries themselves are quite large in size, the diameter varies from seventeen to eighteen millimeters. The taste of "Thyssen" is quite sweet, and sourness does not even spoil it, rather, it gives a "refreshing" effect. The height of the shrub reaches five meters, and the width is six meters. The only disadvantage of this variety of shadberry can be called the fact that, blooming early, it falls into the period of frost and does not always successfully tolerate them.

Variety "Smoky", on the contrary, it is considered the latest - it begins to bloom only at the end of spring. The height of the bush is four and a half meters, the width corresponds to it. From one bush, the gardener receives approximately 25 kilograms of sweet and intolerant berries. The diameter of one fruit varies from 14 to 15 millimeters, its flesh is tender and fleshy, and the skin is colored deep blue. To the pluses of the variety, you can add high resistance to numerous diseases.

"Krasnoyarsk" refers to late ripening varieties. The height of the bush varies from three and a half to four meters. Berries are harvested at the junction of July and August, and the diameter of one fruit reaches two centimeters. To taste, this irga is quite sweet and moderately sour. The winter hardiness of this variety is very impressive - it does not die in winter at a temperature of -40 degrees. In addition, the Martin, Prince William, Ballerina, Mandam, Rainbow Pillar and Starry Night varieties are popular.

How to plant?

Landing irgi takes place according to a fairly conventional pattern. Its period is determined depending on weather conditions, more precisely, climate. For example, in the Moscow region, irgu is planted in the spring, and in the south you can wait until autumn. The soil can be almost any, but it is better not to risk with wetlands. The place should not be in the open sun, but the irgu is allowed to be planted as an ornamental hedge.

When the gardener plans to harvest, then holes should be placed so that five meters of free space is maintained between them. The seedlings used should be smooth, without scratches, with fibrous roots. The best specimens are those that are a year or two old. The bottom of each well is covered with drainage. Its depth should reach half a meter, and its width should be approximately 60 centimeters.

The soil used is a mixture of humus, sand, peat and soil available on the territory. Fertilizers can be applied immediately, for example, 400 grams of superphosphate, 100 grams of lime, tidying alkali, and 150 grams of potassium sulfate. When planting a seedling, it will need to be tilted at an angle of forty-five degrees, and not deepen the root neck. After soil is introduced, the area is watered, and the area around the trunk is also mulched.

How to properly care?

Caring for the Canadian Irga is, in principle, quite standard. Effective cultivation of a crop is impossible without high-quality watering. As a rule, during the rains, the roots of the plant absorb moisture on their own, but if a drought occurs, then twice a month you will have to irrigate the beds on your own. Usually a small diffuser is used for this, and it takes from twenty to thirty liters. Watering ends with loosening and weeding, which contributes to a better transport of oxygen to the roots.

You need to feed the irgu somewhere two or even three years after planting with mineral and organic fertilizers. In early spring, about fifty grams of nitrogen fertilizer is usually applied to the area near the trunk, and after flowering, foliar top dressing is carried out. For this purpose, as a rule, about two grams of boric acid, copper sulphate and zinc sulphate are dissolved in ten liters of water. In the summer, organic matter is periodically introduced - mullein, litter or herbal infusions. In autumn, it is worth feeding the culture with 0.5 liters of ash or with a combination of 100 grams of superphosphate and 50 grams of potassium preparations.

Any fertilization ends with abundant watering.

In early spring, it is necessary to cut off the shoots and those branches that are already dying, damaged, or creating excessive crown density. During the year, it is also necessary to shape the crown, for example, cutting off young branches to stimulate the growth of the crown. At the end of autumn, all dried parts are also removed, fallen leaves are cleaned, and the soil is dug up. If the plant is mature, it is not necessary to cover it for the winter.

Reproduction of Canadian shadberry is carried out in several ways: using seeds, cuttings, layering, shoots or division. In the first case, ripe berries are collected on the most productive bushes, and seeds are extracted from them. Sowing is carried out in the fall under the film. If sowing is to take place in the spring, then the pre-seeding material will need to be stratified for about three months in fabric bags filled with moistened sand. In the event that it is decided to use the shoots, the procedure is carried out either in the fall or in the spring, when the young shoots are separated from the main bush.

Cuttings will need to be cut from late June to mid-July. The size of this part of the plant should reach fifteen centimeters, and it is selected from five-year-old or six-year-old branches directly from the top. The finished cutting is first rooted in greenhouses, and in the spring months it is already transferred to open ground. Working with layering, you will need to dig a bush, separate the long branches of the root system and place them in previously dug holes. Finally, it will be possible to propagate the irga if, in March, a suitable hole is dug next to the lower branches. Having placed a branch in the recess, it must be pinned and covered with earth.

Diseases and pests

Canadian irga often suffers from tuberculosis. You can determine this disease if you examine the shoots and leaves - they become bright red, covered with growths, and then wither. The damaged parts of the bush will definitely have to be cut and destroyed, after which the remaining parts should be treated twice with copper sulphate or one percent Bordeaux liquid. The interval between procedures should be ten days. As a preventive measure for the disease, gardeners are advised to remove crumbling leaves and cut off damaged branches in a timely manner.

Characteristic of this culture is a disease such as sulfur rot. On the berries of the affected plant, wet dark spots first appear, which then transform into a gray coating. In order to cure the irga, you will have to use ash or colloidal sulfur, which is sprinkled on both the plant itself and the soil nearby. The main preventive measure in this case is to reduce watering. We must not forget about the appearance of multi-colored spots, signaling a fungal disease.

Processing in this case is possible only with purchased fungicides.

To prevent leaf spotting, it will be necessary to treat the irgu with copper sulfate or Bordeaux liquid, but only until the flowers appear. Finally, often the branches begin to dry out due to moniliosis. In this case, the affected parts will have to be destroyed, and the next year, do not forget to treat the bush with copper solutions.

The main pests that affect the Canadian irga are leafworm, seed-eater, hawthorn, aphids and moths. As a rule, they can be destroyed only with the help of purchased drugs, and the culture can be protected by properly caring for the culture.

Irga Canadian is a very interesting fruit and ornamental culture. A deciduous shrub with a height of 1.5 to 8 meters is beautiful at any time of the year. In spring, the irga looks attractive during bud break, when it seems to be shrouded in silver-white hoarfrost.

Later, during flowering, it is strewn with clusters of fragrant white flowers surrounded by bees. Until mid-summer, the bush is decorated with brushes of blue-violet berries. Until late autumn, the decoration of the shrub is foliage, gradually changing color from green to crimson. Burgundy-brown branches look spectacular against the backdrop of a snow-covered winter garden.

Let's start, perhaps, with the description of Irga, this is a fast-growing, fast-growing, long-lived shrub. The culture enters fruiting after planting in the third year. The life expectancy of irgi is 40-50 years. Frost resistance is excellent, tolerates frosts up to 40 degrees without loss. In the conditions of the Moscow region, it does not need shelter for the winter. The plant also feels good in more northern regions. Well-growing bushes are very photophilous and, if planted too tightly, they stretch strongly upwards and bear fruit poorly.

The root system of the shrub is superficial, the bulk of the roots is located at a depth of up to 40 cm, some go deep into 1 m. The radius of distribution of the root system reaches 2 m.

Irga blooms in late April - early May, for 10-15 days. The flowers withstand short-term spring frosts down to -7 °C.

The shrub is not picky about the quality of the soil, it is drought-resistant. Irga grows quickly - already in the third year after planting it begins to bear fruit, and at the age of 8-10 years, a period of full productivity begins. The period of productivity is 20-30 years with an average yield of 8-10 kg of berries per bush.

The advantages of the shrub are early and abundant fruiting, the self-pollination of the plant ensures annual fruiting. Irga is unpretentious to growing conditions, very winter-hardy and drought-resistant.

Beneficial features

Irgi berries are a good multivitamin remedy containing vitamins C, B 2, carotene, pectins, anthocyanins and trace elements (cobalt, copper, lead). The fruits are useful in the treatment of hypo- and beriberi, for the prevention and treatment of atherosclerosis, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, and the cardiovascular system.

Medicinal properties of berry berries

  • calm the nervous system, useful for insomnia and restless sleep;
  • increase the elasticity of the walls of blood vessels and strengthen them;
  • used to prevent myocardial infarction and varicose veins (prevents the formation of blood clots);
  • have a general strengthening effect, lower high blood pressure and normalize cholesterol levels;
  • used for the prevention of peptic ulcer and as an anti-inflammatory agent for disorders of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • useful berry in the fight against sclerosis;
  • juice from fresh berries has astringent properties, so it is used to gargle with inflammation.

Types and variety of varieties

Irga is from the Rosaceae family and has more than 25 species. The most common of them are:

  1. Irga canadian- shrub with drooping branches up to 6 meters high. Valued for very sweet, tasty berries weighing up to 1 g. Productivity up to 6 kg / bush. The greenery is lush, very good in hedges when planted after 2 meters. It is a fast growing shrub with an annual growth of up to 40 cm in height and width.

Over the past 60 years, Canada has been the center of breeding work to develop the best varieties of shadberry. The most popular among gardeners are:

  • pembina- the height and width of the shrub reach 5 meters. The crown is spreading. The advantage of the variety is the formation of a small amount of root shoots.
  • Smokey- shrub up to 4.5 m high, crown in the form of an open umbrella. A variety with a late flowering period, which makes it possible for him to avoid the loss of the ovary during late spring frosts. Smokey's berries are large with a diameter of up to 14mm with a great aroma. The berries are the sweetest of all varieties available, fleshy and without astringency.
  • Northline- a multi-stemmed bush of medium size, vertical trunks. The berries are very large, up to 16 mm in diameter, blue-black with a wax coating, the maturation of non-cracking berries is friendly. The variety forms a lot of root shoots. Needs a pollinator.
  • Sturgeon- a multi-stemmed sprawling shrub up to 3 m high. The variety is high-yielding, berry brushes are long, the fruits are large and sweet.
  • Thyssen- a shrub reaching a height of 5 m with a strongly spreading rounded crown. This is the earliest, quick-growing variety. The size of the berries of excellent taste reaches 17mm in diameter. The fruits are fragrant with a slight acidity. Due to the uneven ripening of berries, the harvest period is extended in time. Frost resistance up to - 28 ° С.
  1. Irga Lamarck- This is a large shrub or small tree up to 8 meters high. The crown has a rounded shape. Unlike the Canadian irgi, it grows more slowly, the annual growth is no more than 25 cm in height. Irga Lamarck is very beautiful during the flowering period and in the crimson decoration of the foliage in the fall.

Trunks acquire a beautiful sinuous shape when regular shaping is performed. Such trees look good in single plantings and alleys.

Often in gardens there is also irga spiky and irga round-leaved, they are decorative and their fruits are also eaten, but they are smaller in size and the taste of the berries is low.

Conditions for planting, growing and care

Irga is undemanding to growing conditions, it is not capricious in care.

In the garden or on the plot, it can be planted on the north side, as its multi-stemmed bushes trap snow and protect from cold northern winds. It is good to plant raspberries, currants, gooseberries next to it, for them it will serve as a good protection.

Irgu can be planted both in spring and autumn. In the prepared pit, seedlings are planted 5-10 cm deeper than they grew before, this will contribute to the growth of more basal shoots. After planting and abundant watering, the soil around the seedlings is mulched, the plant is cut to about 1/3 of the height, leaving no more than 5 well-developed buds. Plants are planted every 2-3 m, and when creating a hedge, it is preferable to plant in a checkerboard pattern every 0.5-0.7 m in rows and between plants.

Further care consists in watering during dry periods, loosening the soil around the bushes and top dressing. Irga is responsive to fertilizers. During the season, it is desirable to feed it monthly with liquid organic fertilizers (infusions of mullein or bird droppings), combining them with watering and making foliar top dressing with micronutrient fertilizers. The plant will thank you.


If you decide to form a plant in the form of a multi-stemmed bush, then in the first years after planting it is necessary to remove all weak shoots, leaving 2-3 of the strongest zero shoots from the root shoots. A well-formed bush consists of 10-15 branches of different ages.

When the annual growth of shoots is no more than 10 cm, they begin rejuvenating pruning, which consists in removing all weak and strongly elongated shoots. The rest are cut to a height of up to 2.5 meters. All places of large cuts must be treated with garden pitch.

For greater decorativeness of the Canadian irgi, its crown must be shaped in an oval shape when pruning. The result of such pruning will be a powerful growth of young shoots with the formation of fruit buds.

Irgu Lamarck is formed by a tree with 3-5 trunks, the rest of all basal shoots are removed throughout the season. Branches are shortened annually.

When using Canadian shadberry in creating a hedge, it is necessary to cut it annually, shortening the annual growth by 10-15 cm. Annual pruning will contribute to better branching.


Canadian irgu can be propagated in several ways:

Pests and diseases

Irga Canadian is resistant to major fungal diseases and pests. It can be affected by the caterpillars of the currant leafworm, the caterpillar of the rose leafworm. They damage the leaves and gnaw on the tops of young shoots. To combat pests when processing the garden, one must not forget to spray the shadberry bushes.

During the ripening period of berries, birds do great harm to it, which also like to feast on its juicy and tasty berries. To avoid crop loss, young bushes can be covered with a net. When the plants are already large, then there will be enough berries for everyone.

Vitamins - for the future

Irga bears fruit annually and abundantly, but its berries ripen unevenly and therefore they are harvested in several stages.

The shelf life of the collected berries is small, only 2-3 days, if stored in a cool place (basement or refrigerator).

Compotes, juices, jams, jelly, wine are prepared from sweet berries of shadberry, they are dried and frozen. Irgi berries, due to their low acid content, do not have a bright taste, but they have a very bright color. In this connection, it is very good to add them to compotes from apples, pears and other fruits that do not have a pronounced color.

Particular attention should be paid to dried fruits of shadberry, they may well replace expensive raisins. Dried berries retain their properties for a long time. They are stored in closed glass jars.

Characteristic of the irgi is the poor return of juice from fresh berries. After 5-7 days of maturation, the yield of juice during processing will be up to 80%.


Juice from berries of irgi is useful for the eyes, heart, throat, blood vessels. The prepared juice is used for the preparation of fruit drinks, drinks, jelly.

Juice with sugar

The berries that have lain in a cool place for a week are washed, squeezed out the juice, mixed with sugar in a ratio of 1: 1. Heat the juice over low heat until the sugar is completely dissolved, without bringing to a boil. The heated juice is poured into glass jars or bottles, corked and stored in a cool place.

Natural juice

Juice is squeezed out of the prepared berries, poured into liter jars, pasteurized for 15-20 minutes and rolled up with lids.

Irga Canadian, due to its medicinal, taste and decorative qualities, deserves a place of honor in the garden or in the country. Maintenance is minimal, but benefits and pleasures are in abundance.

In terms of endurance, decorativeness, and taste qualities, the Canadian irga is one of the best representatives of a vast genus. Canadian breeders have successfully worked on the “image” of the fruit shrub, creating dozens of large-fruited varieties on the basis of the natural species. The similarity of climatic conditions allows most of them to be successfully cultivated in the European part of Russia, in Siberia, in the Urals.

Natural potential of Canadian shadberry

Canadian Irga is a large multi-stemmed shrub, rather resembling a tree with thin bare trunks and a lush, wide-oval crown. It has great energy and growth rates - in 3–4 years it grows 2 or more meters in height, reaches 6–8 m in adult form, specimens under 11 m are found in botanical gardens. The plant is durable, in one place it can grow over 50 years.

The vegetation of the shrub begins in the second half of April with bud break. Young leaves are soft, felt, brown-green, pubescent. Then comes 1-1.5 weeks of boiling white flowering with large drooping brushes. They are replaced by bunches of fruits - tiny apples, during the ripening period they change color from cream with a pink barrel, through all shades of red, to bright purple, and then dark purple. Irgi berries begin to ripen in July, depending on the variety, the return of the crop can last from one to several weeks.

Note! Species representatives of the Canadian shadberry begin to bear fruit at the age of 5, varietal shrubs are distinguished by early maturity - they give the first berries already at 2–3 years.

The biological characteristic of the irgi contains clear signs of endurance and unpretentiousness.

  • Like most fruit crops, it is photophilous.
  • For development, it does not need a lot of heat, withstands frosts in the range of 40–50⁰ C.
  • Not afraid of spring frosts even during the swelling of flower buds.
  • Feels comfortable on soils with a minimum content of nutrients.
  • Drought-resistant, does not need regular watering.
  • Self-fertile, with abundant ovary.

And a few words about the decorative value of culture. If the irga is ordinary or common in the middle lane, it is more suitable for hedges, group plantings, then the Canadian irga is a soloist, the “first beauty”, capable of outshine many. Graceful trees look like slender dancers, depending on the time of year in snow-white, dark green berries with purple beads, crimson outfits.

One of the reasons why a shrub with tasty and healing fruits is not very popular is small berries (up to 0.7 cm in diameter) and low yield per bush. This shortcoming is deprived of the varieties of large-fruited shadberry, which have become the hallmark of Canadian breeders. "Apple" with a diameter of up to 20 mm, large brushes, sweet pulp, friendly ripening - this is not a complete list of the advantages of varietal shadberry. Unfortunately, a not too extensive assortment of culture is found on free sale, but there is plenty to choose from.

  • Irga Martin is a second-generation hybrid derived from the Thyssen variety. I took only the best features from the parental form - large (ø15 mm) juicy berries with a great refreshing taste, early ripening, stable yield, compact bush with a moderate amount of shoots. Unlike the Thyssen variety, it is characterized by a friendly ripening of berries, resistant to pests.
  • Irga Prince William is not as large as the previous variety, but has a number of other advantages, including high frost resistance and decorative effect. In autumn, the foliage turns an intense red-orange color and does not fly around for a long time, pleasing the eye with a bright outfit. Suitable for small gardens - the plant is characterized by a compact crown and a height of no more than 2.5 m.
  • Irga of the Pembina variety, on the contrary, belongs to large shrubs. In adult form, it is a sprawling multi-stemmed tree up to 5 m high and with the same crown diameter. Given the large berry (ø15 mm), stable and high yield of one plant is enough to provide a family with fresh fruits and prepare a vitamin supplement for the winter. Gardeners appreciate the variety for a small amount of root shoots.
  • Irga Canadian Ballerina was named for her graceful silhouette and decorative properties. The variety is tall, large-fruited (berries ø12 mm), the pulp is juicy, sweet, with a slight aroma of almonds. The fruit ripening period is medium (starting from July). The plant is winter-hardy, undemanding to moisture and nutrition, but on fertile, moderately moist soil, the size and taste of berries improves markedly.
  • The variety of irgi Slate has attractive characteristics, in the description of which the early ripening of berries (June), large-fruitedness (up to 12 mm), rich sweet taste, and enviable winter hardiness appear. These qualities are especially valuable for regions with short summers and cold winters. Another plus is friendly ripening and simultaneous return of the crop.
  • The Canadian Smoky shadberry variety has become almost classic. A tall sprawling tree is literally strewn with full tassels of large aligned fruits of a dark blue color. The berries have a balanced amount of sugars and acids, which gives them a very pleasant, incomparable taste. The highlight of the variety is an extremely high yield. Smokey belongs to the late group, so the generative buds are practically not damaged by return frosts and give a plentiful ovary. In Canada, it is an industrial grade.
  • Irga Honeywood is also a classic, but large-fruited. Its juicy fleshy fruits, reaching a diameter of almost 2 cm, have a balanced taste and pleasant aroma. Attractiveness is added by high productivity and the ability of the plant to bear fruit for 2–3 years after planting an annual seedling. In terms of large-fruitedness, the Canadian varieties Northline, Mandan, Forestburg, Linnese are on a par with Honeywood.

Note! Canadian Irgu is often considered a variety, although it is a species that is close in terms of botanical characteristics. Among the characteristics of this plant that are attractive to the gardener, decorativeness is in the first place. As a tapeworm, it will decorate the lawn, set accents in group plantings. The shrub lends itself well to shearing.

Growing shadberry in the regions of Russia

Canadian Irga is such an unpretentious plant with a high natural potential for survival in adverse conditions that most of its varieties are successfully cultivated in Ukraine and Belarus, they are suitable for the Baltic States, the Moscow region and other regions with a cold climate.

In the middle lane

The main problem of growing fruit and berry crops in this region is not so much the frosty winter as the unstable spring weather. Protracted thaws, return frosts often lead to freezing of flower buds, and gardeners are left without a crop. This does not threaten Irga, since most of its varieties are resistant to spring temperatures down to -7⁰ C, which is normal for the middle lane.

In outskirts of Moscow

Irga canadian near Moscow will delight you with chic flowering and a plentiful harvest of sweet fruits. The weather here allows the berry to collect the right amount of sugar and acquire a pleasant specific taste and aroma. Rave reviews from amateur gardeners received varieties:

  • Pambina;
  • Smokey;
  • undersized up to 1.5 m Northline;
  • high-yielding Sturgeon;
  • time-tested Thyssen;
  • rare Mengdan, etc.

In the Urals and Siberia

Irga grows and bears fruit even where apple and pear trees cannot stand, therefore its large-fruited varieties are a godsend for Siberia and the Urals. It is no coincidence that a tasty and healing berry is called a northern raisin.

The Canadian varieties Slate, Mendan, Pembina, domestic cultivars Krasnoyarskaya, Syurpriz have passed the test of Russian frosts and received a residence permit in this region. Some gardeners are trying to grow the Bluessan variety, but its frost resistance ends at -35–37⁰ C.

Features of growing shadberry in central Russia:

This tree has settled in my garden for a long time, but I still thank myself for planting the irga. Its fruits are just a storehouse of the most valuable vitamins, and the list of their beneficial effects on the body can be continued almost endlessly! The bark and leaves can also be used medicinally.

Irga is undemanding to the composition of the soil, does not require complex care, easily propagates and at the time of flowering is an excellent honey plant. The plant easily tolerates wintering without shelter even with little snowy winters with temperatures below 40 ° C! In addition, even prolonged spring frosts will not be able to leave you without a harvest, the irga will easily and without loss transfer them. And, of course, you should not discount its magnificent appearance, which will decorate the garden at any time of the year. In spring, irga caresses the eye with abundant flowering, in summer - with clusters of bright multi-colored berries, in autumn - with exquisite purple colors of fading foliage.

Landing irgi

As I said, irga is undemanding to the composition and acidity of the soil. It grows beautifully, bears fruit and multiplies on fertile black soil. A friend behaves similarly on sandy loam. However, the plant does not like places where groundwater (marshy) constantly approaches the soil surface very high. Its root system is located 3-4 m deep into the earth. On the one hand, this is good: it helps to survive the cold winters without loss. On the other hand, it’s bad: if the roots are in a layer with groundwater, don’t expect high yields. I can’t name the exact variety of my plant, since I took a seedling from friends, but visually it looks like a round-leaved irga ( Amelanchier ovalis).

I planted it in the fall, the seedling was about 70 cm high, the root system was well developed, the main root was about 30-35 cm long. I dug a hole 50x50 cm and the same depth. The excavated soil was mixed with sand and ready-made compost (3: 1: 1) and the roots were covered with it, compacted a little and watered well. The crown was cut off by about 15-20 cm. In the spring (in the second year of life!) One flower brush already flaunted on my baby, but I carefully removed it. Where to hurry? Let it get stronger, I will have time to enjoy its fruits.

And the taste of irgi berries is excellent! I won’t say that it’s too sweet, or too fragrant, or too juicy, but it’s impossible to break away from eating a bush! I also like the fact that the berries on the brush ripen gradually. You can repeatedly go to one bush and collect only the most ripe ones, and leave the rest to ripen. In our south, irga ripens in August-September. If we don’t have time to eat everything, I put the rest in the freezer. By the way, if even the most ripe and sweet fruits (strawberries, apricots), after defrosting, give a certain amount of sourness in taste, then this is impossible with irga. I sincerely recommend freezing!

Irgi reproduction

It is easily propagated by all means: seeds, cuttings, root shoots. More information about these methods can be found on the website.

Irga care

Fortunately, irga is resistant to diseases. I never found any signs of disease on my plant. Since I fertilize all fruit and vegetable crops exclusively with organic matter, then in the fall I dig up the ground by 30 cm in a radius of 1-1.5 m around the bush and lay any green manure there, most often it is tops of peas or beans. A friend, on the other hand, treats this issue in a completely different way and uses mineral fertilizers. In the spring, as soon as the irga blooms and until the moment when the last berry is plucked, it applies nitrogen fertilizers 1 time in 2 weeks. After harvesting, it is time to apply potash and phosphorus. Honestly, her berries are larger and the yield is higher, but I prefer not to treat myself to her irga.

Watering. Irga tolerates dry periods well, in principle, it can not be watered, deep roots will provide the crown and fruits with enough moisture. But I love to water my tree with a diffuser hose. Basically, to wash off the dust from the leaves and berries, because everyone knows that the most delicious berries are straight from the bush!

pruning. But this will be required, otherwise the irga will reach such a height that you will have to climb a ladder to harvest the crop. And if you do not regulate the number of trunks in the bush, then the game will thicken pretty quickly and you will have to forget about high yields. The first years of growth, leave the strongest zero shoots, and ruthlessly remove the rest. Carry out a limiting cut in height. When the right number of trunks for your bush is typed, each year remove 2-3 of the oldest and leave 2-3 new ones instead. So you will constantly rejuvenate the plant and get a decent harvest.

Types and varieties of irgi

The main types of irgi, which are widespread and used in gardening, are shadberry alder-leaved, irga blood red And irga canadian, she is also known as Irga Lamarck. The latter has especially many variations: in Canada, they pay considerable attention to selection and have bred many tasty and productive varieties. This species has the largest, juiciest and sweetest berries.

Irga Canadian (Irga Lamarck) "Gypsy"

Irga Canadian "Smoky"

How decorative are often used irga spiky And irga round-leaved, although their fruits are also edible and tasty.

Irga spiky
