Dialogue in English on the topic of the ferry. Audio dialogues in English with translation

Yeah! So you said you went to New York there. How did you find New York? So you said you went to New York. And how did you like it there?
Oh, it was great. It was cool. Oh, just great. It was cool.
So what did you do there? What were you doing there?
Well, we went to see the Empire State building, the Statue of Liberty. Took a boat around Manhattan and went to a show on Broadway. For example, we looked at the Empire State Building, the Statue of Liberty. We took a boat ride around Manhattan and went to see a play on Broadway.
That must have been exciting. It must have been very interesting.
Oh, it was great. It was brilliant. It was so professional. Oh, it was wonderful. Just wonderful. The actors were real professionals.
Yeah. What was the show? Yes. What show did you watch?
It was really good. It was called, it was called "Wonderful Town!" I had never heard of it before but we just queued and got tickets during the day and whatever we could get we just went to see it. Yeah, but it was really, it was a comedy as well. It was really funny, and there was dance. It was very good. The performance was very good, it was called ... "Wonderful city!". I hadn't heard anything about him before. We just stood in line during the day, bought tickets for the performance and went. Yes, but the performance was very good, a comedy. Very funny and dancing. In general, everything was very good.
Mm, yeah, so would you go back to New York? Mm... yes... would you mind going to New York again?
Yeah, I would, definitely. Um, it"s funny though, like after I spent a week there, and after the week I feel I really know it very well, you know, we did a lot of walking, went to all the different districts, Chinatown, So- Ho, Grenich Village, and Central Park kind of, it's very easy to find your way around well. Of course, I wouldn't refuse. U... and strangely, I lived there for only a week, but it seems that I already got to know the city well. You know, we walked a lot, visited different areas: Chinatown, Soho, Grenich Village and even Central Park - it's not difficult to find your way everywhere.
All right. Good.
Yeah, that's good. With the grid system, which Dublin doesn't have. You know Dublin for a tourists it's probably harder to find their way around. It's not as sign posted or well signaled. Not as well laid out kind of thing. Yes, great. There the streets are perpendicular to each other, not like we have in Dublin. You know, Dublin will be more difficult for a tourist to navigate. There are fewer signs and different signals in Dublin. And the layout of the city is not so convenient.
Yeah! Which of the kind of the areas did you prefer in New York. Did you have, like, one favorite? Yes! What parts of New York do you like best? Do you have a favorite area?
Um, I really liked Chinatown. Chinatown was lovely. We went into lots of little small shops and it was lovely, like, you know, really quaint little places. We ate in a few, we ate in one place there as well. It was nice. Mm... I really enjoyed Chinatown. It's lovely there. We went to different shops - it was lovely: you know, such small and very exotic shops and cafes. We ate in some. It was delicious.
Yeah, real Chinese food. Yes, real Chinese food.
Yeah, exactly and like all Chinese people walking around. It's funny. You walk around Chinatown and you just see Chinese people and you walk into the Italian district, you know, Little Italy, and you just, people are speaking Italian. It "s fun, you know, when you" re in one city. Yes, yes, and the Chinese are walking around. It's funny. You walk around Chinatown - and you see the Chinese. Then you go into the Italian quarter (district) - Little Italy - and you hear how people speak Italian. It's very funny when it's all in one city.
And the kind of change from one to the other, obvious as well. And all the areas are completely different - it's really striking.
Yeah, exactly, yeah! See you kind of forget you "re in New York, almost. Yes, yes, that's right, yes! You almost forget that you are in New York.
Cool. Thanks Mauve. Cool. Thanks Move.

How did you find New York?

When you are asked "How did you find (something)?", they want to know your opinion about something or what you think about it. Examples of using the word "find" in a similar sense:

  • Don't you find the city to be a little bit noisy?
    Don't you think this city is a bit noisy?
  • I find this movie to be incredibly boring.
    I think this movie is incredibly boring.

We just queued and got tickets during the day.

The English verb "queue" means "to stand in line", "to stand in line". Examples:

  • The children quickly queued up to go to lunch.
    The children quickly lined up to go to lunch.
  • People have been queued to buy tickets since yesterday.
    To buy tickets, people have been queuing since yesterday.

It's very easy to find your way around in New York.

The English expression "find one" s way around (something) "means the ability to navigate well in the environment, the ability not to get lost. Examples:

  • I have lived here for three years and I still can't find my way around.
    I've lived here for three years, but I still can't navigate my surroundings.
  • How long did it take you to learn to find your way around the city?
    How long will it take you to learn how to navigate the city?

You walk around Chinatown and you just see Chinese people.

The phrasal verb "walk around" means "to roam, walk around", in informal conversation - "to wander around (without any particular purpose)", and also to walk around inside any limited space. Examples:

  • After breakfast she walked around in the park.
    After breakfast, she took a walk in the park.
  • We were walking around in the neighborhood to see whether we could find an open store.
    We wandered around the neighborhood, looking to see if there was an open store anywhere.

Hello ladies and gentlemen. We share with you only the necessary material, and this time we present to your attention the English phrases necessary for communication abroad.

Your vacation will be much calmer and better when you know what to say in a given situation, because they can be unpredictable. Finding out the way, asking for help, understanding the sign on the sign or just talking - this is what every tourist should know. So let's get down to business.

How to get directions in English

  • Would you mind giving me some directions?- Could you explain to me how to get through?
  • I'm new in town.- This is my first time in this city. / I'm not from here
  • I "m lost. / I lost my way.- I'm lost. / I lost my way.
  • What are you looking for?- What are you looking for?
  • The Central Exhibition. Do you know where it is?- Central exhibition. Do you know where she is?
  • The Central Exhibition? - Well, it's pretty far from here. You'd better take a bus.-Central exhibition? Well, it's pretty far from here. You'd better take the bus.
  • Is it a long ride? / How long does it take to get there?- How long to go? / How long will it take to get there?
  • About ten minutes by bus.- About ten minutes by bus.
  • Could you help me, please? I "d like to know how to get to the center from here.- Could you help me, please? I would like to know how to get to the center from here.
  • The downtown bus stops in front of the Rose Hotel over there.- The bus to the center stops in front of the Rose Hotel over there.
  • Excuse me, does this bus go to the center?- Excuse me, does this bus go to the center?
  • No, you need the bus going in the opposite direction. The bus stop is on the other side of the street.- No, you need a bus in the opposite direction. His stop is across the street.
  • Could you tell me where the museum is, please?- Could you tell me where the museum is, please?
  • It is on the corner of Seventh Street and City Road.- It's on the corner of Seventh Street and City Road.
  • How do I get there from here, please?- How can I get there from here, please?
  • Go down this street and turn right at the traffic light.- Go down this street and turn right at the traffic lights.
  • Walk two blocks and turn right onto Seventh Street.- Walk two blocks and turn right onto Seventh Street.
  • Go past the department store and the flower market, and you'll see the Space Museum across the street.- Pass the department store and the flower market and you will see the Space Museum on the opposite side of the street.
  • Is it far from here?- It is far from here?
  • No, it's just a ten-minute walk.- No, just 10 minutes walk.
  • There is a restaurant around the corner, next to the toy store.- There's a restaurant around the corner, next to the toy store.
  • Excuse me, where is the nearest pharmacy? / Excuse me, do you know where the nearest drugstore is?- Excuse me, where is the nearest pharmacy? / Excuse me, do you know where the nearest pharmacy is?
  • There is one next to the grocery store on Fann Street.- There's one next to the grocery store on Fann Street.
  • Do you see the square across from the bank? Fann Street starts behind it. -
    See that square across from the bank? Fann Street begins behind him.
  • How long will it take to get there?- How long will it take to get there?
  • about ten minutes.- About ten minutes.

Taxi call

  • Do you have a taxi number?- Do you have a taxi number?
  • Could you call a taxi for me, please?- Could you call me a taxi?
  • Do you know where I can get a taxi?- Do you know where you can get a taxi?
  • I'd like a taxi, please.- I would like to order a taxi.
  • Sorry, there are none cabs available at the moment.- Sorry, there are no free taxis at the moment.
  • Where are you?- Where are you?
  • What's the address?- What's the address?
  • I'm...- I...
    at the Overlook Hotel- at the Overlook Hotel
    at the airport- in the airoport
    at the corner of Dusty Road and Pudding Lane- at the corner of Dusty Road and Pudding Lane
  • Could you tell me your name, please? - State your name, please.
  • How long will I have to wait?- How long will I have to wait?
  • The car is on the way.- The car is on the way.

English phrases in a taxi

  • Where would you like to go? / Where do you wanna go? - Where would you like to go?
  • Take me to this address, please. - Take me to this address, please.
  • Buckle up, please. - Buckle up, please.
  • How much will it cost? - How much is it?
  • Could we stop at a cashpoint, please? - Could we stop at an ATM?
  • How long will the journey take? - How long will the journey take?
  • I need to go to St. Peter "s station. - I need to go to St. Peter's station
  • Could you take me to the downtown, please? - Could you take me to the city center?
  • May I open the window? - Can I open the window?
  • Could you, please, slow down / throttle down! - Could you slow down, please?
  • Could you pull over to the shoulder, please - Could you please pull over to the side of the road.
  • I think you should take another lane. - I think you should move to another lane.
  • Could you, please, close the window? - Could you close the window?
  • How much is it? - How much do I owe?
  • Would you like a receipt? - Would you like a check?
  • Could I have a receipt, please? - Can I get a check, please?
  • Could you pick me up here at 7 p.m.? - Could you pick me up from here at seven in the evening?
  • Could you wait for me here, please? - Could you wait for me here?

What time is it now?
9.00 - nine o "clock.
9.05 - five past nine.
9.10 ten past nine.
9.15 quarter past nine.
9.20 twenty past nine.
9.25 - twenty-five past nine.
9.30 - half past nine.
9.35 - twenty-five to ten.
9.40 twenty to ten.
9.45 - quarter to ten.
9.50 - ten to ten.
9.55 - five to ten.
10.00 - ten o "clock.

We speak English in the hotel

  • I "m looking for a clean and cheap hotel room. - I need a clean and inexpensive hotel room.
  • Have you any accommodation? - Do you have rooms available?
  • Have you booked a room, sir? - Have you booked a room, sir?
  • I "m afraid, every room is taken. - I'm afraid that we are all taken.
  • What kind of room do you want? - What number do you need?
  • I want a single/double room. - I need a single/double room.
  • Will that suit you? - Is this one for you?
  • I need a better room. - I need a better room.
  • How long do you want to stay? - How long are you going to stay here?
  • May I ask what the charge is? - How much is this number?
  • Will you, please, fill in this form? - Kindly fill out this form.
  • your name? - Your name?
  • sign your name. - Subscribe.
  • Your room is number 25, and here is your key. - Your room number is 25. Here are your keys.
  • Will you show me up to my room, please? - Could you show me to my room?

Phrases for a restaurant

  • I'd like to place an order. - I'd like to place an order.
  • What is the specialty of this restaurant? - What is the specialty of the house.
  • Menu, please. - Menu, please.
  • Can I ask for a menu and wine list please. May I have the menu and the wine list, please?
  • I would have preferred a light breakfast. - I would like a continental breakfast.
  • Fried eggs (omelet). - Scrambled eggs.
  • I'll only take a ham sandwich. - I'll just have a ham sandwich.
  • Beefsteak with fried potatoes. - I'll have a T-bone steak with fried potatoes.
  • Do you want fried, baked or mashed potatoes? - Would you like fried, baked or mashed potatoes?
  • I'll have whatever you recommend. - I'll have whatever you recommend.
  • What would you suggest? - What do you recommend?
  • What is your favorite drink before dinner? - What would you like to drink before dinner?
  • Do you serve a vegetarian menu? - Do you serve vegetarian food?
  • Is there an English menu? - Is there an English menu?
  • What's your soup today? - What kind of soup are you serving today?
  • What's your signature cocktail today? - What's the cocktail of the day?
  • What will you order? - May I take your order?
  • I'll take the same. - I'll have the same thing.
  • I will take it. - I'll have this.
  • How long will it take? - How long will it take?
  • How do you cook? - How would you like it?
  • Medium fried, please. - Medium rare, please.
  • Well fried please. Well-done, please.
  • Wine list please. - Please show me the wine list.
  • What kind of wine do you have? - What kind of wine do you have?
  • I would like a bottle of white wine. - I would like a bottle of white wine.
  • How much is a whole bottle? - How much is a whole bottle?
  • How much is 1 glass? - How much is a glass?
  • I would like a cup of coffee (tea) - I would like a cup of coffee (tea).
  • May I ask for a glass of water? - May I have a glass of water?
  • How about something for dessert? - How about some dessert?
  • Pancakes and milkshake, please. - Pancakes and a milk shake, please.
  • The check, please. - Check, please.
  • I would like to pay now. - I would like to pay now, please.
  • How much do I owe you? - How much do I owe you?
  • How much? - How much is the total?
  • Does the bill include the service charge? - Does it include the service charge?
  • I think there is an error in the account. - I believe the bill is added up wrong.
  • I will pay. - It's on me.
  • I treat you to dinner this evening. - I treat you to dinner this evening.
  • Put it on my bill, please. - Put it on me, please.
  • We are paying separately. - We are paying separately.
  • Let's pay the same. - Let's split the bill.
  • Let me pay my share. - Let me pay my share.
  • Keep the change. - Keep the change, please.

Shopping in English

  • I would like to buy... - I would like to buy...
  • This size fits. - This size fits well.
  • What is the price? - How much is it?
  • Please show me that shirt. - Please show me that shirt.
  • What size is it? - What size is this?
  • Give a larger (smaller) size. - Please give me a larger (smaller) size.
  • I will take it. - I'll take this.
  • Give me another pair. - Could you give me another pair?
  • He is big for me. - It's a bit loose on me.
  • Do you have another color? - Do you have any other color?
  • The shoes are very comfortable. - Shoes feel really comfortable.
  • Can I try on the suit? - May I try this suit on?
  • These shoes are tight on me. - These shoes are tight. / These shoes pinch me.
  • I would like something bright. - I "d like something bright.
  • Where's the fitting room? - Where is the fitting room?
  • Do you have ones of a bigger size? - Do you have a larger size?
  • I "m just looking. - I'm just looking.
  • What can I do for you? - How can I help you?
  • Anything else? - Anything else?
  • Buy two for the price of one. - Buy two for the price of one.
  • The dress suits you very well. This dress really suits you.
  • Pay at the cash desk / till, please. - Pay at the checkout, please.
  • I "ll take this to the cash desk / till for you. - I'll take this to the cash desk for you.

The Market
aisle- aisle between rows
shopper / customer- buyer
shopping cart- Shopping cart
checkout line- queue
checkout counter- cash terminal
conveyor belt- conveyor belt
cash register- cash register
shopping cart- shopping trolley
(chewing) gum- gum
candy- candy
coupons- coupons
cashier- salesman
paper bag- paper bags
bagger / packer- packer
express checkout(line) - quick service queue
tabloid(newspaper) - newspaper
magazine- magazine
scanner- scanning device
plastic bag- plastic shopping bag
produce- products
manager- manager
clerk- salesman
scale- scales
can-return machine- aluminum can return machine
bottle return machine- plastic bottle return machine

Phrases in the hospital

  • I "d like to see a doctor. - I would like to see a doctor.
  • Do you have an appointment? - Do you have an appointment?
  • Is it urgent? - This is urgent?
  • Do you have any doctors who speak Russian? Do you have doctors who speak Russian?
  • Do you have private medical insurance? - Do you have health insurance?
  • Please take a seat. - Sit down please.
  • The doctor "s ready to see you now. - The doctor is ready to see you now.
  • What's the problem? - What's the problem?
  • I "ve been feeling sick. - I felt sick.
  • I "ve been having headaches. - I had a headache.
  • I "ve got diarrhoea. - I have diarrhea.
  • I "ve got a lump. - I have a tumor.
  • I "ve got a swollen ankle. - My ankle is swollen.
  • I "m in a lot of pain. - I have a very severe pain.
  • I "ve got a pain in my back / chest. - I have pain in my back / chest.
  • I think I "ve pulled a muscle in my leg. - I think I pulled a muscle in my leg.
  • I "m having difficulty breathing. - It's hard for me to breathe
  • I "ve been feeling very tired. - I feel very tired
  • How long have you been feeling like this? - How long have you been feeling like this?
  • Do you have any allergies? - Do you have any allergies?
  • I "m allergic to antibiotics. - I am allergic to antibiotics
  • Are you on any sort of medication? - Are you taking any medications?

Filler words
briefly- shortly speaking
actually- in fact
in other words- in other words
at all- generally
still- However
therefore- for this reason
however- however
otherwise- otherwise
perhaps- possibly

Useful English phrases for tourists

  • Alas! - Alas!
  • Clear the way! - Let's go!
  • Come right in! - Come in!
  • Absolutely! - Undoubtedly!
  • Who knows! - Who knows!
  • I don "t know what to say! - I have no words!
  • I can "t believe it! - Incredible!
  • Vice versa! (Just the opposite!) - On the contrary!
  • With (great) pleasure! - With great pleasure!
  • That's too much! - This is too much!
  • My feelings are hurt! - My feelings are hurt!
  • My hopes are betrayed! - My hopes are crushed!
  • Could I join you? - May I join you?
  • Don "t push (me)! - Do not put pressure on me! Do not run over!
  • Enjoy your meals! - Bon appetit!
  • Guess what! - You know what?! (way to start a conversation)
  • I doubt that. - I doubt it is.
  • I had a lovely time. - I had a great time.
  • I spoke too soon. - I made a mistake, I said without thinking.
  • Leave it to me. - Leave it to me.
  • Make it two. - And the same to me (said to the waiter when ordering).
  • No can do. - I can not do it.
  • Pull up a chair. - Join us.
  • Anything but... - Anything but...
  • Anything goes. - Anything will do. / No matter what happens.
  • For certain / For sure. - Of course.
  • I "ve had enough. - I've had enough / enough.
  • To have something against. - Have something against.
  • I agree with you. - I agree with you.
  • I believe so / I suppose so. - I think so.
  • I "m afraid so. - I'm afraid so.
  • In a way. - In a way.
  • Most likely. - It looks like it.
  • No call for... / no call to... - No reason to...
  • No can do. - It's impossible.
  • Nothing like that. - Nothing like this.
  • right on. - Yes sir.
  • That goes without saying - This is not worth talking about.
  • There is no denying it. - Nobody denies.
  • To hell with it. - To hell.
  • What "s the idea of ​​...? - What's the point ...?
  • You don't say! - Can not be!
  • You read my mind - You read my mind
  • I don "t mind. - I have nothing against it.
  • That "s the whole point. - That's the whole point.
  • Easy! - Take it easy. Take it easy.
  • Calm down. - Take it easy.
  • Sounds good to me. - That's fine for me.
  • Hear me out! - Listen to me!
  • So far so good. - So far, everything is going well.
  • Don "t worry, I can make it on my own. - Don't worry, I can handle it myself.
  • I meant only the best. - I only wanted the best.
  • coffee? - If it is no bother. - Coffee? - If not difficult.
  • Come on. Let "s get this over with. - Let's finish this business.
  • Whatever is to be will be. - Which have not be avoided.
  • Here's what we'll do. - We'll do this.
  • It beats me. - That beats me.


Of course, it is best to memorize phrases not by memorizing them, but by communicating, which we recommend to you. Learning phrases is good, but being fluent in them is much better. That is why we offer our English courses for tourists! Relax cool and confident. And let emergencies bypass you.

Big and friendly family EnglishDom

Audio dialogues in English with a translation on the topic: "Journey" are composed and voiced by a native speaker, which makes them original and authentic. Regular listening to audio dialogues in English with translation contributes to the complete memorization of words, phrases and whole sentences. Beyond the constant repetition

behind the speaker, practice audio dialogues in pairs, translate phrases from Russian into English, and also complete our exercises aimed at playing audio dialogues in English in real situations.

Dialogues in English. Dialogue 1. In a café. In the cafe.

waiter: Hello and welcome! Would you like to see a menu? — Hello and welcome! — Would you like to see the menu?

Guest: Hello! Yes, please! - Hello! Yes please!

waiter: Here you are. - Here, take it.

Guest: Thank you! I would like to try some local food. Can you recommend something? - Thanks! I would like to try the local cuisine. What do you recommend?

waiter: We serve different kebabs and various soups. — We offer different types of kebabs and soups.

Guest: I see.. I wanna go with … . By the way, does it contain lamb? - Yes, I see... I will... By the way, is there lamb in there?

waiter: Yes, it contains lamb and also different vegetables and spices. — Yes, as well as various vegetables and spices.

Guest: OK! This is what I would like. - Okay, that's what I would like.

waiter: Would you like something to drink? - Would you like something to drink?

Guest: Sure! I would like some Turkish tea. - Certainly! I want to try Turkish tea.

waiter: Well, I recommend you to choose a rose hip tea. I am sure you'll enjoy it. — I recommend you to choose rosehip tea. I am sure you will like it.

Guest: OK! Sounds good! thank you! - Fine! Thank you!

Dialogues in English. Dialogue 2. What place of interest to choose? What is interesting to see?

Listen to dialogue in English:

The conversation between a husband and a wife. Conversation between husband and wife.

Husband: What a great idea to visit Istanbul! I love this place. Husband: Good idea to visit Istanbul! I love this place!

wife: Me too! It's Far European and Part Asiatic. It feels like I'm visiting two cities at the same time. Wife: Me too! He is European and Asian. It feels like I'm in two different cities at once.

Husband: I think we should attend not only historical places but possibly a Turkish bath. What do you think? Husband: I think we need to visit not only historical sites, but also, if possible, a Turkish bath. How do you think?

wife: I think that's a great idea! I've heard that it could be a wonderful experience! Wife: Great! I heard it can be a wonderful experience.

Husband: What do you think is a good way to find the best option? Husband: But how to choose the best option?

wife: We can speak to our hotel's staff and see what they think. I am sure their tips will be helpful. Wife: We can talk to our hotel staff and listen to what they have to say. I'm sure their advice will help a lot.

Husband: OK then. Let's have a talk with them and see what we can find out. Husband: Okay then. Let's talk to them and see what we find out.

Dialogues in English. Dialogue 3. Asking for information. Information request.

Listen to dialogue in English:

The conversation between guests of a hotel and a receptionist. — Conversation between the hotel guests and the registrar.

Guests: Excuse us, can you give us some information about the best mid-priced "hamam" in the area? Guest: Excuse me, can you give us information about the best mid-range hammam in the area?

Receptionist: Of course! I would definitely recommend you to visit "Galatasaray Hamam". It's a stone's throw away, it's very cozy and affordable. Registrar: Of course! I would recommend you to visit "Galatasaray Hamam". It's two steps away. This bath is very comfortable and affordable.

Guests: Can you also provide us with more information? Opening hours, location, price? Guest: Could you provide us with more information? Opening hours, location, price…

Receptionist: The most convenient way is to check their online site. In addition, you can also make a reservation online. I'll give you their business card. Here you are! - Registrar: The most convenient way is to check their website. In addition, you can book an appointment online. I will give you their business card. You are welcome!

Guests: Thank you very much! Guest: Thank you very much!

Dialogues in English. Dialogue 4. How can I get to …? How to get to …?

Listen to dialogue in English:

Having a chat with a passerby on the street. — Conversation with passers-by on the street.

tourist: Excuse me, we're lost. We can't find the way to The Sultan Ahmed Mosque. Are we close? Tourist: I'm sorry, we got lost. We can't find our way to the Sultanahmet Mosque. Are we close?

Passerby: Yes, it's not far. You need to take a tram and pass 2 stops in that direction. Your stop is called "The Sultan Ahmed Mosque". You won't miss it. Passer-by: Yes, it's not far. You need to take the tram and go 2 stops in that direction. Your stop is called Sultanahmet Mosque. You won't miss it.

tourist: Thank you! But where is the nearest tram stop? Tourist: Thank you! But where is the nearest tram stop?

Passerby: It's over there, behind that big building. Passer-by: She's over there, behind that big building.

tourist: Great! Thanks a lot! Tourist: Great! Thank you very much!

Passerby: You're welcome! Where are you from? Passer-by: Please! Where are you from?

tourist: We're from Minsk. Tourist: We are from Minsk.

Passerby: I've got two friends that live in Minsk! It's a wonderful city! good luck! Passer-by: Two of my friends live in Minsk. This is a wonderful city! Good luck!

tourist: It was nice to meet you! Thanks for your help. Have a nice day! Tourist: It was nice meeting you! Thanks for the help! Have a nice day!

Dialogues in English. Dialogue 5. In a candy store. At the candy store.

Listen to dialogue in English:

customer: Hello! You have so many kinds of sweets! It's not easy to choose. Do you recommend one? - Client: Hello! You have so many kinds of sweets! It's not easy to make a choice. Recommend something?

Seller: Here is a sample tray. Give them all a try! - Salesman: Here is a tray with sweets for testing. Try it!

customer: Okay, I want to buy this red thing. What's the name of this sweet? Customer: Okay, I want to buy this red sweet. What is it called?

Seller: It's the original Turkish Halva with rose fragrance. - Seller: This is an original Turkish Halva with a rose scent.

customer: Sounds great! How much does it cost? Salesperson: Great! How much is it?

Seller: It costs 10 Turkish Liras per 100 grams. – Client: It costs 10 Turkish Liras per 100 grams.

customer: Wow! That's not cheap! - Client: Oh! Not cheap!

Seller: Yes, but it contains only natural ingredients. Seller: Yes, but it contains only natural ingredients.

customer: OK then. I'll buy 200 grams. Client: Okay then. I will buy 200 grams.

Seller: Would you like anything else? Salesperson: Anything else?

customer: No thanks. Here's the money. Client: No, thanks. Here's the money.

Audio dialogues in English with translation. English dialogues on the topic: "Journey".

Dialogue voice acting: John P Schulz.

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We are glad to see you on the pages of our blog, traveler!

Travel. How many expectations, positive and delight are in this word ... Paradise islands with white sand, snow-capped mountains and skiing, a hitchhiking tour of Europe are immediately presented - to each his own. Trips to different countries give not only positive impressions, many unforgettable moments captured in the photo, new acquaintances, but also develop communication skills, especially when it comes to the practice of a foreign language. Dialogue about travel in English is our new theme, which also includes dialogue at the airport in English and dialogue in English at the hotel. In addition, this article will be useful to all those who often travel abroad on business trips, we also invite you to visit.

Spoken English for travel

Here it is - the long-awaited vacation. The first question is with whom, the second is where to go. A long choice, reviews, doubts… Tell about all the pros and cons of a particular place and advise which tour operators can take. With their help, let's learn A few words and phrases related to travel that may come in handy:

  • Let's go on a trip together! – Let’s have a journey together!
  • Where are we going? – Where will we go?
  • I want to relax by the sea. – I want to relax by the sea.
  • I want to go to the mountains. – I want to go to the mountains.
  • Let's go camping with tents. - Let's go camping with tents.
  • I've always wanted to go on a sea cruise. – I always wanted to go on a sea cruise.
  • I'm afraid to fly. Let's take the bus. – I'm afraid to fly. Let's go on the bus.
  • Where would you recommend to go in winter? – Where do you recommend to go in winter?
  • What are the best ski resorts for beginners? – What are the best ski resorts for beginners?
  • Which hotel is the best? – Which hotel is the best?
  • Is this hotel located close to the sea? – Is the hotel located close to the sea?
  • What sights will we visit? – What tourist attractions will we visit?
  • It is very expensive. Do you have tours cheaper? - It's too expensive. Do you have cheaper tours?

And now an example is a dialogue in a travel agency in English:

Hello! How can I help you? - Hello! How can I help you?

— I would like to reserve a tour to Egypt. I would like to book a tour to Egypt.

— When would you like to leave? – When do you want to leave?

Are you going by yourself? - Are you going alone?

— No. I need a trip for two. - No, I need a ticket for two.

Do you plan to stay in Hurghada or Sharm El Sheikh? – Do you want to stay in Hurghada or Sharm El Sheikh?

— In Hurghada. - In Hurghada.

Let me recommend you the best 5-star hotel. It is new, comfortable and located just near the sandy beach. Are you looking for a one or two-week travel? – Let me recommend you the best 5-star hotel. It is new, comfortable and located close to the sandy beach.

Good. I was thinking about a tour from the 14 th till 22 nd January. - Good. I was thinking about the tour from January 14th to 22nd.

– The All inclusive tour for one week will cost $300. – The All Inclusive tour for one week will cost $300.

— Ok. Tell me, please, about the hotel? - OK. Can you please tell us about the hotel?

— It's a hotel at the center of Hurghada. It offers direct access to the beach and 2 outdoor pool areas. For relaxation hotel has a health club with sauna and hammam. There are also shops selling souvenirs and jewelery. Here's photos. – This hotel is in the center of Hurghada. It offers direct access to the beach and two outdoor pools. For relaxation, the hotel has a health club with sauna and hammam. There are also shops with souvenirs and jewelry. Here is a photo.

— Great. I like it! - Fine. I like!

— Ok. Let's check if there are tickets available for these flights on the days you mentioned. – Okay, let's see if there are available tickets for flights on the days you mentioned.

Bought - flew.


English for Travel: Airport

Fortunately, anyone who is not too lazy to do this can buy a plane ticket on their own and plan their vacation: look for cheap flights, small hostels and free excursions. Here some English words for travel will help when talking to an airport employee:

  • flight, flight – flight;
  • adult ticket - adult's fare;
  • children's ticket - child's fare;
  • round-trip ticket - round trip ticket;
  • one-way ticket - one-way ticket;
  • non-stop flight - direct trip;
  • crew – crew;
  • stewardess - air hostess, stewardess;
  • boarding a plane - boarding;
  • exit to the plane - gate.

— International airport Boryspil. My name is Katerina. How can I help you? – Boryspil International Airport. My name is Katerina. How can I help?

Hello Katerina! I want to know what flights to London have you got? Hello, Katherine! I want to know what are the flights to London?

— There is only one flight a week, on Monday at 8:00 in the morning. – There is only one flight a week, on Monday at 8 am.

Is that a direct flight? – Is this a direct flight?

- No, it's with transfer in Moscow. – No, with a change in Moscow.

How long does the flight take? How long is this flight?

— Ten hours with the transfer. – 10 hours with transfer.

Oh, it's too long but what can I do. I'll take one round trip ticket. - Oh, it's been so long. But what can I do. I'll take one round trip ticket.

- Tell me, please, your name and the surname for ticket issuance. - Please tell me your first and last name so that I can book a ticket.

An important feature of studying at Native English School is the free schedule of attending classes and the focus of the course on the goals and needs of each client. Learn when it is convenient for you and get only useful information!

Dialogue in English about travel: where to stay?

But what to say if you want to book a hotel on your own or when it so happened that you have to urgently look for a place to stay? Dialogues in English for tourists who find themselves in such situations, as well as expressions on the topic Hotel - below:

  • Do you have any vacancies? – Do you have any vacancies?
  • I booked a room. - I've got a reservation.
  • I would like to book a room. – I would like to make a reservation.
  • How much is one night? – What’s the price per night?
  • I would like a room with a sea view. – I would like a room with a sea view.
  • Is there internet in this room? – Does the room have internet access?
  • Where is the restaraunt? – Where is the restaurant?
  • I take this number. – I'll take it.
  • Can we leave luggage somewhere? – Do you have anywhere we could leave our luggage?

A few examples:

— Good evening! Do you have any vacancies? - Good evening! Do you have rooms available?

— Good evening! Yes, we have vacant single and double rooms. - Good evening! Yes, we have single and double rooms.

— I need a single room. How much is it? – I need a single room. How much does it cost?

— $60 per night. - $60 per night.

— Great. - Fine.

— How long will you be staying for? – How long do you plan to stay at the hotel?

— Only for this night. My flight is tomorrow at 9:00 in the morning. “Only this night. My flight is tomorrow at 9 am.

— Good afternoon! - Good afternoon!

Hello! Can I help you? - Hello! I can help you?

Yes, I'd like to check in. I have a reservation. Yes, I would like to settle down. I made a reservation.

— Your name, miss? - What is your name, miss?

My name is Kate Ross. My name is Kate Ross.

Yes, your room is ready. The room number is 123. Here's the key. - Yes, your room is ready. Room number 123. Here is your key.

— Thank you! What time is the restaurant open for dinner? What time does the restaurant open for dinner?

— Dinner is served between 6 p.m. and 9.30 p.m. Dinner is served from six to half past nine.

— Thank you! - Thanks!

Before a long trip abroad, it is always useful to improve your knowledge of English: for example, you can go through. Minimum time - maximum knowledge. And to see the effectiveness of our training - visit a free trial lesson. You can easily sign up for it

Speaking and writing about travel in English is not easy for everyone. People who have initial and middle are often limited to a few simple sentences with banal vocabulary.

In this article, we will show that writing a lot about travel is easy and even interesting. Here you can find examples of phrases and quotes, as well as a lot of other useful information regarding this topic.

Essay "My Journey" in English

Question Can you tell me about your trip? for many who know, it can cause embarrassment and a little shock. Why?

Here are some reasons for this reaction:

How beautiful to talk about your trip in English in an essay?

Here is an example of an essay about a trip to:

my trip "My trip"
Traveling is the most exciting thing in the world. First of all, it lets us discover the world from different sides, visit different countries and experience their cultures and traditions. Travel is the most exciting thing in the world. Firstly, it allows us to explore the world from different angles, visit different countries, study their culture and traditions.
Moreover, we have a chance to enrich our knowledge about life in general and particularly about ourselves. Moreover, we have a chance to enrich our knowledge about life in general and partly about ourselves.
Traveling also gives us an opportunity to meet new interesting people, learn new languages, taste different national dishes and develop our skills. That's why I'm trying to travel as much as possible. Traveling also gives you the opportunity to meet new interesting people, learn languages, taste different national dishes and improve your knowledge. That's why I try to travel as often as possible.
Last year I visited New York, USA. I got there by plane. It took me more than 8 hours. The most exciting thing I saw was the Empire State Building. I had a fantastic time and learned a lot about this marvelous and famous landmark. Last year I visited New York City, USA. Traveled by plane for more than 8 hours. The most exciting thing I saw there was the Empire State Building. I had a fantastic time and learned a lot about this amazing and famous landmark.
The first thing I've noticed about this beautiful building is that it looks like a giant pencil, with a tall and pointed top. I caught my breath when I rose my head to see it at first. The architecture of the Empire State Building is gorgeous. The first thing I noticed about this beautiful building is that it looks like a giant pencil with a tall and pointed top. The first time I raised my head to look at him, my breath caught. The architecture of the Empire State Building is magnificent.
There was so much to see and do inside the tower. There were two observations with spectacular views, lovely coffee shops, and some souvenir shops. I've bought several postcards so that I will always remember that day. There was also plenty to see and do inside the tower. There are two observation platforms with a picturesque view, cute coffee shops and souvenir shops. I bought some postcards so now I will always remember that day.
I felt a little sad when it was time to live. I had a good time in New York and I hope to go there again next winter. I felt a little sad before leaving. I had a good time in New York and hope to visit again next winter.

In this essay, rich vocabulary and compliance with all the grammatical rules of the English language have developed into a full-fledged literate and readable text. The subject of travel allows you to talk about your emotions and experiences, as well as about small details of a flight or moving, checking into a hotel, searching for sights and communicating with new people.

Dialogue "Journey" in English

No homework. Without teeth. Without textbooks

From the course "ENGLISH BEFORE AUTOMATIC" you:

  • Learn how to write good sentences in English without learning grammar
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At the restaurant


  1. I would like to buy this one.(I would like to buy this.)
  2. How much is it?(What is the price?)
  3. I am just looking.(I'm just watching.)
  4. Please, show me that one.(Please show this product.)
  5. Where is the fitting room?(Where is the dressing room?)
  6. Do you have a larger/smaller size?(Is there a larger/smaller size?)

Here you have seen the most common phrases in English that will help you express and voice your needs, desires and actions so that you are understood correctly. These are, without which not a single tourist can do abroad.

English language guides for travel

A lot of useful vocabulary on the topic of travel can also be found in. These are special manuals focused on a specific topic, in our case, travel. There are a lot of English language tutorials. How to choose the right one for you?

Consider several manuals from different publishers and authors:

Which of the English language tutorials to choose is up to you. All of the above are good and useful in their own way. In them you will find all the vocabulary and grammar rules you need.

If you suddenly fail to pronounce the desired phrase or, you can always show your interlocutor your phrase book and point your finger at the expression that you would like to voice.

Travel Quotes in English

Travel touches the heart of every person and leaves its own special imprint there. For centuries, people wrote about it, composed songs, poems.

Consider the brightest about travel in English, after hearing which you immediately want to hit the road:

"Travel as the greatest science and serious science helps us to rediscover ourselves", Albert Camus

“Travel, as the greatest and most serious science, helps us rediscover ourselves.” Albert Camus

"The world is a book, and those who do not travel, read only a page", Augustine, St.

“The world is a book, and those who do not travel read only one page of it.” St. Augustine

“Only two things we will regret on deathbed – that we are a little loved and little traveled”, Mark Twain

"Only two things we will regret on our deathbed - that we loved little and traveled little." Mark Twain

“Why do you visit the same place if there are so many unexplored corners on the Earth?!” by Marc Levy

“Why on earth visit the same place when there are so many unexplored corners in the world ?!”, Mark Levy

"A little step may be the beginning of a great journey!"

“A small step can be the start of a big journey!”


Traveling allows a person to discover new horizons, get acquainted with a new culture and interesting people, and immersion in the language environment contributes to the harmonious development of the level of English proficiency.

Talking about travel and other related topics with an English-speaking interlocutor will not be difficult if you prepare and study the necessary phrases and expressions in advance with the help of a tutorial, lessons from a tutor.

Also, study on your own online on free sites that offer interesting games and tasks for memorizing words, read blogs of foreigners.

Don't hide your emotions and don't be afraid to say the wrong thing. This way you will avoid the language barrier and will be able to clearly express your position and views.

When planning a trip abroad, for example, to England in , do not forget to brush up on your knowledge of English or take a phrase book with you. Use our recommendations and enjoy tourism.
