Read Richard Long Arms. Guy Julius Orlovsky Richard Long Hands

Straight from his Moscow apartment, a cynic, conformist and video game lover, Dmitry fell into an alternative reality that looks like the Middle Ages.

Only in this world there is magic, dragons, harpies and other monsters. And there is also a civil war in which Dmitry light hand decided to take part. And what does he have to lose? Only now, was it reasonable to oppose the only forces capable of returning him to his native 21st century?

Richard Longarms - Warrior of the Lord (2001)

Dmitry was a typical representative of our time: a conformist, a cynic, a lover of cinema and computer games. But by chance, he was transported to the magical Middle Ages, torn apart by strife and civil war. In the new world, the hero received a new name - Richard Long arms and became a squire.

But the Inquisition suspected him in connection with Satan. To check whether this is true or not, he was sent on a dangerous and almost impossible task - in search of the armor of St. George. But going on a campaign, Richard did not even suspect that he would meet with the founder of the church - St. Tertullian himself ...

Richard Longarms - Lord's paladin (2002)

If you live in the world of magic, trying to plan your life and make dates is a waste of time. And if the devil himself has a score with you, then you should definitely forget about a pleasant evening with a lady.

Knight Richard Longarms hoped to meet his beloved the very next day, but due to some problems with the magical transport, he ended up… Oh, I wish I knew where!

And this is far from the only surprise from fate: the hero is waiting for meetings with mermaids, dragons, vampires, elves and even Satan himself.

Richard Long Arms - Senior (2003)

Richard Long Hands - in the past, a simple guy Dima - once in another world, he quickly settled in it. From a commoner, he quickly retrained into a squire, and then completely became a real knight. The next step is the title of paladin.

Richard fearlessly performs feat after feat, and this time he will have to fight the knights who have embarked on the path of Darkness, and maybe even the Devil himself.

Richard de Amalfi (2004)

Here is the fifth book in the series about the adventures of the hitman Richard Longarms.

The protagonist inherits a beautiful castle and changes his name in honor of its name - now he is Richard de Amalfi. That's just to start sedentary life does not work for him.

In addition to the beautiful estate, Richard also gets neighbors, not all of whom are friendly towards him. This is where what our hero likes begins: battles and the seizure of new possessions ... And along the way, he conducts heartfelt conversations with Tertullian about the meaning of life, faith and unbelief.

Only here in the South, meanwhile, preparations are in full swing for a jousting tournament, in which Richard cannot but take part.

Richard Longhands - Lord of Three Castles (2004)

Richard, having finally dealt with the unbearable neighbors, goes to the jousting tournament. The hero, so equipped with the latest magic of the Middle Ages, having Ariant's armor and bow, a magic sword, hammer and horse, has a new partner - Hell Dog named Bobik. On the way to the competition, he also meets the monk Cadfael, thanks to whom he is now under the protection of higher powers.

Richard will not bypass the side and new adventures: escort beautiful girl, the fight against evil and the fight with the strongest mage. And the author will slightly open the veil of secrets, giving an answer to the question of why and how the hero appeared in this world.

Richard Longarms - Viscount (2005)

Sir Richard Longarms will take part in the Catalaun Tournament - a large-scale battle, which attracts hundreds of the best fighters from all kingdoms.

What you just won’t see on it: battles on horseback, and group clashes, and single fights. Richard will shine like never before...

And ahead looms the South, alluring, magical and mysterious South. The main thing is that palace intrigues do not interfere.

Richard Longarms - Baron (2005)

The noble Sir Richard Longhands, who is in the service of the king himself, is about to make a dangerous journey. Whoever meets on the way of the hero and his squad: crowds of enemies, skilled warriors, dangerous birds and cunning conspirators.

Or maybe the enemy has already made its way into Richard's army? Now he is not up to pompous beauties! In the company of valiant knights, only deeds and heroic battles await him.

Richard Longarms - Jarl (2005)

Due to severe weather, Sir Richard Longarms was forced to stop at the castle before continuing his march.

Yes, he will not be able to go beyond it, but he will find adventure anyway. The hero is waiting for fights, fantastic incidents and, of course, love experiences. He will have to show himself as the noblest person who is ready to help even the family of his own enemy. And it is he who will have to protect people from offenders and restore justice.

Richard Longarms - Count (2005)

Brave Richard Longhands is not afraid of almost anything. He is not afraid even to find himself in the camp of the enemy. Whatever you do to help your friends!

Disguised as a commoner, Richard arrives at the Wallenstein castle to unravel the conspiracy of the local barons. And that's where the adventure begins.

The hero is waiting for intrigues, battles, chases and even capture. What's next? And further south!

Richard Longarms - Burgrave (2006)

Finally, Sir Richard Longarms has changed the stone dungeons of castles to a port city, where everyone does nothing but trade and have fun. But Richard is not up to fun, because trouble awaits the hero at every turn...

Richard Longarms - Landlord (2006)

No matter how much Sir Richard Longhands wanted to go to the South, he again did not succeed ... Due to the unexpected illness of Barbarossa, he was forced to return again.

And the hero in between times had to stop the civil strife, steal the widow and at the same time not accidentally get on the gallows. Not an easy task for anyone, but not for Sir Richard! It was not without bright love adventures ...

Richard Longarms - Count Palatinate (2007)

Thoughts about the magical fairy South and the magical artifacts that can be found there, visit Sir Richard now less and less. The valiant duke was hard at work fortifying his positions on the northern side of the Ridge.

But in this book, the adventures of Richard Long Arms will not be limited to political intrigues: the hero will have real battles, captures of castles and love for a beautiful lady.

Richard Long Arms - Overlord (2007)

A relatively calm time has come - winter. All military actions are postponed for the future, when the horses will no longer freeze, and the snow will not interfere with long campaigns.

But even for feasts and memories of military exploits, Sir Richard Longarms does not relax. He faces a difficult choice. Richard is torn between the duties of a ruler and honor, between friends and enemies, between duty and feeling.

Richard Longarms - constable (2007)

The longer Dimitri, aka Richard Longhands, stayed in the world of sword and magic, the less he wanted to return home. He soon gave up trying to find his way back. After all, now on his shoulders lies the responsibility for Armland and its people. Can he leave them? Richard took up the restoration and unification of the lands, but the road to the mysterious South still beckoned him ...

Richard Longarms - Marquis (2008)

The time has come for the valiant Sir Richard to take his feet out of the anomalous zone and return to his native land. But then there was a great chance to penetrate the real South, breaking the barrier. And how can you not take advantage of this opportunity?

So Richard ended up in a country of endless holidays and festivities. The next point of his journey was the marquisate of the seaside, where the pirates were in earnest. But even this will not be a problem for our hero! As you can see, Richard will not be left without adventures again ...

Richard Longhands - Grossgraf (2008)

The valiant paladin, Sir Richard Longhands, has to solve a very important moral question: can a lesser evil be tolerated in order to avoid a greater evil? Is the life of one child worth the life of an entire city?

Richard is on the verge between good and evil. What will he choose: serve the church and God, or step into the path of Satan? And the hero is also waiting for adventures in the South, the construction of a fortress, battles with enemies and other attributes of a paladin's life in the world of sword and magic.

Richard Longarms - Lord Protector (2008)

Who is she: an insidious succubus or a miracle of nature, a perfect creation of the Lord? The perfect woman or the vile traitor? The amazing Lorelei, beloved of Sir Richard Longhands, is stolen right from under his nose. What remains for the hero, except to go to save her and at the same time his honor.

But when dealing with affairs of love, it is very important not to forget about the affairs of state. After all, Sir Richard is not some commoner, but one of the rulers of the world of sword and magic.

Richard Longarms - majordomo (2008)

Sir Richard Longhands enters the most dangerous battles without fear and, as a rule, emerges victorious from them. But this time he will have to lose everything that was acquired by such labor.

In the new kingdoms and new worlds, Richard will turn out to be practically nobody... But the hero will be able to get out of this difficult situation, and also fight the barbarians and discover unexpected abilities in himself.

Richard Longarms - Margrave (2009)

After the events of the previous book, Sir Richard Longhands gained new powers. He became even more powerful and even learned to fly. And now Richard will definitely make an excellent ruler.

That's just the spiteful critics do not give rest. Perhaps, in order to cope with new difficulties, the hero will have to discover the powers of the dark god in himself. The main thing is to resist the temptations and stay true to the light...

Richard Longarms - Gaugraph (2009)

Political intrigues are twisted around the glorious Richard Longarms and his friends. Getting out of these fetters is not an easy task.

In such a situation, it is difficult not to cross the boundaries of morality and not go too far. Will his excessive cruelty towards his enemies not destroy Richard, or, on the contrary, will it save him? How to keep it a good relationship with the church? Fortunately, for the resourceful Sir Richard, there are no hopeless situations!

Richard Longarms - Fragraf (2009)

After another victorious battle, Sir Richard Longarms got not only a new title, but also new lands. But here's the bad luck: the acquired territories are captured by the barbarians, which means that the hero and his army will face another battle.

For the battle to be successful, you must definitely go for reconnaissance. And Richard cannot entrust this difficult task to anyone. Therefore, he goes to the camp of the enemy himself ...

Richard Longarms - wildgraf (2009)

In order to unite his lands, Richard Longarms will have new conquests. Well, that means it's time to go scouting to know exactly who you're dealing with: whether you have to fight trolls or centaurs, how many ogres the enemy has, and other important little things...

But in the course of reconnaissance, quite unexpected things are revealed: a prosperous city is in danger, the king of nomads wants to capture it. It's good that Richard Longhands has taken over. The intrepid hero can do it all!

Richard Longarms - raugraph (2010)

In the new part of the cycle, Richard Longhands, a traveler from modern Moscow to the world of the magical Middle Ages, will continue to prepare for a large-scale trip to Gandersheim. In addition, he will have to perform a lot of other geopolitical affairs.

And everything would be fine, but only an overly biased and completely unexpected revision from the Vatican itself suddenly decides to descend on the knight. Did someone know about how he got into this world?

But that's not all! Another guest of Sir Richard will be Sir Satan himself - an extremely respectful and interesting interlocutor with whom the brave conqueror and conqueror of ladies' hearts will talk about the world order, politics, the church and the meaning of life ...

Richard Longhands - King (2010)

In the twenty-fifth book of the series, Richard Longhands is actively involved in the conduct of government affairs. And also - solves the marriage issue, leads the capture of the organizers of the attempt on his beloved, builds railway and goes on an incredible sea voyage on a flagship.

The valiant hero swims to a place where no one has ever been before - to the Cape of Satan, and gets acquainted with the charming Illariana. It’s just that he doesn’t manage to finish the sea cruise pleasantly - the pirates decide to covet the ship. Well, that's what Richard Longarms and a knight are for, to hold positions not only on land, but also on water ...

Richard Longarms - Duke (2010)

Guy Julius Orlovsky is a popular Russian science fiction writer, the author of the Richard Long Hands series of books, which currently includes fifty works. Before you is the twenty-sixth book about the life of a simple Muscovite Dmitry in the magical Middle Ages. Having defeated the invulnerable Duke of Horneldon in a fair fight, Richard receives his lands and sets off for his newfound possessions.

But not everything is so simple in the new house of the hero: the Dark Fairy, the assistant of the former duke, became embittered at Richard and plots against him, and at night the gates to the mysterious Dark World open here...

Richard Long Arms - Archduke (2010)

Knight Richard Longhands finally wins back the land of Gandersheim. It becomes his new margraviate.

But there is another threat ahead - the Great Mages. IN old days they destroyed any foreign intrusion, reducing the attackers to dust.

Will this problem be solved for the valiant sir? Will success turn his head? Will he become arrogant and cynical towards those close to him?

Richard Long Arms - furst (2011)

Brave Sir Richard this time sets sail on the seas, in search of new adventures and the conquest of new lands. The hero, like the mythical Hercules, performs feats, like Odysseus, finds himself on a mysterious archipelago ...

But the people in this island state live very unfriendly and do not wait for guests on huge caravels at all! Well, our hero can only dream of a sea cruise ...

With all this, Richard continues to study the art of managing his lands, communicates with associates, has heart-to-heart conversations with Satan and is experiencing another assassination attempt. Fortunately, the faithful Bobik is still nearby.

Richard Longarms - Elector (2011)

Glorious victories, countless titles, hectares of conquered lands, dozens of beautiful ladies conquered - the legendary Richard Long Arms already has all this.

And so his path to the South, to new conquests, would have continued, if a perfidious invasion had not been made on his lands. And precisely at the moment when they were left without protection - after all, Richard's army stands on distant lines, building and strengthening the fleet.

This time, the main character will have to use all his charm, eloquence and cunning to unite the neighboring rulers and fight back the intruders together with them. But will it be possible to persuade those who are looking for only their own benefit in everything?

Richard Longarms - Grossfürst (2011)

In the thirtieth book of the series, Sir Richard Longhands continues the war with King Tournedo Gilleberd. After he succeeds in capturing the capital of the enemy, with the help of the elves, he inflicts a crushing defeat on his troops.

And at this time, Gilleberd, who owns magic, kills one of Richard's allies - King Vart Gentz ​​Falstrong. And now his place is free ... Who will sit on the throne?

Richard Long Arms - Landesfürst (2011)

Before us is Richard Longhands - a valiant knight, a brave conqueror of many lands, a thunderstorm of evil spirits, a favorite of women and a man who has the greatest views of the royal crown. And now he is busy with political games and intrigues - after all, territories like his must be actively developed and strengthened.

But suddenly the pirates begin to encroach on the sea possessions, which are the water ambitions of the protagonist. And, finally emboldened, they give Richard a fight, for which, oddly enough, he is not at all ready ...

Richard Long Arms - Grand (2011)

Sir Richard continues to develop the lands he recently captured - Tournedo. And in the neighboring Wart Genz, the highly respected lords did not recognize the new king and unleashed a civil war.

Then the representatives of the nobility, opposed to the bloody battles, turned to the famous Richard the Conqueror for help and asked for protection. And it was useless for a brave knight to have a country completely absorbed in war at his side. That's why, I sigh wearily, he got into the saddle and rushed off to Wart Gentz ​​- to see with his own eyes what was happening there.

Richard Long Arms - Prince (2012)

Richard was able to conquer the kingdom of Warth Gentz, while turning his attention to the neighboring lands - Scarlands. After negotiations with their inhabitants, to whom he offered a deal, he went on a nostalgic journey to the places of his military glory in order to put his thoughts in order.

Well, on his way the main character meets old acquaintances, discusses current affairs with them and philosophizes about life in this world. And soon Richard gets a tool for instant teleportation, after which he decides to immediately return to the Scarlands ...

Richard Long Arms - Erzfurst (2012)

In the continuation of the most popular cycle "Richard Long Arms" by Russian science fiction writer Guy Yuliy Orlovsky, Cupid finally achieved his goal: the god of love pierced the heart of a brave knight through and through. And a beautiful maiden, a lady of high blood, answered him in return.

And everything would be fine, only the beloved faces a difficult choice: feelings or duty ... And in parallel with the personal drama, the main character will have to go through a journey into the past, set off to conquer new lands, build his own fleet, find new ways to move troops and get another title .

Richard Long Arms - Reichsfürst (2012)

Once again, Sir Richard Longarm's plans failed. Although he was going to move further south with his troops, unforeseen circumstances prevented him ...

The Duke of Lambertinia dared to capture Richard's temporary wife, Queen Rotilda. Now three armies, led by a powerful paladin, have turned back to free Rothilde and restore honor to Richard and his wife.

Richard Long Arms - Prince (2012)

At last Sir Richard conquered Lambertinia. True, her duke fled, taking with him Rotilda, the temporary wife of the protagonist, with him. But nothing, and not such a knight caught up, put in place and took away what belongs to him by right.

In addition, after seizing the lands of Lamberitinia, Richard decides to declare himself her prince. Only one thing prevents him from carrying out his plans - a powerful ancient spell that prevents the country from developing beyond the level of the duchy. Well, we'll have to meet the mages and elves again. After all, where the sword does not help, oratory will save!

Richard Longarms - Prince Consort (2012)

In the new book of the series about the adventures of Sir Richard Longhands, the protagonist continues the fight against motley evil spirits, helps the knights who once angered the Lord find peace, and explores secret dungeons.

A gift from above for the protagonist is the opportunity to see the coffin of the Prophet, which he receives after passing the test with an enchanted sword. The bearer of dozens of titles and ranks, Richard continues to build a fleet and escapes from several attempts on his life ... Well, where without the broken hearts of beautiful ladies, intrigues, and also the struggle for a new title?

Richard Longarms - Vice Prince (2012)

Fortune always helped the glorious hero and conqueror, the fallen Dmitry, and in the world of the magical Middle Ages, Richard Long Hands, to get out of the water dry. A brave knight, a favorite of women and a favorite of fate, a man who was able to get a lot into his hands ... Only now the main character has to figure out how to keep it all.

Enemies become those who used to be true friends, plans fall apart as House of cards, and the troops of Emperor Muntvig are preparing for the invasion. There is nowhere to wait for help - there are more and more enemies, you can not trust anyone. Will Richard manage to outwit everyone this time, or will he still have to fall painfully from the climbed height?

Richard Longarms - Archprince (2012)

The valiant Sir Richard Longarms is about to embark on a new adventure. This time, together with a small army, he will defend the city from a huge horde of enemies. But if this task were beyond his strength, he would not be called an invincible paladin!

However, this is just the beginning of the tests. Ahead of the hero is a new campaign for the treasures of the ancient magicians, and this time he will have to go through this path alone.

Richard Longarms - Kurprinz (2013)

Glorious Sir Richard Longarms is waiting for new adventures and useful acquaintances: with wood elves, for example. And the hero has more and more heretical thoughts. That and look, problems with the Inquisition will begin ...

Fortunately, hardly anyone will dare to get rid of the indispensable paladin and mage. After all, who, besides Richard, will be able to fight back evil sorcerers, save kings and even arrange their personal happiness? Perhaps no one.

Richard Longarms - ErbPrince (2013)

The adventures of an ordinary Muscovite Dmitry, who got into the mysterious and magical medieval world, do not stop. Richard continues the war with Emperor Mountwig. The cunning and perspicacity of the protagonist finally give him the opportunity to capture the capital of the enemy.

But on the personal front, the brave knight has problems again: he unsuccessfully tries to break off relations with Princess Ascandella, at the same time he begins to communicate very closely with the queen of the elves, and in the meantime the churchmen dream of marrying him. But what kind of wedding can we talk about if on the threshold of a possible reformation of the church and a chance to get a new title?

Richard Long Arms - Prince of the Crown (2013)

Everything seems to have calmed down before the storm. Severe Cold winter. The inhabitants of the world of sword and magic turned to heaven with a silent prayer, and civil strife ceased.

But is the decisive battle coming, in which Sir Richard Longarms is to take part? Meanwhile, the hero already has enough worries: you need to patronize people and magical creatures, solve the problems of blue-blooded persons and commoners ...

Richard Longarms - Grand Prince (2013)

The protagonist of the series "Richard Long Arms" is getting closer and closer to Princess Asklandella, returns the throne of the conquered country to the rightful ruler, acquires a new title and goes on a long trip to the far north.

But the enemies do not sleep. Taking advantage of the fact that Richard is not in his possessions, treacherous ambitious people begin to take away his lands ... Meanwhile, he continues on his way to the Temple of Truth, now and then finding himself on the verge of death.

The cost of life is the knight's magical armor. What to do? But was it such that our hero did not get out of a difficult situation?

Richard Longarms - Prince Regent (2013)

The book "Richard Long Hands - Prince Regent" is a continuation of the popular series of fantasy novels by Guy Yuliy Orlovsky, telling about the Muscovite Dmitry, who fell into the magical Middle Ages. In the work of the hero, new adventures, dangers and the fight against evil await. After all, the mysterious Temple of Truth is in no hurry to reveal all the secrets.

This time, Richard will have to try on the skin of a real detective and help the monks fight off the formidable demons from the dungeon. And in order to overcome evil spirits, he needs to go to the Underworld itself ... And, perhaps, save the whole world from inevitable death.

Richard Long Arms - King (2013)

In the continuation of the fantastic series of Russian science fiction writer Guy Julius Orlovsky "Richard Long Hands - King", the main character will finally rise even higher in the world of the feudal nobility.

That's just the path to the coveted crown will not be easy. After all, the main reason for Richard's acceptance of the royal mantle is the fight against the sinister star Marcus, which is about to leave no stone unturned from this world.

The protagonist is doing everything possible to unite the efforts of all who are ready to fight for peace and for the future. And therefore, throughout the journey, he weaves an intrigue that should help him achieve his goal.

Richard Longarms - King Consort (2013)

Sir Richard Longarms returns to the places of former victories to restore order there again.

Although the king of the two worlds did not manage to find a weapon against Marcus within the walls of the Temple of Truth, but now he will be able to successfully use his high position. And if, in addition to sorcerers and angels, a reasonable supercomputer is also involved in the battle, then the chances of success will increase significantly.

Richard Long Arms - Monarch (2014)

The novel by Guy Julius Orlovsky "Richard Long Hands - Monarch" is already the forty-seventh book of the most popular fantasy cycle.

IN new series the protagonist, through clever combinations and intrigues, regains control of the recently lost kingdom of Sainte-Marie. In addition, he has to survive the trial by the inhabitants of the Temple of Fate, during which the ghost of the faithful Tertullian comes to his aid.

Also, the main character shows his enemies all his power as the Lord of the Dark World, finally goes south in search of new artifacts that should help in the battle with Marcus, and approaches Lady Babette. But the Crimson Star is already very close…

Richard Longarms - stadtholder (2014)

"Richard Long Arms - Stadtholder" is the forty-eighth novel in the cycle about the adventures of a simple guy Dmitry, who ended up in the magical Middle Ages.

This time he again has to save the world from the approaching danger. The king and paladin will have to fight shoulder to shoulder with the fallen angels to resist the intrigues of the Light Ones.

In addition to large-scale battles, readers will be pleased with the philosophical and theological reasoning of their favorite author.

Richard Longarms - Prince of the Imperial Mantle (2014)

A rebellion of angels is coming, but the valiant paladin - Sir Richard Longarms - is confident that he can prevent this terrible event. He, like no one else, knows that angel fighters are useless. Not like people!

Will hell be destroyed? Will the rebels succeed in getting their way? Will Marcus make it to Earth in time? Who will get the power?

Richard Long Arms - Emperor (2014)

Here comes the most important and dangerous battle for Richard Longarms and his comrades. It's time to fight back against the aliens from outer space who want to crush the whole world and gain dominance.

The most courageous, noble and courageous fighters are dying. Will their death be in vain? Valiant Sir Richard will have to decide on desperate actions - after all, this is the last chance for salvation.

Richard Longhands - Lord of the Crimson Star of Evil (2017)

Finally, an avalanche of horses clad in steel armor with a roar of hooves rushed through the land of the terrible and monstrously dangerous South, the cursed country of magicians, sorcerers, wizards and other sorcerers, the eternal enemies of the Holy Church.

The knights of the crusader army, lowering their visors, peer at a gallop into ghostly castles, where there is a lot of booty, where there is fame, wealth, titles, luxurious women ...

Richard Longhands - Richard and the Great Magicians (2018)

Knightly cavalry in the clang of armor and the roar of hooves broke into the graceful world of the Age of Enlightenment with its freedoms, the decline of morality and the development of the arts. The harsh morals of the heroes of the North clashed with the sweet licentiousness and accessibility of the women of the South, and faith in the infallibility of the Church hit painfully against the tempting opportunity to destroy any foundations.

Ukrainian-Russian writer Yuri Nikitin is better known as Guy Julius Orlovsky. "Richard Longarms" - all books in order - his best series fantasy novels about a hero who travels through alternate realities.

Richard Longarms

More than anything, Dmitry is fond of video games, which is not surprising for such a cynical person who constantly sits out his pants in a Moscow apartment. Suddenly, something happened to the guy that literally turned his usual life upside down - he somehow inconceivably ended up in another reality, which is more like the Middle Ages. Farther

More recently, Dmitry even in nightmare I could not imagine that he - a simple guy from Moscow with absolutely typical hobbies - would find himself in the real Middle Ages, where he would acquire a new name. But now the guy has problems - the Inquisition suspects that this squire is somehow connected with Satan, therefore they send him on a dangerous mission. Farther

When Richard found himself in an alternative reality, he had no choice but to forget about a comfortable life in Moscow and quickly adapt to new conditions for himself. And now he is practically no different from the locals, on the contrary, he even armed himself to take part in a popular jousting tournament, where everyone wants to show what they are capable of. Farther

Richard is well aware of the opportunities that a jousting tournament will open for him, especially if he manages to show himself well and win. However, it will not be very easy, if only because the best of the best have gathered in these parts, who are also armed with the latest technology and are certainly not in the mood for defeat, so the battle will not be easy. Farther

Now Richard found himself in a place where life is literally in full swing. However, the hero did not come here to constantly have fun and have fun, he has a more noble mission, which he hopes to cope with. But the hero should be extremely careful, because danger lurks literally at every step, in the face of the most sophisticated ill-wishers. Farther

Initially, Richard was going to get to the South, but no matter how much he made efforts for this, there were still those circumstances that prevented the hero from approaching his cherished goal. At first, he took part in ending the civil strife, after which the news of the unforeseen illness of Barbarossa forced him to drop everything and return back. Farther

Richard should not linger in this anomalous zone for too long, as danger always lies in wait for everyone who finds himself here. He would be glad to return, but not now, when the hero finally got the long-awaited chance to be in the real South, where he had been striving for so long, but circumstances over and over again prevented him. Farther

This time, Richard faced an extremely serious question, the answer to which he still does not have. He is not sure whether it is right to allow a petty evil to happen in order to avoid the threat of a greater evil arising? Until a decision is made, the situation will not be resolved, so it's best to hurry before it's too late. Farther

Richard Longhands - Gaugraph

A lot of political intrigue arises around Richard. The number of ill-wishers has increased too much lately, who are vehemently eager to harm not only the hero, but also his loved ones. Richard is well aware that he will not allow any evil to have negative impact on people dear to him, so he will have to fight. Farther

Richard Longhands Freigrapher

This time, Richard again won the battle. Its result was a new title of the hero and territory, which made it possible to significantly expand the borders of the state. Now the situation has stabilized, but the hero understands perfectly well that in no case can one stop there. Especially when a more dangerous battle lies ahead. Farther

Richard Longarms - Duke

A lot of time has passed since Richard turned from a simple Muscovite into a resident of the Middle Ages, who quickly took the initiative into his own hands and began to conquer more and more new territories through battles. Time after time, the hero manages to win. Recently, he defeated Horneldon - the duke, who was considered invulnerable, and went to inspect new possessions. Farther

Richard Longarms - Archduke

A lot of effort was spent by Richard to finally win back the Gandersheim region. When it seemed that the threat was over, a new problem arose in the life of the hero. The fact is that there are some Great Magicians who, according to legend, destroy all the arrived unearthly guests. Now Richard will have to somehow resolve the situation before it's too late. Farther

Richard Longhands - Landesfurst

Richard is a brave knight, which he became after he got from Moscow to the Middle Ages and his life changed dramatically overnight. Now he constantly participates in tournaments, conquers new lands, expanding territories day by day. But here's the bad luck - he became aware that the pirates encroach on his lands and you need to deal with them. Farther

Richard Longhands - grand

While Richard explores new lands, wins battles and enlists the support of allies, problems also continue to appear. However, no difficulties can frighten the hero, if only because he has already experienced a lot, when from cozy room in a Moscow apartment, in a matter of seconds, he moved into an alternative reality, where he remained. Farther

Richard Longarms - Prince

Richard, along with his warriors, took a lot of effort to finally conquer Lambertinia. Then he could not foresee that the duke of these lands would not only run away in an unknown direction, but also take Richard's temporary wife with him. Now, in order to solve new problems, Richard needs to come up with something and undo the duchy's spell. Farther

Richard Longarms - Prince Consort

Not a day goes by that Richard doesn't have to fight different kind evil spirits, some of which turn out to be not only creepy, but also extremely dangerous. But the hero is too strong and courageous to give up just like that, especially since he already has plans for the future, which he intends to implement in the near future and hopes that no one will interfere with him. Farther

Richard Longarms - ErbPrince

Until recently, his name was Dmitry, but having settled in a new reality for himself, a simple guy instantly acquired the name of Richard and became a hero who set himself the goal of expanding territories and getting the highest rank that a person can have. He is not at all afraid that this will take time and effort, the main thing is that he will cope with everything. Farther

Richard Longarms - Prince of the Crown

At a time when impenetrable winter cold began around the world, the population could only pray that internecine wars would finally stop. All this aggravated the situation even more, especially in conditions when there is simply no place to expect help from mere mortals. From this duty, Sir Richard only increased.

Who would have thought that after so much time the long-awaited goal in the form of a mysterious and incredibly dangerous South would still be achieved by the heroes. And at what cost! But what opportunities will this achievement open up for Richard, because he overcame this whole path not just like that, but having clear plans for the future, which must certainly be implemented. Farther

The world has come new era and the endless Middle Ages finally gave way to the beautiful Enlightenment, the advent of which brought the most unexpected changes to this world. No one suspected how the harsh disposition of the population of the north would organically coexist with the dissolute behavior of southern women, and this is by no means all the news of recent times. Farther

After he ceased to be a simple Russian Dmitry, and turned into the real King Richard, who won this title and new territories with blood and sweat, the moment came when you had to weigh everything and make a choice - which side are you on? No one knows for sure where the hero is leaning - for good or evil. Farther

It was Guy Julius Orlovsky - "Richard Long Arms" - all books in order from the series. Share whether you have already read fantasy novels and what impressions you have left. 😉

Guy Julius Orlovsky

Richard Longhands - King

Christians are made, not born.

Tertullian (c. 160 - after 220)

Both my lords and the cardinal and prelates looked at me demandingly and expectantly. I slowly unclenched my fists, my heart drumming on my ribs, but I restrained myself and cast a glance at the attentive faces of the guests from the Vatican, they are waiting for something smarter than the angry scream of a wounded feudal lord.

I took a breath, forced the muscles of my face to rebuild a grimace of rage into a conciliatory smile.

- An insult? I don't see any insult.

The knights rustled, there was an evil sniffing and rattling of blades. Count Richard, expressing the general opinion of the Armlanders, angrily recalled:

“King Kaidan granted you an insultingly small title!.. And land… what kind of land?” Isn't that an insult?

I shook my head.

- Not. Let's treat this modest gift with all Christian understanding.

Sir Raster growled:

– What is there to understand?

“Everyone gives as much,” I answered, and smiled as meekly as possible, “as much as they can. Why be angry? One can only pity such a king.

I smiled, though my insides seethed with anger, clapped Raster on the shoulder, pushed Baron Albrecht, and glimpses of understanding began to appear on the faces of one or two angry lords. Any gift with the right resourcefulness can be turned against the donor. Kaidan now looks spat on himself, any ruler is first of all praised by his comrades-in-arms, subjects and bards for generous gifts. Avarice always looks disgusting, but is especially condemned if crowned persons are seen in it.

The cardinal suddenly smiled, got up, still as thin and frail, but now there is palpable greatness in him, in every movement there emerges a strength that I had not noticed before. The prelates hurriedly erected themselves after his Eminence.

The cardinal said softly:

“Don't see us off, Sir Richard. Father Dietrich?

“Post for honor,” replied Father Dietrich.

Gabriel Horst, tall and as thin as a cardinal, straightened his back for almost the first time, his gaze direct and honest, and his face without cunning.

“You have enough worries of your own,” he explained unnecessarily. “And we…we travel fast too.”

He smiled a little, making it clear that he knew more about my Bunny than myself, nodded and went out after the cardinal and Father Raymond.

My furious lords didn't even notice the disappearance of the damned Vatican who had been poisoning life all this time. Only Baron Albrecht is restrained, even smiling, but a noble person does not show base feelings if he can keep them.

I said soothingly:

- Friends, I ask everyone to sit down. From the great to the ridiculous, as you know, there is only one step, but from the ridiculous there is no longer a path to the great. So King Kaidan...

Sir Raster said a rude word, but, fortunately, there were no ladies around, and Baron Albrecht asked insistently:

But how do you react?

I nodded.

We'll decide how to react right here. I suggest you just ignore it.

They sat down reluctantly, standing up easier to shout threats against the king. Iron clanging, Count Richard spoke first again, his voice still sounded with anger, but now I heard alarm:

“And is it not because His Majesty decided to grant you such an insultingly small title because he found out about the Gaugraph?”

The knights made a noise, some of them spoke in confusion, some with bitterness, and gradually everyone was blocked by the indignant voice of Sir Ulrich:

- ... what's wrong with the Gaugraph? Perhaps the noble and most venerable Sir Richard does not know, they did not give us a present, we seized by force the most impregnable castle in the kingdom of Tournedo! I myself led a tiny detachment of knights through a foreign kingdom, risking being noticed every minute. This is a feat, about which ballads will still be composed! .. The title of Gaugraph is a forced recognition by a hostile king of the right to own a piece of land torn from his kingdom! .. Does everyone understand that Sir Richard seized the lands of a foreign kingdom?

He's gone wild, his eyes are sparkling, his face is bloodshot, I've never seen the always restrained Sir Ulrich so excited.

The knights listened, calmed down, and finally Count Richard said sullenly:

- Valiant Sir Ulrich, no one doubts that the title was received without prejudice to the honor of Armland, for our entire crusading host and Sir Richard personally. But the question arises how His Majesty was able to immediately find out such details and instantly make a decision ... The detachment at the hand of the noble Sir Claudius - Lord, accept his soul in peace - arrived quite recently!

“—and how the messenger got here so quickly,” Sir Paladius added in an eerily sober voice.

“That too,” agreed Baron Albrecht.

I got up and patted the table.

“Noble lords, calm down! To be precise, we are offended by many things in this life, but we are offended by some things, we ignore others. Otherwise, there will be no life, but a continuous hell. Treat this gift of the king like a bird flying over your head that pooped on your hat. We grimaced and continue to go about our business.

Count Richard asked:

“So you won’t rush to equip the Devil’s Land?”

I looked straight ahead.

“Count, you amaze me.

He chuckled.

“It was a joke, Sir Richard.

Sir Raster boomed like a bear, powerfully and resoundingly:

- And what? .. The best answer is to leave it unanswered. Neglect.

“And to explain to everyone,” said Baron Albrecht, “that we care about the reputation of His Majesty. When he happens to blurt out some stupidity, as this time, we delicately pretend that we did not hear at all.

Sir Alvar cheered up and laughed:

- You cunning beetle, Sir Albrecht! .. So turn everything around!

The Baron nodded in my direction.

“No one can beat Sir Richard. This is such a beetle, a beetle, even a beetle, a beetle for all beetles ...

I said powerfully:

- Circumstances have changed Dear friends. Let the Bunny unsaddle there for now. And Bobik will be given my apologies. Count Richard had already hinted quite emphatically that before going to Gandersheim there was something to be hedged with. Still, His Majesty may come very unexpectedly, and this creates additional difficulties ...

“Especially,” Raster boomed worriedly, “if you're in Gandersheim.

“And we’ll all be there,” Ulrich said soberly.

“Then let’s do this,” I said. - Everyone is still free. Not in the sense of being free to do all sorts of indecent things, but still free from me, but I’ll still ask for work! We'll meet in the main hall after lunch. I will announce the tasks of the current day.

They hurriedly parted, bowing respectfully, I moved to the exit with firm steps. The thighs tremble with the desire to start running, but I forced myself to go powerfully and sedately.

Orlovsky Guy

Richard Longarms (Book 1)

Guy Orlovsky

Richard Longarms

(Book one)

It is dangerous to look at the sky for a long time. From the usual dome with silver carnations, it turns into something mysterious, capricious and not very friendly towards a person. Dmitry, a conformist and a cynic, a lover of cinema and computer games, in short, a child of his age, transferred by unknown forces to an almost natural Middle Ages, equipped for thrills with a civil war, a golden-haired princess, knights, sorcerers, harpies, felt it in his own skin, or rather, on his skin. , monsters, werewolves and other charms. Who and why needed it in this strange world? What is he to do? Had he made the mistake of going out on impulse against the forces that could bring him home?

On the screen, shattered cars were replaced by the bloodied bodies of the victims, the bustling figures of the rescuers, the panorama of the intersection. A very sexy TV presenter, skillfully made up, with record-breaking thin arched eyebrows, which distinguished her from other standard television dolls, in a strict voice, which made her even sexier, listed those who did not have time to slow down, told who crashed how, how many cars were pulled out dead and who lay back on the way to the hospital.

On a wide screen with a scan of one hundred megahertz, all these scenes with breaking doors are generally very good, and four speakers with a sound card from "Saund" accurately convey the rattle of torn metal, groans and death rattles.

Now there is competition in the media, cameramen literally climb on each other's heads, trying not to miss a frame. There, for example, a man in a car fell on the steering wheel, his chest was concave like a steering wheel. And the woman in the next seat after hitting the windshield was thrown back. She lies with her head thrown back, her face is covered in blood, her nose and lower jaw are broken, and her left cheek is torn open by something sharp so that teeth stick out right from her cheek into a bloody gap.

And the teeth are porcelain, - Alina noticed.

Metal ceramics, - objected Anatoly. He remembered that he had promised not to argue with Alina anymore, dearer to himself, hastily agreed. Or maybe porcelain. In any case, not natural. Too flat and white.

Vladimir came up and looked in with lazy interest.

What is it about her cheek like that?

Stand for a mobile phone, - said Anatoly. - Right now they are from the voice, only suckers paw with their hands.

A special metallic crackle from the speakers, on the screen two strong men open the mangled car like a tin can. A hook was hooked onto the door, the cable was pulled tight, the people fled, only the courageous operator stepped back just a step. Either a fan of the profession - such people climb under bombs for the sake of the frame - or he knows from experience that neither the cable will break, nor will it reach the door.

It crackled, it crackled. A disgusting rattle, the door gently folded back. Two rescuers quickly and skillfully pulled the driver out. Instead of a face, a bloody mess, and the chest was actually pierced by a steering column almost to the spine. One rescuer gave a signal, and the doctors from the ambulance continued to smoke, leaning against the high side of the car.

Yeah, - said Alina joyfully, - this one in the morgue! We bet that there will be more dead today than yesterday?

Just think, - Anatoly objected, - today is Friday! .. Of course, today there will be more dead.

What was the rain like yesterday? And the asphalt is slipperier than today!

The woman was pulled out with precautions. Even the doctors threw away their cigarettes and stepped closer. As soon as the bloodied body appeared from the car, the orderlies put him on a stretcher, ran to the van with a large red cross.

Immediately, the intersection of Profsoyuznaya with Dmitry Ulyanov appeared on the screen: three cars were soft-boiled, one was thrown to the side of the road, turned over. The TV camera caught the moment when through a broken window, right on the protruding pieces of glass, sharp as a razor, a distraught man with a bloody face is selected. The cheekbone is cut off, the eyeball has fallen out of the crushed cavity and hangs on the cheek.

Flashed, a rosy-cheeked movie star appeared on the screen and began to show exactly how she uses Tampax, and twitter about why she prefers this particular company. Anatoly howled: always advertising on the most interesting, grabbed the remote and angrily poked in the direction of the TV screen. On the first channel, the film: the president of the company fucks the secretary, on the second - a dashing cowboy enters an unfamiliar house, asks for a drink and, seeing unknown woman, climbs under the skirt. Clearly, there and then coitus. On the third channel, a man with a solid belly fucks his nephew, on the fourth - a schoolboy teacher, on the fifth - a German burgher neighbor's goat.

Anatoly snorted: they went over with sex, you can overeat and sweets. Even I, accustomed to modern television, decided that it was very wrong. Immediately they begin to breathe violently, squirm, passions, muzzle, although in fact everything is so routine, even with a friend, even a stranger, that you think about anything, but not about what you are doing, as if you live separately from the body.

What color rendition, - Anatoly said with envy, - you give! One hundred megahertz?

And vertically, - I said, - and horizontally. In vain, or what, did I take it with a Devadeshnik?

DVD is dying, - said Anatoly. - Now craftsmen have got the hang of taking video cassettes and distilling them into MPEG-4 on simple discs for CDs. A hundred times cheaper! But the quality is the same.

Well, yes, - I objected, touched to the quick. - So you DVD and die! It didn't even develop properly. Well, who needs seventeen gigabyte laser discs yet? What to write on them? All the libraries of the world will fit on one...

Anatoly tastefully began to describe the new possibilities of the programs, and the TV channels kept changing on the screen - my box takes two hundred of them - women's faces flashed, pistols, furiously racing cars, beds, naked asses, again cars, again asses ... The image was so indistinguishable from reality that when suddenly a sea wave splashed on the screen, I almost recoiled. Alina said hastily:

Hardly, I said. - Frontal strike...

Why don't ours explode? - asked Alina offended. - In American movies, cars always bang! Yes, it is so beautiful, as if not cars, but tanks with gasoline. Even with napalm. They bang a few times.

Series "The Ballads of Richard Long Arms" was founded in 2004

© Orlovsky G. Yu., 2018

© Design. LLC "Publishing House" E ", 2018

* * *

Part one

Chapter 1

Sir Robert, overcoming the squeamishness of the Christian knight, supported the exhausted magician by the elbow, but immediately moved away, passing him to Max. He is so absorbed in his army that he can forget to cross himself before dinner, he does not care who we help to stand on his feet, as long as he fought on our side.

“Marcus,” I said, “ramp!”

A crimson disk appeared in the shining blue sky, instantly expanding in all directions. An ominous reflection fell on the ground from the impending flat bottom, the faces of the soldiers seemed bloodied.

A wide ladder quickly and silently moved out of the skin, only a second later a widening opening appeared, like a diaphragm.

The horses snorted and retreated, and the thick, ominously red edge of the wide ladder hit the ground at their hooves. Bobik jumped onto the ramp first, ahead of the arbogaster, and I turned in the saddle to face my comrades-in-arms. On their stern faces, the strongest anxiety, I reminded myself that it was my anxiety reflected on their faces, it was time for me to learn to be stern and adamant.

“Go on,” I ordered. - Nothing us! And nobody. We must, in spite of and in spite of!.. The Lord himself leads us, therefore you will conquer with this. We are like frogs jumping into a well, there is a lot of water, but there is no turning back ... Carl, you don’t have much strength for the return flight, so blow into ... the ship. Yes, Marcus is like a ship, although he does not swim and does not even walk. And you go on here and wait, but still work.

Max, showing respect for the elders, even though this elder is just a despicable magician, and he is Duke Maximilian von Brandesgert, helped Karl-Anton up the ladder. He did not enter the Crimson Star of Evil, he cheerfully ran down the ladder, and there he immediately jumped into the saddle of his horse, as vigorous and lean as himself.

I raised my hand in farewell. Arbogastre thumped the red decking with his hooves towards a frighteningly purple-red hole in the hull, with jagged and almost jagged edges.

As soon as we were in the Crimson Star, the sunlight behind us darkened and disappeared. I looked around, there was no trace of the door that had just disappeared in the paneling, the smooth red surface of either metal, or rebuilt stone.

Karl-Anton, completely helpless, sank to the floor and fearlessly leaned back against the crimson wall. He didn’t even react that gentle waves slowly roll in it, thickenings and depressions appear, sometimes something gurgles and even creaks, he didn’t even move his eyes.

Bobik poked him with his nose, the breath of the sorcerer was still wheezing, his face was extremely tired, looking exhausted, I sympathetically remembered that old people need more time to rest than we do.

Arbogaster stood for some time, thoughtfully examining the guest, then shook his mane, looked back at Bobik, he was still trying to stir up the sorcerer, he did not react, and the mighty stallion slowly went deep into the tunnel, which had not been there in the morning.

The sorcerer tried to smile, but it turned into a grimace.

- Does something hurt? I asked sympathetically.

“No,” he answered hoarsely, “he overestimated his strength… Magic gets more accurate with age, but weakens…”

"We'll be right there," I assured him. Will Zeiss and the others help? Or somehow I? .. By the way, I have new amulets. Maybe some will come in handy?

“The Emperor has moved on to the capital,” he reminded urgently. - We have to be on time...

“Already,” I replied. - Marcus! .. Let's go to the place from which you came here ...

Nothing changed, I closed my eyes and conjured up as carefully as I could a place half a mile from the gates of the capital of the Montagu kingdom and the empire itself, Sun City. There we loaded the army to throw into the empire of Clonzeid, from there the immobile Marcus frightened with his appearance both the inhabitants of the whole city and the great complex of buildings of the palace of Henry the Third.

As soon as the picture in my brain became extremely clear, I managed to catch with some fibers that the huge mass of Marcus had shifted thousands of miles in space in a split second.

Karl-Anton asked hoarsely:

- Something happened?

- Did you feel it? I replied. - Congratulations. My skin is thicker... Yeah, they're jumping over there... Quickly!

Marcus hovered at a height of about a quarter of a mile. The luxurious capital of the Pearl Empire is clearly visible through a wide panoramic window. The wide and well-trodden road to it from a height looks like sprinkled with chalk, and horsemen shining with steel are galloping along it towards the capital gates.

From our height, the detachment looks like a wide stream of mercury sparkling in the sun. Thought it was the first time I saw locals from head to toe in armor. A jealous thought flashed through that the gunsmiths here are more qualified than our northern ones.

Following the riders with a large margin, several luxurious carriages are heavily rolled, burdened with the weight of huge emblems of gold shining in the sun, massive decorations, where even the spokes sparkle with silver and gold.

Karl-Anton said hoarsely:

- Before my eyes, the first and second barriers of Norbert's people were simply swept away! .. Sir Richard, I did not see even one of the emperor's guards fall from his horse! And the fight was brutal!

“Marcus,” I said in great excitement, “a section of the road… just outside the gate… just like the last Mage tower… though it’s not a tower, but still…”

I felt my heart trembling, my mouth became dry, and Karl-Anton spoke with difficulty:

“They have protection, Sir Richard. Something very powerful! I tried to punch, but I ran out of steam ... barely left to jump to you.

The horses, covered with chain mail, gallop with passion and with a furious pressure, a strange feeling, as if one person in two hundred bodies is in the saddles.

Marcus hesitates, I said loudly:

“How I destroyed the Towers… exactly the same way, exactly the same way!.. right along the road, the same size… as if there was a tower, but it needs to be destroyed… To the same depth…”

The front horsemen, in sight of the gates of the city, began to slow down their frantic gallop, and the sentry guards, as soon as they saw the emperor's cavalry, hurriedly opened both doors.

A bright flash flashed on the road, like hundreds of furious lightning, momentarily eclipsing the sunlight, struck from the stone slabs up into the sky.

Dust flew up at once, which instantly covered almost the entire squad in a dense cloud.

The last ranks of horsemen hurriedly drew on the reins, rearing their horses and forcing them to back away from the expanding cloud of dust.

Karl-Anton spoke exhaustedly:

- Delay?

"I'm afraid," I muttered, "it'll keep you going." Like a wall forehead ...

Dust began to descend, sharp blades of orange fire cutting through from below. Suddenly, clouds of black-gray smoke immediately shot up. I involuntarily held my breath.

Slowly, a monstrous chasm with black, charred edges opened up. Karl-Anton gasped at the sight of the still boiling lava, rapidly cooling, almost white, then yellow, red, crimson, covered with a brown crust, shining orange through the cracks, like a liquid sun covered with a crust.

Three riders managed to keep the horses on the edge of the abyss. They didn’t even back away, but turned sharply and rushed back towards the carriages that had stopped in place.

– This is, – said Karl-Anton, – monstrous… what power…

"Don't pick at the wound," I said with difficulty. - Yes, this is an excessive manifestation of strength ... but there is no time to think in time trouble, and when you drown, you will grab the snake ...

He tore his fascinated gaze from the terrible sight, turned his head in my direction.

“Excessive displays of strength…? Your Majesty, what the hell is this…? Power is never excessive. Well, we had time, but if not? .. Another minute, the emperor's troops would have entered the city!

- Yes, - I answered, I myself felt that I was clutching at straws, - I would have to surrender or burn the city ... Although what am I talking about? .. Okay, let's wait, move after them.

He looked around slowly and cautiously.

– It looks like you are getting better with Marcus?.. It used to be so monstrous here, even your hardened warriors turned pale…

“Yes,” I replied, “we’re getting used to each other a little. While the emperor is considering his next move, let's rest and have a bite to eat. Let's eat right here.

He watched intently as two porcelain plates appeared out of thin air and slapped wetly on a piece of fried meat. A red bumpy ledge suddenly began to move out of the wall nearby.

I somehow put my plate on it. The ledge slowly widened, the bumps dispersed over the surface, Karl-Anton carefully set down his plate.

"I didn't expect it," he said in shock.

“Me too,” I admitted. - Of course, I really wanted something like that, but for such a distinct response ... um ...

“Be careful,” he said. - Don't get carried away.

“I'm not only cautious,” I admitted, “I'm even cowardly. I won’t blurt this out to my friends, but you’re not a knight, besides, you’re an elderly person, you understand ... I measure seven times before I take a step, and even then I get into this ...

When I created two cups of coffee, the pull-out table became a little wider. Karl-Anton shook his head, eyes widening in astonishment.

He starts to feel you.

“Hopefully,” I replied. - Take these cakes. This is not magic, but still a miracle of cooking.

He took the cup and the choux pastry and looked with strange interest.

"Why don't you improve?"

- In magic? I clarified. - It's a dead end. Although it will give temporary success. No, dear alchemist, now it is you who are on the right track. Alchemy is already a science. In a cocoon But already.

He savored it slowly, I saw strength pour into his exhausted body, his eyes begin to shine brighter, and his bent back begins to straighten.

“There are negotiations,” he said. “Look, the carriages have come to life…

I glanced sideways at the window, on both sides of the carriages a detachment of cavalry already without armor crowded, the horses were tall, selected, under bright blankets, with a harness adorned with precious stones, and the riders were in fairly rich clothes, which, however, does not prevent them from being, for example , palace servants.

Three most luxurious carriages have rolled out of a distant dark yawn, and now they are hastily stopping: one sparkles with gold, even the rims of the wheels shine, the second is lighter, and the horses are not such powerful animals, they go more freely, waving their manes. The third one is all in solemn black, only the edges are stylishly trimmed with silver and gold.

Karl Anton muttered:

– The Emperor expected not just to survive the cataclysm, but to go out into the wild world in full force. You see, he has a select guard with him. The best of the best.

“Man always hopes,” I said. “But the emperor was really lucky. No one was even crushed.

He asked carefully:

- Will you come out to meet?

“I will,” I replied. “Who knows what these beautiful ones have up their sleeves. They will shy away without looking ... no Marcus will protect! Let them get used to the idea that I am able to turn their entire empire into dust and smoke.

He shrugged his shoulders shakily.

Even I can't get used to it.

Three surviving horsemen rushed to the carriages. One even put his head in the window, two listen nearby, gesticulate, report what happened to those remaining in the other carriages.

Karl-Anton watched, I saw how, after a steak, cakes and a large cup of strong coffee, the face turned slightly pink, and a healthy gleam appeared in the reddened eyes.

“Let them talk,” he said, “that’s good. After that worker got to them and told them as best he could what had happened, they conferred there for a long time. I think there were different variants about how to get out and how to behave.

“Looks like,” I said, “they made the wrong decision.

“Now you know for sure,” he said.

"Let's give it time to reconsider," I agreed. - They don’t know how to correct on the go, the imperial machine is too cumbersome, but I think something will change now.

“They already see,” he said, “that you can destroy everyone, but you don’t do it. With this in mind, they will decide ... See how everyone looks up? The Crimson Star is another sight...

“Already warned by the workers,” I reminded them. “Otherwise they would have fled… Let's wait, time is with us.

A light crunch sounded far behind him, Karl-Anton jerked in fright, turned around with the agility of a teenager. In a straight tunnel, which is starting to look more and more like a corridor, the arbogaster gnaws the bulges from the wall with passion.

“What is it… he?”

I waved it off.

“Looks like Marcus is starting to feed my horse. I felt that he loves, so he slips it in ... Well, Bobik does not indulge.

He turned back to the window, this time he even rested fearlessly against the red bumpy wall, and I thought that the old man should not take courage. Or is it not courage, but a clear understanding that the Crimson Star will not harm.

“Move,” he warned.

Below, a very bright one, in an expensive hat with luxurious white fluffy plumage, separated from a group of carriages that had left, the rest could not be seen from above.

With a gesture he drove one of the riders to the ground, climbed into the saddle. They handed him a large flag with tassels and gold embroidery, he immediately sent his horse stepping along the road towards the failure.

“Marcus,” I said, “let’s go lower… More, more… Now hang.” I mean, just stop at a given point in space…

Two more tried to follow the rider, but he stopped them with an imperious gesture, and when a huge crimson mass of sparkling metal sank almost to the ground, these two themselves forced the horses to back away.

The horseman raised his hand and shouted something, judging by his appearance, commanding and not brooking refusal. The two turned their horses around and raced back to the carriages.

Chapter 2

The bottom of Marcus hung above the ground at a height of ten yards, no more, a terrible feeling for those below, all the senses scream that this mountain is about to collapse, cannot hang like this and not fall with a roar ...

I concentrated and, mentally marking a small gap in the skin on the edge with the bottom, began to slowly push it apart with such effort, as if I were tearing the skin with my hands.

His heart is pounding, it's not often possible to convey with a mental effort like this on the first try what Marcus needs to do, in addition to simple “up and down”.

I appeared in the opening, holding on to the edge, not so much out of fear of falling from a height, although there is such a fear, more in case something was planned on the part of the emperor’s people.

The rider immediately waved his flag and shouted:

– Negotiations!.. Negotiations!..

I answered sternly:

“Boy, you are not an emperor.

He shouted:

“His Imperial Majesty Herman the Third, ruler of eighteen kingdoms…

I interrupted:

He faltered, clearly really intended to say the whole title, and it usually includes all possessions, but, well done, he orientated himself and finished:

- ... invites you, whoever you are, to negotiations!

“I accept,” I answered and added loudly: “Only first I will give the order to burn everything here, if at least my finger is suddenly pinched.” The Crimson Star will incinerate for a hundred miles both in all directions and in depth. I will give this order and leave immediately!

The rider shouted hastily:

- I'll pass everything on! .. What can I say?

“I would like to listen to your emperor,” I said coldly. - Pass it on.

He hurriedly turned his horse, snoring in horror, behind my back Karl-Anton said in an unsteady voice:

“Hold on, your majesty. You have to talk to the emperor... nee.

I asked again:

He answered after a pause:

“Herman III was born heir to the throne, Your Majesty. And he was brought up as a future emperor. This means that many things will be looked at differently than even those who were born very rich and noble look at.

The rider at breakneck speed rushed to the group with the carriages, it is clearly visible how he shouted something through the open window. The door opened, in the depths of the cabin flashed a hand in the foam of snow-white cuffs.

We waited, and the rider left the saddle and, having handed over the flag to the soldiers, hurriedly climbed into the carriage.

Karl-Anton whispered from a dark corner:

“Keep it up, your majesty. Some kind of capture could be prepared there.

“Yes, and now they are ready,” I answered anxiously, “but now they will be more careful.

He sighed.

- Immeasurable power gives rise to confidence in all their actions.

“I hope,” I answered in the same whisper, “now they begin to understand that their power is not so immense.

“It would be nice,” he said. “Stay a little longer, let them feel the possibility of the destruction of their empire. A very close opportunity! But something I really didn’t like was “whoever you are” ...

- Why?

“The Emperor knows who you are!”

I shrugged.

“Perhaps it was the rider himself who blurted out.

“They don’t rattle at this level,” he warned. - Be careful and don't miss. Negotiations ... are more dangerous than war.

“I’m generally careful,” I reminded him. “If that’s not the case, I’d rather step back.”

“Wise, your majesty. Don't be ashamed to back off. Retreat now, win later. The retreat of the strong leads to victories.

“So it is with the strong,” I muttered.

He craned his neck at the road. The rider had already rushed back to the carriages, talked, and after a while the back carriage, a solemnly black carriage, moved from its place and, having passed two golden ones, rode forward.

I waited with a pounding heart, Karl-Anton said hurriedly next to me:

This is not the Emperor! Behind him is the standard of the imperial house, but not personal ...

"We'll find out now," I replied.

From above, it is clearly visible how a driver in a wig and in rich clothes, who would have mistook him for a powerful duke, hardly forces the horses to approach under the overhanging bulk of Marcus.

When all four of them completely resisted and, snorting, refused to move on, he pulled on the reins and shouted.

Two servants jumped off the back, also in curled wigs, one opened the door, the other placed a brocade-covered bench on the ground in front of it.

A huge head appeared in the dark opening, wearing a silver-gray wig of gray hair with large curls, the wig itself descends only to the shoulders, but the negotiator came out not so huge, although he was overweight.

Camisole from brocade to the knees, it seems yellow color, but difficult to disassemble due to ribbons, bows, braided cords different size and colors, and puffy cuffs start from the elbows. Nevertheless, I caught in his clothes an elusive severity, which still distinguishes a high-ranking civil servant from a careless playboy.

Leaning on the heads of the bowed footmen, he put out a luxuriously decorated cane in front of him, descended heavily onto a bench, and from there descended to the ground, where with a majestic gesture he ordered everyone to remain in their places.

The cane, as I understood with caution, is not a walking stick, but something else, either a weapon, or a symbol of power, or even something magical, although I still don’t feel magic.

His sovereign face and whole appearance speak of power and power so clearly and distinctly that I involuntarily moved towards me along the ladder, but caught myself and forced myself to stop at a certain height.

He slowly walks towards Marcus with his head uncovered, although with such a wig what a hat, but as if tore it off with a ceremonial gesture and, bending low, waved it over the toe of a shiny shoe, even made a couple of heavy jumps and froze in a pose of polite expectation.

I answered from the height of the ramp:

Without embarrassment and without showing any feelings, he said in the most respectful voice:

“Ifors Mohler, Lord Chancellor, at your service. Confidant of His Majesty the Emperor German III, vested with the right to negotiate with you.

- Negotiation? I repeated.

“Preliminary,” he said quickly. - Before meeting with the emperor himself, you need to clarify the ceremonial itself such fateful meeting... Herman the Third is still a powerful ruler of an ancient empire ...

He paused, looking at me inquisitively. I asked innocently:

– And what worries you?.. My power? Mr. Chancellor, any breach of protocol can be attributed to the difference between the etiquette of your court and the customs of the North...

He took a breath, expected the worst, but then frowned and shook his head.

– This is not just the etiquette of our court, there are rules of all imperial houses…

“There are no rules without exceptions,” I said. “The rules and laws are the same throughout the South, but we are not the South. However, what are we arguing about?.. Let's be specific about your conditions. Although these are not conditions, but your preferences. And I'll see what we can accept, and what will look ... unacceptable to us.

He bowed and said with the same caution:

- Hundreds of eyes will be watching your meeting ...

“Whoa,” I said, “what do you have?” Even in a democracy, such meetings take place behind tightly closed doors.

He said hastily:

- I meant the ceremonial meeting. And negotiations, of course, in private.

“Ah,” I said, “the ceremonial itself… I don’t promise an orchestra, a guard of honor, and so on. We don't have scheduled negotiations, but a hasty meeting on the battlefield, where something... unpleasant is about to happen with the destruction of the Pearl Empire, as it was called until this important moment?

He shuddered, his cheeks were covered with deathly pallor and became completely flabby, and a pleading note cut through his voice:

“Yes, your Star Power, it is your meeting that will take place in front of the emperor’s retinue, and negotiations, of course, in private. Therefore, the slightest infringement of the high dignity of the emperor will be noticed ...

“I doubt it,” I interrupted. - The people are the same everywhere and love to slander. Details?

He spoke, stuttering over every word.

“The most ideal scenario, Your Starry Majesty… if everyone could see… that the emperor is dating the prince of the imperial robes… I understand that this is impossible…”

I raised my hand to stop him.

“Stop, stop!.. Paris is worth mass, and the mountain is easy to bring closer to Muhammad if you go to her yourself… What is the ceremonial of the meeting of the emperor with the prince of this, like her, mantle?

He looked surprised and joyful, blood returned to his cheeks, and a lively gleam appeared in his eyes.

– Are you serious?.. Then everything is solved. The conversation itself, I repeat, is in private, but for the courtiers, a ceremonial visible from afar, after which you and the emperor will retire ... for example, in this carriage or the carriage of His Imperial Majesty.

I nodded.

- Acceptable.

His face lit up, though he tried to look as respectfully unruffled as ever.

- Your Majesty?

I made an impatient gesture with the fingers of my right hand.

“My Northern Imperial Majesty is above any rules. And when I meet your wishes, this does not mean that I am inferior in something. I just don't give a shit, sorry for my refined style of the northern barbarian, don't give a shit about household trifles. And if there are violations of the ceremonial on my part ...

I made a deliberate pause, he said with the haste of a diplomat who saw an opportunity to conclude a treaty on favorable conditions:

- That is the peculiarities of the northern customs! It's all clear, your majesty. May I pass it on like this?

- Yes, sure.

He said with a sigh of relief:

“Now for the important ceremonial details. His Majesty Emperor Herman will drive up in his carriage with the coat of arms of his house ...

“No objection,” I replied.

- He will come out and stop two steps away ...

“No objection,” I repeated impatiently. - What, you can't put it down?

He spread his hands with a sigh, regret and even grief appeared on his face.

“Everyone already knows that you are… um… Prince of the Imperial Robe.” I'm not trying to offend you, your Starry Majesty, but this suggests that you are familiar with some of the little things of our court etiquette ...

“Some,” I snapped, “but not all. Let's just write off those rules of yours, which I don’t deign to adhere to, to ignorance of the formalities. Well, I'm a savage, a savage. So tell everyone. But with a huge star club. Savages are very fond of clubs, a symbol of strength, and they love to use them if they are given a chance.

He glanced cautiously, as if I was already waving something heavy and dangerous over his head.

“Yes, your Star Power is… an option. I will convey everything to His Majesty the Emperor. Verbatim.

“And don’t hesitate,” I said with a menace in my voice. - The courtiers can regard our meeting as they please. Up to the fact that the vassal came to bow to the overlord, but the emperor knows how it really is.

He made a bow-dance movement, at the same time depicting with his face, eyes and figure a complete understanding of the situation.

“Yes, your Heavenly Might, of course. Common people do not need to know the secrets of diplomacy and how to manage an empire.

I said, feigning impatience supreme being, forced to communicate only with emperors:

- Then that's all? .. I'm waiting for Herman the Third!

“Thank you, Your Majesty,” he replied, “I take my leave…

Judging by his face, he hardly believed in such a quick end to the preliminary negotiations for the preparation of the imperial negotiations. In this world, ordinary ceremonies without major military conflicts are inflated to incredible proportions.

I said casually:

“By the way, if one of yours thinks of some kind of trick, which is not a trick, but, as it were, a state necessity, I advise him to leave the empire as soon as possible. Though he won’t make it in time, let him try, it’s funnier that way.

He looked in astonishment.

- Why?

I replied with a pleasant smile:

“The Crimson Death Star will remain in the sky. I ordered that if something happened to me, immediately destroy the Sunny City, the kingdom of Montague and in general the entire Pearl Empire. This will require not more than an hour, during this time it is not far to escape. By the way, I have already transferred my troops to the Clonzeid Empire, they will survive.

He turned white, recoiled.

“Your Star Power!.. How can you think that!” Yes, for nothing!

“You can,” I assured him in the same tone. “It can even be done… Even if I, a naive and simple-hearted barbarian from the North, thought, then what can I say about you, my dear intriguers…”

- Your Majesty, we will take all measures not to cause your displeasure!

“I am not capricious,” I said. But sensitive and suspicious.

He bowed.

“Your Majesty…
