Rules of the game millionaire elite. Board economic game "millionaire-classic"

Published on 28.01.2018 01:13

Millionaire is an economic board game that people of all ages can play. Both adults and children love her. In addition, such board games bring the family together and allow you to have fun in the evenings with a friendly company, teach people the basic concepts of business, entrepreneurial activity, provide knowledge about economic relations.

This board game develops logical thinking, attentiveness, the ability to quickly find the right decision, a way out of a difficult situation, to calculate moves in advance. In the Millionaire board game, the rules of the game may seem complicated and confusing at first, but those who have already dealt with other economic board games will quickly get the hang of it. If this is your first time encountering such a game, don't worry, you will quickly understand how to proceed.

In the article, we will explain in detail to readers what is included in the kit. board game"Millionaire", we will tell the rules of this game, consider the reviews of other players.

Types of "Millionaire"

There are such types of games: "Millionaire Classic", "Millionaire De Luxe", "Millionaire Junior" (for children), "Millionaire Elite".

The goal of the game is to become a millionaire and ruin the rest of the contestants, but each has its own differences, which we will gradually explore in the article. Let's start with the first - the basic version. "Classic"

The main goal pursued by the players is to reach the top of the rating, ruin the rest of the players and become the owner more plots. In the board game "Millionaire" you need to become a monopolist. The one who ruined the rest and ended up on top becomes the wealthiest player and is the winner. You can also play against the clock. Then the goal of the players will be to become the owner of the largest fortune at the end of the game. How to play?

According to the rules of the game, at least two people take part in the board game "Millionaire". A maximum of six can be played. Each player has his own role: banker - manages the funds, monitors financial flows, transactions, makes payments, controls Bank operations so that everything goes right and without violations; broker - works on the stock exchange, conducts and controls all transactions with securities, shares, etc.; insurance agent - oversees the issuance of insurance policies, manages the repayment of insurance in crisis situations.

In the box with the game, a square-shaped playing field is given, on which 9 sectors are drawn. These are the branches of the economy. The first 8 industries are represented in the game by 2-3 enterprises. They are located close to each other. The last, 9 branch, is considered the most valuable. It consists of 4 companies, which are located at the central points on each side of the playing field.

The game begins with the issuance of each player his initial capital. With this money, the player purchases shares and insurance for himself. The beginning of the game

In the board game "Millionaire", the plot cards are initially laid out according to the branches of the lined field. There are 24 of them in the set. There are also packs of "Chance" cards in the amount of 20 pieces, as well as "Movement" - also 20 pieces. They are laid out with inscriptions down, the extra ones are set aside for the time being. First, a player is chosen to be the banker. He distributes seed capital to each person. This is 2000 forfeits, but another 200 is put into the cashier. This is Jackpot. The board game "Millionaire" begins according to the rules of the game from a cell with the inscription "Start". The sequence of moves is decided by lot.

Player actions

The game begins with throwing a couple of dice, the chips from the "Start" cell go clockwise, counting the number of cells corresponding to the sum of the numbers on the dice.

If there is a double, then the player makes one more move. But there is one "but". If you get a double three times in a row, then the player is sent to the "Tax Police". Moving around the field, the players' chips fall on the cells of enterprises. On each written the cost of the enterprise and the rental rate. Data on how much taxes you need to pay for this enterprise is also indicated.

If, after the next roll of the dice, the chip falls into an empty area, then you can buy it for your own use. On this cell is written the cost that needs to be deposited in the general bank. After payment, the card is removed from the cage and the player leaves it in his pack.

If you do not want to buy a plot, then it can be put up for sale. The starting price is chosen at your own discretion. All players can take part in the auction. The player who gave a large amount of money takes the site for himself. Stopping at the site of another player

If, after the next move, the chips stop on a cell with a plot belonging to another player, then you will have to pay rent for being on someone else's territory. The price is written on this cell. If you are the owner of all available enterprises in the industry, then you are considered a monopolist. If, as a result of a move, the chip lands on the cell of the monopolist's enterprise, then the rent will be increased by 2 times. When a player makes a full circle with his moves and passes the "Start" cell again, he is paid 200 forfeits of circular income.Surprises during the game

In the board game "Millionaire", according to the rules of the game, there are special cells, getting into which, the player has to perform the action written on the card lying "shirt" up. The player does not know in advance what awaits him. This is the main surprise. After all, it can be both pleasant and not very. Let us consider in detail the meaning of such cells: "Tax inspection". Once on such a cell, you will have to pay a tax. "Tax Police". Here the player needs to roll the dice three times, waiting for a double to roll. If the double does not fall out, then you will have to pay a fine, otherwise you will not leave the police station. "Jackpot". The player who has landed on this cell has the right to play the slot machine. First, a bet is placed. According to the rules of the game, the player in the board game "Millionaire" rolls only one die, but 3 times. After each throw, the chip moves from bottom to top along the column of the slot machine for as much as it fell out. If all the exposed numbers match the combination to win, then the player receives a bonus. A cash bonus is transferred to him from the bank. But if the numbers do not match, then the bet remains in the cashier. "Movement". If, as a result of the roll of dice, the card falls on the "Movement" cell, then the player turns the card over and reads the task, to which cell he needs to rearrange the chips. If this is the "Start" cell, then the player does not get the circular income. "Charity Fund". If, as a result of moving the card at the direction of the “Movement” cell, the chip lands on a cell labeled “White Business” or “Charity Fund”, then the player is paid money from the bank from this fund. There is also a cell called “Black Business”. When hitting this cell, the player flies from it to the "Charity Fund" square, and he will also have to pay a fine of 50 forfeits. "Chance". If the chip hits this cell, then the card is turned over. The instruction written on it must be carried out by the player. Then the card is hidden from the bottom of the pack. If the player cannot this moment follow the instruction, then the card remains with him until he completes the task. Branches of enterprises: description

The board game "Millionaire" offers players who own a monopoly in any sector of the economy to build enterprises and branches on the plots. Their cost is written on the cells of the field, their price is also indicated on the cards of the players.

Purchased extensions are placed on the plots of the field, which are built up systematically. First, one branch, then the second ones are added, and only then the third ones. If the player has three branches of the enterprise built in each industry, then he is already given permission to build the enterprises themselves. In terms of price, the branch and the enterprise are equivalent. But in order to start construction, all branches must be free. If at least one is pledged to the bank, then the industry is not considered complete. The player ceases to be a monopolist and can no longer build plots in this sector of the economy.

If a player has financial difficulties and wants to sell his buildings to the bank, he must act according to plan. You can sell one plot from each industry, then the second, and so on. But you should know that the bank buys plots from the player for only half the price of the full price. "Millionaire Junior"

How to play the board game "Millionaire" ("Classic")? The rules are detailed above. Now let's see what's different children's version games called "Junior". The set includes a playing field in the shape of a square. This is an amusement park. There are 20 "adventure" cards, money of different denominations - 121 banknotes, ticket kiosks - 56 pieces, a die for throwing a number, chips - 4 pieces, a description of the rules of the game.

The board game for children has different rules. Let's consider them in more detail.

The goal of the game is to get rich by buying rides. They earn money by selling entrance tickets. First, let's look at how a player can buy an attraction. Each cell is divided into two equal parts. If, after rolling the dice, your chip fell on one of the halves of the cage, and it is free, no one has bought it yet, then you have the right to purchase it, you just need to pay 10 forfeits to the bank. If the player is able to make a purchase, then he (without looking at the card) pulls out any of his ticket kiosks and must cover half of the attraction. If the player does not have Money for such an acquisition, then he returns to the "Start" square, and the other player gets a chance. From any part of the playing field, he returns to this cell and becomes its owner for free. The board game for children is decorated brightly, it is interesting to play it for children of primary school age. Children learn skills economic activity which will be useful to them in later life. "Millionaire Elite"

This is a game for adult players. It differs from the classic version of the game in the following features: Shares have been added, you can purchase insurance for all occasions. In this game, you can get rich not only by buying and selling plots, but also at the expense of the market valuable papers. The "Elite" has great importance luck factor. There was a surprise card "Fortune". There is step-by-step instruction to be completed by the players. This can affect the course of the game as a whole. If, when throwing dice, a chip falls on the "Exchange" cell, you will find out the price of your shares. They can rise, or they can fall to a minimum. Insurance policies can protect the player. This applies to rent, taxes or auctions. There are short-term and long-term policies. The first act until the passage of one circle. If the player crosses the "Start" cell, the policy ends. But the action of the second continues until the occurrence of an insured event.

The playing field is a square. Movement across the field is carried out from the corner cell START clockwise. The numbering of the sides (from first to fourth) is also done clockwise.
Along the perimeter of the playing field there are 8 colored BRANCHES, each of which consists of 3 sections with their own names.
The cell of each section of the playing field with the indication of the cost of the site, the rent for the site and the price of the building corresponds to the PLOT card with similar information.

Preparing for the game.
AREAS cards (24 pieces) are laid out according to their industries on the corresponding sections of the playing field.
Card decks CHANCE (20 pieces) and MOVEMENT (20 pieces) are placed on specially marked cells of the playing field with their shirts up. Spare cards (20 pieces) are set aside.
Among the players, a banker is selected, who gives out to all players 2,000 forfeits of initial capital, and also puts 200 forfeits in the Jackpot cashier. Players place their pieces on the START space. The sequence of moves is determined by drawing lots.

Game progress.
Each turn, players take turns rolling two dice and moving their tokens the number of spaces corresponding to the sum of the points rolled.
If on the next move a player rolls a double (two same digits on dice), then he makes one more move. If there are three doubles in a row, the player is sent to the TAX OFFICE.
Stop on a "free" site.
If a player, as a result of the next move, stops at a site that does not belong to any of the players, then he has the right to buy the site into his possession. To do this, the player must pay the amount indicated on the cell of this section to the BANK, after which he removes the card of this section from the field and keeps it for himself.
In case of refusal to purchase a plot, the plot is put up for auction. Any player (including those who previously refused to buy) can take part in the auction. The starting price of the exposed plot is arbitrary. The land goes to the highest bidder.

Stop at a "foreign" site.
If the player, as a result of the next move, stops at a site that is in someone else's possession, he must pay the owner of the site the rent indicated on the corresponding cell of the playing field.
If the plot is in monopoly possession, i.e., all plots of one industry belong to one owner, then the rent is doubled.

circular income.
Each time a player passes the START cell with the next move, he is paid a circular income - 200 forfeits.

"Surprise" cells.
If a player's pawn lands on a MOVEMENT space, its owner removes the top card from the MOVEMENT deck and moves his pawn from the MOVEMENT space to the end space indicated on the card. If between these cells there is a START cell, then the circular income is not paid.
Charitable foundation, "white" business.
If, at the direction of the MOVEMENT, CHANCE cards, or as a result of the next move, the player enters the “WHITE” BUSINESS or CHARITY FOUNDATION cells, then he takes all the money located there from the CHARITY FOUNDATION BANK.
If the player's token lands on a CHANCE space, its owner removes the top card from the CHANCE deck and executes the instruction indicated on it, after which he puts the card on the bottom of the deck.
If the instruction cannot be carried out immediately, the player keeps the card until the right moment comes.
Tax office.
If a player has landed on the TAX INSPECTION cell, he can leave it by paying a fine of 50 forfeits or by rolling a double on the dice in one of the next three moves.
If a player does not roll a double for the third time, then he can leave the TAX OFFICE in only one way: by paying a fine of 50 forfeits.
Black business.
Once on one of the "BLACK" BUSINESS cells, the player must go to the CHARITY FOUNDATION cell and pay a fine of 50 forfeits to the CHARITY FUND BANK.
The player who landed on the JACKPOT cell can play the slot machine. To do this, he makes a bet in the JACKPOT cashier and rolls the die three times - once for each "column" of the slot machine - and then moves the chip from bottom to top along the "column" by as many symbols as there are points on the die. In case of coincidence of the combination drawn on the gaming machine with the winning combination, the player receives the winning amount from the BANK. If the player loses, the bet remains in the JACKPOT cashier.
Tax police.
The player who landed on the TAX POLICE space is sent to the TAX OFFICE, and no circular income is paid.
Branches and enterprises.
A player who has monopoly ownership of the entire industry can build branches and enterprises on the plots. Their price is indicated on the cells of the field and on the cards of the sites. The acquired branches and / or enterprises the player places on the corresponding sections of the field.
At the same time, the plots are built up sequentially: one branch each, then the second branch, then the third. If three branches are built on all sectors of the industry, the player gains the right to build enterprises. The value of the enterprise is equal to the value of the branch.
However, if there is at least one mortgaged plot in an industry, the industry is considered incomplete, its owner ceases to be a monopolist, and the development of unmortgaged sections of this industry is prohibited.
If, due to financial difficulties, a player decides to sell his buildings to the BANK, he must remove them from the plots evenly: one building from each plot. In this case, the BANK buys buildings from the player for half of their face value.

Bail rules.
If a player needs money, he can mortgage a plot (or several), but before that he must sell all the buildings from these plots to the BANK for half the price. After that, the BANK pays the owner half of the cost of the mortgaged land.
At any moment of the game, but only before his turn, the player has the right to redeem the mortgaged plot. To do this, he must return to the BANK half the cost of the mortgaged land plus 10% of its original cost.
No rent will be charged to players visiting the pledged lot. The mortgaged land can neither be sold nor exchanged until the complete bankruptcy of its owner.

Property trade.
Undeveloped plots can become the subject of sale and exchange between their owners. The terms of these transactions are regulated by the property owners themselves on the basis of mutual benefit. Players can enter into any transactions and contractual relations with each other.
However, no lot can be sold, mortgaged, or traded if it contains at least one building.

Game over.
If a player owes the BANK or other players more than he is able to pay, he gives all the money he has, after which he is declared bankrupt and leaves the game. At the same time, the BANK pays the rest of the debt to its creditors. Bankrupt branches and enterprises are returned to the BANK.
AREAS cards are placed on the field on the corresponding cells.
The game continues until the complete bankruptcy of all players, except for one, who is declared the winner - a millionaire.
You can also play for time, then the winner is the most wealthy participant at the end of the game (plots, branches and enterprises are converted into money at the purchase price).

Hello. Please answer, is the board game "millionaire-classic" and "millionaire-elite" the same game, only the packaging is different or are the games different in content? We don’t know which game to decide on. Thank you.

Good afternoon! The difference between the games is in the outer packaging and partly in the rules. More detailed descriptions games added to product pages:

To the question Rules of the board game Millionaire classic given by the author milksucker the best answer is I'm writing from memory, so I might be slightly wrong. Actually, it wouldn't hurt to take a look at those cards.
But, in general, something like this: there should be two items on the card: 1) something like "price of construction"; 2) something like "rent price". So, the first player who gets on the field with the enterprise can only buy an "empty plot" by paying the "building price" (it should be the highest). After that, other players who landed on the cell must pay the owner of the cell (enterprise) the "rent price" (it must be lower than the purchase price).
With branches the following situation. Enterprises should be divided into groups (like in a group of 3 enterprises). And when one player buys all the "empty plots" of the enterprises of one group, he can start building. This is done as follows: when a player gets to his "empty site" he can first build a "building", the next time he hits "enterprise", then "first branch" - "second branch" - "third branch". The cost of construction should also be indicated on the card. The rent taken from the player who got into your enterprise is taken at the cost of the last erected building (indicated on the card). By the way, players cannot build anything on someone else's cell (empty lot).
Also, if my memory serves me right, there is a rule: that if you have erected buildings of the same type in all enterprises of the same group, then the rent doubles (or somehow increases).

Answer from Irina Nemchenko[newbie]
tell me that in the game the millionaire is the central industry

Answer from Jenesmee Cullen[newbie]
Game set:
1. Rules of the game - 1 pc. ;
2. Playing field - 1 pc. ;
3. Branches - 24 pcs. ;
4. Enterprises - 12 pcs. ;
5. Cubes - 2 pcs. ;
6. Player chips - 6 pcs. ;
7. Cards: CHANCE - 20 pcs. , MOVING - 20 pcs. , PLOTS - 24 pcs. ;
8. Banknotes worth: 1 fant - 48 pcs. , 5 forfeits - 48 pcs. , 10 forfeits - 48 pcs. , 20 forfeits - 48 pcs. , 50 forfeits - 48 pcs. , 100 phantoms - 48 pcs. , 500 forfeits - 48 pcs. ;
9. Box - 1 pc.
Is it easy to be a modern businessman? Open the colorful field of the game "MILLIONAIRE" classic in front of you, and you will meet the exciting rules of "honest" and "shadow" business, the harsh laws of survival in a competitive struggle. "MILLIONAIRE" classic is the tradition of "Monopoly" and "Manager" plus modernity. This is a game for the millionaires of the third millennium.
PURPOSE OF THE GAME: Become a monopolist and ruin other players.
The game can be played by 2 to 6 players. The playing field is a square. Movement across the field is carried out from the corner cell START clockwise. The numbering of the sides (from first to fourth) is also done clockwise. Along the perimeter of the playing field there are 8 colored BRANCHES, each of which consists of 3 sections with their own names. The cell of each section of the playing field with the indication of the cost of the site, the rent for the site and the price of the building corresponds to the PLOT card with similar information.
- AREAS cards (24 pieces) are laid out according to their industries on the corresponding sections of the playing field;
- Card decks CHANCE (20 pcs.) and MOVEMENT (20 pcs.) are placed on specially marked cells of the playing field with their shirts up. Spare cards (20 pcs.) are set aside;
- Among the players, a banker is selected, who gives out to all players 2,000 forfeits of initial capital, and also puts 200 forfeits into the Jackpot cashier. ;
- The players place their pieces on the START space. ;
- The sequence of moves is determined by lot.
Each turn, players take turns rolling two dice and moving their tokens the number of spaces corresponding to the sum of the points rolled. If in the next move the player rolls a double (two identical numbers on the dice), then he makes one more move. If there are three doubles in a row, the player is sent to the TAX OFFICE.

Recently, many variants of the Millionaire board game have appeared on the market. it economic game, which gathers the whole family or a group of friends behind the playing field. The rules are not overly complicated. People who love "Monopoly" will be happy to learn "Millionaire".

In the article we will consider the rules of the board game "Millionaire" ("Classic"). This is one of the fundamental modifications of the game. The rest of the options have been expanded with several new rules. Let's look at them in more detail later.

Game package

When buying a box with the board game "Millionaire", you need to check the package contents. This is a square-shaped playing field, folded in four. Two that help decide how many cells the player's chip moves. Since both two and six players can play this game, then 6 pieces are given, respectively, to the maximum.

In a special compartment, "money" is separately folded for doing business. Banknotes of different denominations (1, 5, 10, 20, 50, 100, 500), 48 pieces in each pack. The money in the game is called "phants". The set also includes cards of branches (24 pcs.) And enterprises (12 pcs.). There are also prize cards called "Chance" and "Movement". They are in a set of 20 pieces. There are also designations of sections, of which there are 24.

There are also printed rules in the box.

Purpose of the game

Since the board game "Millionaire" is an economic game, its main goal is to earn as much money as possible, to buy up the majority of enterprises in all sectors of the economy. Also, the player can enter into profitable real estate deals, expanding enterprises and rebuilding branches.

The winner is the player who becomes a monopolist and owns completely all the enterprises in the industry. To become a winner, you need not only to be lucky, but also to have the "vein" of a businessman and have the ability to predict situations and moves of your opponents.

Classic game rules

The playing field has 8 sectors, which symbolize different industries: the transport system, means mass media, light and food industry, mining and heavy, communication and communications, entertainment industry. These 8 sectors are located along the perimeter of the playing field. Site cards are laid out on the cells with enterprises. In the center of each strip of the board game "Millionaire" are the most expensive enterprises.

And in the middle of the playing field there is a slot machine called "Jackpot" and "Charity Fund Bank". The purpose of these cells will be discussed later. On the cells "Chance" and "Movement", which are located one, two or three cells along the perimeter of the playing field, cards with the corresponding names are placed. They are placed face down so that the player does not see the upcoming task in advance.

Beginning of the game

During the draw, the player who makes the first move is selected. In the board game "Millionaire", the cells start counting clockwise from the word "Start". Before starting any game, you need to appoint a banker of fashion from the players. He must distribute the initial capital - 2000 forfeits in banknotes of different denominations. When a player rolls the dice, points are counted, the chip moves the corresponding number of cells. If you are “lucky” and get a double, you will have to roll the dice again. But if the double falls three times in a row, then the player is forced to go to the cell with the inscription "Tax Police". Such a move is fraught with the payment of penalties.

According to the rules of the board game "Millionaire" Classic, if the chip falls on the cell of the enterprise, then the player takes a plot card, which details how much taxes you need to pay for the enterprise itself or the rental rate for it. If this enterprise does not yet have an owner, then the player can buy it, deposit the required cost for it in the Bank. The lot card remains with the player in the pack.

If the player is not interested in buying this site, he puts it up for sale, independently determining its cost. The plot goes to the player who offers the largest amount at the auction.

If another player’s chip ended up on your site as a result of a roll of dice, then you will have to pay as many forfeits as indicated on the card for being in someone else’s enterprise. There are situations when a chip falls on a cell owned by a monopolist, that is, a player who has bought up all the enterprises in this industry, then the rate doubles, the rent is already paid at a double rate.

There are also pleasant moments. When a player makes a full circle around the playing field, then according to the rules of the game in the board game "Millionaire", he receives a bonus of circular income of 200 forfeits.

"Surprise" cells

In the course of throwing the dice, the players' chips can also fall on the cells with the "shirts" turned upside down. These are "Chance" and "Movement". Let's take a closer look at what needs to be done in such cases:

  • Turning over the card on the cell, the player reads the task and must complete it. If at this moment he is not able to fulfill the given task, then this can be done later.
  • When hitting the "Move", as the name of the card shows, the player will need to move the chip to the distance indicated on it. If the chip suddenly falls on the "Start", then the player loses the circular income, that is, 200 forfeits. If, during the movement, the chip falls on the "White Business" or "Charity Fund" cell, then the player receives a cash prize from the funds of the Bank or the Fund. But there is also a cell with the inscription "Black business". Having hit it as a result of moving the chip, the player automatically moves to the square " Charitable Foundation", where you already have to contribute 50 forfeits to charity.
  • "Jackpot". A slot machine is located in the center of the playing field, so that when a chip hits it, the player can play. In the Millionaire board game, according to the rules of the game, you first need to place a bet. Then only one die is thrown, three times. After each throw, the player must move the chip up the column by the corresponding number of cells. If the pictures match the winning combination, then the winner receives a bonus prize. But if the player is not lucky, the combination did not match, then the bet remains in the Bank's cash desk.

corner cages

On the corner squares of the playing field there are "Tax Police" and "Tax Inspection". If the chip after the move falls into the inspection, then the tax is simply paid. If the chip ended up on the police cell, then you need to roll the dice 3 times (until a double falls out) in order to leave the territory of the site. If the double did not fall out, then you will have to fork out and pay a fine.

Board game "Monopoly: Millionaire"

This is a new economic game, beautifully and stylishly designed. Children as young as 8 can play it. Players can be from 2 to 4 people. The main goal of the game is to become a millionaire, that is, to earn a million. Whoever conquers this peak first is the winner. Each player has three chips in his hand.

The game begins with the "Forward" cell, on which one chip is placed. The rest are still on the table. The banker is not used in the game. There is a cell on the playing field where all the players' money is stored. At first, the game is distributed to everyone in 372,000 bills. It is no longer necessary to buy enterprises or houses here, but elite property - this is an island, a city of attractions, a castle, etc. They choose a realtor who issues cards with real estate.

If the chip makes a full circle around the playing field, then the player changes it to a larger one. This denotes the next level of security - "Life in luxury". And the higher the level, the more income the player has. But for such a transition you will have to pay 50 bills.

In this game, there are cards already familiar to the players "Chance", but there are also new ones, for example, "Life of a Millionaire" and "Fortune". You can find very interesting offers in them: receiving a wedding gift from other players or money from the sale of a sports car, etc.

There is also a new cell "Prison". If you just hit it with a chip, no action can be taken until the next turn. The player who is “lucky” to throw three doubles in a row with cubes also gets there. You will either have to sit in the dungeons for three moves, or give the appropriate card.

The rest of the rules of the game are similar to the classic "Millionaire". You can also buy, rent, sell your property. Only instead of industries there are one-color objects.

business game

"Millionaire" is a board game that already has many variants. Now consider another one, released Russian company. The game is designed for children from 7 years old. She teaches them business in a fun way. The goal is the same, as in all other options - to get rich by buying real estate, selling services and goods. 17 types of activities and industries are represented.

The playing field is designed differently, the cells for moves are represented by circles. In the middle is a bank, where, depending on the player's earnings, the chips move up the stairs, closer to the coveted million. The game is simple, you can play the whole family - parents with children.

Child Game

Lastly, we will describe even children will master. The main objective of the game is to get rich by buying up banks, shops, cinemas, etc.

The guys roll the dice, make moves with chips and do the tasks written on the cards. Whoever gets rich first wins.

So, the article describes the popular games "Millionaire", the rules of the game, options for adults and children. All of them teach prudence, the ability to foresee the situation, attentiveness and logical thinking. These business games are useful for developing an entrepreneurial streak in children that will come in handy in adulthood.

” (as it turned out later, there is another option “de Luxe”).
This is such a variation on the theme of "Monopoly", the one who played - in the know.
In my childhood, the “Manager” game, similar to both of the above, was still common.

We all started playing together and got a little confused. The fact that you need to buy companies and then receive rent for them was understandable. But in this version - "Millionaire" - there is also the purchase of shares (and a change in the share price during the game), the game on the stock exchange, auctions, the jackpot (playing on the "one-armed bandit"), cards "chance" and "fortune", taxes, fines, insurance policies, auctions, and something else. It will take time to learn all the rules. But this, in fact, is great - because we have long been tired of simple board games. More and more often we play chess and “Scrabble” (the world analogue of the Russian “Erudite”).

"Monopoly" is on sale here, but only on Greek and costs some crazy money. Not even in English. However, like most other board games.

Since requests for the rules of the game regularly come in, I post them below. This is a scan.


For those for whom the words “manager” or “monopoly” have long become synonymous
passion, time, excitingly spent in cheerful company, not
It is worth explaining what an economic game is. But experts, having discovered
these rules will whistle in surprise. Gathering all the best
tested by generations of players, “MILLIONAIRE elit” is truly
opens the door to the world for you real business. System
taxation, stocks, insurance policies, auctions - all this
never gathered together on the same playing field, in the same
box. Here is a business model as close as possible to life.
Dare to conquer her? Yes? Then go for it! PURPOSE OF THE GAME Become a monopolist
all industries and ruin the rest of the players. The means to achieve this
purposes can be divided into basic (rent collected from other
players for visiting lots located in your own
possession) and auxiliary (playing on the stock exchange, successful auctions,
winnings in the "Jackpot", favorable cards of CHANCE and FORTUNE, avoiding
taxation). DESCRIPTION OF THE GAME The game can be played from 2 x to 6
you players. The playing field is a square. Movement across the field is carried out from
corner cage START clockwise. Side numbering (from first
to the fourth) is also performed clockwise. around the perimeter
playing field are 8 colored BRANCHES, each of which
consists of 2 or 3 sections with their own names. Four
the central cells of each side make up a separate ninth branch
(central). The cell of each section of the playing field corresponds to a card

point of the PLOT indicating its cost, rent for the plot,
land tax and branch price. GETTING READY TO PLAY LOT CARDS
(26 pieces) are laid out according to their branches into the corresponding sections
playing field. Card decks CHANCE (20 pcs.) and FORTUNE (30 pcs.) times
are placed on specially marked cells on the playing field
shirts up. Spare cards (10 pcs.) are set aside. Among
players are selected: banker, owner of the auction, director of the insurance
companies and broker. The banker gives each player 2000 forfeits
initial capital, and also puts 200 forfeits in the Jackpot cashier.
The owner of the auction manages the auction. Insurance company director
monitors the correctness of the purchase and return to the BANK of insurance
policies. The broker monitors changes in stock prices. Players
place their chips on the START space. The order of moves is determined
lot. PLAYING THE GAME Each turn, players take turns rolling two dice and
move their chips from one area to another by the number of cells,
corresponding to the sum of the dropped points. If on the next move the player
rolls a double on the dice, then he makes one more move. If they fall out
three doubles in a row, the player must go to the TAX OFFICE.
STOPPING ON A “FREE” GROUND If a player, as a result of another
move stopped on a site that does not belong to any of the players, then he
has the right to buy land in his possession. To do this, the player must
pay the amount indicated on the cell of this section to the BANK, after which
he removes the card of this section from the field and keeps it for himself. When
refusal to purchase a plot, the plot is put up for auction on
cell AUCTION. Any player (including those who previously refused
purchase) can bid. Starting price of the exhibited
lot is appointed by the owner of the auction. The property belongs to the one who
will offer the highest price for it.

STOPPING ON THE “ALIEN'S” SITE If the player as a result of the next move
stopped on a plot that is in someone else's possession, he must stop
pay rent to the landlord. On the cells of the field and cards
of each plot is indicated by the rent that the player must pay in
in the event that the owner of the site is not a monopolist of the entire industry
(the sole owner of all sites in this industry). real rent,
which the player must pay is calculated according to the ACCRUATION TABLE
RENT located on the playing field. CENTRAL INDUSTRY Cost
any section of the central branch - 500 forfeits. rent and
the tax from the owners of these plots is written in the RENTAL TABLES
and CALCULATION OF TAXES located on the playing field. ATTENTION! building
branches and enterprises on the sites of the CENTRAL INDUSTRY IS PROHIBITED!

Shares can be purchased before the start of the game by going through the START box
at the end of each round of the game, as well as when it hits the EXCHANGE cell.
You can sell shares in the BANK at any time of the game before the next
move. The initial initial value of the share is 100 forfeits. GAME ON THE EXCHANGE
If as a result of the next move (or according to the instructions of the card
CHANCE), the player has landed on the EXCHANGE box, he can change the stock price. For
To do this, he must roll the die twice in a row. First dice roll
determines whether the stock price is going up (“even”) or going down (“odd”).
The second roll of the die determines how many POINTS - from 1 to 6 - fell
Or the stock price went up. One POINT is equal to 10 phantoms. New share price
holds until another player enters the BIR ZHA cell or
until the corresponding instruction of the FORTUNA card follows. If a
share price as a result of the next game on the stock exchange or as directed by
FORTUNE 5 cards

becomes equal to zero, then the BANK stops selling shares, and the player has
the right to surrender their shares to the BANK. Decrease the share price below zero
can not. While on the EXCHANGE, a player can make no more than two
transactions of purchase and sale of shares - one before, and the other after the game on the stock exchange.
Other players can also purchase shares through the player,
who ended up on the EXCHANGE, paying him the agreed
intermediary percentage, but everyone can do this only one at a time
once, either before the game on the stock exchange, or after. CIRCULAR INCOME Every time
when a player passes the START cell with the next move, he is paid
circular income, consisting of 200 forfeits and interest on shares. If in
this moment of the game the special instructions of the FORTUNE cards do not apply, then this
the value is 20% of the current value of all shares held
in the hands of the player. ROUND TAX Each player, passing the cell
TAX INSPECTION, is obliged to pay the circular tax. Round tax
consists of two parts: a tax on each share (10 forfeits) and a tax on
plots. On the cells of the field and the cards of each section, a tax is indicated,
levied on the owner of an empty plot in the event that he does not
is the monopoly of the entire industry. The real tax that owes
to pay the player, calculated according to the TABLE FOR TAX CALCULATIONS,
located on the playing field. The round-trip tax is charged to the player outside
depending on whether he passed the TAX
INS PECTION or landed directly on this cell. “SURPRISING”

If a player has landed on the TAX INSPECTION space, he can leave it,
by paying a fine of 50 forfeits or by rolling a double on one of the three
subsequent moves. If the player does not roll a double for the third time, then
he can leave the TAX OFFICE in only one way: by paying
a fine of 50 forfeits.

The player who landed on the JACKPOT cell can play the slot machine.
To do this, he makes a bet at the Jackpot cash desk and rolls the die three times.
- once for each "column" of the slot machine, and then
moves the chip from bottom to top along the “column” by as many symbols as
how many points fell on the die. In case of coincidence
slot machine combinations with one of the winning ones, the player receives from
BANK the appropriate winning amount. Winning combinations
located next to the slot machine. If the player has lost, the bet
remains in the Jackpot cashier.

CHANCE cards are cards of individual instructions related to
directly to the player who drew the card. If the chip
player gets to the CHANCE cell, its owner removes the top card from
deck of CHANCE and executes the instruction indicated on it, after which he puts
card to the bottom of the deck. If the instruction cannot be carried out immediately,
the player keeps the card until the right moment comes.
If the card instructs you to move to the nearest EXCHANGE cell,
FORTUNE or CHANCE (there are several of them on the field), then the player determines
the distance of its chip from the nearest of these cells both in front and
and behind. After that, the player can transfer his chip to the chosen
cell. If the squares are equally spaced, the player may move his
chip on any of them.

FORTUNA cards are cards of collective instructions, not
related directly to the player who drew the card. On the
Fortuna cards are marked with “basket” and “safe” icons:
instructions to be executed once; long term instructions
subject to fulfillment throughout the entire period of validity of this
cards, that is, until the moment when the card is drawn from the deck
next card. 7

Unlike CHANCE cards, FORTUNE cards are not returned to
deck, and laid out on the WHEEL OF FORTUNE cell. If as directed
CHANCE cards on the WHEEL OF FORTUNE two cards of FORTUNE are laid out and they
conflict with each other, preference is given to the card,
stretched out first. EXEMPTION FROM TAX The player who got on a cage
EXEMPTION FROM TAX, is exempt from payment of ROUND TAX on
one circle (one passage of the TAX INSPECTION space). TAX
POLICE The player who landed on the TAX POLICE space is sent to
TAX INSPECTION. In this case, the circular income is not paid. REGULATIONS
AUCTION If the player in the next move or at the direction of the CHANCE card
landed on the AUCTION space, he must choose the site to be put up for
bargaining. To do this, he rolls the die 3 times. First dice roll
determines one of the four sides of the playing field. Side numbering - from
cells START clockwise. If the die rolls from 1 to 4
points, the auctioneer token is moved to the central area
the relevant party. If a 5 or 6 is rolled, the auction is cancelled.
The second die roll determines one of the two BRANCHES on that side,
lying clockwise ("even") or counterclockwise ("odd") from
central area. The third roll of the die determines the specific
plot. If the industry is “double”, the first section corresponds to the numbers
1, 2, 3, the second - 4, 5, 6. If the industry is “triple” - the first section -
1, 2, second - 3, 4, third - 5, 6. Card of the area to be
auction is placed on the AUCTION cell. Each player can
offer any price for this site. The player who nominated the most
high price, takes the plot. ATTENTION! Auction cannot be
laid out 8

plots, plots insured against the auction, and plots where
there is at least one building. INSURANCE RULES If desired, the player
can purchase short-term or long-term INSURANCE
Policies. Short-term insurance policies are valid until the next
passing by the player of the START cell. When passing the START, they must
be returned to the BANK. Long-term insurance policies are valid until
occurrence of an insured event, after which they are also returned to the BANK.
In total, there are 4 types of insurance policies. short term
GREEN insurance policy costs 100 forfeits. This policy insures the player
from the auction. If as a result of the next auction by lot for the auction
exhibited one of his plots, the player bypasses the auction. If in time
possession of an insurance policy, the player's plots are exhibited several times
for an auction, the policy insures the player against all of these auctions.
A short-term BLUE insurance policy costs 200 forfeits. This policy
insures the player both against the auction and against any adverse action
FORTUNA cards. At the same time, if on the FORTUNA card both points
unfavorable for the player, the blue insurance policy only insures against
one. A long-term ORANGE insurance policy costs 300 forfeits.
This policy insures the player against the auction and against any adverse
validity of FORTUNA cards only until the occurrence of an insured event, then
there is a moment when the player deems it necessary to use his
insurance policy. At the same time, if on the FORTUNE card both points
unfavorable for the player, this policy insures him against both!
A long-term RED insurance policy costs 500 forfeits. Apart from
AUCTION and the adverse effect of both points of the FORTUNE cards,
this policy insures the player against any one trouble - unbearable
rent or tax. Owning this policy, the player himself has the right to choose,
which case is considered insured. After use, the policy is returned
BANK player. 9

BRANCHES AND ENTERPRISES A player with monopoly ownership of the entire industry can
build branches and enterprises on the plots. Their price, ranging from 50 to
200 forfeits for one building, indicated on the sectors of the industries and on the map
plot points. Acquired affiliates and/or enterprises player
locates on sectors sectors. At the same time, the plots are being built
sequentially: first, one branch each, then the second
branch, then - on the third. If in all sectors of the industry built
three branches each, the player gains the right to build enterprises. Price
enterprise is equal to the value of the branch. However, if the industry is
at least one mortgaged plot, the industry is considered incomplete, its
the owner ceases to be a monopolist, and the development of unmortgaged
sites of this industry is prohibited. If, experiencing financial
difficulties, the player decides to sell his buildings to the BANK, he must
remove them from the plots evenly: one building from each
site. At the same time, the BANK buys buildings from the player for half of their
nominal price. RULES OF DEPOSITS If a player needs money, he
can lay a plot (or several), but before that he must
sell to the BANK for half the cost of all buildings from this site.
After that, the BANK pays the owner half of the value of the pledged
site. At any time during the game, but only before his turn, the player has
the right to buy the mortgaged land. To do this, he must return to the BANK
half the cost of the plot plus 10% of its original cost.
No rent will be charged to players visiting the pledged lot.
The pledged plot may neither be sold nor exchanged until the
bankruptcy of its owner. TRADE PROPERTY
plots can become the subject of sale and exchange between them
owners. The conditions of these operations are regulated by the owners themselves.
ownership based on mutual benefit. Players can join with
friend in any transactions and contractual relationships. However, no area
cannot be sold, mortgaged or exchanged if it has at least
one building. END OF THE GAME If a player owes the BANK or others
players more than he is able to pay, he gives all available
he has money, after which he is declared bankrupt and leaves the game. At
the BANK pays the rest of the debt to its creditors.
Bankrupt branches and enterprises are returned to the BANK. PARTS cards
are placed on the field on the corresponding cells. The game continues
until the complete bankruptcy of all players, except for one, which
declared the winner - a millionaire. You can also play against the clock
then the winner is considered the wealthiest at the time of the end
game participant (sites, branches and enterprises are converted into money by
purchase price).

Created: 06/22/2009 10:55 AM at 10:55 AM located in sections .

  • to the past:
  • to the future:

Comments on “Millionaire Elite”

  1. red line says:

    “Monopoly” in my opinion always and everywhere costs a lot of money. As far as I understand, the game itself and all its graphic elements are patented and royalties are paid on each copy sold. That's why it comes out like that. Analogues, such as "Manager" come out cheaper.

  2. He speaks:


  3. Alexander Zigar says:

    and order through the Internet? whatever is possible


  4. He speaks:

    Yes, there was no particular desire before.
    Plus, with, as with other sites, shipping to the island is expensive. It's delivery.

  5. Alexander Zigar says:

    ah, I don't know, postage should be cheap

    I didn’t talk about in vain, because .com - American and shipping respectively

    I even took a trifle there (DVD, photo bag), delivery by regular mail was cheap for me, 2-4 pounds,
    sometimes free, but free shipping by mail to mine only in the UK

  6. He speaks:

    Yes, that's the whole point. Either way, she's expensive.
    I found only a couple of stores with free postal delivery but it's electronics.

  7. Alexander says:

    Please send a copy of the rules by e-mail! The rules have been sown, but I want to play!

  8. He speaks:
  9. Paul says:

    Can I also send hgfdbkf for soap, otherwise they gathered with the people and there are no rules.

  10. He speaks:


  11. Angelica says:

    Hello! Chera bought the game, but they couldn’t figure out the rules to the end! The rules are too short! Half of the words and phrases are not clear, and there is no description of them! There were debates! Do you have more detailed rules? I will be very grateful! Thanks in advance! [email protected]

  12. He speaks:

    Also sent.

  13. olga says:

    Excuse me, we have the same problem. There is a game, but there are no rules. We looked all over the Internet and we can’t find it. Could you send it to us too??? PLEASE!!

  14. olga says:
  15. He speaks:

    Also sent.

  16. Michael says:

    Hello Andrey)))

    Sorry for the distraction...

    Could you throw off the Rules of the game .... Thanks in advance
    [email protected]

  17. He speaks:

    Also sent.

  18. Margarita says:

    Hello Andrey)))

    Sorry for distracting

    Could you throw off the Rules of the game ....?
    Thanks in advance

  19. He speaks:

    Sent it too.

  20. Evgenia Litvinova says:

    Hello! I have the same problem (we bought the game and the rules are written very multiple, we can’t figure it out! Could you send it to me too? Thank you in advance!

  21. Evgenia Litvinova says:
  22. He speaks:

    Also sent to the specified soap.

  23. Sergei says:

    Hello! Andrey, if you don't mind sending the rules, thanks in advance!

  24. He speaks:

    Also sent for soap.

  25. Shvets Valeria says:

    please send me the rules of this game. thanks in advance….
