Why dream of a lot of potatoes on the ground. Dream Interpretation why big potatoes dream

In most dream books, a dreaming potato symbolizes the upcoming hard and painstaking work.

Dream Interpretation why dream of seeing potatoes in a bag, in a bucket, bag, in the basement, in a frying pan

A potato dreaming in a bucket, bag or bag predicts the appearance of a certain amount of money in real life.

Seeing potatoes in the basement is a dream, symbolizing that you should save money "for a rainy day."

A dream about potatoes cut into a pan is a hint that you should reconsider your diet, as a reduction in income awaits you ahead.

What is the dream of digging potatoes, on the ground, buying, selling, collecting, raw

Digging potatoes is a dream predicting a difficult physical work and in real life.

Seeing potatoes lying on the ground in a dream means exhausting work in reality that will not bring satisfaction and joy.

Buying or selling potatoes is a dream predicting profits made in a relatively easy way.

Collecting potatoes in a dream means receiving a modest reward for your work in reality.

Raw potatoes dream of having to solve material problems. The same dream may mean a job that you will not be able to handle.

What is the dream of potatoes with shoots, peel, rotten, plant (planting)

A potato with sprouts is a dream that predicts that your savings may run out. Be more careful.

Peeling potatoes in a dream is a loss in real life.

A dream in which a rotten potato is dreaming means that they will try to deceive you - to pay less for your work than it is worth or not to pay at all.

Planting potatoes is a dream symbolizing hard work, which will not soon bring income.

Why do potatoes dream of a pregnant woman, a man, without a peel, rotten, dirty, a girl, eat

A potato dreamed of by a woman expecting a child predicts a difficult birth for her.

A dream in which a man dreams of potatoes means that a pleasant event awaits him.

If a girl dreams of potatoes, then in reality she will be successful, but for this she will have to work hard.

To dream of a potato without a peel, rotten or dirty - bad sign. You can be robbed or deceived in real life.

Eating potatoes is a dream symbolizing relative stability and modest prosperity in reality.

Why did I dream of potatoes on the floor in the house, on the grave, peeled

A dream in which a potato was dreamed in a house on the floor means that you are too worried about solving material problems, although in real life you do not feel an urgent need.

A potato on a grave is a sign that you are wasting money.

A peeled (peeled) potato is a dream, symbolizing that someone you know will appear before you in his true form.

If you dream that I am peeling potatoes

A dream in which you peel potatoes with your own hands means that in real life you have many responsibilities that you do not quite like.

The same dream may mean that you will be able to look into the soul of your friends and understand what each of them is.

Why dream of a potato according to Miller

According to Miller's dream book, potatoes dream of unpleasant event which will nevertheless be beneficial to you.

Potato according to Vanga's dream book

Vanga believed that if you have a dream in which the dreamer eats potatoes, in real life he will be replenished with material wealth.

Planting potatoes (in the garden, on the field, in the garden, preparing for planting, hilling, growing, bush, huge, digging, weeding, tubers, harvest) is a dream that predicts good prospects for the future.

If she's generously sprinkled fresh onions(recipe is dreaming), boiled in uniform, fried (fry), washed (washed) ) with mushrooms, then in life there comes a period of complete prosperity and the solution of all material difficulties.

If you dream of a mountain of potatoes, a big pile, burnt, spoiled potatoes, rotten, rotten peel, burned, with worms (wormy), you can’t count on success in any business in the coming days.

If in a dream it lies (lying) in bags, in a cellar, on a counter, crumpled, frozen in a grid and you have to get it, give it away, carry (wear) and break it, you will have to face new difficulties that will not be easy to overcome.

Blooming (blooming) red, white, green potatoes are good news.

Sprouted, growing with sprouts, sorting out (sorting out), as well as a dead man and tops dreamed of with potatoes, they will talk about unrest that will not pass soon.

The egg symbolizes the emerging life. Therefore, an egg seen in a dream is considered a powerful sign, indicating an inexhaustible supply of life ...

Dream interpretation field to see in a dream

The field in a dream symbolically reflects the course, the course of your life, the main changes and your vision and feeling of future events. Interestingly, the field is usually dreamed of when future events are seen, and not past or present. For example, to see in a dream a field of flowers to see happiness and joy, well-being. A green field for the pleasures of life and forebodings of fulfilled hopes. Walking in such a field - to love, health and serenity. A field of wheat in a dream to wealth and prosperity. A plowed field dreams of the coming great luck and wealth. Potato field - your hard work will allow you to live comfortably.

Why dream of raw potatoes

The sphere of work dominates in the interpretation of dreams about potatoes, because in real life potatoes have to be grown for a long time, then dug up, and a raw vegetable requires cleaning and cooking. More often, raw potatoes in a dream are a reflection of idle work and material problems. Obviously, the sleeper is tired of the monotony of his life or from excessive focus on some kind of work. However, he is dissatisfied with the result of his efforts.

It also matters whether raw potato tubers or dishes prepared from it appear in the dream. Interested in what dreams raw potatoes? This night dream is very favorable, it portends material success and well-being in the family. And it doesn’t matter if the dreamer saw a field of potatoes with dug out tubers or examined root crops on the store counter.

Why dream of digging potatoes

Many people ask why they dream of digging potatoes with a shovel? Here, too, much depends on the nuances. If the tubers are large, then the dreamer will be lucky in all his endeavors. If the tubers are small, then the results of the work done will disappoint. Dream book warning: digging up spoiled potatoes means getting into a difficult financial situation.

Well, I can only congratulate those who had such a dream.

Empty, plowed Loneliness, boredom, homesickness. Wheat, millet, buckwheat - prosperity, prosperity. A lot of weeds - you have a lot of excess:

Things, interests, activities that take energy.

plow- your work will give the effect of a devastated field - hunger is luxurious, green - you mean good earnings to measure - hard work.

plow- your work will give an effect;

Devastated field -

Luxurious, green- you mean good earnings;

Measure -

Hard work

plant tubers

Planting it in the ground means getting an interesting offer, both marriage and work. If the dreaming potato is rotten, then soon a comfortable existence will come to an end. It is better to enjoy life and relax while there is time for that.

Potato sack

Your family will never know what need and hunger are. The house will always be a full vessel, there are many envious people of such well-being, but they are absolutely not dangerous and will not be able to affect your activities and life in any way.

rotten potatoes

hemp field- to a quarrel with a friend, beetroot or potato field- to success, which can unexpectedly turn into disappointment.

Birch growing lonely in the middle of the field- a sign of unfulfilled hopes.

Dream interpretation of the XXI century

Dream Interpretation «sonnik.guru»

Seeindream plowed field- portends that you will soon achieve prosperity and your path to a worthy position in society will be short and straight. Alternative interpretation: If you dream of beveled fields, then the streak of luck in your life is coming to an end. Green eared fields promise abundance and prosperity. Freshly plowed field symbolizes the imminent improvement of well-being. Dream in which you see how to sow field, means that after a hard struggle, you will still achieve natural success.

Dream Interpretation «DomSnov»

If field strewn with daisies, then mature people dream promises the love of a young and innocent person. In our dream book You can find out not only about what you dream of dreams about field colors, but also about the interpretation of the meaning of many other dreams. In addition, you will learn more about what seefield colors indream online dream book Miller.

Dream interpretation "dreams"

If a person indreamsees green field, on which he plays football, then this is a sign of manipulation of people. A lot of people don't like this attitude. To preserve the friendship of loved ones, you should change the tactics of your behavior. Seeindream green field with thick grass - a very auspicious and joyful omen. It promises a fast and very cheerful marriage ceremony.

If a sleeping woman eats potatoes in a dream, then in the near future her business will bring profit. Maybe she'll get a pay raise or a raise. Dream Interpretation of Health says that if the dreamer eats potatoes, then in reality you should sit on vegetable diet, as it is waiting for a lack of important vitamins and minerals. And if a person dug potatoes in a dream, then in reality one should comprehend all the secret circumstances of one's affairs.

Potato - A dream about potatoes is not fraught with accidents best quality. Digging potatoes in a dream is a sign of future success. Eating potatoes in a dream means a significant benefit. Cooking potatoes promises you a suitable job. If you plant potatoes in a dream, it means. You can count on the fulfillment of your desires. - if you dream of a rotten potato, it means that your joys and pleasures will come to an end and your future does not bode well.

Esoteric dream book

If you dream of Potatoes:

To see potatoes in a dream - See, there is plenty. Cook, cook for guests from afar. Digging, planting you have to work hard.

Women's dream book

What is the dream of Potatoes in a dream book:

Potato - If you plant potatoes in a dream - you can count on the fulfillment of your desires. Digging it is a sign of future success. Cooking potatoes - for a new, good job. Eat it - to a significant benefit. A rotten potato portends the end of a joyful period and the onset of troubled times.

According to the dream book, the field on which you plant potatoes is dreaming of an interesting, profitable offer. And dig it on a big land plot, - means to draw conclusions based on the results of committed actions.

If you dream of a field with watermelons planted on it, then you will definitely achieve what you want. And melons on melons are a sign of prosperity and well-being. Ripe pumpkins lying on the ground prophesy to the dreamer beautiful life. And zucchini or squash guarantee excellent relationships with friends.

If in a dream you saw a field: wheat, corn, vegetables or flowers, and you need to find out what the field is dreaming of, be sure to ask the dream book for an answer.

In a dream, a person can see incredible and quite ordinary things. Each symbol carries certain information, which can be both positive and negative. To find out what fate has prepared for you, you need to remember the main details of the plot. For example, if it concerns a dream about potatoes, then consider how it looked, what you did with it, etc. All this will allow you to get the most accurate interpretation.

What is the dream of potatoes?

In some dream books, such a dream is a warning about the occurrence of unpleasant situations. If you eat, it means that in the future the management will appreciate the merits and, possibly, offer a new position. The dream where you had to plant a vegetable indicates that you may receive an interesting offer both in your personal and work areas. Digging up potatoes means you are successful and independent person. Night vision, where you saw potatoes in the garden, predicts luck in life. Raw potatoes are a harbinger of unexpected news that will turn out to be good.

Seeing tubers in bags means that soon you will feel a strong overstrain, which can lead to illness. A dream where potatoes with sprouts appear will tell you that the business you are doing will eventually turn out to be successful. A bucket of potatoes is a sign of success, and you can also find yourself in the company of a pleasant person. Small potatoes are a harbinger of tears.

Why dream of a large potato?

Roots big size- this is a symbol of success, and you can also improve your financial situation. Also, such a dream is a harbinger of success and prosperity. If you are collecting large potatoes, which means that in the future you will be able to enjoy the success of the work done.

Why dream of boiled potatoes?

If you boil tubers, then you can soon expect the arrival of distant guests. Another such dream indicates that soon life will improve, and things will go uphill. Mashed potatoes are a sign that you will soon have to make an important decision that will be related to the material sphere. A boiled potato in a uniform is a harbinger of receiving an offer that at first glance seems unpromising. Dream Interpretation recommends not taking hasty decisions and then you will be surprised by the result.

Why dream of peeling potatoes?

Seeing peeled tubers means that in reality you will change your mind about some person. If you peeled potatoes, this is a symbol that you will be able to get rid of negative impact. In another dream book, such a dream prophesies the emergence of problems in the material sphere.

Why dream of fried potatoes?

Potatoes prepared in this way indicate the receipt of an offer for interesting work. For girls, such a dream is a symbol of imminent marriage. , which featured fried potatoes, portends a fun pastime with close friends.

Why dream of rotten potatoes?

Such a dream is a negative sign that promises the onset of the "black" stripes in life. Soon you will have to solve existing problems that are drawn from the past.

Why dream a lot of potatoes?

A large pile of potatoes is a sign of profit, you may soon receive a profitable offer, which, in turn, will help to significantly improve your financial situation. If you planted a lot of potatoes, then soon you can expect the fulfillment of desires.

Why dream of picking potatoes?

A dream where you choose spoiled tubers indicates a significant profit, but this will take a lot of effort.

Dream interpretation large potatoes

Potatoes are one of the most common vegetables that people eat. It is not surprising that she often visits us in night visions. Why is she dreaming, and what does this symbol mean?

Why see potatoes in a dream

That, as a rule, this means the onset of difficult times. This interpretation is suitable for those dreams when you failed to remember which fruit you saw, large or small.

If you delve into the essence of the dream about large potatoes, then the dream book believes that she dreams of fulfilling the dreamer's desires, to the general improvement of his affairs.

Your actions with potatoes in a dream

When considering a large potato, it is important to clarify your actions. After all, it can be planted, dug, collected, boiled, fried.

Why dream of digging potatoes

If you dreamed of a large potato

  • Dream Interpretation of Tsvetkova believes that digging potatoes means that a thankless job awaits you, which will take a lot of effort and time, but will not bring income. The same opinion is shared by the dream book of Simon Kananit and the Big Dream Book.
  • According to the Culinary Interpreter, digging potatoes means intimacy with a new acquaintance.
  • The dream book of the 21st century promises fun if you had to dig potatoes in a dream.
  • Digging it out of the ground - success accompanies you, do not miss your chance.
  • It is advisable, at the moment when you dig up the root crop, pay attention to the tubers that remain in the ground. If they are rotten, the dream book promises short-term success, which will turn into a complete fiasco.
  • If in a dream you dig up large tubers with a shovel, then you will be offered to participate in a rather dubious and risky venture.
  • Digging large potatoes with other devices - to receive money, profit from those investments that were made in the distant past.

Why collect potatoes in a dream

  • Some dream books believe that harvesting potatoes means an early illness.
  • Collect rotten potatoes - to the beginning of uncertainty in life, sorrows and sorrows.
  • Not only to see, but also to collect large fruits You will be able to fully enjoy the fruits of your labors.
  • Collect potatoes in a bucket - do something that will significantly improve your financial situation.

Why dream of cooking from large root crops

According to Grishina's dream book, a large raw potato that you need to cook - expect an annoying and unpleasant person to visit. When you have easily coped with this matter, you can quickly get rid of it.

Location of roots

If the potatoes were in a bag, then soon you will find yourself in a critical situation related to finances, and maybe health.

Why look at potatoes in the ground - misjudge people, your opinion is often wrong.

If the root crops are in the nets, you will have a chance to move to a higher position.

The potato in your dream is in the cellar, then you carefully keep some secret. Moreover, the larger the root crops, the larger the mystery.

Other interpretations

  • If the potatoes have sprouted - this is very good sign. What you are doing will bring good results. At the same time, the longer the sprouts were, the greater success awaits you.
  • It is a dream that you are buying or selling large potatoes - you will receive a profitable offer.
  • I dreamed of large root crops that you sorted out together with your soulmate - to a long and happy life together.
  • Steal root crops - you are an envious person who simply cannot enjoy what he already has.
  • Carry large and heavy potatoes - events will occur that will pretty spoil your nerves.

Eating potatoes in a dream is a more positive symbol than a negative one, according to dream interpreters. The explanation of why such a plot is dreamed of is largely influenced by the degree of its readiness and the form in which you ate it. Remember all the details of a dream, and compare the interpretations of several dream books.

Gustav Miller and his dream book

Explaining why you dream of eating potatoes, Miller's dream book portends significant profits and benefits that await the dreamer if he makes even a little effort on his part. And yet, there are some differences in the interpretation of this plot. Compare:

  • dreamed that you were frying potatoes for yourself - you would be offered a promising job;
  • eat potatoes with mushrooms - organizing a party will require more money than you thought;
  • mashed potatoes for breakfast - a sign of a decision on the "fate" of other people's finances;
  • to see that you are having lunch with baked potatoes is a sign of success in the professional field;
  • burnt baked potato caught - a competitor will get ahead of you;
  • chew potato peelings- get rid of other people's influence.

French fries as a symbol of change

If you dreamed that you were eating fried potatoes, then be prepared for the fact that in reality big changes await you. For men, eating fried potatoes in a dream is a signal that he has a chance to get a high position, the main thing is not to miss this opportunity.

But, in a dream, a girl eats fried potatoes in a rustic way - a sign of imminent marriage. Moreover, her husband will be from a wealthy family, Pastor Loff's dream book broadcasts.

Puree: From hospitality to perspective

What is the dream of boiled potatoes, tell Eastern dream book. If you dreamed about how you eat delicious mashed potatoes, then this means that they will come to you. welcome guests. And if you ate boiled potatoes in uniforms, then they will make you an interesting offer, which at first glance will seem unpromising to you.

Seeing in a dream how you eat boiled potatoes with butter means slowness in making a decision. The more thoughtful and balanced it is, the more chances there will be for success.

Pies with potato filling - a sign of profitable work

Baking potato pies in a dream is a symbol of painstaking but interesting work, Longo's dream book suggests. If you added fish to the pie, then you should not tell anyone about your plans until they are implemented. Especially if you caught the fish yourself.

Fried pies with potatoes in a dream? Remember if you added dill to the filling. If the filling for your pies contained greens, then you will be able to earn good money doing what you love.

Did you dream about potato "pancakes", but with sour cream? You will be able to profitably “sell” your skills and experience. And if in your nightly dreams you ate "zrazy" with meat, then you worry about your abilities in vain - you are a master of your craft.
