Photography as a hobby. What to write about yourself about creative interests, passion for photography

photo from Viktor Sedov's archive

A photo for a child can become much more than just pictures for Instagram. Seriously carried away by photography, he will be able to immerse himself in wonderful world photography, develop your creativity and technical skills. How to turn a passing passion for photography into a serious hobby?

Many mothers are looking for a hobby for their restless children so that their children do not sit days and nights at the computer screen or run around the yards, knocking their knees down. One of the most interesting and developing hobbies for them can be photography.

Children are much easier and faster than adults to master the device of the camera and the rules of artistic photography. And to teach a child to work in Photoshop is a mere trifle. Modern child since childhood, he has been confronted with various electronic devices and therefore masters them very simply and quickly. Therefore, photography can become an exciting activity for him, allowing him to master a lot of new knowledge and skills.

Let's first talk about how to get children aged 7-10 interested in photography.

Photography as a hobby: where to start?

Give your child a simple camera. In any case, such a gift will arouse interest and a desire to “click” everything around. But whether it develops into a hobby or becomes just a hobby for a couple of weeks is up to you.

Your main task is not to discourage desire. Ideally, the photo should “hook” the child. And after he likes the process of pressing the button and the picture appears, you will gradually be able to direct him, point out the shooting modes, the correct choice of camera settings, and then smoothly move on to composing and building a frame.

Important rule: "do not rush and do not push." As mine shows pedagogical experience, so many parents like to tell their kids what to photograph, and the kids see it as pressure. Photography is not a compulsory school subject, like reading or arithmetic, and it is always worth treating it as a pleasant and useful, but not mandatory pastime. Ideally, you should give your child complete freedom to choose what and when to shoot. Wants - takes pictures, does not want - does not take pictures.

It is best to take a camera for a walk with a child. Let him take pictures of everything that he likes or is of interest.

photo from Viktor Sedov's archive

When to Direct the Process

So, the first stage has been passed: for a couple of weeks, your child has been constantly stopping for a walk in search of a good angle, and at this moment you are patiently waiting (by the way, this is a very necessary skill, especially with frequent stops).

Now you can not only look at what happened together, but also select those frames that the child considers the most successful. The main criteria are that the picture should not be blurry or overexposed (so that there is no technical defect that catches the eye).

Simply put, you just need to copy all the photos taken during the day to a computer, and then make a selection. Copy the most successful photos to a separate folder "Selected" (at the same time teach your child the simplest operations with files and folders).

First, you need to evaluate photos according to the criterion "quality-poor quality" and only then enter the criterion "artistic-non-artistic" (in other words, we leave only visually "beautiful" photos).

photo from Viktor Sedov's archive

Photography as a hobby: developing artistic taste

I can congratulate you: the hardest part is over. The child is seriously fascinated by the process of photography.

Now it’s worth doing the artistic development of the child. Go to an art exhibition together one weekend. For children 7-10 years old, the Tretyakov Gallery in Lavrushinsky Lane is best suited. Choose a room with paintings that are clear in the plot. The work of Ivan Shishkin, for example, is always clear to both children and adults. No one will be left indifferent by his landscapes, reflecting all the charm Russian nature.

Older children (12-14 years old) will like the works of the Impressionists or Expressionists, which can be viewed in the Gallery of European and American Countries (near the Pushkin Museum).

Do not overload the child with information, watch no more than 4-5 rooms. Otherwise, the pleasure of a joint cultural program will turn into hard labor. After the gallery, be sure to discuss which paintings the young photographer liked the most.

photo from Viktor Sedov's archive

When should you take a photography course?

If your child is already 12 years old, he will tell you that he wants to study. And it is from this age that I recommend acquiring a more or less serious and expensive camera. If a teenager is seriously carried away, it is unlikely that he will quickly abandon his chosen hobby.

Another thing is young children. I would recommend choosing a specially adapted children's photography course for them, and always an individual one. The teacher should be a specialist in working with children, and not just in photography. University students and ambitious youth are not suitable here. We need someone who can find with a child mutual language and don't scare him away. Let the classes last for 2-3 hours, but always with practice and breaks for tea and discussion of work. It is desirable that the teacher comes to you, this will allow you to study in a familiar and comfortable environment.

The pleasure of taking photographs is the main thing in teaching photography to children. Keep this in mind, and I hope that photography becomes something more than just a hobby for you and your child.

In order to preserve the memory of significant events in their lives, many people take photographs. With the advent of smartphones, photography has become especially easy, because every person always has such a device at hand. I also used to love to shoot everything that happens around with a mobile camera, but in most cases the quality of the finished picture did not suit me. Often the image was smeared, and the colors turned out to be somehow faded and unnatural. For a long time I could not understand what was the matter, until my father explained that in order to get good pictures you need a good SLR camera with several lenses, a flash and a tripod. But as it turned out, just having all these devices is not enough, it is also important to know how to properly handle them. Dad's story interested me very much, and so I decided to read on the Internet about how to do beautiful pictures, and got carried away. That's when I decided to sign up for professional courses but for that I needed a good camera. This camera was given to me by my parents New Year. And since then, I began to actively comprehend the art of photography, mastering the technique step by step. right choice focal length and the size of the aperture, the selection of ISO and white balance, as well as the implementation of exposure metering. Today, I already know all these techniques quite well and can create beautiful photographs. Most of all I like to make portraits of friends and acquaintances. I have noticed many times that people look much more natural when they do not know that they are being photographed, so I try to capture such moments. I also have many further creative plans. I would like to learn how to take staged shots in the studio with the right artificial lighting. Also, I dream of trying my hand at making analog photos, as this is considered the pinnacle. photographic art.

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I have several hobbies and it's very cool! While some of my classmates miss the evenings, I'm doing my favorite activities: English language, gymnastics or photography. I am desperately short of time. You can talk about each of these hobbies for hours, but in this presentation I talk about only one of them - photography.



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goals Relevance: photography can become a favorite activity not only for me, but also for other guys. Purpose: self-realization and self-expression. Subject of study: photography Hypothesis: people who have a favorite hobby are much more self-confident than those who do not. KSENIYA

A person has always been drawn to the beautiful, the beauty seen, a person tried to give shape. In poetry, it was a form of words, in music, beauty had a harmonic sound basis, in painting, the forms of beauty were conveyed by colors and colors. The only thing a person could not do was capture the moment. For example, to catch a breaking drop of water or lightning that cuts through a stormy sky. With the advent of the camera and the development of photography, this became possible.

For me photography is a diary. The story of my life in people, events, moods, views on what is happening.

When photographing, I try to understand, capture, feel all the complex emotions that people experience at different moments of their lives. Photography is a good hobby. Being engaged in photography, you can discover completely new facets of life. To catch the elusive flapping of a butterfly's wings or a formidable lightning bolt, to capture the tender look of your mother - for this it is worth taking pictures.

Children occupy a special place in my photographs. It is so interesting to watch them that I really want to capture them in my photographs. Children do not know how to hide their emotions and they are so natural, not simulated, that I always take my camera in my hands.

What is photography for me? It seems to me that this is a language in which one can communicate. Clear to all, accessible to all. With their help, I try to convey the emotions that I myself experience.

And emotions arise literally from everything seen. And there are many moments I want to keep in my memory. This is where the camera comes to the rescue. I was lucky that every year my parents and I visit different countries. As a memory from all the corners where we visit, I bring a huge number of photographs. Cities often have their own unique "charm" or even "soul", something that sets them apart from other cities. The best cityscapes always convey that personality, that spirit, although it doesn't always simple task. My parents and I love to travel and our friend, the camera, is always with us.

In this photo you see the Pyramid of Kukulcan on the Yucatan Peninsula in Mexico. Tourists often remember the Egyptian pyramids, but there is little information about the Kukulkan pyramid. She is not inferior in her beauty Egyptian pyramids. The length of the sides of the pyramid is 55 meters, and its height is 30 meters, and 365 steps leading upstairs, symbolizing the days of the year. Every year, on the days of the spring and autumn equinoxes (September 23 and March 21), one can observe the unique spectacle of the “feathered serpent” - the shadow from the stepped edges of the pyramid falls on one of the stairs. At the same time, it seems that a snake is crawling along it, up in March and down in September. The end of the stairs, in keeping with this effect, is surmounted by a stone serpent's head.

Sometimes we look for beauty abroad and do not notice the beauty around us! But our hometown of Saratov is no worse! Look at these wonderful photos of your hometown!

I am sure that it is beauty that encourages justice, kindness, mercy, moral purity and harmony with the surrounding world. Closely interacting with beauty, a humane person is formed, with a beautiful, lively and creative soul.

I love to observe nature very much. There is a very good saying Ansel Adams. “Not everyone believes in painting, but everyone believes in photography”

According to some, a photographer is a lazy or failed artist. I completely disagree with this. Without creativity and the ability to see beauty in everyday things, it is impossible to become a pro.

Photographers need to be patient on the one hand, and have a quick response on the other. For example, a photo hunt can last several hours. Sometimes, in order to capture an interesting pose of an animal, a rare bird or an insect, it is necessary to lie still or sit in an uncomfortable position somewhere in a swamp or sit on a tree. Such expectations will surely be rewarded with unique pictures!

It would seem that it could be easier than becoming a photographer. Just something: buy an expensive high-quality camera and shoot, shoot everything. But such reasoning is rather naive. Being a photographer is not so easy and safe.

Amateur photography is rather not even a hobby, but a call of the heart, a state of mind. Starting to photograph, I began to look at the world around us in a slightly different way than everyone else - reverently and with great love!

I think the best shot is the one I'm about to take. KSENIYA

Photography as a hobby is a very popular form of leisure and creativity, not only because this type of activity is easy to start, but also because there are a huge number of objects for creativity and today there are a huge number of styles and directions for this kind of activity. As with any hobby and passion, photography has its advantages and disadvantages. All the "pitfalls", + and - will be discussed in today's interesting post about photography.


Photography is such a hobby that anyone can start to engage in, regardless of age or any other sign. Almost everyone owns a good photo camera these days. Considering also that there are different kinds cameras available for purchase on the market is a hobby that is accessible to anyone who is seriously interested in it. It's not hard to get started. Perhaps the most difficult problem The "start" for you will be deciding what kind of photos you would like to take: some people like to take landscape photos, some specialize in portraits, and some people only photograph wildlife. As you probably already understood, there are a lot of trends and styles here ...

Many novice photographers today look with envy at photos from major online publications or the covers of glossy magazines and dream of creating the same photos as there. But we note right away that any goal is achievable (any framework exists only in our heads) - and this means that any goal can be reached by spending a certain amount of effort, time and money on it. Note that for starters, you should not buy an expensive camera and a lot of equipment for it. Pick the one that best suits your style of photography and only buy the essentials: A good lens, a few batteries and memory cards is all a beginner photographer needs. Such a set can cost you 500 - 1000 dollars.

How to start?

As we said before, you don't need the most expensive camera on the market to shoot. good photos (here much depends on you yourself, rather than on the camera and equipment for it). It is better to invest part of the funds in private photography courses or in the necessary literature. Any professional photographer will tell you that in-depth, solid knowledge about how to take a great professional photo is much more important. steepness and the cost of your DSLRs.

There are excellent brands of cameras, buying products of which you can not worry about the quality and reliability of the product: Sony, Canon, Kodak, Casio, HP, Fuji, Minolta, Nikon, Pentax, Olympus - the choice is yours. These brands have models to suit different budgets, experience levels.

Learning the basics...

Having a good camera does not guarantee you fantastic photo-pictures. It is better to direct yourself and your free time to gain knowledge of the basic rules in the field of photography. This can be done through books, videos and dialogue with professional photographers. And remember, photography is a highly experimental hobby. You may have to take hundreds of pictures before you get perfect option.

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A hobby like photography is currently gaining popularity. People who manage to capture interesting moments of the surrounding reality are able to subtly notice the relationship of objects to each other, their special angle and beauty. If you decide to take up photography and make it your hobby, then you should know a few useful advice used by professionals.

Do not be afraid to start taking pictures, even without any experience in this matter. If a love of photography and the nature of things doesn't motivate you to become a professional photographer, and the camera and the desire to shoot are a strong passion, it's worth listening to tips for taking especially good photos. This will eliminate the need to be subjected to harsh criticism from experts and turn the process of photographing into a pleasure.

Personality psychology is designed in such a way that a person, when stressed, can easily help himself by getting carried away with his favorite thing. Photography is a great way not only to take a lot of good shots, but also to distract from problems, restore peace of mind.

Do not immediately buy expensive equipment

When you are a fan of taking pictures of surrounding things, objects, people and nature, and spend all your free time doing this exciting hobby, you should pay attention to what technique you use. Not being a professional, limit yourself to choosing a camera that has enough shooting modes in its settings and has a simple good quality. Remember that an interesting and successful photo is not the merit of the camera, but the photographer. Therefore, without mastering the minimum basics of capturing frames, it will not be possible to make good photo even with the help of an expensive modern camera. The main thing for people who have chosen this fashionable hobby is to understand what and how to shoot.

Otherwise, you may prefer professional equipment, which was in use for 2-3 years - it will have good quality. Use an expensive camera when your photography skills are honed or if you decide to turn your hobby into a profession.

Hobby photography: how to achieve sharpness

If photography is your hobby, then most likely you have noticed that the problem with many shots is insufficient sharpness or “blurring” of frames. common cause such problem is camera shake during shooting. In other cases, the lack of sharpness is affected by the movement of the subject being photographed or inaccurate camera autofocus. In this case, you can fix the camera using a tripod.

The hobby of people who take photographs obliges them to find ways to hold the camera without a tripod. You can fix the camera with a monopod, a rope, or by placing it in a place where it can be stationary. Use your own body, holding the camera close to you, while keeping the center of gravity of the body as low as possible for greater stability.

If you love to shoot and photography is a fashionable hobby that has become your serious passion, then try to always keep your camera with you - so you don't miss the opportunity to take rare beautiful shots.

Get in the habit of noticing interesting moments

In order to take particularly interesting shots, it is important to think about how the frame will look even before you pick up the camera. It is especially useful to plan a future photo when a view or object seemed especially interesting to you. You can visit beautiful interesting place with family on the weekends, and during the working week, think about what pictures you will take when you go there again. Such thoughts will fill your mind with pleasant anticipation, good mood and increase motivation to work.

Get in the habit of recording interesting moments of the future frame. This will allow you not to miss the main accents in the photo, then, when you start shooting.

Fashion hobby photography and pre-visualization

Many photographers use this mode of action as pre-rendering. The hobby of people who love to shoot has allowed them to achieve the development of photographic thinking. It lies in the ability to "see" the picture before it is taken. This ability can be developed if you train to imagine the surrounding objects not as people are used to seeing them, but on the other, unusual side. Using this method, you can create real masterpieces without even leaving your home.

Enjoy the process

It is hard to imagine that a person whose fashionable hobby is photography does not enjoy the process.

The hobby of people is aimed not so much at the result as at the process, and should bring joy. Having in hand good camera and enough free time, you can collect a collection of interesting pictures, make gifts to relatives, save the most interesting moments from the life and development of loved ones.

Often people give great importance result, and if it does not bring joy, they can be very upset and even stop shooting. Do not take to heart the fact that the photos are not always successful.

It is useful for those who are amateur photographers to sometimes seek the opinion of professionals. This will allow you to acquire the missing skills, improve the quality of future images, and in case of questions and lack of knowledge, get valuable advice. Emotional condition one who tries to capture moments of the surrounding reality affects the quality of photographs. Depending on the mood of the photographer, they can be different - sad or cheerful, successful or not very successful.

Experiment with the camera

Try to explore all the possibilities of your camera without stopping at shooting in one mode. Study the instructions, try and experiment, do not be afraid to change the settings - you will see how different photos can turn out, depending on the change of angle, mode, effects, shadow and other attributes.
