The life of rich people: how billionaires live. What is a rich life

The life of the rich and famous people has always been of great interest. And this is not surprising - after all, they have enormous capabilities that are inaccessible to mere mortals. What choice do rich people make - towards good or evil? Good deeds or, on the contrary, a wasteful attitude to life? What is the daily routine of those lucky people who were born into wealth or were able to make a billion-dollar fortune?

Warren Buffett

Describing the lives of rich people, it is logical to start with the "king of investments and money" - the president of Berkshire Hathaway, Warren Buffett. He owns a fortune of about 72.5 billion. Buffett is not distinguished by secrecy and gladly gives interviews to reporters. Some people think that life the richest people the world is a continuous celebration, countless possibilities. But even powers of the world this is not immune from troubles. At 77, doctors diagnosed Buffett with cancer. However, he managed to defeat a terrible disease, gaining A New Look for life. At 86, Buffett continues to lead an active lifestyle. He likes to play intellectual games, moves a lot, reads. Buffett promised that by the end of his life he would give away 99% of what he earned.

Sheikh Hamdan

The Arab prince is one of 23 sons of Sheikh Mohammed, the prime minister of the UAE. And also Sheikh Hamdan ibn Mohammed Al Maktoum - the most visible of all the brothers, who is a true model of what the life of rich people can be. His legacy is estimated at $18 billion. He is engaged in equestrian sports, writes poetry, and, of course, is the heir to a fabulous fortune. From childhood, the prince is surrounded by luxury and wealth, however, despite this, he was brought up in the spirit of traditional values. He recalls himself as follows: “My father is my mentor and friend throughout my life. I still continue to learn from him. My mother is a true example of love and care. She deserves great respect. I believe that a society that does not value mothers is not worthy of prosperity and is worth nothing.

Who will get the crown prince?

Of course, personal life Prince Hamdan has always been the subject of much gossip - after all, he is the most "tasty" groom for tens of thousands of girls. There were rumors that the prince was engaged to a relative on the maternal side. However, it was also known that Hamdan was in close contact with another relative until 2013. The relationship ended when, at one of the charity projects, the prince met his new love- Palestinian refugee Kalila Said. The girl could not be called a money hunter - the prince had to seek her attention for about three months.

The Sheikh's father was initially against this relationship. The life of rich people would have remained in the past for Hamdan - after all, Sheikh Mohammed could deprive his son of his inheritance. However, the prince chose love, and the father had to accept. Rumor has it that he even gave the couple his blessing. But Arab girls may not despair - after all, the sheikh can have as many wives as he wants. For example, the Crown Prince's father is rumored to have about five wives, despite the fact that only two are known. Sheikh Hamdan's brother has already married, and also to a girl from a poor family - Natalya Aliyeva from Azerbaijan. He met her in a Belarusian cafe, where she worked as a waitress. In the UAE, Natalia became Princess Aisha Al Maktoum.

Martha Ortega-Perez

The girl's fortune is estimated at 64 billion dollars - indeed, she may be a genuine sample beautiful life rich people. Marta is the youngest daughter of the president of a Spanish company called Inditex. The girl manages the Zara chain of stores. Marta is in second place among the richest heiresses in Spain. The first place is occupied by her sister - Sandra Mera. However, Martha, who has always been her father's favorite, should become the heiress of the textile holding. Amancio Ortega's fortune, which she will inherit, is estimated at $72.8 billion.

From a very young age, the father taught his daughter ordinary life, without the privileges inherent in the life of rich people. Marta had a chance to work both as a sales assistant in the London Bershka store, and as an office employee in Barcelona, ​​and even in a Chinese factory. AT this moment Marta works in the central offices of the Inditex holding, and is preparing to take over the reins of power in her own hands. As befits a decent girl from high society, Marta is fond of equestrian sports.

Bill Gates

And, of course, speaking about the lives of the richest people, one cannot fail to mention such a billionaire as Bill Gates. His fortune is estimated at 84.2 billion dollars. And Gates, as you know, earned his first billion at the age of 31. Gates was born to lawyer William Henry and Mary Maxwell, who held several senior positions in large companies America. Gates has been fascinated with programming since childhood. Big money didn't spoil the founder Microsoft- a huge share of the company's profits goes to charity every year. Together with his wife Melinda Gates, he founded charitable foundation dealing with various issues: education, ecology, and health care.

Yes, yes, the ability to live in wealth is indeed the most amazing secret of the psychology of a truly wealthy person and the secret of increasing one’s property and Money. Why don't people who already have funds multiply them? Can not? It seems they are hoarding and hoarding, but you see, the amount is still the same - no increase, no scope ... And why, even having funds, people do not know how to use them so that they bring joy? Why?!

And because we are not taught, we are not accustomed to think or feel "richly", as well-to-do people think and feel, all the more we do not know how to fantasize and dream "richly". We do not have the psychology of the rich, because from generation to generation, all our private property was a dress and socks, a blanket with a pillow. Even a bicycle with a tape recorder was considered a rarity, let alone a car, a summer house, at least Levi Strous jeans! In the West, a long time ago, private property in the form of movable and immovable property existed, was inherited, family silver was in almost every house. And our newlyweds were forced to buy aluminum (rarely cupronickel) spoons and forks, because their parents would like to give, but they themselves did not have! But what about spoons? Remember how people around Moscow with rolls toilet paper They walked around their necks and took care of packs of Indian tea with an elephant, hid them in the far corner of the box? And they were happy about it! Can you imagine how they could dream of wealth? In pink light, rolls of toilet paper would fall on your head out of thin air, and kitchen table tea bags with blue elephants would materialize. Here you have all the dreams of wealth! ..

No, you need to learn how to dream correctly - with breadth, scope, with chic-brilliance! True, why? We already know that even a couple of thousand “greenies” would bring us happiness ... Well, do we yearn for them until we drop?!
Nonsense! Let's read about smart people and learn for ourselves how to dream smartly and how to make a dream work - turn fantasies into reality. Merchant secrets people did not take away with them, they left them to their descendants.

Secret one. How the poor man imagined himself to be rich

Savelich, the old attendant of the famous Moscow Sandunovsky baths, entered the utility room and put in the common treasury "red":
- Here's my contribution. I don't work anymore today. I’ll rest, and in the soap-steam room, let the young people work hard, indulge customers.
- Why don't you want to work? - the senior attendant Rebrov was surprised. - And where did the whole ten come from at the beginning of the day?
- The shopkeeper Tyatin gave me a hundred-dollar bill for my services!
- It can not be! For what?!
- You won't believe it, Reby! I just poked my head into the steam room, where the rich man Putyatin took a steam bath, and here is Semka Tyatin. He says: “Don't touch anything, uncle! Give me a piece of Putyatinsky broom and put it on the shelves where the rich man was lying! And this steward puts me here. Can you imagine?!
- I've lost my mind! Why climb on a dirty shelf and whip with a shabby broom - and even for such money ?!
- That's right, I'm off! When I gave him a couple, I heard him, poor fellow, whisper hotly like this: “I am the rich Putyatin! I am a rich man Putyatin!
Rebrov crossed himself:
- Insane, not otherwise! It's not the first time I hear about him. Once my friend, a waiter in a merchant's club, told how this same Tyatin took a dirty, unwashed plate from him for a lot of money and demanded to put fried tuna there. And there was just a Putyatin plate, the rich man also ate fried tuna before ...
- Are you talking about the eccentricities of the shopkeeper Tyatin? - put in a young attendant Seryozhka. - And the clerk from Kuznetsky Most told me about him. Tyatin bought a dark blue jacket from him, exactly the same as from Ivan Ivanovich Putyatin himself. The shopkeeper turned around in front of the mirror for half an hour and kept saying: “I am the rich Putyatin!” - and then he went to the barber shop opposite and ordered to cut his hair exactly like Putyatin.
Maybe some kind of magic? Rebrov crossed himself again. - Maybe this Tyatin wants to bring damage to Ivan Ivanovich?
- Or maybe he wants to rob Putyatin? Seryozhka gasped, and his eyes lit up. - It is necessary to go to the police, and even better to hire a private detective!
- One prank on your mind! Rebrov barked. - Eco invented - a private detective! Well, run to the steam room, there is up to your neck! - And Rebrov turned to Savelich: - You have been serving us for half a century, what do you say? Maybe talk to Putyatin himself, eh?
- And what to say? the old attendant chuckled. - There is no sedition in the fact that some shopkeeper wanted to take a steam bath on Putyatin's favorite shelf. Anyone can wash in Sanduny. Besides, all of a sudden they, the merchants, bet on a bet? They now love to argue about everything and beat hands. It's not our business. Let's change it for clarity...

So they did. And the shopkeeper Tyatin walked around Moscow for a couple of years, muttering: “I am the rich Putyatin!” He dined in the same restaurants as the rich man, dressed in the same way, made friends with the company, where the millionaire Ivan Ivanovich was a member, and went to theaters with him. Adopted the habits and manners of Putyatin. All of Moscow openly laughed at poor Tyatin, but stopped after a couple of years. Yes, and how to scoff, if Tyatin earned his first million, and then another? Now he proudly declared himself:
- I am a rich man Tyatin!

* * *
What is the point here? In imitation, in similarity. And like, as you know, leads to like. So the imitation of the habits, manners, life of the millionaire Putyatin led the shopkeeper Tyatin to real wealth. But the main thing that led to millions was a simple thought: “I am a rich man!” Tyatin began not only to live like a millionaire, but also to think like one. Look at life from the angle of a wealthy person, to dream about what truly wealthy people dream about. That is, he began to live according to the formula of wealth - as if he already had it. This became the “program of life”. However, we will talk about psychological self-programming later, in the second part of the book. And now - about those who have known about these programs for a long time.

I am a rich man Putyatin!
Recipe twenty-five: find a guide to the world of wealth

Look at the one who lives well. Where and how he dresses, what he likes to eat, where he goes, who he is friends with, etc. Try to do at least one thing in the same way: buy clothes in the same rich store (a fake from the market will not work), read a book that he liked (in the same binding, and not in paperback), make friends with his friend (try unobtrusively), etc. In a word, declare to fate that you are like him. Yes, what is the difference? He is the rich man Putyatin, and you are the rich man Tyatin! It's just your way.

Second secret. Happiness according to Balzaminov: the rules of life for rich people

For a decade now, television has been showing the people three imperishable classic comedy films: The Diamond Hand, The White Sun of the Desert, and Balzaminov's Marriage. We watch them almost all our lives, quote our favorite phrases, sing songs like “But we don’t care” and “Your honor, lady luck” ... But who ever thought that they contain some kind of “life programs”? Do not laugh, dear readers! Even the sweet and naive comedy directed by Konstantin Voinov "Balzaminov's Marriage" is actually a guide to action.

As you know, Misha Balzaminov is the hero of several plays by the great playwright Alexander Nikolayevich Ostrovsky, on which the script of the famous film was written. And this same Misha dreamed of getting married.
- What is she like? - his mother was interested in the bride.
- I do not know! - frankly answered the son. - To me, mother, all rich brides seem to be beautiful.

That is, in fact, Misha dreamed not of marriage, but of wealth. However, you can dream about anything. The main thing is to understand the rules under which these very “dreams” turn into reality. Or - do not turn. That is to say, one must learn to dream wisely. And what kind of thing is this - a dream? It seems that in our material world thing of little use. Yes, anyone from the cradle knows: “The business is first of all”, “The business must be done, gentlemen!”, “It will be for you according to your business.” And what about the dream?
- Where to put them, such and such? - Mother Balzaminova asked about her eternally fantasizing son.

But it turns out that dreamers have their own fantasy angels on their packages. Moreover, the sprouts of reality are already ripening in dreams, as if a dream - some not yet quite obvious, but already an order to the heavenly office. The playwright of the nineteenth century, Alexander Nikolayevich Ostrovsky, the author of plays based on which a century later, in 1965, the brilliant director Konstantin Voinov shot his masterpiece about Balzaminov, perfectly understood the power of dreams. Surprisingly, in his plays, this coolest playwright-everyday writer constantly pursued an idea that was completely seditious for realism: it is people's dreams that give rise to and shape their future life.

Almost all of your favorite heroes, and especially the heroines of Ostrovsky, dream. And how! The detailed, almost tangible dreams of Lipochka from The Bankrut make her the mistress of a "newfangled" merchant's house. But Katerina's feverish dreams in The Thunderstorm about unearthly beauty and sinless love, on the contrary, sadly, take her away from the earthly sinful world. The trilogy about Balzaminov especially clearly illustrates the mechanism of dreams in human life.

Real dreams are heaven and hell at the same time, the excitement of the player and the timid movements of the soul, afraid to be born. All this was masterfully and touchingly played in the film by Georgy Vitsin, a failed tragedian, inscribed in the Procrustean bed of comedies. At first, Misha dreamed of him "on a little one."

And I don't need much. I'm not chasing big things, I guess," he sighed. - Give me something!

"At least that" fate gave. They invited Misha and his mother to a rich house (a merchant's daughter worth 300,000 dowry!). And they didn't take it too badly at first. But the marriage never took place. Moreover, after the reception, Misha himself was thrown out. Why is this? But is it not because the “order of a dream” was not clear: what to give if a person asks for “at least something”? "Everything is a cloud!" - how his mother sighed.

It turns out that before sending the “order” of your dream to the heavenly office, you need to fill out an “order form”: determine for yourself in more detail what you want to receive from your dream, present it in detail. Science now calls this principle the visualization of a dream, but oh scientific approach we will talk in detail later (see the second part of this book). In the 19th century, the playwright Ostrovsky, of course, did not know such a term, but he understood very well: the principle works.

Let's return to Balzaminov. After all, there was a second hitch, from which at first his dream did not work - it did not materialize in marriage. Yes, he was going to find a richer wife, but something had to be done with wealth. And what - poor Misha could not even imagine.
“Now I get 120 rubles a year,” he complained to his mother. - And what about 300 thousand? What then?

It turns out that Misha was not ready to accept or spend the bride's capital. He had no scope, no ideas. The most A big dream: “And everything seems to me, mother, that we have a stone house!”

But is it just the scope? The house is very down to earth. And since it is mundane, one would have to imagine this whole house in detail, that is, visualize it. But this, we already know, Misha does not do.
Why doesn't he present everything in detail? He can't do it! The poor have not seen the richest houses - with luxurious interiors, rich environment, parquet floors and crystal chandeliers. Here is the second conclusion for you: if you want your dream to come true, find out everything about it in more detail. If you dream - fantasize on a grand scale: excitement is better than timidity in dreams. We know: you can’t spoil porridge with butter!

But where to get it, excitement? And where will the knowledge about a beautiful, rich life come from? Especially if you, like Balzaminov, live on the outskirts of the city, in a house for 20 years without major repairs, on a tiny salary. Just think, almost two centuries have passed, but what has changed in the life of an ordinary person? .. In provincial towns, there are still the same houses with a leaking roof, dilapidated fences, unpaved streets - and the same poverty.
- The rich, mother, think differently! - the newly-minted philosopher Misha once said.

And he was 1000% right! Our poor thoughts run like cockroaches around the table, the refrigerator, the wholesale market. Where can I buy more and cheaper? Yes, as soon as possible! So we rush to the optushka, pushing everyone there with our elbows, dragging goods home, clogging the refrigerator, hanging cabinets. We fall into a chair with relief - thank God, the house is full! Then we open the refrigerator and sigh: the food, it seems, is no longer of high quality (the expiration date has expired), and although the wardrobe is stuffed so that it does not close, there is still nothing to wear to the theater.

In a word, the money was spent, and everything is down the drain! And why? They were in a hurry to grab it, they bought it cheaply ... Have you ever, at least in the movies, seen rich people running around the optushki or taking it without looking? Yes, they will look at everything for their money, sniff it. They plan special days for their "bourgeois shopping". No, Misha Balzaminov is right, a hundred times right:
- I'm not used to thinking, mama, how the rich think. Everyone thinks like a poor person. Here is wealth in the head and does not fit!

Of course, Ostrovsky wrote plays in the second half of the 19th century, and now we live in the 21st century, and even in a market with competition. But have they learned to think “richly”? Here is a typical example. A friend of mine noticed a strange phenomenon. She traveled for a long time to buy food and things in the wholesale markets. There was barely enough money. Suddenly, a small shop was opened in her house. As she passed by, she began to go there more and more often. The goods there were more expensive than at the optushka, but obviously more decent. A month later, she stated with bewilderment - there was enough money for shopping in the store, without trips to the market. And without looking for additional income. They just increased the salary a little, the husband was paid for the unpaid old job.

A couple of months later, a decent supermarket was opened in the new house. There the choice was really quite for the rich. But you go once - pulls in the second. And a friend noticed with surprise that she had enough money even for shopping in the “super”. And again, neither she nor her husband had to look for a second job. The director simply asked her to give paid consultations to the children of her friends (my friend is a teacher at a music school).
But somehow she again rushed to the optushka, and she was sucked in.
"We need to stop wasting money!" she said. - What if there will be less money tomorrow?

So she ran for a month - and found out: again there was enough money only for wholesale and market rows. Paradoxical pattern, right? So the more you spend, the more money comes in. Just the water cycle in nature. Or money in your pocket. Who likes what. How much it poured out, so it poured out. You aspire to the supermarket - and as much money as is enough for it.

Drawn to the wholesale market - you see, and money only for him. Why?! And simply - according to your needs. Of course, no one has seen the heavenly alignments, but it turns out that they are guided by the well-known principle of “development of capital investments”. If you don't master it, they won't give you more.
And again Misha Balzaminov comes to mind. When he was announced the amount of the dowry of the next bride, he almost lost his senses - all at once:
- Such money, perhaps, you will not live!

And yet he did not live, because this bride, too, was off the hook. And all why? Of course, again, it wasn't. specific task with him, but doubts overcame. And there is no doubt about it! In the heavenly office, things are simple: if in doubt, no one will exhort; If you don't live, you won't give. Why waste a resource to translate?
In a word, from the stories with Balzaminov, the conclusion is this: define a goal for yourself, do not be afraid to overdo it, do not hesitate and think and dream that you are already rich. If you have a hundred rubles in your pocket, think that you can take the whole world and a supermarket to boot.

If you want to publish a book, come up with a dozen plots, which then themselves will require you to write them down. And if you want to imagine yourself healthy - imagine that you are running along a forest alley in Reebok or Adidas sneakers. how healthy man, you can afford it. And as a rich man, you have enough money for the coolest super sneakers. And then really run somehow at least around the house in the morning, at least once for a test, at least for now in old sneakers. Like it - buy sneakers. Push the dream!

Take an example from Balzaminov. In the end, he once again looked for a bride for himself and daydreamed about a huge garden, a mansion with gazebos, crystal glasses and sparkling chandeliers. About taking a real cook, footman and valet instead of one uneducated cook Matryona. In a word, in a dream he gave out all the scope that he was capable of, and stopped doubting: he decided that any rich bride would agree to go for him. And I found a match!

The naive Misha had only one reservation in his dreams. With any rich bride, Mishin's mother had to live with him.
“And I don’t need that I’m rich,” he said. - And to you, mother, I always respectfully.
Understandably? You can dream and bring into life any dream - as long as it does not harm your relatives and good people.
Won't hurt? Then dream. To health and happiness. And whatever your heart desires.

The rich think differently. I'm not used to thinking how rich people are, so wealth in my head does not fit ...
Recipe twenty-six:
Get your future wealth in your head. Learn to think like wealthy people.
Don't want everything. Pick one. Climb one peak, as the psychologists say. Define for yourself in more detail what you want to get from your dream, imagine it in detail. As it will be? What does it look like? What is its size, color, smell, etc.? What will you say when you see this? Well, and so on - brighter in colors, sounds, aromas.
If you want your dream to come true, find out more about it. If you dream - fantasize on a grand scale: excitement is better than timidity in dreams.
Remember the principle of “investment development”: the more you spend, the more money the heavenly office will issue.
Do not under any circumstances doubt anything. In the heavenly office, things are simple: if in doubt, no one will exhort; If you don't live, you won't give. Why waste a resource to translate?
Remember: you can dream and implement any dream - as long as it does not hurt your family and other good people!

Secret third. Losers and chronophages

So, you want to become rich, keep savings and increase them. You really, really want this. So what about those around you? Of course, we are not talking here about those who envy you or, even worse, invite all sorts of misfortunes on your head. These envious, enemies and ill-wishers are familiar and understandable to you. And you know very well how to treat them. It is best to smile calmly and say to all of them (mentally): do not wait!

But now we are talking about others - about those who are part of your family and a narrow circle of real friends (because there are never many real ones!). How do they feel about wealth, your dreams and money itself, finally? Do not be lazy - look around and analyze. Maybe your mother is deeply convinced that since you bought a new vacuum cleaner, what more could you want? Yes, you just rage with fat! She generally managed with a broom, and cleaned the rug in the snow. And your beloved girlfriend sincerely believes that the next series of "Adjutants of Love" or "Don't Be Born Beautiful", viewed while eating pizza at home in the evening, is much more pleasant than running around for a salary. Well, your mother-in-law generally washes her hands after she touches the bill, because she is firmly convinced that money is dirt!
Well, how to think about wealth with such relatives and friends?!

Difficult, of course. But still possible. First of all, you need to talk with relatives, trying to convince them that being rich is not harmful, not shameful and possible (see "unique thesis" at the beginning of this book), that money itself is not evil, not an infection, not dirt, but simply a means of payment, or rather, of exchange: after all, it is money that we exchange for something useful, pleasant, and in general for the very thing that we dreamed of. However, you should know that almost a quarter of our people to this day sincerely consider wealth to be evil, and your relatives and friends may well be in this fourth part. And then what?

No matter how strange it may seem, it is useless to convince such people: they are so programmed by Heaven, and you will not do anything here, you will only fray your nerves and ruin relationships. I advise in conversations with such people don't talk about money at all. Is it not enough, do you have other topics for communication?

In addition, it is worth analyzing the surroundings. For example, they despise money, but somehow they live, "get" money, make purchases? And often, upon closer examination, you can be sure that they live well and master their money stream very successfully. Like this? Different ways. For example, a husband despises money, but his wife works hard for two, or parents support an overgrown child. There are people who are generally accustomed to getting by with the smallest, and even proud of it: they say, I live not for my own pleasures, but for the sake of duty (justice, creativity, for the sake of other people, etc.). How many different eccentrics! Well, they have enough of "theirs" - and thank God! Their right to think so, and your right to think otherwise.

Here we think otherwise. And the main idea: who from your environment interferes with the influx of your wealth? After all, it is clear that if someone obscures your “energy path” with their heavy thoughts and doubts, it is difficult to go along it - for you, and for your dreams, and for your wealth. Don't hang out with losers! True, sometimes it is difficult to do this - it can also be a beloved friend who is disastrously unlucky, and a beloved nephew who cannot find a worthy place in life. How to be?! There is a way out!

When communicating with these "beloved losers", do not talk to them about money, about your dreams, about deeds, present and future. And in general, try to sigh in response to their whining: “Oh, how bad everything is with me!” Often this helps: whiners hate hearing about other people's failures and therefore will quickly fall behind you.

However, it also happens that it’s not whiners that bother you at all, but those who are spinning from morning to evening and even have their own business. Only now, for some reason, it always stalls for them, deals fail, and all their whirlwind brings only one “benefit” - a donut hole. These are the people who should be the subject of your close attention. Alas, these “most energetic” aunts and uncles are real “business vampires” who, working hard 24 hours a day, only suck energy out of the business itself, but give nothing in return and therefore do not receive any benefit. It is precisely them that must first of all be removed from the circle of your communication.

Do not associate with feverishly active losers! See that they do not drag you into their active fever.. Quietly and firmly reject their "solid projects" and "surest undertakings." Learn to say no. Honestly, no one will punish you for refusing and will not treat you worse. And even if it does, I assure you: nothing will come from relations with losers, and it is best to break these relations.

And further - do not communicate with chronophages! These are worse than the most ardent loser. Don't know who chronophages are? Those who steal time from others feed on this time (from the Greek chronos - time, phagos - drinker). Remember your most energetic girlfriend who calls you every day, or even five times a day, talking on the phone various stories who regularly befriend her. You listen to her now with bewilderment, now with pity, you try to give advice after advice, but all advice is of no use, because tomorrow she will have the same thing as yesterday, or even worse. Do not feel sorry for her and do not give advice - they are like peas against the wall. Yes, she does not need them! She needs you to dedicate-give her your time. She feeds on your time. Can you imagine how many necessary and useful things you could do in the time you spend talking to her?! Represented? So do not let the phone "vampire" feed on your energy and eat up your time! Quickly and without delving into, and most importantly - without taking everything to heart (why?! she herself arranges her failures herself! Yes, she can’t live without them!), round off the conversation. If you begin to sympathize, give her some of your energy. Do you need it?! And then do not discuss with your close friends "sorrows" - otherwise the lion's share of energy will fly from all of you to her. And you need to be in shape and save your energy, you don’t have an overabundance of it anyway (the next part of our book will tell about some methods of saving and generating energy).

Don't hang out with losers!
Recipe twenty-seven is the simplest: "Get away from evil and do good." Got it? The secret of wealth is very specific: do not associate with either losers or chronophages.
Do not communicate with feverishly active comrades. Their activity is one imitation, the result will be, as always, zilch.

Secret four. crazy money

The playwright Alexander Nikolayevich Ostrovsky knew many merchant secrets, did not hide them from people, and told about them in his plays. He called one of the best plays "Mad Money". We are talking about the young Lydia Cheboksarova, who dreamed of selling her beauty at a higher price - to find the richest groom. Men adored Lydia, took her to ride in troikas, dine in restaurants, bought gifts in expensive stores. Lydia herself changed admirers in a furious whirlwind and dreamed about everything. more wealth. However, in reality, zilch came out - although all the applicants littered with money, but, as it turned out later, who - with borrowed money, and who did - with stolen money. In a word, the dream of fast and crazy money burst, and Lydia had to marry a modest merchant, who had only one overwhelmed factory somewhere in the province. And now, imagine, it was this modest entrepreneur who earned real, real millions, and not some mythical crazy money.

Funny story? Why is there dramaturgy, our whole life is riddled with crazy money. Someone breaks his jackpot, cranks up a gamble, arranges a scam - and now he is already the owner of this most crazy money. Known History, truth? However, we also know what happens next: the redistribution of property, a stronger and more arrogant swindler, a new adventure ... And where are they, recent money? They left, sailed away, flowed away ... And what did you want from such money? They are mad!

Not only the playwright Ostrovsky, but also many Russian merchants knew the habits of big money: to burst into a person’s life, to stun, entice, show off, “lie” to the owner that he is now an almighty rich man - and instantly melt, disappear, go to another. They are insidious traitors, these crazy money! No wonder there was a saying: “Don’t worry about death, but don’t worry about big money!” And what an accurate saying! Indeed, the one who received the big money was in a frenzy, did not notice anything, as if in a pair of fog. And what did he do? Lived in a fever. He thought that the whole world was now in his pocket, as if he had “grabbed” God himself by the beard. But in fact, he let down his easy money and, until the latter flowed away, he could not calm down.

And what's even worse: big money, leaving, takes away all their fellows from the former "owner". No wonder merchants used to say: “Mad money - crazy days!”

So all aspiring to wealth - be vigilant! Of course, I do not urge you to just hunchback all your life, a healthy share of adventurism has never harmed anyone. But if you are chasing easy money, remember the consequences. Not without reason, after all, the beautiful Lydia from Ostrovsky's play eventually admitted that the daily work of her modest husband brought much more significant results than all the "champagne sturgeons" with which her frivolous fans tried to seduce her in a frenzied whirlwind of pleasures.

And one more piece of advice. If crazy crazy money has come to you (even if it’s small amounts!), Do not acquaint them with your hard-earned and acquired hard-earned money - do not put in one wallet, do not put in one pack. Otherwise, big money will not only go away on its own, but your hard-earned treasures will be taken away.

And you act quickly. How a crazy amount was formed from somewhere - spend it. Exchange this crazy money for the thing you need. Then they will do their "dirty" deed - they will leave you, but you and the right thing don't be left behind.
But never - remember, never! - do not start an important business with big money, do not pay with them for an essential service, do not buy goods for sale. The business will fall apart, there will be no benefit from the product, and the service will turn out to be unkind. And well, their dog down the drain, crazy money - it’s better to get it with labor, those that know how to grow and multiply, and not just, like crazy ones, rush around the world!

It was not for nothing that the merchants said: “I made money - God respected it, accepted crazy ones - God forsook it.” After all, it is true - big money is not from God. A person should own his own money, and crazy ones - they themselves will begin to own you. Is this life?

Crazy money, leaving, takes away all their fellows from the former "owner".
Recipe twenty-eight:
Crazy money is not tenants in anyone's wallet. But, leaving, they take all their brethren away from the former "owner".
Never put big money in a wallet or just next to your hard-earned hard-earned money.
Having received big money, they should be spent, and quickly. "Exchange" them for the thing you need. But never start an important business with big money, do not pay with it for an urgently needed service, do not buy goods for sale.

Elena Korovina

From time to time, the question will come to someone's mind - how do they live, these very rich ones?

In this article, I will not answer you how the rich live ... But I will tell you where you can find the answer!

Even if you don't have rich friends and acquaintances, and you can't seem to get close to the wealthy, you can get a fairly detailed, voluminous, and realistic picture of the life of the "average" wealthy person by drawing on knowledge from several sources.

How do rich people live?

Do you want to imagine what a rich life looks like, but you can't? In order to solve this problem, it is enough to spend money on a glossy publication - at least one, but preferably several. These can be magazines about interior design, architecture and landscape, travel, expensive cars, gourmet recipes, beauty salons and haute couture.

Flip through the glossy pages, plunge into the atmosphere of luxury, and you will get a fairly vivid and voluminous idea of ​​a rich life. Please note that it is recommended to buy real magazines. The online version will not give you the full experience.

However, there are also such rich people who, despite their status and savings, which allow them to live more than a dozen lives without working a single day, continue to save every penny. For example, they re-brew tea bags, visit a public swimming pool, and rent swimming trunks. But this is more the exception than the rule.

How do the rich feel? Do they have feelings? Are they capable of love? Is it true that they cry? What can cause the tears of these "rulers of the world"? In order to at least partly get an answer to these questions, it is enough to watch another television series about the life of the rich. There you can get a general impression of the emotional life of rich people.

Watch candid interviews with the stars - almost all of them are wealthy people. You will be surprised at how the feelings of rich people are similar to those of the less fortunate part of humanity. However, it is possible to catch the special specifics of the emotional and not only the problems of wealthy people.

Look. Of course, in the movies, everything is a little different from what it really is. But I think there is some truth in there.

Read better Forbes. He will lift the veil on the question that worries a lot of people: “How did they do it? How did the rich get rich? How did they get to the life they have now? Yes, yes, everyone who is not in deep apathy or has not gone into spiritual practices, or with whom something else out of the ordinary has not happened, is interested in this question ...

How to start living richly?

Despite the widespread saying, they say, “we didn’t live richly, there’s nothing to start,” people still strive for chic and wealth, and do not lose hope for better life. Therefore, the question “how to start living richly” has been asked, is being asked and will be asked throughout the history of mankind. But if the answer to this question were simple, unambiguous and easy to implement in practice, we would no longer have to read this article and try to imagine the life of the rich in our imagination.

We ourselves would begin to live richly, and if we were lucky, we would also be healthy and happy. And they would hardly spend time on the Internet, because, you see, in our time the Internet is one of the options for low-budget pastime. It has a lot of interesting things, but the screen and keyboard cannot be compared to traveling on VIP tours, designing another villa by the sea, playing in a casino with millions of stakes, etc., etc.

AT summary the principles of achieving wealth are described in the article: Be sure, if you set out to get rich and go towards it with great perseverance, such a short “manual” will suffice for you for the first time.

But, by the way, a video of a program about the life of the rich on Rublyovka, I watched several episodes in a row - it is addictive.

My plans include not limiting myself to this article, but writing a whole series of motivational articles about a rich life. The houses, interiors and cars of the rich, their recreation and entertainment, the appearance and style of rich people, and much more on this topic - all this is worthy of close attention and study. I think it will be interesting, and we will be able to get complete and reliable information about how the rich live.!

Numerous interviews with the most successful and wealthy people the globe allowed the experts to draw up a certain “code” of their behavior, those rules of life, adhering to which they managed to become rich, save and increase their money. Of course, all these people are completely different. And yet there is something that unites them. Try to focus your whole life on achieving wealth - that is, live according to these rules.

Rule one. Solve your problems immediately!

Are you used to delaying until the last moment when you need to draw up an annual report or cure a bad tooth? No good! From today, train yourself to solve all problems and questions as soon as they appear. Rich people know for sure that in order to overcome an obstacle at the very beginning, as soon as it arises, you need much less effort and time than if you delay this moment, endlessly postponing “for later”.

Rule two. Work not for your uncle, but for yourself!

Everyone who works for someone else is a slave. They will not be able to achieve success, even if they make a lot of effort. The real profitable business is doing what you like and getting paid for it. This activity can not be called work - it's a pleasure!

Rule three. Produce value

By doing what you love, create something of value for other people. It does not matter what it will be - something material, services, goods or intellectual values. The main thing is to make the world a better place, to benefit people and at the same time feel like the right person.

Rule four. Do what interests you

Never work where you are not interested. Let the employer talk as much as they want beautiful words about the corporate spirit, team and culture of the company. As long as you believe these words and put all your strength into the work, he profits from you. Work where you are interested, where your level rises, and most importantly, where your income grows.

Rule five. Do not be shy!

If you modestly dream of a monthly income of 50 thousand rubles, you will someday earn 50 thousand, but no more. The higher the bar you set for yourself, the sooner you will get rich! Constantly think about what you will do with the million that you will have every month. Paint in your mind, and even better - on paper, what you will spend this million on.

Rule six. Chat with winners

Eliminate losers, whiners and loafers from your social circle. They will always pull you back. Let your buddies and friends be people who are successful, energetic, who have achieved a lot. You can learn a lot from them, they will be useful to you. Find such people, meet, communicate and absorb their invaluable experience.

Rule seven. Create your own passive income

If you manage to find an idea that suits you passive income- you won! Do not build your business on the need to run around, fuss and constantly achieve something. Let others work for you - people, technology, money, it doesn't matter. And you will earn income and live for your pleasure!

Rule eight. Help

All rich people give away their money. Not because they have too many of them, but because they have this need - to help others. Give away money too. But - not to those who constantly beg for them! Do not give money to beggars and beggars. Give them to someone you really want to help, someone you feel good about, someone you love. Help parents, friends, children. Help a pretty friendly neighbor and orphanage Help those who make you happy, and don't expect gratitude.

Rule nine. Write down!

Write down every day in a special notebook all your thoughts, ideas, as well as successes and failures. Don't miss a single day - it can't be that you don't think even once during the whole day! This diary will be a good helper for you when you need to remember your own ideas or perk up by re-reading the “Successes” section.

Adhere to these rules always, every day, all your life, and already through a short time you will notice that you have more money.

Every person dreams of rich life, happiness and prosperity, but not everyone understands what makes a rich life. There are even some people who have already become rich, but do not feel happiness and joy, for the reason that they do not understand what their wealth means and what it should consist of more. Many mistakenly believe that wealth is only in the material world, although often it leads to failure rather than happiness.

Today in this article, we will provide only the most important and effective recommendations and advice that will help you realize a rich life and maybe begin to achieve it.

A rich life is made up of desire

The first and main thing, without which one cannot be happy and rich life so it's without desire. It is this craving that has made many people happy and successful. Now these people live a wonderful, rich life and enjoy it. Although anyone can achieve this, the only thing needed is a strong, sincere and passionate desire to achieve something. The one and only reason you can't live a rich life is because you don't have the desire to become rich, successful, and happy. Therefore, just want something, not necessarily wealth, because not everyone wants it and not everyone needs it. If there is no desire, just relax and live as you are until it manifests. desire achieve something.

A rich life is made up of faith

After you already have the desire to achieve something, such as wealth, you need to find faith in yourself and that you will achieve what you want. Without faith, a person will not even begin to do something, because he does not yet see the whole path to what he wants. Only faith gives a chance to go through the invisible path, gradually opening it step by step. Faith helps not only achieve success and wealth, it helps to recover and cure incurable diseases, even when doctors are convinced that this is impossible. Faith can do anything, develop it, and you will become what you want, achieve what you want and be what you yourself want. For faith, it is enough at the very beginning, to gather all the strength that you have, and into your hands, then it will be much easier and easier, to go with faith along an unknown and untrodden road, to what you want. Everyone who lives a rich life did just that and nothing else.

rich material life

About 80% of the population believes that wealth and Rich life can only be material, of course, there is wealth in money, but for some reason, all of these 80% of people are poor. This is more likely due to a lack of faith, desire and goal to achieve wealth, or because of an incorrect attitude towards money and envy of rich people. The problem is that people, saying that they are not interested in money, and that this is not the main thing in life, continue to go to an unloved job in order to earn this money and feed their families.

In fact, it is precisely such people who need money more than the rich, since the rich concentrate on the most important things, for example, improve their health, help people. But poor people cannot help other people as well as rich people and at the same time accuse them of injustice. A person decides for himself how he wants to live richly or poorly. Counting and saying that you are not interested in money, and at the same time going to work every day, worsening your health, makes no sense and is ugly. It is better to accept that money is still important, even in order to feed a family, improve health and help people who need money even more. Then, changing your mind about money, they will begin to come to you.

Real rich life in knowledge

Of course, money and material things are rich, beautiful, they make life easier for us, give us power and more opportunities. But it has been proven repeatedly that in order to become happy man, wealth do not make any sense, will not make you happy and joyful. To be happy and truly rich, you need to gain another wealth, internal, which lies in knowledge, peace of mind and joy. Yes, there are two riches in our life, spiritual and material. Undoubtedly, inner wealth is more important than material wealth, but we also need material wealth. If a person, for example, loses money, he will be able to return it if he has a sufficient wealth of knowledge in this area. But if a rich man, who, for example, was left with a good inheritance, loses his money and is poor in his knowledge, then he will never be able to return this money. Therefore, first of all, become rich mentally, engaging in self-development and rich materially. Then your life will become really happy.

The main thing is not money and wealth, the main thing is health

Most people believe that money is not important, that the main thing is the health of the family and children. Of course, health is actually the most important wealth, but it must be maintained from birth. For some reason, poor people who are on holidays always wish health and happiness, believing that money is not needed, they themselves have many illnesses and are not happy in life. If happiness is not in money, then why do people suffer, go to unloved work, continuing to say that money is not needed.

For happiness, you need not only health, but also money, since we cannot have everything in order with health all our lives, even if we observe it. It is surprising that people say that health is the main thing, they do not observe it themselves, they drink alcohol, smoke, worry, and get nervous. We deceive ourselves. And if there is no health and we are poor, then how will we cure it, because without money today, it is impossible to improve health to a good state. If you need health, then take care of it, if you need to live a rich life, become rich. Do not deceive yourself, and then you will be happy. Live
