Broken glass jelly cake - step by step photo recipe. Cake "Broken glass" with sour cream - a variety of flavors

I bring to your attention a light and delicate dessert - Broken glass cake with fruits and cookies. This is the 100th recipe on my site, so I wanted to cook something interesting, special and please my dear readers. And I decided to make this beautiful, tasty and refreshing cake. It doesn't need to be baked, so it's quick and easy to make with readily available ingredients like cookies, fruit, and sour cream jelly. The cake recipe is subject to change. For example, instead of cookies, use a biscuit that you can cook yourself or buy ready-made in the store. Add any fruit, both fresh and canned. Instead of one cake, make several small portions in bowls or glasses. They look very impressive on the holiday table.

  • Cookies "Napoleon" - 200 g
  • Sour cream (20%) - 500 g
  • Sugar - 1 tbsp. (200 g)
  • Gelatin - 2 tbsp. (20 g)
  • Water - 150 ml
  • Vanillin
  • Fruits (orange, kiwi, banana, strawberry, currant)

How to make Broken Glass Cake with Fruit and Cookies

Broken glass cake can be made with colorful jelly or any fruit you like. I decided to make it with fruit. It is much tastier, and healthier, without any dyes and flavors that are contained in the finished jelly. For fruits, I used kiwi, orange, banana, strawberries and black currants.
So, we clean the kiwi from the skin and cut it into thin circles, and then into pieces of arbitrary shape. But, it should be remembered that kiwi reduces the gelling properties of gelatin, so they do not need to be added a lot to such a cake.

Oranges are peeled and also cut into circles, and then into small triangles.

Cut the strawberries in half, and the larger ones into 4 parts. It's winter now, so I used frozen strawberries and blackcurrants that I thawed a bit. And in the summer, when there is an abundance of fresh berries, such a cake will be even tastier and more aromatic.

And lastly, cut the banana into slices.

Let's make sour cream. In general, this cake can be made not only with sour cream, but also with yogurt or milk, in any case it will turn out delicious.
So, combine sour cream with sugar and vanilla, and beat with a whisk or mixer. To make the grains dissolve faster, it is better to take fine sugar or use powdered sugar. I used a coffee grinder, it ground the sugar literally in a matter of seconds.

Dissolve gelatin (I have instant). Pour 2 tablespoons of gelatin with hot water (70-80 degrees) and mix until completely dissolved. We cool down a little.
If you have other gelatin, prepare it according to package directions.

We introduce warm gelatin into sour cream in a thin stream, stirring quickly all the time. As soon as the sour cream jelly is ready, we immediately begin to collect the cake so that the jelly does not freeze.

We line a deep bowl with cling film so that its edges hang down a little. This is necessary in order to then easily get the finished cake. You can use any other mold, a silicone cupcake mold works well. As a rule, they have a beautiful embossed pattern, and your cake will take the same shape.
We begin to collect the cake. First, put some fruit on the bottom of the bowl.

Break the cookies into small pieces and spread a thin layer on the fruit. I used Napoleon biscuits, you can take a sweet cracker or make a Broken Glass cake with a biscuit that is cut into small cubes. You can cook it yourself according to any recipe or buy ready-made in the store.

Then, again lay out a layer of berries and so on, until the form is filled. The last layer is cookies. In total, I got 3 layers of fruit and cookies. Cover the bowl with cling film and put in the refrigerator for 3-4 hours until completely solidified. You can leave it overnight, then the cookies will be better saturated with sour cream.

Take the cake out of the fridge, put a plate on top and gently flip it over. It remains to remove the bowl and remove the cling film from the cake. If desired, you can decorate the cake with fruit.

Cake "Broken Glass" with fruits and cookies is ready! It turned out very tasty, tender and holds its shape well. We cut it into portioned pieces and enjoy this wonderful dessert with the whole family.

Happy tea drinking everyone!

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No matter how skilled the hostess is in cooking, there are times when there is absolutely no desire to cook anything. What to do if the guests are about to arrive, but there is no dessert yet? In this case, only broken glass jelly cake can save the situation. It doesn't need to be baked at all. This fact in no way affects its attractiveness. Bright, beautiful and unusually gentle will appeal to any person, regardless of age and preferences.

Cooking broken glass cake: recipe with photo


Jelly 3 packs Sour cream 0 liters Sugar 240 grams Vanillin 3 grams

  • Servings: 1
  • Cooking time: 40 minutes

Broken glass cake with sour cream

  • 3-4 packages of yellow, green and red jelly;
  • sour cream - 0.5 l.;
  • 240 g of sugar;
  • vanillin on the tip of a knife.

jelly recipe

The preparation of the dessert begins with the formation of beautiful even pieces of jelly.

  1. Pour the contents of one pack into a small container and pour hot water over it. The amount of water to take is less than indicated in the recipe on the back. Stir until the powder is completely dissolved. Pour into a flat form so that at the end of solidification you get beautiful and even cubes. Repeat the same steps with the rest of the jellies.
  2. When all the colors are poured into the molds and cooled, place them in the refrigerator to harden the jelly.
  3. While the jelly is set, prepare the gelatin. Dilute it in a metal bowl with the amount of water indicated on the package. Leave it until completely swollen.
  4. Transfer the sour cream to a bowl convenient for whipping, add sugar and vanillin. Beat for a few minutes, gradually increasing the speed until the mass thickens well.
  5. Take out the jelly molds and cut into even pieces. Transfer to a container for a future dessert and mix so that the colors alternate beautifully.
  6. Put the finished gelatin in a water bath and, after completely melting, add to the sour cream. Mix everything thoroughly and pour the mold with jellies.
  7. Stir the resulting mixture so that each piece of jelly is completely covered with the sour cream mixture. And refrigerate until completely cool.

The cake can be made in any shape, it will not affect its beautiful appearance and, accordingly, taste. You can also add fresh fruits, nuts, cookies, and even candies to the jelly cubes. The taste of this cake is reminiscent of childhood, as our mothers and grandmothers often prepared it.

Broken glass jelly is a very pleasant, light and beautiful dessert! Delicate milky-creamy taste with a fragrant fruity note. It consists of pieces of multi-colored fruit jelly and sour cream base. There are recipes for condensed milk. In my opinion, the presence of sour cream in this dessert makes it more winning. Firstly, sour cream can be taken in the desired fat content, which is important for those who follow the figure. Secondly, we put sugar as much as we want. It's no secret that someone likes very sweet, and give someone a more fruity taste! It can be prepared in the form, or you can, like me, in portions, in silicone molds. This jelly dessert is very popular with children, so the recipe is perfect for children's parties! Adults will enjoy them too!


  • sour cream - 1 cup.
  • powdered sugar - 4-5 tablespoons.
  • vanillin - 1 pinch.
  • gelatin - 20 grams (1 pack).
  • multi-colored fruit jelly - 2-3 packs.
  • walnuts for serving - 2 tablespoons.

How to make jelly Broken glass with sour cream:

1. Prepare the necessary products. Nothing to clean and wash is not necessary, the main thing is that everything is at hand.

2. Dilute fruit jelly according to the instructions, it is better to take less water than indicated, so the jelly will be more dense and it will be more convenient to cut it into pieces. I took strawberry and orange flavored jelly. For brightness, you can take another bag of green jelly. Put the prepared fruit jelly to harden in the refrigerator. When it cools down, cut it into cubes. To get the jelly out of the cup, dip it for half a minute in hot water. The jelly will slip out very easily! If, when cutting the jelly, it reaches for the knife, then we lower the knife into hot water, so it will be much easier to cut the jelly.

By the way, jelly can be made from real juice or homemade, this is especially true in summer, when there are a lot of berries and fruits, or when dessert is prepared for children.

3. Pour a pack of gelatin into a cup and pour in a few tablespoons of warm water, about 4-5. Warm up a little in the microwave so that the gelatin dissolves better. Do not bring to a boil, boiling destroys the gelling properties! Dissolve the right amount of powdered sugar or fine sugar in sour cream, add vanillin for flavor. Pour gelatin into sour cream and mix thoroughly.

4. Now we collect dessert. We put a few pieces of multi-colored fruit jelly at the bottom of the silicone mold, pour sour cream into a third of the mold, then a few more pieces of jelly and again sour cream. Filling with sour cream in 2-3 doses allows sour cream to better penetrate through the jelly, there will be no empty cavities and air bubbles.

5. Dessert Broken glass is ready, it remains to let it harden in the refrigerator. It will take a little time, in about an hour they can be eaten! Therefore, I advise you to cook this dessert in small forms. It will take much longer for the cake to harden. Yes, and I easily released the jelly from the silicone mold, I did not lower it into hot water.

We serve our dessert, sprinkled with nut crumbs. You can serve some syrup or fruit sauce. Help yourself!

Bon Appetit!!!

Sincerely, Nadezhda Yurikova.

How to cook jelly Broken glass? The recipe for this dessert will be presented in detail a little later. We will also tell you how to easily and quickly make a delicious and very beautiful cake for a children's party.

Broken Glass Jelly: A Great Dessert Recipe

You can make this delicacy in different ways. We will present you the simplest and easiest way that even a novice cook can master.

What ingredients are needed to make Broken Glass Jelly? The recipe for its preparation requires the use of:

  • instant gelatin about 50 g;
  • thick jars of sour cream;
  • drinking water 1.3 cups;
  • multi-colored juices (apple, orange, cherry, etc.) 1.3 cups each;
  • white sugar a few tablespoons large.

Dilution of gelatin

Jelly Broken glass with sour cream should begin with the preparation of multi-colored treats. For this we decided to use apple, orange and cherry juice. If desired, you can purchase a ready-made powder with various flavors, which should simply be diluted with water.

After preparing the juices, it is necessary to start diluting the gelatin. It needs to be poured into a glass (20 g of the product) and poured with warm water (boiled). In this state, the product is desirable to withstand for 40 minutes. In this case, the gelatin should swell well. In the future, it must be slightly warmed up (preferably in a water bath). As a result, you should get a light and transparent liquid, which should be used immediately for its intended purpose.

Cooking broken glass

Jelly Broken glass with sour cream is often used as a dessert for a children's party. After all, almost all kids like sweet and bright treats.

To prepare broken glass, you need to prepare several bowls in advance. Pour juices into them (separately), and then pour in several large spoons of sugar. Next, you need to pour in the dissolved gelatin to them and mix the components thoroughly in each bowl. As a result, you should get three bright liquid masses, which should be immediately placed in the cold.

Cherry, apple and orange juices should be kept in the refrigerator until they turn into a hard and elastic jelly. After a few hours, they should be taken out, and then turned over onto a cutting board and cut into cubes or diamonds. In the future, broken glass needs to be mixed and put into glasses or cups.

Base preparation

Broken glass jelly, the recipe of which we are considering, turns out to be very sweet and tasty. And so that the dessert does not turn out too sugary, it is recommended to dilute it with a fresh base. To prepare it, it is necessary to pour warm boiled water to the remains of gelatin, and then leave to swell for 40 minutes. After that, a thick and sticky mass should be heated over a fire and filtered through a sieve.

Having carried out all the steps described, it is necessary to put fresh sour cream in a deep bowl, pour a large spoonful of sugar into it, and then pour in drinking water. After mixing all the products together, gelatin (dissolved) should be added to them. On this, the process of preparing the base is considered complete.

We form a bright and beautiful dessert

We will tell you how to make Broken glass cake below. Now I want to tell you how the usual delicacy for a children's holiday is formed.

After the milk base is prepared, it should immediately be poured into those bowls where multi-colored jelly was previously laid out. In this case, the sour cream mass should completely cover the multi-colored particles. In this state, the dessert should be sent back to the cold for several hours.

How to serve?

Of course, the Broken glass jelly cake is made much longer than the usual dessert, the recipe of which was presented above. Therefore, for quick preparation of homemade treats, we recommend using this option.

After the sour cream mass has completely hardened, the bowls should be removed from the refrigerator, and then put their contents on saucers. To do this, you just need to turn the dishes upside down. Serve such a dessert to the table, preferably with a cup of tea.

Broken Glass Cake: Recipe

If you don’t want to make portioned jelly for your guests, but want to surprise them with a big and tasty cake, we suggest using this recipe. Unlike a store-bought dessert, it turns out much tastier and more beautiful.

What ingredients are needed to make Broken Glass Cake? The recipe for this delicacy involves the use of the following ingredients:

  • dry crackers (it is better to take round ones) about 300 g;
  • instant gelatin 30 g;
  • colored jelly in packages (strawberry, apple, orange) 3 pcs.;
  • kiwi, orange and banana 1 fruit each;
  • medium-fat sour cream about 500 g;
  • white sugar about 100 g

Preparing colorful jelly

Before forming a Broken Glass Jelly Cake, it must be properly prepared. To do this, the sweet powder from the packages must be poured into separate bowls, and then diluted with water as indicated on the package.

After you get a homogeneous liquid mass, you need to immediately place it in the refrigerator. It may take several hours for the jelly to set. After this time, the colorful delicacy should be removed and randomly cut into small pieces.

We process fruits

To make the Broken glass cake with crackers especially tasty, it is recommended to cook it together with ripe fruits. We decided to take an orange, kiwi and banana. These ingredients should be thoroughly washed, and then peeled and cut into the same pieces as jelly.

In addition, it is necessary to place about 200 g of crackers in a separate bowl and break them into 3-4 pieces with your hands.

Making the base for the cake

The basis for such a dessert is best made from sour cream. It should be combined with sugar and beat well with a fork or mixer. Next, you need to mix gelatin with water and let it swell. Subsequently, the product must be slightly heated until a homogeneous liquid mass is obtained. After cooling a little, it should be poured into sour cream and mix everything thoroughly.

How to form a jelly cake?

Having carried out all the described actions, it is necessary to proceed with the formation of the dessert. To do this, you need to take any relief form (deep) and grease it a little with vegetable oil. This is necessary so that in the future our cake easily moves away from the walls.

In the prepared container, you need to put multi-colored jelly, chopped fruits and broken crackers. After that, all components should be gently mixed using a large spoon for this. In the future, they must be filled with previously prepared sour cream base. Moreover, it should completely cover all products.

In conclusion, it is recommended to lay out one layer of crackers on the surface of the dessert. This should be done very carefully so that the cookies do not sink, but remain afloat. After that, the formed cake must be placed in the cold and kept in this state for less than 3 hours. During this time, the sour cream mass with gelatin should completely harden.

Proper serving of homemade treats to the table

Now you know that Broken glass with fruit is a cake that is not difficult to prepare at home. After the jelly treat hardens, it is considered completely ready. It must be removed from the refrigerator and put on a large cake rack. This should be done by turning the container over flat dishes. If for some reason the cake does not come out of the mold, the bowl needs to be lowered into hot water for a few seconds. This process will contribute to the partial thawing of gelatin, and subsequently its separation from the walls.

Putting a jelly treat with fruits and crackers on a cake stand, you can immediately serve it to invited guests. It should be noted that in the context of such a dessert looks very beautiful and bright. By the way, if desired, before serving, the surface of this cake can be decorated with fresh berries, fruits or whipped cream.

Jelly with sour cream and fruit is a great option for a summer dessert. Without burdening yourself with kneading dough and baking cakes, in a matter of minutes you can make a Broken glass cake at home, which will decorate not only everyday, but also festive tables.

I would like to note that instead of sour cream, it is allowed to use other fermented milk products, for example, mashed cottage cheese or yogurt.

The classic cake recipe involves sour cream jelly with the inclusion of multi-colored marmalade pieces, fresh and canned fruits, and cookie crumbs. In some cases, the cake has a biscuit base. This dessert looks so beautiful and appetizing that they try to prepare it for any holiday, especially for children.

Kids will love the unusual look, and they will be happy to try several servings. Pieces of multi-colored jelly stand out against a white background; this cannot but attract children, and adults too.

To fill the jelly cake, you will need a round cake pan or a regular semi-circular bowl. In order to serve the cake on time to the table, calculate the time, because it takes several hours for the jelly to harden.

Dessert recipe Broken glass with cookies

0.3 kg of cookies (Baked milk is best); 0.270 kg of granulated sugar; one sachet of gelatin and vanilla sugar; 0.9 kg of fat (not less than 20%) sour cream. Yes, you will also need 3 bags of jelly in different colors, let it be yellow, red and green.

The cake, which will be discussed now, is prepared without baking. Such news will undoubtedly please housewives who do not really like to mess with the dough. And the summer heat is not at all conducive to turning on the oven and raising the temperature in the kitchen another 5-10 degrees higher.

The cake fascinates with its appearance: multi-colored jelly and biscuit pieces interspersed in a sour cream base. That's how he beckons. The good news is that you can prepare the dessert in less than an hour, entrust the rest to cook in your refrigerator.

Cooking dessert Broken glass:

  1. Take care of jelly from store packaging in advance. Fill each sachet with the required amount of water, mix until dissolved and pour into molds. Send the treat blanks to a cold place overnight, during which time they will harden and be ready for cutting into pieces.
  2. Pour granulated gelatin with water, now cool, let it swell for a few minutes (read the instructions).
  3. Beat granulated sugar with sour cream using a blender. Be careful and make sure that the mass does not exfoliate. Therefore, do several approaches (enough 3-4) for one minute.
  4. Meanwhile, the gelatin has swollen, and your task is to melt it over low heat. Remove the bowl from the heat and cool the liquid. Pour it in a stream into sour cream and beat.

Assemble the jelly cake following the step by step instructions:

  1. Get three types of jelly on the board by dipping the mold for a couple of seconds in hot water. Cut it into cubes of any size.
  2. Place the cookies in a tight plastic bag and crush into large crumbs by rolling with a rolling pin.
  3. Mix the pieces of jelly and cookies with sour cream, put in a semicircular bowl. Send the cake to harden in a cool place.
  4. In the morning, invert the dessert bowl onto a presentation dish. To make the cake easier to remove, hold the mold for a few seconds in boiling water or over steam.
  5. Send the beauty that you have turned out for another hour and a half in the cold and serve.

Jelly cake without baking Broken glass is prepared not only on the basis of sour cream. This lactic acid product will successfully replace the more healthy and less high-calorie cottage cheese. For parents whose baby refuses to voluntarily replenish calcium, you can be advised to go for the trick and make a delicious cottage cheese jelly cake.

It will take you about an hour to prepare the dessert and products from the following list:

biscuit cake or biscuit cookies; one package of currant, lemon and apple jelly; 400 ml of heavy cream; 150 g of white chocolate; 2 egg whites; 80 ml of orange fresh and the same amount of granulated sugar; 200-gram pack of high-fat cottage cheese; 5 pieces of sheet gelatin.

The recipe is as follows:

  1. The night before, pour the jelly from the packages into different molds. For a good hardening, follow the instructions and take as much water as needed.
  2. Send the molds to the refrigerator shelf.
  3. The next day, remove all three jellies and cut into cubes by dipping a knife in hot water.
  4. Pour the multi-colored cubes into a bowl and mix carefully so that they do not get damaged.

Shape the cake:

  1. Place cling film on the bottom of a springform pan.
  2. Place the biscuit cake on top and soak it with syrup.
  3. While the cake reaches the desired condition, wipe the cottage cheese. Instead of a sieve, you can use a blender, the main thing is that the mass becomes homogeneous and airy.
  4. Soak sheet gelatin for a quarter of an hour in cool water.
  5. Break the chocolate into pieces and melt in a steam bath or microwave.
  6. Cream with a fat content of 30-33% cool and whip.
  7. Squeeze the juice from the orange, warm it up and pour over the swollen gelatin leaves.
  8. Beat cottage cheese with sugar, add melted warm chocolate, gelatin with orange juice. Stir.
  9. Carefully fold in the whipped cream and frothed egg whites. Use a spatula to turn the mixture upside down so that it does not settle.
  10. Pour jelly cubes into the finished curd soufflé, stir and pour into a mold in which the biscuit cake is already located.
  11. Remove the cake to the refrigerator and leave for several hours, say 7-8.

Recipe for a light summer cake Broken glass based on yogurt

Fruit jelly cake is a great option for those who count calories and try to eat right. Dessert dishes without baking will perfectly help you out on a hot day, this is an alternative to ice cream, which sometimes you don’t really want to serve to small children.

It will take you about an hour to prepare the cake, but to serve it, you need to wait another night for it to freeze. Use any fruit, but with tender pulp. Take seasonal or exotic ones, in a word, those that you prefer.

To prepare a biscuit (it plays the role of a base), take:

one and a half glasses of premium flour; 4 eggs; 250 g of granulated sugar; half a packet of baking powder and 20 g of starch
The filling consists of: a glass of sugar; half a glass of water; 3 large spoons of granulated gelatin; 500 ml natural yoghurt and vanilla sugar.
Fruits for filling: 2 oranges and bananas; incomplete glass of blueberries or currants.

Start the cooking process with a biscuit:

  1. Whisk the eggs thoroughly in a deep bowl.
  2. Add vanilla and granulated sugar.
  3. Sift the flour together with the starch and pour it into the airy egg mixture in parts.
  4. Turn on the oven at 190 degrees and send the form with the biscuit dough there for half an hour. Since every oven is different, check the condition of the cake through the glass door, but do not open it for the first 20 minutes.
  5. Taste the biscuit for doneness with a wooden torch or toothpick and cool on a wire rack.

Now you need to make yogurt filling:

  1. Mix gelatin with water and set aside for half an hour.
  2. Meanwhile, whisk in the yogurt with sugar and vanilla.
  3. Melt gelatin over low heat, cool and pour in a thin stream into sweet yogurt. Beat the mass constantly so that clots do not form.

We will collect the broken glass dessert shown in the photo in a regular semicircular bowl:

  1. Cut the cooled biscuit cake into cubes.
  2. Peel the fruit from the skin and film. Cut bananas into slices, oranges into half slices. Divide large blueberries in half, leave small ones in their original form.
  3. Line the bowl with food wrap.
  4. Spread the mixture of fruit and biscuit cubes.
  5. Top with uncured yogurt jelly.
  6. Remove the resulting structure overnight (at least 8 hours) in the refrigerator.
  7. Before serving, place the cake on a dish, turning the bowl upside down. If the cake does not come off well, cover the top of the bowl with a terry towel dipped in hot water and wait a couple of minutes. Soon the dessert will be in its place and will be ready for tasting.

Dessert recipe Broken glass from biscuit and fruit

A light jelly cake is made from a biscuit, for which you need to knead the dough from:

5 eggs; a glass of sugar and 160 g of white flour and vanilla and jelly made from: a kilogram of fat homemade sour cream; two packs of gelatin; 370 g sugar.
In addition, you will need: 2 tangerines; 2 kiwis; one glass of multi-colored jelly (orange, strawberry and lemon).

First, bake a biscuit:

  1. Beat the eggs first in pure form, then with the addition of sugar and vanilla.
  2. Add flour and knead into a smooth dough.
  3. Bake the biscuit cake for 25-30 minutes in a hot (180 degrees) oven.
  4. Check for doneness before removing the cake from the mold and let it cool.

Make jelly out of packets as directed on the package. After hardening, remove it from the molds and cut into cubes with a hot knife. Mix and send to a cold place.


    1. Pour gelatin with cool water, let it swell and melt in a water bath.
    2. Beat sour cream with granulated sugar and vanilla, mix with gelatin mass.
    3. Peel and chop the fruits: kiwi in circles, and tangerines in half slices.

Assemble the cake in a silicone or split mold:

  1. Lay the biscuits on the bottom.
  2. The next layer is jelly cubes.
  3. Then pour in the fruit.
  4. Pour sour cream on top, smooth and let it harden in the refrigerator.
  5. After a few hours, remove the jelly cake from the mold by inverting it onto a dish.
  6. Garnish with fruit slices as shown in the photo and serve.
