Short poems happy birthday. Beautiful poems about life

When we miss someone, we so want to cry from impotence and run to the one who makes our heart worry and beat even harder. To express your emotions and convey feelings of anxiety will help poems on the theme “I miss you”, which can be dedicated to your beloved man or woman. In such verses, as a rule, a lot of warm words, pleasant epithets and comparisons are combined, and a desire is also expressed at this very moment to be close to a loved one.

To convey your emotions and remind yourself, just select the appropriate verse and send it to your loved one - by mail, in a short message to mobile phone or just read by calling again. Poems that you miss do not have to be sad, because you do not want the object of your adoration to become sad as well. In this case, funny poems are ideal, containing lines about what you miss so much, as well as warm words about your feelings and desires.

You are not next to me
And I miss you very much
Nothing is needed anymore
Just to see you

Come, hug tight
And whisper in your ear:
"You live in my heart only
And don't think of disappearing!"

I really miss you,
You now would, yes to me,
To immediately drive away my sadness,
To hug tightly, gently.

To chat and drink tea
To laugh, to joke
To kiss you, to be near,
That's what I need to be happy!

I miss you so much,
I count days, hours, minutes.
And I can't sleep without you
And for some reason it doesn't work...

Everything is empty, sad, everything is wrong,
I don't need anything in my life.
But any trifle pleases,
When you are near.

In separation, feelings are stronger
I look forward to our meeting.
I want to see you soon
And be with you always, forever!

I miss you madly
I want to see and hug
And without you it's very difficult for me
I'd rather kiss.

I look forward to meeting you very much, with impatience,
I'm waiting for you every moment now
And the mood depends on you
I run to you in my dreams!

I miss you very, very much
I'm waiting for a meeting, by the way,
And I want to hug you
And say that I love!

And to be with you,
Talk about everything
And dream a lot
And lie down in an embrace!

I miss you,
Without you my soul is empty
I'm sad without you
Where are you, my love?

I miss you very much
Bright day and dark night
Morning, evening, always
It's like the years go by.
So I want to see you
And hug and caress.
How can you bring this moment closer?
To kiss you?

Hello, I'm just a minute
I just want to know how it's going
And write that I miss you
I yearn, I am very sad.

I miss hugs, kisses,
I miss our days
And without you the clouds go
Minutes are like hours.

And without you I'm very lonely
All day all thoughts of you
I need to see you urgently
You come to me in a dream!

Nobody knows how much I miss
Only God - he sees my sadness.
My love burns stronger in my soul,
Let's meet soon, please!

I want to touch you now
Hug and gently caress.
See your eyes, smile
And never let you go.

I really miss you,
When will you write to me?
I want to hug you soon
And never let go.

I want to walk with you always
Whisper nice words
And talk to you about many things
And enjoy tea at home.

I want you, I want you now
I want the sparkle in your eyes
You better call me
And give me happiness!

Teach me to listen to the wind
Overflowing notes of bamboo.
I'm tired of being responsible for everything
I don't like the word separation.

teach me to smile
Not pretentiously, sincerely, lively.
I'm tired of parting with you
I'm tired of lying beautifully.

Teach me to believe in happiness
Real and big.
I'm tired of enduring bad weather
Die in a storm where there are only two of us.

Help me fall in love again
Forever, forever, forever.
Help me fly like a bird
And soar quietly, carelessly.

Teach me how to live

© Miss Black

My advice to you: under any circumstances

This is your chance to avoid commitment.
Explain to everyone what happened to you!

Be kind, be kind
Stress-resistant, somewhat simple.
Read a lot, then be sure
Speeches and thoughts will not be empty.

Do not judge others, do not gloat!
Remember the truth: there is no past.
Age does not matter, indicated in the passport,
Only the soul knows how old you are.

Then everything in life will be wonderful,
Will remove any sadness, as if by hand!

But the main thing here is under any circumstances
Pretend to have peace in your heart.

© Ah Astakhova

Do not keep in your heart those
Who once spat in your soul.
Who left choosing sin.
Conquering the seas and land.

Don't hold, drop them.
Leave them a couple of lines
For reflection - a huge verse,
And for conscience a couple of points.

Let go of those
Who means nothing to you
Who loves you the most
And always wish you good luck.

Don't hurt their soul, no.
You are not a rude executioner of suffering.
Let go, no need for trouble.
They also have a wish list.

And leave around you
Only those who are very dear to you.
Who always loves you alone
Who is special like a city.

© Kutsamanov Alexey

Nikolai Klyuev

I would pray to the face of the sunset
Dark grove, fog, streams,
Yes, the heavy door of the casemate
Does not let to native fields -

Look at the edge of the forest,
Leaf fall, resin to breathe,
Knock on the forest hut
Where the mother grows old behind the yarn ...

Isn't she behind the bars of the lattice
Sings with a wind pipe ...
Evening will lower the amber rosary,
Paints a cracked vault with gold.

Do good. Don't answer snares
Enemies standing behind you.
Understand my friend before it's too late
Do not respond with a stream of swear words.

Do not insult the unfortunate cripple,
Standing with outstretched hand.
He remains the same Man
But only with a different, broken fate.

Pay no attention to slander
Those who are mired in philistinism and lies.
Give love. You will be returned with love.
After all, bread gives a cultivated ear of rye.

Never regret anything after
If what happened can't be changed.
Like a note from the past, crumpling your sadness,
With this past, break the fragile thread.

Never regret what happened.
Ile about what can't happen anymore.
If only the lake of your soul is not cloudy
Yes, hopes, like birds, soared in my soul.

Do not regret your kindness and participation.
Even if for all you - a smile in response.

Someone in genius got out, someone in the authorities ...
Do not regret that you did not get their troubles.

You started late or left early.
Let someone play the flute brilliantly.
But he takes songs from your soul.

Never, never regret anything -
No wasted days, no burnt love.
Let the other brilliantly play the flute,
But you listened even more brilliantly.

© Andrey Dementiev

I want again the shaking of the swing,
In that linden grove, in my native village,
Where in the morning the violets turned blue in the darkness,
Where thoughts were shy so strange in the spring.

I want to be meek and gentle again
To be a child again, at least in another,
But only to get drunk on the bottomless, boundless,
In a white paradise, in a blue paradise.

And if I loved crazy caresses,
I cool down to them, completely forever,
I like the evening, and children's eyes,
And quiet fairy tales, and again a star.

Konstantin Balmont

We were much more frank in childhood:
- What do you have for breakfast?
- Nothing.
- And I have bread with butter and jam.
Take some of my bread...

Years have passed, and we have become different,
Now no one will ask anyone:
- What's in your heart?
Isn't it darkness?
Take some of my light...

Alexey Reshetov

Let's pause in words
Speaking and silent again
To better resonate in the heads
The meaning of the above word.
Let's pause for words.

Let's take breaks along the way
Look around carefully and strictly,
In order not to accidentally pass twice
One and the wrong way.
Let's take breaks along the way.

Let's just keep quiet
We love our own words too much
And because of them no one can hear
Your friends at the closest meeting,
Let's just be quiet.

And we will see in this silence
How far apart were we
As we thought we were riding a horse,
And they were just running in circles.
And we thought we were riding a horse.

How they believed that the main thing would come,
Considered one of the few
And waited for what was about to happen
Happy turn of your road.
Your fate is a happy turn.

But the century seems to be running out
And soon no doubt will pass,
And nothing happens to us

And hardly anything will happen.

© Bulat Okudzhava

You just do not lose faith in happiness.
Sadness will go away, and grief will be forgotten.
Don't be discouraged and don't be discouraged.

And it can't be otherwise.
Otherwise, the heart will cease to live.
And it's hard! - Let it cry.
But never forget how to love!

Everything will come true, everything will certainly come true.
All bad things will eventually pass.
You believe in yourself and everything will work out in life.
And happiness will come, and love will come.

And it simply cannot be otherwise.
In life, everyone was given to us by fate.
The person who can give us happiness.
You look around - he is next to you.

Everything will come true, everything will certainly come true.
Putting life itself all in its place.
What is destined to happen to us in it will happen.
What we believe in is what will happen to us.

If I hadn't been awake then, I would have missed
The wind that swirls over the roof
Covered it with sycamore leaves

And captured me in a living impulse,
Trembling like electric wires.
If I hadn't been awake then, I wouldn't have noticed

How he came and how he suddenly disappeared
Almost dangerous - like a big
The animal tried to enter the house.

A tight impulse, for a brief moment, ripped
The matter of everyday life. That's what
It happened. And it's been happening since then.

Seamus Heaney

Saturday - at nineteen!
My work Saturday.
She was more spacious than the year.
Everything was in it: the dawn was burning,
smoked black foundry,
the sunset sparkled, the parquet shone,
red-haired Lenka laughed.
Sad clarinet. Buyanil alt.
Skinny horse at the pier
chewed the leaf and on the asphalt
shed green saliva.
Saturday - six hours of work.
Hours of searching and reflection.

Hours of love and full moons.
Grass overgrown water.
And the boat is quiet downstream
floated towards Sunday.
The gardens roared like the seas
all in fireflies, in cold foam ...
Space, like the first day of creation.
Saturday is my youth!

Igor Shklyarevsky

If you want to hear - do not think, but call!
If you want to see, call, without fear, to a meeting.
And don't be afraid to embrace a new love
even if it doesn’t come true, it will become much easier!

If you want to be together - no need to look for reasons,
to find flaws that you will believe later.
And there is no need to run to a hundred thousand strange men,
when He knocks at your impregnable doors!

If you want to know how things are - be sure to write,
he will answer, answer, it cannot be otherwise!
Because two so dear souls meet,
two strangers, strangely, so similar ...

If you want, then act, if you miss, then speak!
And do not be afraid of mistakes, because we are all just people.
Just remember that in every earthly love
only words save us.
Silence destroys destiny...

© Red Hope

You will never be good for everyone
Get out of your skin and become nothing.
At least sell your soul to the devil, give away the sacred,
And change - from the brain to the bones.

Learn, work, masterfully know the word,
Dance and sing, even run in the morning -
Envy will drive anyone crazy
And you will not wash yourself forever from dirty dramas.

At least act according to conscience, according to honor,
Do not know insults, only give goodness.
There is someone who will say that it is dishonorable,
Not sincere, you play, only falsehood.

You will never be good for everyone,
And do not try, many do not care ...
Live with yourself in harmony, as you wish.
Let them speak and judge - it is a sin for them.

Don't waste your life on those who don't appreciate you
For those who do not love you and do not wait,
On those who will change you without a doubt,
Who will suddenly go to the "new turn".

Don't waste your tears on those who don't see them
For those who just don't need you
On those who, having apologized, offend again,
Who sees life from the other side.

Don't waste your energy on people you don't need
To dust in the eyes and a noble show off,
On those who have a cold with wild jealousy,
For those who are crazy in love with themselves.

Do not waste words on those who do not hear them,
On a trifle, not worthy of offense,
On those who breathe evenly next to you,
Whose heart does not hurt with your pain.

Don't waste your life, it's not endless
Appreciate every breath, moment and hour,
After all, in this world, albeit not perfect,
There is one who prays to heaven only for you!

© Lyubov Kozyr

During quarrels, we build defenses.
Who will emerge victorious in the game?
Who will be the first to call the phone?
And who will keep quiet on the phone?

During quarrels, we passionately dig a hole,
To bury the offender there.
We find terrible flaws in it:
After all, we will never be together.

During quarrels we are angry, sometimes cruel.
And the hearts of two boil with rage.
We love to find fault in others.
And we do not want to notice our own.

© Katerina Beletskaya

And it doesn't matter that the light fades ..
What matters is what is in the world
The person who at one moment
He will give his honor for you
For you - open his hand,
And under the bullets the wall will go,
Will light a fire for you
And warm, but not burn.
And won't ask where you've been
What rears did you go
If only she were alive
If only she loved him..

© Elizabeth Pechenkina

Days and weeks without rest
Weeks and days without difficulty.
Looking at the blue sky
They fell in love ... And that is not always the case.

Only. But glimmered over us
Some divine light
Some kind of light flame
Who has no name.

Georgy Adamovich

All people are like books.
And we read them
Someone for a month;
Someone for two;
After only a year, we understand.

Someone never gets to read.

Robert Rozhdestvensky

Quietly flying web threads.
The sun shines on the window pane...
Did I do something wrong?
I lived for the first time on this earth.
I only feel it now.
I fall for her. And I swear by it.
And I promise to live differently
If I return.
But I won't be back.

Mikhail Dudin

Life is really friendly with us.
Live, don't be cold
And make sure people know
That you lived your life for people.

When you won't be at all
And time will spin the memory
Let people say about you:
"He's out, he's coming."

I lived vaguely and insecure,
And I talked about something else
But I remember a big tree
Ink on blue
And I remember a woman dear to me,
I don't know if there was enough strength
But superstitious and shy
I took my hand and let go.
And all is long gone,
And there is not even a trace of resentment,
And only somewhere the same tree
Still worth it.

Ilya Erenburg

Julia Drunina

Cross out everything. And start all over again
Like it's the first spring.
Spring, when it rocked us on the crest
Rocky ocean wave.

When everything was a holiday and new -
A smile, a gesture, a touch, a look...
Ah, the ocean called love,
Don't back down, come back, come back!

It seemed like I was only dreaming
But the pain overtook me in reality!
Everyone says turn the page...
I'd rather rip out a whole chapter.

© Julia Olefir

Vladislav Khodasevich

Dispelling a vague dream from weak eyelids,
I live all day, disturb and excite,
And every night I fall, smitten
Tired of the last kiss.

But even in a dream there is no rest for the soul:
She dreams of reality, disturbing, earthly,
And through my own sleep I hear delirium,
Day life is hard to remember.

Everything is more tender and sweeter than a man,
Women are harder and more iron;
Soon in men for a reason
Women's illnesses will appear.

Love passes.
The pain passes.
And the clusters of hatred wither.
Only indifference
Here's the trouble -
It froze like a pile of ice.

Julia Drunina

How easy it is to offend a person!
He took and threw a phrase angrier than pepper.
And then sometimes a century is not enough,
To return the offended heart!

Now there is no rustle, no sound,
The heart is a hopeless cripple.
It's a very complex science
Forget your loved one.

Fedor Sologub

In the spontaneous riot of wild life
Aimlessly, vainly hurrying,
Languishing with great fatigue,
The poor soul is cold.

Shut yourself in narrow limits,
Rest in hard work,
And sharpen your thoughts like arrows
And light your fires.

I was once poor and single,
And was free from the routine,
And the heart was a blank canvas
For a future picture.

Yuri Yofe

Vladimir Nabokov

There is freedom in solitude
and sweetness - in good inventions.
Star, snowflake, honey drop
I conclude in verse.

And dying daily
I am glad to rise at the due time,
and a new day - a sundew of paradise,
and the last day is a diamond.

Nikolay Gumilyov

It has been more than once, it will be more than once
In our battle deaf and stubborn:
As always, you now renounced me,
Tomorrow, I know, you will return submissively.

But do not wonder, my warring friend,
My enemy, seized by dark love,
If the groans of love are groans of anguish,
Kisses are stained with blood.

Daniil Kharms

This is how hunger begins.
wake up fresh in the morning,
then weakness begins
then the boredom starts
then comes the loss
quick intelligence of strength,
then there is peace.
And then the horror begins.

Sin is to live without audacity and without dreams,
Not recognized - and not persecuted.
To know neither horror nor hope
And be acceptable, but not loved.

Zinaida Gippius

I hear: the ax is reddening,
I hear: do not ask for a place,
stares at the executed
bread that the bride
baked him - from the ashes,
and if there is salvation, then
it is to rise from the ashes.

Paul Celan

Tatyana Smertina

She slept carelessly in the white canopy.
Evil demons beat their wings into the house.
I didn't know
That the storm is delirious
Rose after rose she strangled in the garden.

Hate replaces adoration
The sound of torn veins.
If there are poems about parting,
So someone has been through it.

© Doll Sasha

Could Bice, like Dante, create,
Or Laura glorify the heat of love?
I taught women to speak...
But, God, how to silence them!

Anna Akhmatova

The closest beat certainly aptly -
With a couple of steps it is much more convenient to aim.
If one soul is not divided into two,
Better to fly alone than to languish in a cage.

© Verbitskaya Evgeniya

O woman, who will measure your lies,
He will sift all the sand and count.
Cursed be he who believes a woman
And thrice cursed is he who understands a woman.

William Shakespeare

All problems seem insignificant
If the one who matters just says:
"You and I will go through any difficulties -
I love you. Stronger than life even."

© Maria Cutkar

Dmitry Merezhkovsky

O child, living heart
You took for the ball:
You play with this ball
Carefree fun.

You, frolicking, throw your heart
Now to azure, then to dust
With the same careless laughter
On captivating lips.

Collection of children's poems: poems for the holidays, educational and developing poems, author's and thematic poems for children.

Train your child's memory!

Not every kid can patiently listen to the end of a fairy tale or other prose story. Whereas children's poems do not tire with monotony, the rhyme in them jumps as if over bumps, easily holding the attention of a small listener. It's amazing how quickly children memorize rhymes, it's worth saying a few times, as they already agree on the ending with you. Be sure to use this ability, training memory from childhood, you will greatly simplify your child's schooling. Start with the poems of Agnia Barto in the “Toys” section, look for small quatrains, they are perfectly remembered. Most of them you yourself still remember by heart. So right?

How to learn a poem for the holiday?

In kindergarten and school, your child will often face the need to recite poetry in front of the public. It can be a New Year's party or an ordinary lesson, in any case, it is important that he is not afraid of this. But all you need to do is pay a little attention to it.

The poem must be learned in advance and repeated at home as if in between times, without focusing on the importance of the event. For example, you can say: “Remember, you and I learned a great rhyme? Well, tell it to me." Children's poems are usually simple and the child will quickly remember them. You can rehearse by telling a poem to dad or mom, grandfather or grandmother. You need to ask to speak loudly and with expression, but in no case should you lecture or interrupt during the speech. How your peers and you react to the first performance of a small artist is of great importance, so it is better to start with relatives. Having told a few rhymes to familiar people and, having received a benevolent reaction, you will give confidence to the baby. Poems for children at matinees perfectly train public speaking skills.
