Conspiracies from thieves - search, return and protection. Magic conspiracies from thieves

There are moments in our lives when we give up because of impotence and it seems that nothing will help. This is especially true of the situation when you were robbed, taking all valuable things out of the house. In such a situation, you should contact folk conspiracies against thieves. With the help of such rituals, you can not only protect your home from intruders, but also find the perpetrators and return the stolen property.

In fact, a conspiracy is a magical formula expressed in verbal form and accompanied by a certain ritual. For each special occasion, there is a conspiracy unlike any other. For example, in the harsh region of Siberia, similar magical formulas and names have different ones: love spells, drying spells, dry spells, amulets, and the like.

But the most widespread among the common people were conspiracies from thieves.

Conspiracies against theft

AT modern society theft has reached its peak. Rob houses, cars, cottages. In most cases, neither modern protective complexes help. security systems, nor the hiring of private security guards, nor the installation of highly secured locks, doors and windows.

Thieves, unfortunately, have learned to bypass everything modern facilities protection. And if new technological solutions appear, it will take very little time for attackers to learn how to successfully avoid them too.

In addition, it is worth noting that such protective equipment is sometimes very expensive, and few can afford to purchase them.

One gets the impression that there is only one way out of such a scourge: to be in the house or near other protected property all the time in order to protect it from evil intentions.

It is in this difficult situation a conspiracy from thieves can help you.

They are carried out quite simply, and the effect is amazing. Thieves seem to stop noticing you and your property at all. Some rituals will help you find out who the thief is and punish the intruder, while others will help you find him. In addition, you can force the thief to return the stolen property to you.

In addition, there is more than one type of such conspiracies. Depending on your situation, you can choose the most effective rite:

  • Magic locking doors;
  • Love spell to punish a thief;
  • Amulet against thieves (can be worn with oneself);
  • Amulet of protection against theft in the country;
  • Conspiracy to prevent theft;
  • A magical rite to return stolen property;
  • Conspiracy to identify a thief;
  • Threshold protection country house(dachas).

Magic locking the doors of your house

To perform this rite, you will need a few old keys. Their number should correspond to the number of locks in the doors.

“I lock it with a key, I lock it with words, I hide from dashing people, All doors, all good, all mine is mine.”

All keys used in this way should be collected together, tied with a red ribbon and kept in a hiding place inside your home. These keys will also serve as a talisman for your home.

In addition, a similar love spell can be used in your car if you pick up the appropriate keys.

Simple conspiracies for every day

In order to protect the house from a thief, leaving the house, linger on the threshold, grab the doorknob and say the plot:

"Take off your hands, the feet of a thief on my doorstep."

The words should be repeated 3 times. With similar words you will create an invisible screen against thieves.

Another simple but more effective conspiracy to scare away unexpected guests. When leaving home, you need to put on kitchen table empty glass and salt shaker, and then say these words:

“A thief will come, I will give you salt, but I will not pour water.”

Spell to punish a thief

If misfortune has already occurred in your family, and you have been robbed, then we advise you to perform this particular ceremony. With it, you can not only find and punish the culprit, but also return the stolen property back.

To perform this ritual, you will need seven knives. Arrange them on the table so that the blades of each of them point in different directions. Then you should say the following magic words:

“Like on the sea, on the river, in a forged chest, Seven damask knives, seven brother guards. I open that chest, I take out those knives, I direct them to work. Come you, knives to such and such, To the one who did evil, put his hands on my good, Chop him up and down So that he turns back theft, does not hide anything. My words are true, my deed is swift, Everything is spoken, everything is fulfilled.

If the plot was performed correctly, then you can be sure that after some time your problem will be resolved.

Conspiracy to get the thief to return the stolen

If you were unable to save your home and found it missing, don't be discouraged, as there is an opportunity to return the property and find out who was in the house. To do this, perform such a rite. Take a candle, light it and, cutting the flame with a dull knife, say:

“Whoever stole, who took mine, come in a dream, take the knife, otherwise I will cut your soul like a butcher cuts a pork carcass. Amen".

Then put the knife under your pillow and don't talk to anyone until the morning. Already at night you will see a dream in which you can recognize the thief, which will allow you to find him in a short time.

Another rite. Take salt and sprinkle it with the place where the stolen thing was, and say the following plot:

“I pour salt on the thief’s eyes, on his sinful bodies, on his evil heart. Stand, heart, like dough, return, my thing, to its place. Key, lock, tongue. Amen! Amen! Amen!".

For one more ritual you need a mirror that has the ability to remember what is happening. This will allow you to find the villain and return things. To do this, look in the mirror and repeat the following words 12 times:

“If the thief does not return my thing to me kindly, let my double take him to the grave. Amen".

Conspiracy to protect the house

If you are going to leave for a long period, and no one will look after the home, you can perform such a ritual. Take a knife that you use frequently and sharpen it. During this, repeat the plot:

“It is closed by me, locked by me, fenced by me, surrounded by a sharp knife, fenced with a sharp knife, from dashing people, from selfish thoughts, from evil thoughts. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, Amen. Amen. Amen".

Then stick the knife in front front door so that the blade is directed towards the door.

Amulet against thieves

Available in stores today various items, which are endowed with protective energy, but it is better to do them yourself. When you make a charm with your own hands, it is saturated with energy. Here are some popular options:

Herbal Blend

Blue pouch

Take a small blue cloth bag and a specially prepared mixture of herbs. To make this enchanted mixture, powder a garlic flower, a little thistle, a chicory root, and a little cumin seed. When filling the prepared bag with this mixture, do not forget to say the words of the conspiracy:

“There will be no theft in this place, No theft, no robbery, For that I vouch for weeds, I am affirmed by the spoken word, I lock myself with a secret deed.”


Take a small glass container and fill it with different colored threads from natural material. Then put it in the closet. Such a charm will help to punish and confuse the thoughts of thieves if they want to get into the house.


In every house and in the country there is an invisible owner - the brownie.

Wooden talisman - Brownie

To protect property and scare away uninvited guests, it is necessary to leave a charmed toy in the hallway. To do this, take a doll and say the following conspiracy 3 times:

“Father brownie, here’s a simple gift for you, play, have fun, but don’t forget. Serve the service, guard my house.

You can choose any of the above options to protect your home, or you can use several conspiracies at once.

Amulet of protection against theft in the country

To perform this ritual, you will need to prepare dried garlic flowers, a juniper branch, a little aspen bark, cumin seeds and dried elderberries. All these ingredients should be crushed by grinding and mixed in equal proportions.

The resulting mixture should be poured into a bag of blue cloth. Put three pins with black fasteners and the same number of nails there.

This amulet should be placed above the central door of the cottage, pronouncing the words of the conspiracy:

“To come to every well-wishing person, to be a dodger at the door, do not go past the house, do not drag with your hands, do not stuff your pockets, Do not take out sacks and sacks, So be it forever and ever.”

Ritual to prevent theft

This plot, of course, will not help you recognize the thief, but with its help you can reliably protect your home and prevent a possible robbery. All you need to perform a magical rite is common salt and knowledge of the correct verbal formula.

To begin, walk around the house, sprinkling salt on your path and saying the words:

“I conjure with white salt, I affirm with black earth, I close it all around, I lock this house, this yard, this threshold with a secret lock. There is not and will not be a go here for either the daytime cunning, Nor the night daring who takes someone else's, Who leads the theft. Everything that you have planned will be fulfilled, Everything that you said will turn into a deed, It will not disappear forever, it will not be destroyed.

Upon completion of the tour of the house, go into it and throw a small handful of salt in each room, saying other conspiracy words:

"The house of salts is full, the house of people is full, The house of things is full, theft will not happen, Theft will not happen, All conspiracies will be confirmed."

Now your home is securely protected from the possible entry of a thief into it.

Conspiracy to identify a thief

This magical ritual will help you not only find the attacker, and force him to return the stolen goods, but also punish him.

To do this, prepare three sunflower flowers and put them under your pillow before going to bed. It is in a dream that you will see what you seek to know.

The next morning, before leaving the house, tap the blunt end of the broom three times on the floor and say the magic formula:

“Everything is locked up, everything is closed, you can’t look with your eyes, you can’t rake with your hands from revenge, you can’t carry it away.”

Conspiracies against thieves are strong enough and easy to perform. They will help you not only to recognize and find the thief, but also to return the stolen property. And by creating an amulet against thieves, you can protect your dacha.

The fact that the list of friends and acquaintances of each person is supplemented by enemies is not uncommon. Often such people can harm you, offend someone close to you, bring evil to the family. To protect yourself from such attacks or to help stand up for yourself where others are not competent, you can use the method of magical influence. Using conspiracies on the offender (enemy, thief), you can not only take revenge on him, but also punish him stronger than physical and legal measures. And today we will talk about the most popular conspiracies that allow you to independently understand situations when you or your loved ones have been undeservedly hurt.

To use a conspiracy against the offender, it is necessary to perform magical actions only in response. Otherwise, they will turn out not in your favor, reflecting adverse consequences on health or the psyche.

If you need to punish magical effect offender or enemy who is your friend, this ritual will help. During it, you should read a special conspiracy. To perform the ceremony, you will need two ordinary coins. They must differ in denomination so that one is less than the other in value.

Taking a coin in each hand, go to a deserted crossroads in the evening. Standing in the center of the intersection of two roads, throw a coin of a smaller denomination into the darkness. At the same time, say the words of a conspiracy against an evil person:

"To the villain (name of the offender) - the action is villainous."

Then, with the other hand, throw away the second coin, saying:

"Paid for with a vengeance."

Having performed a magical action, turn towards your house over your left shoulder. Silently return home without looking back. The conspiracy will have adverse effects on bad man almost immediately. Punishment will overtake the offender (enemy, thief, gossip, etc.), but only if it is done in justice.

Rite if you don't know the villain

If you don’t recognize a friend in a person who harmed you or someone close to you, this conspiracy will come in handy. You can punish the offender, who caused a lot of unfavorable changes in your life, with the help of the following rite.

On a sunny day, open the window. Standing in front of him, say the magic words, referring to the sun:

“Beautiful and clear red sun, you warm everyone, delight and illuminate. You give life to living things, you create love, but you do not help evil people. Let the bad eye, wishing me evil, try with your light. Burn his soul so that he suffers and repents for what he has done!

As a result of this rite, the offender will have an obsessive sense of guilt and unreasonable fear. serious consequences this conspiracy against the offender-enemy does not cause.

A slander against a person who stole a thing

There are stronger conspiracies against people who do evil. The one below is one of those. Often, it is used against a thief who has stolen something from your home. The main condition for conducting a ritual with reading a conspiracy is the exact certainty of the guilt of a particular person. If you don’t know who exactly took out the item without your knowledge, it’s better to use another plot.

To take revenge on the thief and punish him for what he did, do the following. Approach the place where the stolen item was last located. With your eyes closed, imagine the thief entering the house, taking this thing, and then leaving with it. After that, read the plot against this person:

“You took (the name of the thief) my thing, so give it back to me. If you don’t give it back, people will know that you are a filthy thief, they will curse you, a bad rumor about you will spread around the world. They won't let you into any house."

The effect of this ritual should be the return of the stolen item. In the near future, the thief will have a huge sense of guilt, and he will return the item.

Strong plot of revenge

If the enemy deliberately caused damage to you or your family, you can take revenge on him with the help of a stronger rite. This plot helps to inflict on the enemy what he did to you. But keep in mind that the consequences of the rite cannot be undone. Therefore, use this conspiracy only against a specific culprit. It will be possible to punish the offenders and take revenge on them if you first prepare for the ceremony.


  • a small onion;
  • black marker (cosmetic pencil);
  • small cross;
  • a bowl of water;
  • church candle.

In the evening, write the name of the offender (enemy, thief) on the bulb. Light a candle, drip wax on the cross. Then place a burning candle over a bowl filled with water. Hold it so that the wax drips directly into the vessel, at the same time read the conspiracy against the scoundrel:

“As wax melts from the flame of a candle and its fire, so let the evil created by (name of the enemy) melt.”

Read the plot 40 times in a row. Then put out the candle, and hide the cinder, wax, onion and cross. After three days, throw the onion into the fire, and pour the water onto the ground where the offender's foot has stepped.

In Christian terms, it is considered correct that evil should be repaid with good. However, it often happens that, left unpunished, evil returns to us with a vengeance. To some extent, conspiracies can protect yourself from the offender.

What kind of conspiracy to read when punishing the offender, so that it is crippled in 3 days, the offender apologized, to the thief, to give revenge to the offender so that she starts having problems, a variant of revenge for and against, how to teach a lesson so that she repents and corrects what she has done, to death and in the photo this you can find it everywhere, but here only the best and working.

Conspiracy of the offender without harm to himself

The most harmless way for yourself to punish the offender is ... to forgive him. Go to church and put a candle in the health of your offender with the words: "God is your judge."

Vanga's conspiracy on the offender

Vanga believed that in all life situations you have to do what your conscience dictates. Therefore, even if you are very offended by someone, you should not harm this person and build retaliatory intrigues. If a person is not able to cope with the current situation on his own, then you need to turn to the Guardian Angel with words for help. This does not require a special conspiracy. State the request for protection and protection from the offender in your own words.

The conspiracy of the offender by a conspiracy at a distance

Buy a red rose. Put it in water - let it stand in front of you until it withers. Every day, tear off one thorn from the stem and say a conspiracy:

“Thorn in your evil tongue!
No more hiss!
You won’t build in vain,
From your evil, you yourself will come out with anger!
Let it be so. Amen."

How to punish the offender a strong conspiracy

The conspiracy is read "in hot pursuit" and only if there is complete confidence that you are right, otherwise everything can turn against you:

Conspiracy how to make the offender ask for forgiveness

Take an incomplete glass of water and put a burning candle in it with the words:

“You will not live, but toil,
until you repent of my candle
and do not repent before me!

Conspiracy of revenge on the offender

The plot is read over a glass of water:

and it will pour on you.
I do not wish evil
I pour water over the threshold.
Now you won't enter my house

Then the water should be poured over the threshold of your house.

Conspiracy on the offender by photo

A photograph of the offender is put on it - a glass of water. The following is the incantation:

“All your evil will return to you,
and it will pour on you.
I do not wish evil
I pour water over the threshold.
Now you won't enter my house
you will not raise in vain! Amen."

Water from the glass should be thrown out over the threshold, the photo of the offender should be hidden away or thrown away.

Conspiracy to punish the offender of the child

To punish the offender of the child, you need to cross yourself three times and say:

"Do not touch my child
Evil tongues, dashing troubles!
Whoever wishes bad - invites trouble on himself!
Truly so. Amen".

Conspiracy to take revenge on the offender at work

Stand on the shadow of your offender and mentally say:

“No matter how hard you try, the top is mine!
Take your evil with you."

A very strong conspiracy from the offender

Say the following conspiracy after the offender:

“I will punish the offender with sickening nausea, dry dryness.
Do not know him seven days of neither sleep nor rest
Kohl disturbed my name. Amen!"

Please note that this conspiracy is very strong and the offender will not be “greeted” in the literal sense.

Conspiracy against a thief or offender (Natalya Stepanova)

Stand in such a way as to cast a shadow from yourself and read the plot:

“Shadow, shadow, trailed behind me all day.
Now help - defeat the enemy.
Let's put him under the hooves,
so that resentment is broken. Amen."

The problem when a loved one suddenly stopped calling has tormented lovers since the advent of the telephone. "Maybe you forgot my phone number" - ...

Complete collection and description: a prayer to punish a thief to return what was stolen for the spiritual life of a believer.

If you are sure that the item or things were indeed stolen, a special ritual should be carried out as soon as possible. All things for some time retain the energy of their owner, with the help of which you can force the thief to return the stolen.

Theft exists as long as the person himself exists. For some, theft is a kind of entertainment, for others it is the main means of earning money, and for others it is a disease that is very difficult to get rid of.

Not everyone knows that there is a special magic that allows not only to punish the thief, but also to return the disappeared thing. A conspiracy to return stolen property is often the last opportunity to get back an expensive item.

Financial conspiracies are white.

positive result monetary.

At the same time, it is important to remember that such magical rituals can only be used if the thing has really been stolen. Using rituals when the item was simply lost will result in a lot of trouble for the magician himself, so you need to be extremely careful.

When should you perform this ritual?

If you are sure that the item or things were indeed stolen, a special ritual should be carried out as soon as possible.

Magic affects objects, and they will bring a variety of troubles to the thief.

If the ritual is carried out in a timely manner, the thief will try not only to get rid of the unfortunate object, but will try to return it to its rightful owner. He will subconsciously understand that only such actions can remove the curse from him.

There are times when a thief does throw away stolen items. In this case, your item will still get to you sooner or later, and the thief himself long time troubles and failures will haunt. In the thieves' world, there is even a corresponding sign that says that you should not throw away a stolen thing that brought misfortune, otherwise retribution or imprisonment will soon overtake him.

Carrying out a conspiracy

You can perform this ceremony at any time of the day and in any lunar cycle, most importantly, the ritual must be performed as soon as possible after the theft is discovered.

In this ritual, the state of the performer and his energy message create the desired effect.

You need to write the word "thief" on a blank sheet of paper and draw a silhouette of a person under it. You need to put an icon in front of you and a few church candles. right hand hold over a sheet of paper and read the words of the conspiracy:

“Over the sea-ocean, on the island of Buyan, there is an iron chest, in that chest there are damask knives. Let those damask knives go to the thief, let them cut his flesh, let them prick his heart, let them cut him. So that the thief returns everything stolen from the servant of God (name), so that he does not hide anything, but gives out everything he has taken. Cursed be that thief strong conspiracy mine, he will be cursed by the land of the reverend, by the charms of Ararat, disgraced brick, swamp mud, combustible ash, a mill dam, a bottomless house, and a bath jug. Curve you, thief, go lame, go crazy, goofy, emaciate. You won’t get along with new people, you won’t get used to it, you won’t die your own death, you will be nailed to the board with rusty nails, dried out stronger than grass, frozen stronger than ice. As you return the stolen from the servant of God (name) only then you will live. Let it be so. Amen. Amen. Amen".

After reading the last words, you need to remove the sheet with the drawing in a safe place where no one can find it.

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Seven effective conspiracies from thieves

There are moments in our lives when we give up because of impotence and it seems that nothing will help. This is especially true of the situation when you were robbed, taking all valuable things out of the house. In such a situation, you should turn to folk conspiracies against thieves. With the help of such rituals, you can not only protect your home from intruders, but also find the perpetrators and return the stolen property.

In fact, a conspiracy is a magical formula expressed in verbal form and accompanied by a certain ritual. For each special occasion, there is a conspiracy unlike any other. For example, in the harsh region of Siberia, similar magical formulas and names have different ones: love spells, drying spells, dry spells, amulets, and the like.

But the most widespread among the common people were conspiracies from thieves.

Conspiracies against theft

In modern society, theft has reached its zenith. Rob houses, cars, cottages. In most cases, neither modern protective complexes of security systems, nor the hiring of private security guards, nor the installation of especially protected locks, doors and windows, help.

Thieves, unfortunately, have learned to bypass all modern means of protection. And if new technological solutions appear, it will take very little time for attackers to learn how to successfully avoid them too.

In addition, it is worth noting that such protective equipment is sometimes very expensive, and few can afford to purchase them.

One gets the impression that there is only one way out of such a scourge: to be in the house or near other protected property all the time in order to protect it from evil intentions.

It is in this difficult situation that a conspiracy from thieves can help you.

They are carried out quite simply, and the effect is amazing. Thieves seem to stop noticing you and your property at all. Some rituals will help you find out who the thief is and punish the intruder, while others will help you find him. In addition, you can force the thief to return the stolen property to you.

In addition, there is more than one type of such conspiracies. Depending on your situation, you can choose the most effective rite:

  • Magic locking doors;
  • Love spell to punish a thief;
  • Amulet against thieves (can be worn with oneself);
  • Amulet of protection against theft in the country;
  • Conspiracy to prevent theft;
  • A magical rite to return stolen property;
  • Conspiracy to identify a thief;
  • Protection of the threshold of a country house (dacha).

Magic locking the doors of your house

To perform this rite, you will need a few old keys. Their number should correspond to the number of locks in the doors.

“I lock it with a key, I lock it with words, I hide from dashing people, All doors, all good, all mine is mine.”

All keys used in this way should be collected together, tied with a red ribbon and kept in a hiding place inside your home. These keys will also serve as a talisman for your home.

In addition, a similar love spell can be used in your car if you pick up the appropriate keys.

Simple conspiracies for every day

In order to protect the house from a thief, leaving the house, linger on the threshold, grab the doorknob and say the plot:

"Take off your hands, the feet of a thief on my doorstep."

The words should be repeated 3 times. With words like this, you will create an invisible screen against thieves.

Another simple but more effective conspiracy to scare away unexpected guests. Leaving the house, you need to put an empty glass and a salt shaker on the kitchen table, and then say these words:

“A thief will come, I will give you salt, but I will not pour water.”

Spell to punish a thief

If misfortune has already occurred in your family, and you have been robbed, then we advise you to perform this particular ceremony. With it, you can not only find and punish the culprit, but also return the stolen property back.

To perform this ritual, you will need seven knives. Arrange them on the table so that the blades of each of them point in different directions. Then you should say the following magic words:

“Like on the sea, on the river, in a forged chest, Seven damask knives, seven brother guards. I open that chest, I take out those knives, I direct them to work. Come you, knives to such and such, To the one who did evil, put his hands on my good, Chop him up and down So that he turns back theft, does not hide anything. My words are true, my deed is swift, Everything is spoken, everything is fulfilled.

If the plot was performed correctly, then you can be sure that after some time your problem will be resolved.

Conspiracy to get the thief to return the stolen

If you were unable to save your home and found it missing, don't be discouraged, as there is an opportunity to return the property and find out who was in the house. To do this, perform such a rite. Take a candle, light it and, cutting the flame with a dull knife, say:

“Whoever stole, who took mine, come in a dream, take the knife, otherwise I will cut your soul like a butcher cuts a pork carcass. Amen".

Then put the knife under your pillow and don't talk to anyone until the morning. Already at night you will see a dream in which you can recognize the thief, which will allow you to find him in a short time.

Another rite. Take salt and sprinkle it with the place where the stolen thing was, and say the following plot:

“I pour salt on the thief's eyes, on his sinful bodies, on his evil heart. Stand, heart, like dough, return, my thing, to its place. Key, lock, tongue. Amen! Amen! Amen!".

For one more ritual you need a mirror that has the ability to remember what is happening. This will allow you to find the villain and return things. To do this, look in the mirror and repeat the following words 12 times:

“If the thief does not return my thing to me kindly, let my double take him to the grave. Amen".

Conspiracy to protect the house

If you are going to leave for a long period, and no one will look after the home, you can perform such a ritual. Take a knife that you use frequently and sharpen it. During this, repeat the plot:

“It is closed by me, locked by me, fenced by me, surrounded by a sharp knife, fenced with a sharp knife, from dashing people, from selfish thoughts, from evil thoughts. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, Amen. Amen. Amen".

Then stick the knife in front of the front door so that the blade is directed towards the door.

Amulet against thieves

Today in stores you can buy various items that are endowed with protective energy, but it is better to do them yourself. When you make a charm with your own hands, it is saturated with energy. Here are some popular options:

Herbal Blend

Blue pouch

Take a small blue cloth bag and a specially prepared mixture of herbs. To make this enchanted mixture, powder a garlic flower, a little thistle, a chicory root, and a little cumin seed. When filling the prepared bag with this mixture, do not forget to say the words of the conspiracy:

“There will be no theft in this place, No theft, no robbery, For that I vouch for weeds, I am affirmed by the spoken word, I lock myself with a secret deed.”

Take a small glass container and fill it with different colored threads made from natural materials. Then put it in the closet. Such a charm will help to punish and confuse the thoughts of thieves if they want to get into the house.

In every house and in the country there is an invisible owner - the brownie.

Wooden talisman - Brownie

In order for him to protect property and scare away uninvited guests, it is necessary to leave a charmed toy in the hallway. To do this, take a doll and say the following conspiracy 3 times:

“Father brownie, here’s a simple gift for you, play, have fun, but don’t forget. Serve the service, guard my house.

You can choose any of the above options to protect your home, or you can use several conspiracies at once.

Amulet of protection against theft in the country

To perform this ritual, you will need to prepare dried garlic flowers, a juniper branch, a little aspen bark, cumin seeds and dried elderberries. All these ingredients should be crushed by grinding and mixed in equal proportions.

The resulting mixture should be poured into a bag of blue cloth. Put three pins with black fasteners and the same number of nails there.

This amulet should be placed above the central door of the cottage, pronouncing the words of the conspiracy:

“To come to every well-wishing person, to be a dodger at the door, do not go past the house, do not drag with your hands, do not stuff your pockets, Do not take out sacks and sacks, So be it forever and ever.”

Ritual to prevent theft

This plot, of course, will not help you recognize the thief, but with its help you can reliably protect your home and prevent a possible robbery. All you need to perform a magical rite is ordinary salt and knowledge of the correct verbal formula.

To begin, walk around the house, sprinkling salt on your path and saying the words:

“I conjure with white salt, I affirm with black earth, I close it all around, I lock this house, this yard, this threshold with a secret lock. There is not and will not be a go here for either the daytime cunning, Nor the night daring who takes someone else's, Who leads the theft. Everything that you have planned will be fulfilled, Everything that you said will turn into a deed, It will not disappear forever, it will not be destroyed.

Upon completion of the tour of the house, go into it and throw a small handful of salt in each room, saying other conspiracy words:

"The house of salts is full, the house of people is full, The house of things is full, theft will not happen, Theft will not happen, All conspiracies will be confirmed."

Now your home is securely protected from the possible entry of a thief into it.

Conspiracy to identify a thief

This magical ritual will help you not only find the intruder and force him to return the stolen goods, but also punish him.

To do this, prepare three sunflower flowers and put them under your pillow before going to bed. It is in a dream that you will see what you seek to know.

The next morning, before leaving the house, tap the blunt end of the broom three times on the floor and say the magic formula:

“Everything is locked up, everything is closed, you can’t look with your eyes, you can’t rake with your hands from revenge, you can’t carry it away.”

Conspiracies against thieves are strong enough and easy to perform. They will help you not only to recognize and find the thief, but also to return the stolen property. And by creating an amulet against thieves, you can protect your dacha.

A conspiracy from thieves will help protect yourself from theft in advance and punish the criminal. With it, you will be able to protect your treasures, find criminals and force them to return everything they stole.

Conspiracy from thieves

In order to protect our property, we use the most modern alarm systems, install metal doors, bars on the windows. However, this may not always protect against cunning and skillful criminals. To ensure that all your savings never fall into the tenacious paws of thieves, use such a conspiracy.

You will need to prepare the most common castle, some incense, a wax candle and holy water. The first thing to do is drive out all the negativity from the apartment or house that has accumulated on it. As you know, negative energy attracts problems into the room, which means that it will easily lead to your home and intruders.

Put a candle in the room, light incense and fumigate the room with it. Come to every corner and sprinkle holy water there, repeating the text of the prayer "Our Father". It is necessary to carry out such manipulations in each room. After that, pick up the castle, sanctify it with the sign of the cross, sprinkle it with holy water and say over it:

I close this lock, I leave the key with me. Let no one enter here with malicious intent, bring trouble to my house.

Place the lock near the door so that it is not visible. It can be hidden behind any bulky thing in your hallway. Be sure that now no villain will get into your house.

If you do not have time to apply defensive plot and you are still robbed, then with the help of magic you can even find the criminal. For example, if you have a very good intuition, you can use conspiracies for a prophetic dream.

It will allow you to see the image of the criminal. It is up to you to decide what to do with this information. Unfortunately, the police will be very skeptical about such information.

However, if you know the name of the thief or can imagine him, then, using a conspiracy to make the thief return what was stolen, you will achieve justice. To perform the ritual, you will need a dull knife and wax candle. Exactly at midnight, put a lit candle on the work surface. Start moving the knife over the candle flame while saying:

Your name, thief, I want to know. I see your image. Show me, open up.

Start peering into the flame of the candle. Fortunetellers believe that if higher powers decide to reveal the face of a criminal to you, then you will see his image in front of you. When you see the face of your offender, you can put out the candle and add up the attributes used.

Before going to bed, say the words of the conspiracy three times again. Perhaps the higher powers will be so supportive that they will even tell you the name of the criminal. You will probably hear him in a dream, or you will see the thief again and understand his name.

Thursday salt

If you performed the last ritual and now you know both the name of the offender and what he looks like, then you can force him to return everything that he stole from you. For the first ritual, such an important attribute as Thursday salt should be prepared. They only speak it Maundy Thursday. Take some early in the morning thursday salt, scatter it where the stolen things lay, and say conspiracy to return stolen property:

I sprinkle salt on the thief's eyes,
On wounds, on sick bodies.
An evil heart, a dashing deed.
From now on, his heart will become a test,
Until my treasure is returned to its place.
Now and ever, forever and ever. Amen.

The plot is read exactly 9 times. It is very important during the manipulation to represent the image of a thief. After all, he is now known to you. It is forbidden to remove the salt until the things are returned to you. Rest assured, they will be delivered to you soon.

Such a conspiracy is very effective, but it is also more dangerous. If the thief resists the will higher powers decides not to return the loot to you, then various failures, hardships and torments will befall him.

You will need to take 13 identical coins and go with them to the crossroads. Exactly at midnight, be at the selected intersection of roads. Throw all the coins in front of you and say:

13 devils, I'm calling you. Come to me, find a dashing thief (his name) for me. Let him return all the loot to me, otherwise a terrible fate awaits him. Gnaw, tear, bring to the grave. (name) will not know peace until my goodness returns.

The plot is read exactly 13 times. After that, return home without looking back.

If you do not want to know who stole your treasures, but simply want to take revenge on the offender, then this simple ritual will suit you. You should find a web and a spider. It is desirable that this find be outside your home. Look closely at the spider, while repeating this conspiracy to punish a thief:

You took my treasure
took my goodness into my own hands.
I wish you to be confused, lost, lost, stuck in the web,
To sit in one place and not get up. From now on, I did not know happiness and peace.
From now on, the spider flies around you with a network,
Happiness and luck leave you forever.
From now on, you cannot escape grief and deprivation,
You will only suffer forever.

When the plot is said three times, you can leave the place of the ceremony. Rest assured, your abuser will get what he deserves.

Despite the fact that conspiracies against theft are really able to protect your property and punish criminals, you should not rely only on the power of magic. Do not neglect the usual methods of protecting treasures and do not leave the doors wide open, because in this case, not a single conspiracy will help.
