Dragon Age: Inquisition Civil war in Orlais. Dragon Age: Inquisition - Quest: Evil Eyes and Evil Hearts The Not-So-Peaceful Peacewood

In the fifth part of the Dragon Age Inquisition walkthrough, there are many new locations, as well as significant progress in the story.

Western Limit - Korakavus

The first half of the video takes place in Skyhold, here we are not making much progress in promotion. Then we head to the Western Frontier. A deserted location where I have already been, but could not go further because of the poisonous cloud. The cloud is eliminated at the command headquarters by completing a task (like other missions, like "restore the bridge", etc.).

In the new part of the Western Reach, we are looking for fragments, unraveling astrariums, and also studying the abandoned castle of the times of the Tevinter Empire - Korakavus. Be sure to take a magician with you, as here you will need to close the tunnel with magic. Because of this problem, I had to run a little back and forth.

Western Limit - Fort Echo

There are not many important points in this video. In Fort Echo: rune on the wall (27:52), astrarium (28:15) and locate the shards (38:40)

Western Reach - Thedas Bottles

Bottle of Thedas (9:24), fragment of the Archdemon mosaic (10:34), rune on the wall (10:53). All this stuff is in a cave, which you get access to after solving all the astrariums. There will also be a chest in the tomb, you need to take the artifact from it in order to close the mission with astrariums (15:40). Somehow I didn’t notice it right away, so for some reason I ran around the desert for several minutes in search of “another” astrarium cave.

At the end of the story quest about the Gray Wardens.

Western Reach - Gray Wardens

Last video on the Western Limit. A cut-scene with one of the Venatori - Lord Erimond, then an easy fight, and a quest with a dragon researcher. Every time I come to this masked man, he invents another portion of running around the markers on the map. In general, I can say that my attitude towards Inquisition has changed for the better compared to my own opinion about the game in the very first part of the passage. Gathering made some sense with crafting and Skyhold, plus I began to delve into the plot, plus there are a lot of different locations in the game that are simply pleasing to the eye. But sometimes the formula "collect n of something" already just outputs. As soon as you cleared the whole map and here you are, again a car of diamonds - collect 5-30 letters / corpses / diagrams / memories / plants / boxes / books / figurines / tiles / skins ... And yes, if someone tries to collect absolutely everything, then an unpleasant surprise awaits him :) I came across some books, for example, that cannot be read.

So, with the Western limit so far sorted out. After that, we go back to Skyhold, here we decide the fate of the magician Serbis, instruct Cullen to restore the Judicaele bridge (Emprise du Lion) and open a new small area.

Cradle Sulevin

The location is small, but the enemies are tough. The main mission is to collect four fragments of the Sulevin two-handed sword. Accordingly, there are four altars, each of which is guarded by the Risen from the dead. I remember these guys from Dragon Age: Origins. In this case, they have the 20th level (I saw more only dragons - 21), and they kill with one or two hits. Plus all sorts of skeletons 20 level (by this time I have only the 15th). Even the Blackwall boletus crumbles before such an enemy as a rag. However, I managed to get through and collect all the shards, although the forged sword can still only be equipped by a level 20 hero.

Judicaele bridge

This video first shows the process of creating the Sulevin Blade from the received fragments. The DPS indicator is not very high - 319, but the owner of such a weapon will receive +42 (!) in strength, as well as a chance to cause the "Attraction of the Abyss" effect on hit. This special ability of the rupture mage (Solas) is to pull enemies to one point, which is very convenient for a warrior with a two-handed sword and huge damage in an area. So at level 20, there will be an opportunity to test the Iron Bull's striking capabilities.

Then we go to Emprise du Lion. The soldiers of the Inquisition completed the bridge with the uneasy name of Zhyudikael. However, there are level 20 enemies behind the bridge (as well as two whole dragons). I already had enough of Sulevin, so we are moving to a more peaceful place - the Inner Lands.

The area from the very beginning of the passage. Here, the quest "Letter from a Beloved" with Felandaris remained unfulfilled (this plant can be found in Emprise du Lion). But the game was not worth the candle. A random demon appeared, which I have already killed thousands in breaks. There is zero loot from it, though I found a chest behind the statue, but only garbage was put into it.

Also in this location appears one of the tomes for Vivienne (quest "Favor for the Enchantress").

Sacred Plain

Here is the passage of a new large area - the Sacred Plain. It was possible to come here much earlier, since the enemies in this location are level 11. A little description:

The Sacred Dale Plains are known for their beauty and strife in equal measure. It was here that the elven realm met its end centuries ago. On these fields, the army of elves clashed with the forces of the human Church and died, defending their promised land to the last breath. This legacy remains, and now the Dales are once again fighting.

The Sacred Plains is now a battlefield in the Orlais civil war, and soldiers are dying here in great numbers. As the boundaries of reality loosen across Thedas, the memory of injustices past and present attracts restless spirits that inhabit the dead to haunt the living across the blood-soaked land.

First of all, I select the last tome for Vivienne. Further, my goal was the Ocularum and the search for fragments. Along the way, we carry out a quest with pits and burning ghouls. Don't forget to bring a magician to your team, he will come in handy to break elemental barriers.

Exploring the regions of the Sacred Plain

At the beginning of the video, the Thedas bottle (1:05) and the Ocularum (1:50). Further, many battles, access to the River garrison. Here in the basement you need to close the Rift, as well as another Thedas bottle (18:00). And I continue to collect fragments, some of which are on the roofs of houses, where it is not so easy to climb. My way at 21:40.

Sacred Plain - Rest of the Dead

Repetition is the mother of learning. This statement perfectly describes the passage of Dragon Age Inquisition. As a rule, to complete the quest, you must perform the same action at several points. Accordingly, the same rule applies to the mission "Rest of the Dead". The pits with dead people are not one, but several. You need to go through the designated marker on the map, defeat the enemy's brood, break the barrier, set fire to the corpses, blow the horn. Repeat until "Mission Complete" appears.

Also on the video is the collection of fragments. If anyone has difficulty finding the right route, then the video will help. I try to find all the fragments, because I really want to open all three doors in the Temple of Pride and get the maximum possible protection from various magic.

The political correctness of Bioware is so correct that even Negro elves can be found in Thedas (12:45). Ok, let's consider it just tanned, but it still looks somehow strange. It must be assumed that the Indian elves are not far off. Well, actually. They are watching The Lord of the Rings somewhere in Mumbai, and they are probably already thinking that it’s a good idea to draw a dot on that elf’s forehead.

Near the end of the video, the region of Var Bellanaris is an elven graveyard. I plundered it, although even in the process I guessed that it would backfire somewhere. So it is, in the future you will need the approval of the elder of the elves, which will decrease somewhat if you dug up the graves of elven ancestors. However, even in this case, approval can be earned by completing a few quests. As for the cemetery, in the graves you need to collect three fragments of the key, with which you can go to the main tomb.

Father's instructions

The most valuable thing in the tomb is a mosaic fragment, even the homeless will not collect the rest. A little more useful stuff on the video around 13:30. This place was marked on the map of Enavouris, but I found it by accident. For the rest of the video, I was looking for my father's hidden belongings from the "Father's Directions" quest. I was actually a little confused by the rune on the castle wall, so I didn’t fully understand what I was looking for. The desired chest was under a tree. The loot was clearly not worth the time spent, but the main thing is that the task was completed.

golden galla

Golden gall fills with the aroma of tea, as Nikolai Baskov would say. In this video, I got to a small elf settlement where you can recruit Loranil. But for this you need to get a Dalish location. Exactly what I was talking about above. Therefore, you will have to complete several simple tasks: find out about the fate of brother Emalien, collect supplies for Nissa and bring the Golden Galla.

Shards in the Sacred Plain

Very short video. Ocularum and search for fragments at 2:55.

Fort Rewasan

The last video on the Sacred Plain in this part of the walkthrough. We accept Loranil in the Inquisition. The epic swearing-in moment is a bit messed up. It just so happened that the Inquisitor had a torch with curtain fire in his hand, so instead of putting his hand to his chest, he put the torch in his head. I understand that this is not the most important information, but after the monotonous completion of quests like "go on the marker" such moments are necessary :)

Inquisition takes a lot of time to find the correct path to the marker. Sometimes the passage is blocked by trees, or it is a hill that is simply impossible to climb, etc. Particularly pleased at the end of the horn, which had to be blown. It would seem like a trivial task. But in order to get to it, I had to make a circle around the perimeter of the fortification. Why make it so complicated is not entirely clear, because this is not a fragment and not some kind of chest with an artifact, but a regular quest. I just forgot to blow the horn when I came in from the other side.

Well. Almost all. It remains only to run into Fort Revasan, hand over the last quests. With a sense of accomplishment, I look at a blank map. But some kind aunt decided that I didn’t enjoy the exciting missions enough and offers me to find 7 soldiers’ letters. Aaaaaaaaaa! Why only seven and not seventy-seven? All right, enough of me. Some other time, maybe.

Enough already boring quests, let's watch a soap movie.

Fortress Adamant

Story mission with an abundance of cut-scenes and fights. A bug can happen when the enemy gets stuck somewhere in the depths of the fortress, only a reboot will help.

We finally get to Guard Clarel. To be honest, I don't really understand how the Guardians got to the point of practicing blood magic. One would think that they are hypnotized by Corypheus, but no, Clarel apparently makes all the decisions on her own. Here she approaches her old friend and slits that throat in order to perform a ritual that supposedly ends all Pestilence. What? How is that even possible? Who will believe it? Clarel, didn't you think you were being bred? So after all, there is no pestilence after Dragon Age Origins. Why did you kill the man? With all this, Clarel is in league with Erimond, who is a Tevinter mage, agent of Venatori and assistant to Corypheus. But for some reason, the Gray Wardens think that Corypheus is dead. Hey, you haven't seen red templars and green gaps on every corner, have you? In general, it’s better not to think about the plot, here it’s the same as in the LOST series. They cheat, but there will be no logical explanations. I'm not nitpicking, I just want developers to write more logical scripts. So the created world will be more real and interesting.

But in terms of entertainment, there are no complaints. By the way, during the cut-scene, you can ask Blackwall to talk to the Gray Wardens and try to reason with them. But there is a suspicion that his speech did not really affect the overall course of the plot. If you wish, you can check with your passage (23:40).


The Inquisitor falls off the wall and uses the Mark to create a rift portal to the Fade. Luckily this time I took Solas with me. He just specializes in "shadow" magic and says how lucky we all are to be here.

In Shadow there is a side quest "Dreamers' Fears", by completing which you can improve the characteristics of your character. True, the improvements fall out different. First, magic fell out 2 times in a row. But for my Persian robber, this characteristic is useless, dexterity is needed. Then I think let me take Solas, wind him up with magic, but later other characteristics fell out. There will be 5 "fears" in total, which are not so difficult to find. Unlike the Shadow Labyrinth in Dragon Age Origins, the Shadow in Inquisition is not as confusing.

Hawk or Stroud

In this part, the head Inquisitor will remember how he got the mark on his hand. And towards the end of the boss battle. After that, it is necessary to make a decision who will remain in the Shadow in order to cover the retreat of the rest of the group. The choice must be made between Hawk and Stroud. I decided to leave Hawke because he really asked, and in general it turned out to be more tragic. Varrik's grief even changed the skin of the card. By the way, I wonder what Varrick himself would say if he was on the team at that moment ... Wouldn't you like to stay with Hawke?

But there is also a positive side. Hawk's death was not shown. It's possible that Bioware saved this hero for a future Dragon Age game. During his time in the shadows, Hawke can become a very powerful mage, so we should expect him to return in Dragon Age 4.

Home to Skyhold

After the story part, I need to take a short break, I return to Skyhold. Here you need to hold two trials, as well as talk with Varrik and Cullen. Now it would be necessary to deal with the rescue of the Empress Orlais.

Evil eyes and evil hearts

A new mission - we are going to the Winter Palace, but not to the one in St. Petersburg, but to the Orlesian Palace. There will be several contenders for the seizure of power in Orlais at once and a wide variety of solutions. In the end, I was already completely confused who was sleeping with whom, what the elves had to do with it, and who was whose brother and sister ... In short, in my version of the passage, I remained faithful to the throne. Although, it seems, as in the story, he was supposed to support the Duke. In the palace, as they say, I lost control of events and went with the flow. Why did it happen? I was a little knocked down by the task "Location of the yard".

The Winter Palace, like other Dragon Age Inquisition locations, has Hidden Object quests. In this case, you need to collect figurines of Gauls (to open locked doors), as well as coins (15 pcs.), Scandalous secrets for Leliana (30 pcs.) And songs (21 pcs.). At the same time, you need to maintain the "Location of the yard". If you go to explore the interior of the palace, the location will gradually decrease, so you need to stay in front of the public. On the first playthrough, it is very difficult to increase the location, because you simply don’t know which answer to give. For the correct choice you will get +5, for the wrong one -20. After the dance with the Duchess, I thought I would be kicked out of this event altogether, since the location fell to 4 out of 100 (at zero, according to the conditions, they really should be kicked out). Therefore, I just tried to pass this level as soon as possible without unnecessary walking and studying the situation.

According to the video: the key to the vault (5:50), in what order to light the urns to open the secret passage (24:00), the figurine of the Gauls (27:00).


The Empress has a mysterious "occult advisor", as Leliana warns: " The Empress is fascinated by all sorts of mysticism - predicting the future, talking with the dead and all that kind of nonsense.". Seriously? Leliana, honey, doesn't it bother you that we're fighting demons, ghosts and all that nonsense? Mm?

So it turns out that the Morrigan from Dragon Age Origins is the same “adviser”. It looks like she's really trying to protect the empress, so the killer is someone else. Ok, we talked and continue.

Bioware decided that it would be too boring without any fights, so they added fanatic Venatori. How did they end up in the palace grounds? There is also the imperial court, security and all that ... Magic, not otherwise. But the main thing is different. For the duration of the passage of the palace, instead of armor and weapons, the character wears a more peaceful outfit. And after the attack, the Inquisitor is automatically equipped with simple blades. I did not bother and climb into the inventory, but as it turned out in vain. The blades turned out to be sham. Instead of 2000-3000 crits, I did damage around 1-2. So in Inquisition, the right armor and weapons decide.

It's a TRAP!

At the beginning of the dance with the Duchess. You can see what answers I gave and choose others accordingly to improve the "location of the yard." In general, I advise you to manually save in the Winter Palace if you want to score the maximum 100 favor points.

Suddenly we fall into a trap set up by the same Duchess, it turns out she is at the same time with Corypheus and plans to kill the Empress.

Grand Duchess

I made a serious mistake when I took Varric on a playthrough, but didn't upgrade his Bianca crossbow or upgrade his armor. Because of this, Varric turned into a piece of running meat, and the fight with the Duchess became much more difficult. I had to take control of the dwarf and play the role of a support, restoring fallen comrades. Somehow, on the third attempt, the killer managed to fill up.

We watch the last cut-scene, in a dialogue with the empress we make fateful decisions, the mission is completed. I tried to support Briala, but the elf was sent into exile anyway, and Duke Gaspard was declared an enemy of the empire and executed. Morrigan joins the Inquisition, but cannot be chosen as a companion.


We return to Skyhold. Here I'm trying to promote Leliana to romance, but somehow things have stalled. Perhaps there is simply no relationship with Leliana in Inquisition, or the time has not come. In any case, there were “romantic” branches in the dialogues at first, but now they are not.

Then we talk with Morrigan about an artifact called Eluvian. A kind of portal to a world like the Shadow, only more calm and without demons. The Morrigan calls this place the Crossroads. Most likely, as opposed to hell (Shadow), the authors made heaven (Crossroads). There is another Eluvian in the Arbor Wilderness. It will be necessary to prevent Corypheus from getting to him. But for now, let's go to the Emerald Graves.

emerald graves

Another big location, which means there are many unclosed gaps and uncollected fragments ahead! Ocularum (8:30).

Not particularly peaceful Peacewood

There are many fights, and I still do not have one sign of the head of the assassin's guild to collect the knife and open the Path of the Assassin branch. They write that Crestwood has everything, we should go, because the game will end soon.

And everything is the same in the Emerald Graves, we close the gaps, we open regions with sonorous names: Mirnolesye, Stonethump, etc. In the depths of the forest there is a place where the Giants and Bronto graze just by the dozens. In the course of dismantling, more and more new enemies are inevitably connected, so a good increase in XP is guaranteed if you survive.

Chateau d'Onterre

In the eastern part of the Emerald Graves map, you can find the abandoned Château d'Onterre. I searched it up and down, the full passage took about 30 minutes. The softest part is finding the key to the locked door (24:00). Behind the door is a cube, touching which the Persian will get +10 to cunning (!), Which is very useful, since Cunning is important for the rogue class (increases the likelihood of crits). In addition, here you can get hold of all sorts of useful artifacts and pick up a piece of the mosaic.

Emerald graves - close the gaps

Here is the continuation of the passage of the "Emerald Graves". Lots of combat, herds of big bears, brontos and giants. I'm pretty sure that the game automatically selects opponents based on your level. The number of strong enemies here is simply absurd - almost always in the forest you can find a group of 3-4 giants, and around there are a few more brontos that you can still hit. Well, as always, close the gaps.

Manor Morel

Here you need to collect three fragments of the key. After the details are found, we break through the passage in the wall (we need a warrior). Inside there is a special table where we place the fragments and with the help of a magician we create a key. With the resulting rune key, we open a room with a bunch of chests. Among the most valuable, I got a defiling rune and a decoration for Skyhold - the banner of Orlais, although I would prefer curtains (I have not found any yet), because by default dirty rags hang in the castle.

Leliana's story

The first half of the video is Leliana's quest. For a long time I could not find the church in which to meet Leliana. Either it is simply not on the table at the command headquarters, or I can’t see well. But you can easily get to this location through fast travel points (one of these is not far from the throne). The task itself is essentially one big cut-scene. By the way, regardless of the choice in the dialogue, Leliana kills Natalie.

Then we go to Val-Royeaux. It turns out that the quest with Josephine remained suspended in this city. We need to find her and talk to her. But that is not all. There is also a Deraboam merchant in Val-Royeaux who sells some special item for 10,000. At the time of our first meeting, I did not have that kind of money, but since then I managed to get rich to more than 20,000, so now I can well spend money. At first I didn’t even understand what I bought, then I noticed that instead of a chest, a statue of a golden naga appeared. If you examine it, a new task “Big?” will open in the headquarters of the command.

soothe the spirit

I return to the Forbidden Oasis to spend the fragments found in the local temple. It was possible to open the last two doors at once - the magic of the spirit and the magic of ice, there was not enough for the last fiery one.

In the end, I decided to test my strength in a fight with a dragon. But level 21 Kaltenzan is too strong for me so far. Dragons turn out to differ not only in color, but also in appearance, as well as the type of magic used. So in Crestwood, the Northern Hunter used electricity, and Kaltenzan used ice. Therefore, before each battle, you can pick up special equipment against certain magic.

Computer game in the RPG genre, the third part of the series dragon age, was developed by the Canadian company BioWare. The publisher is Electronic Arts, the release took place on November 18, 2014 for Microsoft Windows, PlayStation 3, PlayStation 4, Xbox 360, Xbox One platforms. After the events of the first part of the world Thedas plunges into the abyss of internecine wars and political intrigues. In addition, unusual rifts open up in different parts of the world, allowing demons to enter Thedas. The protagonist receives a mark and after closing several faults in Temple of Sacred Ashes receives the leadership of the Inquisition to eradicate the resulting chaos.

Evil eyes and evil hearts

The Inquisitor receives information - Corypheus is trying to make an attempt on the life of Empress Selina. As soon as the main character gets to the ball, he needs to get the influence of the aristocracy so that the Inquisition is not removed from the ball.

Coming through Lobby and we get into Ballroom, The Inquisitor is formally presented to the Empress Seline. We rise to the second level of the hall and talk with Leliana. The scout reports that there is a apostate mage, since Selina is fond of the occult.

We move to the guest wing and on the balcony we find notes about the people who visited human room. Further, in the garden you can meet three women who convey the message of the empress, Selina is ready to make an alliance if Gaspar disappear from the political arena.

In the garden we go up to big library, then we pull one of the books and penetrate into the secret shelter of the adviser on the occult. We collect information and return to the ballroom (there is also a figurine of a gala and scandalous notes on the upper level).

The main character will meet Morrigan, which reports on the killed infiltrator. The Occult Counselor passes to the Herald key, we go down to the maid's room and go to a new location.

We fight in the gardens Venatori and move to the noble chambers. The inquisitor must find jester(It is he who is the next scout). After eliminating the threat, we return to the ballroom and dance with Florianna.

After that, we talk with our associates and go to the Imperial wing. We find the agent we set up Briala. We continue to examine the wing and find active gap, Florianna confesses his intentions to kill Selina and returns to the ball. The main character needs to suppress the resistance of the enemy and eliminate the shadow portal.

Now the Inquisitor needs to decide who exactly to support in this political situation - Duke Gaspard, Empress Selina or Briala. However, before that, the main character will have to eliminate Florianna, who will attempt to kill the Empress.

This article is part of the Dragon Age: Inquisition walkthrough series.

Keywords: dragon age inquisition, inquisition, herald, mark, rifts, cassandra pentagast, solas, varrik, leliana, evil eyes and evil hearts, selina, briala, gaspar, florianna, morrigan

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Selina, Empress of Orlais is one of the key characters in Dragon Age Inquisition. A civil war broke out in the country, the nobility squabbled among themselves, and, as always, ordinary people suffer.

"When Grand Duke Gaspard attacked Empress Selina d'Orlesian in an attempt to seize the throne, we first thought that the country's trade would suffer. ", defeated the troops of the Empress and cut her off from Val Royeaux. She, however, managed to escape to the capital (how exactly - there are already a hundred assumptions). Then we began to close the family shops, expecting from Gaspard a bloody campaign through the Middle Lands and to the north - to cities loyal to Selina.

People, however, were surprisingly accommodating. We made good money on hides and silver in Val Royeaux when Gaspard seized south Orlais and cut off the flow of goods from Ferelden. The nobility in Montfort and Val Chevin bought violets with might and main, as if they were some kind of charms from the creatures of darkness. Apparently, Selina announced that wearing purple flowers on her clothes is a way to show devotion to her.

In Ferelden, in such a situation, every second city would burn, and in Orlais, aristocrats joke and do not blow their mustaches. The merchants trade calmly while the armies of Gaspard and Selina face off in the Dales. Only the peasants really suffer - as, alas, in any war in any region.

Add guards for the next batch, but save the lyrium for Ferelden. Things are going well for the family as it is."

From a letter from Dwarf merchant Dernal Harrick to relatives in Ostwick

Concept art:
Coat of arms of Orlais and, in fact, Selina herself

Corypheus plans an assassination attempt on the Empress Selina, which will likely throw Orlais into chaos. To prevent the worst, you will need to intervene in the political game. Cousin of the Empress Gaspar, invites you to the Winter Palace for negotiations over the civil war. To go there you need 30 influence points.

Gaspar suspects the ambassador of a conspiracy Brialou. After the conversation, the counter of the location of the imperial court is activated. Conversations with the nobility and good manners will help increase approval. If the counter drops to 0 you will be expelled. If by the end it is above 85, this will give you an additional ending option.

A noble person, not being a magician, will start with the approval of the court at a value of 40. The rest of the 40 will be taken away by 10.

In the courtyard, you will have the opportunity to complete three side tasks.

If you talk to the noblewoman who lost the ring and choose the middle answer, for this you will be given +5 favor of the court. If you return the loss, you will receive another +5 points. The ring has no special value, you can sell it later.

Climbing up the right stairs from the main entrance, you can take the figurine of the Gauls, this will activate the task Herd of stone galls. Statues can be used to open doors. For example, from the storage under the stairs. But keep in mind that you won't be able to open all the doors. There are 11 figurines in total.

On the opposite wing, you can try to start a conversation, and then eavesdrop on two nobles. To do this, you need to find a red circle, stand inside and activate it. All rumors then refer to Leliana. Go further to the stop, there you will find a key that opens another vault from below.

Entering the palace, you find yourself in the lobby. Take a look around or go straight to the ballroom. There you and your escorts will be formally presented to the court. When talking to Selina, choose the middle option for more favor.

Leliana will then want to speak to you in the lobby...

She has her own suspicions about who is trying to assassinate the Empress. To check them, you need to go to the palace library. The door is locked, so you have to look for another way. Enter the Hall of Heroes and overhear the conversation between the two elves. Follow further into the farthest corridor and exit to the balcony, using the search, select the Cylindrical Seal.

Follow the trail of blood and find an exit to a small garden with a fountain. There you will be greeted by three ladies-in-waiting of the Empress.

Activate the fountain to start the side quest to find coins money into the water.

To the left of the fountain, climb the grate to the balcony. As soon as you rise, the location will begin to gradually decrease.

First, run to the right and take the gall from the railing, then open the door on the opposite side. There you will find Gaspar's letter.

In the library, use the search key to find a book on the shelf on the left. A secret door will open. Do not rush to take the letter from the table. First, solve the riddle. Light a torch of curtain fire, then activate urns one through three, counting from the door to the library. Then use the same order on the other side and the cache will open.

As soon as you take the letter, the bell will ring. Wait for the second muster signal before entering the ballroom to gain +10 court disposition. If you hesitate and enter the hall after the third ring, it will take 20 points from you.

The order in which items are found does not affect anything.

On the way you will be intercepted by the adviser of the Empress Morrigan, which Leliana suspects. She wants to help you, fearing charges if Selina is murdered. Therefore, she will give you the key to the human room, taken from the Tevinter infiltrator she killed.

First, talk to Briala and Selina's ladies-in-waiting in the hall, and then go to the servants' room. As you enter there, you will find yourself there with the whole group. Don't forget to equip.

As you jump down, you will find the corpse of one of the ambassadors and the Venatori will attack you. Explore the noble quarters. On the second floor, behind the door that opens with three figurines, you will find a Power Amulet for Vivien and elven medallion- opens another option to complete the task.

There is a large group of Venatori in one of the corridors. After the massacre, the Harlequin Jester tries to hide, but Briala suddenly appears and kills him. After talking with her, it's time to return.

On the way, visit the Trophy Hall. Send the guards to Cullen.

As soon as you enter the ballroom, Duchess Frorianna offer you a dance. During the dance, she will ask questions. Answers can greatly raise or greatly damage your reputation.

During the dance, Florian blames Gaspar for everything, and makes an appointment for you.

After that, your love interest will approach you. You can dance with her or with him, this will also be approved by high society. Otherwise, Josephine will approach you.

Leliana offers to turn Selina's murder in favor of the Inquisition. But whatever you decide, now you need to find blackmail materials in the Imperial Wing.

To influence Selina, you first need to open the door of her chambers with the help of five galls. There you will find a naked soldier tied to a bed, he can be called to testify against the empress.

In the next room, the harlequin tries to kill the elf maid. For her salvation, she is ready to testify against Briala.

In the courtyard, Florianna ambushed your group, and having betrayed her collusion with Corypheus, she escapes.

After you close the gap, talk to the mercenary. He'll testify against Gaspar if you need it.

Now you have all three proofs against pretenders to the throne.

In the hall, Cullen will ask you what to do with Florianna. If you have more than 85 court disposition, expose it in public, it will help to avoid a fight. In other cases, you will have to fight with her in the yard (shoots from a bow).

The next step is to decide who will rule. If Selina rules, then Gaspard will be executed or exiled. If you previously found the elven medallion and showed Brialla, she will become a Marchioness under Seline. Gaspard can be forced to cooperate with Briala or allowed to rule alone, but for this, Celina's murder must be allowed.

If you want to delve deeper into what is happening at the imperial court of Orlais, read the novel "Empire of Masks".

Upon returning to Skyhold, Mother Giselle and a church representative will report that Cassandra and Leliana, as the dead Justinia's closest associates, are required to claim the title of High Priestess.

Next task:

A very small quest. Given automatically by talking to your advisors and Varric after you arrive at Skyhold. To complete it, you must find Varric on the ramparts and talk to his "old friend" and also talk to Josephine.

Evil Eyes and Evil Hearts

This quest is given to you automatically after completing the quest From the Ashes. From the documents found in the Templars' Stronghold (or from the bizarre adventure at Redcliffe Castle, depending on which path you chose earlier), you learned that Corypheus, for some reason, wants to eliminate Empress Selina. Since what Corypheus desires cannot in any way be beneficial to you, you need to interfere with his plans.

In order to activate this quest, you need influence 30. The recommended level of completion is 12 - 15. Small details will differ depending on which followers you invite with you, but in general it does not matter much.

After arriving at the place and talking with Duke Gaspar, you will see a new bar in the upper right corner of the screen. It will show the approval of the imperial court. Court approval is important for two reasons - firstly, if it falls too low (0), you will be kicked out of the palace and the quest will fail, and secondly, high approval (85 and above) will give you an additional option to complete this quest at the end.

A human (non-mage) Inquisitor starts with the highest court approval of 40. The rest of the Inquisitors will have to work a little longer, but don't worry, there will be more than enough ways to gain court approval. (As a rule, the second answer options in conversations bring the most approval from others, since excessive politeness, just like excessive straightforwardness, is not held in high esteem by the courtiers of Orlais, they prefer cunning and wit.)

In the courtyard of the palace where you start the quest, there is a confused lady. She will tell you that she has lost a very important ring for her. You can immediately get five court approval points if you select the second answer option when talking to her. The ring lies by the fountain near this lady - you need to use the search function to find it. Returning the ring will earn you another +5 court approval points. Alternatively, you can keep the ring for yourself if you like - but it's just a piece for sale, nothing special about it. If you first find the ring and only then talk to the lady, you will lose the opportunity to get those 5 points that are given in the first conversation with her.

A small mini-quest "Open the East Vault" will automatically appear for you when you get close to the door to this vault. To do this, you will need a figurine of a Gauls. You can find one of these figurines on the second floor above the vault - go up the stairs and activate the search function. There are many doors in the palace that open in this way, but there are far fewer statuettes of Gauls. You will have to choose which doors you prefer to open, as there are not enough gall statuettes for everything.

You will also get the subquest "The Herd of the Stone Gauls", to complete which you need to find 10 figurines.

On the other side is another vault that opens with a regular key. You can find the key on the balcony to the left of the gate if you use the search function. Both vaults have nothing to do with the main quests, they just give you extra loot. On the way there, you can overhear some secrets of the courtiers. Eavesdropping is something you will often have to do at the ball - it gives you experience, influence, and sometimes (not always) secrets that you can tell Leliana. She, in turn, will use them to raise the approval of the court. A good place to eavesdrop is usually marked with a red circle - you need to go into it and activate it. After completing each stage of this quest, you can find even more courtiers to talk to, places to eavesdrop on, etc.

You will not be able to go back to the courtyard after you proceed to the lobby.

Once you're done with the chores in the yard, move on.

Explore the lobby, eavesdrop on conversations, and when you're done, talk to Duke Gaspard. Then watch the video of your official introduction to the audience. It will also be your first chance to see Empress Selina. Don't rush to follow Gaspard towards the Empress if you want to hear the introduction to the court of your companions (some of them are quite funny).

Go around the ballroom gathering information. Most of your companions will be in the same place. You can get court approval in a conversation with Josephine's sister if you choose the second option when she asks about your adventures. If you have taken Serah with you, then she will give you the Red Jennie Secrets mini-quest if you ask her if her friends have any information for you. Caches are marked on the map (there are three in total) and you will receive Sera's approval every time you open them. If you brought your LI with you, don't forget to ask him/her to dance. (Don't be upset when you hear the answer - after all, the evening is just beginning.)

After you have talked to everyone and explored everything that is currently available in the ballroom, go back to the lobby. There, Leliana will automatically speak to you, who has her own suspicions about who exactly might be plotting against the Empress. In order to check Leliana's tip, you need to go to the palace library. The doors to the library from the territory you have access to are locked, so you will have to look for an alternative way to get there.

Go through the door leading to the Guest Wing and continue through the Hall of Heroes, in the next room go through the west door. The corridor in which you find yourself opens onto a garden. If you look carefully in the garden, you will find a trellis there that you can climb up.

Take your time, first talk to the guests of the ball, eavesdrop on a few secrets. When you're ready, climb up the grate. You will see a warning that your long absence will reduce the approval of the court. This is true, so look at your line of approval from time to time. Approval will immediately stop falling if you return to the zone with the courtiers. If you open the door in the library that opens onto the lobby and was previously locked, you will get a shorter exit to the "safe" area.
On the balcony, you'll find a door that requires a Galla figurine to open. If you haven't found one yet, then run along the balcony - you will find it on the railing. Enter and take the Duke's letter. Then go to the library.

In the library, activate the search function and you will find a lever book. Activate it and you will be able to go to the secret room. Search her, but don't touch the letter on the table yet. If you read it, it will start the timer for you to return to the ballroom and you will have less time to solve the riddle.

On the wall is a torch with curtain fire. Take it and return to the room with six urns of Orlesian emperors. If you light the urns in the correct order, you will open a secret staircase leading to the basement with loot.

The correct order of lighting the urns, assuming that you are standing on the threshold of the room where you lit the curtain fire, when leaving it:

Last on the left - second on the left - first on the left - last on the right - second on the right - first on the right.

If you lit the urn in the correct order, it will flash blue, if you lit it incorrectly, it will flash red.

After that, take the letter, and you will immediately hear the bell ringing. The bell will ring three times. You can get court approval if you are there after the second chime (a slight delay here is a sign of good manners), but if you delay and the third chime sounds, court approval will drop because you are too late. If you hurry and arrive at the place after the first strike, you will not receive any approval.

Note: the timer starts after you find both documents - a letter outside the door with a gall and a letter in the library. If you haven't taken the first letter yet, the bell won't ring.
In any case, when you take both necessary letters, run back.

On the way, you can stop by two nobles talking in the garden and express your opinion on whether the actions of magicians or templars should be held back. This will only be possible if you overheard them while standing on the balcony above them. This will give you an additional agent of the Inquisition.

When you reach the door to the ballroom, you will be introduced to the Empress' occult adviser that Leliana told you about. If you have played previous YES games, you will easily recognize this lady. During the conversation, she will give you the key to the human room, where you have to go to complete the next stage of the quest. The entrance to the servants' quarters is in the Hall of Heroes. When you go through the door, you will find yourself with your group. Be sure to check their equipment, as they are all dressed up in formal suits and do not have weapons (or rather, the game will give them weapons by default, which are many times worse than any of your equipment). As you might guess, the exploration of this territory will not be 100% peaceful...

Court approval will drop while you complete this part of the quest, but not as quickly as in the library.

Make your way through the rooms while listening to your teammates comment on what you see here. Follow the garden, where a fight awaits you. After finishing, inspect the body and draw conclusions from what you find. After that, follow the escaped Harlequin Jester - blood trails and corpses are great indicators of his path even without the quest arrow. You need to go to the second floor (fighting off several groups of opponents along the way). When you finally reach your goal, you will be greeted by one of the main protagonists of the ongoing turmoil in Orlais - the elf Briala. She will tell you her own version of what is happening. After talking with her, return to the palace.

On the way, you can talk to the guards standing at the trophy room. If you send them to Cullen, you will receive +20 court approval points, and at the same time access to a previously closed room in order to find a couple of documents about Duke Gaspard's plans, loot and one Galla figurine there.

In the ballroom you will be met by the hostess of the ball - Duchess Florianna. Agree to dance and talk to her. As in many other cases, the second choice of answers earns you the approval of the court - a successful dance with the duchess can raise this approval very high. The Duchess will tell you her version of events.

After the dance, your advisers will approach you and you will have the opportunity to discuss with them a plan for further action. Each of the comrades-in-arms has his own opinion on who exactly the Inquisition should support, Josephine prefers to leave Selina on the throne, Kallen votes for Gaspard as the most legitimate contender for the throne, and Leliana would like to nominally put Gaspard at the head of state, but with Briala behind him as "gray cardinal".

You don't have to make a decision right now. You can answer whatever you think.

The next stage of the quest is the final one and is the point of no return. If you want to explore the palace a little more, find more information, talk with others, raise the approval of the court and other little things - do it now, before you go to the royal chambers.

When you are finally ready for the final step of this quest, go to the quest mark in the royal apartments. (The approval of the court at this stage of the quest will decrease, but very slowly.) After a while, you will hear screams - go to Florianna's room and save the elf servant. She will tell you interesting facts about Brial and will be ready to confirm them publicly if you need it. Send her to Cullen and move on.
From behind the door to the private quarters of the Empress nearby, screams are also heard. To open this door, you need 5 statuettes of Gauls. If you do not get into the chambers of the Empress, you will not be able to conclude a truce between her, Gaspard and Briala. If this is the outcome you do not need, then you do not need to go there.

If you want to achieve a truce and you have 5 figurines of Gauls in your hands, go to the chambers of the empress. You will find someone there who will give you the opportunity to blackmail Selina.

Enter the door at the quest marker, behind which angry screams are heard, and watch a cutscene in which you will finally understand who exactly is behind the assassination attempts on the empress. After the cutscene, join the battle, deal with opponents and close the Rift. After that, you will get the opportunity to talk with a certain gentleman who will tell you his story of an agreement with Duke Gaspar. He will be ready to confirm it publicly if you need it. Thus, at the moment you should have three pieces of evidence in your hands with which you can put pressure on all three sides of the conflict - Gaspard, Briala and Selina. Although, depending on which interchange you prefer, you may not necessarily need all of them.

Go back to the ballroom to complete your quest. There you have to make a decision - let the conspirators complete their plan and intervene later, or stop them right away. If you want to keep Selina on the throne, you should intervene without waiting for the denouement, if you prefer Gaspard or Briala, wait.

If you decide to intervene right away and the court's approval is currently 85 or higher, you will have a chance to resolve everything without the slightest bloodshed. Tell your advisors that you want to speak to the leader of the conspiracy first, and loudly accuse the individual of treason in front of the entire court. After that, decide what to do with it.

If the approval of the court is not high enough, you yourself prefer battle to talk, or you decide to wait until the conspirators carry out their plans, you have to follow them into the courtyard and give them a fight there, including the boss. The boss is not that strong compared to the previous ones, but likes to teleport around, which makes it difficult for melee characters to fight. Ranged characters shouldn't have much of a problem.

In the subsequent conversation between Selina, Gaspard and Briala (or only Gaspard and Briala, depending on your choice), you will have to decide on the leader of Orlais. You have several possible options:

1. Selina remains empress. Gaspar is sentenced to death or exiled (if you ask him for mercy).

2. Gaspar becomes emperor.

3. Gaspar becomes emperor, but Briala co-rules with him in secret (you need to have evidence against Gaspar for him to agree to this).

4. Selina and Briala reconcile. Gaspar is sentenced to death. For this option, you need to find an elven medallion in a room in the human wing. You will need three statues of Gauls to open the door to this room. Talk to Briala about the locket (she will be on the garden balcony after you meet her for the first time), insisting that if Selina kept it, she still has feelings for Briala. Then talk to the three ladies-in-waiting of the Empress about the found medallion, and after that she herself will appear. Talk to her, ask if she still loves Briala.

In the last conversation with the Empress, after you deal with the plot, say that Briala helped you in the investigation and that she deserves a reward. In this case, Selina and Briala will reconcile. If you try to reconcile them without finding a medallion and preliminary conversations, then Selina will forgive Briala, but sentence her to exile.

5. You reconcile all three warring parties. It is only possible if you have evidence in your hands to blackmail all three, that is, you discovered the elf servant, the leader of the mercenaries and the soldier Gasper and convinced all three to testify publicly.

After you decide the further course of Orlais, and then talked with the imperial adviser, you will finally be given a few minutes to rest. If your LI was/was among those present at the ball, then you will get a very pleasant little scene on the balcony.

Other information:

You can get a total of 30 blackmail evidence that will raise your influence with the court when you report it to Leliana. You find clues by eavesdropping on conversations, finding secret documents, and sometimes even by simply engaging in conversation with courtiers.

There are 15 caprice coins scattered around the palace - if you played the Assassin's Mark DLC in DA 2, you may remember these coins. Each time you toss such a coin into the fountain, you will receive +1 court approval point.

You can invite the Widow to the dance if your Inquisitor has the Knowledge of Nobility perk. She will not dance with you, but in the future this will open up a new mission for you on your military operations table.

Several "whispering elves" servants roam the palace. If you click on them, they will usually grunt something unfriendly and move away a bit, but after that you can find a place nearby to eavesdrop on them. Following the overheard information, you can conclude that something is wrong in the human. (Although if you follow the main quest, you'll find it anyway.)
If your Inquisitor is an elf, then the servants will be much friendlier and will tell you what's bothering them - you won't even need to eavesdrop on anything.
