A conspiracy for peace in the family on the picture. Conspiracies for peace and harmony in the family

Conspiracies for peace and tranquility in the family.

Home and family are hope and support for each of us. But there are times when this support collapses, and hope is replaced by despair. And when all the "traditional" ways to return a beloved man or girl do not lead to the desired result, love magic. Thanks to her, you can establish relationships with loved ones and return peace and prosperity under the roof of your home.

Conspiracies for love are able to return harmony and mutual understanding to the family.

To restore peace in the family.

To restore peace in the family, a woman must speak on water, give her husband a drink and wash herself:

"FROM Good morning, Ulyana water, Tatiana land. Give me, God's servant such and such, water from a family trouble. The water is clear, life is sweet. Servant of God (husband's name) to be with me, with God's servant(wife's name). Amen. Amen. Amen".

To settle a quarrel.

If there was an ordinary marital quarrel, after which painful pride does not allow both to make peace for too long, then one of the older family members should help. Read short plot for food or drink and treat those who quarreled. These are the words:

As Eve walked for Adam, so you, the servant of God (name of the wife), go for the servant of God (name of the husband). So that they lived together for a century, shared bread and bed, did not lag behind each other, did not know peace without each other. Where the servant of God (wife's name), there is the servant of God (husband's name). Amen.

Conspiracy to rest in the house.

Buy three candles in the church, put two candles to the Savior, bring one to your house. After returning from church, do not wash, do not eat, do not drink. At 12 o'clock at night, light a candle and place it in the middle of the table. There is a loaf of bread on the table. Read the slander 40 times, eat a piece of this roll, drink it with raw water, and cover the bread with a new towel and leave it until the morning. Feed your family with this breakfast bread. You can't talk to your family about this. From this bread, not a crumb is thrown away to cattle, crumbs are not thrown to birds, they are protected from neighbors (if they are settled), this bread is also not given on loan.

How does this candle melt?
How does this candle melt?
so in my life all evil disappears
and brings peace to the family.
And how will we eat this bread, chew it,

Blessed is the candle from the temple,
bless with bread from God.
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit Amen.

Conspiracy for love in the family.

To slander the fish and feed the husband and wife.

Where did you hear the voice of the sturgeon? The fish does not speak, does not bite, does not scream, does not eat. Saint Peter answers: The fish does not cry, the fish, Paul, is silent. So in the family of the slave (name) they would not shout in anger, but they would love and put up for every year and for every hour, and for half an hour, and for a minute, and forever and ever. Amen.

With frequent quarrels and scandals.

This rite is used in the most difficult cases: when quarrels and scandals, discord and mutual hostility have become so frequent and habitual in your house that they may well be called a way of life. The same rite removes the family curse, which may well be the root cause of discord.

Buy 12 candles and wait for a clear evening. The time of year and the phase of the moon do not play a role. The only thing that is important: the sky should not be overcast, and the stars should shine in the sky. Light all the candles right after midnight, placing them around the house, and read the following spell (it is better if the eldest in the family reads):

Get away, devil, from the temple and from this house, from the doors and from all four corners.

There is no you, the devil, no part, no participation, place and peace.

Here is the cross of the Lord, Mother of Christ Holy Mother of God, St. Peter, the holy evangelists: John, Luke, Mark, Matthew, the holy archangel Michael, Gabriel, Raphael, Uriel, Quenched, Ehudiel, Barahail.

The powers of heaven rejoice, here are the holy Cherubim and Seraphim, St. Michael is now all over the universe, St. Peter holds the shelves on them, holding a club, here is the Nativity of the Forerunner, here you, devil, there is no honor, part and participation, there is no place and rest.

Do not, devil, do dirty tricks to this place, house and man, cattle and all the servants of God. Run away from here to hell, there is shelter for you, and there you will find yourself.

My word is strong as a stone. Amen.


love will be reborn in the family,
spouses will live soul to soul
and children will stand up for each other.
saves the family from the evil eye of all envious people, from the intrigues of rivals, lies, insults, beatings.

The Holy Martyrs Guriy, Samon and Aviv patronize good relations between husband and wife, between all relatives.


4 icons: "Holy Trinity", the Most Holy Mother of God of Kazan, Guardian Angel, Saints Guri, Samon and Aviv.
4 candles in candlesticks
black prayer cloth
crystal water vase
loaf of bread
bread knife
a piece of chalk
white linen tablecloth


We put icons with a cross on a table covered with a tablecloth, in front of each icon there is a candle.
In the center we put all the objects of the rite.
But the floor is covered with a prayer linen.
We light candles and make 4 bows with the sign of the cross to all parts of the world
read the prayer code


1. Prayer appeal:

God help me!
Lord Almighty, come to my aid, help extinguish quarrels and scandals, give peace to the family and Your blessing.
Mother Mother of God Most Holy Theotokos, come to my aid, help extinguish quarrels and scandals, give peace to my family, love and understanding.
Michael the Archangel, come to my aid, help extinguish quarrels and scandals, give peace to my family, love and understanding.
Saints Guriy, Samon and Aviv, come to my aid, help extinguish quarrels and scandals, give peace to my family, love and understanding.

2. The Lord's Prayer "Our Father" - read 4 times

3. Prayer to the Holy Spirit - 4 times

Heavenly King, Comforter, Soul of Truth,
Who is everywhere and fulfills everything,
Treasure of the good and life to the Giver,come and dwell in us,and cleanse us from all filthiness,and save, O Blessed One, our souls.

4. Prayer "Mercy of the Door" - 4 times
Open the doors of Mercy to us, Blessed Mother of God, who hope in You, let us not perish,but let us be delivered from troubles by You, for You are the salvation of the Christian race.
Rejoice, One Most Pure Mother of the One Creator, Lord, God and our Savior, Jesus Christ!
Be my Intercessor on the day of the terrible trial, when I stand before the Throne of the Unfeigned Judge,as if I would be delivered from the fiery torment of torment by your prayers,
One Blessed Most Holy Theotokos, save us!

5. Prayer to the martyrs and confessors Guriy, Samon and Aviv - 4 times

Oh, glorification of the martyr Guria, Samona and Aviva!
To you, like ambulances and warm prayer books, we, weak and unworthy, resort, earnestly praying:
do not despise us, falling into many iniquities and sinning all the days and hours;
guide the erring on the right path, heal those who suffer and mourn;
keep us in a blameless and chaste life; and as of old, so now the patrons of matrimony abide,
in love and like-mindedness, this is affirming and delivering from all evil and disastrous circumstances.
Protect, O powerful confessors, all Orthodox Christians from adversity, evil people and wiles of demons;
protect me from accidental death, imploring the All-good Lord, may he give great and rich mercy to us, His humble servant.
Nesmy more worthy with unclean lips to call on the magnificent name of our Creator, if not you, holy martyrs, will intercede for us;
for this sake we resort to you and ask for your intercession before the Lord about us.
So wait, deliver us from famine, flood, fire, sword, invasion of foreigners, internecine warfare, deadly ulcers and every soul-destroying situation.
Hey, passion-bearers of Christ, arrange for us with your prayers all that is good and useful, yes, a pious temporary life has passed and the death has not been shamefully acquired, we will be honored with your warm intercession with all the saints at the right hand of the Just Judge of God, and glorify Him unceasingly with the Father and the Holy Spirit forever.

6. A conspiracy for peace in the family.

God help me!
I will get up, praying, I, the servant of God (name), will go, crossing myself, I will reach the Holy City of Jerusalem. In that city lives the holy family, the Mother of God, Esif the Betrothed, the Holy Child Jesus Christ, all the saints and kings, prophets and princes, kings and monks.
I will ask the Mother of God, Esif and the Servant Jesus. You lived on the land of sin, you walked on the holy land of Jerusalem, there was peace and harmony in your family, there was peace and humility in your family, there was understanding and attention in your family.
Mother of God, cover my family with your unbearable Veil. Yesif, give my family protection and peace, extinguish quarrels, return peace to the family.
The lad Jesus was in the temple, the lad Jesus knew the word of God, he honored the word. Child Jesus, enter the soul and body of my children, the youths of God (names).
I call all the saints to help, princes and kings, prophets, and boyars, and kings. Come to the aid of my family, give her peace and quiet, protection and love.
Michael the Archangel with a fiery sword cuts quarrels and rubbish, cuts envy and the evil eye. In my family there is peace and love, attention and understanding.
Amen. Amen. Amen.

7. Take the knife in your hands with the tip up and read the Plot on the knife.

Like a knife is sharp, but it can be dull,so the word sharply did not reach the heart.
The heart did not hurt, the eyes did not burn.
The word of quarrel, the word of envy,the word of hatred, the word of rubbish and all sorts of rubbishI cut with a sharp knife, I won’t let you through the threshold, I will return peace to the house.
Amen. Amen. Amen.

8. Conspiracy for salt and bread.

Put the knife on the table, pick up bread and salt and read the plot:
I stand on the threshold, I will close my door.
I will close the door with seven keys,
I will close the door with seven locks.
I will close the souls of God's servants (names)
from litter and quarrels, from burning tears,
from sharp words, from a sharp tongue,
from the work of the witch.
Salt with love fell on the soul,
Salt bread - I will return the world.
Amen. Amen. Amen.

9. Conspiracy on chalk.

Put the bread and salt on the table. Take a piece of chalk, and fold your palms in a boat, holding the chalk inside. Read the conspiracy.
Guriy, Aviv and Samon are coming,
my happiness is with me
I read a prayer
I glorify all the saints.
Chalk to the envious in the eye,
chalk to the envious in words,
chalk to the envious forgery.
Three times with chalk I lead, I will remove the quarrel.
I close the doors to the house with the holy cross,
I send quarrels to an accomplice.
Amen. Amen. Amen.

10. Conspiracy for water.

Put the chalk on the table. Read the plot for water.
As without water people cannot neither in the heat nor in the cold,
so my family cannot live without peace and harmony.
Without each other, without love and luck, without family happiness.
Yerdan water is protecting my house,
on the defense of my house Jerusalem land,
on the protection of my house a thunderous arrow.
Amen. Amen. Amen.

11. See as the candles burn out, think about new relationships in your family. When the candles burn out, read the Prayer of Thanksgiving.

Holy Beginningless and Life-Giving Trinity God the Father, God the Son, God the Holy Spirit! I thank You, Holy Trinity, for hearing my prayer and always coming to my aid.
Mother Intercessor Most Holy Theotokos, I thank You for Your help to me, the servant of God (name).
Michael the Archangel, Guardian Angel, saint (name), thank you for hearing my prayer and always come to my aid.
Glory to Thee, God! Glory to Thee, God! Glory to Thee, God!
Amen. Amen. Amen.


Salt the bread with salt and give it to all family members. All hexed bread and all hexed salt you must use within 3 days.

The spoken knife should be in your possession at all times. Just never leave a knife on the table idle, especially with the blade up. Remember that this can lead to major scandals and quarrels.

Use chalk to mark the lintels (the top bar above the door) of all the doors in your house.

With spoken water you can:

wash your face
drink on an empty stomach, add to tea, coffee, food with the words: "Lord, have mercy!"
use when washing, adding a little to the main water
Sprinkle the beds of all family members with the spoken water. See how soundly and peacefully you will sleep!

In order for harmony and happiness to reign in the family, make a bouquet of the most ancient magical herbs and plants. Take 7 leaves bay leaf, 7 cloves of garlic, several branches of fresh clover and oak, ash leaves and rowan berries, you can also take rosemary and other herbs if desired. The main thing is to first find out the meaning of each of them. For good and sweet life newlyweds, on the night before the wedding, it is recommended that the mother of the bride put a mountain ash and a bay leaf in the shoes of the newlyweds. You can’t tear rowan without work, otherwise there will be misfortunes. You need to like the plucked branches. In the morning, remove the twigs and leaves left in the shoes and ask them for forgiveness. You should never lose your wedding ring, you don’t need to give it to anyone either. If you lose, divorce awaits you. And if someone tries it on, then the husband will change.

For well-being at home

If everything is not going well in your house, for example, money has stopped flowing or some other troubles have overcome, do so.
On the new moon, start the dough and knead the dough. Once the dough has risen, place it in the oven. Stand with your back to the stove in one skirt on your naked body. Raise the hem above your knees and say: As you raise bread, bake, so raise good in my house. Amen.
When the bread is ready, eat it yourself. It is impossible to give this bread to strangers!

For family love

Hex: Pavel asks Peter: “Where did you hear the voice of the sturgeon? The fish does not speak, does not bite, does not scream, does not eat up. Saint Peter answers: "The fish does not cry, the fish, Paul, is silent." So in the family of the servant of God (name) they would not shout in anger, but love and reconcile for every year and for every hour, and for half an hour, and for a minute, and forever and ever. Amen.
To slander the fish and feed the husband or wife.

A conspiracy from enmity between relatives of spouses

Angel to meet, the Lord is on the way, Mother of God, all my words bless. As the Holy Family honors and protects each other, so let none of my relatives utter a bad word. Lord, as the Holy Family is revered in heaven, so may my in-laws, sons-in-law, daughter-in-law, sister-in-law, brothers, sister love each other and me. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Now and forever and forever and ever. Amen. Read for food and drink at the hour when you are all gathered at one table. There will be no more quarrels.

To consent and peace in an unfriendly family

On the first day of the new moon, speak of honey water, and let all family members drink it. They say this: I lock on the servant of God (name) all blasphemy, all bad thoughts, courts, gossip, disputes and quarrels. I close them with seventy-seven locks, seventy-seven chains. Whoever is wiser than me will be exacted, whoever decides to break my conspiracy, he will not destroy it until he can drink all the water of the okiyana. The key to my words, the lock to my speeches. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Now and forever and forever and ever. Amen.

From enmity between relatives

Remove curses different ways. I give a conspiracy "From revenge and from a curse."
There is an earthen mansion in the earth-valley: without windows and curtains, without any doors, full of bones and all sorts of relics. She is guarded by a blueberry, not a woman and not a widow. She weaves, she knits. Whoever curses my family will punish himself. Just as a stone does not give birth to an egg, a cat does not give birth to a mare, a mare does not give birth to a pig, so revenge and a curse will not touch either me or my family. I speak with seven locks, I close with seven keys. The key is in the fish's mouth. Whoever promises me a coffin will take it for himself. Amen. Amen. Amen.

If everyone in the family hates each other

Plant carrots in the ground in reverse and say:
When the carrots change places, only then will my family quarrel.

Conspiracy for reconciliation with fierce enmity

It is pronounced three times and after each time they spit over the left shoulder: Bless, Lord, my words. Mother earth, water, the Sun and the Moon, all kinds of God's creatures, witnesses, holy associates, the righteous and warlocks, the Church of God, saints, baptists, archangels and angels, the army of all God's army. I beg you and ask you, God's army, there is no opposite to you, strong - stronger, powerful - more powerful, you will win the war (such and such). Pacify the warring, reconcile the haters, bless the world of reign. At the head of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, with Them the Queen Mother of God, followed by the Holy Fathers and John the Baptist, John the Conception of Christ, John Chrysostom, John the Faster. With Them all the power of Heaven is invincible and indestructible. I beg you, holy army, beat you, destroy enmity, war between (names). So that a century of enmity does not happen, does not arise and does not arrive. From now on and forever, forever and ever. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

They read for 12 candles in the morning and in the evening: Lord, bless. From the throne to the temple, to the very royal gates, an angel walked. Standing at the gate Mother of God and Michael the Archangel. The Mother of God holds a sword and a saber. He kills malice with a sword, cuts a quarrel with a saber. Put, Lord, the world in its place in the hearts of God's servants (names). Strengthen the world, peace, close the gates more tightly, and throw the key, Lord, into the swamp. Ae, Esm, Azhe, An, Abu Ali! Mother of God, bless. Lord Jesus Christ, command, command to live in the world and be in the world. Now and forever and forever and ever. Amen.

For peace between blood people

They read on the first star three times without stopping: I reprimand, dissuade with my teeth, lips, tongue, all evil, all famously: envy, resentment, bad thoughts from the blood of blood people, from a white brow, an angry heart, a pendent soul. I will bring out with my strong word, with my stucco deed, every discord and every arrogance. I’ll take it out into a clean field, into expanse, I’ll leave it there, sprinkle it with earth. Here you, discord, be, here you, anger, live, here you lie, do not torment the servants of God (names), do not lead into sin. Bless, first star, for peace and goodness. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Now and ever, forever and ever. Amen.

Conspiracy to reconcile relatives

Take water from three wells. If you live in a city, then you can go to the nearest village - there are probably wells there. Having collected water from three wells, drain it into one container, for example, into a bucket. After that, the water should immediately speak. This water should be drunk on a person for thirteen days in a row. You can give water in the form of tea, coffee, compote, jelly and so on, one mug every day.
A person who drinks this water will become much more accommodating and good-natured.
Water is spoken like this:
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. I speak three waters, You, the mercy of God, come, come down to this well water: beat it in, stir it up, splash it on the servant of God (name), send mercy on his head, on his white body. God bless my work. And you, unclean spirits, roll and scatter. The Lord casts out the devil, blesses the servant of God (name) with a good heart. Mother well water You are pure as a tear. You walk deep underground, you see far away. Have you seen the sleepy kingdom, the dead state? In that kingdom, the dead sleep, they do not see with their eyes, they do not speak with their lips, they do not wave their hands, they do not plow the land, they do not give birth to children, they do not cry, they do not swear, they do not bite anyone. So the servant of God (name) would not quarrel, would not eat up, would not throw himself at people in anger, would not wave his hands, would not threaten his lips. He would not be dashing, but quiet, like the quiet dead, their great-grandfathers and fathers. My word is strong, my work is sculpted. Key, lock, tongue. Amen. Amen. Amen.

With irreconcilable hostility

Read on strong wind, holding in his hands the icon of the Most Holy Theotokos "Seven Arrows".
First time, God's hour. Fly, wind, to Jerusalem, return home from the holy land. Extinguish with your spirit, with your strength, the anger of heretics, angry craftswomen, old and young women. Mother "Seven Arrows", shoot with your seven arrows any evil, any quarrel, Put an end to the ardent dispute, vestments, capes, collars, nets, keels, living graves, fakes, heart diseases, headaches, liver coli. So that they don’t torment each other: insomnia, sleeplessness, a cross, a whip, a grave nail. Reconcile the servants of God (names) from this day, from this hour, from your order. Cool them with Jordanian holy water. In the name of God Christ, come out, resentment, from the servants of God (names). Calm down, pacify, Mother "Seven-shooter". In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Now and forever and forever and ever. Amen.

If in the family they eat each other

Drop a cross from a burning candle into the water. The candle must be bought on Sunday, and the work will be done three days later. Brew tea with this water, having previously collected the wax.
Read on this water like this:
As the Devil is afraid of the Face of God, as he cannot rage in the church, as the Lord calmed the storm with a word, so my conspiracy to drive away anger: from the servant of God (such and such), from the servants of God (such and such). In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Archangel Michael, and with him Saint Gabriel. Stretch your bows, load your arrows. Where your holy arrows fly, there they will take the anger from the servants of God (names). In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

How to create peace in the family

Speak for tea, water and give her husband a drink: Mother of the Most Holy Theotokos, Nicholas the Wonderworker and Jesus Christ himself, I do not take water, but return life. So that such a pure life would be like the water of the servant of God (the name of the husband) with the servant of God (the name of the wife). In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

From quarrels with relatives

Oddly enough, but the most protracted quarrels are with relatives: here is the division of the inheritance, and other domestic conflicts. People do not communicate for several years and do not even come to the funeral. Perhaps each of the parties desires reconciliation in their souls, but does not know how to achieve it. If this happened to you, then on the third day of Easter, read the following conspiracy 12 times. And then the angels will turn the roads of the warring in such a way that their meeting will be inevitable, and reconciliation is inevitable. God help me. God bless. Happy Easter. Pure days. Joyful tears. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. John the Postor, John the Theologian, John the Baptist, John the Long-suffering, John the Headless, Archangel Michael, Archangel Gabriel, George the Victorious, Nicholas the Wonderworker, Barbara the Great Martyr, Faith, Hope, Love and their mother Sophia, pray for the common path of God's servants (names of the warring) . Calm their anger, tame their anger, appease their rage. With your holy army, invincible, indomitable power, lead them to agreement. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Now and forever and forever and ever. Amen.

Fix misfortune in the house

At home - trouble after trouble. Between spouses scandals.
In such cases, do this: let the one who turned to you for help bring you white poppy seeds (immature) and plucked four- and five-leaf clover. Let him sit in front of you with open palms, like a platform on which you will put a poppy and clover in a cross, and read aloud: Clover, clover, you are plucked in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, the purity of the holy Virgin. May you serve in the reconciliation of the servants of God (the names of the husband and wife). As the poppy lay down next to the clover, so the spouses can be together, lie next to each other. Amen.

They tie two branches of nearby growing bushes or trees and say:
As I tied you, so the servant of God (the name of the husband) and the servant of God (the name of the wife) are tied in front of the cross, anointed with oil. As the Sun looks in the water, the tree is reflected, so the husband and wife do not stop admiring each other, they will not look enough from now on and forever. Amen.

From family scandals

I'm not walking along the Sun, I'm not walking along the Moon, I'm walking along damp mother earth. Star and star do not scold, do not swear, the Moon and the Sun do not snap back. So in my family no one would scold or swear, would not snap at a single word. Be you, my words, strong, molding, stronger than damask steel, I will lay it harder. It's my business, converge, blind for now, for eternity and for infinity. Key. Lock. Language. Amen. Amen. Amen.

Speak enmity between people on an unmarked grave

Today I will teach you how you can speak enmity between people on an unmarked grave. First, they find the right grave, remove garbage from it. When they put the abandoned grave in order, a bundle with a commemoration is taken out from behind the bosom. The bundle should contain two eggs, two pancakes, two sweets. The healer bows to the grave and says: I came to your abandoned grave, I cleaned it, I brought you a memorial. Help me, God's servant (name). Bring together the servants of God (names) so that they do not argue, do not quarrel, they would not be dashing among themselves, but quiet, how quiet and peaceful this place is. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Now and forever and forever and ever. Amen.

For love and harmony in the family

If the husband is rude and you can’t please him with anything

On a small piece of paper, write a conspiracy:

"Holy martyrs and confessors, pray to God for the forgiveness and healing of the servant of God (husband's name).
From bad language. from a malicious disposition, from a violent will. from impatience, from insult,
from whining and lies, from arrogance and laziness, from a blasphemous demon.
Saints, pray to God for him every minute and every hour.

Sew a piece of paper with the words of the conspiracy into the seam of the pillow on which the husband sleeps, sprinkle with holy water and cross three times.

Go to church and bring two candles. On the waning moon in the evening, fold the candles in a cross and light them. In the photo of the brawler (he should be alone in the photo), drip candle wax and whisper 12 times;
"As wax pours from a candle in the Mother Church, so the soul
the servant of God (name) is not given to demonic evil.
How the throne stands in the church, does not stagger, does not cry,
does not swear, does not rush at people,
so you, servant of God (name), be quiet and calm.
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen."
Extinguish the candles with two fingers, hide the cinders, and put the photo in a clean envelope and put it between the pages of the Bible.

On a scandalous man

For three days in a row, go to church and put three candles at the icon of the Mother of God, and three candles at the icons that your heart tells you, for example, one candle for Nikolai the Pleasant, one for Jesus Christ and one for the Matrona of Moscow, or which icons will be at your discretion in the temple. Mentally ask for mercy from the face of the saint. And when you leave the temple, each time say three times:

"How I came out of my mother church,
so anger came out of the servant of God (name)
on the black breath, to the church doorstep
on a dusty road.
Amen. Amen. Amen."

Cross yourself three times and go home.

You also need to protect yourself, perhaps your husband is a vampire and feeds on your energy. Cut off a small piece of green woolen thread, put it in clean cold water and say seven times:

"I freeze every evil,
I stop every black message.
May it be so!"

Tie the charmed thread around your wrist.

To build a relationship between you, do this.
Set to cook kissel from any red berries, and when it is almost ready. read over it three times a conspiracy for peace and harmony in the family:

"I remember, the servant of God (your name), with jelly quarrels, offensive conversations.
Remember the Mother of God for the health of the servants of God (your name and the name of your husband).
Be my words strong, strong.
Key. lock. language. Amen. Amen. Amen."

The husband should drink the first cup of jelly, and then you. Boil jelly on an even day, but not on Wednesday and Friday, and the moon should be waning.

How to create peace in the family

Speak for tea, for water and let your husband drink:

Mother of the Most Holy Theotokos, Nicholas the Wonderworker and Jesus Christ himself, I do not take water, but I return life. So that such a pure life is like the water of a slave (husband's name) with a slave (wife's name). In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

For a spouse to miss home

Take your husband’s boots, hit them with the sole on the sole and read the following conspiracy three times in a row:

Wherever you've been

Everyone would grieve about their home.

Walking from me

And to me, to God's servant (name), run.

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.

So that the wife will always be sweet to her husband

When your husband is eating something meat, go up to him, kiss him on the right cheek and say to yourself:

How are you, servant of God (name),

Eat and drink with gusto

So you to me from this hour

You give all your love.

How do you like this food?

So I would be nice to you, God's servant (name).

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.

Now and forever and forever and ever.

A conspiracy to love a husband (for a gift)

AT even number(for example, on the 2nd, 4th, 6th, 8th, etc. of any month), if it falls on Tuesday, Thursday or Saturday, you can read a special conspiracy on the gift you just bought for your spouse that will save you from cheating on your husband. The words of the conspiracy are:

I will rise, God's servant (name), blessed,

Pray before the holy icon.

I look into mine bright window -

Outside, it's dark outside.

Oh you, month-brother, be my matchmaker,

Help me in my girlish business,

Bless a gift.

How will he take my present?

So let love come to him

To me, to God's servant (name).

So that he misses me fiercely,

Every hour and minute I yearned.

And be you, my words, indestructible

And invincible by no word

For all days, for all hours,

For years, for centuries, for all good times.

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.

Now and forever and forever and ever. Amen.

Conspiracies to protect the family for good relationships

There are conspiracies so that everyone in the family feels protected. Family is “seven I”, all people should be. And it happens that the unclean person mocks so much that his own people turn on their own. As if they are only looking for a reason to cling to. If you feel that something is not right, somehow the relationship is not going well, immediately make a conspiracy on the family for water and do as it is written. Do not start the situation, otherwise you will not be guilty of sin later.

To have peace and harmony in the family

On the growing moon, better every month, such a family conspiracy is needed for peace in the family. You need to read it early, while everyone is sleeping. Fill a cup of water consecrated in the church, stand at the window and say these words, looking at the water:

The sun has risen, the morning has come, God's world has woken up, everyone was surprised and rejoiced. May there be grace in the family of God's servants (names), and there will be no quarrels and strife here. My word is strong, stucco. As said, so be it. Amen.

After that, spray the entire kitchen, the threshold, and then, so that no one sees, all the windows in the apartment.

So that relatives do not get angry and do not argue with each other

If there is a nervous person in the family who constantly swears and quarrels with everyone, then you need to read such a conspiracy. The moon must be debilitated. Take the water consecrated in the church, pour it into a glass and, getting up early, go to the window with water in your hands and say this:

The river does not splash, the star does not shine, the moon does not sway, the servant of God (name) does not eat up. He does not grumble, does not shout, does not wave his hands. His soul rests, knows no malice. Sleep, sleep, in the doors, in the windows, in the walls, sleep quietly, there is no dashing and psycho. Amen. Amen. Amen.

And then take something from the clothes of that nervous person, it is better to soak what he sleeps in in that water and dry it. And then make sure that he puts on that thing for sure.

To calm the one who loses his temper

For this plot, water will be needed, taken from three houses, that is, families. They do this to the one who harasses the whole family with discord and screams. From this conspiracy, a person becomes calm. This should be done on a waning moon. In the evening, when it gets dark, go to that place in the house where no one will see and will not interfere, pour water into a half-liter jar and read the following words above it:

Thunder does not rumble in winter, and you, the heart of a servant of God (name), do not whine. Don't moan or scream. Is the fish silent? Silent. And you, servant of God (name), be silent. Settle down, anger, like sand in water. Be, servant of God (name), calm always and everywhere. Lord Jesus Christ, have mercy on him. Amen. Amen. Amen.

This water should be added to the patient in drinking, but not in alcohol. So nine nights in a row.

From the quarrels of the young

If young people often quarrel, then they can be helped. This family plot should be read by an older relative, the mother of one of the young. It is necessary to draw spring water on the growing moon or consecrated water in the church, pour it into a jar and early in the morning, at dawn, stand with that water at the window so that no one sees. Read words like this:

Just as a fish cannot live without water, so the servant of God (name) could not live without the servant of God (name). These words will enter their white chest and white body, and on a zealous heart. And they could not live without each other, and there would be no strength to separate them. As a dove cooes with a dove, so the servant of God (name) and the servant of God (name) would have lived the whole century, did not quarrel, but were friends. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

On the same day, add this water to the young people in a drink, so that both of them drink, and then be sure to sprinkle the bed where the young people sleep.

The fish in the sea are silent, do not swear, do not cling to each other with offensive words, even if my husband, the servant of God (name), would not swear, would not quarrel and would not cling to me. Be my words strong and sculpting from now on and forever. Amen.

Then spray clean towel, leave it overnight to dry, and in the morning give it to your husband so that he wipes himself with it when he begins to wash.

From quarrels of spouses

Have to take river sand a little, ignite it properly in a pan and running water pour into glass jar, can be from a tap. Do all this on a waning moon. Put a jar of water on the windowsill, put sand next to it and read these words:

Christ walked along the shore, along the seashore, under his feet the sand was light, the sea was clear, above him the sky was clear, there was not a cloud or a cloud on it. May our family life go on in peace, without strife and resentment. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

After that, throw a handful in a jar of sand right hand and leave the jar overnight. In the morning, when the husband leaves, spray the bed in the bedroom, all the corners and the threshold of the house.

From anger and discord in the family

If evil has settled in the family, then this is very bad, you need to fight it. There is from this the most strong conspiracy, but you can read it only once a year, the day after Palm Sunday. You need to take the water consecrated in the church, pour it into a jar. Get up early that day when everyone in the house is still asleep. Put that jar on the brightest window and read these words:

In a dark forest, in a dark chamber, the old man is sitting. He is wearing a black cap, a black belt and a black zipunische. Black boots on black legs. In the right black hand is a black sharp axe. He cuts, cuts down all evil thoughts: mournful, generic, superficial, internal, heart and brain, secret, evil eye. It cuts all over God's day, in the evening and morning dawn, in the middle of the day and in the evening. For every thought, for deed, for the devil's command, for his will. For a day, a day, a minute, a minute. And some evil was not named here, was not magnified, everything was hacked with a black ax. For now, for eternity, for eternity. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Then go around the whole house clockwise and sprinkle all the corners, windows, and last but not least, the threshold front door.

From marital jealousy

Arrows of fiery jealousy, love of desecration and ridicule do not stick into the ground, they break against people, they take out the soul, they break life, they torment the body. So those arrows would fly past on tall spruces, on a rotten swamp, in a dry forest, so that jealousy would be removed, as if by hand, from the servants of God (names). Amen.

On the same night, this water should be sprayed on the threshold of the front door and the threshold of the bedroom where the husband sleeps.

From marital stinginess

Previously, this conspiracy was done by women to whom the husband did not give money. And now it will suit another man, the time is such that people live differently today.

Let, as Mother Earth Cheese bestows every living creature, spares nothing, like the clear sun warms everyone around, so my husband, the servant of God (name), would not be stingy, would not regret for me, his wife, the servant of God (name ), nothing and never, everywhere and always. So my words will come true and come true. Amen.

Sprinkle the table at which the husband is having dinner with that water, and do not wipe it, let it dry itself. And pour the rest of the water into the ground in the yard.

Conspiracies in the family

So that the husband and wife do not quarrel, say three times: “Just as the Trinity does not quarrel within itself, so do not you quarrel. Amen!"

For any drink or any food that all family members will consume, read Our Father three times, and then the conspiracy itself:

“As here everything that is inseparable, so in life (names of all family members) we will all be inseparable. May it be so!" And cross your food or drink three times.

If relationships with loved ones do not work out in your house: you often quarrel, scandal, or money does not hold in your house, then buy three Bibles (three New Testaments are possible).

Give these books to people who do not believe in God (or doubt). Then the Holy Trinity will take care of your family.

On the growing moon, go to the church and buy three candles. Take two candles with you, and put one on the health of your spouse.

When leaving the temple, make a small donation for its needs and give sweets to all those who ask. At home, at midnight of this day, blow the candles together.

At the same time say:

“I twist the candles, I connect two destinies (the name of the husband and wife). For good, for love. Amen! Amen! Amen!"

Light the candles with new matches and say to them three times:

“I light candles, I connect hearts (names of husband and wife). May it be so! Amen! Amen! Amen!"

Wash yourself with spring water, mentally saying:

"As the last drops of water go, so do the last drops of my tears."

Take an old frying pan, heat it up and throw some church incense. Fumigate all corners of the room with this incense, going around the housing in a clockwise direction. And read the following plot:

“Like the night with the moon, like a star with a star, so am I with my family. As Christ loves his mother, so we would love each other, would not squabble, and would not beat each other. Frankincense, give me peace, peace and treasure. Amen! Amen! Amen!"

If you quarreled, then light a candle in the evening, when all the household members go to bed, and go around the whole house, reading "Our Father".

Every Thursday sweep the corners of the house with a broom, sweep the cobwebs. At the same time, mentally read "Our Father." After that, pour boiling water over the broom and shake it off the threshold with the words:

“Where it came from, it went there, it went to the owner!” Then wipe the dust with a damp cloth and throw it away at the crossroads, saying: “Everything bad has floated away, rotted away, floated away!”

Buy salt from nine merchants, mix in one container. This is done on a young moon, Thursday, before noon. After mixing the salt, read the plot itself:

“In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen! Amen! Amen! I will rise, the servant of God (my name), blessed! I'm going to cross myself! From door to door, from gate to gate, to the open field, under the east side. I will pray to the Lord our God and the Holy Archangels and angels Gabriel and Michael, six-winged seraphim. Evangelists Luke, Mark, John the Theologian and Matthew. As the demonic force is afraid of you and the heavenly arrows of your army are afraid, so let it be afraid, the servant of God (husband's name) will be afraid of my conspiracy-sentence. My word is strong and stucco! Amen! Amen! Amen!"

Food is salted with this salt until it runs out. Then, according to the same scheme, you can prepare a new slander salt.

As soon as the conflict begins, mentally read: “Lord, have mercy!” The conflict will gradually settle down.

If your family has too much contention, then use this slander:

“Scream and noise, go away from here, to the swamp water, to the house of the snake underground! You live there from now on and forever, there you have freedom and life! And we, the servants of God (the name of the spouse and our full name), wow, good life! May it be so! Amen!" Read this on the water, on the afternoon of Saturday. Wash the floor with this water and, pouring it into the latrine, say:

“As the month wanes, so my family troubles float away with this water! May it be so! Amen!" For the next three days, do not give anything from home and try not to take any treats from anyone.

This conspiracy is read into the water three times, but before it it is necessary to read the prayer "Our Father".

“Peace, salvation and grace to this house and to all who live in it. Sow, Lord, in this house the spirit of piety, the spirit of meekness and the spirit of humility. Drive out of him all the power of the devil and every enemy visible and invisible enemy.

Oh, pure Life-Giving Cross Lord, by the power of our Lord Jesus Christ crucified on you, strengthen me in the fight against all enemies, visible and invisible, carnal and spiritual observance and temptation. Amen".

Spoken water should be sprinkled in all corners of the house. Pour the rest of the water under the threshold.

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A conspiracy for peace in the family, love and harmony

It is absolutely not in vain that experts in various fields say that family well-being is achieved only by very hard, constant work. Here, as they say, all means are suitable.

At the same time, it is necessary to take into account: many different factors influence the family aura.

These are its members themselves, with their own characters and habits, hobbies and preferences.

And still outsiders intervene, trying to inspire their opinions and views.

All this makes up a kind of "garbage bin", which begins to rot and decompose the atmosphere.

If the rubbish is not removed, then you can wait for trouble. Magic, of course, will help prevent this.

It is very good that only “white” means are used to establish a family atmosphere.

They will clean out the superfluous and attract the good, restore the harmony of relationships, increase any little joy, laying it, like a brick, in the foundation of peace.

Conspiracy for peace in the family

Any rite can be performed by any member of the family.

In ancient times, such rituals were performed by an older woman. She had such a duty.

But now her role can be entrusted to someone who sincerely believes in magic, is interested in rituals, and tries to understand them.

And if there is no suitable person, then let anyone conduct it. The main thing is to do it with love, without excessive and, in this case, extremely harmful skepticism.

A conspiracy is read for food, which the family has gathered to feast on at a common table.

“Lord, forgive and encourage. Let the fret into the house. So that goodness flows like a river, leaving only peace, so that love sparkles with diamonds, so that it does not deteriorate under the eyes of others! Let family happiness sparkle, without time through generations! Amen!"

Conspiracy for peace in the family

If it seemed that there was tension in the house, then start ... cleaning.

This activity is a great occasion to throw the dirt out of the house and do magic.

  1. Go to the store and buy a new broom (even if you are used to vacuum cleaners).
  2. It is necessary to tie a bow of fiery color to it. And a simple broom will turn into a magical attribute.
  3. When you have finished washing the floors and wiping the furniture, then take your "magic tool" in your left hand.
  4. Walk with him around the house, pretending to be sweeping. This must be done from the windows to the doors. Wave your magic broom and say the words:
“I scatter fiery lava, drive away evil and pain. Not from the devil and Satan, but from the Lord and the Angel, who know good, who own love. I disperse evil and resentment so that they do not have views on the family. I remove the darkness in hell, the devil will be like a brother. I lure joy into the house, so that everything is fine in it! Amen!"

Finish, go out the door, shake your broom there to remove what is "stuck" and hoist it to the "place of honor."

Just keep in mind that the magic broom is not used for intended purpose. Only for rituals and ceremonies!

Conspiracy in the family

It would be nice if each family performed the following rite. People would live a completely different life! Joyful!

And so we pass on all sorts of troubles to each other, adding our own to other people's problems.

One can imagine this as if the people are passing a suitcase from house to house, putting old holey socks and other unnecessary junk in it. Such "good" does not disappear anywhere. Wandering from one family to another.

Imagine how the world would change if all these "suitcases" were burned at the same time! How much space would be freed up for good.

And you need to do so.

  1. Buy a talisman. It can be a vase or a beautiful figurine. A similar thing that everyone will like will not cause rejection or negativity.
  2. On the new moon, put this little thing under the open sky.
  3. Read the following words above it:
“Home is not a battlefield, but a good nest. The house is not a fiery desert, but a piece of warmth. Home is not a place to fight, but a haven of fate! It’s okay to be here, but there’s no need for grief! Amen!"

Now choose (preferably all together, with other members of your family) a place of honor for your amulet. Make sure it is clearly visible.

And yet, it is very useful to perform this ceremony together.

Then the energy of the ritual will be so strong that it will spread to the neighbors.

Try it, you will see for yourself!

Conspiracy to save the family

Getting married (starting to live together) is very simple. But to make coexistence truly beautiful, comfortable, convenient, desirable, is quite difficult.

There is no magic here. Moreover, it will help save strength, maintain health, nerves for sure.

And save happiness not for one person, but for a whole family! There is something to spend a few minutes on the ritual!

By the way, it is desirable to have it in the house. It in itself brings peace and harmony.

Well, if you remember the rite on the thirtieth of September, on their day. Then the ritual will gain special power. If you forget, then spend another day.

The Lord will surely hear your prayers.

The plot is read near this particular icon twice: in the morning and in the evening.

  1. Light a candle or lamp.
  2. Say these words:

“In the waters of the sea-okiyana, the raft fish splashes, does not find a place for itself, plays joyfully, knows no troubles. It’s bad for her if you pull her out onto land. Do not live a raft fish without clean waters. No wandering through the fields and meadows. So the enemy does not reign in my strong family, do not bring misfortune on him. Let his path lie by the side, so that later he does not show offense. The race is strong and strong, the Lord is blessed. And whoever wants to destroy it, the raftfish is waiting for him. The enemy will taste her flesh, he will not live a day, he will die in agony. Christ's name does not break my family. As fish scales lay down on the skin in rows, so we are destined to unite! Amen!"

And if you read this spell together, then no enemy is terrible.

The family is a support, a reliable fortress for any person. Close people will always listen, understand, support, help, forgive. It would seem that it should be so. However, not every person can boast of mutual understanding in the family. What to do if the relationship went wrong, if it’s impossible to find mutual language with loved ones? And if, in addition, you feel that the influence comes from outside, as if someone is conjuring, then take action.

Read defensive plot on the family, do not let the situation take its course. If you don't defend yourself, they will do whatever they want to you. And when you lose your family, it will be too late to fix something. So that such a disaster does not happen in your life, I offer several effective conspiracies in the family, whose family strength is from the envy and anger of others, from spirits - entities subtle world, and from your own imperfections.

On the growing moon, early in the morning, before dawn, while all the households are sleeping, read independent conspiracy for family love. Pour the water consecrated in the temple into a bowl, stand at the window and say, looking at the water: “The sun has risen, the morning has come, God's world has awakened, everyone was surprised, everyone rejoiced. May there be grace in the family, there will be no strife forever. My word is strong. As said, so be it. Amen". Sprinkle the threshold at the front door with charmed water, then the windows in the apartment or house, and then all the rooms. But it should be done so that no one sees.

A simple conspiracy for the well-being of the family and from quarrels of young spouses

If a young husband and wife often quarrel, then a strong family conspiracy can help in such a situation. It should be read by an older relative, for example, the mother of one of the spouses. On the growing moon, you need to collect spring water (water consecrated in the church is also suitable), and at dawn, holding a container of water in front of you, stand at the window. The magic formula is pronounced like this: “Just as a fish cannot live without water, so the servant of God (name) could not live without God’s servant (name). Let these words enter (name) and (name) into the body, fall on a zealous heart. And they could not live without each other, and there would be no strength to separate them. As a dove cooes with a dove, so the servant of God (name) and the servant of God (name) would have lived the whole century, did not quarrel, but were friends. Amen". The charmed water on the same day before sunset must be added to the young in a drink, and then sprinkled on their marriage bed.

Independent conspiracy for peace in the family from marital jealousy

You need to read on the waning moon, the most suitable day is Thursday. Wait for the sun to set and then pour running water into the bowl. Above this water you need to read good plot for a family. “Fiery arrows of jealousy, giving love to ridicule, to desecration, do not stick into the ground, but break on people, take out the soul, break life. So those arrows would fly past to a rotten swamp, into a dry forest, so that jealousy would be removed, like a hand, from the servants of God (names). In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen". After that, sprinkle the thresholds at the front door and at the matrimonial bedroom with this water.

A strong conspiracy on the family from discord between husband and wife

it white conspiracy- a talisman that protects against damage to discord in the family. You need to read once in the morning and once in the evening, standing at family icons"Faith Hope Love".

“In the sea, in the ocean there is a white fish ploitsa. As that fish is bad without water, so let it be bad for my enemy so that my family is strong and whole. Whoever eats that fish will not sleep for an hour, he will not live a day. In the name of Christ, no one will break my family. As the scales adhere to the fish from head to tail, so my family be strong and whole. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen". &one
