Sayings about female friendship are wise and short. ​Female Friendship Quotes

Statuses about the best friend with meaning will definitely come in handy for expressing your feelings to this person. The main thing is to find exactly those that are closest to you in spirit. short statuses about a girlfriend with meaning can move you to tears, because they contain the most pleasant, gentle and affectionate words that you can pick up to describe a truly strong friendship.

Statuses about the best friend with meaning

Beautiful statuses about the best friend with whom you are never bored. Affectionate, filled with meaning and tenderness statuses, will help to express a variety of emotions, are presented below.

When talking to your best friend, it's very hard to seem normal. Because, besides laughing endlessly at every word, We do nothing else.

There are never too many girlfriends, but there is a real one who never leaves you.

Best friends will never quarrel for life, and even if this happens, they will make up again after a while.

What is more important to you: boyfriend or best friend?
- If a friend is the best, then she will understand that he is loved.

I was normal. Honestly. Until I met this psycho who I call my best friend!

A sister cannot always become a friend, but a friend can always become a sister.

A friend is like a bra - always near the heart and supports.

Someone there has love, relationships ... but I have a cool friend

Your girlfriend forgot about you and got a boyfriend? Set the status to "Damn! I think I'm in love with my best friend's boyfriend...

Only with a real friend you can walk all day, say goodbye for half an hour, and then talk to her on your mobile all the way

Only a real friend can say to her face: "You piss me off." And at the same time, do not be afraid that she will be offended.

It happens that a sister does not become a best friend, but a friend, on the contrary, becomes a sister.

Even if I post a photo with my girlfriend, where we are sleepy, with a hangover, with a madhouse on our heads, there will still be unique people who will write in the comments: “You are so cute”

Five girlfriends gathered together, but there was nothing to talk about. Because everyone has gathered.

There is no such stupidity that my friend and I would not have thought of

I'm waiting for my friends for tea, I'm wiping glasses.

The best friend is the one who forgets about her problems, because she understands that yours are much more serious.

Only the closest and best friend will be able to come straight to your house, calmly open your refrigerator, take out a chocolate bar and, turning around, ask: “Will you?”

The best friend is a person who doesn’t even need to be told anything, she can see in her eyes what you’ve done, an idiot

A friend is the one who will always be with you in difficult times and, as always, in the most hilarious.

Are you the only crazy one?
- No, I still have a girlfriend.

The best friend is when you have such words, upon hearing which the two of you start laughing hysterically, and everyone else looks at you like you are an idiot.

If you call a girl, and she does not pick up the phone, then most likely she is just dancing to the bell with her friend.

Like it or not, life is not life without a best friend!

My friend is amazing. I tell her: "Let's take a taxi!!!". And she: "Let's bring champagne faster!"

Quotes about best friend to tears with meaning

Quotes and sayings with meaning from the life of best friends. Statuses about strong female friendship and mutual understanding. Please write words of gratitude to your best friend to tears.

We can only send girlfriends 100 times a day, laugh at their embarrassment, and they won’t be offended, but will say: “Yes, you go” and will laugh with you

Friendship is when you send your girlfriend on a date, and then you miss her all evening.

Girlfriend is a news service, liquor store, and mental health center

Your sister can be your best friend, who takes a lot of effort to get rid of.

I respect those men who: are faithful to the end of their spouse! He gives his whole soul to his family, he was not betrayed by another friend. Who today, as always, exalts the wife of all above, and who every day asks God for health for her beloved!

The loneliest woman in the world is the woman who doesn't have a close friend.

My girlfriend and I are so similar, one is sick, the other is shell-shocked.

In any case, in childhood, we all wanted to live in one big house with our best friend. Even though I still want to.

Two girlfriends of one friend will always find a common language.

How am I doing? For everyone: “normal”, for him: “best”. And only for the best friends: “Devkii, this is a pipets!”

When you feel bad, even your best friend will not help you like music!

Girlfriends are those people who know what a bastard you really are, but still be friends with you

They say the best friend is mom .. yeah, tell her right now. The second girlfriend Papa will already know everything in the morning.

You're my friend. You and I are friends. You're such a fool. Just like me.

It is not necessary to tell a man about your shortcomings, your girlfriends will gladly do it!

The best friend is the one in front of which you are not ashamed to appear without makeup.

Status about the friendship of friends with meaning in VK

Strong friendship is always filled with different events. It is the statuses about friendship with meaning that will help you reflect on your page all the emotions and feelings, all the joy that you experience from communicating with your close friends.

I will marry my friend! Already health is not enough to walk with her so much!

She is my best friend. She thinks I'm slim, and I think she's a natural blonde.

Thank you for having me, even if you yourself do not really want it! You are an amazing friend.

Get acquainted, this is my girlfriend, we are fools with her since childhood.

The most beautiful moment in my life I can call the one when I realized that I had a girlfriend, like-minded person.

Women's tears need a pillow for women's holidays - flowers, and I need a girlfriend as cool as you!

A girl can drink a bottle of whiskey, beat a man with her handbag and walk home alone along a dark street, but she will go to the toilet with her girlfriend.

That's what they are - friends. Swear, put up, and then, as usual, together forever.

I realized that I grew up too late. Most of my friends got married, my friends got married...

Every time I look my friend in the eye, I forget that we are just friends, not sisters.

Better than a few best friends. Than a chicken coop of suckers pissing each other behind their backs

Appreciate a friend who has become dear, like a sister. there are few of them.

You trusted her alone, she was your sister. And you swore an oath to each other - You can’t betray your girlfriend! But this is how a person works, our cruel current age Your friend let you down, She divorced you from your boyfriend.

My girlfriend is like a sister, brother, mother, and boyfriend all rolled into one. And sometimes even a grouchy granny at the entrance.

The best friend will never ask - why? She just goes to the store, buys, brings, opens and pours.

How nice to have a daughter! Let her dad be exactly harmful, but she is beautiful and smart, and this is my fault. She and I are like best friends! And every day I pray into the night: “Thank you, Lord, for my daughter!”

The best friend is the one who stands up for you! Then he will take you aside and say that you were wrong!

I am always very worried when a friend does not pick up the phone, suddenly she was kidnapped and raped ... But not me.

The best friend is the person with whom you walk down the street and laugh at the whole area, and you don’t care about the opinions of others, you and the two of you feel good

Girlfriend is the eighth wonder of the world

Every year I am convinced that my friends also have an expiration date.

It's wonderful when your man combines such qualities as a husband, lover, breadwinner, best friend and your personal Guardian Angel.

Women's happiness - bald girlfriends

The best statuses about girlfriends with meaning - cool words for a girlfriend

The best friends are distinguished by the ability to laugh at the mockery that we have addressed to them, and it is unlikely that anyone else can be sent to hell with impunity and fun without ruining the relationship.

Scold your girlfriend eye to eye, and praise in public.

For happiness, a woman does not need many friends, one is enough - bow-legged, cross-eyed and bald.

Take care of your best friends, close friends, it sucks when there is no one to go to the toilet with or just call while you go to the store.

Except in the most extreme cases, which are actually very rare, do not say unpleasant things to your girlfriend - let her enemies open her eyes - they will do it readily and much better than you

Years go by, the head turns gray, wrinkles grow, and my friend and I like the same men!

Your best friend is your first enemy!

If you want to know the shortcomings of a girl, praise her in front of her friends.

The best friend is a person with whom you can quarrel, argue, but she will never be offended.

The best friend is the one you call and she's busy. And you freak out terribly, but it turns out that she called you.

A beautiful word - "girlfriend" - it has many qualities! A friend is better than two friends! There is pride and honor in a friend! A friend will help with a problem, a friend will give valuable advice! With a friend, topics are solved in which there is no solution!

It infuriates terribly when you tell your friend about your problems, you pour out your soul ... and she abruptly translates the topic into her troubles and you understand that she doesn’t care.

Friendship is not 538 friends on the site, but one friend in life, which you won’t send in figs, because you have to go there with her so as not to worry about how she gets there!

A friend is someone who has seen you without makeup but still thinks you are beautiful.

It is very difficult to find a best friend - after all, the best is already mine.

A friend does not have to be perfect, it is enough that she is there in difficult times.

If you again recovered by 5 kg in a week, then your best friend advised you on this diet.

Never leave your best friend alone with your boyfriend - it could end up in their wedding.

My friend and I have different parents, but we consider ourselves sisters.

A friend is the best person in life, she will support, understand, but if she offends, it will be the worst pain!

A friend is the person who will never be offended by your joke and will always understand your sadness. Neighing with a friend is better than any medicine. You can laugh for hours at some stupid, according to others, joke, discuss statuses on social networks. You can talk to each other for hours about your personal life.

New cool funny statuses, funny short quotes, beautiful aphorisms, the best jokes, phrases, poems and good touching sayings with meaning for VK and classmates.

How to lose two people close to you at once? - Introduce your best friend to your boyfriend.

If a friend happily jumps into your limousine, but does not notice you standing at the bus stop, then is this a friend? Oprah Winfrey

Monday 9am… 29 friends online. Well done! All work!

Diligently avoid all friendship with fools and rogues, if the word friendship is generally applicable in relations with such people. Philip Dormer Stanhope Chesterfield on Friendship...

Friendship is when you yourself send a friend on a date, and then the whole evening you are angry with her because you have nothing to do.

True friendship is born in equality.

A real friend is a girl who knows your favorite song and reminds you of her tune when you yourself forget it.

If a friend is drowning, you need to become an island for him. An island of friendship where he can rest, find solace, gain strength and patience and return to the ocean again.

I have a sweater with a picture of my friends, but I call it a ram sweater.

And why is she so jealous of me because her friends should share everything

Joint activities of idiocy breed friendship.

The fraternal closeness of like-minded people is stronger than any walls. Antisthenes of Athens

You need to praise your girlfriend in public, and scold only face to face.

But only mom believes that you will be happy with him, despite what her friends say It's not destiny!

Test a friend, but love a tried one. Unknown author

A true friend is the greatest of blessings, and at the same time that blessing, the acquisition of which is least thought of. François de La Rochefoucauld

True is the ancient proverb that equality creates friendship. Plato

A wise friend will not abandon a friend, despite all the hardships. Shota Rustaveli

It is a value in our time to have a friend or friends who are not affected by time, seasons or challenges.

Not sure - don't betray. Maxim Zvonarev

To have many friends is to have none. Rotterdam.

Friendship between a girl and guys weakens with the advent of night.

Whoever associates with the wise will be wise, but whoever associates with fools will become corrupt. Old Testament. Proverbs of Solomon

A true friend is known in a wrong deed. Ennius.

The girl who never gossips simply doesn't have any girlfriends to talk about.

The loyalty of the rascals is as unreliable as they are. Pliny the Younger

Friendship is based on mutual benefit, on common interests; but as soon as interests clash, friendship is terminated: look for it in the clouds. Arthur Schopenhauer

Only a true friend can tolerate his friend's weaknesses. William Shakespeare

If my friends are crooked, I look at them in profile. Joseph Joubert

There is no better friend in the world than your best friend!

Mothers confess, they are frank with their girlfriends.

Friends help us to live and interfere with work.

He who boasts that he has made many friends has never had a single friend. Samuel Taylor Coleridge

Make friends with a smart one, for a fool friend is sometimes more dangerous than a smart enemy. Rumi.

Friendship is such a holy, sweet, lasting and constant feeling that it can be kept for life, unless, of course, you try to ask for a loan.

A wise friend will not abandon a friend, despite all the hardships. Rustaveli Sh.

A true friend knows how to hear between the lines, to hear what has not been said.

It is not worth remembering the friends of traitors ...

Everyone in the world has enemies, But save us from friends, O God! Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin

We often come across the opinion that female friendship does not exist. It is believed that it is fleeting, artificial, feigned and ends quickly when true envy, competition emerges, or betrayal invariably occurs.

The best quote about female friendship according to the site:

● Did you know that girls are friends in triplets, that is, three people each, so that the two of them can discuss the third.

● A woman can enter a burning hut alone, but you must go to the toilet only with a friend.

● “Alcohol, men and smoke! Let's get drunk to get drunk for the whole week! Well ... this, of course, only if there are no tickets to the theater ... "

● Female friendship has one advantage: a friend will never tell you that you are wrong, but for the hundred thousandth time she will tell you what a bastard your boyfriend is.

● The fact that true female friendship does not exist is a well-known fact. The fact that there is no friendship between a man and a woman, too. The question is only one: so with whom to be friends with the female sex??

● Often women are cold towards friendships because it seems somewhat dry and insipid compared to all-encompassing love.

● Men, playing with friendship, like with a soccer ball, leave it intact, and women, playing with it, as with a crystal phase, break it sooner or later.

● Women are able to give friendship only that and so much that and in what amount they borrow from Love.

● As long as the interests of girlfriends do not intersect, female friendships can continue to exist.
Women's friendship can be called simply a non-aggression pact.

● You can not tell your man about the existing shortcomings, as your beloved girlfriends will do it with great pleasure.

● Friendship between two women is nothing more than a conspiracy against a third female.

● Joy is rare, but sometimes a friend is still unlucky.

● The best friend can be called the one who really forgets about her problems, because she sincerely understands that your problems are more serious.

● True female friendship is when you stumble and fall, and your girlfriend first laughs at your absurdity, and then falls next to you.

● Who is a girlfriend? A friend is the person who has half of your wardrobe in their closet and vice versa.

● If life gave you a friend, be sure to tell her that she is good.

● A true friend can hear between the lines, hear what has not been said.

● The most beautiful moment in my life is the moment of realizing that there is a girlfriend, like-minded person in my life.

● You know, you will always be my best friend because you know too much about me.
A childhood friend is the person who will help you move to a new apartment, but a good friend is the person who will help cover up all traces of the crime you committed.

● You need to praise your girlfriend in public, and scold only face to face.

● Women-girlfriends do not exist, there are only like-minded people.

This page contains quotes about female friendship.

You can write legends about female friendship. And you can argue for a long time whether it exists or not. The site site has chosen the funniest quotes about female friendship on the Internet that will help you pass the evening.

  • Friendship between women is just a non-aggression pact.

Henri de Monterland

  • Women's friendship is like a crystal vase: no matter how carefully you store it, sooner or later it will break anyway.
  • It is very difficult to find that one friend who can tolerate and understand all the changes in my mood.

  • The best friend, when you fall, will not regret and will not extend her hand to you, but will fall next to you and will laugh like crazy.
  • Girlfriend - she is a friend in Africa. If you call her at night, tell her that you are hopelessly in love, she will simply say: "Sleep!" and hang up the phone. And in 15 minutes he will call back and say: "Open the door for me, just be quiet."
  • The kiss of two girlfriends has something of a boxing handshake before a fight.
  • The best friend is special forces in action: in case of emergency, she arrives anywhere in the world with dry rations - wine, sweets and a reliable, moisture-absorbing shoulder.
  • The best friend is a person who does not need to tell anything, because she can see what is happening in her eyes.
  • The third is not superfluous, the third is a spare.
  • A true friend is not the one who does everything you say, but the one who does what you really need, even if you don't.
  • Nothing adorns a woman like a well-chosen girlfriend.

  • If my friend was a guy, I would marry her.
  • Sometimes it seems to me that friendship is just the name of processed cheese.
  • The enemy is easy to forgive. But how to forgive a friend?
  • A woman gives to friendship only what she borrows from love.
  • The most common types of female friendships are friendship-enmity and friendship-rivalry.

  • True female friendship is as common as a blooming fern.
  • Women's friendship is just a joint survival in the world of men.

Maria Matskevich

  • In conversations with each other, women imitate the spirit of comradely solidarity and that confidential frankness that they do not allow themselves with men. But behind this semblance of friendship - how much vigilant distrust, and how it is, to be honest, justified.

André Maurois

  • For too long a slave and a tyrant lurked in a woman. Therefore, she is incapable of friendship: she knows only love.

Friedrich Nietzsche

Photo in text:,

People can be close to each other not only because of romantic attraction or blood relationship. Often, hand in hand with these feelings, there is another feeling - between a man and a woman, between a mother and a daughter.

In this regard, we have prepared for you a luxurious selection, which presents a wide variety of quotes about your friendship, well-aimed and biting phrases about friendship, and other equally interesting and cool pictures. Friendship is as strong as love, a connection, and maybe stronger, it can be between a simple man and a woman, despite the greasy jokes!

The statements of great people about friendship allow us to think about how valuable this part of human life is, how multifaceted it is. Wise aphorisms about friendship, presented below in large numbers, will allow you to feel the deep meaning of these sayings. Some of them may well suit you as statuses about female friendship, and some statements about friendship between an ordinary man and a woman will make your heart respond to these lines.

Remember how often you say “thank you” to your friends for their support, for always listening and helping you? What if it's "Thank you!" will be clothed in beautiful pictures? Warm relationships are not a commodity that can be scattered right and left, it needs to be cherished and maintained, and therefore, statuses about the friendship of girlfriends are at your service if you have people who are especially congenial in spirit, and statutes about friends and friendship, if now you serve the Motherland somewhere in the vast expanses of our country.

It's so easy to send cool pictures with the inscriptions "Thank you for being you!", "You are the best friend!", Filled with a simple, understandable and warm meaning, thereby delighting your loved ones.

But in our selection there are not only cool and funny pictures with cool inscriptions that will certainly amuse your friend - we bet, having received funny phrases about strong friendship from you, your spiritual twin will definitely smile!

If you want something with meaning, then wise aphorisms from great people are offered to your attention, and many thanks to their contemporaries for having managed to keep these sayings about friendship.

Statuses about female friendship are just right for posting them on your page on a social network, thereby hinting to your friends how important they are to you, and as if telling them “Thank you for being with me!”. This is how ordinary quotes about female friendship are filled with sacred meaning for those who need to hear them.

You can download all cool and memorable pictures about friendship between a man and a woman, decorated with inscriptions, absolutely free of charge, which is one of the undeniable advantages of our selection. After all, what could be more pleasant when you have such a luxurious library of images for all occasions in the public domain - here you can find friendship statuses and cool phrases that you can memorize to effectively use them when talking with your best friends.

“Thank you,” we say to our parents when, in a fit of feelings, we thank them for everything given to you.

“Thank you,” we say to our beloved or beloved at moments when you receive powerful emotional and physical support.

But do not forget to say "thank you" to those who are close to you not by blood, but by spirit. It's so easy to send your friend cute aphorisms with a deep meaning about friendship, reminding you of your strong connection.

Or if you have a male friend, you can send him cool quotes about friendship between a man and a woman to discuss together. Or you can send funny pictures with beautiful captions to laugh - online or in person.

Deep, meaningful, phrases about female and male friendship will attract your attention, forcing you to re-read yourself again and again, but short friendship statuses can be saved to your phone and changed as many times as you want.

Whether you are born male or female, friendships are almost as strong as love ties, with the exception that there is no romantic attraction. Although there are precedents, it would be foolish to deny their existence.

But even romantic feelings between a man and a woman, as a rule, do not begin with insane passion, but with friendships. It starts with the fact that you, jokingly, send cute pictures to each other, proofread interesting quotes, telling yourself that this cannot be love in any case.

But over time, your statuses on social networks about friendship between a man and a woman can change to a love theme - so be careful, perhaps your friend or girlfriend of the opposite sex does not like the aphorisms of people you send about friendship, even with a deep meaning, as well as your statuses about friends and friendship. After all, it hurts a lot when your secret love stubbornly ignores your true feelings, and the friend zone is not a good idea for someone who wants more.

With a deep meaning, you can easily download it to your personal gadget - a computer or phone, fortunately, you can choose absolutely any pictures. Friendship is that spark that warms us when, it would seem, everything goes worse than ever. And so let the pictures with warm inscriptions remind you that you are dear to a few more people.

Watch, read people's statements about friendship, share them with friends.
