Fireclay bricks for stoves and fireplaces: composition, types, characteristics. The specific gravity of fireclay bricks and its technical properties Dimensions and weight of products

The presence on sale of a large assortment of heating equipment does not reduce attachments to well-made, familiar to all stoves. The ability to fold the stove used to be passed from mouth to mouth.

Now there are more opportunities for learning. In addition to masonry, the master must know how to choose and use the right material.

Not everyone is suitable for the construction of the furnace, but only refractory bricks, which have special characteristics. A mistake, inattention when buying can bring all the work down the drain.


For the production of many building materials with refractory characteristics, clay is used - an inorganic fossil from sedimentary rocks. Clay raw materials are diverse. It is a mixture:

  • salts of silicic acid (silicates);
  • oxides of silicon, aluminum;
  • water from underground sources.

Sedimentary rocks contain admixtures of colored components inherent in each locality.

In the production of refractories, raw materials are necessarily fired at high temperatures. As a result, all moisture evaporates, the mineral components are sintered. The product loses plasticity, turns into a particularly dense stone with refractory characteristics.

The subsequent stages of the technological process include grinding raw materials; introduction of additives: graphite, coarse coke or quartz powders; adding small amounts of water (no more than 10%) to the stage of formation of the required consistency.

The resulting mass is immersed in the hopper, from which it enters the dispenser. A brick made from a portion of the mineral mass is pressed and fired.

The presented technological scheme is widespread and well developed. All characteristics, including the weight of refractory bricks obtained by this method, are stable and meet the requirements of GOST.


Refractory properties are: ordinary (1580 - 1770 ℃), high (1700 - 2000 ℃), higher (more than 2000 ℃).

According to the volume fraction of cavities, products are divided into several groups:

  • especially dense products have a porosity of less than 3%;
  • high density - 3 - 10%;
  • dense - 10 - 20%;
  • ordinary - 20 - 30%;
  • lightweight and heat-insulating - 45 - 85%.

According to the type of raw materials and characteristics, features of the application, heat-resistant bricks are usually divided into several types.

The main (basic) refractory brick contains calcium and magnesium carbonates, it is used for finishing steel-smelting furnaces. It has the highest strength and thermal conductivity compared to other refractories.

The characteristics create ideal conditions for the smelting of Bessemer steel. There are other types of refractory bricks with specific characteristics.

Types of refractories

Carbon bricks differ in composition from other refractory products. It is based on graphite or coke, the content of which approaches 92%. Carbon brick products have a narrow purpose. Blast furnaces are made from it.

Quartz brick is made from a mixture of quartz and sandstone. The main advantage is the high density. From quartz products, reliable chimneys, fireplace walls, and some types of stoves are obtained.

The material is chemically unstable; can react with acidic, alkaline substances; metal oxides.

Dinas refractory brick is 94% silicon oxide, and it retains strength well at high temperatures up to 1690℃. The material, in accordance with the characteristics, is ideal for open-hearth furnaces, regenerators.

Semi-acid brick refers to fireclay. Its composition is represented mainly by oxides of aluminum and silicon. The material can be heated in an oven up to 1670℃. It tolerates mechanical loads well; has a large number of pores (up to 30%), less density than other refractories.

Products with a predominant (62%) content of aluminum oxide are called mullite. If the mass fraction of aluminum oxide (alumina) exceeds 90%, then the products are called corundum.

High-alumina bricks are used for laying linings in the construction of metallurgical enterprises.

Alumina brick, which is often referred to simply as fireclay, has found the widest scope. It contains a large concentration of clay (chamotte), able to withstand temperatures up to 1400 ℃.

It tolerates temperature extremes well, is inert to the action of alkaline components. Alumina fireclay products are used everywhere in everyday life and industry, due to their good performance.

Fireclay products

Special clay raw materials necessary for the production of fireclay bricks are mined by open methods. Development does not require large financial investments.

Energy costs for the manufacture of products are moderate, which is facilitated by well-established technology.

As a result, fireclay bricks have a price that is quite affordable for the main part of the population. It is this type of refractory products that is most often used for laying furnaces in private housing construction.

The technology is implemented with some features. Therefore, the products have a wide range of density values. Average values ​​vary from 1700 kg/m 3 to 1900 kg/m 3 . There are products with a minimum density of 300 kg/m3 and a maximum of 2100 kg/m3.

Ordinary chamotte refractory bricks withstand temperatures from +1250℃ to +1690℃. There is a chamotte refractory brick that has a maximum temperature of 1800℃. Such products are used in industrial facilities.

The material can withstand from 15 to 50 freezing cycles without change. The average porosity in the group is 8%. The thermal conductivity is 0.62 W/m℃.

The ability to absorb water in refractory fireclay bricks depends to a large extent on porosity. This characteristic in light varieties leaves much to be desired, reaching a value of 25%. Materials with a high density, a minimum content of pores, can absorb moisture in an amount not exceeding 7%.

Typical dimensions and weight

Each size of a single refractory brick has its own index. This is stipulated in the state standard. In total, there are 11 sizes for single products.

If the marking indicates series from 1 to 6a, then the length will be minimal (from 230 mm). For representatives of the 10th series, the length is 345 mm.

The width of the refractory brick varies from 65 mm to a maximum of 160 mm. The usual height falls within the range from 40 mm to a maximum of 75 mm. There is a special type (third) of refractory products with a height of 100 mm.

An important characteristic of a brick is its weight. Due to the variety of refractory brick products, this figure varies greatly. For example, you can take a class 10 unit with dimensions of 34.5 × 15 × 7.5. The weight of such a refractory brick is 7.8 kg.

Due to the great demand and diverse areas of application, the production of bricks with other shapes and sizes has been established: one-and-a-half, three-quarter, trapezoidal, wedge-shaped products. The designations contain mandatory information about the batch parameters.

Due to the fact that fireclay refractory bricks have high strength characteristics, it is extremely difficult to cut them.

Manufacturers, taking into account the needs, produce bricks, which would be more correctly called decorative stones, of various shapes. This kind of product is designed for laying out rounded shapes inside fireplaces and stoves.

From the author: welcome to our repair and construction site, dear reader. From the article you will find out what size of fireclay bricks is the standard according to GOST. In addition, we will talk about how much fireclay bricks weigh, how fireclay bricks are made, and what properties this building material must have in order for it to perform its functions correctly.

But first, you will find out exactly why you came here - what are the dimensions of fireclay bricks for a stove or fireplace.

Brand and dimensions of products

Refractory bricks are divided into grades. First of all, these are SHA and SB. What are their differences? In short (and we need it), they differ in their production technology. And that is insignificant. The content of the Al203 component in SB is 28%, and in SHA it is 30%. Now there is not much point in delving into these details, we will limit ourselves to what we note: the fire resistance of ShB is 1650 ° C (3002 ° F), and for ShA it is not less than 1690 ° C (3074 ° F). That's probably all we need to know about these notations.

Now - about the sizes. Below in the list - there are several options for the most popular and common types of this building material on the market:

  • SHA-8 - 250 × 124 × 60 mm;
  • SHA-6 - 230 × 114 × 60 mm;
  • SHA-5 - 230 × 114 × 65 mm.

The parameters of the ShA and ShB brands are identical. That is, their sizes are the same.

We also offer you a table of sizes with other varieties. List courtesy of Dimensions Info.

Now you have the necessary information about brands and sizes. And now, as promised in the introduction, we will reveal the topic of the weight of this building material.

Fireclay refractory brick weight

In accordance with GOST, - the specific gravity of one element is 3.4–4 kg. We also give examples of popular brands:

  • ShB-8 - 4 kg (250 × 124 × 65);
  • ShB-6 - 2.7 kg (230 × 114 × 40);
  • ShB-5 - 3.4 kg (230 × 144 × 65).

How is fireclay brick made?

This question is also asked quite often, so in the article we considered it necessary to give a detailed answer to it. In the Russian Empire, refractory bricks began to be used as early as the 17th–18th centuries. The beginning of its use was due to the development of technology and the need to obtain a heat-resistant material that could be used in industry.

Externally, the fire-resistant bricks of the Enlightenment did not differ from those that were used everywhere, but, unlike them, they could withstand temperatures of 1200 ° C and above without damage.

We found such a solution experimentally, but nothing has fundamentally changed in the production technology of this building material since those distant times. It was just that clay was present in its composition, which had passed through the firing procedure. She was the basis of the composition. Its content in the product could be 70% or even more.

Graphite was most often used as a binder (could be replaced by coke powder). But the general standard was adopted only in the 20th century, or rather, in 1927. As a sample, a German-made brick was used, with dimensions of 250 × 120 × 65.

Chamotte, a material used in the production of refractory bricks, is formed by firing clay at high temperatures - 1300–1500°C. This procedure, as a rule, takes place in shaft or rotary production furnaces. In a word, the task of firing is to rid the material of plasticity and to give it subsequent refractoriness.

Chamotte can be conditionally divided into two types - "highly annealed" and "low annealed". Their differences lie in the fact that the first type has a degree of water absorption - up to 10%, and the second - up to 25%.

Fireclay products are used for internal lining of fireplaces, chimneys, stoves. Also, the material has become quite widespread in architecture and even sculpture (second half of the 20th century).

In appearance, it is quite easy to recognize a product made of fireclay. It has a sandy yellow color and a slightly grainy texture. Such material can be used not only in terms of functionalism, but also aesthetics. Let's just say that in appearance, brickwork made of refractory elements looks quite presentable. These bricks not only perform their direct function - the accumulation, preservation and release of heat without damage to themselves and deformations, but also give the fireplace an attractive authentic look. In general, to put it simply, it is not only functional, but also quite beautiful. Let's just say that the masonry will fit perfectly into the design of a cozy interior.

What properties should refractory bricks have? First of all, it is resistance to high temperatures, which is quite logical. Without prejudice to itself, the material must be able to withstand a lot of heating and cooling. It must also have a low thermal conductivity in order to retain heat inside the stove and/or fireplace. In addition, the material must have a large thermal inertia so that it can slowly release heat to the environment, as well as a large heat capacity - in order to be able to accumulate a large amount of heat.

Laying fireclay bricks

There are no special restrictions on its use. The main thing is that it should not be used in rooms with high humidity - more than 80%. To make masonry, the skills that you could get when working with ordinary bricks are enough. But the process of preparing the solution is somewhat specific.

It is necessary to soak refractory clay in water for up to three days. Water should completely cover the material, while it should be stirred at least once every ten hours.

After this procedure, the clay must be passed through a sieve with a mesh diameter of 3 × 3 mm. Then you need to mix the sand, which also went through the screening procedure. The proportions of clay and sand should ideally be as follows: 1:2, that is, one part clay to two parts sand.

These two components should be thoroughly mixed, after which - add water, while constantly stirring the composition. Water is added until the composition is similar to thick mayonnaise in consistency. To increase strength, it is desirable to add salt - 150 g per bucket (10 l), cement (no more than one trowel) of a grade of at least 150. You can also mix liquid glass in an amount of no more than 3% of the total mass.

The laying process does not imply anything specific. Just bricks are laid on the mortar in the dressing. At the same time, during the construction of masonry, it is necessary to control its evenness. First, the bricks must be moistened. Then - apply the solution in a thin layer, as if priming the surface. This is necessary so that the solution penetrates the structure of the refractory brick. Moreover, the solution should be applied both to the brick that will be laid and to the place where it will be placed. And after this “priming”, - you need to apply the main layer of the mortar - and, finally, lay the brick and tap it with a hammer from above, so much so that excess bonding mortar comes out of the gap. After completion of work, the masonry should be wiped with a damp cloth to clean it from contamination with the solution.

Depending on the temperature regime, four categories of seams can be distinguished. They differ from each other, of course, in thickness:

  1. Not more than 1 mm.
  2. 2 mm.
  3. 3 mm.
  4. 4 mm or more.

The higher the temperature, the thinner the seam should be. As the saying goes, it is better to see once than to hear/read a hundred times. Therefore, below is a video on the topic "How to lay refractory bricks with your own hands":

How much does fireclay brick cost? The average price can vary from 20 ₽ to 40 ₽ or 5–20 ₴. In any case, such prices were in 2017. But if you want, you can find cheaper or more expensive. When purchasing a batch, take into account the fact that truly high-quality products cannot be too cheap. And, as a rule, this building material does not require so much to significantly save. Therefore, do not buy suspiciously cheap building materials. And this applies not only to bricks, but also to other building materials.

logical conclusion

From the article, you learned what dimensions and weight fireclay bricks have, and we also found out some of the nuances of its production, scope and characteristics that a fireclay product should have. Thank you for reading the article to the end, dear reader. I hope it has been useful to you.

P.S. Below is a video from which you will get an idea of ​​​​how to glue fireclay bricks:

Fireclay artificial stone is valued for its high strength and heat resistance. Experienced builders recommend using it for laying stoves, fireplaces and chimneys. The weight of fireclay bricks depends on its type and size, they must be taken into account when drafting a future building.

Main types

The stone is made from fireclay powder and special refractory clay, which are mixed with each other in equal proportions. The resulting product has a rough, fine-grained structure of a bright yellow color, but the content of small red inclusions is also acceptable. Briquettes are characterized by low thermal conductivity, withstand high temperatures, they are not afraid of high humidity, they are environmentally friendly, strong and durable.

The weight and dimensions of fireclay bricks depend on its type. There are several classifications of products:

  • According to the class of fire resistance - it happens with the marking ShA, can be used at temperatures up to 1400 ° C, and ShB - up to 1350.
  • In shape - rectangular, trapezoidal and wedge-shaped, used for vaults and arches of stoves and fireplaces.
  • In size - single, one and a half and thickened.

Mass of artificial stone

The weight of fireclay refractory bricks varies depending on its dimensions. Most often, for laying stoves and fireplaces, products marked ShB are used. Their mass is taken into account to evenly distribute the load on the foundation and other components of the building. Brick ShB-5 fireclay weighs 3.4 kg with dimensions of 230x114x65 mm, ShB-6 - 2.7 kg with 230x114x40 mm. An artificial stone marked ShA also has a numerical designation 5, 6 or 8, its external volumes are the same as those indicated for ShB. The mass of fireclay SHB-8 bricks is 4 kg, and the dimensions are 250x124x65 mm.

How to make the right choice

1. Check the strength of the briquettes and how the firing technologies were observed. To do this, take one copy and gently tap it with an iron object. If you have a quality product in front of you, you will hear a ringing sound, the instrument will seem to spring from it, and vibrate in your hands. In the event of a strong impact, the briquette will not crumble, but will crumble into several large pieces. Improperly fired and poorly dried will give a dull sound, crumble into small pieces.

2. Be sure to make sure that the selected product is stored in appropriate conditions. It should be stored in a dry and well-ventilated area on wooden pallets. During transportation, the supplier is obliged to pack it in polyethylene.

3. Choose products with an even geometric shape and a uniform shade, without chips, cracks and dents.

What is fireclay brick

This material is quite simple in composition, it is based on dry fireclay powder, the content of which reaches 60%. It is obtained from kaolin (white clay), which has high refractory properties due to preliminary cleaning and firing. Pieces are crushed in order to obtain particles of various fractions used for the manufacture of mixtures, bricks, blocks.

The composition of the material also includes purified refractory clay. Additional components can be graphite and coke fillers and quartz grains of a large fraction. All substances are mixed in the right proportions, after which they are sent for molding and pressing.

The most important technological nuance is firing. The process is designed to the smallest detail, because any deviation will interfere with obtaining the desired properties. So, unburned elements do not have the necessary strength, absorb water well and quickly collapse. And burnt parts acquire excessive hardness, which makes it impossible to lay them on any solution due to low adhesion.

Brick firing is possible only in professional kilns

High-quality fireclay bricks have several features:

  1. The color should be straw yellow with red patches.
  2. The base is exceptionally grainy.
  3. On impact, a metallic sound is heard.
  4. High strength. With a slight mechanical impact, the structure of the material should not be disturbed.

Straw yellow color is considered classic for fireclay

There are also different forms of fireclay products:

  • straight (standard);
  • complex shaped;
  • industrial;
  • large block;
  • laboratory.

Great attention must be paid to the choice of a suitable material, otherwise many problems may arise.

Additional elements of refractories are widely used when laying furnace chambers of complex shape.

Product pros and cons

Products have advantages and disadvantages, depending on the properties of a particular variety.


There are also negative points:

  • If the production technology is violated, the quality and size of products change.
  • The cost of production is quite high.
  • For masonry, a special mortar is needed - a mortar, the layer of the mixture must be very thin.
  • High strength limits cutting.

For cutting high-strength blocks, a diamond blade is used on stone

But the existing shortcomings do not reduce the demand for the product.

Types and scope

The scope of such products is quite extensive. The main areas of use depending on the properties:

  1. The main purpose is the construction of the internal contour and lining of fireplaces and stoves in private construction, chimneys.
  2. It is used to protect furnaces, taking into account the maximum heating up to 1700–1800 degrees.
  3. Can be used for industrial convection shafts and installations.

For household stoves and fireplaces, one layer of refractory bricks in the firebox is enough

There are various types of fireclay refractory bricks, which are divided according to the method of molding, the shape of the parts and the level of porosity.

According to the molding method, the following options can be distinguished:

  • hot pressed;
  • thermoplastic pressed;
  • fused;
  • cast.
Refractory materials are divided into several types

The shape of the brick can also be different, due to the need to make different geometric facings of the stove or fireplace. There are the following options:

  1. Straight. Used for flat areas.
  2. Wedge. It has a bevelled side, suitable for complex shapes of fireboxes and their decoration.
  3. Arched. Allows you to design semicircular sections of furnaces and make the configuration smoother.
  4. Trapezoidal. It is also used for laying out the furnace and individual sections of the structure.

When laying household stoves and fireplaces, 4 forms of refractory blocks are most often used

Of great importance is the correct choice of the level of porosity. This indicator determines the ability to retain heat and the area of ​​\u200b\u200bend use. There are the following varieties:

  • Very high density. The level of porosity is not more than 3%.
  • High density. The indicator does not exceed 10%.
  • Dense. Grain content ranges from 10 to 16%.
  • Compacted. The level varies from 16 to 20%.
  • Average density. Grain parameters are not lower than 20% and not higher than 30%.
  • Low density (lightweight). Porosity 30–45%.
  • Lightweight. The parameter ranges from 45 to 85%.
  • Ultra lightweight. The graininess is very high - more than 85%.

This diversity allows you to choose the best option for a particular site.

Performance characteristics of bricks in comparison

Technical characteristics of fireclay bricks

Technical specifications:

  • Fire resistance indicators - from 1100 to 1800 degrees.
  • Frost resistance grade - F15-50.
  • Density - 1650–1900 kg / m3.
  • Porosity - from 3 to 85%.
  • Strength grade - M75-250.
  • Thermal conductivity coefficient - 0.6 W / m ° C.
  • The specific heat capacity is different at different temperature indicators. So, at 100° it is 833 J/(kg deg), and at 1500 degrees it is 1251 J/(kg deg).
  • Linear expansion (coefficient) - α, 10−6/°C: 5.3.

Fireclay bricks are equally well suited for both laying the furnace and for the construction of the furnace body.

To give certain properties to fireclay bricks, there are two main production technologies: in strict accordance with the state standard, where all characteristics have clear parameters depending on the brand and variety, or according to specifications (technical specifications) determined by each manufacturer individually. Naturally, the first option is better and therefore preferable.

Dimensions and weight of products

The weight of fireclay refractory bricks depends on the type and method of production. So, according to GOST, a standard single product will weigh from 2.8 kg to 3.7 kg. When manufactured according to specifications, the maximum weight usually does not exceed 4.5 kg.

The geometry of the product affects the size range of fireclay bricks:

  1. Straight standard parts are 230 (250) mm long, 114 (124) mm wide and 65 mm high.
  2. For wedge-shaped elements, the most common parameters are 230 * 114 * 65/45.
  3. Trapezoidal brick is found in size 250 * 124 * 65/55.

More accurate dimensions and weight depend on the brand of product.

The classic dimensions of the fireclay block


All types of bricks made of refractory clay and fireclay powder (sand) have a certain marking, which indicates the scope of their use and production technology.

The abbreviation includes letters and numbers. The first letter "SH" means that this is a fireclay type of refractory product. Then, according to GOST, “A” should follow - the content of 30% aluminum oxide or “B” - may consist of 28% aluminum oxide, which means the fire resistance class. Elements marked "SHA" are able to withstand temperatures up to 1700 degrees, "SB" - up to 1650 degrees. If there is a number after the letter “Ш”, then the products were manufactured in accordance with the specifications.

Each type of furnace blocks is marked separately

Depending on this designation, fireclay is used for the following works:

  • SHA, SHB and SHAK are universal varieties suitable for arranging fireplaces and domestic stoves.
  • ShL is a light version used for lining. It has a high porosity, therefore it is not used for the furnace device.
  • SHV and SHUS are suitable for steam generators and convection shafts.
  • PB is recommended for domestic use, laying stoves and barbecues.

Dimensions and characteristics of the best-selling fireclay

On a note! All markings are clearly related to the dimensions, weight and fire resistance class of the material.

The most common are (L*W*H):

  • SHA-5 - 230 * 114 * 65 mm;
  • SHA-6 - 230 * 114 * 40 mm;
  • SHA-8 - 250 * 124 * 65 mm;
  • SHA-9 - 250 * 150 * 65 mm;

If there are several letters after the number, then they indicate the abbreviated name of the brick production.


Qualitative indicators characterizing fireclay bricks are strictly controlled by the state. The GOST contains indicators that reflect the weight of fireclay bricks and its dimensions, the composition of raw materials with a percentage of aluminum oxide, as well as technological properties: strength, geometric parameters, fire resistance, porosity.

The main indicators are shown in the table:

In the manufacture of products, many manufacturers are guided by their own specifications instead of the conditions prescribed by GOST. Therefore, when choosing a material, the question arises which brick to take. Indeed, according to a number of characteristics, products manufactured in accordance with GOST and according to the manufacturer's specifications very often do not coincide. In that case, it's best to purchase goods with a GOST mark, because it is better.

As for the geometric parameters, GOST specifies the size of a standard rectangular product 230x113x65 mm, and this is considered the optimal material for the construction of brick structures. But today other dimensional characteristics are also acceptable, so the market is filled with a variety of products from different manufacturers.

The mass of products also has different indicators, and varies in the range from 2.8 kg to 4.5 kg , with an allowable weight according to GOST - 3.7 kg. When purchasing, do not forget about this, because the thermal conductivity of the material depends on the mass. To keep the heat in the room, you need to choose a material with a larger mass, because a small weight increases its thermal conductivity.

From the quantitative content in the composition of the building material aluminum oxide depends on the resistance to chemicals, alkalis and high temperatures. The content of this element in the composition affects the structure of the material, making it porous . A porous brick heats up for a long time, but it also cools down longer than usual, retaining the resulting heat.

At the same time, strength decreases with increasing porosity. Therefore, it is worth choosing
material with an optimum density of 1700–1900 kg/m. Density also affects properties such as: moisture absorption, thermal insulation, adhesion to the mounting mortar and the weight of fireclay bricks.

You can determine the porosity of a brick by just holding various options in your hands.

Summing up, we can say that when choosing such a building material, production standards, dimensions, weight, aluminum oxide content and density should be taken into account.


For the convenience of classification and ease in the choice of this building material, a marking, thanks to which you can immediately determine the properties of the material. It reflects the dimensions of products, temperature properties and technical characteristics.

The most popular brands of fireclay bricks: SHA, SHB, SHAK, SHUS, SHV, PV and PB.

Using the example of a bar marked ShB 5 SL, we will decipher the data from the manufacturer.

- a letter indicating that the product belongs to the type of fireclay aluminosilicate bricks;
B- a brick made according to the requirements of GOST, and belonging to fire resistance class B. There is also class A.

Fireclay brick of class A can withstand temperatures up to 1350 C, and class B - 1400 C.

GOST mark guarantees the compliance of the building product with the list of specified parameters: integrity, dimensional compliance, strength, operating temperature.

If there is a number in this place, without the presence of a letter after Ш, it means that the fireclay brick was produced according to the manufacturer's specifications.

The figure itself means the geometric parameters indicated in the table below. That is, our example corresponds to the dimensions of 230x114x65 mm.

SL- indicates the manufacturer of the product. SL here is the Sukholozhsk refractory plant, and BG is Bogdanovichsky.

There is a deeper classification within each brand: shape, size, thermal conductivity.

Table with common types of fireclay bricks, according to GOST 8691-73:

In addition to the standard rectangular shape of fireclay bricks, there is also trapezoidal and wedge.

Application area

Due to its resistance to temperature changes and the effects of alkalis and chemicals, fireclay bricks have a wide range of applications. It is used in industrial plants in installations that emit active chemicals during combustion: blast furnaces, boilers, fuel chambers.

The solution used to create thermal devices is also of great importance. Usually, the same ingredients are used for mixing that are used in the production of bricks. This gives the oven a high level of thermal stability.

To lay fireclay bricks of the ShB-5 or ShB-8 brand, refractory clay with crushed bricks is used. The resulting solution is called "Mertel" or "chamotte clay".

Before laying the furnace equipment, the operating temperature of the future structure should be calculated. The width of the mounting seam between fireclay bricks depends on this indicator. The higher the operating temperature, the thinner the masonry layer. Sometimes it does not exceed 1 mm. Such work requires a high level of skill from the performer, and good quality of the prepared solution.

As a result, the consumption and cost of the necessary materials increase, and you need to choose a brand of product with a higher resistance to fire.

Despite all the advantages, there are nuances that limit the use of fireclay bricks ( negative points):

  • hygroscopicity- the ability to absorb moisture. This quality reduces the strength of the product when heated and increases its weight.
  • Low freeze resistance. Best of all, fireclay bricks of the ShB-5, ShB-45, ShB-94 brands withstand low temperatures. Not suitable for household stoves ShB-8, because during intermittent operation, the stove, cooling down, begins to crumble.
  • High product density. Such material is difficult to cut if you need to change the original dimensions.
  • High cost, long warm-up time and the need to prepare a special mounting mixture.

How to distinguish marriage

Special requirements are imposed on the quality of fireclay bricks, since it depends on strength future furnace, her high temperature resistance And heat retention capacity . Therefore, it is necessary to exclude even the slightest defect of the product.

To test for strength, you need to hit it harder. A high-quality briquette will break into large pieces, and small crumbs eventually speak of marriage.

Low-quality bricks should not be used for laying furnaces. They acquire the inherent properties of absorbing and retaining moisture. Such material loses three-quarters of its useful qualities, unlike dry.

One of the types of refractory bricks is fireclay bricks. It got its name from the main component that is part of it (special fire-resistant clay, popularly referred to as chamotte). The mass fraction of chamotte in the material is 70%, the remaining 30% are coke or graphite powders, which are used as special additives. Additives are necessary to create a dense structure of the material - cracks do not occur during firing. Unlike ordinary red, the weight of fireclay bricks practically does not change, since it is all solid.

The material in question is used in the porcelain industry, metallurgy, and glass production. The vaults of furnaces are made of such bricks, in which fuel (oil, gas) burns at very high temperatures. As we can see, our material is used in the most critical places of blast furnaces, so its quality must be strictly controlled, the use of low-quality bricks will lead to premature destruction of structures laid out of it. The seams between fireclay bricks should be minimal; special refractory clay, which is the raw material for the manufacture of the material, serves as a mortar.

The weight of fireclay bricks is small - only 3.4 kilograms, although it depends on the size and brand. The main size of fireclay bricks is 230 × 113 × 65 millimeters (it is its weight that is indicated). According to the standards, this material should have a yellow color with reddish speckles, accurate dimensions and a granular base. Depending on the purpose, it can be straight with the dimensions indicated above, wedge-shaped and trapezoidal. If you knock on it, you can hear a ringing sound, similar to the sound that metal makes. When broken, the material breaks into pieces; a properly made brick should not crumble.

For the construction of stoves and fireplaces, it is impossible to use ordinary red or silicate bricks, since these types of bricks are not designed for high temperatures and are destroyed when heated significantly. Therefore, for these purposes, a special refractory brick is used. From it lay the "body" of the furnace and the lower part of the chimney. The main part of the pipe can be laid out from ordinary bricks.

Why do you need to know the weight of fireclay bricks?

Before going to the store, you need to calculate the required amount of bricks and the approximate volume that it can occupy. This is necessary to assess the ability of the selected vehicle to accommodate the purchase.
In some cases, you need to know how much the oven brick weighs. You will definitely need this information if you are planning a fireplace on a non-ground floor. Agree that the weight of the finished fireplace will come out decent, and you need to be sure that the floors will withstand. The chimney will also have significant weight, since it is made of solid brick. Therefore, it is also necessary to know how much a solid brick weighs.
When calculating the amount of refractory bricks, one should pay attention to the fact that it does not always have generally accepted standard dimensions, and, therefore, its weight will be different.

Specific figures

To perform calculations, you can use the data from the table below. It presents the main dimensions of fireclay bricks produced by the most famous manufacturers (without specifying specific factories) and how much they weigh.

Now, knowing how much a refractory brick weighs, you can easily calculate the weight of a fireplace or stove and evaluate the possibility of placing them on the upper floors and the need for work to strengthen the floors.

The weight of a brick depends on the material from which it is made, purpose, size and shape. The main characteristics of such a building material include dimensions, water absorption, frost resistance, thermal conductivity and, of course, weight.

However, this does not mean at all that the heavier the material, the stronger or more durable it is. Bricks are produced from different types of raw materials and in different ways. Roasting is carried out at certain temperatures. The properties of the material that meet its purpose are considered paramount, and only then comes such an auxiliary characteristic as mass.

Weight of 1 solid red brick.

The standard option is red brick with dimensions of 250x120x65 mm and weighing 4.3 kg. The mass of a large-format wall block can reach 24 kg, depending on the dimensions of the brick - height, length and width.

The product can be divided into types:

  • According to the material, bricks are divided into two types: ceramic (red) and silicate.
  • By appointment, the brick is divided into working, facing (front), clinker, refractory (chamotte).
  • Sizes are: single, one and a half and double.
  • In shape: full-bodied or hollow (slotted).

Estimated weight table for 1 brick of all types.

In the masi table which is presented below, you can find out the weight of building bricks both by piece and by m3, according to GOST standards.

Ceramic brick GOST 530-2007
SizeWeight of 1 brick, kg.
Working corpulent
single3,3 - 3,6 660-1440 (200-400) 1693-1847 (513)
one and a half4 - 4,3 800-860 (200) 1515-1630 (379)
double6,6 - 7,2 1320-1440 (200) 1597-1742 (242)
Working hollow
single2,3 - 2,5 810-1110 (352-444) 1180-1283 (513)
one and a half3 - 3,3 865-1148 (288-348) 1137-1250 (379)
double4,6 - 5 810-1120 (176-224) 970-1210 (242)
single1,32 - 1,6 634-662 (480) 675-820 (513)
one and a half2,7 - 3,2 950-1125 (352) 1023-1630 (379)
Silicate brick GOST 379-95
SizeWeight of one brick, kg.Brick weight on a pallet, kg. (Number of pieces per pallet)*Weight of a brick cube, kg. (Number of pieces per cube)
Working corpulent
single3,7 740-1410 (200-380) 1900 (513)
one and a half4,2 - 5 840-1400 (200-280) 1592-1895 (379)
Working hollow
single3,2 810-1110 (200-380) 1640 (513)
one and a half3,7 865-1148 (200-280) 1400 (379)
double5,4 810-1120 (200) 1305 (242)
Facing (facial) hollow
one and a half3,7 - 4,2 740-1175 (200-280) 1400-1590 (379)
double5 - 5,8 1000-1160 (200) 1210-1405 (242)
Refractory (fireclay) solid brick GOST 390-96
SizeWeight of the 1st brick, kg.Brick weight on a pallet, kg. (Number of pieces per pallet)*Weight of a brick cube, kg. (Number of pieces per cube)
single3,5 - 4 1350-1600 (385-400) 1745-2050 (513)

In the above table, you can find out the weight of m3 of bricks, as well as the piece weight. All data are taken from GOST.

Weight of a solid brick.

This material is supposed to be considered solid, which is produced from refractory clay and has a minimum of voids inside. In percentage terms, this is 10 - 15% of the volume of bricks. The presence of voids makes the weight of such clinker greater than that of a hollow one. This determines the purposeful use of this stone.

Types of solid bricks.

  • Ceramic. Production of this type is carried out from clay or several types of clay. After the drying and firing procedure, a porous and light brick is obtained, the presence of voids in it is not permissible.
  • Silicate. Such material is made from a mixture of quicklime and sand. The output is a product that perfectly isolates sound in the room and has a low thermal conductivity. Silicate brick has poor moisture resistance, therefore it is used for interior work.
  • Hyperpressed. Pressed bricks are produced from a mixture of quicklimestone, cement and a special dye. After briquetting, the shape is perfectly even, which implies the use of the resulting material in construction for surface cladding.

To find out how much 1 solid brick weighs, you need to look at the above table. It indicates the piece and m3 weight.

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