How to make a winter greenhouse with your own hands. Do-it-yourself winter greenhouse: choose the type, build and equip from the inside

Today it is not a problem to enjoy a vegetable salad in the middle of winter: in stores all year round there is a rich assortment of plant products. But, besides the fact that the price for it is not the most affordable, and the taste qualities leave much to be desired, the benefits are also minimal, but it is quite possible to “enrich” the body with various chemistry. Therefore, despite the abundance of stores, winter greenhouses, which make it possible to grow eco-friendly and tasty vegetables or herbs for your family, have not lost their relevance. However, compared with summer greenhouses, winter ones are more difficult both in terms of construction and in terms of operation of the structure, and are more demanding on materials. The participants of our portal are mainly engaged in seasonal greenhouses, but they also have experience in the construction and use of year-round greenhouses.


  • Structural features of winter greenhouses.
  • Arrangement of winter greenhouses.
  • What to grow in winter

What should be the winter greenhouse

Winter greenhouses are capital structures built on a foundation that can withstand both wind and snow loads. It can be both free-standing buildings and extensions with one blank wall. For example, to the utility block, if the orientation of the structure allows.


The foundation of the greenhouse can be tape or from separate blocks, columnar and slab bases are less common. UWB is usually not done under separate greenhouses, but if this is a winter garden within a capital house, then such a foundation is fully justified. In terms of cost, a slight expansion of the building spot against the general background is not critical, and the heating circuit, laid down when pouring the slab, will simplify the further arrangement of the greenhouse.

To prevent the outflow of far from free heat through the base of the greenhouse, extruded polystyrene foam can be used during the construction of the foundation. The most effective is complex insulation - both the foundation tape and the soil under the greenhouse, in place of future beds. The use of insulation is especially important if soil heating is planned, EPS will prevent unnecessary consumption of thermal energy for heating the lower, unused soil layers. You can also use insulation to protect the north side.


Like seasonal, year-round greenhouses, mainly frame type, there are two types of frame:

  • metal;
  • wood.

These materials are comparable in strength; in addition, wood does not overheat in summer and gives off much less heat to the outside in winter. Considering that winter greenhouses are built on a foundation, and there will be no direct contact with moisture at the racks, the service life of a wooden frame is quite decent. Naturally, when calculating the parameters of all elements, the expected loads must be taken into account.

Alla Ivanova

I prefer to build only wooden winter greenhouses - it's cheaper, easier, and simple - I love wood. We have such hurricane winds in the steppe - don’t worry, mom, but nothing has ever been disrupted, we always do it honestly.

A frame made of HDPE pipes (low pressure polyethylene) is more and more in demand for seasonal greenhouses, if used for winter ones, then in regions where heavy snowfall is a rarity.

The shape of the greenhouse to a large extent depends on the material of the frame, climatic conditions and personal preferences. Most often built:

  • arched;
  • lean-to;
  • gable.

In view of the shape, it is problematic to make a wooden frame for arched structures, it is technically possible, but it will require much more effort and time than rectangular options. Therefore, such greenhouses are usually on a metal frame, and a wooden one is more in demand for single-slope or gable structures. Although some still prefer to combine wood with the arch.


As for the sheathing of the frame, the era of a polyethylene film in several layers is gradually fading away; today, in most cases, cellular polycarbonate (SP) is used. Glass, also used as cladding for winter greenhouses, is significantly inferior to it in terms of thermal conductivity, although it wins in terms of durability (with care) and light transmission. Optimal, from the point of view of heat saving, for cold regions is considered a thermos greenhouse - double sheathing with JV sheets with an air gap, like double-glazed windows. At the same time, the thickness of the outer layer is at least 6 mm, for the inner layer, a thickness of 4 mm is permissible. But the thicker the sheets in the layers, the lower the thermal conductivity, therefore, when creating a sealed circuit (using end caps), the less heat is lost. In the summer months, the effect of a thermos will help prevent overheating without the need for partial dismantling of the skin.

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Possible combinations of layers (outer plus inner, distance everywhere - from 20 to 50 mm):

  • 6/4 - 1.8 W / (m ⁰С);
  • 10/6 - 1.61 W / (m ⁰С);
  • 16/6 - 1.42 W / (m ⁰С);
  • 16/10 - 1.27 W / (m ⁰С);
  • 20/6 - 1.19 W / (m ⁰С).

However, you should not get too carried away with thicknesses, especially when the greenhouse is arched. The thicker the sheet, the greater the value of the minimum allowable radius with which it can be bent without loss of performance. Yes, and with the purchase of components, problems may arise, since for sheets thicker than 16 mm they are rarely found on sale, and if they are, then the price is not budgetary. Whereas for most regions, according to snow loads, 10 mm on the top layer is enough, the main thing is to correctly calculate the pitch of the racks.

One of the users of the portal has a winter garden (extension), on the UWB, with sheathing with two layers of joint venture.

Arkhipov I

I plan to install a greenhouse as an extension to the boiler house on one UWB - a wooden frame, polycarbonate walls in two layers, with an air gap. Height - 2.5 m, covering - a shed roof made of polycarbonate.

Arrangement of winter greenhouses

In order to engage in crop production when nature does not provide for this, the temperature, light and humidity conditions necessary for crops must be maintained in the winter greenhouse.


Even thermos greenhouses with two layers of joint ventures as cladding for year-round operation in regions with a temperate and cold climate, first of all, need an effective one. Another thing is that a sealed circuit with minimal heat loss will save on energy. With a lot of options for execution and varieties of fuel used, the heating itself can be of several types:

  • Air - warm air is supplied through air ducts at different levels or heated and maintained directly by a stove installed in the room itself.
  • Contour - a thermal contour is created along the edges, if necessary, and along the middle part, pipes and radiators are used, the boiler can be installed both in the greenhouse and at a distance.
  • Subsoil - in regions with a mild climate, where severe frosts are rare, a thermos greenhouse will maintain heat with minimal heating. In this case, a contour of a water-heated floor or electrical cables / mats, designed for such a specific application, are laid in the ground.
  • Combined - combine air or contour heating with subsoil for growing crops that are demanding precisely on soil temperature.

Ruslan N

Subsoil heating is not suitable for all crops, I made a hydraulic system (gravity) on coal in my greenhouse with the possibility of attaching a subsoil circuit to it (for growing the same cucumbers), for other crops, a good aboveground one is enough.

Or for insurance.

Alla Ivanova

The main heating is contour, pipe, the subsoil circuit is deepened by 30 cm so that it is not damaged during processing with a walk-behind tractor. If the ground is loose, it works well. But for me it’s not so important for lettuce - 14⁰С heat in the soil is enough, while other crops would need to be higher. I have underground heating - insurance, there are very frosty winters.

Which energy carrier to use depends on many factors - this is efficiency, availability, and the possibility of automating the process.

  • Electricity is one of the most expensive energy carriers, but with minimal heat loss, it can become the basis of the system. Especially if there is a night tariff and TA (heat accumulator).
  • Main gas is cheaper than electricity and is not inferior to electrical equipment in terms of the possibility of automating the process, but is not available in all areas.
  • Solid fuel boilers - before the biggest problem was the need for regular loading, today there are long-term models, including home-made ones.


I heat a winter greenhouse (100 m²), covered with a film in two layers, with a distance of 30-40 cm, with a home-made wood-fired boiler. The set temperature (+20⁰С) is maintained automatically. There was enough firewood in the boiler for a day, when the temperature dropped to 20-25⁰С frost, and on “warm days” (5-10⁰С frost) it lasts up to two days or more, if the firewood is oak, acacia. The boiler heats the air - a heat generator (without a water jacket). It doesn’t particularly bother, I threw it in and sleep peacefully (but the signal about the attenuation of the boiler or the burning of firewood is brought into the house). The cost of manufacturing the boiler is insignificant, blinded from what was lying around the yard, spent only on electrodes (10 kg) and on circles for the grinder. I tried IR gas burners - it is inefficient, they require a lot of air, and with frequent opening of the vents, the heat disappears.

As noted DVAL, You can heat as you like and with anything, everyone chooses their own option, which they stop at, as the optimal one, in terms of a combination of costs and returns. Here viktor50 prefers the boiler "", and although he has a seasonal greenhouse, such an experience can be adopted.

Lighting and humidity

Winter days are short in the northern regions, therefore, even with the correct orientation of the greenhouse, for full growth, most crops require additional illumination with special lamps that generate the desired spectrum. HPS (arc sodium tube lamps) or LED lamps are used. This is one of the most expensive items in winter crop production, especially on a large scale.

Alla Ivanova

Heat is only one of the conditions, the main thing is light, photosynthesis, however. In the same Novosibirsk region in winter, you can only do distillation. Or lamps - for 200 m², about 40 pieces of 400 W each, this is 18 kW / h and for 12-16 hours a day.

Of course, when it's not about two hundred, but about twenty squares for personal use, the costs are much less, and many are willing to pay for the opportunity to consume fresh herbs all year round.

A heated greenhouse will really increase the yield. And its construction is simple and inexpensive. Therefore, its construction will not require special skill, but only the desire to enjoy the harvest, fresh salads and berries. Moreover, its year-round model will be ideal. However, a heated greenhouse is also a winning move.

It is only important to correctly determine their location. It is it that will reward the owners with an early harvest and save on heating. Therefore, it is advisable to do it where it is as windless and sunny as possible. Often prudent gardeners prefer to attach a greenhouse to the always warm wall of a heated house. At the same time, heating costs are also reduced. Although this wall must be insulated from greenhouse moisture.

The biological method heats the greenhouse in winter by exothermic reaction of biofuel and air. For example, horse manure retains +60ºС during decay and retains it for up to six months. Also use sawdust, straw and their mixture with compost household waste. This cheap way to heat a greenhouse is also the most useful for plants.

Technical heating is more diverse:

  • stove;
  • hot water;
  • electricity;

They prefer to heat the greenhouse with electricity Heaters or cable circuits along the foundation - a variant of a warm floor. Although excessive humidity is dangerous here and the cost of electricity is high.

Furnace heating can be arranged independently. For example, lay out a brick firebox in the vestibule, and draw a chimney along the greenhouse. Then the heated greenhouse with their own hands will always be warmed up by carbon monoxide tending to the chimney. At the same time, a safe distance from the chimney to plants and walls is observed - at least half a meter.

Here, the water-heating boiler and pipes connected to it circulate heated water from above and along the walls, then back to the heater (gas, electric or stove). And the expansion tank at the highest point guarantees the right pressure.

After all, greenhouses with gas heating are heated by its combustion in the boiler. Pros: uniform heating of the air, its enrichment with carbon dioxide, which multiplies the yield.

A greenhouse heated by a domestic boiler is economical if it is attached to the wall of the house or near it. By the way, insulation of external pipes will reduce heat loss. It is clear that the power of the boiler should be enough for this warm greenhouse.

Construction materials

  1. For the construction of a greenhouse structure, you will need a large aggregate (crushed stone) and a fine aggregate (sand). Cement will also provide strength to the foundation.Optimally, this is a strip foundation with a depth of more than half a meter: after all, the structure itself is light. You also need to make a heat-insulating "pillow" of expanded clay and sand.
  2. Ceramic (red) brick is needed for the basement above the foundation. It is usually laid out in 3 rows. By the way, moisture-resistant brick is less susceptible to deformation from steam and temperature.
  3. Film structures poorly retain heat and break through the wind, snow, icing. Then the crop will die. Therefore, they prefer to cover the winter greenhouse with more reliable material. For example, a double coating with an elastic special film with a guarantee of more than 8 years.
  4. Glass is the traditional coating. And double glazing is a must. After all, a layer of air between 2 glasses will save precious heat, money for heating. When thinking about how to build a winter greenhouse, it is necessary to design ventilation transoms.
  5. Cellular cellular polycarbonate - the newest covering for greenhouses. Such a year-round greenhouse is the most reliable. Factory samples are equipped with an advanced powerful design and are easy to assemble by hand.

This material retains heat better, so the problem of how to heat the greenhouse is simplified. After all, heating such a polycarbonate structure is less expensive: this polycarbonate will retain heat even at -40ºС. For greater protection of plants and saving money when insulating, an additional inner insulating layer can be made from a film.

Heating a greenhouse in winter with a diesel gun (video)

Heated construction device

Let the frame for the winter greenhouse also be durable: made of metal or wood.

Glasses, cellular polycarbonate or film are attached to it. Pipes, boiler heat winter greenhouses.

Already during the design, they are guided by energy saving and expediency.

Therefore, projects with a shed roof to the south are popular. Then the sun's rays fall on it almost at a right angle and heat the greenhouse as much as possible. Let the northern vertical wall be opaque, and insulated from the inside with an insulator covered with foil, which ideally reflects heat and light to the beds.

The frame, its racks are best made from thin pipes: they are light, but reliable. Although high-strength plastic is just as good. The correct shape of the frame will increase energy savings and yield. Therefore, when building a greenhouse with their own hands, they make a roof slope of more than 30 degrees. Then the snow will not linger, as, indeed, on the popular arched greenhouses. After all, a snow load can destroy a winter greenhouse. Now the frames erected from a profile pipe by welding are most in demand. The arch is formed by bending pipes with a section of 20x40 mm. But the year-round arched greenhouse will become stronger with corner posts made of 40x40 pipes.

Illumination affects the yield. A winter day is 3-6 hours, and this is not enough for plants. Therefore, growers recommend taking care of artificial lighting that is comfortable for grown crops and beneficial for gardeners. The range of fixtures is great: from conventional light bulbs to LEDs. Their rational arrangement will especially increase the yield of light-loving plants that will be near light sources.

So, many are interested in how to build a greenhouse with heating. It will increase the yield. After all, the goal is to build a winter greenhouse at a minimum cost, and the season for collecting vitamins will become endless.

Economical heating or how to bask in Siberia (video)

Gallery: heated greenhouse (15 photos)

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Do you think it is difficult to equip a winter greenhouse? I won't lie to you, it really is. First you need to prepare the foundation, mount a reliable frame, sheathe it with a double layer of polycarbonate. And that is not all. Next, you should equip heating, irrigation and additional lighting systems. If you are still full of enthusiasm, I will tell you where to start building a winter greenhouse, what nuances to take into account, what to look for. I give everything that I know from my experience, as well as examples of other gardeners and agronomists.

What is a winter greenhouse?

It is clear that the winter greenhouse is fundamentally different from the summer one, although its essence remains the same - it should be warm and even hot in the greenhouse.

The very principle of arranging a winter greenhouse is different, it is a much more complex design, often even equipped with electronics, and you certainly won’t get by with building a primitive frame and covering it with a film, although you still have to do something similar.

A winter greenhouse is necessarily a capital structure with a foundation that can withstand powerful wind and snow loads. A winter greenhouse can be a full-fledged separate structure or an extension to the wall of a house or other building.

What to grow?

In fact, anything can be grown in a heated winter greenhouse. It can be not only traditional vegetable crops, but also green, berry, decorative and all kinds of exotic crops, and, of course, flowers.

It is clear that different cultures require different conditions.

  • For example, lettuce, green crops will require a minimum of heating, a minimum of light, but if we are talking about the cultivation of a tomato, then more reliable heating and maximum light are needed.
  • Do not forget about the proximity of crops, for example, tomatoes and cucumbers are not good neighbors, they have different requirements for moisture, light and temperature, so it is permissible to grow them only in large greenhouses where their placement can be distinguished.

Read my article on

Video review of a winter greenhouse for growing flowers

Foundation for winter greenhouse

Usually a winter greenhouse is placed on one of two types of foundation - on strip foundation on either foundation of individual blocks . You can install a greenhouse on a columnar foundation or on slabs, but this does not happen so often.

On the north side, it is desirable to insulate the foundation.

Foundation preparation

Usually the foundation is prepared like this:

  1. To begin with, in the area around it, the sod is removed to a width of about 0.5 m and formwork is made from the boards.
  2. Next, a layer of sand is poured, which acts as an equalizer.
  3. After that, a heater is laid (polystyrene will perfectly cope with this role).
  4. And, finally, the blind area is poured with concrete along the expanded reinforcing mesh, or the second option is to lay the paving stones on a layer of laid sand.

Video how to make a foundation for a greenhouse

winter greenhouse frame

According to the frame, there are no special discrepancies with the usual, summer greenhouse. Often, two types of frame are used for the construction of a winter greenhouse - either metal or wooden.

What frame to make?

The shape of the winter greenhouse largely depends on what the frame itself is made of, on the climate conditions of your region, and on preferences too, because someone likes one form, someone completely different.

Usually winter greenhouses are:

  • arched,
  • lean-to,
  • gable.

Arched greenhouses, of course, cannot be wooden, or rather they can, but making such ones is extremely difficult and costly.

Usually arched greenhouses are metal, but single-sided or double-sided greenhouses are often wooden, although exceptions, of course, can and do exist.

wooden frame

Oddly enough, but wooden frames are sometimes given more preference. Why?

  • Wood is cheaper and in terms of strength it is practically not inferior to much more expensive and more difficult metal to install.
  • A wooden frame heats up much less strongly than a metal frame, and in winter the tree practically does not give off heat, which cannot be said about metal.
  • The wooden frame is also supported by the fact that since we put the winter greenhouse on a full-fledged foundation, therefore, the tree will not have direct contact with wet soil and it will last much longer, so if it makes sense to pay more?

It is clear that during the construction of a greenhouse, snow and rain loads must be taken into account, here a lot depends on the length and width of the greenhouse.

plastic frame

As for the frame made of low-pressure polyethylene (HDPE, polypropylene pipes), such structures can only be erected during the warm season. But in winter, especially in regions characterized by an abundance of precipitation, it is not advisable to use such greenhouses - it will simply break under the weight of snow.

How to mount the frame?

  1. First you need to fix the bottom lining on the foundation using anchor bolts.
  2. Next, install the vertical posts on the lining, using bolts and welding.
  3. Then connect the vertical profiles with a horizontal lining along the top.
  4. And finally, install the frame on a pitched or other type of roof.

How to make a wooden frame for a winter greenhouse with your own hands

Material for winter greenhouse

In the past, even winter greenhouses were actively sheathed with plastic wrap. Of course, glass was also used, but the film was more available and cheaper, and it was used quite often. Now, both film and glass are actively becoming a thing of the past, and cellular polycarbonate is coming to replace them for a long time.

It is interesting that even glass, which for a very long time was considered almost an ideal shelter for a greenhouse, is very much inferior in thermal conductivity to cellular polycarbonate, although, of course, glass wins over cellular polycarbonate in durability, but it is more dangerous, and the price of glass over the years only grows.

Winter greenhouse "Termos"

As for the cold regions, winter greenhouses rule the ball here, which the locals call "thermos" . The essence of this greenhouse is simple: it is not one layer of cellular polycarbonate, but two, between which there is air. It turns out a kind of window "plastic bag", only from polycarbonate.

  • Typically, the thickness of the outer layer is about 0.6 cm, and the inner layer is about 0.4 cm.
  • You should know that the thicker the sheets of cellular polycarbonate, the lower the thermal conductivity will be, which means there will be less heat outflow if the ends are isolated from the entry of cold air.
  • In the case of arched greenhouses, however, you should not lay too thick sheets of polycarbonate, it can simply break or the bending force will be critical and it will break much earlier than its service life.
  • Of course, the price also plays a role, thick sheets of polycarbonate, say thicker than 1.5 cm, already cost quite serious money. So do not take risks and overpay - 1 cm, no more.

Construction of a gable polycarbonate greenhouse on a foundation

Heating of the winter greenhouse

To begin with, the greenhouse must be made as tight as possible so as not to heat the street.

- Isolate all the cracks, make the windows and doors hermetically closing!

Soil thermal insulation

Requires such a construction and thermal insulation of the soil, do it as follows:

  1. To begin with, mark the areas where the beds will be placed in the future.
  2. There it is necessary to make a pit about 60-70 cm deep, river sand (7-8 cm) must be laid at the base of each pit.
  3. On top, you need to lay insulation plates, pour expanded clay (12-15 cm) on them - expanded clay is at the same time drainage and will save polystyrene from a sharp shovel when you dig up the beds.
  4. The last layer is laid fertile soil or composition for a warm bed.

Types of winter greenhouse heating

Heating is of 4 types:

  • air,
  • contour,
  • subsoil,
  • combined.

air heating

This heating option is simple and straightforward - air is supplied through air ducts located at different heights and heated by a heater located in the greenhouse itself.

Circuit (water) heating

Its essence is to create a thermal circuit located on the edges of the structure, but with a large area in the middle of the structure. Typically, this method involves the use of water.

  1. To build contour heating, radiator systems with pipes should be installed.
  2. The boiler itself, which heats the structure, can be installed both in the greenhouse itself and outside it.

The entire configuration consists of

  • heating boiler,
  • heating circuit from pipes,
  • radiators,
  • registers,
  • expansion tank,
  • and circulation pump.

Such a configuration is very complex in terms of layout and costly. Therefore, it is often mounted only in greenhouses of a large area and detached.

Underground heating

It is usually used in areas with a mild climate, where there are no excessively harsh winters. If you combine subsoil heating and the construction of a "thermos", then such a greenhouse will need minimal heating.

Usually in such a greenhouse they place a circuit of a water heated floor, or electric heating using heating mats.

Combined heating

Usually this option combines the use of air and contour heating with subsurface heating. This option is suitable specifically for crops that make demands specifically on soil temperature.

Example of contour heating of a greenhouse with water

What to heat?

What to use as an energy carrier? Usually, electricity is in the first place - a fairly cheap and affordable energy carrier, heat losses during its use are minimal, including when there are nightly tariffs.

The next in frequency of use is trunk gas, it is even less expensive, but its minus is that gas is not available in all regions.

The choice of heating option itself depends both on the region and on the crops that you plan to cultivate.

  • For example, when the structure is intended for the cultivation of green crops, then heating the soil is enough.
  • But if you plan to grow tomatoes, peppers, cucumbers, then you need to provide for a stable microclimate, constant heating and lighting.


This type of warming is implemented in two ways, for example,

  • using a heating cable that needs to be laid in the soil,
  • or use electric heaters or convectors for heating, as well as infrared heaters or lamps, and of course an electric boiler.

The heating cable is placed directly in the ridges, this ensures the heating of the soil and protects it from freezing.

Convention systems or radiator systems are placed along the main walls of the greenhouse, they protect the room, preventing cold air masses from penetrating.

Infrared type heaters, they are curious in that they do not heat the air, they heat the surfaces on which the rays fall.

  • From their impact, the soil and plants are warmed, as well as paths, fences, inventory, irrigation systems.
  • Such heaters are usually placed, clinging to the frame of the greenhouse.
  • The spectral composition emitted by them practically corresponds to the spectrum of sunlight, and therefore it is very useful for plants.


Solid-state in terms of combustible, stoves are also in demand, because the need for regular loading has practically disappeared, because long-term boilers are produced.

  1. The most accessible stove in which logs burn or otherwise.
  2. The furnace is placed from the coldest part of the structure and, thanks to natural convection or using air ducts, the greenhouse is heated.
  3. Air masses should be distributed in various ways, such as natural convection, fans or air ducts. You can heat with logs, brushwood or various waste products from the woodworking industry.
  4. It is appropriate to warm the greenhouse in the evening or when it gets cold outside.

Benefits of heating with a stove:

  • quick start of the stove and its warming up,
  • affordable fuel,
  • elementary installation and simple operation,
  • the possibility of manufacturing various furnaces from bricks or metal by welding.


  • the impossibility of automating this type of heating,
  • the presence of a person in the process of heating the greenhouse.

Infrared heating greenhouse video

Lighting in the winter greenhouse

Speaking of lighting, in winter the days are as short as possible, in the north it is critical. Therefore, supplementary lighting with lamps is strictly required.

It is better to use lamps that generate the spectrum of light needed for plants:

  1. arc tubular sodium lamps,
  2. or LED lamps.

Illumination in the winter greenhouse video

Watering in the winter greenhouse

Watering should be regular, there should be enough moisture for plants, there should not be excessive watering.

So that the soil is not oversaturated with moisture, it is necessary to provide for the presence of vents in the greenhouse. They are best placed in the roof of the structure, or even better - to build forced ventilation with a heat exchanger. It is, of course, expensive, but quite reliable.

Directly watering can be done:

  • from a watering can,
  • by mounting sprayers on booms or suspension tubes,
  • by placing an insulated underground water supply,
  • by laying out dropper tapes.

An example of an irrigation system in a winter greenhouse for growing flowers

To get fresh vegetables all year round, many owners of household plots and cottages are thinking about building a winter greenhouse. It has a heating system, so you can grow vegetables even in the northern regions of the country. You can build a winter greenhouse with your own hands - sketch out a project and a drawing, decide on the internal structure, prepare materials and study step-by-step instructions for building a building.

All types of greenhouses function in the same way, but winter designs must meet the following requirements:

  • provide heating of air and soil;
  • withstand high humidity;
  • open as much as possible, which is necessary in the warm season;
  • well pass the sun's rays;
  • have exhaust ventilation;
  • have a drain to drain excess water;
  • be mechanically strong to withstand snow and wind.

When designing a structure, attention should be paid to the following features greenhouses for growing vegetables and herbs in winter:

Gallery: winter greenhouse (25 photos)

Project development

Before erecting a heated structure, it is necessary to draw up its project and sketch a drawing with the estimated dimensions. . Stages of project preparation:

  1. Decide on the type of construction, the quality of the foundation, the type of heating, the thickness of the polycarbonate for the ceiling and walls, the location of the vents, and which profile will be used.
  2. The drawing marks the connection points of the elements, and with what they will be attached.
  3. Separately, a drawing of the heating system is made. Having decided what kind it will be, you should draw a plan for its placement.

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To make it easier to do the construction with your own hands, it is recommended to make drawings in multiple projections:

  • foundation - top, side and front;
  • view of the greenhouse - top, side and front;
  • heating system and boiler - from different sides.

If it is planned to build a structure with an area of ​​\u200b\u200bmore than 10 square meters. meters, then its design should take into account the regulations specified in SNiP on work with a metal profile, as well as on wind and snow loads.

Types of buildings

Before you start designing a winter greenhouse, the types of classification should be taken into account:

Material selection

When building a winter greenhouse with your own hands, you need to consider that the best material for its frame be wood or metal. The bars are selected with a section that can withstand snow and wind loads.

Wood will provide the best microclimate in the building, and wooden blocks are more convenient to work with. At the same time, the metal frame will last longer.

To cover the winter greenhouse, you can choose:

Automatic window opener for greenhouse

Properly selected material will help you build a winter greenhouse with your own hands, which will last a long time.

DIY construction

The structure should be erected on a flat area that is well lit and protected from the winds.

The foundation for a winter greenhouse must keep warm in any frost and be durable.

Foundation steps:

  1. Dig a trench at least 80 cm deep and at least 20 cm wide along the perimeter of the future structure. The depth of the trench depends on the degree of freezing of the soil, so in Siberia and the northern regions it should be much larger.
  2. The bottom of the trench is covered with sand with a layer of 15 cm, which must be well compacted.
  3. Sand is covered with waterproofing, formwork is assembled and concrete is poured.
  4. The structure is reinforced with iron reinforcement.

The foundation towering several tens of centimeters above the soil surface will make it possible to make high beds, which will greatly facilitate work in the greenhouse.

Frame installation

The construction of the structure should be started only after the foundation has stood well and dried.

Stages of work:

Heating system

When installing a winter greenhouse, be sure heating system needed, which can have several options:

  1. Furnace installation. It is cheap and easy to install a wood-burning stove in the greenhouse with your own hands, which will warm the air. The disadvantage of such heating is that the temperature has to be regulated independently, by reducing or increasing the amount of fuel for this. However, a wood stove can be made from improvised materials, for example, from old barrels.
  2. Warm beds. Additionally, you can insulate the soil with the help of organic debris in the form of branches, tops, leaves. Large debris is placed under the beds first, and small debris is placed on top of it. Fertile earth is poured on top with a layer of 10 cm. During the decay process, heat will be released and warm the soil.
  3. Laying pipes in the ground. Pipes can be drawn from a central or other source of heating and laid in the ground, which they will heat. All pipes are mounted in one system in which water can be heated with the help of electricity.
  4. Thermos greenhouse. To save energy costs, the building can be covered with two layers of polycarbonate, and the walls can be deepened to the freezing line. In such a greenhouse, the air temperature, even in severe frosts, will be positive.
  5. Combined automated heating. In this case, the earth is heated by polypropylene pipes laid in it, and the air is heated by infrared lamps installed on top. By connecting a thermostat to such a system, temperature control will be carried out automatically. Combined heating can be equipped with a ventilation system that will turn on when it gets hot in the greenhouse. Such a heating system is sold in stores, but it is quite expensive.

Today, the variety of foods on the table is simply overwhelming. A variety of vegetables, dill, cilantro, raspberries, strawberries in the cold season are not at all a curiosity. But no matter how the store shelves are bursting from a huge assortment of vegetables, in the first place in winter, the hand itself reaches for the native, and so beloved by everyone, cucumber. We all jump on them in the store with the first rays of the spring sun. And many of them are doing business.

In order for us to grow cucumbers in winter, we need, first of all, to have an appropriate building in which we can do this kind of work. Such a room is called not a simple greenhouse, in our case - a capital winter greenhouse. Or not home-made, but professional greenhouses.

The greenhouse operates in a special mode in winter. It is necessary to prepare it for this process in the fall, and when we start from scratch, then in the summer.

It should be noted that initially preparing a greenhouse for growing cucumbers in winter will take a lot of effort, time, and money. Not unimportant problem are pollination and ventilation. Indeed, in winter, bees do not fly, the temperature is such as around the Taiga in the Urals.

How is the winter greenhouse arranged:

  • The primary task is to install heating. In the cold, cucumbers will not grow. Heating in greenhouses is mainly electric.
  • The second is not an easy task - irrigation. In addition to the usual, warm watering, you yourself need to additionally install water tanks in the greenhouse. Electric heaters are very dry air, and plants need high humidity to grow.
  • The soil is the third question. Without a well-enriched soil, you will have cold, unbalanced soil in which the roots of plants will not grow stronger, but suffer. Add sawdust and manure to it, the soil will be looser and warmer.
  • Lighting. In the winter season, there is much less sunlight, therefore, artificial lighting in a winter greenhouse is very necessary. Moreover, they must be equipped in such a way that it is possible to lower and raise the lamps as the plants grow.
  • Seedling containers. Would it be wise to “run” a greenhouse in order to plant cucumber seeds for seedlings? It is better to do this in containers, and put them in the house for germination. And then, you can land on a permanent place in the greenhouse. Seeds for seedlings are sown 2-3 months before planting.

How to make a winter greenhouse: building features

If you are not afraid of the high requirements for the construction of a greenhouse, we begin to figure out how to build it, where, and how best to position it.

Making a winter greenhouse, like a summer one, is a troublesome and expensive task. It is also difficult and expensive to maintain, and harvesting will not be immediate. Therefore, you need to calculate the profitability and construction costs in advance.

In addition to the internal equipment of the greenhouse, there are several different requirements for its external decoration, and the correct location. First, draw up a business plan and decide what type your greenhouse will be.

Basic requirements for the construction of a winter greenhouse:

  • When we choose a place for our future greenhouse, we pay attention to whether there is a large slope on the site. It is allowed only not large in a minimum of degrees, and in the direction of the sun.
  • Do not locate your greenhouse either on a hill or in a lowland. In one case, it will be blown by strong, cold winds. There will be water in the lowlands in the spring.
  • In the process of caring for a greenhouse, a lot of water will be required. In view of this, try to have a water supply or a well near your facility.
  • Glass or cellular polycarbonate is most suitable for covering the surface of a winter greenhouse. Double polyethylene thick film is allowed only in the south, where winters are milder and warmer.

Nowadays, materials for greenhouses and hotbeds, and the practical greenhouse structures themselves, you can purchase ready-made. But the use of a do-it-yourself greenhouse is also quite acceptable.

Growing cucumbers: how to prepare a greenhouse for winter

Modern options for growing cucumbers allow you to shoot yields in a greenhouse up to 10, or even 12 kg per 1 m 2. To achieve this, it is necessary to properly care for the greenhouse.

How to prepare a greenhouse for winter? Cucumbers in a winter greenhouse grow no less quickly than in the open field. The most important thing is that it always has the best: temperature, watering and humidity.

If the area of ​​your greenhouse is quite large, say 100 or 300m2, then you just need to use it to generate income. Otherwise, your huge structure will ruin you, because of the costs that are needed to maintain it. To prevent this from happening, you need to follow modern technologies that allow you to increase productivity and reduce the cost of maintaining the facility.

The main techniques that contribute to high yields in the greenhouse in winter:

  • Mulching. The process, when the soil near the plant reduces the growth of weeds, and many times reduces water consumption for irrigation.
  • Drip irrigation. This system is new and is starting to gain momentum. With its help, it is possible to reduce both irrigation work and water consumption many times over.
  • Soil preparation technology. Properly balanced soil enriched with essential substances is the key to success and high yields.
  • And, of course, the greenhouse itself. You must properly prepare the building for the winter, filling up all cracks, holes and destruction. After all, depressurization occurs much faster in winter than in summer.

The technology for successfully growing plants in a greenhouse in winter is a very interesting undertaking. Do not despair, suddenly something did not understand the first time. Success, especially from persistent, painstaking work, comes with experience. Do not give up, and then one fine day the smell of vegetables grown by your own hands will mix with the smell of the Christmas tree.

Do-it-yourself winter greenhouse: leave it in the winter or not

In order to start building a greenhouse, you need to decide on the shape of the structure. When choosing an option, all factors affecting the greenhouse structure itself should be taken into account.

The winter greenhouse you intend to leave in the winter must be durable, comfortable and multifunctional. Such a design is usually not built for one year, so take care of its quality in advance.

Winter weather conditions are much harsher than summer ones, and it is up to you to make your own adjustments to the structure that you are going to build.

Winter greenhouse features:

  • In winter, it is common for a large amount of snow to fall, which accumulates on the roofs of buildings. To prevent the greenhouse from collapsing under its weight, make the roof as sloping as possible. The arched version is most suitable.
  • Winter winds are much colder and sharper than summer ones. Make sure that your design has a minimum of angles and flat planes.
  • Take care of high-quality heating. In winter, frosts can be very severe, and you should be prepared for anything.
  • Organize watering properly. Eliminate freezing of water on the approaches to the greenhouse and in it itself.
  • An important factor is lighting. In winter, it is especially necessary. Because the day is shorter and the night is longer. In addition, sunlight entering the greenhouse in winter is very dim.

All these factors speak in favor of an arched greenhouse, which is built mainly from cellular polycarbonate. Provided that the greenhouse is high, the droplet option may suit you, which is built according to the same principle as the arched one, it is only sheathed by joining sheets in the middle of the roof.

Consider how to make a winter greenhouse: manufacturing and installation

Building an arched greenhouse will not be difficult. And especially when it is the most common greenhouse, which is without a foundation. But we have a different case. For a winter greenhouse, it is desirable to make a foundation.

How to make a winter greenhouse when there is an intention to grow vegetables in winter? The main requirement is that the greenhouse must meet all the requirements, parameters and cold weather conditions.

Projects are not required for the construction of summer greenhouses. For winter, they are needed. Beforehand, you need to decide which greenhouse you need to build, and from what, purchase material and start building.

Stages of construction of an arched greenhouse:

  • We make the foundation. It must be durable, because it will hold the entire structure.
  • Preparing the frame. It is being built from the ground up.
  • We remove unnecessary details and attach arcs in the form of an arch to the resulting base. Gap - 2 arcs per polycarbonate sheet;
  • From the ends of the greenhouse we fasten racks and partitions under doors and vents;
  • We lay the covering material on the arcs and fix it along the length of the arc at the base;
  • We sew up the pediments with sheets of the required size;
  • At the racks we make home-made fasteners and canopies for doors and vents;
  • We equip the doors;
  • We equip window vents.

For strength, reliability, durability and normal operation for the greenhouse, it is necessary to build a foundation, and only then put the greenhouse on the foundation.

Do-it-yourself winter greenhouse (video)

For those who have private houses, the options and types of winter greenhouses may be different. It can also be a greenhouse attached to the house, arranged like a greenhouse or a winter garden. Or you can equip a terrace where indoor flowers or cultivated vegetables will grow, and you can also store garden tools. When choosing the shape, characteristics and design of such greenhouses, read reviews on the Internet. There you will find a lot of interesting things.

Examples of winter greenhouses (photo ideas)
