How to arrange a flower garden in the country. Features of creating beautiful flower beds on the site

Lush flower beds and elegant flower beds in your favorite dacha require not only physical effort, but also knowledge of their creation, design and maintenance.

Flower garden or flower bed

What is the difference between a flower garden and a flower bed? Many of the beginner summer residents are confused in these concepts. This is not surprising, because there is no clear definition.

A flower bed is most often called a raised or flat piece of land that has a strict shape. For planting plants inside the flower bed itself, clear forms, including geometric ones, are also characteristic. The most common and popular option is a round or rectangular flower bed. This type of planting is a characteristic feature of urban decorative plantings and parks. Their clear form is perfectly combined with straight paths, fountains, well-groomed bushes and trees.

The flower garden can have any shape. It looks more natural and natural, often used in gardens and nature parks. A flower garden allows a freer choice of plants than a flower bed.

The creation of beautiful flower beds and flower beds requires the correct selection of plants, not only according to the general requirements for growing conditions, but also according to the following parameters:

  • Harmonious color combination .
  • Proper selection of height and dimensions . When planting plants, one must also take into account the speed at which they grow.
  • Flowering time . A flower bed of annuals may consist of plants that bloom at the same time. In this case, after flowering, it is planted again. Perennials are usually selected according to a different principle - plants bloom in turn throughout the season.

Tip: Do not create a large number of assorted colorful flower beds on the site. It is enough to create one or two flower beds with your own hands, but carefully thought out and neat.

Types of flower beds

There are several types of flower beds with specific features:

  • regular or geometric . Such forms of planting were very popular during the time of Versailles. The French park style requires a strict selection of plants in terms of flowering and size, as well as in color. All plants in such a flower bed are planted according to a clear pattern and form a specific pattern.

Such flower beds are rarely created with their own hands, as they are difficult to care for and troublesome to plant.

  • Irregular or natural . In them, plants are planted more freely, most often in groups of at least 3 to 5 pieces to create a spectacular color spot. They actively use perennial plants, selected according to the principle of continuous flowering.
  • Elevated or high . They consist of a fence and an inner part covered with fertile soil and planted with plants. The fence can be made from various materials. You can make a flower bed in the country from stone, wood, brick.

A high flower bed made of wild stone looks beautiful, between which ampelous or climbing plants are planted. This type of beautiful flower beds can also be used for growing vegetables, strawberries or spicy and medicinal herbs.

  • Monolumba consists of plants of the same species and color. It creates a spectacular catchy color spot.
  • Vertical design is constructed from special containers stacked on top of each other and filled with a nutrient substrate. In the intervals between the containers, a variety of plants are planted, mainly ampelous and climbing, having a falling shape.

A vertical flower bed in the country can be supplemented with flowering plants and berries, for example, garden strawberries, which give beautiful mustache shoots.

Recommendation: Making flower beds in the country will be more beautiful and neat if limited to a few types of plants. Enough 5 - 6 spectacular and combined with each other flowering and deciduous perennials or perennials.

How to make a simple flower bed

The easiest way is to create a flower bed in the country with a simple geometric shape. A round, slightly raised flower bed in the middle of a lawn or in front of the entrance to the house looks very impressive, and it does not require much effort to create.

  • Choose the right place . Water should not stagnate here. Avoid very shady places - most plants love light.
  • Mark a round flower bed extremely simple. It will take only two pegs and a rope. One peg is driven into the center of the future structure, and the second peg, tied to a stretched rope, traces the contours of the future circle.
  • Make sure the soil is well drained . If the soil is too dense, remove its surface layer, make drainage and pour in fresh, fertile and loose soil. You can give the flower bed a rounded convex shape by pouring a larger layer of earth in its center than at the edges. So the plants will look more spectacular, especially if undersized or creeping species are selected.
  • Apply complex fertilizer to the surface layer long action. This will prolong the flowering and attractiveness of the flower bed, make it easier for you to take care of the plantings.
  • Carefully remove all weeds, stones and debris.
  • Plant such a flower bed from the center. The so-called focal plant is often placed in it. It can be a beautiful bright flower or an attractive leafy plant like yucca. Sometimes a garden statue or vase is placed in the center of the flower bed.
  • Place all plants according to the scheme.
  • Water plantings, loosen empty spaces so that a crust does not form.
  • The edge of the flower bed can be framed with small pebbles, pebbles, wooden rods or a special ready-made low fence for flower beds.

Tip: Making such a flower bed with your own hands is not at all difficult if you select the right plants in advance and create a clear planting plan.

How to make a flower bed out of old tires

The easiest way to make a flower bed in the country from improvised means is to use old discarded tires. There are several options for working:

  • Just use the tire as a frame for a future flower bed.
  • Show your imagination and create not just a flower garden, but a real work of landscape gardening art.

The simplest flower bed is made from an ordinary tire, which is installed in the chosen place. If there is dense soil under the future flower bed, the water will not be absorbed when watering the plants, but will spread ugly in all directions, washing the substrate out of the tire. To prevent this from happening, dig the soil under the tire, slightly deepening it into the ground. Or make a shallow hole and fill it with gravel for drainage. Install the tire, fill with soil and you can plant the plants.

From several tires put one on one, a beautiful high flower bed will turn out. Tires can be painted in different colors or shaped like a flower, a cup or even a swan. Used tires with a soft worn tread can be easily cut into a variety of shapes. By turning out such a tire, you will receive a free and elegant form for a flower bed in the country from improvised means.

How to make a multi-tiered flower bed

Another type of spectacular planting in the country is a multi-tiered flower bed for growing ampelous plants. You can create it from suitable containers of various shapes, ready-made forms, tires, boards, stone, even broken furniture. The main condition is that the landings should be arranged in tiers, one above the other.

  • First, a platform for a flower bed is being prepared.
  • The first tier is being built. It should be the strongest and most stable - it will have the weight of the entire structure.
  • The next tiers are installed one above the other so that there are spaces for filling with soil.
  • Selected plants are planted in the resulting "pockets" with earth.
  • A multi-tiered flower bed is watered in stages, starting from the very top.

Numerous photos of flower beds in the country fill the Internet. From there you can draw a lot of ideas or come up with your own unique options.

Flowerbed from plastic bottles

If you have a whole collection of plastic bottles, don't throw them away. They will become the basis of the original design for your dacha.

How to make a flower bed or flower garden in the country from such a strange material? Bottles are used in different ways, depending on their size. Large containers can make an original flower bed of plastic bottles. They are laid on their side and one of the walls is cut out. This will be the upper part of the flower bed, and the container itself will be a container for the earth. From several bottles you can make a decorative composition, for example, an elegant children's train. Or paint the bottles, giving them the appearance of funny little animals. Children will be very happy with such a decorative garden. Plant unpretentious plants in containers, remembering that they have a limited amount of land.

Another variant of a flower bed made of plastic bottles is a kind of "high beds", the frame of which is created from a row of plastic bottles dug upside down. They can be dyed in different colors or filled with colored powders. Such fences are very durable and elegant, they can be used not only for flower beds, but also for a comfortable and beautiful garden.

Another type of symbolic planting is the "eternal flower bed" of the same bottles of different colors dug into the ground. Their bottoms resemble flowers. Such a decorative detail will greatly decorate the cottage in late autumn or winter.

Plastic bottles can be an inexhaustible source of various design ideas for your yard.

Brick flower bed

A brick flower bed is a classic option for giving. The simplest design is landings lined around the perimeter with bricks in an arbitrary form. The "advanced" option is a brick laid on top of each other at an angle and half dug into the ground. But a brick flower bed can be much more interesting and more difficult.

Such a flower bed is laid out according to a pre-calculated scheme.

  • The contour of the future structure is marked.
  • A hole is dug and filled with drainage (rubble, pebbles and sand).
  • Brick walls are being erected. The first rows are not fastened with mortar. This is done to free flow of excess moisture and eliminate stagnant water, which can lead to the death of plants.
  • The next rows are laid on cement mortar.
  • If the flower garden is high, it is advisable to slightly tilt the masonry inward so that the earth does not "knock" it out.
  • The finished product is left for about a week to become a solution and strengthen the masonry.

With the advent of spring, many summer residents go to their garden plots. For any amateur gardener, it is important not only to grow vegetables, fruits and fruit trees on your plot, but also to give it a beautiful look that will delight not only the owners of the garden plot, but also all neighbors and guests who come to the country.

Garden decoration is a kind of art. On your site there is an opportunity to create unforgettable paintings from flowers, expressing your inner world with them. After all, it is not for nothing that they say: "The artist paints his paintings with paints, and the florist - with flowers."

In this regard, summer residents planning a flower garden on the site have questions: what varieties of flowers are better to buy in order to make your site more beautiful, where and when is it better to plant them, with what you can decorate your flower garden?

Design selection and planning

Consider step by step how to arrange flower beds with your own hands. First of all, it should be noted that the concepts of "flower garden" and "flower bed" are identical. The flowerbed has the correct shape and is necessarily fenced with a curb. But when creating a flower garden, you can not follow the rules and give scope to your imagination.

When breeding a flower garden, the following factors must be taken into account: the general appearance and area of ​​​​the garden plot, the number of buildings and structures located on it, the varieties of fruit and vegetable crops planted in different places of the plot, as well as their financial capabilities.

There are directly opposite ways of locating a flower bed on the site:

  • match in style and design with the appearance of the garden plot
  • on the contrary, intentional and complete contrast with the garden plot

It should be noted that in the garden there can be many flower beds that differ in style and design.

Do-it-yourself preparations for creating a flower garden in the country should begin in the winter.

By the time the flower bed is designed, it is necessary to clearly imagine what kind of flowers will grow on it, and how it will look like in general.

Moreover, it is necessary to purchase flower soil and specialized fertilizers for planting.

Creating a flower bed with your own hands

Creating a flower bed with your own hands is like transplanting a plant into an ordinary flower pot and takes a lot of time. However, there is nothing complicated in this process.

To create a flower bed in your garden plot you need:

  • Prepare and clear a place for her;
  • Remove the top layer of soil;
  • Make sure to drain. Broken bricks and rubble are quite suitable for this;
  • Lay out a border along the edges of the flower bed;
  • Pour new soil;
  • Let it settle for at least 10-12 days;
  • Start planting flowers.

Selection of plants for flower arrangement

Flowers in a flower bed must look beautiful and please the eye. However, you do not need to plant all the flowers you have on it. If you do not have the opportunity to constantly travel to the country, you should select varieties of flowers that do not require special care.

To create a beautiful flower bed, you must be guided by the following tips:

  • plants need to be adapted to the same conditions. That is, flowers are planted in one area with the same requirements for care, weather conditions and the composition of the earth;
  • select plants that will bloom throughout the period;
  • be sure to consider the size of the plants;
  • connect plants according to a combination of colors.

Most often, eight to fifteen species of plants are planted in one flower bed. When creating a flower garden, it is imperative to use the principle of multi-tiered plants.

The tallest flowers are placed in the center, and undersized plants are planted along the edges, as if framing them and the entire flower arrangement. Of great importance is also the side from which the flower bed is open for viewing.

In addition to flowering, ornamental leafy plants, usually perennials, may be present in the flower bed.


It should be noted that the process of creating such a composition is a little more complicated and requires a lot of imagination from the owner.


Plants are planted in two ways:

  • seeds;
  • seedlings.

If you decide to plant seeds, you need to prepare everything in advance. In early spring, flower seeds are sown in high-moor peat.

Depending on the duration of flowering, plants are divided into three types:

  • annuals (should be planted annually);
  • biennial (bloom profusely in the second year);
  • perennial (bloom constantly, every year becoming more beautiful and more magnificent).

When planting seeds, you need to separate one group of flowers from another, leaving a place between them. This is done so that the grown plants do not interfere with each other.


If the flowers grow too thick, they need to break through or transplant part of it to a new place. Planting seedlings is much more convenient. In this case, you do not have to wait for shoots to appear and the result will be visible much faster.

Flower beds require constant care. First of all, you need to regularly inspect the flower garden and remove wilted inflorescences. This encourages perennial flowers to re-bloom and keeps the plant looking beautiful.

Interesting design of a flower garden in the country

As a rule, to organize a beautiful flower garden, a lot of financial resources are not required. To decorate a flower garden, you can use many household improvised means. This will give your flower garden a special individual style and make it look like a fairy tale.

To create a flower arrangement, you can use any material, as long as the imagination of an amateur grower is enough.

You can use single "vases" and furniture that has served its time, parts of wood, unnecessary materials for construction, almost all types of transport in which flowers can be planted.


Tires are very popular for creating flower beds. They can be put one on top of the other in the form of a fun slide. Think about the things you don't need at home. They can be very useful at their summer cottage when creating a flower garden.

The advantage of such flower beds is that they are mobile and, if necessary, are easily rearranged to another place. It should be noted that photos of flower beds designed in this way will be simply amazing.

Decor elements when creating a flower garden

To add originality and zest, you can use special garden figurines, children's toys and decorations. Very often among the flower beds you can see figures of different animals and birds: hares, deer, squirrels, hedgehogs, swans, titmouse, as well as heroes from fairy tales: gnomes, Snow White, the Frog Princess and others.

In many cases, small toy windmills, fountains or castles are used in such compositions.

And illuminated lanterns located around the perimeter give the whole picture an additional effect and elements of a fairy tale.

You can organize a flower garden in the courtyard of your house. Carefully thought out and made with soul, it will bring not only aesthetic pleasure, but also make the atmosphere around your home magical and unforgettable.

DIY photo of flower beds

Creating a beautiful flower bed is akin to art. By combining plants and flowers, you can bring to life intricate patterns and designs that will become an original decoration for your garden plot. There are various forms of flower beds, thanks to which the flower garden will always look beautiful and neat.

From our today's article on "Dream House" you will learn what the forms of flower beds are, as well as how to recreate this or that flower garden yourself.

Geometric flower beds

The classical approach to the design of landscape design involves the creation of a flower bed of the correct geometric shape. It can be a circle, oval, square, rectangle, triangle, etc. Geometric flower beds are good because they are easy to make yourself and, moreover, they look harmoniously on any landscape.

Rectangle shaped flower bed

Beautiful rectangular flower bed

Before choosing the shape and size of a flower garden, it is necessary to determine in which area it will be located. As a rule, flower beds of a geometric shape look best on a flat, well-kept lawn. However, the geometry of the flower garden must be clearly visible from all sides, otherwise the object will look sloppy. For this, experts recommend paying attention to two important details:

  • scheme of the future flower bed;
  • planting density of plants and flowers.

Creating a scheme for a triangular, rectangular or any other geometric flower bed is not at all difficult. It is only necessary to prepare the site by drawing on it the outline of the future object. As for the density of planting flowers, a lot depends on the characteristics of their growth, as well as on how many varieties you use in the flower garden. For example, if a flower bed will consist of the same single-color plants, then they should be planted as a “carpet”, as close as possible to each other. If free areas remain in the flower garden, this will violate the beauty of the form and visually spoil the geometry of the figure.

Photo flowerbed shape

If the flower bed includes plants of different shades and sizes, then the scheme of their planting requires careful planning. Most often, the tallest plants are planted in the center of the flower garden, and the brightest in the office, which allows you to emphasize the shape of the object.

Forms of flower beds for flowers photo

Forms of flower beds for flowers photo

Flower beds of a square, round or rectangular shape can be made multi-tiered. To do this, the tallest plants are located in the center, and each subsequent row is filled with lower flowers. In the end, the flower bed will resemble a pyramid or a multi-tiered cake. However, to create a beautiful shape, it is important that the plants in the same row differ in the same height.

To emphasize the geometric correctness of the flower bed, you can use auxiliary elements, namely, edging. For example, a round-shaped flower bed can be decorated with a stone fence, and a flower bed in the form of a square or rectangle can be decorated with a border of wooden beams or pegs.

Round flower bed with stone border photo

Irregular flower beds

Irregularly shaped flower beds look no less impressive. The phrase "irregular shape" should be understood as the absence of classical geometry. For example, such a flower garden can be planted in the form of wavy lines, arcs, abstract patterns, etc.

Forms of flower beds photo

Forms of flower beds photo

Irregular flower bed

Do-it-yourself flower bed forms photo

An irregularly shaped flower bed can also be created as a combination of different flower beds. For example, in one area there are small round flower beds, which are connected by a wave-like coating of bright flowers and plants. To make the composition look harmonious and whole, the areas between the flower beds are filled with gravel, fine or. To create a flower bed of an unusual and multifaceted shape, it is necessary to first develop a scheme by drawing its outline on the soil.

Flower beds - shape, size, color, patterns and ornaments

Flower beds of unusual shapes

Please note that the more complex the shape of the flower bed, the more diverse its content should be. Therefore, select plants so that they bloom either simultaneously or alternately.

In addition, to make the original forms of flower beds look neat and beautiful, you need to take care of the combination of shades of plants. The filling of the flower garden can be both contrasting and close in color, but in the second case it is important that the shades of the plants do not merge with each other, otherwise the flower bed will lose its expressiveness.

Beautiful flower bed shape

Original flower beds of various shapes

Figured flower beds

Figured flower beds, which are also called "arabesques", resemble paintings drawn by nature itself. Arabesques can be performed in any form, but most often preference is given to floral ornaments and patterns.

For example, the shape of such a flower bed may resemble the outlines of a butterfly, flower, insect, etc. Creating such a beautiful flower garden is a complex and time-consuming process. First, it is necessary to draw a diagram of the future flower bed on paper, having thought over not only its outlines, but also the filling patterns. For example, a flower-shaped flower bed may consist of multi-colored petals, and butterfly wings may be decorated with intricate wavy patterns. As a rule, curly beds are of the continuous flowering type, so it is important that all plants ripen and bloom at the same time.

Forms of flower beds and flower beds photo

Flowerbed in the shape of a butterfly

To create contours and patterns inside arabesques, it is recommended to use the brightest flowers, planting them in dense rows.

If you do not know what shape to make a flower bed, start from the characteristics of plants. For example, if a flower bed is filled with roses, you can decorate it in the form of a heart. Yellow flowers will look good in flower beds in the form of the sun, and blue flowers in the flower bed in the form of a river or clouds.

Flowerbed in the shape of a heart

Flowerbeds of geometric shapes

Flowerbed in the form of a "brook"

A bright flower "brook" flowing through your site will become an expressive decoration of landscape design. Despite such an original form, there is nothing complicated in creating such a flower bed.

First of all, it is necessary to select undersized creeping plants, for example, agetarum, stonecrop, petunia, etc. Plants are planted in a dense row in the form of a wavy line, which in the future will imitate a raging "brook". For a better visual effect, a flowerbed-stream should have its own “source” - a container from which “water” flows. As such a "source" you can use a large flowerpot, decorative barrel, jug, etc. To make the composition look like a harmonious element, start planting flowers inside the container.

Using a variety of forms of flower beds, you will make the landscape design of your site even more original and expressive. And remember, despite the above recommendations, the choice of flower garden shape depends solely on your imagination and creative design.

How we want every corner in the country to please our eyes. And if stationary flower beds require preliminary preparation and careful planning, then we can make small flower beds with our own hands from scrap materials that can quickly add an extra bright element to any corner of our garden.

With minimal effort, you can turn any unnecessary container into a flower container.

Bright red salvia is a favorite choice for a campfire bed.

Do you have old flower pots in your house? We will make funny flower beds with our own hands that will make everyone smile.

Always wanted to try to make a flower garden from a single log?

If you do not have a suitable log, you can make such a flower garden yourself from the remains of a croaker.

Tired of plastic bottles in the country? There is a chance to make a vertical flower garden out of them for a gazebo or terrace.

You can easily make a flower garden from building blocks. Depending on how the blocks are colored, you can create a completely different mood: from strictly black to funny colored mosaics.

No old containers, boards, bottles and other unnecessary things? Believe it or not, an ordinary thick rag and cement mortar can become the basis for an unusual flower garden.

An option for those who still have old unnecessary containers in the country. Your dacha is your rules, perhaps such a flower garden will not become a regular guest in your garden, but it will cheer you up for the season.

An option for a flower garden for lovers of crafts from tires.

Indeed, do-it-yourself flower beds can be made from any improvised materials. For example, this flower garden is made from an old motorcycle tank.

Any old box in skillful hands has a chance to turn into an unusual flower garden.

If you are a fan of landscaping using flower containers, then you know about their high cost. These flower containers can be made from cement yourself, decorating them to your liking.

It is always a pity to part with unnecessary things to which we are already accustomed. We can beautifully say goodbye to them, making an unusual flower garden out of them with our own hands, and then calmly throw them away.

Even if these things are small in capacity, they can still serve us as a cute flower garden.

Near the house itself, we usually have a blind area near the foundation and a shadow - this is not the best place for a large flower bed. But a small stump from an old tree and one bush of an ampelous petunia can create a small miracle.

Any unpretentious annuals can be planted both in a flower bed and in containers. These containers can decorate your garden lawn, porch or gazebo. In order to give such flower beds a rustic style, wrap them in burlap.

Any old tub or even just an unnecessary barrel, plus a small bush of creeping flowers - and you already have a beautiful flower stream right under the windows of the house.

Plastic containers with flowers look better when they are slightly closer to their natural appearance, for example, placed in a wicker basket.

Unusual do-it-yourself flower beds made from saw cuts from a tree require more frequent watering - unlike an ordinary flower bed, the flowers in them dry out faster.

In the garden, not only flowers look beautiful, but also ornamental grasses. Look how interesting this flower garden is organized.

Taking an original flower container is one of the simplest and most effective ideas. Cheerful flower caterpillars will light up your entire garden with their bright smile.

An unusual swan flower garden skillfully uses the bright contrast between white and blue bushes of small flowers.

If no one needs the old car, and there is no hope of getting rid of it, you can make an unusual flower garden out of it with your own hands. The decision, of course, is not for everyone.
The owner of an old mannequin for clothes has a chance to make a small garden masterpiece with his own hands, like this goldilocks flower garden.

If you decide to decorate your garden with flowers, then an old withered tree is not a hindrance to you, but a new challenge to design ideas. Unusual flower bowl with petunias will be the subject of admiration for your loved ones and friends.

Ideas for flower beds are both simple and complex, but any of them will decorate your garden. Even if you are not a wonderful and skilled gardener, it is enough to buy a couple of bushes of flower seedlings in the spring and experiment with them.

Even if in the first year, your hand-made flower beds from improvised materials turn out not to be as beautiful as in these photos, you will be able to draw conclusions and increase your skills and abilities every year, and sooner or later your garden will become your pride.

Many owners of their own plots pay a lot of attention not only to the harvest, but also to the aesthetic component. Relaxing and working in the environment is much more interesting. If you do not want to spend a lot of money on, then a great solution for you is to create original flower beds and flower beds with your own hands from improvised materials. The photos on the site show a huge selection of such home-made designs. Let's see how you can make a beautiful flower garden from improvised means, and also consider the most interesting ideas and designs.

Before you start creating flower beds and flower beds in the country, you need to decide on the layout. You can create a project yourself. Here are the main tasks that you will have to solve:

  • distribution and planning of landing patterns;
  • selection of plants for flower beds;
  • design selection.

There should not be any difficulties with choosing beautiful ones, because on the net you can find a lot of photos of simple flower beds and flower beds with your own hands. Many interesting ideas can be found in landscape design and gardening magazines.

1 of 6

Now let's figure out how a flower garden differs from a flower bed:

  • the flowerbed implies compliance with the geometric lines of the territory on which the plants will be planted. Similar elements of landscape design are rectangular, round or other regular shape;

  • for flower beds, the shape is not important. In this case, the design can acquire a wide variety of configurations.

To plan a flower bed, you need to know some important details:

  • the right choice of color design of the flower garden. Be sure to consider their duration of flowering;
  • the number of species matters. You should not plant many different varieties, it is enough to use 2-3 crops. In this case, it should be taken into account how the plants get along with each other;
  • the choice of the shape of the flower bed can be peeped among those already developed by other designers. The selected configuration should not look foreign in the general garden ensemble. It should fit into the overall concept and style.

Features of the layout of the flower garden can be viewed on the video:

The easiest way to design is. You can plant compact and undersized crops along. A flower bed in the shape of a rectangle is called a rabatka. In it, you can plant both plants of the same height, and several tiers of different heights.

Do-it-yourself types of beautiful flower beds in front of the house are popular. Such decorative elements are called mixborders.

Beginners should start with a simple flower garden - a multicolor. This is a simple option, but during the flowering period it looks great. Common options include a mini-rose garden, which can contain several varieties of roses.

It is important to choose the right flower seeds for planting in a flower bed. It is important to pay attention to the height of an adult plant, to the time of its flowering, and also be sure to observe the planting time.

For your information! You can create extraordinary flower arrangements with your own hands. A chic flower garden can be broken up using decorative stones or even a chain-link mesh. On flower beds with an elevation, you can plant low-growing varieties, for example, edelweiss. And when making a flower bed, it is not necessary to use only flowering crops; climbing plants will also look great.

DIY flower beds and flower beds from improvised materials: photos and varieties

When choosing the idea of ​​\u200b\u200bflower beds for giving with your own hands, you need to understand the classification of these elements. These types of flower beds and flower beds are:

  • traditional flower bed looks like an ordinary one, on which flowers are planted, replacing each other and blooming throughout the season;

  • variant chameleon suggests contrasting fit. That is, one shade of colors is abruptly replaced by another;

  • irregular flower garden consists of plants that are planted in a certain sequence. At the same time, flowering changes evenly throughout the season;

  • in a regular flower garden all plants bloom at the same time, but varieties may differ in size and variety;

  • discount It's in the form of a ribbon. Most often located along the tracks or. There are two types - double-sided and single-sided. The double-sided version is a composition of low plants in the foreground and tall ones in the background. Annual crops are often used to create them;

  • carpet flower garden allows you to create a luxurious carpet of flowers that form beautiful patterns;

  • arabesques represent a variant of floral design that can be used in the center of a flower bed or as an independent element. It can be round or oval in shape, with an unusual ornament of flowers. For this option, carpet and annual crops are used;

  • mixborder- This is a mixed planting of ornamental crops. It does not have clear lines and geometric shapes. The design is characterized by arbitrary and soft lines.

Flower beds can be decorated with different flowering crops for open and closed ground. It can be perennials or annuals. Flower arrangements of the same color, but different shades look spectacular.

The design process begins with the selection of the right material. Further methods of finishing, and the location and even varieties of flowers depend on this. It is worth using, since the soil also needs to breathe.

A variety of types of flower beds for flowers with their own hands: photos of interesting solutions

There are many varieties of flower beds. In addition to the main options, it is worth noting a few more. You can see them in the photo of flower beds and flower beds. With your own hands, you can perform many options.

Here are the most common songs:

  • monoflower created from plants of the same color palette or one variety;

  • rock garden consists of stones of various shapes combined with ornamental plants of alpine flora. This creates an imitation of the nature of the Alpine mountains;

  • borders performed in the form of narrow flower stripes. They frame paths and flower beds. The width of the border can vary between 10-50 cm;

  • circular compositions frame individual objects. For example, fountains, trees or statues;

  • for registration vertical elements experienced gardeners often use a vertical flower bed and flower garden with their own hands. The photo shows the most original ideas. Thus, it is possible to decorate, partitions, screens, walls and arches;

  • - such a variant of the flower bed, which is used in areas where it is not possible to arrange the composition in standard ways. These can be paved areas, squares, yards or paved alleys. To create it, a large container with earth is used, where the landing is made;

  • popular multidimensional compositions. They are created with the help of additional elements.

How to make a flower bed in the country with your own hands for beginners: useful tips

You can make many options for flower beds and flower beds with your own hands from improvised materials. Photos of simple and interesting designs can be viewed on our website. At the same time, it is not at all necessary to be a specialist, you just need to have imagination and acquire plant seeds and certain materials.

Before you start creating a flower ensemble, you should take care of the following points:

  • plants are selected taking into account colors, growth conditions and flowering periods;
  • it is important to choose the right place. This area should be protected from the winds, as well as from the sun's rays in hot weather. It is better to plant plants on the western or eastern side of the territory;
  • special attention should be paid to soil preparation. It is better to use a mixture of leafy soil mixed with turf and sand. You can apply complex fertilizers. The plot for the flower garden must be well weeded, and the soil. Better install ;
  • the dimensions and shape of the flower garden must be planned in advance.

How to make a simple flower bed can be seen in the video below:

Flower arrangements are made on the basis of earthen mounds. To create original designs, you can use unusual items. Tires, carts, bottles, flowerpots and even pieces of furniture will go into business. Seemingly unsuitable elements are also used, for example, stumps, boots and parts of plumbing equipment.

More traditional fencing materials include plastic, wood, brick, bottles, tires, or tiles.

Another simple version of the flower bed:

The territory of the future flower bed must be cleaned of sod. In this case, it is necessary to cut off a layer of at least 10 cm. Expanded clay or gravel is used to install drainage. Then the area with drainage is covered with soil. After that, you need to wait two weeks until the soil settles.

