Letter to colleagues about leaving. Parting words to a colleague upon dismissal

Today I am resigning and leaving our friendly team. Dear colleagues, thank you for the warm and iridescent atmosphere, good cooperation, help and mutual support. I wish you to always stay in business, great success, good health and good mood.

Always worked diligently
Worked tirelessly
You have become more experienced
Now, let's sum it up:

Your work is impeccable
It's hard for you to find a replacement
You have always been human
Solved difficult problems.

Thank you for your service
For the contribution you have made
We really appreciate your friendship,
And the best, let it await you ahead!

Sometimes you have to say goodbye
Life is a continuous river
Can't stay anywhere
On without an account, for many centuries.

We lived together a lot
And work and everyday troubles.
And it happened to replace each other
I had to, or just bring lunch.

Thank you for your experience and support.
And for the views of kind warmth.
Let your work be appreciated by the authorities,
And the salary will make the dream come true!

At the farewell hour I want to say
Colleagues, thank you!
I will remember with love
About our team.

I say goodbye to you as a family,
As with relatives, relatives,
In trouble and always in joy
You were next to me.

And my dismissal
Let friendship not interfere
For you, colleagues, the door to the heart
I leave it open.

It was a pleasure to work with you
But labor went their separate ways,
Now everyone has their own worries
And we will have to go to them separately.

Colleagues, thank you very much.
For everyday life, and support, for advice,
I want everything to work out for you in life,
And they were all healthy up to a hundred years!

Thank you, dear colleagues,
For our team, for success!
What was supported, not abandoned,
Sometimes they understood without words!

Let me quit today
I was at ease with you
Thank you for our cooperation
It is a pity that you are an intermediate station!

My colleagues, together with you
It has always worked great.
In such a tight-knit team
Always easy and creative.

Thank you for everything that was
Each of you is dear to the heart.
Know that even dismissal
No reason to stop talking.

Life is changeable and amazing
And we have the power to change fate!
Today, colleagues, I will say convincingly
That I won't come to work.

I'll say thanks to you
For help, tips and just advice.
For being greeted with a smile and joy,
And the questions were always answered!

I'm leaving today with a sadness,
But I need to move on with my life.
Let's say goodbye with a smile
And we will remember each other warmly!

Dear colleagues, we have worked together for so many years! I really appreciate this time, but it's time to say goodbye. I sincerely want to thank you for your kindness, joint success and many positive days! I wish you new achievements, career ups and prosperity!

My dear colleagues,
Thank you from the bottom of my heart
For our working days
that were so good.

Hope we care
We will be in touch with you
We go to the theater, cinema,
Let's not forget our numbers!

So sorry to part with a man,
What in the team has become his own, native.
But now we wish you success
And new achievements, prospects!

Leaving work - a new step:
Let it be as fate dictates.
Let fate open the door
For happiness, for health and kindness!

Very sad to leave
But the stars do align.
You leave the team
Where everyone is immensely respected.

It was easy to work with you
But apparently the time has come
Travel to other heights
But don't forget about us.

We wish you good luck in everything
In a new place and everywhere.
You can do everything - not otherwise
After all, you are always on top!

I wish you that leaving work becomes for you not slammed doors, but open gates to a new, more successful and interesting life. I wish that now, there will always be time and means for the fulfillment of old desires, for the birth of new dreams and their realization. Let this step be a sip for you fresh air, for a swift and free leap forward.

Our entire friendly team
accompanies you today
May this day be only positive
Warmth and friendship surround!

We wish you a new life
Happy, joyful and cool,
So that all plans come true
And all problems disappeared!

You leave work
There will be new worries
interests, hobbies,
To new goals of aspiration!

We are now on our own
We will miss you
You don't disappear at all.
Visit us sometimes.

We are grateful for your work
We are in solidarity with the wishes:
Be happy forever
And healthy for sure!

Today we have to say goodbye to you
We worked side by side for many years,
So I want to ask you to linger,
But life writes a different story for you.

So let luck smile on you
Health, happiness, new perspectives,
Let your optimism stay with you
Bring people only positive!

There is no more interesting concern
How to leave work altogether.
Ahead is only a white sheet,
It's so disturbingly clean.

Don't forget about us
Visit occasionally.
We wish you all the best.
Change is a good sign.

How fate will go is a mystery.
Anticipation is so sweet.
We wish you good luck
In the adventure ahead.

You quit your job
It's been decided in earnest.
We had you in high esteem,
It is a pity to part to tears.

We wish you success
And problems - not to know at all.
Let there be no interference
To visit us more often.

In short, don't forget us
We hope and wait.
Achieve your goals
And good luck with everything!

It was a pleasure to work with you
It is a pity that you decided to leave us.
But everything has already been decided irrevocably.
We want to wish you: Good luck!

You have new goals, prospects,
Only success awaits you ahead.
Believe in yourself, be positive.
Happiness, good luck on the new path.

Congratulations on your new job
We wish you a huge salary
The bosses are good, kind, generous,
Don't forget us and visit us often!

Career takeoff at a new job
Faster to reach, like on a plane,
Good luck in life and happiness in fate
We sincerely wish you!

Here it is, happiness, unexpectedly, unexpectedly,
It's hard to even imagine it.
You have guessed the formula of joy,
And the carefree time has come.

How jealous are your employees?
This freedom from the bonds of labor.
You are not bound by boring everyday life,
There are no official duties.

We wish you a good night's sleep,
Go to visit friends and girlfriends,
Get out of everyday life into something new
And take all your dreams and make them come true.

May all diseases move away from you,
Do not let sadness and sadness into your house,
Let everyone be surprised at your energy
Be a role model for us!

It seems like quitting is easy. I wrote a statement, two weeks later I took it work book- and long live freedom. However, only a familyless and socially unadapted individual who does not care about tomorrow. A responsible person should arrange his dismissal in such a way as not to create unpleasant problems for either colleagues, or management, or himself.

Farewell letter

If you had an office job, and you corresponded with clients, partners, your sudden disappearance, without explanation, will surely become unpleasant news for them. Is it worth hurting them like that? After all, friendly relations with clients and partners will certainly come in handy in your new job. So it is better to write and send them a letter with the following content:

“Dear friends, colleagues! I want to warn you that with ... ( exact date your dismissal) I officially leave ... (company name), where as ... (position name) I performed ... ( short designation your duties), and move on to ... (place new work) for the position ... (name).

In the company ... (name of the company from which you are leaving), my duties will now be performed by ... (first name, last name). Its coordinates...

I thank everyone for their work and look forward to further cooperation.”

Such a letter will certainly raise your image to unprecedented heights, because for those who receive it, it will cause a feeling:

- what do you - civilized man;

- that you can rely on;

– that you care about your partners personally, regardless of whether you work for a firm or not;

- that it is unthinkable to expel such an employee, to lose it is a big nuisance, and your former leadership clearly lacks foresight, since it missed such a valuable shot.

Farewell dinner

You are free to decide how to say goodbye to colleagues: do it quietly and imperceptibly, or arrange a holiday for colleagues with a joint meal. You may not want to overspend, especially since it is still unknown how things will go for you in a new place and how much you will earn there. However, before you make your final decision, consider the following:

- over food people get closer;

- such a meeting will surely leave good memories with your colleagues - and it will benefit you if you suddenly decide to return to your previous place of work or meet your acquaintances in some new field.

Let's say you are ready to not waste time on trifles and organize a farewell feast for colleagues. But there is one delicate moment here: at such a table they will certainly talk about your dismissal, about the reasons that caused it, and you may not be very pleased to explain what the matter is. For example, the boss is dissatisfied with you or you are dissatisfied with working conditions - and you absolutely do not want to talk about this with other employees.

In such a case, you need to rehearse a cheerful and at the same time mysterious facial expression and a diplomatic phrase like: “Yes, anything can happen ...” (“Well, it happened ...”, “This is - difficult question…”, “You can’t talk about this briefly…”, etc.). And then move the conversation to a neutral topic.

If you are a brave, prudent, self-confident person, then it will not be difficult for you to ask your boss for recommendations when you leave. However, circumstances may be such that this will not be easy. For example, the boss may be offended by you, upset that you are leaving at the wrong time, may consider you not the most the best worker. What can be done in such a situation?

1. You can tell it like it is: “You may not be very happy with my departure, but I will try to make it as painless as possible for the company: I will finish all the work, transfer it, explain everything to the employee who will work for my place. And I ask you to give me recommendations that will help me in the future with employment.

2. The boss may offer you to write a recommendation yourself, and he will only sign it. But it could be for you daunting task: praising yourself is inconvenient, and the objectivity of such a characteristic is low. However, you need a recommendation - and there is nowhere to go. In this case:

- remember what results of your work you can boast of;

- ask your colleagues to remember what, in their opinion, you should be proud of;

- ask the secretary or personnel officer to write you a recommendation;

We will miss you
It was a pleasure to work with you!

Once this happens,
So, so be it.
Who suddenly leaves work -
Don't go to work.
You can lie down in the morning
On the bed and then
Do not rush, do not scatter -
Low start and sharp at seven.
It's all in the past
We congratulate you on this.
It will be difficult at first
After all, habit is superior to us.
You will find yourself in another
Things that matter to people.
Yes, you can visit us
Let's drink some tea.
Congratulations on deciding
Our age is complex, not simple.
You were in a hurry to find yourself
Well, we are for you - a mountain!
Let's sum it all up
Sending congratulations!

We accompany you
And we wish, loving:
At work, so good luck
And solve problems in the family!
Save a lot of money
And in love, contentment to live!
A whole year to plow with might and main,
To rest on the sea!
And earthly love to you,
Warm, gentle and dear!
Team for cognac,
Gives warm congratulations!

Leaving work - joy or misfortune?
It's not for us to judge this...
And I just wish you happiness
Always remember one thing:
What is family, friends, colleagues.
We will never forget
Our career successes
We will remember you forever!

The hour of parting has come
We sat down together at the table,
It will be sad without you
The family is falling apart!
You were a friend - what you need,
We are not happy to part
We wish you good luck
Kiss you hot!
So that without us you are not sad,
So that you live even cooler!
To drink cognac
Goodbye - congratulations!

Congratulations on your relief!
Your worries are at the door
Let's celebrate joyfully
Your departure from this job!
Do not be sad and do not be sad -
Stage passed already
Hurry up with the spirit, gather
To work "to your liking"!

Here is the end of the work
The rumble of a worker is silent somewhere ...
But why should we be sad?
After all, she is not a wolf at all.
Will wait in another place for us,
Won't run away
In the meantime, we grab two hundred
For a free life!

Congratulations on leaving your job!
Now - new life ahead.
You are now just a pilot
Aircraft named "life".
Let it now be true, successful
The new route chosen today.
Let any problems, tasks
Resolved easily, without confusion!

You slammed the door from work
And walking proudly
The boss took your eyes off
Washing men's tears.
He couldn't hold you
And now he bites his elbows
And be angry with yourself
After all, the genius is gone, he understands ...
A genius after a couple of days
Relaxing and taking a hot bath
In any will come from the door,
To prove everything again - by deeds.

You are now a free boy
You are a free man.
We sincerely wish
Relax for a lifetime!
Get creative
Look for new thoughts
To work new
Could sparkle with ideas!
May you not know loans
Let there be more time
So that in a new team
Grow to the award!

Many new impressions

The beginning of new experiences
And don't be sad about the past
We congratulate you
Happy new day
And congratulations to you, ours will congratulate
At the end of it.

You gave strength to the work,
They honestly deserved to rest,
So leaving work
Better than a holiday, Saturday.
Rest well
Walk with your soul
Get off you again
Don't get up for work.

Few notice this.
Leaving work is a dubious happiness.
But you should still celebrate.
You changed your life overnight.
Now everything will be from scratch
New horizons will open.
Get some rest, you're so tired.
Your happiness lies in changing jobs.

You worked side by side with us
For several years and winters,
And now you've already enjoyed
And happy now with others.
You aim to go higher
So keep our congratulations:
Let the poet write about you
A couple of important and significant lines.

No more worries
Get up early in the morning
And hurry up quickly from work,
To indulge in rest.
Congratulations on your resignation
That is, with an indefinite vacation!
There will be changes in favor
For health, that's for sure!

We will miss you
It was a pleasure to work with you!
After all, honestly, only loving,
Were happy to fill up with work!
But the farewell breeze blew,
And you, like an autumn leaf, swirling,
Reading this farewell congratulation
You're leaving after serving with us so much.

"Seven feet under the keel! Favorable wind!
And I'm unemployed now.
So that I do not return, my former director
He locked the door behind me.
I just don't know what to wish for myself!
Should I go and drink some wine?
I love wine. Although, no! I wish
So that the wife does not drink!

Today is such a beautiful day
And, seeing your eyes clean, clear
The gift of speech can be lost
But we have come not to be silent!
We wish you, sun
Always win the fight
The same bright, kind to be,
And don't go with the flow!
We wish you many ideas
Family, your home, a crowd of children,
(or - "Love, raise your children")
And so that you good man,
Don't forget us - your colleagues!

Colleagues, are you ready?
Farewell to say a word!?
'Cause deep down I know
That you are not happy about parting!
I wish you happy stay
And I promise to remember you!

Days pass, years fly by.
You stay young.
You don't age an ounce
You don't feel gray.
And that's why you stayed young
That heart and soul did not give up,
Don't stop believing in yourself
I didn’t forget my friends, and the doors,
which you open to them,
Always friendly, hospitable,
Just like you, you are the best in the world!
And you know it best
What happens in life
Dreams don't come true right away
Problems are sharply covered,
But only friends whom you will not forget in heart and soul,
They will understand you, they will always support you, because these are the same people,
Who will not be abandoned in trouble, just like you,
Without asking, they will always support and help,
Show the right path
They serve as a strong foundation.
Your hour will come and you will reach
That which he aspired to strongly,
And in the days of dawn and success
Your business will be fine!

May good luck always be with you
We are all sorry to part with you!
But we know that you will be happy
And you will work with all your heart!
We wish you in a new place
Be successful, grow in your career!
And we hope you don't forget
Our close-knit team!

You leave work
That was your choice.
And new worries
So be ready for them.
. We need change -
It's so boring to live without them.
I wish you luck
And don't be sad at all!

We will miss you
It was a pleasure to work with you!
After all, honestly, only loving,
Were happy to fill up with work!
But the farewell breeze blew,
And you, like an autumn leaf, swirling,
Reading this farewell greeting
You're leaving, having served with us so much

And no bonuses, no benefits
Couldn't hold you
You quit your job
They chose to be free.
We understand, a valuable frame
The house and family was chosen,
More importantly, no doubt
For those who live in love!

Achievements are waiting for you ahead,
Many new impressions
Leaving work, starting a new path,
The beginning of new experiences
And don't be sad about the past
We congratulate you
Happy new day
And congratulations to you, our congratulations
At the end of it.

If you were fired during a crisis,
Time to test yourself!
Give up, you'll lose everything!
Luck will forget you!
Get it right, you're the best.
There will be something to tell everyone.
Maybe later memoirs
You will write about it!
