What can be the pain after childbirth and can they be avoided? Discomfort after childbirth. postpartum pain

So the miracle happened, which you were looking forward to for 9 months - your baby was born. The joy of having a baby cancels out the suffering that you had to experience during childbirth. It would seem that the worst is over, and now it remains to enjoy life - your own, filled with new meaning, and the new one - your child.

But the joy that fills a woman after she gave life to a new person is a little overshadowed by postpartum pain. What pains torment the puerperal, and what is their cause?
Usually, after childbirth, a woman is worried about pain in the perineum, coccyx and sacrum, in the pubic region, in the abdomen, back and lower back.

Pain in the perineum

Most women feel pain after childbirth in the perineum. They worry even women who have given birth without breaks, because the child passed through this area, and the tissues of the perineum were subjected to severe stretching. But these pains are not very strong, and usually disappear 2-3 days after the birth of the child.

If during childbirth a woman had ruptures in the tissues of the perineum, then until they heal, the pain will torment the puerperal woman. The stitches are especially painful in the first days after they are applied. Damaged tissues become inflamed and cause a lot of suffering to a woman. It hurts both to sit and stand, and you can only lie in a certain position. Usually, with inflammation of the seams, the woman in childbirth rises in temperature and chills appear. In such cases, you should tell the doctor about it so that he can prescribe an anesthetic and anti-inflammatory agent. It takes an average of 7-10 days for the stitches to heal.
Pain in the perineum may be felt for some time during sexual intercourse. If the pain does not disappear for more than two weeks, it is better to seek the advice of a doctor in order to avoid problems of a different plan.

Pain in the tailbone and sacrum

Often in women who have given birth after childbirth, the coccyx hurts, and pains are felt in the sacrum. This is because the pelvic floor muscles and ligaments of the small pelvis, which took an active part in childbirth, were injured. These pains may be aggravated by urination, walking and bending over. With severe pain in this area, you should consult a gynecologist.

Pain in the pubic region

Not all women have pain after childbirth in the pubic area. If this pain is felt by the puerperal, then its cause is damage to the cartilage that connects the two pubic bones. During childbirth, they move apart, and the cartilage is stretched. Pain in the pubic area indicates that this cartilage remained stretched due to the fact that the pubic bones were not symmetrical to each other. This problem can be eliminated with the help of special therapeutic exercises, which the doctor will prescribe for you if you contact him with complaints of pain in the pubic bone area.

Postpartum pain in the lower abdomen

Pain in the lower abdomen after childbirth can be cramping or pulling in nature. This is quite typical for the postpartum period, as the uterus contracts intensively and returns to its previous state. From the size of a large ball, it decreases to the size of a small fist, and this process is a little painful for a woman. The increase in these pains occurs when a woman is breastfeeding, since at this time oxytocin is intensively produced, which activates uterine contractions.

Pain in the abdomen after childbirth usually for 4-7 days. To reduce these pains, you can perform special postpartum exercises. If your stomach hurts so much after giving birth that you can't stand the pain, talk to your doctor about taking pain medication.

Pain in the back and lower back

If a woman has back pain after childbirth, or lower back - it is necessary to start treatment as soon as possible. Pain in the back and lumbar region can be very strong, and pass through the nerves. For example, such pain may affect the legs. The intervertebral discs experience the load, and in fact, after childbirth, a woman needs to move actively enough to provide the necessary care to the baby. Physical activity is inevitable, and with pain in the back and lower back, it is required that the spine be in an even position more often. Walking at a calm pace and swimming in the pool are useful for relieving such pain.

With the problem of postpartum pain in the back and lower back, you should contact an osteopathic neurologist.
Most often, any postpartum pain is experienced by women who have had a complicated birth. The cause of such pain after childbirth can also be postpartum depression. With certain psycho-emotional disorders, such as anxiety, anxiety, severe emotional stress, as well as hormonal changes in the body, a woman may feel pain.

Increased responsibility, a changed mode and rhythm of life, additional physical and mental stress can provoke various kinds of pain in a woman who has recently given birth. Although pathology from a medical point of view may not be. In such cases, examination by various specialists is required, among which is a psychotherapist. After all, a woman should now treat herself with more responsibility, because how the baby feels in the first months of her life depends on her health.

In this article:

Many future mothers, preparing for childbirth, try to foresee everything. Some go to special courses to prepare for the upcoming event, others surf the information spaces of Internet resources. But all these actions are dedicated specifically to the process of childbirth, and most people forget the nuances that occur with a woman's body after childbirth.

After going through a grueling birth process, women in labor can suffer from various types of pain after childbirth. It all depends on which muscle group was under the main load during childbirth.

Pain in the perineum

The most common postpartum pain is pain felt in the perineum. Absolutely all newly-made mothers note that after childbirth it hurts between the legs. This is due to the stretching of the tissues of the perineum after childbirth, caused by the passage through them of a child weighing 2.5 kg or more. Especially if an episiotomy was used at birth or spontaneous tissue rupture occurred. In this case, after such a birth, the perineum hurts much longer, in contrast to the healing process of intact tissues.

You can relieve yourself of pain in the perineum by performing special exercises that are recommended to be done a couple of weeks after giving birth. And also requires careful hygienic care and cleanliness of the perineum.

Sudden and frequent headaches

Some women complain of frequent headaches after childbirth. Their nature may be different. Most often, the head can hurt after childbirth due to a strong overstrain of the woman in labor during contractions and attempts, or from constant holding of the breath during pain during contractions.

These pains can later be prevented if you constantly train proper breathing throughout the pregnancy. Then the process of childbearing can be a little easier.

Sudden and frequent headaches that occur after childbirth may also be due to the use of drugs: epidural anesthesia or general anesthesia. They are prescribed for medical reasons in the process of the birth of a child.

Complaints that the head hurts after childbirth, as a rule, should disappear within a month, otherwise you should consult a doctor for a more detailed study of the causes of its occurrence.

Problems with the gastrointestinal tract and pain in the lower abdomen

A common type of pain after childbirth is abdominal pain. This is due to a sharp change in nutrition, especially after a caesarean section. Stomach pain after childbirth can be due to the accumulation of gases. Many women may complain that their left side hurts after giving birth. During the first few days after delivery, such pain is due to the fact that the abdominal organs come to their usual location. During growth, the size of the uterus squeezed and displaced the stomach and intestines. After the expulsion of the fetus, the space previously occupied by the uterus is sharply reduced.

Problems with constipation can join the pain in the stomach. They also occur in women who have been operated on, and in those who have given birth naturally. Stool retention should not exceed 2-3 days. Otherwise, it is necessary to help the body with medicines, an enema, or an increase in the consumption of plant foods.

In the first few days after childbirth, pain occurs when urinating. This is due to the hard work of the muscles during the birth of a child. The tissues of the urinary canal are stretched, swelling of the tissues occurs, which presses on the urethra. Therefore, even though it is painful for a woman to write after childbirth, it is necessary to empty the bladder as quickly as possible. In the event that she is unable to do this on her own, she is excreted with urine using a catheter.

Pain in the coccyx and pubic part of the pelvis

Pain in the coccyx is a normal reaction of the body of a woman who has just given birth only if they last no more than three weeks. Otherwise, it may be signs of a birth injury, a lack of calcium, or a urinary tract infection. However, the most common cause of such pain is a pinched sciatic nerve. In this case, it is necessary to consult a neurologist and an orthopedist.

Some women may complain that all the bones of the pelvis hurt after childbirth, and especially the pubis. At the same time, pain in the hip joint after a long process of childbirth is the subject of the norm, because. during pregnancy, they were actively prepared, gradually expanding so that the fetus could successfully pass through them. And it is quite natural that after childbirth they return to their usual position, accompanied by painful aching sensations. If a woman complains of pain in the pubis for a long time, then this indicates that the interpubic cartilage was subject to severe stretching. Doctors call it inflammation of the pubic symphysis. With these symptoms, consultation with a specialist is required.

Pain in the back and lower back

During the recovery period after childbirth, the most common complaint of new mothers is back pain. These symptoms subside on their own within a few weeks. You can alleviate them with the help of massage and applying heating pads, taking warm short baths.

If the lower back hurts for a long time after childbirth, then you should immediately consult a doctor, because. it could be a sign of a spinal injury.

Video about how a woman feels after giving birth

Today, the site for moms, the site will tell its dear readers about the difficult postpartum period in a woman's life. Starting from that beautiful day when the long-awaited baby was born, and within eight weeks, a organ regression that have been changed as a result of pregnancy. There is also the formation of the function of the mammary glands.

For most women, the postpartum period becomes a difficult test that needs to be overcome as soon as possible. To ease this period, relieve pain after childbirth and return your body to its previous state, you need to know a few important tips that the site will share with you.

  1. Be prepared for the fact that your body will be different from what it was before childbirth. Wrinkles on the stomach, too large breasts, excess weight and other problems that can spoil the mood of every woman. However, do not worry, all this is temporary, soon everything will fall into place, especially if you are engaged in physical exercises.
  2. The second point is related to the relief of pain after childbirth, we will consider it in detail.

Pain in the perineum that appeared after childbirth

It is not surprising that after the birth of a child there are pains in the perineum. There may be a tear during childbirth that you may not feel if you use it. Even if there was no tear, the perineal area was still injured, otherwise how would a three-kilogram baby pass through it?

In the event that you have done, then the pain intensifies. This is especially noticeable during laughter or sneezing.

How to minimize the pain of this type after childbirth?

  • Try not to touch the painful area. The less you disturb it, the faster it will heal.
  • It is advisable to store the pads in the refrigerator. Then, while wearing them, they will dull the pain a little, you will begin to feel more comfortable.
  • During the first day, if possible, apply a special cool pad, which can be purchased at a pharmacy. This will reduce pain and relieve swelling.
  • Frequent, but not prolonged water procedures will help to overcome pain in the perineum after childbirth. Do not add salt to the washing water. This can irritate the painful area.
  • Get a special pillow on which you can sit for a long time without feeling pressure on the perineum.
  • Mentally tune in for a speedy recovery. Positive thoughts have never hurt anyone!

Pain in the lower abdomen

The cause of pain in the lower abdomen in the postpartum period are intermittent uterine contractions which returns to its original state. Such pain intensifies during breastfeeding, as there is a release of hormones that cause uterine contractions. It even happens.

Usually, pain in the lower abdomen after childbirth disappears a week after the baby is born. To reduce them, you should perform special physical exercises and massage. Massage should be done with circular movements of the fingers, from the navel to the sides.

If it is very difficult to endure pain, consult your doctor, he will prescribe you those painkillers that can be used during breastfeeding.

Back pain after childbirth

This type of pain is quite common. Unfortunately, such pain does not go away soon. During pregnancy, when a woman had to "carry a load" in her stomach, it could happen displacement of the axis of the spine. Pain can be aggravated by stretching the muscles of the abdomen and back.

Perform the following physical exercises in order to reduce such pain after childbirth:

  • Take a lying position, preferably on a hard surface. Bend your right leg at the knee (if you have right-sided back pain) and move it behind your left leg so that the toe of the right foot is under the calf of the left. Grasp your right thigh with your left hand, and begin to tilt your right knee to the left. Do this exercise several times. You can alternate the position of the legs. When getting up from the floor, do not make sudden movements, keep your back straight.
  • Lie on your back, bend your right knee and grab it with your right hand. At the same time, use your left hand to guide your heel towards the groin area. After muscle tension, relax, rest and repeat the exercise again.

By repeating these exercises several times daily, you will soon forget about back pain!


Pain in the pelvis

Another common type of pain after childbirth is pelvic pain. During the passage of the birth canal, the child pushes the pelvic bones apart and puts a lot of pressure on the sacrum, and can even injure him. The separation between bones is called symphysiolysis and is quite common during childbirth.

In order to reduce pain, do the following exercises:

  • Slowly tense and relax your vaginal muscles. If you don't know exactly how to do this, imagine what happens to your organs while you endure waiting for your turn to the toilet.
  • Do the same exercise, only with the muscles of the anus.
  • Now try to do the above two exercises at the same time.

For pain in the sacrum and lower back, take a prone position, roll over to your left side. Put your right foot forward a little for support. Slowly turn your shoulders to the right. Be careful, try not to make sudden movements. The left hand should touch the right knee.

Thus, you can slightly reduce the pain after childbirth in the lower back.

Special exercises for restoring the posture of young mothers after childbirth

Due to the hunched position of a woman during childbearing, breastfeeding, and with frequent carrying of a baby in her arms, posture is disturbed.

Firstly, from the outside it looks rather ugly, and secondly, it is also a huge harm to health.

To restore your posture, do the exercise called "rocker". To do this, take a long stick (even a mop will do at home), put it horizontally behind your head and throw your hands on it, as if you were carrying a rocker. In this position, tilt left and right and back and forth.

Try to always sit straight, remember how you were taught to keep your posture as a child.

Pain after childbirth in the musculoskeletal system

Such pain can manifest itself in different ways:

  1. In the form of frequent dizziness, malaise, headaches, feelings of high blood pressure.
  2. Muscular pain in various parts of the body. It is impossible to draw a conclusion about which part of the body hurts, because the pain can be given to other organs.
  3. Pain in muscles and ligaments after childbirth, which are associated with the fact that they have not yet come into tone after the process of childbirth.

Painkillers prescribed by your doctor will help you overcome the pain.

Of course, in the postpartum period, in addition to pain, women experience other unpleasant moments. For example, lack of communication with husband. Try to ask your husband more often for help in caring for the child, tell him about all the ongoing processes. Let him know that you care about him and need him more than ever.

Young mothers have a hard time, and in the sense that they are completely absorbed by household chores, there is almost no time left for themselves. Therefore, you should not refuse outside help, because there are people around who want to help you! You will have a free minute, and the baby at this time will be in good hands.

Following all these tips, you can significantly ease the postpartum period and fill your life with only positive impressions associated with the birth of your beloved baby!

The hardest part is over: the birth is over, and the happy mother and baby have returned home. But here new difficulties can await her - from severe lack of sleep and sore nipples when feeding crumbs to exacerbation of various diseases. Of course, you should not panic, but it is important to remain calm and do everything possible to normalize the condition.

1. Abdominal pain after childbirth

Pain in the abdomen after childbirth is normal, no need to be afraid of them. They can be pulling or cramping. This suggests that the enlarged uterus is shrinking and gradually returning to its previous size. Pain becomes especially intense during, since at this moment the hormone oxytocin is produced, which contributes to uterine contraction. Therefore, in women who are breastfeeding, the contraction and recovery of the uterus is faster. Abdominal pain can be felt from several days to 1 week from the moment of delivery.

In the maternity hospital, doctors sometimes recommend that after each emptying of the bladder, apply cold to the lower abdomen for 10-15 minutes during the first 1-2 days, lie more on the stomach. To improve well-being with severe pain, you can take antispasmodics.

Pain in the abdomen after childbirth also occurs after. In the maternity hospital, painkillers are used for no more than 3-4 days and strictly according to indications. Usually, by the 4th-5th day, acute discomfort practically disappears, and the postpartum period as a whole continues in the same way as in women who have given birth naturally, although it takes more time to restore the uterus after a caesarean section - 2-3 weeks.

2. Pain in the perineum after childbirth

Pain in the perineum after childbirth is also normal, even if the birth took place without tissue dissection. Indeed, at the birth of a child, as a rule, there is tension, compression, microcracks may appear.

If a woman did, then the pain in the perineum after childbirth persists a little longer, up to several weeks or months, aggravated by exertion (coughing, sneezing, laughing, straining, bending forward, squatting).

After that, it is not recommended to sit for a month, but on the 5-7th day it is allowed to sit on the toilet, a hard chair on the buttock, opposite to the direction of the incision: the mother needs to check with the doctor on which side the incision was. When getting out of bed, you must first turn on your side to avoid a sitting position, take your time and do not make sudden movements. It is better to feed the baby after suturing while lying on your side. It is also undesirable to lift weights during the first two months after childbirth. In the presence of secretions, it is necessary to change sanitary pads in time - at least once every 3 hours, preventing the occurrence of a "greenhouse effect".

If the discharge is accompanied by an unpleasant odor, the pain in the perineum has increased significantly both at rest and during movement, the body temperature has increased, nausea or vomiting has appeared, you should immediately consult a doctor.

3. Hemorrhoids

Pregnancy and childbirth are one of the main factors in the development of hemorrhoids in women, which is associated with an increase in pressure on the walls of the intestine from the pregnant uterus, an increase in intra-abdominal pressure, and impaired blood supply to the veins due to a slowdown in venous outflow. In this case, the dilated vein forms a "bag of blood" - the actual hemorrhoid. During childbirth, the head of the fetus compresses the vessels, including the veins of the rectum. The longer the birth, the more pronounced the stagnation of blood. After childbirth, the anus and hemorrhoids gradually shrink and may disappear completely, but sometimes they persist.

Hemorrhoids after childbirth can be external and internal. External hemorrhoids after childbirth are easier, complications occur less often. External hemorrhoids are less of a concern for a woman, but can cause discomfort in the anus, itching, and less often bleeding. Internal hemorrhoids often cause pain, may fall out during bowel movements, cough, irritate the skin around the anus. The fallen bumps can be infringed, and then the pain becomes unbearable, necrosis of the mucous membrane occurs, the body temperature rises to 38 ° C, and thrombosis of varicose veins may occur. In such a situation, you should immediately consult a doctor.

Proper nutrition plays an important role. It is necessary to adjust the work of the intestines so that there is no constipation and defecation occurs without straining. It is useful to eat more fruits, vegetables (broccoli, corn, carrots, ripe apples, beets, cauliflower, potatoes, raisins, prunes, dried apricots) and cereals (especially barley, oatmeal). Spicy, salty, spicy foods, marinades should be excluded, as these products increase the blood supply to the hemorrhoidal veins. It is recommended to limit fatty foods: they slow down the digestion of food, creating conditions for the development of constipation.

Establishing the work of the large intestine and reducing congestion in the veins of the small pelvis contributes to light gymnastics, aimed at strengthening the abdominal muscles and improving blood flow. A set of permitted exercises may be recommended by the attending physician.

It is also advisable to lie on your back for 15 minutes 2-3 times a day with an elevated pelvis - putting your buttocks, for example, on a small pillow. It is very important to avoid hypothermia (especially the lower part of the body), do not sit on a cold surface, give up long (more than 1 hour) walking and long work in a standing and sitting position, as this can lead to a slowdown in blood flow, an increase in stagnation in the hemorrhoidal veins and, consequently, exacerbation of hemorrhoids.

There are conservative methods of treating hemorrhoids after childbirth: warm baths, ointment applications and suppositories containing novocaine, anestezin, belladonna. These drugs have anti-inflammatory, astringent, drying and local anesthetic effects. In the acute period, lead lotions are used, lotions with drilling liquid, furatsilin, which have an astringent, antiseptic and anti-inflammatory effect. Ointments with venotonic, angioprotective properties (swelling, pain, bleeding are reduced) and other means are often prescribed.

Surgical treatment is indicated for prolonged periodic moderate bleeding or heavy bleeding that occurs at times, the development of anemia, infection, thrombosis, the formation of cracks and fistulas of the rectum.

Particular attention should be paid to hygiene. In the acute period of the disease, you need to take a cool shower 2-3 times a day, as well as rinse the perineum after each stool or use wet wipes.

4. Constipation after childbirth

Constipation after childbirth is the most common problem, which is associated with physiological changes in the digestive system during pregnancy, especially in the second half. The intestines are gradually squeezed by the enlarged pregnant uterus, blood circulation is disturbed (venous congestion occurs in the vessels of the small pelvis), innervation changes, which leads to a weakening of peristalsis. The processes of fermentation and flatulence are intensified, constipation occurs, along the way, hemorrhoids become aggravated. In addition, the hormone progesterone, which is released during pregnancy, helps to relax smooth muscles, including the intestines, which reduces its peristalsis.

The regulation of intestinal activity is provided by the central and autonomic nervous systems, which also undergo changes during pregnancy and childbirth. After childbirth, fears often arise that the seams will open during a bowel movement. In addition, the abdominal muscles become more flabby, stretched, and it takes time for them to tone up.

To normalize the stool, it is important to follow basic dietary recommendations. Sufficient content of dietary fiber in the diet is necessary, at least 400 g of vegetables and fruits (raw or in any cooked form), soaked dried fruits (especially prunes), bran, sour-milk products should be consumed daily.

It is advisable to exclude foods that lead to increased gas formation (legumes, cabbage, unripe fruits).

If constipation after childbirth continues to bother, the doctor may prescribe medications. Lactulose preparations are the safest for solving this problem.

5. Violation of urination and urinary incontinence

The bladder of a woman who had recently given birth, as well as her intestines, felt the influence of the pregnant uterus, which led to a temporary decrease in its sensitivity. This will pass in 3-5 days after childbirth: some women may not have the urge to urinate, others have them, but new mothers cannot empty the bladder. This phenomenon is associated with atony of the bladder or, conversely, with a spasm of its sphincter. However, it is necessary to empty the bladder within 6-8 hours after childbirth - and if this cannot be done on her own, a catheter is placed in the woman, since a filled bladder can prevent the uterus from contracting normally.

At home, it is necessary to empty the bladder at least once every 4 hours. If there are cramps, pain during urination, this is a sign of the inflammatory process of the bladder, so you should immediately consult a doctor.

Urinary incontinence after childbirth may also be detected. It occurs with tension (coughing, sneezing, laughing), possibly involuntary leakage of urine before, between or after urination, reflex urinary incontinence, for example, with the sounds of running water. The reason for what is happening is the weakening of the pelvic floor muscles, stretching of the ligamentous apparatus of the muscles of the small pelvis, dysfunction of the urethral sphincter.

More often this phenomenon is observed in multiparous women, women who have undergone severe traumatic childbirth. However, urinary incontinence also occurs in women whose childbirth proceeded without any complications. This is due to the fact that the pelvic floor muscles experience increased pressure, excessive squeezing of soft tissues during pregnancy and childbirth, as a result of which innervation and blood circulation disorders may occur and, as a result, dysfunction of the urinary organs.

Urinary incontinence after childbirth is not something to be ashamed of. It is important to consult a doctor in time, who will prescribe the appropriate treatment. It can be both conservative and operational (in severe cases). Conservative therapy usually begins with special exercises aimed at strengthening the muscles of the pelvic floor: for a certain time it is necessary to hold specially designed “weights” with the muscles in the vagina, contract the muscles during urination, etc.

Medications are also prescribed that reduce the contractile activity of the bladder, suppress involuntary excretion of urine, increase the interval between urination, increase the volume of urine excreted, and contribute to the disappearance or weakening of imperative (false) urges. Conservative treatment can last up to 1 year. In the absence of the effectiveness of conservative treatment, surgical methods are used.

6. Sore nipples

This problem often accompanies the start of breastfeeding. The delicate skin of the nipples is still very sensitive, and the mother may experience severe pain during breastfeeding. Cracks and damage to the nipples often occur when the baby is not properly attached to the breast. It is necessary that the baby captures not only the nipple, but also the areola.

To alleviate the painful condition, you can use special pads for the nipples during the feeding period, treat them with an ointment containing dexpanthenol - you can not wash it off before each feeding. In addition, it is recommended to leave the chest open more often.

There is no need to wash the mammary glands with soap before each feeding, it is enough to take a shower 2 times a day, you can simply wash your breasts with warm water - preferably boiled until the cracks have healed, in order to avoid infection.

When lactation is established (this will happen within about 1 month), the skin of the nipples will become somewhat rough, and breastfeeding will not bring discomfort.

7. Stitches after caesarean section

Currently, in modern obstetric practice, absorbable suture material is used for suturing after cesarean section (it completely disappears on the 40–45th day). Depending on the characteristics of the maternity hospital, sometimes non-absorbable sutures are used, which are removed before discharge on the 7-10th day. The seam does not need special care. In most maternity hospitals, postoperative dressings are not applied to the suture area, only local treatment is done 2 times a day with alcohol or brilliant green. At home, you do not need to process the seam and wear bandages. You can take a shower on the second day, the seam area, of course, should not be intensively rubbed with a washcloth. But lying in the bath is better to postpone for 1-1.5 months.

If you notice a discharge from the suture area, redness appears, the temperature rises, or growing intense pain begins to bother you, you should immediately consult a doctor.

In the area of ​​​​the postoperative scar, a feeling of numbness, discomfort (up to several months), itching, burning can persist for a long time - and this is normal. To alleviate the condition, you can wear a bandage.

If the temperature rises after childbirth ...

An increase in temperature after childbirth is not a pathology if it does not rise above 37.5–38 ° C and lasts no more than two days. This is due to a significant change in the hormonal background after childbirth, the appearance of muscle tremors (it looks like chills) in the whole body, the "arrival of milk", a reaction to the administration of drugs. However, an increase in body temperature can be due to more serious reasons. Most often it is endometritis (inflammation of the uterine cavity), mastitis (inflammation of the mammary gland) or lactostasis (milk stasis), pyelonephritis (inflammation of the kidneys), chorioamnionitis (inflammation of the membranes and uterus during childbirth), peritonitis (inflammation of the peritoneum), sepsis (general infection blood). For this reason, with any increase in temperature, you should immediately consult a doctor.

I so want to sleep!

Few women who have recently given birth do not complain about lack of sleep. It is clear that its main consequence is constant drowsiness, loss of strength, decreased attention and even lactation. Mom may be disturbed by headaches, irritability, increased appetite (the production of appetite hormones is disturbed), and emotional depression.

To sleep, any person needs about 8 hours of sleep. And the young mother is no exception. Set aside everything and try to sleep during the day, at the same time as the baby. You can practice sharing a night's sleep with your baby or move his crib to yours so as not to get up at night to feed. Ask dad or grandma to take a walk with the crumbs during the day, while you yourself get some sleep or just relax. Over time, the baby will grow up, and you will be able to get enough sleep.

Childbirth brings women not only the joy of the first cry of their baby, but also some discomfort in the form of postpartum pain. Postpartum pain lasts no more than a week, can be both slightly unpleasant and so painful. They may not be noticed at all after the birth of the first child, but they usually become more acute after the birth of subsequent children. If you're breastfeeding your baby, postpartum pain can be especially noticeable because the hormone oxytocin, which is stimulated by breastfeeding, helps the uterine muscles contract.

Pain after childbirth

Postpartum pains are of a different nature: it hurts the perineum, lower abdomen, pelvis, lower back and much more. All this together or separately gives a woman discomfort and spoils not only her well-being, but also her mood.

Pain in the perineum after childbirth

Pain in the perineum, causing severe discomfort, is considered the norm and is present in literally every woman. This is natural, because it is unlikely that a child weighing 3-4 kg can pass through the perineum without leaving any consequences. This area of ​​the genital organs is stretched and compressed, and therefore severely injured, regardless of whether there were tears or not, whether the doctor did an episiotomy or managed to avoid it. If everything went well and safely, the pain will pass in just a few days.

If an episiotomy (an incision in the perineum during childbirth) has been made, then the pain will last longer and will cause discomfort during coughing, laughing or sneezing. The wound after the operation should heal within 7-12 days. In this case, the woman is not allowed to sit, because the seams can disperse. Only on the sixth day you can sit on the toilet with that buttock where there is no seam.

Muscular postpartum pain

Pain after childbirth in the musculoskeletal system of a woman appears for several reasons.

First, the muscles of the pelvic floor, ligaments of the pubic joint and spine are stretched. Hence the pain in the lower back, which subsequently spreads to the legs. By the way, trained organisms endure this load much easier than physically undeveloped women.

Secondly, during childbirth, the muscles contract an unlimited number of times, so they cannot quickly come to their proper tone. Because of this, the vertebrae press on each other much more strongly. Therefore, after childbirth, diseases of the spine often worsen, in particular, this is due to the fact that mothers have to constantly carry weights: a child, a stroller and other things.

Thirdly, postpartum muscle pain can be present in any part of the body. This directly depends on which muscles the woman in labor strained during the childbearing process. Most often, these are the muscles of the back, legs, shoulders and chest. This pain usually resolves quickly, within just a few days.

Pain in the lower abdomen after childbirth

Pain in the lower abdomen may resemble contractions. This is normal for postpartum. The uterus contracts after childbirth, returning to its normal state, and this is accompanied by painful sensations. During breastfeeding, pain may increase, as at this time oxytocin is produced, which helps the uterus contract. Such sensations pass approximately on the 10th day of the postpartum period. In this case, in order to avoid discomfort, you can use painkillers, while consulting with your doctor first.

Pain in the pelvic area after childbirth

Most women also complain of pain in the pelvic area. This phenomenon is called symphysiolysis. It is characterized by the fact that the two pubic bones diverge and become unstable. Usually, such complaints may recur as a result of the next pregnancy.

According to statistics, the back hurts the longest after childbirth. This period can last from a few weeks to two years. As a rule, every second woman experiences such painful sensations. Not surprisingly, there are many reasons for this discomfort. Large daily loads in the form of a baby in her arms, stretching of the muscles of the abdomen and back, displacement of the vertebrae - all this is a great stress for the lumbar system.

Lower back pain after childbirth

Due to the fact that during pregnancy the abdominal muscles lengthen and stretch several times, the muscles of the lower back also change: they form a hollow. At the same time, the stomach protrudes. Such pain is especially noticeable when carrying heavy weights, squats and bending over. In addition, the muscles of the pelvis are also stretched.

A woman prepared for childbirth with the help of special gymnastics feels this pain much less than those who were absent from training. Moreover, hormonal changes in a woman's body during the gestation period can change the structure of ligaments and joints. After childbirth, they become more flimsy and fragile. It should also be noted that if a woman had scoliosis before childbirth, then after the baby was born, she was provided with back pain. Women with normal posture, as a rule, do not suffer from this. Women in labor with a large body weight may suffer from displacement of the hip joints and vertebrae. Those who do not breathe properly or do not take sparing postures during contractions also risk compromising their lumbar region.
