Why dream of stone mountains. Mountains according to the dream book

Snowy mountains or one mountain in the snow dream as a symbol of unfulfilled hopes. The more such mountains you see in a dream, the more disappointments you will endure in reality.

If you are not just looking at this mountainous landscape in a dream, but are already making an attempt to climb a snowy mountain, it means that in real life you have already taken that step after which you cannot retreat, it remains to concentrate and complete what you started, although it will be incredibly difficult.

If you see yourself at the top, at the peak of the mountain from the side, cardinal changes will take place, life will give a sharp turn. How positive this change will be is still hidden.

Climbing a mountain in a dream and finding beautiful minerals or gems along the way is an offer of profitable cooperation.

To break, roll down a mountain, fall from it - such dreams predict a complete collapse in some kind of undertaking, career, love.

Rolling down the mountain head over heels and at the same time hurting yourself badly, stuffing bumps - the experienced loss will not pass without a trace for you, you will be very worried, you may even get sick.

It was a dream that mountains surround you from all sides - the path to success will require you to study many disciplines.

Running uphill in a dream is a quick career, but there is a danger that at the highest point of its rise you will fail and lose your position.

It is difficult to climb a mountain in a dream, with difficulty, or to feel that after climbing a mountain you are so tired that you don’t even have the strength to go down - to a deterioration in your social situation.

Why the mountain is dreaming - an esoteric dream book

dreaming high mountain- the newly conceived project will be successful.

Going uphill, climbing it, any hard climb uphill - to great difficulties, difficult to solve cases.

Riding uphill in a dream on some kind of transport is a promising sign, they will help you to advance in your career, they will constitute an important patronage.

If at the same time the road uphill was good, paved, literally all problems will be solved for you.

Riding down the mountain, climbing it again and sliding down again - to fruitless attempts to advance in the service.

Rolling down a snowy mountain once - a dream suggests that you are not characterized by great perseverance. Having failed in something once, you calm down and go to seek happiness elsewhere. However, sometimes it is the second attempt that is successful, and the dream tells you that you should try to make it.

Mountain, Meneghetti's dream book

The dream of mountains symbolizes the desire to expand the horizons of knowledge, one's own ontic vision of reality in all its integrity. If you stand on a mountain, you can see a lot of new things, more fully embrace life prospects.

The dream of the mountains also expresses the sleeper's need to be realized, and in this regard, any movement to the top, climbing the mountain should be perceived as the gradual elimination of attempts to repress, the release of the will from suppressed functions and, as the most basic, excellent interaction between Ying-se and "I ". With such a degree of integration, there is an expansion of the boundaries of penetration into the essence of things, their nature, up to visual, optical perception.

Why do mountains dream, Longo's dream book

Climbing a mountain in a dream - to difficulties.

If you had to literally climb a mountain, go with difficulty - the difficulties will be serious.

It was a dream that you had to climb the mountain with stops due to fatigue, you stumbled or suffocated - which means that in reality it will take some time for everything to be resolved. The number of stops can indicate the number of days, months or years depending on the nature of the problem.

Climbing the mountain is easy, without difficulty - deal with troubles quickly and easily.

If in a dream someone helped you while climbing, someone will help you in life.

A dream house in the mountains reflects your own life, filled with anxieties and worries. The more unstable and vulnerable this structure seemed, the more disturbing your fate will be.

Snow in the mountains is a dream as an indication of the need to quickly make an important decision in reality. It will concern personal life.

Bare mountains without signs of vegetation in a dream are a hint of a slight delusion of the sleeper about the fact that his personal point of view seems to everyone around him as important as to himself.

Falling down a mountain is a dream of committing a dishonest act on your part in relation to a person who is not particularly close, but who has friendly feelings for you.

Mountain, English dream book

If in a dream you had to climb a mountain with steep rocky slopes, your life will give few reasons for joy, but it will be full of work and worries.

Rolling down the mountain - you will lose what you have earned with difficulty.

Going down the mountain in a dream is an indication that you will give up before you exhaust all reserves. And in vain, you still may have chances for a better share.

Jumping from a mountain - to a conscious rejection of some benefits.

If in a dream before your eyes someone fell from the mountain - this is a warning that you have planned or have already started a hopeless business, fail. It is better to stop at this stage.

Why mountains dream - a modern dream book

If in a dream you saw a mountainous landscape, in reality you are promised some benefit from a seemingly unpromising business. It is possible to win, receive financial support or other benefits obtained without much effort.

However, all this is good if the mountains were covered with snow caps or had sparse vegetation. If forested mountains were present in the landscape, you may be betrayed or betrayed.

If you saw only the outlines of the mountains and could not discern their nature, in reality you will be drawn to good deeds, noble deeds.

Have you ever admired the peaks of majestic mountains in a sleeping state? Such a plot, seen in a dream, cannot be ignored. Often it is interpreted as the appearance of obstacles or difficulties on the way to achieving goals. But there are many other opinions regarding what the mountains dream of. In order for the interpretation of sleep to be accurate, you need to remember everything to the smallest detail and turn to the dream book.

Up to the top

No matter how high the mountain is, if in a dream you tensely but stubbornly climb to the top, then in reality you will be able to achieve your goal. You see in a dream how step by step you rise higher and higher along the mountain path, which means very soon your cherished desire will come true. According to the Universal Dream Book, this same vision gives a chance to hope for a noticeable progress in career ladder. The meaning of such a dream is positive character, and it remains only to wait a little to see in reality exactly where new prospects and opportunities will open before you.

The interpretation of the dream in which you storm the top of the mountain, offered in the Women's Dream Book, is associated with an imminent promotion. To dream about how you drive up a rather steep hill with the help of transport, too great sign promising an increase in capital or an increase in salary. Moreover, the faster you move, the less you have to expect pleasant changes.

If you dream about how, at the cost of incredible efforts, sweating, you are climbing to a mountain peak, then in real life, you may have set yourself an extremely difficult task. According to the dream book, this is a warning that it will be difficult - unforeseen difficulties will arise.

A hint about how a career will develop is given by a dream in which you run up a mountain. If in a dream there is enough breath and strength to conquer the peak, then you will be lucky in professional field in real.

Down to the foot of the mountain

Now about what the mountains dream of, along which the dreamer descends. If he moves without fear and with ease, then he will also effortlessly be able to cope in reality even with a huge amount of accumulated cases. According to the dream book, this plot sometimes promises a big win or an extremely successful combination of circumstances for the dreamer.

BUT Modern dream book indicates that after a hike to the foot of the mountain, a difficult life period will end in a person.
A bad sign, if in a dream you roll head over heels down the mountain, and even get abrasions, scratches due to obstacles encountered on the way: stones, twigs. The dream warns of the likelihood of ruin, dismissal from service.

A sleeping person who sees himself rapidly flying from the top into the abyss will have to show such qualities as perseverance and hard work in real life. Only in this way will he be able to achieve what he wants. In the meantime, he is delusional, believing that he can easily solve any problem.

In Grishina's dream book, you can find an interpretation of a vision of how you roll down a mountain slope. Its essence is that one must be prepared for unpleasant surprises, bad news regarding work, business. Had a dream that you are a climber descending a mountain? Take the dream as advice that you need to be more confident in own forces. You underestimate yourself, shy in communication. Don't be afraid, in fact, you have a lot of positive qualities!

snow-white heights

Why dream of mountains with snow-capped peaks? According to the Wanderers' dream book, this is a sign that others will treat you with respect, appreciating your work or some act.
To fall into a snowfall in the mountains in a dream means problems in real life. However, you will cope with them if you show character - persistent and patient.

Having noticed ice high in the mountains in a dream, think about how correctly you evaluate what is happening around you in life. Maybe you are showing excessive cynicism or, on the contrary, naivety? Aesop, in his dream book, interpreting such a plot, also adds that there are a lot of deceivers around the dreamer. Yes, he himself, it seems, got used to the lie ...

Other interpretations

A fantastic case, possible in a dream. The sleeper, soaring into the sky, sees the top of the mountain. This unusual dream promises that as soon as you wake up from dreams, an extraordinary surge of strength and energy. Hurry up to use them, realizing your dreams! The dreamed peak will help by giving a hint to the one who has to solve some important issue.

The famous Vanga has her own explanation of what the mountains dream of. The fortuneteller believed that this dream gives hope - at a difficult moment, friends and relatives will definitely support. It is also possible to get acquainted with an important, influential person who will disinterestedly patronize the dreamer.

The dream book in the "mountains" section gives an explanation of what the high peak seen by the sleeping person means. It is a symbol of hard work and challenging tasks. It turned out to reach this peak in a dream, then in reality achieve what you want. A person who has reached a special, high position in society may dream of standing on a mountain. He has a reason, in fact, he is proud of himself and his merits. People do not in vain respect, appreciate him.

A bitter, undeserved offense or deep disappointment is preceded by a dream in which a mountain of sand is seen. Such an explanation is offered by the Dream Interpretation of the 21st Century, warning that you need to be more careful and careful. The one who is in search of the ideal of the beloved (beloved) sees mountains covered with lush, green vegetation. This can be dreamed of by an extraordinary, exalted person who does not get tired of morally improving.

Sleep from Tuesday to Wednesday 03/20/2019

Sleep from Tuesday to Wednesday is full of activity and an abundance of various plots. Finding the only correct semantic thread in this chaos is almost impossible. ...

Dream interpretation climb uphill

The road in a dream is a symbol of the path of life. Climbing a mountain is to develop intellectually, improve health, succeed at work, create a strong family. The number of meanings of such night visions can be interpreted by dream books in completely different ways. To understand what to expect from the near future, how to make a choice or decide on a certain action, it will turn out by reading the interpreter.

When you dream that the ascent went quickly, the sleeper was at the top and watches the plains stretching below, then in reality he will be able to realize his plans, achieve his goal.

Why drive a car on a dirt lift - to obstacles on the way, a lot of perseverance will be required to implement the plan. What other popular dream meanings exist?

Known interpretations

Climbing a mountain does not always promise success, possible variant- this is a defeat, if during the ascent a flat road breaks, a collapse of stones occurs, soil landslides.

Dreaming of climbing to the top

  • Career growth is provided to a person who dreamed of climbing a famous peak, a mountain range.
  • Riding up on horses, donkeys, traveling through mountain ranges - slowly but surely move forward in business, increase your fortune.
  • Climbing for a long time and finally getting to the top - to discover the world anew, also the symbolism of dreams will tell about spiritual development, wisdom.

If you are going to conquer Everest or Kilimanjaro in a dream, then the goals set and the set pace do not correspond to your capabilities, both financial and moral.

What will the plot of the dream tell

The plots of sleep sometimes amaze with a variety of details, contrasts. Some have to climb on their own, the rest are accompanied by relatives or guides. For some, the ascent is carefree and calm, others have to deal with weather conditions, climb rocks without climbing equipment. A holistic picture of a dream is interpreted by a dream book.

What is the dream of the exhausting process of lifting - to empty experiences that greatly undermine the nervous system.

Did you have a chance to go to the top in dreams, panting and making a lot of halts? The sleeper does hard work, but the tasks performed will not be appreciated.

Dreaming of a winding road up

If suddenly the road changed direction, a sharp descent began, then in reality you can stumble, draw premature conclusions, and lose support.

How did the dreamer move

The interpretation directly depends on the speed of movement, mood, emotional state during a dream. Climbing uphill with a friend - you can trust your surroundings.

Dreaming of a winding road to a mountain peak - it will not be easy to find a way out of a predicament.

I dreamed of the need to go to the top by car - in reality, take advantage of a profitable offer.

Climb on your own

If you had to climb alone with a heavy load in a dream, then this is a sign of Sisyphus's labor. All feasible actions and efforts will be futile.

  • When the ascent took place without obstacles along a flat path, then the sleeping person will be recognized by society, opinion will have weight in making important decisions.
  • Why did you dream that climbing a mountain, you fell into an abyss? You will receive bad news soon.
  • Climb on foot to the peak on your own - pave life path without the help of a mentor or patron.
  • If you still reached the top on foot, then this speaks of a strong-willed, courageous character.

According to the plot, I had to climb alone, without supplies and shelter for the night - friends will not stand the test of time, the dreamer will fight for happiness himself.

Vehicle used for climbing

Rise in the night dreams on the funicular

In dreams, driving up the ridges in a car means using non-standard methods of solving problems, getting rid of obsessive admirers for a man, and choosing a worthy companion for a woman.

To see how a friend overtakes in a car, blocking the path - the opponent will not miss the opportunity to annoy, destroy the dreamer's plans.

Why dream of lifting the funicular through the air? Go traveling, the time spent outside the home will be remembered for a long time, vivid impressions and acquaintances with spiritual people will give strength, nourish you with positive energy.

Riding in a dream through passes, ridges in the form of a Bedouin is a symbol that says what is expected long road e.g. moving.

The appearance of the mountains

According to the dream book, snow at its peak hints at a cooling of the relationship between the spouses. How else do they influence weather and the image of the mountains?

  • I dreamed that we climbed a snowy peak - luck is on your side, do not be afraid to take risks.
  • You need to change your views on what is happening if you need to climb an icy mountain.
  • The road, illuminated by the rays of the summer sun, says that the person has chosen the right path.
  • Climbing rocky terrain in dreams - to deal with minor troubles in reality.

The dream book of daredevils, who in a dream climb steep cliffs, calls to think again and not to commit reckless acts.

The meaning of visions in various dream books

I dreamed of overgrown mountain paths

Cultural traditions, peculiarities of the psyche give completely different perceptions of the symbolism of the mountains. The dream book will help you choose a suitable explanation, warn of troubles, and improve relations with relatives.

The interpreter Grishin says that things will take an unpleasant turn if you dream that they are inciting you to a dangerous ascent.

Why climb the mountain on foot if the road is overgrown various herbs, on women's dream book? To spiritual growth, personal development.

Miller's opinion

A well-known psychoanalyst submits possible interpretations dreams, given the gender and age of the sleeping person.

  • Why should a young girl rise with such a companion as a brother or father? The dream promises a change for the better thanks to the care of the family.
  • Carefully choose friends in reality, not trusting secrets to the first person you meet stands after dreams, where you need to make a rise in the rain, a snow storm.
  • For a man to go to the peak - to a dizzying career, and to walk - to a slow but sure winning path.

Often, the conquest of mountain peaks is dreamed of by free people who do not want to be tied to one place of residence. Such dreams delight the souls of avid adventurers.

Miss Hasse's explanations

Search in a dream for a way in the fog

If the road to the mountain is clouded in a dream, and the end point of the hike cannot be seen, then the medium’s dream book hints at committing wrong actions that will offend loved one.

When you dream that you need to climb the hills and go down again - this is a sign of impermanence, the sleeper often changes his point of view, desires, preferences, which makes it difficult to achieve inner harmony.

Modern interpreter

Merry rise is not always auspicious sign according to the modern dream book.

Reality will be deceptive, there is a traitor nearby if the ascent passes carelessly in dreams.

Why climb a mountain, despite the riot of the elements - this is the desire of the subconscious to convey the need to play sports, spend active holidays.

Climbing a peak in a dream, conquering it, may be seen by people who want to experience vivid emotions, cause an adrenaline rush, and recharge with the energy of nature.

If you had to ride on a donkey, then this is the use of “slave” labor, the boss does not value employees, the family man does not take the words of his wife and children seriously.

Possible meanings of dreams

Why dream of a winding mountain road? Expect conflicts with colleagues over pay.

When the ascent was suspended due to mud flows, rock falls, reconsider your intentions, the consequences of your actions will affect the fate of relatives.

Riding a bicycle in a dream is a symbol of freedom, the desire to learn new skills, the desire to conquer the world.

"A large universal dream book for the whole family of O. Smurov"

Mountains in a dream symbolize obstacles in business. Forested mountains are a sign of infidelity. To see ruins in the mountains is to win. See ruins.

A castle standing in the mountains means that you are expected good change and profit. See the castle, rocks, up.

The snow-capped peaks of the mountains in a dream symbolize your ambitions; reaching such a peak is a harbinger of the fulfillment of ambitions. See snow, ice.

Rocks in a dream are a sign of obstacles and worries. To dream of fire or smoke coming from the mountains is a sign of great danger in a risky business. See volcano.

Climbing them means your attempts to overcome these obstacles. Successfully climbing up is a sign of success and gain high income. The same means a dream in which you managed to easily go down the mountain. However, rolling down a mountain in a dream unexpectedly for you is a bad omen that portends an unexpected and unfavorable turn in your affairs. Climbing uphill and not slipping is an omen that your perseverance will help you succeed if you only get to the top of the mountain safely. Standing on a mountain is a sign of honors and a strong position in society. Traveling through the mountains in a dream is a sign of success in business, which you will achieve through hard work. However, if you have a guide on your journey, then in reality someone will contribute to your success.

Why dream of a mountain in a dream book -
"True dreams - the most complete dream book"

Mountains in a dream denote a great obstacle or pinnacle of achievement in life. Climb to the top - achieve the goal, success. Falling down a mountain is a nuisance. See the mountain - get protection. Traveling along a mountain route - difficulties and obstacles. A mountain on the slope of which there are ruins or ruins is a win in gambling. The volcano is a big danger. Mountains with snowy peaks are lofty intentions. Rocky mountain with a bare slope - anxiety: Being surrounded by mountains - use your abilities. To ascend and not have the strength to go further - your enterprise is declining.

Why dream of a mountain in a dream book -
"Dream Interpretation: Truthful Interpreter of Dreams L. Moroz"

If you dreamed of a mountain - to hard work; to reach the top of a mountain in a dream - to overcome obstacles on the way to your dream; if you dreamed of falling from a mountain height - to heart disease.

Dreams come to us for a reason. Each carries some information, portends something. Many people open a dream book, trying to find out what the mountains are dreaming of.

But in order to decipher the meaning as accurately as possible, you must try to remember in detail what you saw.

important details are:

The height of the mountains, their characteristics;

The sensations that the dreamer experienced when he saw.

Mountains in Freud's dream book

If in a dream you look at the mountains and it brings you pleasure, this suggests that women with a gorgeous figure, especially naked ones, are your weakness.

If a man climbs a mountain in a dream, he is doing well with an erection, and if he goes down, he is a lover of masturbation.

To be at the top - a man is quite satisfied with the physical shape of his body.

For woman similar dreams have a different meaning.

Climbing a mountain - a woman has lesbian inclinations.

Rolling down the mountain - the desire to have sex.

If a snow-covered mountain appears in a dream, a woman wants to have children.

A bad vision is one in which stones fall from a mountain. This is a sign that you will have to deal with a disease of the genital organs, possibly with specific diseases.

The high mountain symbolizes the male sexual organ. Such a vision by a woman speaks of her desire to have sex.

Mountains in a dream - Aesop's dream book

If the dreamer happens to climb the mountain, such a dream indicates that the person is trying to achieve a certain goal. In this case, it is important to remember whether he managed to reach the top, and what happened there.

If it was not possible to climb to the top, most likely, it will not be possible to achieve the goal. Perhaps some circumstances will interfere or the path to achieve the goal was initially chosen incorrectly.

If, having climbed to the top, the dreamer finds two peaks, it will become possible to achieve the desired with the help of influential patronage.

Residential buildings seen in a dream on the mountains are a harbinger that faithful and reliable friends and friends will be around you.

If in a dream on the way to the top there are mountains that impede you, expect that you will have to face difficulties.

If in a dream you saw mountains that tremble and move at the same time, then the forces that you spend on the way to achieving your goal are all in vain.

An old horse seen in a dream that moves with difficulty over mountainous terrain is a clue that you are tired of everyday work and are close. But at the same time, such a dream can be interpreted as an early achievement of the goal, it remains to make the last efforts for this.

Wangi's dream book about the vision of the mountain

The mountain is a symbol of obstacles. If someone dreams that he is climbing the road to the mountain, he needs to be patient, because in the future he will have to face difficulties that he can still overcome. The longer the path up the mountain, the more time will have to be spent on solving the problem.

If in a dream you fall from a mountain, then you are haunted by a feeling of guilt that prevents you from fulfilling yourself.

bad sign is when, on the way to the mountain, it begins to crumble, parts of it fall out from under the foot. This is a sign that ideas will not come true, plans will remain unfulfilled.

Those who in a dream see a stream flowing from a mountain will have memorable visions. If you dream of the sea and mountains, then this dream is considered depending on the water. Seeing a calm sea - to success in business, respect from others. A sea with raging waves that hit the mountains with force - to the loss of honor and reputation.

Moving mountains are a harbinger of an earthquake.

Seeing a temple on a mountain is a symbol of faith in God.

Why mountains dream: interpretation in a modern dictionary

If in a dream a mountain appears at a far distance, then the dreamer in reality sets himself only goals that he is really capable of achieving. And if at the same time he admires what he sees, this is a sign that a sober outlook on life will help him get out of any situation.

Climbing a mountain in a dream - such a vision symbolizes overcoming difficulties. It will be a good harbinger for you if you manage to climb a mountain in a dream. But if any obstacles appeared on the way that prevented you from reaching the top, in reality, unforeseen obstacles will arise on the way to achieving your goal.

What does Danilova's erotic dream book mean about what mountains dream of

A good sign is for the dreamer to climb the path to the mountain - a white streak will come in business. Perhaps soon a new hobby awaits you, with which you will feel loved and desired. You will rise in the eyes of your loved one.

Disappointment or major losses await those who, in a dream, dreamed of rolling down a mountain or going down.

Mountains - in the family dream book

Here the mountains are seen as such a serious obstacle that it may be worth giving up on reaching the goal, especially if the mountains are not covered with a snow cap. Similar developments of events prophesy dreams in which the dreamer breaks down from the mountain.

But if the peak to which you are climbing is covered with snow, then you need to gain strength and patience and continue the work you have begun. You should not give up on the goal even when you see in a dream that not so much is left to the top.

Conquering mountain peaks in a dream is a sign that the dreamer is on the path to success.

bad dream is the vision of blood. If the dreamer gets hurt on the way to the top, he will have to get into a dead end, solving production problems.

gemstone found in the mountains - such a dream prophesies that unexpectedly you will receive a business proposal.

If in a dream you manage to go to a mountain river, you need to change your mind about your goal.

Interpretation of the meaning of mountains among different nationalities

It is interesting that what the mountains dream of is interpreted differently by different nationalities. Although sometimes it does.

Why do mountains dream according to the interpretation of Russian dream books

2. Obstacle.

For this reason, in the dream books of the Russian people, the vision of a mountain about a dream is interpreted as a difficult period in life, on which one will have to deal with the obstacles that have arisen.

Seeing a mountain covered with forest is a sign of infidelity of the chosen one. It may be a test to be endured.

Bald Mountain is a harbinger of worries. Climbing a mountain during a thunderstorm - you will have to face great need.

For a woman who climbs a mountain in a dream, overcoming ravines, ditches - such a vision promises her an unsuccessful marriage, in which misfortunes will haunt her.

To find out why a high mountain is dreaming, it is necessary to recall all the details as accurately as possible. For a sick person, such a dream promises recovery. If the path to the top is very long, his illness is very severe.

dig a hole for high mountain- to the imminent death of a loved one.

If a vision appeared in which the mountains are covered with moss, the dream promises a successful marriage.

But if in a dream you have to go down the mountain, most likely you will find profit, good luck awaits in all your endeavors.

Mountain in the Ukrainian dream book

Ukrainian dream book climbing a mountain is interpreted as sadness, and walking along a mountain range - well-being and good luck.

If bare slopes occur in a dream, this is a harbinger of sadness and anxiety.

Mountain in the English dream book

In the English dream book, a mountain is a harbinger of hard work, and seeing rocks means the need for patience, as well as a philosophical look at life.

Chinese dream book about the meaning of the mountain

Chinese dream book claims that seeing mountains of earth and dung in a dream is a good sign, denoting imminent wealth. And if you had a dream - an excursion to the mountains, in the warm season - fortunately and good luck.

Sleeping in a mountain cave is a sign of good luck.

Climbing the ridge and experiencing fear at the same time - good dream, promises career growth.

If you dream that when moving up in your hands you have to hold some object - to the birth of a son.

Living in the mountains is a sign of a pleasant event.

Plowing the land in a mountainous area - such a dream promises good level life.

Interpretation of the mountain in the women's oriental dream book

We read that climbing a mountain in a dream is a harbinger of a struggle with difficulties. Much the best sign is when in a dream you have to go down the mountain. This marks the end of the black streak in life.

There is a good dream in which you own a mountain or live in the mountains. The dream book says that this is good relations With influential person.

A heavy ascent to the ridge - to failures, an easy one - to glory and success.

Standing on top of a mountain in a dream is seen as a warning.

It's just important to remember its color:

Black - the need to be careful;

Light-colored mountain - good luck.
