What is the dream of a huge black cat. Black cats are black

To interpret the question of what the cat is dreaming of, it is necessary to take into account all the details and nuances of the dream he saw.

Dream Interpretation: to see a cat in a dream

Miller's dream book interprets the purr as an unfortunate set of circumstances. Well, if you managed to drive the animal away.

Vanga warns that the cat symbolizes a meeting with a selfish person. There will be no strong problems from this, but the mood will deteriorate.

If you dream that a cat has caught a mouse or a rat, then in reality you will have to witness a fierce quarrel.

Russian dream book interprets an independent pet as the propensity of the head of the family to go to the left. If an unfamiliar purr caresses, this is how the desire of others to take advantage of the kindness of the sleeping person is displayed.

Cats for a man predict a meeting with a proud and independent lady.

Ukrainian version interprets mustachioed animals as the deceit of enemies.

Dream Interpretation of Veles suggests that many cats in the house are a symbol of communication with insincere people. False friends can do damage.

Family dream book pays special attention to the color of the animal. When a cat dreams white color, this portends purchases. Black, warns of financial losses.

Two cats warn that the deception of hypocrites will lead to the fact that the sleeper will lose his peace of mind.

By modern dream book your own cat tells you to give up an idle lifestyle. Waking up is not the time to relax - rivals are just waiting for the sleeping person to make a mistake.

Women's dream book suggests that the cat in the arms signals an attempt to involve in dishonorable act. It is worth avoiding participation in scams so as not to become a victim.

What is the dream of a red cat

Tells about someone's strong influence on the sleeper large Red-headed cat. If the subordinate position does not suit you, it's time to make an attempt to free yourself.

Caught small a red cat in a dream can portend girls an ambulance and unexpected pregnancy. For men, such a dream plot signals a meeting with an authoritarian and domineering lady.

For sleeping with children, if a red cat meows in a dream, it's time to come to grips with raising offspring. Otherwise, the problems will turn into an insurmountable abyss.

Waking up will experience sadness if the red cat bites on the hand.

What is the dream of a black cat

The possible influence of extraordinary forces is suggested by a dream huge black cat. It is also a symbol that the enemies are quite powerful.

As a reflection of suspicions of infidelity dreams small black kitten family people. You should not rush to sort things out in the heat of the moment, it is advisable to think over a straight line of behavior in a conversation that cannot be avoided.

Danger approaches if the black cat crosses the road in a dream. A motley animal means difficult situation, which may resolve positively or lead to failure.

Warns about hidden unfavorable conditions large White cat. A dream advises a young girl to be more careful in the company of unfamiliar people, and also to avoid excessive frankness with friends.

Small the white cat symbolizes illegibility in people. There is a risk of suffering because of your own naivety.

Filthy a white cat portends financial difficulties. The problem may occur as a result of deliberate deception.

Diseases of the digestive tract are symbolized by a dreaming white cat on the street. It is worth paying more attention to the quality of products.

Peacefully resting home a white cat in a dream reflects the nature of the dreamer's existence. In life, laziness and relaxation prevail. In general, when a cat dreams, most sources highlight a separate meaning for the fair sex.

Why do cats dream about a woman

Someone with not too honest intentions seeks favor, this is how dreaming cats are interpreted girl. For the sake of achieving the goal, the boyfriend shamelessly flatters, but it is advisable not to pay special attention to his promises.

Cats report involvement in an unseemly situation married girl. To avoid problems with your loved one, you will need to steadfastly resist the temptations in reality.

To a slight malaise and unrest, cats appear in a dream pregnant woman. However, the dream is not fatal, and there will be no particular damage to health.

Interpretation of sleep by action with a cat in a dream

When a cat dreams, you need to remember all the details of what you saw. Depending on what the sleeper did with the purr, the interpretation has different meanings.

Feed a cat means in reality to enjoy a joint pastime with a loved one. Pleasant moments of personal happiness will be remembered for a long time.

affectionately iron a cat lying on a sleeping lap is enough warning sign. You have to face an insincere person. An insidious act will cause trouble.

A joint event with rivals is foreshadowed by a dream in which it happened wash cat. Initially unpleasant event can be turned to your advantage if you look at competitors and their advantages.

Fierce battle for performance own desires waiting in reality, if in a dream I had to beat cat. Depending on the result seen, the real outcome is also predicted.

kill cat - means to put the final point in the confrontation with enemies. This is a good omen.

Communicate with the purr on human language- a symbol of loneliness. Rescuing an animal from trouble means unexpected support.

What is the dream of a dead cat

If you dream of a cat who is no longer alive, the dream reflects longing for the pet. In addition, the interpretation of sleep provides for other interpretations.

Disappear from the environment annoying factors if you dreamed of a dead cat alive. Bad things come to an end.

The fact that finally it will be possible to say goodbye forever to an unpleasant acquaintance portends dead dream cat. This is a sign of triumph over competitors in business and personal life.

Death a cat owned by a sleeper warns of financial problems. You should be wary of offers to invest in dubious projects.

When dreamed missing a cat is a symbol of feelings for a lost pet. If he returned home in a dream, in reality he is likely to receive news of someone who is far away. Looking for an animal and finding it as a result is the luck of all conceived projects.

Interpretation of sleep by the appearance of a cat

When dreamed evil cat, you have to be careful. The intrigues of ill-wishers are possible.

frenzied the cat symbolizes that their sophisticated blows aimed at the sleeping person will be very heavy. It is advisable to enlist the support of like-minded people in order to overcome unpleasant situations.

Attack the cat symbolizes inevitable losses. Not only can suffer financial sphere but also reputation.

Also aggressive cat means envious. With their attacks, ill-wishers will try to complicate the life of the sleeping person.

A more auspicious symbol - sick cat. This dream plot promises recovery to the sick and a strengthening of their position in society.

Wounded a cat means that an unpleasant streak in life is coming to an end. You will be able to overcome all obstacles.

However, if a cat is dreaming in blood, in reality one of the relatives will receive a blow from ill-wishers. A loved one needs help.

Dying the cat means difficulties in the business sphere. Serious problems will not, and they just have to be taken for granted.

dreaming dead the cat is a wonderful sign. All troubles will be resolved almost without the participation of the dreamer.

A wet animal means a waking situation, as a result of which the sleeper will experience strong negative emotions and anger.

Shabby the cat symbolizes unfulfilled plans. Someone interfered with their implementation, and now regrets it.

Filthy the cat is a sign of impending trouble. It will be very difficult to avoid them.

flea the cat warns of unpleasant gossip that discredits the reputation. For family dreamers, a dream also predicts a deterioration in relationships due to the slander of evil tongues.

dreaming home the cat often warns of the unreliability of the second half. There may be a serious quarrel due to jealousy.

Affectionate the cat symbolizes an insincere person in the environment. However, if a purring animal laps milk with pleasure, you will meet a pleasant interlocutor.

Rivals in business are getting stronger. So interpreted fluffy a cat dreamed of by an entrepreneur.

meeting with an important significant person means striped cat. His influence will be even greater than it seemed at the very beginning of our acquaintance.

Too much beautiful a cat in a dream means an unpleasant situation. Because of the gullibility of the sleeper, insidious enemies will try to make him guilty of disrupting the project.

Thick the cat is interpreted as an increase in the authority of ill-wishers. It becomes more difficult to resist their tricks every day, although they do not seem to pose any particular danger.

Fatty the cat calls for perseverance in the fight. Only then will it be possible to win, because underestimating the strength of enemies is a serious tactical miscalculation.

Cats and other animals in a dream

Aggressive cats and cats are treated negatively. If they are peacefully in the attic in a dream, then the internal contradictions and conflicts of the sleeping person are displayed.

Dreaming at the same time cats and kittens portend minor troubles. The reasons will be the actions of hypocritical people in the environment.

The motley company surrounding the sleeping person is personified cats and dogs in a dream. It is worth taking a closer look at people, and not trusting everyone.

have a negative meaning cats and mice. However, the best thing that can be done in reality is not to interfere in other people's showdowns so as not to suffer.

Unusual cat in a dream

Blue cat - great sign. An old dream is close to being realized.

However, saturated blue the cat warns that the enemy is planning an extraordinary evil. The yellow animal symbolizes envious people, and the green cat tells the lady that her new lover will not be too skillful in delivering pleasure.

Mine flying the cat speaks of isolation from reality. Alien purring in flight means controversial situations.

About dissatisfaction personal life signals speaking cat. To find happiness, you have to re-prioritize relationships.

When a cat is dreaming, it is advisable to increase vigilance and be more careful when communicating with others.

It is also not necessary to interpret each symbol and event of a dream separately - it is worth creating a complete picture of possible future events.

Why is the black cat dreaming?

What does such a dream mean - it is worth understanding.

What is the dream of a black cat - the main interpretation

Since ancient times, cats have been considered sacred animals. They carried wisdom and obedience. Who offended a cat was severely punished. In the Middle Ages, people began to be overcome by superstition and they began to fear black cats. Various negative incidents began to be attributed to their appearance in human life. So why is the black cat dreaming?

The dream book says that a black cat is a messenger with bad news. It is worth moderating your ardor and not entering into conflicts and quarrels with your soulmate. It is also possible to sort things out with assault, in particular, this is indicated by a dream in which you kick an unfortunate animal.

If in reality a black cat lives with you, then there is nothing surprising in its appearance in your dream, you just thought about the animal during the day, and now it appeared in your dreams. It is important to remember how the pet behaved in a dream. What did he want to do? If he wanted to play with you, give him time and play.

If in a dream a cat crosses the road for you, goes to a meeting, blocks the way - you will in reality meet with a scoundrel who is aimed at deceiving you, preventing you from making the right and deliberate decision. You can even recognize this person by sight. If the animal meows loudly in your dream, your soulmate is lying to you. She doesn't need you enough to be the only man or woman in her life. There is no question of reciprocity in these relations. If you just hear the animal meowing, but do not see it, you should be wary of deception.

It is also important to pay special attention to the appearance of the animal. This is important, because dreams are a projection of a person's life, this is what it is worth working with in reality, those problems and prospects that a person loses sight of. If the animal in a dream has a healthy and well-groomed appearance, it means that the enemy is stronger than you and his machinations will not take long.

If the animal is large enough, then you will be in trouble with officials. For businessmen, such a dream promises colossal problems and stagnation in business. It is important today to plan additional expenses and reserves of funds, from where you will draw them in difficult times.

If you suddenly find on an animal White spot- you will find yourself in a situation with a difficult choice - you should trust your intuition and do not waste time on skepticism. For a young girl to see a few white spots on a black cat is a symbol that the enemy will become favorable to her.

If the animal is wounded and bleeds, such a dream speaks of the victory of people over their fears and prejudices. This dream does not promise them anything bad. If a man sees a wet cat in a dream, he will gain superiority over his female opponent. She just can't resist him. He will have reliable compromising evidence against her. A dead animal in a dream suggests that all troubles may well bypass a person. The main thing is to take action in time. Also married woman you should especially look at your soulmate after a dream about a black cat. Such a dream promises betrayal of the chosen one.

If a cat in a dream is affectionate and rubs against your legs - you do not want to notice the meanness and duplicity of your friend, you want to trust him and make a colossal mistake. If a cat attacked you in a dream, it is worth remembering the dream in its entirety. Did you manage to repulse the attack of the animal, or did it continue its attack on you, and you were injured. If you managed to repel the attack, you will defeat the ill-wishers. If this turned out to be beyond your power, you will prove to them that you are right and right for a long time. own opinion.

If a businessman dreams about how he kills a black cat in a dream, he will overcome competitors in reality. For a young girl, such a dream promises victory over a rival who has been pestering her and her for a long time. young man. If, after such a dream, the girl is plagued by regret and disappointment, she should seriously think about whether she needs a chosen one, or she simply feels herself next to him like behind a stone wall and does not want to give to another woman out of selfish motives.

If a woman dreams about how she holds an animal in her arms, close people weave intrigues behind her back. She should be ready for a betrayal that she didn't expect at all. Also, such a dream may indicate rumors that really spoil the reputation of a woman. If a man dreams of a hissing cat, while the man stroked the animal before this - he should not do business with his friends - this will be fraught with scandals and misunderstandings. If a woman has such a dream, she should take a closer look at her friends, most likely that one of them has laid eyes on her chosen one.

If an animal bit you in a dream, you should pay special attention to where the bite was made:

If you were bitten by the hand, you will get acquainted with a bad person;

If you are bitten on the leg, you will be misinformed;

For the stomach - misunderstanding with loved ones awaits you;

Behind your back - a friend will betray you;

By the neck - your loved one will betray you.

Do not be discouraged if you had a dream with a bright negative meaning. This is just a hint of life that you need to change a lot in it, including in yourself. You need to thank life for the opportunities to avoid trouble, otherwise it will no longer give them and you will not be able to prepare in advance for both good and bad things. bad situations.

What is the dream of a black cat in other dream books

Meneghetti's dream book says that a black cat symbolizes a person's hidden fantasies and desires. They rule him, not he them. If you caught an animal in a dream, you will find out gossip about yourself, they will simply shock you. If an animal has bitten or scratched you, its owners hold evil on you. If a cat scratches another person and you happened to watch it, you will soon get sick, but it will not be a serious illness, it will pass quickly. If the animal caresses you, expect trouble. If you caress the animal yourself, you are insecure. It is worth considering whether you yourself have enough affection and care. Perhaps you are looking for them in others and cannot find them? Then look deep inside yourself, are you really alone?

AT Eastern dream book it is said that a black cat does not always bode negatively. Sometimes a dream involving an animal is a harbinger of colossal positive changes in life. If you dream that you are defeating an animal that attacked you, you will be able to defeat ill-wishers in reality. Your arguments will outweigh theirs. It is also worth remembering that a black cat passing by you can promise you a loss of opportunities to change your life. If the animal stops in front of you in a dream, you will get a worthy patron. Also, many dream books interpret the appearance of a black cat in a dream as a symbol of additional profit. If a cat is talking in a dream, you need to carefully listen to his parting words, they often give tips on how to effectively improve your life.

Medea's dream book says that a black cat in a dream clearly indicates that an unpredictable and very negative situation will appear in your life. Also, such a dream may indicate that a woman wants to enter into a hidden intimate relationship. And the black cat is her secret desired chosen one. The behavior of her new cavalier also depends on how the animal behaves in a dream.

The dream book says that a black cat is the black thoughts of the person himself, but not the intrigues of the enemies of the magical plan. You should not look for flaws in others and assume that someone really wants to annoy you. First of all, you should keep your thoughts to yourself and not say too much.

If an animal crosses your path in a dream, it is worth changing the direction of the path in life. Such a dream promises loss and grief, but not everyone is so biased towards black cats. To some, they seem to be carriers of prosperity and joy, so such a dream will make them hope for a brighter future. A lot depends on how a person perceives reality. If you are not initially set to win, oh even if the dream promises you a triumph, you will fail. Therefore, you should not tune in to negative events in life, otherwise they will come into it. The main thing is to believe in yourself and use the tips of dreams.

Even in ancient times. The Egyptians revered this animal as a deity, and black cats were considered significant omen from our ancestors. Sometimes this mysterious animal appears in dreams. After reading this article, you will find out what a black cat dreams of according to the best dream books.

What does sleep mean?

    Dream Interpretation Enigma

    If a black cat appeared in your dream, soon you will have a big quarrel or even a fight. The black cat has crossed your path - in reality, you have to meet a very unpleasant person who will bring you many failures.

    Very often a black cat is a symbol of a girl or, moreover, insidious and unfriendly. If such a vision is repeated several times, be ready: the ill-wisher will try to harm you, but much will depend on your vigilance. It is especially bad if the black purr behaves violently and tries to attack you - in this case, a conflict with the enemy is inevitable.

    A girl to see in a dream black cat who purrs and caresses - to flattery, deceit and an attempt to outwit you. Moreover, people you trust will be involved in this.

    A particularly important sign is the killing of a black cat in a dream. Kill the kitten a sign that in reality the dreamer will miss good opportunities and chances and through his own fault.

    Killing an adult black cat is the personification of your triumph over your opponent. True, sometimes a black cat can be a symbol of the demonic beginning of the dreamer himself, and the struggle with him is a symbol of the struggle with oneself.

    If in a dream the black cat was yours, and someone else hit or killed him, you should be more careful - such a sign warns you that there is someone in your environment with impure intentions.

    Did you dream of a black cat with dirty, disheveled hair, sick and powerless? Alas, but soon you will find out that one of your friends is seriously ill and he needs your help and attention.

    It has a similar meaning in which you saw two black cats. This is a sign of doubling your problems. However, if you drove the animals away or hid from them yourself, you will be able to avoid trouble.

    Lots of black cats a message from above that the dreamer should take a closer look at his surroundings. Perhaps it has "wolves in sheep's clothing." To dream about how they fought is a symbol of the fact that your own secret desires and worries haunt you. Black "March" cats in a dream, their mating games and meowing are a harbinger of problems in your relationship with your soulmate.

    Watching a black cat and her kittens in a dream - for a woman, this symbol promises love betrayal. Most likely, soon the dreamer will have a rival, if she has not yet appeared. A black cat feeds her kittens - the personification of the beginning of an independent life, she takes them away from you - you have to move or many chores.

    Dream Interpretation of Gustav Miller

    In this book of dreams, a black cat is considered an unambiguously negative sign. It is especially bad if the animal attacked you and tried to bite - this is the personification of your enemies, who from the heart will try to harm you by any means. But if you managed to kill or drive away the animal, be calm - your will and firmness will not give ill-wishers any chance.

    Miller also believed that in this dream a lot depends on the details. Dirty stray black cat to bad news from your relatives. Big skinned black cat - the health of your friends will be in danger. Drive him away or kill him - everything will work out. A lot of blacks that meow - a symbol of false friends who are actually your enemies.

    Get a scratch from a black cat enemies will manage to harm you and even profit well from you. A huge black cat is a symbol of chaos in your life.

    Wangi's Dream Interpretation

    Bulgarian witch considered a black cat in a dream a symbol of pride, pride, conflict and quarrels.

    The black cat scratched the dreamer - a symbol that he suffers too much from jealousy, although there is no reason for this at all. Catching a black cat - to soon meet a proud and proud person.

    Black cat catches a mouse you will become an eyewitness to a serious quarrel. If you dreamed of an aggressive black cat large sizes, be vigilant: you have a very insidious and powerful enemy who will not leave you alone.

    Dream Interpretation of Sigmund Freud

    According to psychoanalysis, a black cat is considered a symbol of sensuality and increased excitability.

    Caressing a black cat in a dream - a sign that you want sexual intercourse with a young partner. If the cat itself caresses you, you yourself attract a lot of people.

    Feeding a black cat is a symbol of your fantasies about intimacy with underage partners. Beating or killing an animal means the dreamer's sadistic inclinations.. If a person dreams that the cat herself hurt him, the opposite is true here - he loves masochism.

    Modern dream book

    This book of dreams considers a black cat a symbol of future failures. However, if you hit, chased or killed an animal, you will be able to cope with everything.

    Black cat attacks you enemies will try to tarnish your reputation and cash in on you. You fought off the animal - you will not only cope with ill-wishers, but even get fame and profit.

    Hungry black cat with dirty fur a harbinger of misfortune that will soon befall the dreamer's friends or acquaintances. You managed to drive her away - she will be defeated, and not without your help.

    Dream Interpretation of Nina Grishina

    In that noble dream book The interpretation of dreams about a black cat depends directly on the details. Stroking a black cat - to the dreamer's doubts. A black caressing cat is the personification of a temptress (or seducer). The black cat meows plaintively - soon you will be asked for help, which will be difficult on your part.

    A black cat has bitten or scratched you - you will suffer illness or slander from enemies. Catch a black cat - you will be able to find out from whom gossip comes about you. To see a fight of black cats - you will learn about a conspiracy against you and thereby avoid problems. Playing with black kittens - your half is not faithful to you.

    Killed or crushed black cat - a warning that you should change your lifestyle otherwise you will have problems.

    Dream Interpretation of Terenty Smirnov

    The esoteric Wanderer considered a cat in general, and especially a black one, a bad sign that portends failure.

    black cat portends the dreamer evil, problems and misfortunes. It is especially bad if the animal scratched or bit a person - in this case, the intrigues of enemies await him, who will eventually do their dirty deed.

    Dream Interpretation Miss Hasse

    Interestingly, this woman is a medium in spite of everything, she considered dreams about black cats very happy sign which promises the dreamer joy and victory.

    A black cat crossed your path - unexpected joy awaits you, receiving and good news. Especially good if the cat was large.

Little kitty

Although dreams about black kittens (as well as about black cats) are interpreted by the best dream books unambiguously negatively, there is one exception. Hold a black kitten in your arms - very good sign from above.

If you dreamed of a black cat or kitten that you were holding in your arms, you will soon get very a pleasant surprise. Moreover, not only its content will be unexpected for you, but also the person who will make it.

Attacks and bites

Given that a black cat in itself is considered a bad omen, her attack in a dream symbolizes additional problems.

If the black purr managed to bite the dreamer, this is very bad sign. He foreshadows future problems for a person, especially gossip and serious illnesses.. If you were bitten by a black cat that lives with your friends in reality, it means that the members of this family are offended by you for something.

If the cat was aggressive, but you managed to fight him off and drive him away, you can be congratulated. No matter what, you will cope with all your problems, and troubles will no longer burst into your life.

pregnant cat

The interpretation of a dream about a pregnant black cat depends very much on its details:

  • The pregnant cat was yours- relatives and friends will present you with pleasant gifts and surprises.
  • The cat was next door- you should rely only on yourself and not wait for gifts of fate.
  • The cat belonged to your friend Your friend will soon reveal an important secret to you.
  • Homeless and dirty pregnant cat- a symbol of receiving unpleasant news.
  • Pregnant cat at work- You should carefully conduct business and follow the documents.

If she is in the house?

If a black cat appeared in your house in a dream, unexpected problems will come to you. It is especially bad if in a dream the animal hid under the furniture and you could not find it. In this case, you should accept your fate and wait out the problems patiently. If you managed to find and drive the cat away, calm down - everything will work out.

In one case, such a dream may even be work - if the black cat actually lives in the dreamer's house. Otherwise, this is a sign from above.

As you already understood, the black cat - this is a special sign from above that needs to be correctly interpreted. The best dream books world together with your intuition will help you to do it for sure.

A black cat has long been considered a harbinger of misfortune and misfortune. Why is the black cat dreaming? Particularly superstitious people even now cross the street when they see this animal, fearing trouble after meeting it.

Popular beliefs also influenced the interpretation of dreams involving a black cat.

Most dream books regard visions with this animal mainly as an unfavorable sign. However, there are also positive interpretations.

You should remember all the details of what you saw at night and turn to popular dream books for decoding.

According to Miller's dream book, black cat - a harbinger of misfortune or any adverse circumstances. Exact interpretation will depend on appearance and the actions of the animal, as well as the behavior of the dreamer himself.

A dream in which the sleeping person strokes or feeds a cat speaks of an ungrateful attitude on the part of others. If the animal bites or scratches, this is a sign that portends financial failure. Special attention business people should pay attention to such a dream: you need to carefully monitor the actions of competitors. A vision in which a cat rushes at a sleeping person speaks of intrigues from ill-wishers.

A black cat of an unhealthy appearance portends a disease close person. A large number of animals in a dream warns of a bad environment in reality. If the sleeper hears the meow of a cat, but does not see him himself, this is a sign that speaks of the imminent appearance of a person who should not be trusted.

A dream with a black cat has a positive interpretation if the sleeper manages to drive or kill him. In this case, all troubles will bypass. If in a dream an animal is killed by a huge snake, the intrigues of the enemies will turn against them.

Interpretation of Vanga

A well-known soothsayer believes that visions with a black cat carry only negative messages. They mainly relate to interpersonal relationships, pointing to quarrels and enmity.

So, a black cat that appeared in a dream warns of the presence of enemies that should be feared. A large number of animals portends shame and loss of reputation. Chasing a cat in a dream promises a meeting with an unpleasant narcissist. If the animal bites or scratches, this is an indication of excessive jealousy on the part of the sleeping person for his other half.

According to Freud

According to Sigmund Freud, a black cat is a symbol of passions and secret desires. Such dreams are an indication of the dishonesty of the young dreamer in relation to her other half. She hides sympathy for another man who is only interested in a slight connection without family relations and obligations.

About desire erotic adventures says a dream in which the sleeping woman plays with a small black kitten. If the girl does not have a couple, this vision portends the appearance of a fan.

A man's dream in which his girlfriend plays with a cat warns of betrayal on her part. A friend will also be involved in the betrayal, but the dreamer will be able to bear the blow and find happiness with another woman.

A vision in which the sleeper caresses or feeds a black kitten speaks of his passion for younger people of the opposite sex. Killing an animal indicates the dreamer's tendency to sadism in sex, but if the cat scratches in a dream, to masochism in intimate relationships.

Modern dream books

Modern interpreters also consider dreams with a black cat to be unfavorable signs, portending deceit, betrayal and quarrel. However, there are also positive interpretations. You should not ascribe any significance to sleep if this animal actually lives in the dreamer's apartment. In this case, such a dream is only a projection of the subconscious of daytime emotions and experiences into dreams.

If a black cat crosses the road or goes towards it, this is a sign indicating the acquaintance of the sleeping person with an unpleasant deceitful person. A loud meowing cat portends insincere feelings on the part of the second half.

This person will constantly pretend and lie. Deception also portends a dream in which the meowing animal was not visible.

But a vision with a dead animal speaks of the onset of a favorable period in life. Also a good sign there will be a dream in which a black cat caresses and purrs. In this case, the sleeper will have success in doing business and good relationship with those around you.

Every day we meet cats on the street, and some of them are pets. But no matter how cute and funny a cat or a cat looks, any person knows that in fact he has a small predator in front of him, which at any moment can show his cunning, malice and revenge.

Interpretation features

Everyone remembers from childhood that a black cat is an indispensable companion of evil sorcerers, magicians and sorcerers, and our Baba Yaga is no exception. And when a black cat crosses the road in front of people on the street, even many of them who do not believe in either God or hell stop abruptly and change the road, waiting for someone else to pass ahead of them or spit three times over their shoulders.

This ambiguous attitude towards cats is carried over into our dreams. According to the vast majority of dream books, a cat or a cat of any color and size brings misfortune and problems. But if you are dreaming of your a pet, then there is no hidden meaning and threats.

If in a dream you drove a cat away, killed it, or simply saw it dead, then it means that in real life will be able to avoid the machinations of enemies and various troubles. And why is a black cat or a black cat dreaming? What does such a dream promise us?

Black cat according to Grishina's dream book

Grishina's noble dream book, unlike many dream books, divides cats and cats that are seen in a dream into two different groups.

A black cat in a dream personifies evil from an external ill-wisher, evil spells, under the power of which there is a person or a demonic entity. A dreaming black cat is the dark side of the person himself, which is trying to resist the personality of the owner.

Black cat according to the 21st century dream book

Modern dream book of the XXI century. A black cat in a dream is a bad sign foreshadowing a close fight or quarrel. If you were bitten or scratched by a black cat, it means that someone is offended or slandering you.

If in a dream she crossed your path, then this is a close meeting with an enemy or a person who is deceiving you, if this does not happen to you, then to a slight malaise. Stroking a black cat means that in real life you are overcome by distrust, and you are tormented by doubts, having caught it you will find out some gossip.

Black cat in a dream - Italian dream book

AT Italian dream book a black cat appears before us as a small but most insidious creature that pretends to people that it serves them, and in return receives food, affection and warmth.

It seems that she serves a person wholeheartedly, but in fact only circumstances can force her to this. Therefore, according to the Italians, a black cat in a dream expresses social aggression, useless eroticism, absorption of something or retention in captivity.

Decoding according to other dream books

  • Miss Hasse's dream book unambiguously interprets the appearance of a black cat in a dream as the approach of misfortune.
  • According to the dream book of Nostradamus, the great astrologer and soothsayer, a dreaming black cat with red eyes predicts a malicious intent that can end in the shedding of blood.
  • Aesop's dream book reminds us that in ancient times, many religions deified cats and calls for treating a dream involving cats as prophetic. If a black cat crosses your path in a dream, then, according to Aesop, this means the approach of very serious dangers.
  • Medea's dream book characterizes the appearance of cats in a dream as an unstable and unpredictable situation, or as a desire for sexual relations. According to this dream book, a black cat acts as the dark unconscious forces of the person himself who had a dream.
  • The French dream book also refers the appearance of black cats in a dream to the approach of trouble, especially on the personal front, and predicts the possible betrayal of a woman close to you, for men a wife, and for women a close friend.

Positive interpretation

However, there is also a diametrically opposite point of view on dreaming black cats, which does not carry a negative connotation.

According to the Assyrian dream book, if you manage to catch a black cat in a dream, then this will serve to fulfill your most cherished desires or a person will appear in your life on whom you can rely.

Zhou Gong's dream book assures that if in a dream a cat catches a mouse in front of your eyes, then this will bring you good luck and wealth.

How true various dream books and whether it is worth trusting their explanation of sleep, what a black cat or a black cat is dreaming of is up to you. Far from every person succeeds in deciphering a dream correctly, because many people approach this from the position of a familiar view of the world around them.

Someone associates a cat with a frivolous woman, and his explanation of sleep will be different from the one who first of all remembers that the cat always falls on its paws. Very often, events that you have recently witnessed have an impact on sleep.

In this regard, the dream should be most understandable to the dreamer himself, since he is more aware than anyone else about all the details of the dream and his real life. Therefore, you can try to understand your dream and put yourself in the place of your subconscious, which encoded this message to you.
