Name day of hope according to the church calendar. Day of the angel of hope according to the church calendar

Hopes are celebrated more than once a year. On this day, relatives and friends congratulate the owner of the name on her name day and give an amulet or an icon depicting the martyr Nadezhda. And what date is Nadezhda's angel's day? And what is customary to say congratulations on this day?

Name Day of Hope

Martyrs with this name in 2017 are revered 4 times. According to the church calendar, the day of the angel of Hope is celebrated on the following dates: March 14, March 20, September 30, October 21. Saints named Hope:

  • March 14 - Martyr Nadezhda Petrovna Abbakumova, who was canonized in August 2000 for general church veneration.
  • March 20 - Martyr Nadezhda Georgievna Kruglova, was canonized in July 2003.
  • September 30 - Martyr Nadezhda of Rome. Nadia was born in Italy. When the girl was 10 years old, she was brought to the capital with her sisters Vera and Lyubov, as well as her mother Sophia, at the insistence of the emperor who was ruling at that time, for a bold confession of the Christian faith. In Rome, they were ordered to renounce their faith and sacrifice to the goddess Artemis.
  • October 21 - Martyr Nadezhda Grigoryevna Azhgerevich, she was canonized in 2000.

The holy martyrs lived at different times, but, despite the various ups and downs that appeared on their way, Nadezhda did not stop believing in God and did not betray him, incurring the highest penalties for this. Four martyrs were canonized as saints for general church veneration.

Day of Faith, Hope, Love and their mother Sophia

So, the day of the angel of Hope is celebrated four times. However, among the Orthodox, one holiday stands out in particular. Since, except for the martyr Nadezhda of Rome, the rest of the saints can be attributed to the new martyrs, according to tradition, the main day of the angel at Nadezhda is September 30.

It should be noted that the day of the angel of Faith, Hope, Love and Sofia, as a rule, is celebrated for 3 days. Honoring women's virtues and maternal wisdom at the same time. So, among the Orthodox there is such a belief that a girl who was born on September 30 is characterized by considerable wisdom, as well as the ability to create comfort in the house and bring prosperity to the home.

Holiday customs

On this holiday, you must visit the church and listen to the corresponding liturgy. Pray to the holy martyrs and put two candles near the icon, take the third home. They ask the martyr Nadezhda for protection, health and well-being.

It was believed among the people that on this day any girl had to start the morning with crying. This explains the second name of the holiday - "the cry of all the women." Sad and crying, each girl paid tribute to the martyrs: the saints Faith, Hope, Love and Sophia.

On a holiday, it was necessary to bake a loaf, in the center of which a candle should be placed. And while eating, preferably at dinner, put the cooked product in the middle of the table. It was believed that in this way Sophia and her daughters could save the family from evil spirits and evil.

Name Hope: meaning

The name Nadezhda is an old Slavic form of the Greek name Elpis. It belongs to the category of names that are equipped with a semantic load that is likely for a Russian person, namely: the name means the word “hope”, that is, reliable.

Relations will develop successfully in alliance with Alexander, Alexei, Bogdan, Valery, Vitaly, German, Zakhar, Matvey, Prokhor, and also Stepan. Marriage with Anatoly, Boris, Valentin, Vladimir, Ivan, Cyril, Clement, Maximilian, Modest, Paramon, Fedor and Felix is ​​undesirable.

A suitable sign of the Zodiac name is Libra, a good day of the week is Friday. Orange is a favorable color for Nadezhda, maple is a tree, and a calendula flower can be attributed to the treasured plant.

This name is characterized by its following forms: Nadya, Nadyushka, Dyusha, Nadenka, Nadyusha, Nyusha and Nusya.

Character of the birthday girl

The owner of the name Nadezhda is characterized by secrecy and acting talent, thanks to these abilities, the girl easily achieves her goals and makes profitable acquaintances. The fair sex always carefully considers how to act and what to say. In appearance, she may seem a carefree and careless person, but in her soul she retains prudence and her inherent rigidity of character.

As a teenager, she dreams of a relationship that would be filled with unusual gifts and surprises, accompanied by sincere confessions. But with age, dreams fade into the background. In relationships with men, Nadia can be quite emotional, but it is worth noting that the girl keeps all her spiritual impulses inside. Marry the owner of these name days - Nadezhda goes out of love, but strong feelings, as a rule, go away in the hustle and bustle of everyday problems. Therefore, often the first marriage for a girl is not the only one. However, Nadezhda will be an excellent mother and will devote her life to her family and children with great pleasure if she feels sincere reciprocal feelings and love from her relatives.

Girls with the name Nadia have a large number of acquaintances and friends, but, alas, there are no real friends. This is due to the fact that Hopes are quite secretive and prefer not to share their secrets with anyone. The negative qualities of the owner of this name include excessive talkativeness, with the help of which, without even noticing it, the girl tells all the secrets of a friend or acquaintance. Inflated self-esteem and a tendency to all kinds of intrigues in the team is also a negative character trait. The positive qualities of the girl are reliability and diligence.

Nadezhda always aspires to occupy a leading position in society. The girl is distinguished by excessive determination and firmness of character. Throughout her life, she devotes maximum time and attention to education. Often signing up for a huge number of circles, he does not listen to them to the end because of banal laziness.

Dependence of the name on the time of year

A girl born in winter is a laconic and shy person. Nadezhda, who celebrates her birthday in the spring, is a slightly mercenary and emotional girl. "Summer" Nadia is distinguished by her poise and purposefulness. A beautiful female representative, who was born in the fall, is a hardworking and persistent person.

Congratulations to Nadezhda on the name day and angel's day

In order for the owner of the name to experience many positive and joyful emotions on the holiday, relatives and friends present various congratulations to the hero of the occasion both in poetic form and in prose.

On the day of the angel, they wish Nadezhda to be accompanied by a guardian angel and protect her from all the troubles that appear on the way. So that a good mood is always a faithful companion in life, and every day brings only joy and happiness.

Warm and beautiful words of congratulations on the day of the angel of Hope will decorate the face of any birthday girl with a smile and give a good mood and a charge of vivacity and positive.

Nadezhda is an Old Slavonic name that has ancient Greek roots. This is a Russian variation of the name Ellis. The woman, named Nadezhda, is distinguished by her strong character, strong will and good endurance.

What date is Abbakumov's name day (March 14)

According to the church calendar, Nadezhda celebrates her angel's day 4 times a year: March 14, March 20, September 30, October 21. The patron saints of the name are four martyrs who lived at different times and whom the church remembers in these days.

In March, on the 14th, the name day is celebrated by a woman named after Nadezhda Abbakumova. She was a simple peasant woman who faced severe trials. But the woman did not lose faith in God, but carried it through her whole life, accepting martyrdom at the end of her earthly journey.

Nadezhda Abbakumova was born into a peasant family in a village in the Moscow province in 1880. She got married at 19 and had four children. During the revolution, Nadezhda was widowed. She had to single-handedly put the children on their feet. At the same time, persecution of the church began, but Nadezhda Abbakumova remained a true Christian. In 1928, she was chosen to collect money and food for the priest and pay taxes.

Nadezhda Abbakumova was arrested on March 2, 1938, because, according to the investigation, she was conducting anti-Soviet agitation, and on March 14 she was shot. Just on this day, the name day of Hope is celebrated according to the church calendar. And in 2000, the woman was canonized as a Russian New Martyr.

Martyr Nadezhda Kruglova (March 20)

Not only the Orthodox Church remembers the martyr Nadezhda. Also on March 20, women named by this name are celebrated. On this spring day, the next name day of Nadezhda is celebrated. The patron saint of the name is the martyr Nadezhda Kruglova.

She was born in one of the villages of the Yegoryevsky district of the Moscow province in a peasant family. She was brought up in the faith, studied at a parochial school, and at the age of twenty she settled as a novice in the Egorievsk Trinity-Mariinsky Monastery.

Nadezhda Kruglova was arrested by the NKVD several times. In 1931 she was sent into exile in Kazakhstan, where she spent 5 years. The next time, Nadezhda Kruglova was arrested in 1938 and, together with another nun Antonina Novikova, was sentenced to death for agitation against the Soviet regime. The sentence was executed on March 20, 1938 at the Butovo training ground.

On this day, the Orthodox Church remembers the holy martyrs and celebrates the name day of Nadezhda. The nuns were buried in a common grave not far from the landfill.

Nadezhda Rimskaya and her sisters (September 30)

Ten-year-old Nadezhda, along with her sisters Vera and Lyubov and her mother Sophia, lived in Rome in the 2nd century. At this time, an active struggle against Christianity was carried out in the city. All believers were persecuted and forced to renounce their beliefs. Otherwise, they were executed by martyrdom. The same fate befell the widow Sophia and her daughters.

Ruled at that time in Rome, ordered to bring a woman with children to him and personally conducted a conversation with the girls. But he failed to get them to renounce their faith in Jesus Christ. For this, he subjected Faith, Hope and Love to martyrdom in front of his mother, and then gave her the decapitated bodies of the children. Sophia buried the girls on the hill, and she remained sitting near their graves. On the third day she died.

On this day, the name day of Hope is celebrated. It is on September 30 that the Christian Church remembers the holy Roman martyrs.

Name day of Nadezhda according to the Orthodox calendar: Nadezhda Azhgerevich (October 21)

In 1877, Nadezhda Azhgerevich was born in one of the peasant families in the village of Golovenshchitsy, Minsk province. She was a strongly religious person, and even blessed to become a monk, but did not have time to do so. Nadezhda did not have her own home, she lived with nuns at monasteries, but she always helped the hungry and the destitute. She sent all the donated money to the counter-revolutionaries expelled from the country.

In 1937, Nadezhda Azhgerevich was arrested for anti-Soviet agitation. She did not betray her faith and proudly accepted a martyr's death. The woman was shot at one of the ranges in Butovo under 1937. On this day, Nadezhda's name day is celebrated according to the church calendar. Ranked among the holy new martyrs and confessors of Russia. She was buried in a common grave with other martyrs who suffered for the faith.

Hope is very emotional and stubborn. She rarely gives in to anyone. Often moody. She loves noisy events and constantly attends them. He studies well at school. In addition, she attends various sections and circles, some of which subsequently become her hobbies. Nadezhda has a rather contradictory and unpredictable character.

It combines incompatible qualities. She can be weak and at the same time strong, unrestrained and strong-willed, emotional and calm. She is also purposeful and there is a certain firmness in her character, thanks to which she knows how to stand up for herself in various situations. Hope is quite generous, can give the last. The husband always loves Nadezhda. She does everything for him, but also imperceptibly leads him.

Fate: Nadezhda has a masculine character, which allows her to always achieve her goal. Hope is considered an adventurous and prudent person. She is firm in her intentions, purposeful, does not show excessive sensitivity.

Hope Angel Day

From the ancient Greek language - comes from the word "elpis" - literally translated into the ancient Slavic language meant - "hope". In the future, the name became Russified and eventually began to be pronounced Hope, as a symbol of faith that everything will be fine. Nadezhda is tender, affectionate, very hardworking, feminine, charming. She loves to gossip kindly about husbands, lovers, neighbors. In general, a woman is pious, clean, amorous.

She considers herself irresistible, therefore she constantly tests her feminine charms on men - she smiles mysteriously, makes meaningful hints, in a word, gives hope. However, it usually doesn't go beyond that. Unless Nadezhda falls madly in love. But she can afford this only before marriage.

Having married, she begins to lead a more measured lifestyle, becomes restrained and organized. In relations with her husband, she is able to show emotionality, but she keeps spiritual impulses inside herself. He tries to do a specific thing and not waste time on meaningless conversations. He occupies a dominant position in the family and commands his husband, but he does it with tact and unobtrusively.

Nadezhda devotes most of her time to housework. She is hardworking and manages to do everything. Children are taught modesty in behavior and in everyday life. Mother for them unconditional authority.

Nadezhda Name day according to the Church Calendar

  • March 14 - Nadezhda (Abbakumova), mts. /novomuch./
  • March 20 - Nadezhda (Kruglova), prmts. /novomuch./
  • September 30 - Nadezhda Rimskaya, mts., maiden
  • October 21 - Nadezhda (Azhgerevich), mts. /novomuch./

(name day) is a rather important holiday, it should not be forgotten. In order for the child to have a happy life, he is named after a certain saint. How to choose the right name? This question torments many parents. Let's say a child was born on October 9, then he needs to be given a name in honor of the saint whose memorial day is celebrated on that day. Then, when the baby grows up, he must be told about his saint and taught how to ask him for help. In this article, we will consider who celebrates the name day on October 9th.

What name to give the child

On this day, the memory of the apostle and evangelist John the Theologian is venerated. However, this is not the only name that can be called a baby. There are no patron saints for girls on this day. Therefore, adjacent dates should be selected. So, October 11 - Tatyana, Anna, Ulyana, Maria. For boys, the choice of names on this day is much larger. Name days on October 9 are celebrated by Alexander, Hira, Ephraim, Dmitry, Ivan, Nikolai, Tikhon, Athanasius, Jan, Vladimir, Gideon.

In addition, even if the child was born on a different day, but bears one of these names, he can celebrate the day of the angel on October 9th. In general, the birthday and the day of the angel may not coincide, but for convenience it is chosen that these are neighboring dates. In order to choose in honor of which saint to name a child, you need to carefully read his biography and lifestyle.

Apostle John the Evangelist

As mentioned earlier, on October 9, the name day is celebrated by all Ivans. This is due to the fact that on this day the memory of the Evangelist and Apostle John the Theologian is venerated. He devoted his entire life to the service of love. John the Evangelist was one of the Twelve Apostles. He is the author of three epistles included in the New Testament, the Gospels and the Book of Revelation. The holy apostle was very devoted to Jesus Christ and, as a rule, was always near him. Interestingly, he was the youngest of all the students, but at the same time quite smart and lively. On the icon "The Last Supper" he is depicted next to Jesus. Because he was very young, many artists paint him with effeminate features.

The Savior always trusted John and told him all the secrets about the Kingdom of Heaven. And he, during the suffering of his Teacher, did not leave him. Only John and a few women followed him all the way to Golgotha. The Most Holy Theotokos became his mother, and he took care of her until the end of her days.

Even after the death of his Teacher, John the Theologian preached Christianity, performed miracles and healed sick people. He constantly repeated "God is Love!". In addition, according to some sources, 4 cases are known when John the Theologian resurrected a person. All this was seen by many people, and they gladly accepted Christianity. Until his last days, the apostle preached and sang the praises of his teacher, Jesus Christ. In addition, some sources claim that during the life of John more than once they tried to kill him. Poison was added to him, boiled in boiling oil, sent into exile, but his unceasing prayer saved him from all misfortunes.

Founder of churches in honor of the Theophany of the Lord

According to the old style, on September 26, the memory of the Monk Ephraim of Perekom is venerated. And for this reason, on October 9, the name day according to the church calendar can also be celebrated by those who bear the proud and rather rare name of Ephraim. Even in his youth, he left his parental home to settle in the Kalyazinsky monastery. A few years later, in a dream, the monk Ephraim received a revelation from the Lord that he needed to retire to a deserted place. Of course, he did just that. A few more years later, he founded a temple in honor of the Epiphany of the Lord. To carry water there, he dug a long enough channel. Since then, the temple began to be called Perekop.

Patriarch of Moscow and All Russia

In fact, the name of the future Patriarch of Moscow and All Russia was Vasily Ivanovich Belavin. He was born into a modest family of a priest. Vasily was a very obedient and capable child. At the age of 9, he entered the theological school, then the Pskov Seminary and the St. Petersburg Theological Academy. By the way, study was given to him very easily. At the age of 23, he was already a candidate of theology and successfully taught at the Pskov Seminary.

At the age of 26, Vasily made a very serious decision for himself. He gave three monastic vows - poverty, virginity and obedience. In addition, Vasily takes the tonsure with the name Tikhon. The very next year he became a rector in the rank of archimandrite, and after about 20 years - the patriarch of Moscow and all Russia. On the feast of the Annunciation of the Most Holy Theotokos, in the 60th year of his life, Vasily Ivanovich Belavin dies.

Martyr Hira and Righteous Gideon

Here are two more unusual names that can be called a child born on this day. Thus, the martyr Hira firmly professed Christianity and was martyred for his faith.

Righteous Gideon was the judge. He was chosen by God to save Israel from the Midianites and the Amalekites. Righteous Gideon gathered a huge army, but the Lord ordered to send them and leave only 300 people. He did just that. With the remaining warriors at night, they attacked the enemies. They broke empty jars and blew trumpets. The enemy was so frightened by the noise that he began to run. After freeing the territory, Gideon executed several Midian princes. The people were so grateful to him that they wanted to make him king. He refused this position and became a judge.

Appeal to the saints

We have already found out that only men celebrate their angel day on this day. Women's name days on October 9 are not celebrated, and a nearby date is chosen. In fact, a patron saint can give a person very strong protection. However, this requires the right help. You should not confuse the guardian angel and your saint, in whose honor you bear the name. These are completely different things. In order to turn to your saint, there is a very simple prayer: “Holy saint (name), I diligently run to you and ask the Lord God to pray for me. Amen"

In addition, the celebration of name days and birthdays are also completely different things. On your angel's day, you must definitely go to church and light a candle to your saint for the health of you and your family. Thank him from the bottom of your heart for always being there, protecting and protecting you. In the end, of course, ask him for what you want.

Calendar, when, according to the church calendar, the name day of Nadezhda

Saints with the name Hope are revered 4 times.

  • March 14 - Nadezhda Abbakumova, martyr;
  • March 20 - Nadezhda Kruglova, venerable martyr;
  • September 30 - Nadezhda Rimskaya, martyr, maiden;
  • October 21 - Nadezhda Azhgerevich, martyr.

Characteristics of the birthday girl of Hope:

From the ancient Greek language - comes from the word "elpis" - literally translated into the ancient Slavic language meant - "hope". In the future, the name became Russified and eventually began to be pronounced Hope, as a symbol of faith that everything will be fine.

Nadezhda is tender, affectionate, very hardworking, feminine, charming. She loves to gossip kindly about husbands, lovers, neighbors. In general, a woman is pious, clean, amorous. She considers herself irresistible, so she constantly tests her feminine charms on men - she smiles mysteriously, makes meaningful hints, in a word, gives hope. However, it usually doesn't go beyond that. Unless Nadezhda falls madly in love. But she can afford this only before marriage.

Congratulations on the name day of Hope:

Do not forget to celebrate Nadezhda's name day and congratulate Nadezhda on Angel Day.

Day of the Angel of Hope

Brings only joy!

Sorrow and sadness go away

Love and sweetness will come!

Let the world open for you

Your love and tenderness!

Be loved. Live, love

On the day of the Angel of Hope!

You, Nadezhda, are simply amazing!

We want to tell you for a long time -

We are bad without you!

And we want to wish you

So that the day of the Angel is beautiful

Only gave you joy

And love, of course, passionate -

May the Lord bless you!

You name day, Nadia, celebrate

Know the price for your family and friends

The one who will always help you

Who believes, who loves you lives!

I want to wish you luck

And most importantly - do not lose love,

Remember, only pure love

Able to revive hope again!
