The Georgian Orthodox Church celebrates the day of remembrance of Queen Tamar - Tamaroba. Each person is assigned a certain icon by the date of birth, which protects from adversity

Tbilisi, May 14. On May 14, the Georgian Orthodox Church celebrates the Day of Remembrance of Queen Tamar, canonized and revered by the Georgian people, Novosti-Georgia reports. In Georgia, this holiday is called Tamaroba, and on this day everyone Georgian Tamara name days are celebrated.

According to the Civil Registry Agency of the Ministry of Justice of Georgia, the name Tamara is one of the most popular female names in Georgia, along with Nino, Mariam and Natia.

Festive service was held today in all functioning churches of Georgia, including Didube Church Holy Mother of God in Tbilisi, where Queen Tamar was baptized at one time.

The Day of Remembrance of Queen Tamar - Tamaroba has been celebrated in Georgia as a national holiday since 1917 after the restoration of the autocephaly of the Georgian Church.

Holy Empress Tamara came from the Bagratid (Bagrationov) family and was the only daughter of Tsar George III. When she was 18 years old, George III crowned her to the kingdom, and after his death in 1184, the 24-year-old Queen Tamara became the sovereign ruler of the Georgian kingdom. Distinguished by high piety, intelligence and beauty, Queen Tamara wisely ruled the state, having won the love of all the people.

Georgian legends glorify her meekness, peacefulness, wisdom, religiosity and beauty. It is also known that Saint Tamara took care of the poor people, of widows, orphans, and helped spiritual development Georgia. In addition, she patronized poets, writers, built many temples, as well as the luxurious Vardzia Palace.

Contemporaries called Queen Tamara the king (“mepe”), in contrast to the queen (“dedopali”). “I am the father of orphans and the judge of widows,” she said. In her reign there was not a single case of the death penalty or corporal punishment; in her management, she was strictly guided by the Gospel commandments. An agreement was established between the Church and the state, reviving the blessed times of the Equal-to-the-Apostles Emperor Constantine.

Saint Tamara convened a church council, which eliminated the turmoil in church life and removed the unworthy hierarchs. She was also successful state activity, thanks to which the Georgian kingdom increased and strengthened.

Under his high power St. Queen Tamara managed to unite the highlanders of Abkhazia, Imereti and Kakhetia. She herself, in military armor, went ahead of her army against the Muslims and fearlessly struck them. In all campaigns, she was patronized by St. Archangel Michael; his image was seen by the Saracen captives over the throne of Tamara. The recalcitrant Muslim highlanders humbled themselves before her name and entire tribes accepted holy Baptism. So great was the confidence of the Muslims in her that they agreed to give the keys to the besieged city of Kars only to her.

Following the example of his great-grandfather, St. King David the Restorer, St. Tamara built numerous temples and monasteries. Until now, on the impregnable rocks of the Caucasus, churches and crosses erected in her reign have been preserved; the same shrines are located on the coast of the Black and Caspian Seas.

The reign of St. Queen Tamara was the "golden age" in the history of Georgia. She was the patroness of writing and literature. The famous poet Shota Rustaveli dedicated the poem "The Knight in the Tiger" to her. Subsequently, he became a monk and labored in the Georgian monastery of the Holy Cross in Palestine; the frescoes of this monastery, which have survived to this day, are the work of his hands.

St. Queen Tamara died on January 18, 1212. Subsequently, Queen Tamara was canonized by the Georgian and Russian Orthodox churches. Before her death, she said: “Christ my God! I entrust to you this kingdom, entrusted to me by you, and this people, redeemed by your honest blood. I give my soul to you..."

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Intercessor icon

In Christianity, it is believed that each of us is given by God a personal guardian angel, who can be identified by name or by the date of birth of a person.

Today we will consider the latter case, and also talk about an individual intercessor icon!

People born on these dates are under the auspices of St. Sylvester and Reverend Seraphim Sarovsky. Orthodox should buy the Sovereign Icon Mother of God. Before her, it is necessary to pray for honesty and truth, heartfelt joy and love for one's neighbor, for the granting of spiritual and bodily healing.

Those who were born on these days are under the patronage of Saints Cyril and Athanasius. But intercessor icons are considered Vladimir icon Mother of God and the icon "Burning bush".

In this period of time, people are guarded by the guardian angels Milenty of Antioch and St. Alexy. And the Iberian Mother of God is considered the intercessor icon. The image helps people who have repented of their sins. The icon has a great influence on people with mental and physical illnesses.

People born on these dates should pray to the icon of the “Guest of Sinners”, and their guardian angels are John the Theologian, Saints Tamara and Stefan. Basically, people turn to the icon for help in spiritual insight, for getting rid of despondency and sadness, for healing from serious illnesses.

Saint Cyril is the main patron of those who were born during this period. It is necessary to pray to the guardian angel, as well as the icon of the Kazan Mother of God. Prayers before her image help to find a solution in difficult questions to be healed of diseases. It is also customary to place the icon at the child's bed, knowing that the Mother of God will look after the baby.

Elijah the Prophet and St. Nicholas will keep those who were born on these days. And the intercessor will be the icon of the Intercession of the Most Holy Theotokos. Prayer before the image is able to protect from all evils, troubles and ailments, giving peace and grace.

Those born on these days are guarded by Saints Alexander, John and Paul. And you need to pray to the Passionate intercessor icon.

Those born on these days are taken under his wing by Sergei Radonezhsky, and the intercessor icon of the Exaltation of the Cross of the Lord helps them.

Icons of the Mother of God of Jerusalem and the Quick Hearing One protect people born during this period. But the guardian angel is considered to be St. Paul.

Saints Nicholas the Pleasant and Barbara will protect people born during this period. The icons of the Virgin of Tikhvin and the "Sign" are considered intercessors.

> icon of St. Tamara, the Great Queen

Icon of St. Tamara

The icon of the Holy Queen Tamara depicts the face of the Holy Virgin Tamara. The Blessed Queen is always depicted in royal robes, which emphasizes her status. At the same time, Tamara herself did not like luxury, and all the wealth did not matter to her.

Saint Tamara was the queen of Georgia. She was born around 1164. Tamara came from the oldest family of the Georgian Bagratid dynasty. Her grandfather was the faithful David III. It was David who began to distribute in Georgia Christian faith and began the construction of the country's first temples and monasteries.

Tamara's father - George III was the king of Georgia. During his lifetime, he crowned the young blessed Tamara, and from 1178 she began to help George in governing the country. In 1184, the tsar left this land, and from that time Saint Tamara began to rule Georgia independently.

The reign of Blessed Tamara is called one of the best periods in the history of her country. Never before has Georgia achieved such prosperity. Queen Tamara, distinguished by piety, contributed to widespread Christianity throughout Georgia. Under her, many monasteries and temples were built, and churches were exempted from duties. Queen Tamara contributed to the development of art and sciences, during the years of her reign many theologians, historians, orators, philosophers, poets and artists appeared in Georgia.

There were legends about the perfect beauty of St. Tamara, Byzantine princes, the Shah of Persia and the Sultan of Aleppo tried to achieve her favor. Tamara married 2 times. Her first husband was Yuri, the son of Prince Bogolyubsky. But, unfortunately, he was visible in atrocities, so the Queen divorced him. The second marriage of St. Tamara was more successful, the Queen married Prince David Soslan.

During the day, Queen Tamara dealt with state affairs, made important international decisions and held court. It is worth noting that the Saint was very merciful and even her enemies received forgiveness, during her time in power there was not a single case of corporal punishment, and the Queen did not send anyone to death. At night, the blessed Tamara, dressed in simple clothes, tirelessly prayed to the Mother of God for the protection of her country and her subjects.

At the beginning of the 13th century, the ruler of the Rum Sultanate, Rukn-ed-Din, turned to Blessed Tamara with a demand that the Georgian people renounce Christianity and adopt Islam. The saint did not agree to comply with such demands. And although the number of the Georgian army was much smaller than the Muslim one, this did not prevent them from winning the battle.

The Holy Empress spent the last years of her life in a monastery; Tamara died in 1213. The place of her burial is not known, because Saint Tamara bequeathed to bury her secretly. The name of Saint Tamara, for all her good deeds, canonized as a saint.

They pray before the icon of Queen Tamara, wishing to receive healing from mental and physical ailments. Prayer addressed to Tamara helps protect your home and homeland from natural Disasters and enemy attacks. Prayer appeal before the icon of St. Tamara to be freed from vices and addictions. The saint is the patroness of all women named Tamara.
