The better to insulate a metal garage. How to insulate a metal garage seriously and for a long time

Initially, a garage is a room designed to store a car, ensuring its protection from adverse weather effects and attacks by intruders. However, the garage must be not only strong and reliable, but also properly equipped.

First of all, you need to perform competent thermal insulation, because. sudden changes in temperature, in combination with other factors, can harm not only the building, but also the car and other objects in it. A metal garage can be insulated with your own hands without any problems. You just need to understand the procedure for performing such work and follow the instructions received in everything.

Garage insulation is a complex undertaking, which includes finishing not only all surfaces, but even the gate. However, before starting any work, prepare the necessary tools.

Tools and materials for warming a metal garage

In addition, you will need a finishing material and fasteners that are suitable for this particular material. Lining is usually used as cladding. Fiberboard, siding, moisture-resistant drywall, etc. are also great.

Collect the listed tools and buy the required materials. Measure your garage in advance to calculate the right amount of materials and not waste time in the future buying the missing one. Take the entire fixture to the insulated garage.

As already noted, thermal insulation of a metal garage begins with finishing the floor. Remove the existing boardwalk and cover the exposed surface with plastic sheeting. It will act as a waterproofing material. If a single piece of film is not enough to cover the entire area, lay the required number of pieces with an overlap of about 15 cm and mandatory gluing of the joints with metallized adhesive tape.

Lay the selected insulation on the waterproofing and fix new boards on top of it. Use self-tapping screws to fix. Mineral wool or polystyrene is usually used as thermal insulation for the floor. You can backfill, for example, with sawdust or expanded clay. Here, focus on your own preferences and budget.

Instructions for insulating the roof of the garage

In the vast majority of cases, the roof of the garage is represented by a shed construction. This is the easiest and most budget option, which is perfect for an ordinary garage. The basis of this design are the rafters. Traditionally, they rely on the Mauerlat. Mauerlat bars are laid over the walls of the garage and connected to them with anchor bolts. It is better if the thermal insulation of the roof of a metal garage is carried out simultaneously with its construction. Then it will take much less time to work.

The rafter system is assembled from a wooden beam with a section of 15x15 cm. The rafters are installed with the same pitch, usually it is 60 cm. Here, the main guideline is the width of the insulation boards, which, in accordance with the standard, is 61 cm. The left margin will allow you to lay the thermal insulation elements between the rafters as tightly as possible .

At the next stage, you need to equip the vapor barrier layer. Special membranes are available for sale, which are great for vapor barrier. This material is attached to the rafters with buttons or staples. The vapor barrier layer must be as tight as possible. All joints must be sealed with tape.

From the inside of the building, the vapor barrier is sheathed with the preferred material. Usually used clapboard or fiberboard, but if desired, the owner can choose a different finish. In this matter, everything is purely individual. The sheathing must be fixed as carefully as possible, making sure that the vapor barrier remains airtight. Any defects and damage must be immediately repaired with adhesive tape or sealant.

Lay the insulation between the rafters. Minvata is perfect. In most cases, a layer about 15 cm thick is enough. Otherwise, be guided by the climatic conditions of your region. If your area is very cold, increase the insulation layer.

Further work is carried out according to the standard technology for arranging the roof. First you need to make a crate, the arrangement of which depends on the chosen roofing, then lay waterproofing on the crate and complete the “pie” with a finishing material.

If the work on the thermal insulation of the roof of a metal garage will be carried out after the construction of the structure, be guided by the same scheme with some changes. So, the thermal insulation will be laid between the rafters, a vapor barrier film will cover it on top, and the sheathing of your choice will complete the structure.

When fixing heat-insulating plates, certain inconveniences may arise. To eliminate them, it is enough to simply fix the insulation so that it does not fall until the finishing sheathing is installed. To do this, attach strips of hydro- and vapor barrier material to the rafters in such a way that they prevent the insulation from falling.

The procedure for thermal insulation of the walls of a metal garage

Prepare material for insulating the walls of a metal garage. The most popular and highly effective option is mineral wool. The material is characterized by high fire resistance and excellent thermal conductivity. The only drawback is the poor tolerance of contact with moisture. Therefore, the waterproofing device will also have to be given special attention. The heater is placed in the crate. For external thermal insulation, a layer of thermal insulation with a thickness of 10 cm is usually sufficient.

To attach the elements of the crate to the garage, use metal corners. To make the work easier and faster, it is recommended to pre-mark the places for the installation of the crate bars. Place them in 60 cm increments. Lay a layer of vapor barrier material on the crate. Then cut the insulation boards to a suitable length, lay them in the space between the battens of the crate and cover with waterproofing. In most cases, polyethylene film is used to protect against moisture.

At the end of the garage walls, you need to sheathe siding, finish with facing bricks, or decorate in another preferred way.

If it is impossible to perform external insulation of the garage, for example, if the walls of neighboring garages are adjacent to its walls, the insulation must be performed in the same sequence, but from the inside. For interior cladding, fiberboard, lining and other similar materials are suitable. Before use, they should be treated in a special way. For example, drying oil is used to process fiberboard, and the lining is necessarily covered with an antiseptic and fire-fighting composition.

From the use of foam for wall insulation in most cases, it is recommended to refuse. The problem is that this material is unstable to fires and, in addition, in the process of combustion, it releases substances that are extremely dangerous for humans. Therefore, mineral wool insulation is the best option.

Mineral wool is usually used for thermal insulation of garage doors. Extruded polystyrene foam is also well suited for this. The latter is characterized by good moisture resistance and thermal conductivity, it is extremely easy to use, sold at an affordable price, but has a serious drawback - complete instability to fire.

Mineral wool is a refractory material, but it also has its drawbacks. When wet, such a heater sharply loses its performance characteristics in general and durability in particular. Therefore, before proceeding with the finishing of garage doors, carefully consider the moment of choosing thermal insulation.

Clean the surface to be insulated of any contaminants. Paintwork, if present, must also be removed. A crate is installed along the contour of the products. For its assembly, wooden bars with a cross section of 30-50 mm are suitable. Select a specific value in accordance with the thermal insulation layer. Cut the crossbeam to the smallest possible width, and then connect the inside corners of the frame to the outside.

Glue the insulation to the gate. For this, ordinary mounting glue is used. The joints between the individual elements of thermal insulation should be filled with mounting foam. This will achieve the highest quality and most effective insulation.

In the case of using expanded polystyrene as a heater, it will be necessary to additionally lay penofol on top of it. Thanks to this material, a comfortable microclimate will be maintained in the garage at any time of the year. Lay the penofol with the foil part inside. For installation, use the same glue. At the end, attach the finish coat. Usually its functions are performed by a plastic lining.

The mineral wool is attached in a slightly different order. First, the crate is also equipped. Choose the step between the bars so that it is 2-3 cm less than the width of the insulation. Lay the insulation boards between the battens and fix them. Mounting glue and dowels are suitable for fixing. It is best to use them in combination.

Thermal insulation must be covered with a vapor-permeable membrane or ordinary plastic wrap. At the end, as in the case of expanded polystyrene, a lining or other finishing facing material is mounted.

In this way, warming a metal garage is an extremely simple event that almost everyone can do. It is only necessary to carry out all the stages of work in accordance with the instructions and remember that high-quality insulation can only be ensured with an integrated approach with knowledge of the matter.

Successful work!

Video - How to insulate a metal garage

An ordinary metal garage can perform many useful functions. For the winter, a caring car enthusiast leaves his car in it, someone else stores food here, and someone equips the space for a special workshop. All this can be done on the condition that the garage must be insulated.

The optimum temperature for such a room is at least -5 ° C. At lower values, condensation will begin to form on the surface of the car, which leads to rust. It will be impossible to work in the box because of the cold, and it will become impractical to store vegetables, they will simply begin to rot in the first thaw. In order to keep the heat inside the room, it is necessary to choose and install the insulation correctly.


The use of traditional building materials for a metal garage can significantly increase the temperature in the room.

For these purposes, use:

  • Styrofoam. This material belongs to the most common type of insulation. It is convenient to work with foam plastic, it is cheap;
  • Penoizol. This is the liquid form of the same foam. Penoizol has fire resistance and excellent water resistance. The durability of such a heater is 40 years;

  • Basalt wool. Such a soft and inexpensive insulation is also called mineral wool. Garages are often insulated with mineral wool. And this material is among the leaders in terms of popularity of application.
  • Polyurethane foam. The durability of this building material is 50 years;

The above types practically do not differ in quality, an acceptable price determines the demand for all these products.

Having decided on the type of insulation for arranging thermal insulation from the inside of the box, you can proceed to the preparatory stage.

Necessary tools and building materials

Garage insulation is best done in summer or spring. Sometimes the situation forces to carry out work in cold weather, at low temperatures. In this case, it is necessary to insulate the garage reliably quickly.

You need to prepare the tools in advance in order to productively use the allotted time:

  • electric drill;
  • building level;
  • steel profile;
  • welding machine;
  • screwdriver;

  • self-tapping screws;
  • furniture stapler with staples;
  • roulette;
  • wooden bars for installing the crossbars of the crate;
  • scissors for working with metal;
  • protective gloves, special mask.


Being engaged in the internal lining of metal structures, first of all, you should take care of anti-corrosion. If there is rust on the surface of the walls, it should be removed with a special metal brush. If necessary, carry out patch repairs of individual sections. After that, the surface is treated with an anti-corrosion solution.

To ensure optimal conditions indoors, it is also necessary to create a ventilation system. It will be needed for circulation: the system will remove the exhaust air, replacing it with fresh air. Otherwise, accumulated heavy vapors and gases can cause condensation. Condensation, on the other hand, negatively affects the condition of the garage's supporting structure, the car and the stored products.

After applying the anti-corrosion solution, it usually takes several days for it to dry completely. After that, they begin to insulate the box from the inside. This work can be done by hand. According to the rules, to begin with, they insulate the walls, then the roof, the gate, and only then, if necessary, strengthen the protection of the floor.

Wall insulation

Consider the procedure for warming using an example of using such material as basalt wool.

This type of material has worthy characteristics:

  • durability;
  • preservation of qualities even at high humidity;
  • low thermal conductivity;
  • mold resistance;
  • convenience of working with a heater;
  • environmental friendliness;
  • fire resistance.

The sequence of sheathing the walls of the garage with mineral insulation:

  • First you need to determine the location of the crate. The amount of material expended will depend on the quadrature of the sheathed surface. The steel profile is great for building a frame. The use of wood in this case can lead to rapid destruction under the influence of moisture. In addition, the wooden structure can be deformed when wet.
  • Start building vertical rails. The gap between the structures should be about 1-2 cm, that is, less than the width of the insulation itself. So the material will completely straighten out and take up the space completely. To strengthen the system, horizontal transverses are placed every meter; wooden beams can be used here.

  • Already mounted crate begin to enclose the membrane, you can use another type of waterproofing material. The joints that have appeared should be glued with adhesive tape, the film is attached to the brackets, for this you can use a stapler.
  • It is necessary to lay the insulation inside the resulting crate. Start laying from the bottom. In this case, the crevices should not remain.
  • A vapor barrier material is applied to the insulation, you can use a plastic film or roofing material.
  • At the end, sheathe the crate. Sheathing is performed with non-combustible material, for example, drywall or steel siding is used.

It should be borne in mind that when sheathing the box, the space in the room narrows. Accordingly, it is better to choose a not very voluminous insulation.

Sheathing the garage with polystyrene, you should take into account the peculiarity of the material. Such a heater will not expand like cotton wool, so it is better to make the gap between the guides a little smaller, for example, by 1-2 cm. It is better to create a crate in separate blocks, the dimensions of each of them should exactly repeat the dimensions of the foam sheets. If there are defects on the walls, then it is better to level the surface before warming. In the work it is recommended to use an L-shaped profile. Insulation sheets are attached with glue

Roof insulation

Usually the roof or ceiling of the garage is presented in the form of a shed structure. This roof design is considered a budget and simple option. The basis for it is the rafters, based on the Mauerlat.

At the stage of its construction

Now let's continue work. Mauerlat bars are laid over the walls of the box, secured with anchor bolts. It is better to carry out thermal insulation of the ceiling of an iron garage at the stage of its construction. In this case, the work will require less time and effort.

The rafter system is assembled from wooden beams. The cross section of each bar is 15x15 cm. The rafters are installed at a uniformly even distance, the gap reaches - 60 cm. The main guideline in this case is the width of the insulation plates, according to the standard, this size reaches 61 cm. To the maximum, the thermal insulation elements are dense between the rafters, it will be possible to lay them if there is a margin .

The next step will be the arrangement of the vapor barrier layer. To do this, you can purchase special membranes that are perfect for these purposes. They are attached to the rafters with staples, buttons. Existing joints are glued with tape. From the inside of the building, the vapor barrier is sheathed with the selected material. Here you can use fiberboard or lining. This is an individual solution for every garage owner.

The casing is fastened very carefully, it is necessary to monitor the tightness of the vapor barrier. Damage or defects that appear during operation must be repaired immediately. To do this, you can use a sealant or adhesive tape.

The insulation is placed between the rafters. It is better to choose mineral wool for such work. Usually, the use of 15 cm thick insulation is considered sufficient. The heat-insulating layer can be increased if necessary.

Then carry out the standard technology for the arrangement of the roof. First, a crate is made. The order of installation depends on the characteristics of the roofing used. After that, waterproofing is laid on the crate and the work is completed by laying the finishing material.

Thermal insulation after the construction of the garage

The work on arranging the thermal insulation of the ceiling, carried out after the construction of the garage, is slightly different from the process of roof insulation during the construction of the box. In this case, thermal insulation is laid between the rafters, a vapor barrier film is laid on top, and at the end the structure is sheathed with any suitable material.

Certain inconveniences may arise in the process of fixing heat-insulating plates. To eliminate the inconvenience, it is enough to simply fix the insulation in order to avoid falling material before the finishing sheathing. It is necessary to fix strips of waterproofing, vapor barrier material to the slings so that they prevent the insulation from falling.

It is considered inconvenient to work with the use of hard materials, therefore, it is better to sheathe the ceiling of the garage with foam. At the same time, there should be no holes on the outside and inside on the roof surface. If there are still holes in the ceiling, they must be eliminated by welding. Styrofoam at the time of insulation is placed between the vapor barrier and waterproofing material.

Entrance trim

If cold air enters through the slots located in the entrance gates of the garage, there is no benefit from insulating the internal walls. Laying a hard insulation such as polystyrene foam will help solve this problem. First, insulate the gate, and then the front door.


  • The metal surface of the gate is treated with protective mastic. Material such as polystyrene foam is not afraid of the negative effects of moisture. That's just opening the door, snow or raindrops can sometimes penetrate the crevice, ending up between the insulation and the metal sheet. This cannot be allowed.

A metal garage performs many useful functions. Caring car owners put a car inside it for the winter, other people simply store the summer harvest, others equip the box for some kind of workshop. All these goals will be successfully achieved if the garage is well insulated from the inside.

The minimum temperature for such a room is -5 degrees; otherwise, the vegetables will rot, it will be cold to work there, and condensation will form on the car, causing rust. Therefore, it is desirable to insulate the iron garage from the inside in order to effectively retain heat.

Suitable insulation materials

Significantly increase the temperature inside the metal garage can traditional materials and new items, the quality of which is tested only by a few. Examples of good heaters are:

  • polystyrene (the most common material, characterized by low cost, ease of use);
  • penoizol (a liquid form of the above, with a durability of over 40 years, good water resistance, fire resistance);
  • astratek (another liquid insulation; a material applied with a 1 mm thick layer is comparable in quality to a five-centimeter layer of mineral wool);
  • polyurethane foam (durable material with a minimum service life of 50 years);
  • mineral or basalt wool (soft, inexpensive insulation, second in demand after polystyrene).

The listed materials almost do not differ in quality, and the demand for one or another is usually due to the price. Therefore, polystyrene and mineral wool are considered the most popular.

Having decided on the choice of material for insulating the garage from the inside, you can proceed to the preparatory work.

Required Tools

It is advisable to insulate the garage in the warm season, but sometimes the situation forces you to perform work at sub-zero temperatures. Here there is a need to insulate the box quickly and reliably. To use time efficiently, the following equipment is prepared in advance:

  • electric drill;
  • mask and gloves (protective);
  • welding machine;
  • building level;
  • screwdriver;
  • self-tapping screws;
  • metal scissors;
  • tape measure from 5 m;
  • staples and furniture stapler;
  • wooden blocks for horizontal cross members of the crate;
  • steel profile.

In the presence of the above, it's time to start insulating the garage from the inside.

Preparatory stage

With the internal lining of metal structures, it is of paramount importance to take care of anti-corrosion treatment. To do this, you need to clean off the rust with a metal brush if it is present on the surfaces, if necessary, carry out patch repairs (of a specific small area), then paint the surface with a special anti-corrosion solution.

Sometimes the right question arises - how to insulate a metal garage for a long time if the surface is treated? The second important factor in ensuring comfortable conditions inside the garage is the creation of ventilation. It should take the air out of the garage, replacing it with fresh. Otherwise, the accumulation of gases will cause condensation, which will adversely affect the supporting structure of the garage, car or stored food.

After waiting for the complete drying of the applied anti-corrosion solution within 1-2 days, the insulation of the metal box from the inside begins. It is advisable to carry out the work in the following sequence - insulate the walls, then the ceiling, the gate with a gate, if necessary - the floor.

Insulation of the walls and ceiling of the garage

The process is considered on the example of basalt wool. This material has the following characteristics:

  • low thermal conductivity;
  • durability (from 50 years);
  • affordability;
  • preservation of qualities with increasing humidity inside the garage;
  • comfort in working with the material;
  • mold resistance;
  • ecological cleanliness;
  • incombustibility.

The sequence of internal wall cladding with mineral insulation is as follows:

  1. The location of the crate is determined, the amount of required material is calculated depending on the area of ​​the sheathed surface. A steel profile is better suited for the frame, since the tree collapses faster when interacting with moisture. Also, the last material "leads" when slightly wet.
  2. Install vertical guides. The distance between them should be 1-2 cm less than the width of the insulation, so that it straightens out and rationally occupies the space. To strengthen the structure, crossbars are placed horizontally every meter, which here can be wooden.
  3. The mounted crate is surrounded by a membrane or other waterproofing material. The joints are glued with adhesive tape, and the film is attached to the brackets (a furniture stapler will do).
  4. The insulation is placed inside the crate from the bottom up. There should be no gaps.
  5. A layer of vapor barrier material is applied over the insulation (roofing material, plastic film is suitable).
  6. The final stage is the sheathing of the crate. It is carried out with non-combustible material; an example is steel siding or drywall.

It is important to consider that when sheathing a garage, the space narrows from the inside. Insulation should not be too voluminous.

When sheathing with foam, you need to take into account some features of the material. It does not expand like cotton wool, so you do not need to make the distance between the frame guides 1-2 cm less. It is better to create a crate in blocks, the dimensions of which exactly repeat the dimensions of the foam. Walls in the presence of defects should be pre-aligned. It is also desirable to use an L-shaped profile, and fasten the insulation sheets to the glue.

Working with liquid materials will be inconvenient, so it is better to sheathe the top of the garage with foam. The method of fixation is similar to that previously considered, however, there is one caveat - you should take care of the absence of holes in the roof of the box. In the presence of these, welding will come to the rescue. As with walls, when insulating the ceiling, the foam layer is located between the hydro- and vapor barrier layer.

Entrance trim

Wall insulation will not be useful if cold air enters through the slots of the entrance gate or wicket. The situation is easily solved by using a rigid insulation like polystyrene foam. First, the gates are insulated, then a small front door into them. The sequence is:

  1. The metal surface is treated with a protective mastic. Expanded polystyrene is not afraid of moisture, however, when opening the gate, drops of rain or snow can fall into the gaps between the material and the iron sheet. This should not be allowed.
  2. Fasten purlin profiles along the perimeter of the gate.
  3. Fix polystyrene plates on mounting glue, it is desirable to apply penofol (foil-based material) on top of them.
  4. Perform a wooden crate for mounting the cladding. Provide a distance between the future lining / drywall / other sheathing material and polystyrene foam of about 30 mm so that an air gap remains.
  5. Fix the lining on the crate.
  6. Perform similar actions with the gate.

Floor insulation

Sometimes there is a need to insulate the bottom of the garage. For example, if there are large gaps or the importance of the caisson (cellar). A suitable material will be foam, on top of which a material is applied that prevents its destruction from human movement. Follow these steps:

  1. Level the surface, eliminate cracks and pits with putty.
  2. Prime the floor twice if it is concrete.
  3. Run a crate of steel profiles.
  4. Lay a layer of waterproofing.
  5. Apply glue, put foam on top of it, press it to the floor.
  6. Screed the floor with a special solution. Extra granules are added to increase strength.

Performing the operations described above will achieve the maintenance of an optimal microclimate inside the garage. Even a beginner is able to master the process, and the result will be the safety of a car, provisions or other items of value stored inside the box.

To store the car, many car owners purchase a garage. Ideal when the building is heated. If you own a metal garage, you probably know the problem of overheating the room in the sun in the summer and freezing it in the winter. Both of these phenomena are dangerous for the car. To stabilize the air temperature in a metal garage, it is advisable to insulate its walls, ceiling and floors. The same measures can be applied in unheated stone and concrete garages.

Effective and safe materials for warming a cold garage

To maintain the optimal temperature in the garage, it is important to choose the right insulation material, and then properly install and protect it.

For thermal insulation, only those heaters that do not support combustion, do not ignite, can be used, because spots and drops of combustible substances appear on the floor and walls. What can be used to insulate walls and floors:

  • Flame retardant foam that contains fire retardant additives. The slabs of the material are light and effortlessly attached to the structures to be protected;
  • Mineral wool slabs (basalt, fiberglass) do not support combustion and do not ignite, have a low thermal conductivity;
  • Sandwich panels, in which the main insulating agent is expanded polystyrene or mineral wool;
  • Polyurethane foam (PUF) is a sprayable polymer with some of the best energy efficiency characteristics;
  • Astratek is a modern liquid insulation solution that is applied to the work surface with a brush;
  • Foil insulation reflecting the heated air into the room.

Thermal insulation of structures can be done manually with plate materials, for spraying polyurethane foam, you should contact professionals.

Garage insulation from the inside

Before starting the installation of insulation, you should put the metal wall and ceiling in order: clean them of rust, treat them with anti-corrosion compounds or enamels. The modern market offers effective 2-in-1 products that will save you time. On top of the enamel, it will not be superfluous to apply waterproofing mastic under the insulation instead of a film.

It is necessary to start work from the ceiling, then proceed to the walls and, last but not least, to the floor. Thus, moving from top to bottom, we will get high-quality insulation and finishing of all surfaces.

How to insulate a metal garage with mineral wool

Mineral wool made of glass fiber or basalt is mounted in the same way:

  1. After the soil and mastic have dried, a crate is attached to the ceiling, walls and gates: guide profiles made of wood or metal. It is recommended to put a layer of waterproofing under the metal profiles to prevent corrosion. The guides are fixed vertically with a step equal to the width of the insulation, it is possible to shift the bars by 1-2 cm to each other for rigid fixation of the mats.
  2. You can now place mineral wool slabs. They are inserted between the guide profiles butt to each other, pressing the insulation against the ceiling, then against the wall. There is an alternative: take mineral wool in a roll and roll it over the surface, fixing the material in parallel with a long rail. This work needs to be done with a partner.
  3. Next comes the layer of vapor barrier. For this, a thick plastic film or a special membrane is suitable. The insulation is covered with it and the material is fixed on the guide rails with a stapler.
  4. This is followed by another layer of sheathing, if the dimensions of the main frame for sheathing are not enough. The second row is fixed perpendicular to the first, after which the surface is sheathed with siding or panels.

For the gate, additional study of the joints of the canvas and the opening will be required. To isolate the room from heat loss, experts recommend:

  • Seal the perimeter of the door with foam tape. It will block the cracks in the doorway;
  • Holes of drains for the winter should be clogged with a cloth.

Internal insulation with expanded polystyrene

Insulation of a metal garage with foam plastic from the inside is similar to the process of installing mineral wool, only the arrangement of the crate is not required. Plates of special refractory insulation are glued directly onto the prepared ceiling, then onto the walls.

Advantages of the method:

  • Expanded polystyrene and polystyrene are not afraid of moisture, therefore, their installation does not require the arrangement of vapor and waterproofing.
  • Fixing to glue eliminates the violation of the integrity of the metal wall;
  • Easy installation in a short time;
  • Low material cost.

Sheathing is arranged on top of the foam.

PPU metal garage insulation

The application of polyurethane foam requires the use of a compressor and spray gun. This equipment is available from specialized specialists, but if desired, it can be rented. Raw materials for insulation are quite inexpensive.

Polyurethane foam, like polystyrene, is not afraid of moisture, therefore it also does not need waterproofing. Foam is applied in rows to the ceiling, then to the walls. It is necessary to take into account the thickness of the insulation, since when it solidifies, it slightly increases its volume.

To facilitate the sheathing process, before applying the foam, you can install vertical profiles, and then distribute the foamed liquid between them.

Sandwich panels: quick and easy

Insulation of internal walls with sandwich panels solves 2 problems at once:

  • Reliable insulation;
  • There is no need for sheathing.

Panels can be bought or made in advance yourself. To do this, you need profiled metal sheets or polymer siding panels. We take 2 products each and fasten a layer of insulation between them with glue. It turns out original details of the designer, which in the end can be assembled near the wall and attached to it with self-tapping screws.

How to insulate the floor in a metal garage

Even with high-quality thermal insulation of the walls, the garage needs a well-equipped and insulated floor from the penetration of cold.

Preparation for thermal insulation should be done before installing the metal frame. If you own a ready-made garage without an insulated floor, you need:

  1. Remove the top layer of the floor by 10 centimeters;
  2. Lay a layer of roofing material to protect against moisture coming from the soil. The overlap of the strips should be at least 8 cm. It is advisable to fuse the joints together by heating the edges with a burner or glue them with mastic to obtain tightness. The entire area should be covered and overlapped on the walls.
  3. Pour 20-30 cm of expanded clay and level the layer.
  4. Reinforcement with a diameter of 8-10 mm, assembled into frame meshes, is laid on top.
  5. The coating is completed by pouring a layer of concrete, for reliability - 5 ... 7 cm. A thick layer of screed must withstand the weight of the car and maintain the integrity of the coating and expanded clay balls.

The floor using the same technology can be insulated with extruded polystyrene foam (EPS), replacing loose insulation with it.

Instead of pouring a concrete screed to accommodate a small car, you can equip a wooden deck. The design is simple:

  • A roofing material is laid on the prepared base;
  • Lags are installed;
  • Expanded clay is poured between the lags or EPPS is laid;
  • Lined waterproofing film;
  • Boards are laid on the lags.

Such a floor will cost much less.

Insulation of a viewing hole

Often, garages are equipped with a viewing hole so that the car can be inspected and repaired on its own. A recess in the ground, like other surfaces, is able to give off heat outside the room. You can insulate it using the same technology as walls or floors:

  • The walls are covered with a waterproofing film. The joints of the canvases should overlap each other by 10-15 cm, they must be glued with double-sided tape;
  • Expanded clay is poured on the floor, a reinforcing mesh is laid on it, the layers are covered with a concrete mixture 2-3 cm thick;
  • The side walls can be laid out with bricks or foil insulation can be hung on them.

How to insulate a metal garage from the outside

If the car storage room is small, insulating layers are placed on the outside of the garage. True, this can only be done with walls. The thermal insulation process is similar to the inner lining:

  • A thickened polyethylene film is lined along the wall and fastened with adhesive tape;
  • A frame of wooden or metal rails is attached over the film;
  • Insulation is laid between the guides. At the corners, 2 layers of plates should be laid;
  • The insulation is covered with a film to protect against water;
  • Sheathing is being done.

Thus, you can save the internal area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe garage.

How to heat a garage

High-quality thermal insulation is meaningless if during the winter period the warm air in the room has nowhere to come from. There are several options for heating a garage:

  1. Heating with electric heaters. Efficient, safe, compact, but the power consumption is considerable.
  2. Air heating is efficient and fast: the device raises the temperature of the air passing through it and blows it into the room. The advantage of the method is the high heating rate, the minus is that the air flow raises dust from the floor, frequent cleaning will be required.

These compact devices take up little space in the garage, they can be turned on for a short period of time, the effect lasts for a long time.

More massive and solid installations include:

  • Gas and solid fuel boilers;
  • Furnace Buleryan;
  • Water heating.

The choice of these settings is only advisable if the garage is constantly used and there is sufficient internal space.

Every car owner knows that the garage should be dry and relatively warm. Dampness and temperatures below 5°C can be detrimental to the vehicle. The creation of optimal conditions, that is, the insulation of a metal garage, will not only ensure careful storage of the car, but will also allow you to avoid unnecessary costs for its repair in the future.

As you know, each building must comply with certain standards that determine the most optimal conditions. In fact, warming is a very serious process, since some mistakes made can subsequently lead to various troubles. So, for example, in the winter season, the temperature in your garage should not be too high, otherwise the “greenhouse” conditions will lead to condensation on the car, which, as you know, will lead to rust over time. In addition, during the insulation of the garage, it is recommended to equip it with good ventilation. This will prevent the appearance of moisture in it and the accumulation of carbon monoxide.

Insulating a metal garage with your own hands is a doable task, but be prepared for the fact that it is carried out in several stages. Before starting the process of insulation, it is very important to choose the right insulation, because the quality of your work will depend on it.

Heaters for a metal garage and their types

Many, among other things, are interested in the financial side of the issue, while saving is better not on the quality of the insulation material, but on the quantity. A metal garage can be insulated with classic heaters to prevent conduction and convention, which are the main cause of heat loss.

Classic heaters for a metal garage and their types:

  • polymeric;
  • fiberglass;
  • mineral wool.

Whatever type of insulation you prefer, the main thing is that it has water resistance and fire resistance. As already mentioned, the insulation of the garage is carried out in several stages, which suggests that the process is quite laborious, so it is advisable to choose a heater that is easy to install.

Garage insulation with mineral wool. Mineral wool has very high technical characteristics. At the same time, this material has one significant drawback - instability to moisture. It is possible to insulate the garage with it, but for this you will need to use steam and waterproofing, which will provide its reliable protection. It is very important not to forget about the "breathing" gap. Mineral wool is quite expensive.

Metal garage insulation with glass wool. Such thermal insulation will cost a little less than the above option. But besides the fact that glass wool is absolutely not resistant to moisture, it also has the ability to ignite easily. Therefore, if you want your garage to be insulated with this particular material, you should take care of safety measures.

Styrofoam insulation in the garage. Styrofoam is one of the polymeric types of insulation materials. This material has absolute water resistance, its heat-insulating properties are quite high. Among other things, the foam is very easy to install, which is mainly due to its light weight. Styrofoam has a high bacteriological resistance, which means that fungi and microbes are not afraid of it, and you can not be afraid that it can rot. At the same time, this insulation material is distinguished by its rather low cost.

Despite the large number of advantages, do not forget that polystyrene is a combustible material, therefore, for these purposes, the PBS-S brand, which contains a fire retardant, is most suitable.

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A little about modern heaters

The choice of insulation materials today is very large, in addition to classic materials, you can use modern analogues that have all the necessary qualities.

Penoizol insulation. Penoizol is a liquid foam, so it is waterproof. In addition, this material is fire resistant and durable. At the same time, it costs much less than ordinary foam.

Insulation of the garage with astratek (insulation in liquid form). This material is applied by applying paint. Astratek will reliably insulate your garage for a long time. It has all the necessary qualities and is quite easy to apply.

PPU insulation (polyurethane foam). In order to insulate the garage with this material, you need specially designed equipment. The dense core of polyurethane foam will provide reliable heat retention. Such thermal insulation will last a very long time, but it will cost quite a lot.

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A little about the metal garage and its insulation

A metal garage requires good insulation and protection from the accumulation of condensate, which can lead to rust. In the event that you decide to insulate the garage with mineral wool, you must also purchase a film that will cover it. In this case, the film should be protected by a hard coating, for example, chipboard, GVL or fiberboard.

Insulating a garage with foam is a fairly simple option. Before proceeding with its installation, it is necessary to prepare the surface. It must be thoroughly cleaned and degreased, after which you can begin to apply the adhesive composition. Bituminous mastic is very good for these purposes, you can also use liquid nails. With the help of mastic applied to all surfaces, additional protection against moisture can be provided. Here it is worth bearing in mind that the mastic has an unpleasant odor, so it is important that all seams are sealed with the highest quality possible. In addition, hot weather can cause folded sheets of material to come off. In order for the foam to insulate your garage for a long time and reliably, all seams should be treated using silicone sealant for this. Keep in mind that foam cannot be used in this case.

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Metal garage and the process of its insulation with your own hands

If in order to insulate the garage with your own hands you opted for polystyrene foam, you will need the following basic materials and tools:

  • Styrofoam;
  • adhesive composition (mastic or liquid nails);
  • brush for applying glue;
  • notched trowel.

Once you have chosen the insulation material that will provide the optimum temperature in your garage, you can begin the work process. For high-quality insulation, you need to take care not only of the walls, it is also necessary to cover the roof and floor in the garage with insulation.
