The question of why literacy is needed is debated. Yearning for dictatorship, language laws, Dmitry Bykov, dreams of police freedom and social hierarchies

I came across interesting discussions of Dmitry Bykov about language.

And the same thing, only in the form of text:

Spelling as a law of nature
The question of why literacy is needed is widely and passionately discussed. It would seem that today, when even a computer program is able to correct not only spelling, but also meaning, the average Russian does not need to know the countless and sometimes meaningless subtleties of his native spelling. I'm not talking about commas that are unlucky twice. At first, in the liberal nineties, they were placed anywhere or ignored altogether, claiming that this was an author's sign. Schoolchildren still widely use the unwritten rule: "If you don't know what to put, put a dash." No wonder it is called so - "a sign of despair." Then, in the stable zero, people began to fearfully play it safe and put commas where they were not needed at all. True, all this confusion with signs does not affect the meaning of the message. Why then write well?

I think this is something like those necessary conventions that replace our specific canine scent when sniffing. A somewhat developed interlocutor, having received an electronic message, identifies the author by a thousand little things: of course, he does not see the handwriting, unless the message came in a bottle, but a letter from a philologist containing spelling errors can be erased without finishing.

It is known that at the end of the war, the Germans, who used Russian labor, threatened to extort a special receipt from the Slavic slaves: "So-and-so treated me wonderfully and deserves indulgence." The soldiers-liberators, having occupied one of the suburbs of Berlin, read a letter proudly presented by the owner with a dozen gross errors, signed by a student of Moscow University. The extent of the author's sincerity became immediately apparent to them, and the philistine slave owner paid the price for his vile forethought.

Today we have almost no chance to quickly understand who is in front of us: the methods of disguise are cunning and numerous. You can imitate the mind, sociability, even, perhaps, intelligence. It is impossible to play only literacy - a refined form of politeness, the last identification mark of humble and memoryful people who respect the laws of language as the highest form of the laws of nature.
Dmitry Bykov, 276 words

What is it?
The cry of a yearning man, the cry of a man yearning for dictate, order, law.

This is a longing for the world of Modernity, for a world that sacredly believed in the natural laws of history, the laws of the development of society, Progress, the laws of human behavior, the laws of language, and so on.

This is a yearning for the law-forming foundations of the world, society, human behavior, language, etc.

This is a longing for the foundation, the solid foundation that humanity lost with the "death of God" and which it tried to gain by creating metaphysical pictures of the world, constructing the laws of natural development, dreaming of the world's absolute truth and pure natural man.

Everything would be fine, but in the 20th century these dreams turned into bloody orgy of totalitarian regimes.

The dictates of the natural laws of history, the laws of society, the laws of language, the laws of human behavior, etc. somehow easily turns into dictatorship and arbitrariness of individuals, parties, bureaucracies, etc.
And somehow these natural laws of history, the laws of society, the laws of language, etc., turn out to be unfair. to individuals, social groups, peoples, etc.
And somehow these natural laws of history, the laws of society, the laws of language, etc., are easily pronounced. individuals, social groups, nations to destruction.

And it would seem that it is time to forget about dreams of indisputable laws and immutable rules, it would be time to agree that the sign is arbitrary, and all social entities are constructed.

But, no, our poorly educated intellectuals are internally drawn to authoritarian models to the very worst. Pulls spontaneously, involuntarily, almost unconsciously. Our "liberal" will compose a couple of poems about freedom or something similar and blurt out something in the style of our old Kant about the need for police freedom.

Like, freedom is needed, but only within the framework of Progress and order. It seems that there should be freedom, but law and order (natural law and natural order -!) Limit it, and sometimes even nullify it.

Criticism (the same freedom-loving rhymes) seems to be something like a policeman who puts things in order and free-thinking with a club. " Denying this positive benefit of criticism is like saying that the police do not bring any positive benefit, since its main task is to prevent the violence of some citizens against others so that everyone can calmly and fearlessly go about their business."(Kant_Critique of Pure Reason).

That is, even through criticism, the dream of a police state shines through.

As the same old man Immanuel noted: Only such criticism can cut the roots of materialism, fatalism, atheism, disbelief in free thought…" (Critique of Pure Reason)
And we don’t need this fashion for ingenious postmodern freethinking in Russia, because, as our Kaliningrad philosopher wrote back in the 18th century: “... The spirit of solidity in Germany Russia did not die out, ... it was only for a short time drowned out by the fashionable manner of ingenious freethinking…" (Critique of Pure Reason)

And, of course, this text is permeated with horror before the Mystery. Where without it.
The horror of an archaic creature lost in the chaos of signs, symbols, texts of the postmodern world. The horror of an archaic being before the openness of the world, society, man, text, sign, symbol.

And it is also a longing for the traditional world of hierarchies, the world of established symbolic systems, a world in which "who is who" is visible at a glance. It can be seen in clothing, in body movements, in language, in the presence of obvious well-known symbols of power, symbols of high status, etc.

This is a longing for the legal demonstration of one's status, which in the plebeian society of postmodernity looks like something absurd, comic.
But our society of demonstrated statuses has a dream. The dream of our bourgeoisie. The dream of our intellectuals. The dream of our right-wing "liberals".
This is not owl thinking. This is pre-modern, traditional, archaic thinking.
And these people forbid others to pick their noses!
And teach others to live literacy and freedom.

Literacy as knowledge of the rules of a language is not a property of consciousness, much less a property of the mind. This is a bodily property, automatic bodily skills, a certain habitus. Literacy as knowledge of the rules of the language is the result of a certain discipline of the body.

The longing for literacy is the longing for discipline, the longing for certain discipline techniques.

The desire to give knowledge of the rules of the language a special status is the desire to give a special status to the visible features of the body, the features of habitus.
This is the desire to make certain signs, symbols indicating a special status out of the features of the body, and the particularity of the status is usually directly related to the high status (interestingly, the use of the word "high" automatically writes me into the inhabitants-slave-owners or something similar?).

Simply put, this is the desire of a system in which a person is automatically given a high status only on the basis of certain properties of his body (the ability to write correctly).
It is the desire to give high status to certain bodily features that are inseparable from the habitus of a literate person.
And this status is immediately recognized.
And this status is immediately visible.
And this status immediately gives additional signs of intelligence, intelligence, kindness and other positive characteristics.
That is, the essential features of the body turn into status and frankly indicate a high status, and a high status automatically makes a good person.

But why do we need high status and positive characteristics?
Naive people. No need to lie.
And all this talk about literacy, intelligence, special status, etc. just a vulgar cover for one desire, the desire to enjoy your right to fly over other people:

But don't accuse anyone of lying.
For it is known:

Many of us, especially schoolchildren and their parents, tirelessly wonder why we need to know history. What is the significance and relevance of studying the events of many years ago? However, there are many different reasons that indicate the need to study this subject, which is a combination of many other disciplines. Many arguments have already been made about the importance of history, but they are still relevant today. So I want to know everything and the website helps me with this.

virtual time machine

Studying significant historical events and people is like traveling through time. History studies the past and the legacy of the past in the present. This is necessary in order to know how our modern world and the peoples of our planet became what we see them today, as well as how we evolved.

Many mysteries, frightening and intriguing, cease to be so mysterious as soon as the complex causes and events that led to them become clear. This explains why history is needed. When the common things that we share with people from the past are understood, as well as the differences in the present are realized, an awareness of our society, its present, past and future is formed.

Learning from mistakes

At the same time, history offers us something much more than the past events that led to the creation of the modern world. Why is history needed? It invites us to study the past and present of peoples and foreign states unknown to us, in which everything is arranged in a completely different way. Knowing what we share in common with people in the past, and along the way studying how much their life differs from ours in the present, we are able to turn the future for the better. We look back and see the consequences:

  • bloody wars;
  • revolutions and coups;
  • thoughtless attitude to nature;
  • great discoveries;
  • delusions and ignorance.

You can step on the same rake many times. What for? It is necessary to study history in order to extract mistakes from the past and prevent them in the future.

We adopt experience

In addition, history tries to understand the past lives of individuals and society as a whole, exploring all possible aspects of their reality. The diversity of human experience is explored: how much people differed in their ideas, beliefs and cultural practices, how widely their experience changed depending on time, nationality and social status, how much humanity fought with each other, inhabiting our common planet.

The experience of the past is colossal and invaluable. Its undeniable importance for future generations shows why history is needed. Think about the events, analyze them, “digest” the information, and only then, on the basis of the experience that has already taken place, understand the present, draw up an expedient and safe plan for the future.

General development

History analyzes the past, evaluating the complex web of reasons that help to understand the events and phenomena that are taking place in the modern world. She teaches analytical skills, critical thinking and logical analysis of situations, which is simply necessary when studying many school disciplines. History trains the memory and teaches how to process and perceive information correctly, helps develop the skills so necessary to look beyond the headlines of texts, ask the right questions and express your own opinion.

Raise Patriots

A healthy social atmosphere in the country, a full-fledged society and peace is the goal that all people in general and each individual state in particular strive for. It is impossible to evaluate everything with money and pay for everything. Therefore, the state rests not on businessmen, but on patrons, altruists and patriots. The whole world is based on them. History remembers them. Those who loved their country, who gave their lives for the happiness of others. These are fearless warriors, and selfless doctors, and talented scientists, and simply disinterested patriots of their people.

Why is history needed? Because it popularly tells each next generation about what it owes to its ancestors. We will find out what ideals our great-grandfathers lived by, what feats they performed. We understand how their lives have affected our present. Raising respect for the past with its reforms, struggles, victories and failures is the task of history.

Why study history?

Today is inseparable from yesterday. All people and peoples live in history: we speak languages ​​that have come down to us from the distant past, we live in societies with complex cultures inherited from ancient times, we use technologies developed by our ancestors… Thus, studying the relationship between past and present is undeniable basis for a good understanding of contemporary human existence. This explains why we need history, why and how important it is in our lives.

Acquaintance with the human past is the path to self-knowledge. History helps to understand the origins of modern social and political problems. It is the most important source for studying the characteristic behavior of people in various social conditions. History makes us realize that people in the past were not just "good" or "bad", but motivated in complex and conflicting ways, just as they are now.

Each person's view of the world is shaped by individual experience, as well as the experience of the society in which he lives. If we do not know the contemporary and historical experience of different cultures, then we cannot even hope to understand how people, societies or nations make decisions in the modern world.

The very essence

Historical knowledge is nothing more and nothing less than a carefully and critically constructed collective memory. It is memory that makes us human, and collective memory, that is, history, makes us society. Why know history? Yes, because without individual memory, a person will immediately lose his identity, will not know how to act when meeting other people. The same thing happens with collective memory, although its loss will not be noticeable so instantly.

However, memory cannot be frozen in time. Collective memory is gradually taking on a new meaning. Historians are constantly working to rethink the past by asking new questions, looking for new sources of information and analyzing old documents in order to gain new knowledge and experience to better understand the past and what is happening. History is constantly changing and expanding, as is our memory, helping us acquire new knowledge and skills to improve our lives….

Both questions are good in their own way. And deserve close attention! So.


The question "why" (it happened, I did it, etc.) helps to analyze the situation, draw the necessary conclusions for the future. To move on to the second question.

However, many people don't move on, they get stuck in the "why". And either continuously ask this question, or answer it. Answers are generated automatically, since the model is already rolled back.

Try to answer the question: "Why are you late?" Easily? Still would. The alarm clock didn't work... the traffic jam... my mother called at the wrong time... the phone ran out of power...

This does not mean that all answers are lies. They may also be true. Not in this case.

The question "why?" leads to degradation.

He leads us in the same circle of the same patterns.

"What for?"

The question "why?" leads to development and self-knowledge.

The same question, asked in a different way, gives us a lot of wonderful discoveries.

"Why are you late?" Weird question. But only at first glance.

"Why did you go to rest in this particular resort?"

"Because a cheap ticket turned up"- the answer is also correct.

"Then, in order not to think, not to strain, not to be tormented by a choice," is a much more interesting answer.

Then I learn about myself that I am lazy and passive in choosing.

And if "Because I've never been there"? Also good.

But better: "Because I want to see new places."

Then I learn about myself that I am inquisitive and eager for new experiences.

"Why did you quit this job?"

"Because the boss is a fool", - it is truth too.

"Then, in order not to solve problems of mutual understanding",- it is better.

"Then to find a more comfortable relationship for yourself,"- better.

Then I learn about myself that a comfortable relationship with the leader is a priority for me. More priority than salary, job location, etc. And this is neither good nor bad. It's just true. The truth about you.

Reactive and proactive behavior

The question "why?" and responses to it signify reactive behavior. "From" behavior.

Something happened and I react.

This is fine.

But to get stuck in this means to stop developing.

The question "why?" and responses to it signify proactive behavior. Behavior "to" or "for".

A small child picks up an object. If this object does not make sounds, what does the child do? It makes a knocking noise. This object on any surface. The child wants to make a sound. The child is proactive. He wants to be the cause of something, the creator of the phenomenon. For him, there is only the question "why?"

"Why are you knocking?" — "To be loud!"

Proactive behavior, behavior "why" - more conscious.

In this case, there is a gap between the stimulus and the response. And this is a space of free choice.

In the "why" case, there is no gap. There is no free choice. I am a slave to habits, patterns, circumstances, other people...

In such people, passive constructions and their analogues dominate in speech: “I have to”, “I have to”, “I have no choice”, “I was called”, “I was told”… an infinite number of variations.

The question "why?" requires awareness in any situation and with a projection for the future. Sometimes even very distant.

The question "why?" requires a goal orientation. Every action must correspond to the goal, otherwise the question "why?" will not have an answer and will turn into "why".

"Why are you into fitness?" - "To be in excellent physical shape by the age of 50!"

Question "Why are you into fitness?" somehow irrelevant...

"Why do you spend all your free time on the couch?"

"Because I'm too lazy to move"- though honestly, but wrong.

"Then, in order to turn into a wreck with excess weight and osteochondrosis by the age of 50, in order to have every reason to complain about health, whine and poison the life of others,"— this is it.

Ask the question "why?" more often.

Be proactive.

Start by imagining the end result.

The question of why literacy is needed is widely and extensively discussed. It would seem that today, when even a computer program is able to correct not only spelling, but also meaning, the average Russian does not need to know the countless and sometimes meaningless subtleties of his native spelling. I'm not talking about commas that are unlucky twice. At first, in the liberal nineties, they were placed anywhere or ignored altogether, claiming that this was an author's mark. Schoolchildren still widely use the unwritten rule "if you don't know what to put, put a dash." It is not for nothing that they call it “a sign of despair”. Then, in the stable zero, people began to fearfully play it safe and put commas where they were not needed at all. True, all this confusion with signs does not affect the meaning of the message. Why then write well?

I think this is something like those necessary conventions that replace the specific canine scent for us when sniffing. A somewhat developed interlocutor, having received a message, identifies the author by a thousand little things, of course, he does not see the handwriting, unless the message came in a bottle, but a letter from a philologist containing spelling errors can be erased without finishing.

It is known that at the end of the war, the Germans, who used Russian labor, threatened to extort a special receipt from the Slavic slaves. So-and-so treated me wonderfully and deserves indulgence. The soldiers of the liberators, having occupied one of the suburbs of Berlin, read the letter proudly presented by the owner with a dozen gross errors, signed by a student of Moscow University. The degree of the author's sincerity became immediately obvious to them, and the average slave owner paid the price for his vile forethought.

Today we have almost no chance to quickly understand who is in front of us, the methods of disguise are cunning and numerous. You can imitate the mind, sociability, even, perhaps, intelligence. It is impossible to play only literacy, a refined form of politeness, the last identification mark of humble and mindful people who respect the laws of language as the highest form of the laws of nature.

Dm. Bykov.

The question of what (for) what literacy is needed is widely and widely discussed. It would seem_ (today) when even a computer program is able to correct not only spelling_ but also the meaning_ of a (average) statistical native (not) knowledge of countless and_sometimes_meaningless intricacies of native spelling is required. I'm not talking about commas_ that are (un)lucky twice. (C) began__ in the liberal nineties_ they were placed anywhere_ or ignored at all_ claiming_ that this is an author's mark. Schoolchildren still widely use the (un)written rule _ (don't) know __ what to put_ put a dash_. (Not) in vain they call him that _ _sign of despair_. Then_ in the stable zero_ people began to fear_ about being reinsured_ and put commas there_ where they are (not) needed at all. True_ all this confusion with signs (neither) how (does) affect the meaning of the message. Why then write gra_otno?

I think_ this is (not) that (in) the kind of those (not) circumvented conventions_ that replace our special_physical instinct when sniffing_. How (anything) a developed interlocutor_ having received a message_ id_nt_fits the author by thousands_ of little things_ on_ erka_ of course_ he (does not) see_ unless the message came in a bottle_ but a letter from a philologist_ containing spelling errors_ can be erased_ (not) finishing reading.

It is known_ that (at) the end of the war the Germans_ who used their own labor force_ threatened to extort from the Slavic slaves a special list_ Such (that) treated me wonderfully_ and deserves to be reduced_. (Soldiers) liberators_ having occupied one of the suburbs of Berlin_ read_ proudly presented by the owner a letter with a dozen gross errors_ signed by a student of Moscow University. The degree of the author's sparkle became obvious to them (c) once_ and the (philistine) slave owner paid for his vile foresight.

We (today) have almost no chance to quickly understand_ who is in front of us_ the methods of disguise are cunning and numerous. You can simulate the mind_ co_uniqueness_ even_ perhaps_ intelligence. It is (not) possible to play only literacy_ a subtle_ form of politeness_ the last identification mark of humble and memory people_ who respect the laws of language_ as the highest form of the laws of nature.

Dm. Bykov


Thanks to Larisa for this wonderful find.

There is a lot of talk around water: how much to drink, when to drink, what to drink and what not to drink? Lifehacker found out why we need water at all and how to consume it correctly. Eden Springs, one of the world leaders in providing offices with water and coffee*, a manufacturer and supplier of Eden bottled water in Russia, helped answer the main questions.

Why does the body need water?

For life. On average, about 5 liters of blood circulate in an adult body. Blood plasma is 92-95% water. Thanks to water, blood can perform its functions:

  • deliver nutrients to the cells of organs;
  • bring oxygen to the tissues from the lungs and return carbon dioxide to them;
  • throw out waste substances from the internal organs through the kidneys;
  • ensure homeostasis (constancy and balance of the internal environment): maintain temperature, water-salt balance, the work of hormones and enzymes;
  • protect the body: white blood cells and plasma proteins circulate in the blood, which are responsible for immunity.

If there is not enough water in the body, then the mass of blood decreases, its viscosity increases. It is not easy for the heart to pump such blood. Premature wear of the heart muscle occurs, which leads to pathology up to myocardial infarction.

That is why during active sports and high loads, the body needs more water.

Is it true that lack of water causes headaches?

Truth. Even from mild dehydration, the brain works worse.

Brain cells are more than 80 percent water, and a fifth of all blood is constantly bathing it. Plus, the brain "baths" in the cerebrospinal fluid, which fills all the spaces in the spinal canal and cranium.

With water, oxygen and glucose enter the brain, which are necessary for the generation of nerve impulses, that is, for nervous activity. Water removes metabolic products and toxins from the brain.

Therefore, if there is not enough fluid, dehydration (dehydration) of the brain occurs. And with her:

  • increased fatigue and absent-mindedness;
  • memory impairment;
  • slowing down the speed of mathematical calculations;
  • negative emotions.

Dehydration has been found in people with autism, Parkinson's and Alzheimer's. But schoolchildren who drink water during the school day increase their academic performance.

What happens if I don't drink enough water?

Feeling worse. In addition to a headache, other unpleasant symptoms of dehydration from the digestive and excretory systems will appear.

The work of the stomach and intestines is impossible without water. And there are several explanations for this. Water ensures the normal digestion of food and the absorption of nutrients from the intestines. If there is not enough water in the body, there will be discomfort in the abdomen and constipation.

The kidneys filter 150–170 liters of blood per day in order to produce 1.5 liters of urine as a result. This means that for the normal elimination of toxins and waste substances, you need to drink at least 1.5 liters of water per day, but preferably more.

With a lack of fluid, the filtration capacity of the kidneys worsens, they themselves can accumulate an excess of toxic substances. Against this background, various renal pathologies can occur. One of the main medical prescriptions for kidney pathology is the recommendation to drink plenty of water to cleanse them and restore function.

When do you need more water than usual?

When you want to have a baby. The basis of seminal fluid is water. Thanks to her, the sperm goes in search of an egg, swimming through the woman's reproductive tract until conception occurs.

The new organism also spends all nine months in the aquatic environment. The amount of amniotic fluid increases along with the increase in the size of the fetus, reaching 1,000 milliliters at birth. Waters support the fetus, protect it from infections, create conditions for growth and development.

During childbirth, water ensures the normal opening of the cervix and contributes to the safe movement of the child through the birth canal.

I always drink little. Will it affect me in any way?

You will most likely look worse as you get older.

Even Avicenna noticed that old age is dryness. In order for the skin to perform its protective function, it must maintain turgor (elasticity and firmness). Then she will be able to withstand the hot sun, withering wind or low air temperatures.

Healthy skin is 25% water and becomes wrinkled when dehydrated. This means that daily water intake is necessary to maintain its turgor. Better clean, slightly mineralized and without gas.

To maintain the health of the skin, it should receive at least 2 liters of clean water per day.

What other negative consequences does water scarcity cause?

Even the joints need water. If they are stiff, a person is deprived of freedom: he does not move well and can hardly cope with business. According to statistics, 30% of the population has joint diseases.

The joints are covered with cartilage. It is the slippery elastic cartilage that provides the mobility of the bone joints. Water makes up 80% of cartilage. In addition, in the articular bag surrounding each joint, there is an articular fluid for lubricating the cartilaginous surfaces. With a lack of water, they are destroyed, causing severe pain to a person.

What if I don't want to drink?

While doing business, we sometimes do not notice that we are thirsty, and even confuse thirst and hunger, we reach for snacks when we just need to take a sip of water.

The best way to prevent dehydration and all its unpleasant consequences is to put a bottle or cup of clean, slightly mineralized water on the table and take a sip every time your eyes fall on the water.

If you realize that you are thirsty, then eliminate your thirst in time. And if not, a sip of clean water has never hurt anyone.
