Strawberry jam with whole berries for the winter - the best recipes. Strawberry jam

Jam is an edible product made from berries boiled in strong sugar syrup while retaining their shape. I focus readers' attention on the phrase "with the preservation of shape" - means with whole berries. Such a desire arises in everyone who cooks berries for the winter.

Today we will consider recipes for preparing blanks from ripe berries. Unripe berries do not have the appropriate aroma and taste, and overripe berries are easily boiled soft, so we are not interested in them.

We will collect on or buy in the market only beautiful and ripe berries.

How to cook strawberry jam: Ways to cook strawberries for the winter

Boiling berries consists of two main processes - boiling syrup and boiling berries; or berries in prepared syrup. When cooking jam, uniform soaking of the berries with syrup should be ensured.

The ratio of berries and sugar is a prerequisite for obtaining good quality jam.

Cooking fruits and berries in syrup can be done once while using the entire amount of syrup. And it can be repeated when the berries are poured with part of the syrup, and the rest of the syrup is added during subsequent brews.

With repeated boiling, the berries in syrup, in the intervals between cooking, stand for several hours. In this way, the best penetration of sugar into the fruits and the preservation of their integrity are ensured.

Syrup preparation

Syrup for jam is boiled as follows: sugar is poured into a copper basin, enameled or aluminum pan and poured with water.

Then the mixture is heated until the sugar is completely dissolved, filtered and poured back into the cooking pot.

Prepared berries are placed in hot syrup. Then put on fire and cook for a certain time.

There are several ways to determine the readiness of jam. The simplest is the determination by the consistency of the syrup.

To determine the readiness of the jam, a thin layer of syrup is poured onto a saucer and a groove is drawn with the end of the spoon, which should not immediately disappear in the finished jam.

There are three ways to preserve the finished jam, which are used depending on the ratio of sugar, fruits and cooking time.

Hot spill of jam (first method)

With this method, the finished hot jam is packaged in scalded hot jars and immediately rolled up.

Then turn the jars upside down to cool.

Pasteurization of jam (second method)

The finished mass is hot packaged in scalded hot jars, covered with lids, put in a bath of water.

Then pasteurized at 90 degrees C:

  • jars with a capacity of 0.5 liters - 10 minutes
  • 1.0 liter cans - 15 minutes

Method for storing jam without pasteurization (third method)

Jam is cooked with an increased amount of sugar by about 10% compared to the preparation of pasteurized jam. After that, chilled, the finished jam is packaged in dry, clean jars. A circle of clean paper soaked in alcohol or vodka is placed on the jam.

The top of the jar is covered with paper and tied tightly with twine. The taste, aroma, color and consistency of such jam is worse than pasteurized or hot poured jam, since longer cooking is required for its storage. In addition, it can ferment and sugar during storage.

After you have seen the classic approach to how to cook jam, and an understanding of the topic has appeared, let's look at different recipes. Over time, the hostesses made their modern changes in them.

How to cook strawberry jam so that the berries remain whole

Products based on:

  • per 1 kg of strawberries
  • need 1 kg of sugar
  • 0.5 glass of water

Recipe preparation:

Sort out the strawberries.

Separate the stems along with the cups.

Prepare the syrup (see the text above), remove from heat and dip the berries into the syrup. Shake the bowl gently so that the berries are immersed in the syrup and cook over low heat until tender.

If the strawberries are too juicy, put them on a dish before cooking, add half the amount of sugar taken for cooking, and put them in a cool place for 5-6 hours. After that, drain the resulting juice, add the rest of the sugar to it and boil the syrup without adding water.

Be careful, do it right and the strawberries will be whole.

Strawberry jam with whole berries

Products based on:

  • per 1 kg of berries
  • 1 kg sugar

Recipe preparation:

These are the beautiful strawberries we will now process and cook for the winter. Our goal is that the berries should remain intact.

Ripe, but dense berries are washed,

cleared of sepals,

Prepared berries - fall asleep with sugar

sprinkled with sugar and kept for 4 - 5 hours in a porcelain, aluminum or enamel bowl.

The released juice with dissolved sugar is poured into a bowl in which it is supposed to cook jam,

and boil it for 10 minutes.

Strawberries are boiled and the foam is removed

Then the berries are put in the juice and continue to cook for another 15 minutes, removing the foam. We lay out in clean jars and close.

Jam yield 1.2 - 1.5 kg.

Five-minute strawberry jam

This method allows you to preserve strawberries for the winter while maintaining high quality. The method of hot pouring is simple. Just at the very end of the process, turn the jars upside down and cover with a warm little thing.


  • per 1 kg of berries
  • 0.5 - 0.7 kg of sugar


As usual: sort the berries, peel, wash, sprinkle on a towel and dry.

Pour sugar into an enameled pan, pour water so as to moisten the sugar, mix and bring to a boil to dissolve the sugar.

The solution boils - lay out all the berries. And cook from the moment of boiling for 5 minutes. Be sure to remove the foam.

The contents are immediately laid out in dry, clean jars and rolled up immediately. We take any covers. We turn the jars over and close with a warm cloth.

When the contents in the jars stand, it becomes like jam.

How to cook thick strawberry jam for the winter with lemon juice?

Lemon gives the strawberry mass a pleasant aroma and helps to preserve the rich color and berries.

We will need:

  • 2 kg strawberries
  • 1.5 - 2 kg of sugar
  • juice of 1 lemon

Recipe preparation:

Strawberries are peeled, washed, put in a bowl and covered with sugar. Put in a cool place and stand for 10 - 12 hours.

Squeeze the juice from the lemon, pour it into the berries, mix. Bring the syrup with berries to a boil and cook for 5 minutes, then remove from heat. Cool slightly, drain the syrup and cook it separately from the berries for another 40 minutes.

Then add the berries to the syrup and cook for another 5 minutes.

Arrange the boiled strawberries in hot dry jars, roll up and turn upside down.

strawberry jam recipe

We will need (for 4 cans of 0.5 liters):

  • 1.5 kg strawberries
  • For syrup: 800 g sugar and 500 ml water


  1. Sort fresh ripe strawberries, put in a colander and rinse, lowering the colander several times into a pot or bucket of cold water. Then put the colander on the pan and leave for 20 minutes to glass the water.
  2. Pour sugar into a container for boiling syrup, pour water into the same place and, stirring, bring to a boil. After the sugar is completely dissolved, strain the syrup through 2-3 layers of gauze.
  3. Put the prepared strawberries in an enamel wide bowl.
  4. Heat the filtered syrup to 50 - 60 degrees C, pour over the strawberries and leave for about 3 - 4 hours.
  5. Then fold the strawberries into a colander and place them tightly in prepared jars.
  6. Bring the syrup in which the berries were kept to a boil and cook for 10-15 minutes. Then cool and pour into jars with strawberries.
  7. Cover the jars with boiled metal lids, place them in a container with water and pasteurize at a temperature of 85 - 90 degrees C. Pasteurize 0.5 liter jars for 10 - 12 minutes, and pasteurize 1 liter jars for 15 minutes.
  8. Roll up jars and turn upside down.

In no case should strawberries be refrigerated before cooking, otherwise they will lose not only flavor, but also sweetness.

The secret of thick strawberry jam with whole berries - video recipe

Cook delicious and fragrant strawberry yummy - in winter at the dinner table, it will remind you of summer.

Strawberry blueberry jam - find out the recipe for flavor and color

Would need:

  • 1.4 kg strawberries
  • 200 g blueberries
  • 1.4 2 kg sugar
  • 2 g citric acid

Recipe preparation:

  1. Sprinkle the prepared berries with sugar and keep at room temperature until the juice appears. Drain the juice and boil the syrup.
  2. Put berries in boiling syrup, bring to a boil and leave for 3-4 hours. Then bring to a boil over low heat and cook for 20-25 minutes, shaking the contents occasionally to cover the berries with syrup.
  3. After that, leave the contents for a day, then cook again until tender.
  4. Add citric acid, mix gently and pour into clean jars. The berries in the jar should sink to the bottom.

Jam "Assorted" from strawberries, black and red currants

Would need:

  • 500 g strawberries
  • 250 g blackcurrant
  • 250 g redcurrant
  • 1.2 kg sugar

Recipe preparation:

  1. For black and red currants, cut the stalks and sepals with scissors.
  2. Mix the prepared berries, add the berries and wait for them to release the juice. Separate the juice from the berries and boil the syrup.
  3. Put all the berries in boiling syrup, bring to a boil and leave for 3-4 hours. Then, over low heat, bring to a boil and cook for 25 minutes, sometimes shaking the mass in a circular motion so that the berries are covered with syrup.
  4. Turn off the fire and leave the mass for a day. Then boil again until cooked and pour into jars and roll up.

We have strawberries in the Urals, and many call it Victoria, they are still green, but you need to stock up on recipes now. Let's just say - recipes for the future.

Strawberry jam is a favorite treat for those with a sweet tooth. The incredible taste and smell of this workpiece always beckon for tea drinking. Good housewives always hide the recipes for their best dishes, and this berry miracle is one of them. Today we will reveal for you the secret of making one of the most delicious jams - strawberry.

The main thing in the article

Strawberry jam: what do you need?

In order to prepare a delicious treat, you will need an important and most important component - strawberry, then a lot Sahara and dishes for cooking and canning.

What strawberries to choose for jam?

Summer is unpredictable, one day of sunshine, a week of rain or vice versa. But there are situations when a berry or part of it can be rotten. Sometimes summer residents simply do not have time to pick berries and they overripe. But you still need to pick the whole berry.

For jam, you need to choose good, large and ripe berries. The fruits must be of good quality, as otherwise the taste may deteriorate.

Preparing berries for strawberry jam

  • In order for the prepared delicacy to give only pleasure, it is necessary to carefully sort out berries.
  • Next, you need clear each fruit from leaflets, and then well Rinse under running water. It is better to fill with water and wash the berries by hand. Then drain the water and rinse again.
  • After - you can throw whole strawberries into the cooking container, or cut into halves or quarters, depending on the size of the fruit.
  • Then it is necessary fall asleep strawberries with sugar and leave to melt. When the sugar disperses, you will understand it by its color, it will acquire the color of a berry.

Technology for making strawberry jam

A good hostess always knows that for a tasty treat, it is necessary to follow the cooking technology. And for this you need to know all the rules and procedures for creating a sweet strawberry treat.

  • Collect berries.
  • Clean and rinse.
  • Sprinkle with sugar.
  • Boil 3 times until boiling.
  • Pour into jars and close well.
  • Store in refrigerator after cooling.

Strawberry jam with whole berries: a classic recipe

The most delicious thing about strawberry jam is sweet berries that you can “catch” and eat whole. To prepare a classic recipe with whole berries, you will need:

  • strawberry;
  • sugar- 2 times more than berries.

Let's move on to cooking:

  • Rinse and clean the berries from the tails. Then transfer them to the dishes in which you will cook. Sprinkle sugar on top and wait until it is absorbed. The time it takes varies from a few hours to a whole night.
  • After the sugar has melted, turn on the burner and cook until the first boil. When the berry boils, turn it off and let cool.
  • When cool, turn on again and bring to a second boil. Let the jam boil a little and turn off until cool.
  • Then bring to a boil a third time. Let it simmer for a bit and turn it off. When the finished jam has completely cooled, pour it into jars and close well. Keep it in the refrigerator.

Thick strawberry jam with gelatin: a step by step recipe

There are those who love liquid jam, and there are also lovers of thick treats, when the treat is so viscous that the strawberry sticks to the strawberry. It is convenient to eat such jam with a spoon and spread it on a loaf.

You will need:

  • medium sized strawberries;
  • sugar - 1.5 times more berries;
  • gelatin - 40 g;


  1. Select a medium-sized berry so that the fruits are approximately similar in size.
  2. Clean the ponytails and rinse.
  3. Put the strawberries in an enamel container in which you intend to cook.
  4. Mix sugar and gelatin in a separate bowl.
  5. Sprinkle strawberries with sugar and gelatin and cover with gauze, wait until it melts, about 10 hours.
  6. Put the container on the fire and let it boil for 7 minutes, stirring occasionally so that the jam does not burn.
  7. Pour into jars and cool, then roll up the lids.

How to cook five-minute strawberry jam: step by step instructions with a photo

Wise housewives have been creating their recipes for delicious and juicy jam for years. Therefore, there are many ways to prepare special treats. There are sweet, there are sour, and there is even a five-minute.

For a five-minute treat, you will need:

  • strawberry;
  • sugar - 2 times more berries.


You need to stir only with a wooden false or plastic one. Iron is impossible, as it promotes oxidation.

Delicious strawberry jam recipe

Strawberry jam is a great breakfast solution. It can be spread on toast or put as a filling in a pancake. Jam is also a great option for filling delicious and tender French buns - croissants. For sweet and tasty jam you will need:

  • strawberry;
  • sugar - 1:1;
  • red currant - 100 g per 1 kg of strawberries.

Cooking steps:

  1. Rinse the berries thoroughly and clean them of leaves and tails. Dry on a waffle towel.
  2. Using a blender, chop the fruits - strawberries separately, currants separately.
  3. Transfer the strawberries to an enamel bowl and sprinkle with sugar.
  4. Place the container on the burner, make the fire medium between minimum and medium.
  5. When the juice stands out from the fruit, throw the crushed currant fruits into the container.
  6. Boil the jam, stirring with a wooden spoon, and constantly remove the foam.
  7. When the jam begins to bubble, reduce the heat to low and continue cooking for another 15 minutes.
  8. Then cool, transfer to clean jars and close the lids.

Strawberry Lemon Jam: Original Recipe

There are many different ways to prepare strawberries. It can be frozen, made into jam, jam, or simply grated and mixed with sugar. Tasty and juicy fruits in the preparation of jam can be combined with other berries and fruits. To make Lemon Jam, you will need:

  • strawberry;
  • sugar - 1:1;
  • lemon juice - 100 ml per 1 kg of berries.

Cooking method:

  1. Wash the ingredients, peel the strawberries from the tails and place on a waffle towel until completely dry.
  2. Transfer the berries to a copper or enameled container with a thick bottom, pour over lemon juice and sprinkle with sugar. Put the dishes in a place at room temperature for 10 hours so that the berry releases the juice.
  3. After 10 hours, put the container on the fire and bring to a boil. Keep the contents in a boiling state for 20 minutes, stirring occasionally with a wooden spoon and removing the foam.
  4. Cool and crush the berries with a crush, then put on fire again for 15 minutes.
  5. Cool and pour into jars.

strawberry jam recipe

Confiture is a kind of jam, only with the use of gelling ingredients. This treat is quite easy to prepare, compared to the classic jam. With a prepared delicacy, you will not only please the household, but also pleasantly surprise the guests. For strawberry confiture you need:

  • strawberries;
  • sugar - 1:1;
  • gelatin - 3 tbsp;
  • orange - 1 pc;
  • spices, vanilla, zest - to taste.


  1. Rinse and peel the fruits from brushes, then dry and cut into small pieces. Pour boiling water over the orange and remove the pits.
  2. Using a blender or meat grinder, chop berries and fruit.
  3. Place them in an enamel bowl and sprinkle with sugar for 10 hours.
  4. Dissolve gelatin in a glass of cold boiled water.
  5. Put the berry on the fire and bring to a boil, then pour in the gelatin mixture.
  6. Bring to a boil again, stirring occasionally with a wooden spoon.
  7. In the finished confiture, you can add 3 tablespoons of liquor, cognac or rum to taste.
  8. Roll hot jam into jars.

Strawberry jam without boiling berries

Fragrant jam can be prepared not only with the help of long cooking and constant boiling. There is a way to make delicious and sweet jam without cooking. Do you want to enjoy jam with a wonderful taste? Then remember what you need:

  • strawberry;
  • sugar - 1:1;
  • water - 200 ml.

Step by step preparation:

  1. Prepare the berries - peel, rinse and dry.
  2. Pour sugar with water and boil the syrup until viscous.
  3. Pour hot syrup over the berry and hold it in this state until it gives juice.
  4. Then strain the juice and boil it again.
  5. Pour the berry again and hold until it gives juice.
  6. Boil again. Thus, you need to boil the syrup 3 times.
  7. Pour the syrup over the berries and roll them into sterilized jars.

How to cook the most delicious strawberry jam: video recipe

Cooking a delicious treat from juicy strawberries is not difficult at all, especially if you use the recipes in our article. You will pleasantly please your guests with a delicious treat, and a variety of cooking methods will delight you.

Strawberry Jam Five Minute for the Winter is a wonderful way of sweet preservation for those who do not want to spend several hours on a hot day in the kitchen. This is a simple and easy to prepare tasty, and most importantly, healthy jam. This cooking method will keep the strawberries intact in the jam. In winter, it can be used as a filling for soft and tender pastries or simply eaten with hot tea. Write down the easiest strawberry jam recipe Five Minute for the winter using jar sterilization!


  • fresh ripe strawberries - 1000 g;
  • sugar - 800-1000 g;
  • lemon juice - 2-3 tablespoons.

The classic recipe for strawberry jam Five-minute for the winter:

Sort and remove all spoiled strawberries. Leave only strong ripe berries. Wash it gently and cut off the tails. Let the water drain.

Put the washed strawberries in a bowl and cover with sugar. Leave for 6-8 hours somewhere in a cool place, but not in the refrigerator. In order for strawberries to release sweet berry juice under the influence of granulated sugar.

During this time, you can have time to prepare jars with lids for preserving fragrant strawberry jam.
Small-sized jars (0.5 liters, 0.7 or 1 liter) are best suited for these purposes. Wash them thoroughly with detergent and dry them. To prevent berry jam from sour during storage in winter, it is better to sterilize jam jars.

How to sterilize jars!
Ferry. Over a boiling kettle.
In boiling water. A convenient option for small jars for jam. To do this, fill the jars with water in a wide saucepan and after boiling, “cook” for 5 minutes.
In an electric oven. Please note: a gas oven will not work, because the temperature in the gas oven is uneven.
The easiest way to sterilize is in the microwave. Pour water on the bottom of the jar (about 1.5-2 cm) and sterilize at a power of 800-900 W for only 3 minutes.

Do not forget to remove the foam that appears from the surface!

Pour in lemon juice and immediately pour into jars. Roll up, turn upside down, wrap and leave to cool. After the Pyatiminutka strawberry jam in jars has cooled down, transfer to storage in a cool place.

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With such a gentle method of cooking strawberry jam, tender strawberries remain intact. If you need to cook thick strawberry jam with whole berries, then after the first five-minute cooking, leave the jam to infuse for 5-6 hours and repeat the procedure.

Sometimes, hostesses repeat it three times. Strawberry jam is thick and transparent. Intense ruby ​​color with a consistency similar to strawberry jam.

Video - cooking recipe

Strawberries are the first summer berries that appear on household plots, and, consequently, on the shelves of markets. You can talk about the taste and beneficial properties of this berry for a very long time, but everyone has known about them for so long, so the housewives diligently preserve all kinds of strawberry blanks for the winter.

Of the many types of jams, compotes and jams, strawberry jam with whole berries is the most popular. Children like whole berries that remind them of summer, and housewives like the opportunity to cook fragrant jam in almost 5 minutes.

Classic recipe for strawberry jam with whole berries

This delicious translucent jam is not only perfect for pancakes and pancakes, but whole berries from it can be used as a decoration for any dessert. Its preparation is a process that is not very laborious, but requires a certain amount of time, which will more than cover the enjoyment of the result.


Thick strawberry jam with whole berries

Thick strawberry jam is not only a fragrant addition to tea, but also a delicious filling for pies. Its preparation differs from the classic recipe in that either the number of boils is increased to 3-4 instead of two, or thickeners are used (gelatin, pectin, agar-agar).

Below is a recipe without thickeners. To prepare it, you will need additional equipment - four saucers chilled in the freezer to check readiness.

To cook two half-liter jars of thick jam, you need to take the following ingredients:

  • 900 grams of strawberries;
  • 1 kilogram of sugar;
  • juice of half a lemon about 30 ml (optional);
  • 10 grams of butter.


  1. Prepare the berries for heat treatment: wash, dry, sort, sprinkle with sugar and leave for 8-12 hours;
  2. Prepared strawberries begin to cook over low heat, and after dissolving the sugar, bring to a boil and boil for 10-15 minutes over high heat. At this stage, you can add lemon juice;
  3. Remove the boiled berries from the heat, and put a little syrup on a chilled saucer. If the syrup does not spread, then the jam is ready. Otherwise, boil again, after it has completely cooled;
  4. In the process of the last boil, add 10 grams of butter to the jam. Allow the finished jam to cool slightly, and then arrange it in jars and close.

Delicious strawberry jam with whole berries "Five minutes"

The peculiarity of this jam is that the berries are boiled for five minutes, and infused in their own juice for 2-3 days.

For 2.5 liters of jam you will need:

  • 2 kilograms of strawberries;
  • 1 kilogram of sugar.

It will take 2-3 days from the start of preparation to rolling the jam into jars, but most of this time will be occupied not by active actions, but by the infusion of berries in syrup.

Working process:

  1. Pour the prepared strawberries with sugar, and leave overnight to infuse in its own juice with sugar;
  2. The next day, boil the jam: until the sugar dissolves, over low heat, and then boil for 5 minutes over high heat;
  3. Let the jam cool down and brew for a day. So repeat 2-3 times, after which it will be ready.

Whole berry jam with gelatin in a slow cooker

The process of making jam in a slow cooker is not very different from the usual one. The only thing you do not need to do is constantly monitor the process. Due to the fact that the jam is cooked under a closed lid, and the moisture does not evaporate, it often turns out to be watery. The use of thickeners such as gelatin will help fix this.

For jam in a slow cooker with a gelling composition, you will need:

  • 1 kilogram of sugar and strawberries;
  • ½ multi-glass of water;
  • 2 tablespoons of gelatin.

The cooking process in a slow cooker will take 1 hour.

Cooking steps:

  1. Rinse the berries, sort, cover with sugar and leave to infuse for a period of 8 hours. It is better to do this immediately in the multicooker bowl, so as not to crush the berries when shifting;
  2. Pour off some of the syrup that stands out to dilute the gelatin in it. Add some water and cook for 1 hour using the "Stewing" option;
  3. 2 minutes before the end of the program, add gelatin diluted in strawberry juice. Cork the finished strawberry jam in hot sterile jars.

It is better to cook jam with whole berries by first trying the recipe on a small amount of strawberries, and then, taking into account all your mistakes, go for larger volumes.

For jam, you should choose slightly unripe fruits and in no case wrinkled or overripe, otherwise jam will turn out instead of jam.

During the boiling process, foam will form on the surface of the contents of the pan. It is better to collect it, because it will contain seeds and villi from berries, which will be superfluous in the finished jam.

The berries must be covered with sugar, otherwise they will simply spread when boiled, and the sugar that has settled at the bottom will burn. For the same purpose, use dishes with a thick bottom.

In the process of preparing the berries, it is better not to touch and do not interfere with the jam, and if you do this, then very carefully with a silicone or wooden spatula.

Today in the section "Preparations for the winter" - how to make strawberry jam. Finally, the long-awaited summer came, and with it came the harvesting of fruits, berries, and vegetables for the winter.

One of the first berries that appear on our beds is a strawberry, it is also called "Victoria", somewhere garden strawberries.

Whatever you call it, this beautiful, tasty, sweet, fragrant berry gives us incredible pleasure.

Fresh, it has a pleasant taste, you can eat it with tea and milk, bake sweet pies and cheesecakes, make cocktails and compotes, all kinds of desserts.

It can also be prepared for long-term storage - freezing fresh, cooking jams and jams, making compotes.

And in winter it is very pleasant to open a jar of thick, fragrant jam with whole berries for tea drinking, and you can also bake cheesecakes.

And today I will bring to your attention several recipes for making strawberry jam.

First of all, we will consider such an important process as preparing a berry for processing, it is practically the same, no matter what recipe you use.

Preparing strawberries for jam

First of all, the berry must be sorted out - it must be ripe, but not overripe, without rotten barrels and the desired one size, but this is not important

  1. Rinse well in cold water from various specks and possible insects

2. Put in a colander and rinse again under running water, let the water drain

3. Lay out on a kitchen towel to dry

4. After that, separate the sepals from the berries, large berries can be cut, but you can not do this

5. Victoria is ready to be processed into jam

Strawberry jam like grandma's, thick, berry to berry

For cooking you need:

  • Strawberries - per 1 kg. prepared berries
  • Sugar sand - 600 gr.
  • Citric acid - 1/8 teaspoon or juice of half a lemon


  1. Lay out in layers - part of the berry, sprinkle with sugar and so on all subsequent layers

2. Pour the remaining sugar on top, level it, cover with a lid and leave for 8-12 hours so that Victoria gives juice

3. This is how it looks - there will be some sugar left on top, and juice appeared on the bottom

4. Carefully transfer the berry to a separate dish

5. There will be juice left in your basin, and a lot of undissolved sugar.

6. We put the basin on a strong fire and begin to cook jam, stirring, we dissolve all the sugar

7. Bring to a boil, remove the resulting foam with a spoon and cook for 5 - 8 minutes

8. Put strawberries in boiling syrup

9. Very carefully, so as not to crush the berry, stirring constantly, over high heat, bring to a boil

10. As soon as the jam boils, turn off the stove, cover the basin with a towel and let it cool down so that it brews for 6-8 hours

11. We put the completely cooled jam on a strong fire and bring it to a boil again, remove it and cool it again, this process must be repeated 1-2 more times, all the berries are whole, they are not boiled soft

12. Now you need to boil it to the desired density, and so that it does not sugar, add 1 teaspoon of lemon juice, or 1/8 teaspoon of citric acid, diluted in a small amount of water, to 1 liter of finished jam

13. We put on a slow fire, bring it to a boil, if foam appears, remove it and cook until the desired density, about 10 - 15 minutes

14. While the jam is being cooked, we sterilize the jars

15. You can check the density by dropping onto a cold plate, if it does not spread, the jam is ready

16. If you need a thicker consistency, cook longer

17. Pour hot jam into jars, tighten the lids

18. Turn over and let cool

19. It turns out sweet, viscous, with whole berries and very fragrant

Happy tea!

We prepare the berry, as described above.

We need:

  • Berry - per 1 kg. prepared berries
  • Sugar sand - 700 gr.


  1. We fill the berry with sugar, gently mix with a wooden spatula and leave for 2 - 3 hours

2. Put a basin with a berry on a strong fire and bring to a boil

3. After active boiling, remove the foam and cook for 5 minutes

4. Pour hot jam into dry sterilized jars and roll up the lids

The jam is ready, store it in a cool place

Strawberry jam without boiling berries


  • Strawberries - 2 kg.
  • Sugar - 1 kg.
  • Water - 0.5 cups of water


  1. We prepare the berry, put it in a deep bowl
  2. In a separate bowl, mix sugar with water and over medium heat, stirring, bring to a boil and cook a thick syrup for 5 - 7 minutes
  3. Pour the hot syrup over the berries and let cool completely.
  4. The syrup will become thinner, as the berry will give up some of the juice.
  5. Strain the syrup through a sieve and boil it again for 5-7 minutes
  6. Pour strawberries with boiling syrup again and let cool, repeat this procedure again
  7. If you want the jam to be thicker, use more sugar or boil the syrup longer.
  8. After the third procedure, lay out in prepared sterilized jars, pour hot syrup, roll up the lids and cover them with a blanket, let cool slowly
  9. Jam prepared in this way is obtained with a beautiful rich color and fragrant smell.

Strawberry jam without cooking for the winter (strawberries grated with sugar)

Preparing berries for processing


  • Berry - 1 kg.
  • Sugar - 1 kg.


  1. With an immersion mixer, grind the whole berry to a puree state.

2. Pour in sugar and stir until the sugar is completely dissolved

3. Let it brew for 30 minutes

4. Arrange in sterilized jars, close with lids and put in the refrigerator

From what has been tested empirically, it is even easier and faster if both the berries and sugar are poured into a blender and chopped in it, and you can pour it into plastic food containers with tight-fitting lids.

In such a container, jam can also be stored in the cold, it practically does not freeze.

French strawberry jam video
