Sticker methods. How to make colored homemade stickers

How to make a sticker?

Many people remember how popular various stickers were among children and teenagers. Now they have become less popular, however, there are many fans who collect stickers, stickers and other pleasant things. Next, we will look at how you can make a sticker with your own hands at home.

How to make a sticker

In order to make a sticker at home, you will first need a printer, some sheets of paper, scissors, tape and a container of water.

  1. First, find a suitable image that will serve you to create a sticker.
  2. Print it on a piece of paper in such a size that it is no larger than the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe tape strip.
  3. Cut off a small strip of tape and attach it to the sticker.
  4. Iron the tape and make sure that there are no unglued areas and stripes on the strip.
  5. Next, you need to cut the workpiece.
  6. Fill a small container with room temperature water. Lower the workpiece into it and attach an object from above in order to press the workpiece to the bottom of the container.
  7. Wait 10-15 minutes.
  8. Remove the blank and carefully remove the paper from the film. Do not press too hard on the paper, as it is already soaked, so it will be easy to lag behind the sticker.
  9. Peel off the paper completely and leave to dry for 15 minutes.

The sticker is ready and can be stuck to the refrigerator, cabinet or any other flat surface. Now let's look at another way to create a sticker.

Making a sticker with your own hands

A sticker is essentially the same sticker, but more complex to manufacture, while still being able to make a strong impression.

To create a sticker, you also need to, as in the previous case, first find a suitable image. In addition, you will need to use a special program, such as CorelDRAW, to make the image in vector form. You can do it yourself or contact a printing company who will create the layout of the image for you. Then you can proceed directly to the manufacture of the sticker.

Vinyl stickers are sold in abundance, but most of them are standard, and ordering a small lettering from specialized companies will cost much more than buying the source material and making something like vinyl graffiti yourself. Meanwhile, a sticker is not just a decorative element, it will help hide small chips or scratches on the surface, and it doesn’t matter what it is: a car, a smartphone or a PC. The step-by-step process of creating a vinyl sticker with your own hands is given below.


For work you will need:

  • sheets of colored vinyl on an adhesive basis;
  • stationery knife;
  • paper for the printer and the printer itself;
  • a laptop;
  • adhesive tape;
  • durable cutting surface;
  • tweezers;
  • masking tape;
  • alcohol;
  • cotton wool.

Step 1. In any of the graphics programs, process the image you like or create it from scratch if you have the appropriate skills. Print the prepared picture or inscription and cut off the excess part of the sheet for convenience in further work.

Step 2. On a work surface that you don't mind ruining, secure a piece of vinyl with painter's tape. If you do not have suitable tables, take a solid board. Since the graffiti lettering is two-tone in this case, two-color vinyl sheets will be used. The golden piece of the original material will be fixed first, which is represented by the colored part in the picture.

Step 3. A cut-out inscription should be fixed on top of the vinyl sheet with the same masking tape.

Step 4. Take a sharp clerical knife and, pressing on it, cut out the inner colored part of the inscription.

Step 5. Remove the sheet of paper. Cut out a piece of vinyl with part of the design already transferred onto it.

Step 6. Using tweezers, carefully remove the pieces of vinyl around the lettering. Don't touch her yet.

Step 7. Do the same with the black vinyl sheet. Apply a printout with the middle already cut out to it. Draw a knife along its inner contours, and then walk along the outer edge of the pattern.

Step 8. If you did everything right, you will get the inscription itself and the shadow that gives it volume.

Step 9. Use adhesive tape to adhere the two parts of the lettering neatly and accurately. Paste it directly on top of the prepared picture.

Step 10. Use alcohol and cotton wool to wipe the surface to which you will stick the vinyl sticker.

The basis of any printing shop is the printing technique. Equipment for the production of stickers is the most popular and demanded equipment in the enterprise.

The simplest label making machine is an electronic scale in a supermarket that weighs goods while printing a price tag. This type of technique is called template technology, because it is designed to print only one type of label.

In a professional printing company, an order for a large number of stickers containing several colors in their image is executed on offset printing machines. This is the most common type of technique, characterized by high print quality and high speed.

With a small circulation, it makes sense to use silk-screen equipment for the production of stickers. In this case, the transfer of text or image to the base material occurs from the printed grid (special form). The paint, forcing through microscopic cells, remains on paper in the form of a given pattern. This type of printing is called screen printing. High-quality printing of stickers is guaranteed when using no more than three colors.

Simple office equipment can be used to produce a minimum number of self-adhesive stickers. The label printer can be inkjet or laser. As a basis paper on a glue basis like Orakal or Xerox with an opaque or glossy surface is used. The color palette is represented by a wide variety of shades, so it is possible to produce black and white laser printing.

We make stickers (Although it’s better to buy them):

Method one.

First you need to prepare a drawing. You can draw it by hand or on a computer. Handmade stickers are unique in their originality, but in a computer drawing it will be easier for you to make changes or resize the sketch. You can combine both methods - draw with your hand, and then scan or, in extreme cases, take a picture with a digital camera.

You can print on plain paper. If you use colored, bright paper, the stickers will look more attractive. To reproduce drawings, a regular photocopier will do. Then glue with any glue. Of course, the glue should be chosen depending on the surface on which you are going to glue your drawing. In most cases, ordinary clerical glue or PVA glue is suitable. If you have a large sticker, then wallpaper paste and a roller will do.

The disadvantage of such stickers is that they are very susceptible to external influences - they are unstable to moisture, and drawings made with a pen or markers discolor (burn out) or blur very quickly.

Method two. Glue alternative.

Suitable for small stickers. We create a drawing on paper in an arbitrary way - and as a means of fixing we use double-sided tape, one side of which is glued to the back of the drawing, the second - to the wall.

Method three. Lamination.

In order for your sticker to be less susceptible to external factors (dampness, mechanical damage such as scratching and paint peeling), we need to protect the front surface of the picture. At home, transparent tape is the best suited for this purpose. The wider the tape, the less "seams" will be in the picture. To avoid getting air under the tape, start gluing on one side, rather than gluing the entire strip at once. When sticking tape, smooth it with a ruler, plastic card, or any other object with a hard, even edge.

Also, for lamination, you can use a special transparent thermal film, you can buy it in almost any stationery store. Put it on the surface of the drawing with the adhesive side and just iron it with an iron.

Method four. Self-adhesive paper.

As paper, you can use self-adhesive paper or a special decorating self-adhesive paper "Oracal". On plain paper, the drawing is applied in the usual way. In the case of "Oracal" paper, things are a little different.

This paper has a smooth glossy surface, so a regular pen, ink or artistic paints will be useless here. Draw with gel pens or special markers for glass (permanent) or CDs. There are many more ways to apply an image to "Oracal", which can be found experimentally. You can, for example, try to make the application the same "Oracal" in a different color.

Method five.

If you have a printer at home, buy special adhesive paper for the printer from the store. And just print the picture

If you want to decorate a notebook, magazine or something else with stickers, then you don’t have to buy them. Stickers are quite realistic to do with your own hands. Don't believe? Read the article to the end! There are several ways to make stickers from improvised materials.

How to make DIY stickers based on adhesive tape

You will need:

  • wide tape;
  • scissors;
  • Pictures;
  • thick adhesive.


  • Cut out the picture using scissors. Remember that the picture should be smaller and narrower than the tape.
  • Cut out a piece of tape so that it is slightly larger in size than the picture.
  • Stick the picture face down on the tape.
  • Glue the resulting sticker on the oilcloth.
  • Cut the oilcloth along the contour of the adhesive tape.

Now it is convenient to store such a sticker, and if necessary, it is easy to stick it by simply peeling off the oilcloth from the adhesive tape.

How to make DIY stickers based on glue

What do you need:

  • scissors;
  • Pictures;
  • 1 packet of gelatin;
  • a teaspoon of sugar;
  • 4 tablespoons of boiling water.

How to do:

  • Prepare the image.
  • Cut it out along the outline with scissors.
  • Prepare glue for stickers: mix gelatin, water, sugar in a container in the proportions indicated above.
  • Pour the finished glue into a resealable container and store in the refrigerator. After standing there overnight, it will thicken. To thin the glue, place it in a container of hot water.
  • Apply glue with a brush to the back of the stickers.
  • To stick a sticker, it must be moistened with water or saliva.

How to make DIY stickers based on self-adhesive film

What you need:

  • self-adhesive film;
  • Printer;
  • scissors.


  • Purchase self-adhesive tape.
  • Select a picture and print on the printer, inserting a self-adhesive film there. If there is no printer, draw a picture manually with felt-tip pens.
  • Cut out the picture with scissors along the outline.
  • To stick the sticker, remove the protective layer.

In such simple ways, it is quite possible to make stickers yourself. The advantage is that you do not have to look for the necessary pictures in stores for a long time. You can choose your favorite online and print. Making stickers is an interesting option for a hobby, and the process itself is not particularly troublesome and pleasant. Surprise your friends by giving them stickers of your own making with their names.

Hi friends! When was the last time you cleaned up your workspace? Documents, tools and other things were laid out on the shelves. Of course, you can decompose and remember these places once, but it’s better to sign them. This will more strictly maintain the order of things in their places. But how to sign them? Today we will analyze various options for making stickers or stickers based on paper.

So, to make the simplest version of the sticker, we need printer paper and glue. Of course, the sticker can be drawn or written by hand, but as they say, I am an artist from the word "Bad", so I prefer to use computer technology in all design matters. In any editor available to you, we make an inscription with or without a picture.

How to make a sticker with your own hands

We print on the printer, cut it out and glue it in the right place. That's all. But this method has its drawbacks. This is the durability of the sticker. She can rub, tear. If it was printed on an inkjet printer, then ink may spread from accidental moisture.

I improved this method a little by adding some adhesive tape to the sticker, of course, stationery. Adhesive tape allows you to protect the sticker from all the above disadvantages.

The technology for using adhesive tape for stickers is simple. It is necessary to carefully apply the front side of the sticker to the adhesive side of the adhesive tape, so that a few millimeters of the free area of ​​​​the adhesive tape remains on its sides. If the sticker is small, then cut off the excess tape. Next, turn the sticker over and apply it to the desired location. Gently smooth the tape around the edges. The manufacture of such a sticker does not require the use of glue. And outwardly it will look like laminated. This method also has its drawback. This is a limited size sticker with a scotch width, usually 5 cm, but that was enough for me. To make a larger label, use self-adhesive printer paper. Print the desired text or picture, cut and glue. Only now it will be necessary to fork out for such paper, and even all the shortcomings of ordinary paper are inherent in it. And do you need it?

Especially for readers of the blog "Your computer" are developed canning jar stickers. The set consists of 4 sheets of 15 colored stickers of different themes: "Jam", "Jam", "Compote", "Pickles". Print them on a color printer and stick them on the jars with adhesive tape.

Download pdf sticker set for canning jars. Happy canning.

Yes, I almost forgot. On the Internet, I came across another way to make stickers based on adhesive tape. Only for its implementation it is necessary to print an inscription or a picture on a laser printer. not suitable for this method. Everything is done as I described above, only before gluing the paper base is soaked in water and gently washed off. The image remains on the adhesive tape. The advantage of this method is that the background of the sticker is transparent. These are the ways you canmake a stickerwith your own hands. Choose!

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