Secrets of memorizing English words. The best techniques for memorizing English words

When learning a foreign language, it is very important to constantly replenish your vocabulary - to memorize new and new words in English. However, not everyone succeeds in doing this. We offer you seven tips to help you remember new words in English more effectively.

Build Associative Networks

Our brains take what we read and convert it into images, ideas, and feelings, and then form connections between the new information and what we already know. This is how memorization happens - the new is combined with the old.

Imagine a tree. Isn't it easier to see a large spreading tree with many branches and leaves than a small tree with a few branches? The same is true for the brain. When you connect a new word or concept with something you already know, it's easier for your brain to find it and remember it at the right moment.

How to do it? Very simple. Draw a network of concepts. Take what you want to remember (word, idea, sentence) and write it in the center of the paper. Then draw lines from it in all directions, like a web.

At the end of each line, write down any English words or even draw pictures that come to mind when you think of the word in the center. It doesn't matter what the associations are, just write down whatever you come up with.

It will only take a couple of minutes, and now all the words or concepts will be interconnected in your brain. If you see or hear one of them, it will be easier for you to remember the others.

To make it work even better, say how this or that word in English is related to others. The more often you do this, the more connections are formed. And the more connections, the easier it is for your brain to “see” the word you want to remember.

Memorize phrases (phrases)

Remembering a word is important, but English, like any other language, is not just a set of concepts, it is a tool that people use to communicate and express their thoughts. Find examples of how a particular word is used in the text.

Write down not only the word itself, but also neighboring ones. For example, if you need to remember the English word "arrogant" (arrogant), you can write: "the tall, arrogant man" (tall arrogant man).

This will help you remember that "arrogant" is an adjective used to describe people. Then try three complete sentences to practice using it.

Use Pictures

Draw small pictures to remember the meaning of the word. Can't draw? Don't worry, it's even better. Our brain receives so much monotonous information that a strange picture is a kind of surprise, and we always remember surprises.

Our brain is better at reading visual information. Draw a funny picture illustrating the meaning of a word and you will remember it much faster.

Make up stories

English learners often complain that there are too many new words and they are hard to remember. There is one trick that you can use to quickly learn words. Make up any, even a ridiculous story, in which all the words in English are involved. Imagine it in detail.

We easily remember stories, especially strange ones, if we can recreate them in our imagination. Feel free to combine words in fun and awkward ways. Let's say you need to memorize the following 20 English words:

shoes, piano, tree, pencil, bird, bus, books, driver, dog, pizza, flower, door, TV set, spoons, chair, jump, dance, throw, computer, stone

(shoes, piano, wood, pencil, bird, bus, books, driver, dog, pizza, flower, door, TV, spoons, chair, jump, dance, throw, computer, stone)

You can make up such an incredible story from them:

There is a piano wearing shoes and sitting in a tree. The tree is strange because someone has stuck a giant pencil through it. On the pencil a bird is sitting and watching a bus full of people reading books.

Even the driver is reading a book which is bad because he isn't paying attention to driving. So, he hits a dog that is eating a pizza in the middle of the road and kills it. The driver digs a hole and buries the dog in it and then puts a flower on it.

He notices that there is a door in the dog's grave and opens it. Inside he can see a TV set with 2 spoons for antennas on top of it. No-one is watching the TV set because they are all watching the chair. Why? - Because the chair is jumping and dancing and throwing stones at the computer.

The piano sits on a tree in shoes. The tree looks strange because someone pierced it with a huge pencil. A bird sits on a pencil and looks at a bus full of people reading books.

Even the driver reads the book, which is bad because he doesn't pay attention to the road. So he hits a dog that was eating pizza in the middle of the road to death. The driver digs a hole and buries the dog, then places a flower on top.

He notices that there is a door in the dog's grave and opens it. Inside, he sees a TV with two spoons on top that act as antennas. Nobody watches TV because everyone is looking at the armchair. Why? Because the chair is jumping and dancing and throwing rocks at the computer.

Try it. You will be surprised!

Remember opposites

Remember in pairs words with opposite meanings (antonyms) and words with similar meanings (synonyms). For example, remember the pairs angry/happy and angry/cross at the same time. We remember similar and opposite things faster, as the brain creates connections between them.

Parse the word by composition

Use roots, prefixes and suffixes to guess what a word means.

For example: even if you are unfamiliar with the word "microbiology", you can guess what it means. First, take a look at the "micro" prefix. "Micro" means something very small. You may know that the "-logy" part means science, the study of something.

So, we can already say that it is about learning something small. Also, you may remember that "bio" means life, living beings. Thus, we can conclude that "microbiology" is the science of microscopic living organisms.

If you make a list of common prefixes (un-, dis-, con-, micro-, etc.) and suffixes (-able, -ly, -ent, -tion, -ive, etc.) and remember what they mean, you can guess the meaning of new words for you in English.

The main thing is time

Psychologists who study memory processes claim that there is a good way to remember things quickly and for a long time. Use a new word as soon as you know it. Then use it after 10 minutes. Then an hour later. Then the next day. Then a week later.

After that, you will hardly have to make an effort to remember it - the new vocabulary will remain with you forever.


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Replenishment of vocabulary is a prerequisite for improving the English language. The more vocabulary you have, the better you will understand the language and speak it, the more competent your speech will become.

The Englex edition has collected tips on how to quickly learn English words.

What words to learn in English

  • Basic vocabulary needed to understand foreign speech. There are eternal topics like “Greeting”, “Family”, “Food”, every person needs to know them.
  • The words you need.Are you going to work for a big company? Learn business English. Do you work as a programmer? Take advantage of computer terms. Do you like to travel? Learn English for travel and more.
  • If you already read books or watch films in English, you should take vocabulary from there. The main thing is to watch and read MODERN masterpieces, it makes no sense to study archaisms.
  • Consult with an experienced English teacher, he will tell you what to study. Teachers know exactly what vocabulary you will need and which topics can be given less time.

You should not waste time studying specific vocabulary if you are not going to change the field of activity. For example, if you work for a large financial institution, then it is not necessary to learn medical or legal terms.

How to learn English words effectively

1. Make word cards

Old as the world, but an effective technique. All students at least once in their lives started cards and tried to learn new vocabulary from them. It is convenient and affordable: no need to spend money, because you write them yourself, and you can take the cards with you anywhere.

Recall that there are several ways to compile such cards. For newbies:

  • On one side of the piece of paper we write the word in English, on the other - in Russian. We test our knowledge: we translate a word from Russian into English and vice versa.
  • On the one hand, we write a word in English and paste a picture, on the other hand, a translation into Russian. This method is well suited for people with associative thinking. In your mind, you associate a new English concept with the subject it denotes. We translate in the same way as described above.
  • On the one hand, we write a word in English, BUT with a Russian context, on the other hand, a word in Russian without a context. When repeating vocabulary, try to translate the concept from Russian into English, and if you can’t remember the translation, open the side with the Russian context, you will quickly guess / remember the meaning of the word.

Infographic: Englex

For more experienced students, we recommend using English-English dictionaries. Then on one side we write the word in English, on the other side - the definition in ENGLISH. You can also write synonyms and antonyms of the concept under study.

How to learn vocabulary? Remembering English words is best in context. Therefore, you can write on the card not just a word, but a sentence in which it is used. Where to get such an offer? You can enter the concept under study into an electronic dictionary, for example Lingvo: it will give you the most popular vocabulary usages.

You need to constantly work with cards: review and repeat the learned vocabulary. Periodically change the cards to new ones, and after 1-2 weeks return the old ones again to repeat the words.

2. Use special textbooks

Textbooks to increase vocabulary will help you not only learn new words, but also find out what words they are used with. Benefits are good because they provide not just lists of words, but also examples of their use. Words learn in context, so remembering them will be even easier than using flashcards.

3. Create your dictionary notebook

The method is similar to cards, only you constantly carry a notebook with you and supplement it with new words. This method is good for those who constantly lose something: your cards are unlikely to last long. Yes, and finding a notebook in a woman's purse is much easier than small pieces of paper. It is convenient to organize your notebook as follows. Each page will correspond to a specific day. Write the recurrence dates at the top. By checking your notebook daily, you will not miss the next recurrence date.

The page might look like this:

Infographic: Englex

4. Study on learning sites

If it is difficult to tear you away from the computer, then learn English words “without leaving the cash register”. Study on learning resources, it's even more interesting than classic flashcards or a notepad with words.

5. Combine words by topic

How easy is it to remember English words? Groups of words related to the same topic are usually well remembered. Therefore, try to break the words into groups of 5-10 pieces and learn them. There is such a thing as the Restorff effect: the human brain best remembers the one that stands out from a group of objects. Use this position to your advantage: in a group of words of one subject “introduce a stranger” - enter a word of an unrelated subject. For example, learn words on the topic “Fruits”, add one word on the topic “Transport” to them, your classes will become even more effective.

6. Draw a mind map (mind map)

You can easily learn English words of the same subject if you draw a mind map or mind map. Such a scheme clearly shows which topic the words belong to. In the meantime, you draw it, the vocabulary will be deposited in memory. mind map might look like this:

Infographic: Englex

7. Install Special Apps

Not everyone has time to write word cards or draw mind maps. But mobile application developers have already solved this problem: now you can install a special program on your smartphone or tablet and learn English words. We recommend using Lingualeo or Anki, they are free, and classes with them are effective.

8. Use associations

This method is loved by many students: in order to learn a word, you need to come up with an association in Russian. For example: you need to remember the word show- show. We all know the word show, so make a short sentence: we are being shown a show. Or a word shoot(shoot) can be remembered like this: the jester shoots. You can make convenient associations yourself, the main thing is that they are clear to you and easy to remember. This will make it easier for you to increase your English vocabulary. Learning will be effective if you not only make a word association, but also visualize it: pronouncing the word shoot, imagine this shooting jester, let the image turn out to be as funny and memorable as possible. Even better, a dynamic picture with your personal presence: you imagine how the jester next to you shoots someone (with a water pistol to make the spectacle comedic, not tragic). The more alive the picture, the easier it will be to remember the word.

9. Surround yourself with learning words

You can use all the same cards: stick them around the house so that they are constantly striking. Let's remember where we spend a lot of time? Of course, at the computer! Use technology to your advantage: write 5-10 words on the screen saver, in a few days you will remember them well. It is even more efficient to use a special program that will run in the background, that is, the words will pop up while working on the computer at specified intervals. Examples of such programs: Words, Sensei, LMBomber etc. You can install similar applications on your smartphone or tablet. It is enough to practice 10-20 minutes daily to feel the progress.

10. Read texts in English

The more you read, the more you come across new words and the more likely you are to remember them. Do not look up the meaning of every unfamiliar word in the dictionary, choose only those that are often found in the text.

11. Use learned vocabulary as often as possible

How to learn English words and not forget them? Are you familiar with the principle use it or lose it? In order for knowledge to remain in memory, you need to actively “use” it. It is good to compose short stories using new words, and the vocabulary presented in a short funny text will be remarkably remembered. If you go to courses or study with an English teacher, try to "screw" new words into the conversation as often as possible: the more times you pronounce the word, the better you will remember it. Do not forget about spelling: in order to correctly write a word, try to use it in writing. You can make sentences or stories with new vocabulary and write them down, and then tell someone.

12. Use your favorite teaching methods

The more often you see a word in its “natural habitat”, the easier it will be to remember, so do not forget to read texts, watch videos, listen to podcasts in English. Do what interests you. So you can see in what context a particular concept is used. For example, on the site native speakers will present you new knowledge in an easy and funny way, thanks to this, the words will be well remembered. Online a great tactic is used: you not only learn new vocabulary, but also involuntarily repeat it from time to time. All words are periodically repeated in new videos, so by constantly watching the news, you can significantly replenish your vocabulary. You can expand your English vocabulary through fun activities such as crossword puzzles, playing Hangman, memory games.

13. Test your knowledge

It is useful from time to time to take various tests on the level of vocabulary. After passing such a test, you will immediately see what is deposited in your memory, and which topics or words need to be repeated.

14. Improve your memory

It is impossible to remember anything if you do not have a good memory. Learning a language in itself is a good exercise for our brain and improves memory, but it is also worth using other methods of memory development.

15. Follow your daily plan

For the average person, it is best to learn 5-10 words a day. Be sure to follow your plan for learning new vocabulary to see progress.

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Learning a language is impossible without memorizing new words. But besides the banal and boring cramming, there are many simple, and most importantly, effective ways to learn unfamiliar words.

First you need to figure out exactly how you best perceive information. There is a small but very important checklist for this. If you are an auditory person, then the “read notebook” method will work much worse for you than the “listen to the list of words to the text” method. And you can not even think about it and long and hard, to the bitter end and feeling your own worthlessness, look into this stupid notebook and not understand why nothing is remembered!

Traditional Methods

  1. Yartsev method (visuals)

We take a notebook. We write out the word - translation in 2-3 columns. We give a number of synonyms \ antonyms \ examples. From time to time we read lists, we just read, we don’t crammed anything.

I don’t know how it works, but, for example, I didn’t crammed German, but just read a notebook from time to time. The teacher did not arrange dictations, he never checked us against the lists. And I still, after many years, remember a bunch of words.

It turns out that you do not strain, do not try to pour 100 words into yourself in 30 minutes, just systematically, from time to time you refresh the material. But you should immediately warn that these words should be found in textbooks, articles, i.e. you must, in addition to reading the notebook, somehow activate them.

  1. Card Method

The second popular way. We take and cut a bunch of cards or buy square blocks of note paper. On one side we write the word, on the other - the translation. For advanced users, we indicate examples. We drive the cards in a circle, putting aside those that we know well. From time to time we repeat the past, in order to refresh. Of the minuses - if there are a lot of words and little time, you will spend a lot of time creating the cards themselves.

As an entertainment, you can arrange them in piles of 10 pieces in different places of the apartment, from time to time stumble upon them and repeat. Audials to this method must necessarily add speaking aloud. Cards are great for children, this can be turned into an interesting game.

  1. prescribing method

Classics of the genre. You take a word and write it many, many times. Works great for Chinese characters. Minus - melancholy green. But the method has been tested for centuries.

  1. Half page method

This is one of my favorite ways. You bend the sheet in half, write the word on one side, and the translation on the reverse side. You can check yourself quickly. For me, as a visual, it works well, because. I easily remember in which part of the sheet a given word was written. Minus - you get used to a certain word order.

  1. Method "Interior Designer"

If you learn some specific vocabulary that surrounds you, you can make original “labels” everywhere - stick stickers with the names of objects. You can also stick on the monitor the most nasty words that do not want to be remembered. The advantage of this method is that it is fun. Minus - the brain can begin to ignore all these pieces of paper, and then they will hang somewhere for a long time.

Optimization methods

  1. Grammar grouping method

If you have a large list of words, the worst thing you can do with it is to learn it haphazardly. It can and should be processed and grouped. For example, first you write out verbs, and write them out not in a row, but group them according to the type of endings, or write out masculine nouns, then feminine and separately exceptions that do not fall into these lists.

Thus, since most of the words we do not apply to exceptions, you begin to see the logic of the language and memorize words in conjunction with their like.

  1. Meaningful grouping method

You write out and memorize the word and its synonym/antonym right away. This is true for both beginners and advanced. So you learned the word “good”, find out right away how it will be “bad”. And if you still remember “excellent, so-so, disgusting”, then you will greatly enrich your vocabulary.

  1. Method for studying single-root words

We take words, group them around the root, for example, “deed / do / done”, and learn several parts of speech with the same root at once.

  1. Etymological method

Works well for those who have learned multiple languages. When you study several languages ​​within the same language branch, you start to see similar roots. This actually comes with experience, and there is no need to learn a huge amount of words again. At some point, you just already know enough. And if I understand that this word does not categorically tell me anything, I climb into the etymological dictionary and get to the bottom of where it came from. While I do this, I remember it.

  1. chains of words

You take a list of words that you need to learn, and make up a story (even if it’s crazy) from them. So you will learn not 30 words, but 5 sentences of 6 words each. If you approach this matter creatively, you can have fun and usefully spend time.

Ways for those who do not like old-fashioned methods

  1. Spaced Repetition (spaced repetitions)

A technique of retention in memory, which consists in repeating the learned educational material at certain, constantly increasing intervals. In fact, you install an application on your phone, and the program will automatically show you the words in the specified order and with the desired frequency. You can use both ready-made lists of words, and create your own.

Pros: capitally crashes into memory.

Cons: takes a lot of time. If you have already memorized the word, it will still pop up from time to time in some programs.

In Memrise, you can choose from ready-made lists of words or create your own. If the word is categorically not remembered, you can use special funny pictures that users create using mnemonics, or you can upload your own. Memrise also recently added a new option - you can not only hear the voice acting of a word, but watch a video of how people pronounce these words.

A service for working on written speech for those who have already mastered the basics of language practice. The user writes the text in the language being studied, after which the native speaker of the corresponding language takes to check the written text and makes his own corrections.

"Magic" Methods

Magic methods are very fond of luring various marketers and language gurus. Usually the essence of the methods lies in the "secret techniques of the special services", which, objectively speaking, are described in a pile of literature. And they ask for unhealthy sums of money.

  1. mnemonics

Mnemonics is one of the most popular methods, the essence of which is to come up with funny and absurd associations to a word that you can’t remember in any way. You take the floor and come up with some kind of associative image, which should be very bright. But in this image there should be a “key” to the memorized word.

Example: "grief" ("woe") - woe to a wounded tiger, vultures are circling over him.

For auditory

Rule #1 for you: Always speak out loud what you are learning. If you use cards, speak up. If you are reading a list, read it out loud. Listen to the words, this is the fastest way for you to remember them! Naturally, you will have to write them down, but things will go faster than if you read and wrote silently.

  1. listening to words

You can put audio recordings of word lists and repeat after the announcer. Usually in good textbooks a well-read list of words is given for the lesson. You can also listen to high-quality podcasts in which there is a detailed analysis of the dialogues.

  1. Multiple repetition

A method similar to writing words in a row, rather tedious and boring, but effective - repeat out loud several times. There is an opinion that a word can be considered learned if you have used it 5 times in context. So try to give 5 different examples of the use of this word. Naturally, out loud. You can fix it by writing it down.

Methods for those who absolutely do not want to work with lists

  1. Reading (lots of reading)

If the level is high enough and there is no urgent need to expand the vocabulary, it is easiest to read a lot. You can mark new words and even write them out (this works best, but not everyone likes to do this). By reading, you learn to understand the meaning of the context, you are “saturated” with words, they themselves become your passive reserve. But reading usually does not help much to translate them into an asset, i.e., in order to progress in a language, you need to do something else besides reading.

  1. Learn what is really needed

In one of my textbooks, the word "hoe" appeared in the vocabulary before the words "short and long" appeared. Do not learn "hoes" and any unnecessary garbage until you learn really relevant and vital vocabulary.

How to determine relevance? There are many tutorials and lists from the 1000 Most Common Words series. First we learn frequency, then - "hoes", not earlier. If you have not yet learned to count and do not know pronouns, it is too early for you to learn colors, no matter how much you want to.

  1. Get creative with the process

If everything infuriates you, words do not fit into your head and you want to quickly close these lists, experiment. Drawings help someone, someone walks around the apartment and recites aloud, someone communicates with his cat. If you are interested in something, do not be lazy to climb into the dictionary. Study what is close to you. Don't dwell on methods that don't work.

Are you going on vacation or on a business trip abroad and realize with horror that you have forgotten everything that you were once taught at school? You need to learn a large number of new words, which your teacher says are very easy to learn. Well, you, of course, spent a lot of time and did not remember anything at all. Let's now try to figure out how to learn English words correctly.

Why is it difficult to memorize English words? First, the new English word is accurate information, i.e. information that you need to know exactly, 100%.

Try to "approximately" or "partially" pronounce the English word. Foreigners will not understand you. Therefore, it is very important to memorize English words accurately. And any accurate information is poorly remembered, even after exhausting "cramming" only 20% remains in memory. Let's take a look at several ways to memorize English words.

1. Mnemonics

"What is it and what is it eaten with?" you ask. We answer: mnemonics is a set of special techniques and methods that facilitate the memorization of the necessary information and increase the amount of memory by forming associations (connections). Science is quite old. Our ancestors knew 2,000 years ago that only 20% of information remains in memory with the “cramming” method.

Today, mnemonics has been enriched with new techniques, methods, techniques and is one of the components of the “Memory Development Systems”. Let us quote the famous psychologist A.N. Leontiev (“Lectures on General Psychology”, 2001): “The difficulty lies in the fact that if you learn vocabulary words like this (foreign - Russian, foreign - Russian), then you will not know the language for a very simple reason: words, including foreign ones, are polysemantic. No value match.

Let's try? For example:

  • "fist" (fist), imagine a giant pistachio that you crush with a tightly clenched fist;
  • the word "ship" (ship) is easy to remember if you imagine a ship with huge spikes sticking out of it.

In mnemonics, the "sequence of memorization" is also very important. By "sequence of memorization" is meant the order in which the components of an English word are memorized. What are the components of an English word?

Take, for example, the word "wedding" - [‘wedɪŋ] - wedding

  • wedding is the spelling of the English word;
  • [‘wedɪŋ] is the pronunciation of the English word;
  • wedding is a translation of the English word.

So, the English word consists of three components:

  • writing,
  • pronunciation,
  • translation.

And most often in this sequence you wrote down a new English word in a dictionary, and it is in this sequence that English words are presented in numerous books and dictionaries.

How did you start memorization?
- Of course, with writing.
- And what did you do then?
- Then he said it out loud many times, i.e. "crammed": "['wedɪŋ] - wedding, ['wedɪŋ] - wedding" ...

It turns out the following sequence of memorization:
writing - pronunciation - translation.

Memorization in this sequence is called "recognition", i.e. you need to see the English word written or heard to remember the translation. That is why we all read and translate English texts well. That is why we all, when traveling abroad, understand foreigners, but we cannot say anything. We can’t say, because we can’t quickly and easily remember the translation of the word, i.e. "reproduce" it from memory. This process is called "reproduction" and is the following sequence:
translation - pronunciation - spelling.

Memorizing an English word in this sequence guarantees a high quality of memorization and a high speed of recall, but using a certain method, which we will discuss below.

2. Method "Polyglot"

With this method, you will learn to memorize 100-200 new English words a day quickly and easily! The "Polyglot" method is a sequence of mental actions and operations that form the skill of memorization.

Method "Polyglot" (for independent memorization of English words):

  • Provide a translation of the word.
  • Choose a consonant Russian word for pronunciation.
  • Connect the image of the translation with the image of the consonant word.
  • "Take a picture" is a foreign word.
  • Write a foreign word.
  • Check the quality of visual memory.
  • Write down on a card for further repetition.

Let's use the "Polyglot" method to remember the English word:
beard - beard - bied

  • "beard" is a translation,
  • and bied is the pronunciation of the word (the second option is “Russian transcription”),
  • beard is the spelling of the English word,
  • To “photograph” an English word means to highlight the word on all sides with yellow cards (size 6x7 cm) so that only the word “beard” is in the “window”. And now we set ourselves to remember the graphic image of the word (Remember the spelling!) And read the word aloud 2-3 times.
  • “Check the quality of visual memorization” means to write the word backwards, from right to left, so that the word is read correctly.

For example:

3. Card method

The flashcard method is a simple and popular way to memorize new vocabulary. Take a stack of cards, write a word in English on one side, and its translation on the other. And now you can learn words anywhere. It's no secret that during the day we have to constantly get into "time jams" - to wait for the director in the waiting room, the dentist in the corridor of the clinic, and so on. At this time, you can not be nervous, but use it to your advantage.

You can also divide the cards into packs. After learning one, move on to the next. Then, after a while, return to the repetition. This will allow you to convert your passive vocabulary into an active one, that is, remember the words and use them in speech.

4. Method of marking/tags

A pack of stickers is taken, words are written on them and glued to the corresponding objects. At home, you can mark a huge variety of things. As soon as they catch your eye, you will remember them all.

The “minus” of this method is that you can only mark those items that are found in your house, but it will be quite difficult to learn words that have an abstract meaning. Yes, and your family can be annoyed by these stickers.

Words, English, food, cards

5. Method of composing a story/oral topic

Take 10 new words and make a coherent story with them in a foreign language. In fact, if we are to compose a story, it is better to take thematically related lexical units and make up with them what is called a “topic” in school. In such a text, everything looks reasonable and logical. At the same time, you can practice the use of words.

True, it is better to compose your own topic on the basis of a preliminary study of several texts on a given topic. Just so that you can observe in what expressions and in what context this or that word is used, and then use the knowledge gained to compose your own story.

The advantage of this method is that you can use the new word in context. Minus - the story turns out to be rather cumbersome, some believe that it is easier to learn words than to invent stories. For example, we need to learn the words: "mist" (fog), "morning" (morning), "dew" (dew), "lark" (lark), "birch" (birch).

The thick mist settled over the harbor in the morning. The lark was sitting on the birch and drinking dew from the leaves. (A thick fog spread over the harbor in the morning. The lark sat on a birch and drank the dew from the leaves.)

6. Breaking words into parts

If you already know a certain number of English words, then the task of remembering the next ones is greatly simplified. There are many words in the English language that are made up of several others. Knowing the meaning of the constituent parts, you can easily understand the meaning of the whole word. Having come up with a plot, you will quickly remember it. For example, "crushroom" refers to the foyer. We break it into parts: “crush” - “crush”, “crush”, “room” - “room”. The room where the stampede takes place. Here is the finished plot for you: I go into the lobby, and there are so many people in the room, everyone is pushing each other, pushing. Or another example: "lawsuit" - a lawsuit. You already know that "law" is the law, and "suit" is a suit. At the trial, where the main thing is the law, you must come in a business suit.

7. Method of phonetic associations (method of analogies)

If a word seems complicated and “unmemorable” to you, pick up a word or two from your native language for it and build a “bridge” - an association between these two words. This is the essence of the method of phonetic associations, which is also called the Atkinson method. For example, the word "dust" (dust) is easy to remember as "This dust gave". Of course, we know that the word "got" is written through "o", but in this case we will focus on the sounds.

8. Computer programs

In the age of technological development, specialized computer programs can be involved in the task of memorization. There are a lot of them now. To name just a few - OpenBook, EZ MemoBooster, LM Bomber, MyNewWords, Lingvo and others.

9. Extension of the synonymic series

Another way of remembering is through the expansion of the synonymic series. Its essence lies in maintaining a notebook of synonyms, in which new words must be constantly added as they are studied. Try as often as possible to select synonyms for words heard or seen somewhere and from time to time repeat synonyms in a notebook. Possession of a wide synonymic range allows you to more accurately express your thoughts in a foreign language, besides, as a result, your speech speed will increase. For example:

  • power - force - energy;
  • small - little - tiny;
  • beautiful - handsome - pretty.

10.Table method

Less effective is the method of memorizing words using a table. In one column words in a foreign language are written, on the contrary - translation. You read and pronounce these words, and then alternately close one or the other column and thus test yourself. And finally, remember that it is better to learn three words every day than to swallow twenty new words en masse once a week. In our school of English on Skype - EnglishDom we follow exactly these rules in teaching a foreign language.

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Applications for learning English words help you quickly and effectively replenish your vocabulary. Without work on learning new vocabulary, words can simply be forgotten or remain in the passive vocabulary, so it is extremely important not only to find out the meaning of an unfamiliar word, but also to make an effort to remember it.

Vocabulary Trainer (10.000 words and phrases)

A great app that takes into account your level of English and how much time you are willing to devote to training. First you need to fill in information about yourself so that the application creates a training plan for you: level, why you are learning the language, how long you can study. There are two modes here: advanced learning (for memorizing words) and a quiz (for repeating them). The second mode allows you to test yourself and fix the words in memory. I was pleased that you can add not only words from the application, but also create your own list of words. This is very convenient if you prefer to learn words from books, movies, etc. In the settings, you can change the speed to a more convenient one for you. To begin with, you are given a list of words, and then exercises to memorize them. At the same time, in one “set” the exercises are diverse: enter a word after listening, select a picture for a word, spell a word, etc.

In the main menu, you can choose to create your own list, read the news, study words in your sleep, watch your record, and even listen to the radio in English.

Academic plan

Application menu

English Vocabulary Trainer

The application offers to learn about 5,000 English words that are used most often. Suitable for beginners and users with an intermediate level of knowledge. It will also be useful for students who speak English at a high level, but who have problems with "spelling".

To begin with, you should choose the level of difficulty of the classes: Easy - corresponds to the level of beginners, Medium - below average, Difficult - a solid average level. You can select all three levels at once, then simple words will alternate with more complex ones. It also offers to choose which parts of speech you want to learn, you can leave the automatic settings to work on learning all parts of speech. In the settings, you can edit the initially selected data, as well as change the pronunciation speed. Slow playback is automatically selected, it is better to speed it up a little.
To start, press the "play" button located in the center of the screen, and then the exact same button below the list of words. By the way, the words in the application will be divided into several lists, depending on whether you know them. For example, words that you could not translate during training will be listed as “difficult”, so you do not have to look for unfamiliar words for repetition for a long time. In addition to choosing a translation for words, it is possible to train by choosing antonyms and synonyms for words.


A great simulator for creating flashcards with words and learning them. After downloading, three modes will be available to you.

In this mode, you select the words to study. By clicking on the planet icon, you can select any of the suggested dictionaries to search for a word. A huge plus is that you can search for words that you really need, and not those that the application suggests. Searching through dictionaries allows you to see all the meanings of words and examples of their use, so this will not be empty cramming without understanding the context.

This is the training mode itself. Here you can choose a test where you can work on a specific list of words, for example, work on words that you did not remember the previous time, or on words from the “favorite words” list. Also in this mode, you can choose word-match training, where the words are divided into two columns, and you need to select synonyms from the second column for the first words. You can follow your progress in the statistics.

Here you can create flash cards, view "favorite" words, as well as words that you could not remember.

Oxford English Vocabulary Trainer

The developers position this application as an excellent vocabulary learning simulator for those who are preparing for international exams, as well as for people who work in an English-speaking environment. That is, this application is suitable for those who are seriously engaged in English and have a level not lower than the average.

To get started, you need to log in via Facebook, mail or create an account. Then you need to select your native language, press "start" and wait a bit for the content to load . Further, it is proposed to choose one of two: studying according to the Oxford coursebook or working on a common vocabulary. Having chosen the first option, you need to choose a textbook for yourself. For example, choose one of the business English books. You can simply view the list of suggested vocabulary or select the training mode. It is possible to create lists of your own words. When choosing "general vocabulary", you will also be offered a list of books: academic vocabulary, business keywords, the most necessary English words and vocabulary by topic (for beginners and advanced levels).

In the settings, you can change the audio pronunciation: British or American, select the mode for translating words or their interpretation, set a reminder of when you would like to start training, and also select the “dynamics” of classes.

In general, the application is perfect for those who have at least an average level of knowledge and have a clearly defined goal in learning English.

Vocabulary Trainer

There are no ready-made word lists in this application, so you will have to fill it out yourself. You can create as many lists as you want and then work on each one. In the first column you can write down the word itself, and in the second - its translation or interpretation. Then you can choose the mode of working on the words to memorize them as soon as possible. When you select Trainer, you will be given a word and you must remember its meaning, or you can look at the hint and check the correctness of the answer by clicking on the question mark. If you can't remember the translation right away, it's best to think a little before looking up the answer. The other two workouts are connecting words with their meanings. In the match training mode, the application does not read the Cyrillic alphabet, therefore, if possible, it is better to write down the interpretation of the word in English or a synonym for it.

Color Verbs

Super app for learning and repeating irregular verbs. After choosing a language, you are given a list of irregular verbs, under each word its meaning is written. If you want to see more detailed information about a verb, just click on it. You will see a word with a bright picture to it, which will help memorization, a synonym and / or interpretation, and will also be given an example of use in a sentence. A transcription is also given for each form of the verb and an example of pronunciation in audio format. In the "Practice" section, you can select the verbs that you want to learn or repeat. You can check yourself by selecting the "Exam" mode. Here you need to choose your level, after which the program will select words for you. You will be given a definition of the word, but your task is to enter all three forms of the described verb.

Phrasal Verbs Dictionary

English is nowhere without phrasal verbs, so it is very important to learn them, and most importantly, not to get confused in them. This great app will help you learn them. It is suitable for those who speak English at least at an intermediate level. Here you can choose the flashcard learning mode or the game learning mode. The cards offer you a huge number of lessons, each of which includes a portion of verbs, each comes with an explanation in English, an example of use and pronunciation. Then each completed lesson can be fixed in the game mode. The application has a very cool mini-game where you not only need to know the meaning of phrasal verbs, but also be able to quickly navigate, otherwise you will lose and have to start all over again. Despite the fact that the toy is quite simple, you can “stick” on it and learn verbs faster.

Business English words

This application is specifically for those who study English for communication in a business environment, for taking courses, as well as reading professional literature. To get started, you are invited to select a section: business deals, business people, banking, etc. After selecting a section, you will see a list of words, each of which has an explanation and an example of pronunciation. In order to select a word to study, simply put a "bird" under it. To view examples of usage, click on a term. To practice words, go to the main menu and select "testing".

The great advantage of English vocabulary learning apps is that you can study for a few minutes a day, anywhere. For example, you can spend 10 minutes reviewing new words in public transport or during a break at work. We hope you find this collection helpful. We wish you to reach new heights :).
