Passing the exam in geography. Geography: universities, faculties, required exam

A good knowledge of geography is needed not only for travelers. If this subject captivated you from the first lesson and you decided to take it as an additional specialized exam, then you can connect your life with such interesting and necessary professions as cartography, hydrometeorology, ecology and others. In addition, both diplomats and financiers should be well versed in physical and economic geography. Where to do with geography, we will tell further.

Natural Sciences


The minimum passing score at Moscow State University is 341, 74 state-funded places are planned here. At MSGU, you need to score at least 198 points on the exam, there are 27 budget places, an additional exam is social science.


24 people who scored more than 309 points on the Unified State Examination will be accepted for free education at Moscow State University. In the Timiryazev Academy of Agriculture, the passing score is 181, budget places - 15.

At Moscow State University, these areas are at three faculties. At the Faculty of Biology, 20 budget places have been allocated, in order to become a student, you must additionally pass biology and score at least 338 points on the Unified State Examination. At the Faculty of Geography, the passing score is lower - 319, 34 places have been allocated, there are no additional tests. There are even more chances to enter the Faculty of Soil Science: the minimum passing score is 265, budget places are 25.

At MGIMO, this direction is available at the Faculty of Applied Economics and Commerce, in order to enter one of the 20 state-funded places, you must pass a foreign language and score over 290 points on the Unified State Examination. In RSSU, the minimum passing score is 185, 20 first-year students will be accepted on the budget. 28 state-funded places are planned at MAI, the minimum passing score is 206.

In RUDN University, it is necessary to overcome the bar of 201 points, 56 applicants will be enrolled in the budget. At MSGU, the minimum passing score is 179, 27 budget places have been allocated, and social studies must be taken additionally. At the State University for Land Management, 15 people who scored at least 174 points on the Unified State Examination will be able to study for free. In RKhTU them. D. I. Mendeleev, the minimum passing score is 232, 27 places are allocated. At the Moscow State Educational Institution, you need to score at least 160 points, 25 budget places are planned. In MUPOiCH "Dubna" the passing score is 156, 20 people will be accepted for training at the expense of the state budget.

Education and Pedagogy

Teacher Education

At Moscow State Pedagogical University, students are trained in two profiles related to geography:

  • Geography and foreign language, passing score - 195;
  • Geography and history, passing score - 191.

235 state-funded places are planned for each specialty; in addition, you need to take social studies.

MSGU also has several training profiles:

  • Geography and ecology - passing score 213, 10 places allocated;
  • Geography and a foreign language (English or Chinese to choose from) - a passing score of 225, 20 places are allocated, you need to take social studies;
  • Geography - a passing score of 210, 20 places have been allocated, you need to take social studies.

Chemical and biotechnology

Ecology and nature management

At the Russian State University of Oil and Gas. I. M. Gubkin, 20 people who scored at least 249 points on the exam will be able to enter this direction.

Geodesy and land management

Cartography and geoinformatics

At the Moscow State University of Geodesy and Cartography, you need to score at least 211 points on the Unified State Examination in order to get into one of the 75 budget places. At Moscow State University, the minimum passing score is 341, only 14 people can enter the budget.

Economics and Management

economic security

In the Timiryazev Academy of Agriculture, the minimum score is 248, budget places - 15.

Humanitarian sciences

International relationships

At MGIMO, 20 places have been allocated in this direction, the passing score is 367, in addition you need to take history and a foreign language.

Foreign Regional Studies

The passing score at MGIMO is 362, 77 people will be able to enter the budget, additional subjects are history, a foreign language.

Any high school student is faced with a choice: “Where to go to study? Who to become? The most important and most difficult question, the answer to which depends on the future path of life. To give the correct answer to it, it is very useful to seek help from specialists working in career guidance centers. However, this is often impossible for various reasons, and then you have to look for the answer yourself. Where to start?

I would advise you to take the first two steps first: firstly, think about what subjects are most interesting to you, and secondly, go through a short one. So you can determine the main direction of the search for your life path.

In my article, I want to appeal to those who love geography lessons. This subject is very interesting and many people like it, but when the question arises: “Who will I work if I study this science in depth?” many are stuck. Today I will try to help answer this question.

If, according to the results of the Klimov test, you turned out to be prone to professions such as “a person is an artistic image”, then the profession of a photojournalist who can prepare reports about the amazing corners of our planet will suit you. And if you have artistic or literary abilities, then maybe you will make an excellent landscape painter or poet, glorifying the beauties of your native land.

If, according to the results of the Klimov test, you turned out to be prone to professions such as "man - technology", then you can think about professions that allow you to develop or create geodetic instruments and equipment. The mining industry is developing very quickly, there is always a need for good engineers and mid-level specialists. And if you are not afraid of difficulties, and your health allows you to do this, then for you!

If, according to the results of the Klimov test, you turned out to be prone to professions like “a person - a sign system”, then this is exactly the profession that suits you. Modern geographic information systems need specialists who daily create digital maps that reflect all current events on Earth, so that a cartographer with knowledge of modern digital technologies will definitely find a job.

If, according to the results of the Klimov test, you turned out to be prone to professions such as “person-to-person”, then you can become a specialist in the field of tourism business.

If, according to the results of the Klimov test, you turned out to be prone to professions such as "man - nature", then the choice of profession will be the widest: this is hydrobiology, ecology, soil science.

After you have decided on a range of professions that will suit your psychological makeup and will match your interest in geography, you have to take the third step - decide what level of education you need - intermediate or higher. If you carefully look at the list of professions that I gave in my article, you will see that among them there are professions that can be obtained in colleges, and there are those. that require higher education. There are among them those that can be obtained both in secondary and in higher educational institutions, for example:, soil scientist,.

Now let's move on to the fourth step in choosing a profession - let's turn to the directory of educational institutions and choose those in which there is an opportunity to get a profession that will be of interest to you. Find out what exams you need to take at the institution of your choice, what special conditions for admission there are, and start the path to your dream! Find and read books about people of your chosen profession, watch films whose heroes are specialists in the field of geography, if possible, visit specialized institutions - so you can learn more about your future profession.

These are the tips I want to give to those who love geography, but do not yet know where and how this wonderful science can come in handy.


Schoolchildren love to study geography, so it is not surprising that about 16 thousand applicants (2017-2018 data) take this subject as part of the unified state exam. If you are in this group, but do not know where you can go with geography after grade 11, then first study the available areas of study. We will talk about the most popular, promising and interesting right now. So, let's begin!

Where can I enter the exam in geography, what other exams do I need to take?

In fact, there are not too many faculties where you can enter the exam in geography. Mostly these are areas related to ecology, modern cartography and other related sciences. Another option is teaching professions, we will consider everything in more detail.

Geography, profile mathematics

If you are determined to study the natural sciences, then, having passed geography, Russian language and mathematics, you can choose from 5 areas of study.

"Ecology and nature management"

This profile is open in RGUNG, MAI, PFUR, RGAU-MSHA named after K.A. Timiryazev, GUZ, MGRI-RGGRU, MPGU. The passing score is 60-94, the number of budget places is 15-70, but it all depends on the chosen university. Several areas of training are available:

  • ecology,
  • nature management,
  • geoecology.

While attending a university, students study a large list of diverse disciplines:

  • general ecology, geology;
  • Earth resources, atmosphere, hydrosphere, minerals;
  • environmental economics, landscape science;
  • environmental protection, pollution reduction and others.

Ecologists of this profile are in demand in research institutes, at enterprises that wish to reduce the amount of harmful emissions into the environment. The average salary of a young specialist is 20-25 thousand rubles, in the future the rate increases by 100%.

"Cartography and geoinformatics"

You can study cartography and geoinformatics at MIIGAiK, RTU MIREA, PSNIU, NCFU. For admission to Moscow State University. MV Lomonosov will have to pass an additional written exam. Students are taught to work with modern instruments used in geodesy, innovative technologies and computer technology. The course also includes the following disciplines:

  • engineering and general geodesy;
  • geographic information systems;
  • cartographic drawing;
  • web-cartography;
  • satellite navigation and others.

An expert diploma in the field of cartography and geoinformatics will allow you to work as a topographer, astronomical geodesist, cartographer, metrologist, and also engage in aerial photography. There are many professions, graduates are employed immediately after receiving higher education. They take part in the construction and design of land and water facilities, work in the cadastral registration system.


This specialty is studied at Far Eastern Federal University, Moscow State Pedagogical University, St. Petersburg State University, Tyumen State University, KFU. V. I. Vernadsky. The passing score in the subject is not too high: in the universities of St. Petersburg and Moscow, it reaches 70-78, in regional - 34-60. The faculties train general staff, 3 directions are available:

  • Physiography,
  • general geography,
  • economic and social geography.

The doors of public and private companies in need of topographers, ecologists, geographic consultants are open to graduates. They can engage in 3 activities: research, advisory or pedagogical.

What other specialties can I choose by passing the exam in geography and mathematics?

At MGRI-RGGRU, SFU you will be able to study " Geology», in the Moscow Art Academy. K.A. Timiryazev, KFU open direction "Hydrometeorology".

The above faculties train personnel for the field of ecology, bioecology, cartography, oceanology, topography and other related fields. Labor activity is associated with travel, expeditions, sometimes you have to work in difficult conditions in the open. These professions are covered with romance, they are suitable for people who adore nature.

Geography and social studies

Choosing where to enter with geography, Russian language society, you can apply only for specialties within the framework of pedagogical education:

  • such directions are open in MSGU: geography, geography and ecology or a foreign language (Chinese, English). The passing score is 72, 50 budget places are provided for the 3 above specialties;
  • geography and a foreign language can be studied in MGPU, where 15 budget places are available with a passing score of 70.

The term of study for the full-time form is 4 years, for part-time - 5 years. After receiving a diploma, graduates go to work in schools, lyceums, other educational institutions, and are also engaged in tutoring.

Summing up

In conclusion, I would like to say that for schoolchildren who have passed the USE in geography, a small number of specialties are available, but all of them are quite interesting and rare. A large number of budget places are open for them, and the competition is lower than at the faculties involved in training personnel for the field of medicine, management, and the legal system. If you are passionate about natural sciences, ready for travel and scientific work, then feel free to choose one of the above directions!

Such a field of knowledge as geography is represented in Russian classical universities (24 faculties) and pedagogical universities (41 faculties). In large universities and academies, these are separate faculties that graduate bachelors, specialists and masters in the relevant narrow areas of knowledge.

Moscow State University M.V. Lomonosov

Faculty of Geography

Faculty of Geography of Moscow State University named after M.V. Lomonosov - the world's largest pedagogical, scientific and student team of geographers. There are 15 departments and 8 research laboratories at the Faculty of Geography. Students can choose one of eight specialties:

  • Geography
  • Cartography
  • Hydrology
  • Meteorology
  • Oceanology
  • nature management
  • Geoecology
  • Tourism

In 2010, the competition will be based on the sum of the results of the Unified State Examination in mathematics, geography and the Russian language, as well as an additional written entrance test: an exam in geography.

Saint Petersburg State University

Faculty of Geography and Geoecology

The faculty is the oldest geographical educational institution in Russia. Directions, specialties and specializations are implemented at 12 departments within 5 departments:

Natural geographic:

  • Physical geography and landscape planning
  • Geomorphology
  • Biogeography and Conservation


  • Economic and social geography
  • Regional politics and political geography
  • Regional studies and international tourism


  • Geoecology and nature management
  • Environmental safety and sustainable development of regions


  • Climatology and environmental monitoring
  • Land hydrology
  • Oceanology


  • Cartography and geoinformatics

In 2010, the competition for the specialty "Geography" will be based on the sum of the results of the Unified State Examination in mathematics, geography and the Russian language, as well as an additional written entrance test: an exam in geography. In the specialty "Ecology and Nature Management", "Hydrometeorology", "Geography and Cartography" and others, admission will be held only on the basis of the results of the Unified State Examination.

Moscow Pedagogical State University

Faculty of Geography

The Faculty of Geography of the Moscow State Pedagogical University trains specialists in the direction of "Geography" with additional specialties - biology and a foreign language (optional).

There are 5 departments in the structure of the faculty: physical geography and geoecology, geology and geochemistry of landscape, economic and social geography, methods of teaching geography, foreign languages ​​of the second specialty.

In 2010, the competition will be held on the basis of the results of the USE in three subjects:

For the specialty "Geography" with the additional specialty "Biology": Russian language, geography, biology

For the specialty "Geography" with the additional specialty "Foreign language": Russian language, geography, foreign language

Moscow State Regional University

Geographic-ecological faculty

The faculty has 3 departments (“General physical geography and nature conservation”, “Economic geography”, “Geology and geoecology”), which train bachelors, specialists and masters in the specialties “Geography” and “Geoecology”.

In 2010, the competition will be based on the sum of the USE results in the Russian language, geography and biology.

The USE results in geography and social studies are a specific combination that opens the doors of a small number of universities. We have reviewed the available curricula, so we offer you several areas of study that you can enroll in after grade 11 with geography and society.

The list of professions is very small, because in order to enter the Faculty of Geography, you need to pass specialized mathematics, to get an education in the field of economics or jurisprudence - history. In any case, we have in stock interesting faculties and tips that will definitely help the applicant make a decision!

Professions and job prospects

More than 50% of applicants pass social studies; in 2018, about 16,000 graduates of secondary educational institutions took the geography exam. By supplementing these results with a certificate in the Russian language, you will be able to enter domestic universities that train personnel for the field of education (direction code 44.04.01):

  • teachers with one or two training profiles,
  • tutors,
  • organizing teachers.

You can work in private and public schools, lyceums, preschool training centers. The segment is predominantly chosen by girls, the reason for this trend lies in low salaries, heavy workloads and the responsibility that teachers bear for the children. The salary of a teacher in Moscow is about 20-25 thousand rubles, in the regions - 15-18 thousand rubles.

Professional development entails a dynamic increase in wages. It is worth adding the fees received for tutoring to this. Teaching elementary school students, the subject teacher receives 500-600 rubles. When preparing graduates for the Unified State Examination or the OGE, he claims 1200-1300 rubles. for one lesson lasting 60-90 minutes.

Today, as evidenced by the results of the 2017-2018 admission campaigns, the popularity of pedagogical faculties can be assessed as average. Applicants, choosing this profile, can be sure that they will receive a profession that is reliable and respected by society.

Popular universities where you can enter after grade 11 with geography and society

Pedagogical Faculty of Moscow State Pedagogical University

If you don’t know where you can go with geography and society, then pay attention to the pedagogical faculty of Moscow State Pedagogical University, which provides 2 areas of training:

  • "Geography and Ecology",
  • "Geography and foreign language". The language is either English or Chinese.

The average passing score in the subject is 72, the overall score is 216. The faculties provide 35 state-funded places, the form of education is predominantly full-time. After receiving a diploma, you can find a job in a comprehensive school, as well as engage in the following work:

  • tutoring, which will be the main or additional source of income;
  • seasonal preparation of schoolchildren for the exam;
  • teaching geography or a foreign language using multimedia technologies, such as instant messengers or Skype.

At the Moscow State Pedagogical University, another training profile is available - this is "Geography", which is studied as part of teacher education. The direction will be of interest to students who want to receive education in absentia. The passing score is also 216, the forms of education are full-time or part-time, 15 budget places are open for the first.

Pedagogical Faculty of Moscow State Pedagogical University

Here, too, they train teachers at the faculty with two profiles - "Geography and a foreign language." The passing score is 212, and the number of budget places is 15. The form of education is only full-time, the term is 5 years. After graduating from high school, you will perform the following types of work:

  • training and education of students;
  • development of plans, schedules, activities;
  • interaction with parents and colleagues;
  • participation in competitions, regular professional development.

The teacher's work day does not end after the last bell rings in the school corridors. In addition, it is necessary to check notebooks, engage in extracurricular activities, hold meetings, take on some organizational issues. This job is suitable for active people with excellent communication skills.

What should I do if I do not like professions related to teaching?

When choosing where to go if you take the Society and Geography exams, you may be frustrated by the small list of suitable majors. This is a normal reaction, but the main thing is not to despair. Today, there are many opportunities for getting a good profession:

  • courses,
  • remote online learning,
  • obtaining a profession during practical work: assistant make-up artist, apprentice photographer and others.

Not knowing where you can do with geography and social studies after grade 11, do not give up, but actively search for a specialty that you will definitely like. Think about the area in which you would like to work, what you know how to do. Check with your parents. If it’s difficult to decide, then it’s worth going through career guidance, which with a 100% guarantee will help you figure out the ideal profession!
