Salad recipes with crab sticks. Cooking simple and delicious salads at home

To have a great time in the circle of dear people, you want not only to talk, but also to eat delicious food. An excellent fast food snack - a salad with crab sticks and corn, has helped caring chefs more than once. Its value lies in the simplicity of the ingredients and availability. It will not be difficult to buy the necessary set of products in the store, but by lunchtime there will be a delicious meal for the whole family.

An unchanging classic in the culinary arts

Those who had to try a salad with crab sticks and corn remembered for a long time the juicy and pleasant taste of an excellent dish. He is loved by young children, teenagers, youth and older people. It is prepared quite easily. The main thing is to follow the advice of experienced chefs and act. Consider the recipe for a classic salad with crab sticks and corn, which is suitable for a festive treat.

Required Ingredients:

  • crab sticks (250 g package);
  • eggs (3 or 4 pieces);
  • sweet canned corn;
  • mayonnaise;
  • spices (pepper);
  • green onion feathers;
  • salt to taste.

The preparation process consists of the following operations:

Never defrost crab sticks with boiling water. It is better to use water at room temperature or wait until they melt on their own.

The original zest of a simple dish

Many will agree that any art is associated with the manifestation of creativity. Cooking is no exception. Thanks to the many-sided imagination of people, many salad recipes with crab sticks and corn have been created. Some of them have become quite popular among the common population of the planet. Consider the most affordable options for a delicious snack in a hurry.

Subtle notes of hard cheese

Who will not agree that dairy products occupy a special place in human nutrition. This is especially true for hard cheese. Any dish with this component has a peculiar taste. If you add it to a salad with crab sticks and corn, you get a gourmet dish with a pleasant aroma. To create it, you need to take the following products:

  • crab sticks;
  • hard cheese;
  • mayonnaise 67% fat;
  • fresh greens;
  • spices;
  • salt.

Since the appetizer can be prepared in as little as 15 minutes, it's perfect for serving unexpected guests.

As you can see from the list of ingredients, preparing the salad is very simple:

To make the salad beautiful, it is advisable to chop the sticks in equal pieces.

In tandem with Chinese cabbage

Recently, the original Beijing cabbage has won the hearts of many Europeans. Its refined taste combined with seafood is truly magnificent. Therefore, if you put in a salad, corn and crab sticks, you get an interesting snack. By adding eggs (boiled), spices, salt and mayonnaise to it, you can “lick your fingers” after dinner. And the meal is prepared like this:

  1. Chicken eggs are poured with cold water, salted and boiled for 10 minutes. After that, they are cooled, cleaned, and then rubbed on a coarse grater.
  2. Cabbage is chopped into strips and mixed with eggs.
  3. Open a can of sweet corn and drain the juice.
  4. Crab sticks are cut into small circles (you can thin slices);
  5. The prepared products are put in a deep bowl and gently mixed, adding spices, salt and mayonnaise.

If someone does not eat mayonnaise, he can replace it with thick sour cream. The taste of the snack will turn out a little different, but this will not spoil it.

An amazing combination of sticks with vegetables

Many experienced chefs recommend trying the Greek version of the crab appetizer. To do this, take the following set of ingredients:

  • small white cabbage;
  • chilled crab sticks;
  • sweet corn (canned);
  • fresh cucumber;
  • bulb;
  • eggs (preferably homemade);
  • (several branches);
  • salt;
  • pepper (for lovers of spicy foods);
  • low fat mayonnaise.

The appetizer is prepared in just 15 minutes, including boiling eggs. When all the products are ready, they are put in a deep container. To make a beautiful salad, cabbage, cucumber, crab sticks, eggs and corn are gently mixed. It is important to ensure that the ingredients do not lose their shape.

To remove the bitterness from the onion, it is poured with boiling water for a few minutes.

Volume up with rice

To saturate a friendly company with excellent food, experienced housewives prepare crab salad with rice and corn. Thanks to this approach, its number increases, so that everyone is satisfied.
For the dish take:

  • several eggs;
  • corn (1 can);
  • packaging of crab sticks;
  • half a glass of rice cereal;
  • fresh cucumber;
  • low-fat mayonnaise (you can cook yourself);
  • pepper;
  • salt.

Step by step cooking steps:

To make rice groats crumbly, you should adhere to the standard proportion - 1: 3. And also it should not be stirred during cooking.

Crabs and seaweed - a delicious couple for gourmets

Seafood lovers will not refuse to enjoy an unusual dish. If you put crab sticks, corn, seaweed, eggs, spices and mayonnaise in a salad, you can be pleasantly surprised.

The ingredients are chopped into small cubes, put in a deep container. Add spices, salt and mayonnaise. Mix carefully. After 5 minutes, the salad is served to the table. Will guests refuse such a healthy salad? Try it and see.

A real lifesaver for any housewife will be salads with crab sticks! They are easy to make and the result is amazing flavor. Such salads can be prepared quite quickly before the arrival of guests or for dinner.

Crab sticks are a healthy and tasty product that goes well in salads with many other ingredients. This gives a lot of room for improvisation and gives the housewives the opportunity to surprise their loved ones with new varieties of salads with crab flavor.

How to choose a good crab semi-finished product

  • What should be the composition?

To choose a quality product, you need to carefully study its composition. The main ingredient in a good semi-finished product must be surimi (minced fish), which is made from chopped white fish fillets. Surimi is very rich in calcium, iodine, phosphorus and other essential vitamins and minerals. If this ingredient comes first in the composition, this means that its percentage is maximum in the finished product. If surimi is the next ingredient and further down the list, then most likely there is not much of it in crab sticks.

Often crab sticks are produced without the slightest content of surimi in the composition. It is usually replaced with starch, soy or egg whites, and various chemicals are added to enhance the taste. It is better not to purchase such a product, it has low taste and is not natural.

  • External signs of a good product

Often a lot about the final quality of the product says the appearance of crab sticks. The shape and size of crab sticks in the package must be the same. Crab products are usually tinted on one side, the shade varies from light pink to reddish pink. Too bright scarlet pigment signals the use of an excess of synthetic dyes. You can also distinguish fresh crab sticks by texture - they should be juicy, but if the product crumbles or breaks, most likely it was frozen.

  • What does the packaging say?

The fact that crab sticks have been frozen more than once can give away their packaging. Usually it is covered with a layer of hoarfrost, some ice crystals are present. Crab semi-finished products are packed strictly hermetically, the packaging must contain reliable information about the composition, expiration date and production date. It should be remembered that one cannot take risks when choosing fish semi-finished products, it is safer to purchase products from trusted manufacturers.

  • Starch content test

Surimi is a rather resilient, elastic mass and is easily deformable. The way a crab stick behaves when you try to bend it can reveal the true information about its composition. If it breaks, it indicates a high starch content. And if only small cracks appeared on the spot, this means that the composition of the product is natural.

To check the crab semi-finished product for the presence of excess starch, you can try to unfold one stick. This can only be done with high-quality crab sticks, their layers will be well separated from each other. But if the stick has become sticky, and its layers have turned into a sticky mass, then the product is of poor quality and it is better to refuse to buy it.

Crab stick salad with fresh cucumbers - step by step recipe

In order for food to please loved ones, you need to cook proven and delicious dishes. For example, something like this! An amazing salad with ordinary crab sticks will appeal to everyone, by all means! A very successful combination of components will look advantageous both on a festive table and at a simple evening dinner! Delicate, hearty salad with crab sticks will be the perfect treat! A delicious dish will be immediately appreciated.

Required Components:

  • - 150 grams of fresh cucumbers,
  • - a package (200 grams) of crab sticks,
  • - 2 large eggs
  • - 100 grams of potatoes,
  • - 200 grams of canned corn,
  • - 50 grams of green onions,
  • - 130 grams of olive mayonnaise,
  • - to taste food salt.

Step by step cooking sequence:

1. For a salad, you will need a capacious dish, because the products will need to be mixed. First, wash the cucumbers, cut them into small squares.

2. Take crab sticks, cut them finely. If crab meat is used instead of sticks, then it's okay, it is quite suitable.

3. Chop green onions. From the onion, the salad will get a little piquancy and aroma.

4. Before cooking, boil eggs and potatoes, let them cool. Cut these ingredients into small cubes.

5. Open a jar of corn, drain the liquid into the sink. Place corn kernels in a bowl.

6. Pour a little salt and pour in mayonnaise. Mix all ingredients well with a spoon.

7. Arrange salad with crab sticks on plates. Bon appetit!

Original crab stick salad recipes

We offer you a few more recipes that can diversify both the festive and everyday menus.

Classic salad of corn and crab sticks

This recipe is a classic and loved by many housewives. For cooking you will need:

  • 200 g crab semi-finished product,
  • 1 can of corn (canned)
  • half a cup of rice
  • 3 eggs and 1 medium onion.

First, boil the rice and eggs, chop the onion, drain the juice from the jar of corn. Crumble eggs and crab sticks, mix them with corn, rice and chopped onions in a salad bowl. Add mayonnaise to the finished salad, salt and pepper if desired.

You can harmoniously supplement this recipe with the addition of canned squid. Frozen ones are also good, they just need to be boiled. It will turn out a very interesting seafood salad. And also instead of corn, you can add a package of seaweed to the salad.

Simple crab salad with tomatoes and cheese

An interesting and bright taste of this salad is given by the combination of crab sticks and hard cheese. The ease of preparation is due to the fact that for this salad you do not need to cook anything, it does not take much time.


  • 100 g of hard cheese,
  • 2 tomatoes
  • 1 medium onion
  • and about 250 g of crab sticks.

All the ingredients for the salad must be cut very finely, as a sauce - mayonnaise. If you like canned corn, then you can also add it to this salad. To serve, decorate the finished salad with herbs and lemon slices. Bon appetit!

Salad of crab sticks, pineapple and chicken

For cooking you will need:

  • 300 g chicken fillet,
  • 1 can (about 400 g) pineapple compote, sliced
  • 250 g crab sticks,
  • 150 g hard cheese,
  • 3 chicken eggs,
  • a small bag of crackers with the taste of cheese and a couple of cloves of garlic.

First you need to cook chicken eggs and fillets. Drain the canned pineapple syrup, cut the chicken into cubes, crumble the eggs and crab sticks. Cheese grate on a fine grater. Squeeze the garlic with a garlic press or chop very finely. Collect all the ingredients in a salad bowl and add a couple of tablespoons of mayonnaise.

Crackers are added to the finished salad just before serving to keep them crunchy. You can also make croutons for this salad yourself. You just need to cut into cubes pieces of a white loaf and dry them in the oven over low heat.

Diet salad of cabbage and crab sticks

This salad has good dietary properties, but at the same time it is very satisfying! Suitable for everyone who watches their figure, but at the same time I want to eat varied and tasty. To prepare this salad, you need to chop about 400 g of white cabbage and lightly crush it with a little salt.

Then coarsely chop 250 g of crab sticks, add them to the cabbage. Next, put 250 g of canned corn and chopped green onion feathers. To preserve the dietary properties, it is better to season the finished salad with natural Greek yogurt or low-fat kefir. And to make the taste of this salad more vivid, add a little red pepper.

Mushroom salad with crab sticks

Crab sticks go well with mushroom salads, creating amazing flavor nuances. Mushrooms are also a versatile ingredient, their taste perfectly supports other products, while shading them favorably.

For such a salad, you need to boil 4 large champignons and cut them into thin plates. Tear Chinese lettuce leaves into a salad bowl. Next, cut 5-6 cherry tomatoes in half, chop a handful of olives into circles and put them on lettuce leaves along with chopped mushrooms.

Crumble 50 g crab sticks into strips for sprinkling. To make the sauce, add a crushed garlic clove with black pepper to 3 tbsp. l. olive oil. Dress the prepared salad with dressing and serve.

Salad with crab sticks and shrimps

Another great variation of the seafood-themed diet salad, which is sure to please fans of Asian cuisine.

Cut into small pieces about 100 g of crab sticks, boil and peel the same amount of shrimp. For decoration, leave one shrimp, the rest also cut into pieces. Chop the bell pepper into a medium cube, cut the head of the red onion into half rings. Combine the crushed ingredients, add 100 g of funcheza Chinese glass noodles to them. Drizzle salad with a little olive oil and lime juice. Garnish with shrimp, lime wedges and chopped parsley before serving.

Crab stick salads are a versatile dish that will suit every table. These salads can be a great choice for a holiday menu, and simpler options can be added to your daily diet. They also comply with the principles of proper nutrition and can complement the diet well. These recipes will add variety to the culinary arsenal of any housewife and will delight you with their interesting taste and ease of preparation.

What is your favorite salad with crab sticks? Share your recipes in the comments!

If you want to cook a delicious and hearty salad for a holiday or a regular family dinner, then crab salad can be a great option. Salad with crab sticks and corn can be prepared in different versions, but each of them will definitely find its fans, as it is prepared quickly and easily, and its ingredients are very inexpensive.

Such a salad is probably one of the simplest that you can think of in a hurry if guests suddenly appeared or you just wanted something tasty, and there were crab sticks in the refrigerator.

Salad of crab sticks, eggs, and corn

This salad is the simplest and easiest option, it cooks for fifteen minutes, and at the same time, boiling eggs will take you the main cooking time.

For the salad you need:

  • mayonnaise or sour cream to taste.


Eggs for salad boil in advance and cool well. Then peel them from the shell and cut into small cubes.

For a salad to be beautiful, all of its ingredients should be about the same size, so when slicing eggs, imagine the size of a corn kernel and make the size of the cubes as close as possible.

Cut each corn stick lengthwise and then chop into small cubes.

Mix all ingredients and add mayonnaise. If desired, the salad can be dressed with sour cream or a mixture of sour cream and mayonnaise in a 1: 1 ratio. This will make the salad easier for those who want to keep their figure or give it a new unusual taste.

Salad can be salted to your taste, corn and crab sticks will give it a slightly sweet taste.

In addition to the classic serving option, you can make the salad puff, laying out the ingredients in layers, and spreading each layer with sauce.

Greenery is perfect for decoration. Crab salad with corn goes well with meat dishes, so it can also be used as a side dish.

Salad with crab sticks and cucumber

This is almost the same salad with crab sticks and corn from the first recipe, it differs only in that fresh cucumber is added to the usual ingredients.

For the salad you need:

  • pack of crab sticks (chilled) - 200 gr.
  • canned corn - 1 can,
  • hard-boiled eggs - 4-5 pieces,
  • fresh cucumber - 1 large or 2-3 small ones,
  • mayonnaise or sour cream to taste.

To prepare this salad, you will also need to boil eggs, dice crab sticks and open a can of canned corn.

To this still cut fresh cucumbers. Please note that if these are small young cucumbers, then you can cut them as is, and it is better to peel large old cucumbers from the skin, as it may be too tough or bitter.

Mix all ingredients in a bowl or saucepan and add sauce to taste. It can be mayonnaise, sour cream or a mixture of them in equal proportions.

Such a salad, due to the addition of cucumbers, becomes lighter in taste and acquires a pleasant crunch. You can add greenery to it to taste or simply decorate it with it for a more festive look.

Salad with crab sticks and corn with rice

Another version of the most popular salad, which is distinguished by the reappearance of another ingredient - boiled white rice.

For the salad you need:

  • pack of crab sticks (chilled) - 200 gr.
  • canned corn - 1 can,
  • hard-boiled eggs - 4-5 pieces,
  • boiled white rice - 150-200 gr.
  • fresh cucumber - 1 large or 2-3 small (optional),
  • mayonnaise or sour cream to taste.

To prepare such a salad, you will have to spend a little more time, as you will need to cook white rice. Rice for salad should turn out crumbly and not stick together, as for porridge, so I recommend taking long-grain varieties, as well as steamed rice. It is easy to cook and does not stick together, which will make the salad pleasant and crumbly.

Boil eggs and rice in advance and cool them well. Cut the eggs and crab sticks into cubes. Open a can of corn. Cucumbers can be used as desired, this recipe is available both with and without cucumber. Both remain delicious at the same time, decide depending on your mood and the set of products in the refrigerator.

For dressing, mayonnaise or sour cream is suitable. To give a more interesting taste, you can add greens directly to the salad. Any to your taste: green onions, parsley or fresh dill.

This salad with corn and crab meat (sticks) has already become traditional on our table. Prepare quickly and easily. Fresh cucumber gives a summer flavor. The bright sunny color of corn, the juicy green color of the cucumber and the pink tint of the crab sticks - all this delicious variety is sure to whet the appetite. If you want to increase the volume of the salad, add boiled rice.


Crab sticks (meat)- 1 pack (100 grams)

Canned corn- 1 small jar (200 -300 grams)

fresh cucumber- 1 piece (100-150 grams)

Onion- 1 piece (65-80 grams)

chicken eggs- 3-4 pieces

Mayonnaise- taste

How to make a salad of corn and crab sticks

1. Wash cucumbers and cut into strips or cubes. Try to cut all the ingredients in the same way (cubes or straws), then the salad will look neater.

. Crab meat (sticks) defrost and cut. Add to cucumbers.

. Add corn to salad.

4 . Onion cut into small strips (cubes). Add to a salad of corn and crab sticks.

. Boil eggs and chop. Add to salad.

. Dress the salad of corn, crab meat and fresh cucumber with mayonnaise.

Delicious salad of corn and crab sticks is ready

Bon appetit!

Crab sticks (crab meat)

Such a product as crab sticks, sadly, has nothing to do with crab meat. Since, as they say, not a single crab was harmed in the production of crab sticks. This delicious product is made from many ingredients, for example, with the addition of soy or minced fish, with the addition of flavoring emulsifiers and food colors, there is also starch in the composition. The product crab sticks is not harmful to health, of course, there is a benefit in it, since it contains a certain amount of protein - 6 grams per 100 grams of the product. Before you buy the cheapest or most expensive crab sticks, read the ingredients so that you don't have an allergy to any additive.

Crab sticks are low-calorie, 75 kilocalories per 100 grams of product, 10 grams of carbohydrates and 1 gram of fat. Vitamins, minerals and useful substances in crab sticks are practically absent, since they contain a large number of artificial additives. Minced fish, if it is of high quality, which crab sticks consist of (30%), is useful, all the rest of the components are simply harmless.

Crab meat (not a variety of crab sticks) is a rare, tasty and incredibly healthy product. If you decide to cook a salad or another crab dish, you will saturate the body with such substances and vitamins as calcium and selenium, phosphorus, B vitamins, and the meat contains absolutely all the vitamins of this group in large quantities. The product also contains zinc and magnesium, potassium, vitamins A and PP. The advantage of crab meat is that it is very easy to digest, and minerals and vitamins are sent by the body to their intended purpose, without debugging in the form of extra pounds.

The calorie content of crab meat is not high, it is suitable for people on a diet, crab meat is also extremely useful for children, and for athletes who build muscle mass, crabs are a product of almost essential necessity. Per 100 grams of product - 75 kilocalories, Proteins / Fats / Carbohydrates - 10/5/9. Regular use of the product improves brain activity, improves the functioning of the heart and blood vessels, strengthens and normalizes the functioning of the nervous system, ideal for people suffering from intestinal and digestive tract problems.

You can eat marinated crab meat, as well as freeze it, boil it and add it to salads.


Corn, whether cooked or even canned, is a very useful product. The composition includes vitamins and trace elements that help strengthen the work of the heart muscle, improve blood circulation, and prevent the appearance of blood clots. Also, corn, despite its sugar content, is suitable for people with diabetes, as it normalizes sugar levels. Corn is a natural cosmetic remedy for skin aging. By consuming the grains of this product, you can notice how the skin becomes more elastic and youthful.

Although the calorie content of corn is high - about 350 kilocalories per 100 grams of the product, it is worth noting that the calculation is based on the weight of the grains, that is, the head, of course, is not taken into account. The amount of Proteins / Fats / Carbohydrates is 4 / 1.4 / 22. The grains contain many trace elements, such as calcium and zinc, potassium and iron, iodine and magnesium, phosphorus and sodium. The product also contains vitamin A - it improves eyesight, vitamins H and E. The main thing you should know about corn is that during any heat treatment, its grains do not lose vitamins and nutrients, even canned corn contains more trace elements than any other grain. You should know that in order to avoid flatulence, which can occasionally cause a large amount of corn, it should be steamed in a double boiler, so the grains become soft and do not negatively affect bowel function.

One of the most favorite treats at the festive and everyday table - crab salad with corn. Most often, canned corn and store-bought crab sticks are used for its preparation, but it is better to purchase real crab meat, it has a more pronounced taste and is more beneficial for the body. To give the salad juiciness and a distinct taste, you can also add fresh cucumber or herbs. But the standard recipe is eggs, crab sticks and corn, mayonnaise and onion. And in order to have more salad - for a large family, well, or to save money, it is customary to add boiled rice to the dish, which is ideally combined with the products that make up the salad, digested quickly, without oversaturating the stomach.

Recipes for making original, everyday and festive salads from crab sticks with corn with step by step photos

2017-12-29 Marina Danko





In 100 grams of the finished dish

6 gr.

11 gr.


12 gr.

181 kcal.

Option 1: Crab Salad with Corn - step by step recipe with photo

Salads, which have taken root in every family a long time ago, are a pity to exclude from the list of "holiday" dishes. Today we propose to put on the agenda a painfully familiar salad - crab.

The real Louis crab salad at one time did not even contain crab sticks, crab meat was used in the recipe. But in the 90s, when there was no crab meat on store shelves, affordable sticks went to the people, of course, they didn’t smell like meat, but the taste was approximately the same and the salad became loved by everyone.

Further, the hostesses began to conduct experiments, for greater satiety and quantity, add rice to the composition. Now it’s not the 90s anymore, crab meat can be bought at specialized points, but today we will prefer the “folk” cooking option, the only thing is to lay out the salad in layers.

If desired, the salad can be arranged in portioned glasses. So let's get started!


  • crab sticks - 80 g;
  • boiled rice - 5 tablespoons;
  • sweet corn - 4-5 tablespoons;
  • fresh cucumbers - 2 pcs.;
  • green onions - 25 g;
  • chicken eggs - 2 pcs.;
  • mayonnaise 67% - 2-3 tablespoons;
  • salt, pepper - to taste;
  • parsley - for decoration.

Cooking process

Boil rice in advance, cool slightly. Use rice long, if desired, you can take round. Put the rice in a bowl.

Add a third of the mayonnaise to the rice immediately. Wash and dry green onion feathers, chop, add onion to rice. Salt a little rice, mix.

Take a plate for forming a salad, compact the rice with onions with the first layer.

Choose sweet, salad cucumbers, wash them and dry them. Trim the tails on both sides, cut the cucumbers into small cubes. Spread the cucumbers on top of the rice, tamp down a little.

The next layer is sweet corn kernels. Salt a little, layer with a small amount of mayonnaise.

Peel hard-boiled eggs, grate with large chips. Spread the egg chips on top of the corn. Salt a little.

Freeze the sticks slightly, grate with large holes, lay the final layer. Decorate with herbs, serve.

Bon appetit!

Option 2: Easy and Quick Crab Corn Salad Recipe

Cheese, a component for the classic recipe is optional, and in quick versions it acts as a filler, replacing rice that requires cooking.


  • corn in salty syrup - 340 gr.;
  • cheese, "Russian" - 200 grams;
  • four boiled eggs;
  • 150 gr. any mayonnaise;
  • small bulb;
  • crab semi-finished products - 240 gr.

How to quickly cook crab salad with corn

Cut the crab sticks lengthwise into four parts. We shorten the strips, cutting diagonally, divide each into three or four parts.

After cleaning the shell, cut the eggs into small, but not small slices.

Drain the brine from the canned corn.

Put all prepared ingredients in a bowl. Add, rubbing through the large cells of the grater, cheese and finely chopped onion.

After dressing the salad mass with mayonnaise, we shift it into a salad bowl.

Option 3: Festive Crab Corn Salad

This hearty salad is more complicated than the others, even the main recipe cannot be compared with it. The original design and presentation make it possible to attribute this appetizer to the category of special festive treats.


  • four raw eggs and three hard-boiled;
  • a tablespoon of flour and the same amount of potato starch;
  • half a spoonful of ready-made purchased ripper;
  • 100 grams of thin crab sticks;
  • three fleshy fresh tomatoes;
  • 200 grams of canned sweet corn;
  • a spoonful of chopped parsley;
  • cheese, any kind - 100 gr.;
  • pomegranate seeds - about one and a half tablespoons;
  • onion feathers - 8 pcs.;
  • vegetable oil;
  • 30 grams of sour cream.

How to cook

Break four eggs into a bowl. Add starch, flour, beat thoroughly. Having added the ripper, and slightly adding salt, beat the mixture again. Stir the parsley into the dough.

Grate the cheese into a separate plate on a fine grater. Adding sour cream, mix thoroughly. Mayonnaise will successfully replace sour cream if you add a little chopped garlic to the mixture.

Put the skillet on medium heat. Lubricate the bottom with oil, warm up well. Pour the prepared dough into the pan in small portions, fry the pancakes on both sides. Having removed it on a plate, immediately grease it with cheese mass and roll it up.

Crab sticks and tomatoes cut into medium-sized cubes. Finely chop the onion feathers and eggs. We combine everything in a bowl, add the corn dried from the marinade. After adding a little salt, season the crab salad with warm mayonnaise.

We cut the tubes of pancakes with cheese filling into pieces, one centimeter wide.

Line the bottom of a deep bowl with cling film. We lay out pieces of pancakes along the walls and bottom, fill the bowl with salad. Leveling the surface, lightly tamp and place in the refrigerator.

After keeping the salad in the cold for about an hour and a half, we get it. Invert the bowl onto a flat dish and lift gently. We decorate the salad with pomegranate seeds, placing one in the center of each mug of pancakes. Sprinkle the surface with finely chopped green onions.

Option 4: Spicy Corn Apple Crab Salad Without Onions

Substituting the onion for a less prosaic apple, we get a salad that is more inspired by the original recipe. Everything is unusual, and an apple, and sour cream dressing, and even a lemon.


  • rice (groats) - half a glass;
  • a jar of large, sweet corn;
  • four eggs, pre-cooked;
  • 200-gram pack of chilled crab sticks;
  • large, slightly sour apple;
  • three tablespoons of oil;
  • seven tablespoons of 20 percent sour cream;
  • small lemon;
  • a teaspoon of spicy mustard.

Step by step recipe

Boil the washed rice until tender. Throw it in a colander, rinse again. If the cooked rice is not washed, the grains will stick together, which will affect the taste and appearance of the salad.

Scald the lemon with boiling water. After cutting, squeeze out a tablespoon of juice and filter it through a strainer. Mix lemon juice with vegetable oil. After adding a little ground pepper and adding salt to taste, stir in the mustard and combine with sour cream.

We cut the sticks lengthwise, then cut them obliquely, into strips one and a half centimeters long.

Cut the peeled and seeded apple into cubes, the eggs into small slices.

Combine all ingredients in a large bowl. After salting, mix thoroughly, after which we gradually introduce mustard dressing. Transfer the salad to a serving dish and serve.

Option 5: Delicious Crab Salad with Corn, Eggs and Korean Carrots

Carrots marinated in the style of Korean cuisine, and itself is already a ready-made salad. And adding it to the traditional salad of crab rolls, we get a rather unusual, but very appetizing snack dish.


  • Korean pickled carrots - 150 gr.;
  • 120 gr. canned corn;
  • boiled eggs - four, selected;
  • two tablespoons of medium-fat mayonnaise;
  • 100 gr. frozen rolls;
  • garlic.

How to cook

Hard boil the eggs ahead of time. If you purchased frozen sticks, thaw at room temperature. If you decide to speed up the thawing in water, do not put sticks in it without sealed packaging and do not use warm water. After defrosting in hot water, the surface of the semi-finished products becomes slimy, which can lead to a change in taste and accelerate the spoilage of the finished salad.

Remove the packaging from the crab sticks, cut into large cubes. We cut the eggs into proportional slices and pour them into a bowl together with crab meat.

Lightly squeeze the Korean carrot. Having shortened the straw, spread it to the eggs and sticks. Add corn, squeeze a spoonful of garlic through the press, mix.

Dressing the salad with mayonnaise, transfer to a salad bowl. It is good to add fresh dill to it, it will give a little freshness and its own aroma.

Option 6: New Year's crab salad with corn without eggs (with sour cream)

It is almost impossible to imagine such a snack without eggs, but we tried it and ... it worked! And it turned out, I must say, very well, in the style of New Year's salads, except that you have to use greenhouse tomatoes.


  • half a large apple;
  • two small fresh tomatoes;
  • canned corn - 5 tbsp. l.;
  • incomplete glass of boiled rice;
  • 250 gr. crab sticks;
  • half a glass of sour cream or mayonnaise;
  • a large bunch of dill;
  • 70 grams of cheese;
  • pomegranate seeds - 1 tbsp. l.

Step by step recipe

Rice should be boiled in advance so that it has time to cool. Don't forget to rinse the cooked rice and put it in a colander to dry it.

Crab sticks cut into small cubes, tomatoes - proportional slices. If the tomatoes are caught with a lot of seeds, scoop them out with a spoon after cutting the tomatoes in half.

In medium-sized cubes, slightly larger than crab, we cut a half of an apple peeled and seeds. Finely chop the dill.

Pour crab sticks, most of the tomato and pieces of apples into a bowl. After adding corn and rice, mix thoroughly with sour cream.

We form a salad. It can be laid out in the form of a wreath or Christmas tree. To put a wreath in the center of the dish, you should put a glass of a suitable diameter and spread out, compacting with your hands, the salad. Then carefully remove the container and generously sprinkle the surface with dill. In the form of candles, we set whole crab sticks on the salad, imitate the flame with slices of tomatoes. Between the "candles" we scatter grains of corn and pomegranate.

In the same way, putting the salad on a dish, they form a Christmas tree with their hands and decorate the surface with chopped dill. For the top, an asterisk is cut out of the pulp of a tomato, patterns in the form of tinsel are applied with mayonnaise or sour cream. Grains of pomegranate and corn are laid out, imitating toys.

Option 7: "Corn" - original crab salad with corn

The following recipe is not very different in composition, but the design is thought out carefully. Products and their method of preparation are also selected taking into account the shape of the finished treat.


  • four boiled eggs and two carrots;
  • boiled potatoes in uniforms - 4 medium tubers;
  • large fresh cucumber;
  • 150 gr. corn in light brine;
  • mayonnaise;
  • 200 grams of high-quality, not wet crab sticks;
  • onion feathers for salad dressing.

How to cook

All foods that need to be boiled should be prepared in advance so that they have time to cool to room temperature.

We clean the boiled potatoes, rub through a coarse grater directly into a serving dish. Slightly tamping, with hands or a fork we form two thin layers in the form of corn cobs. Lightly add, generously grease with mayonnaise.

On top of the potatoes, finely three boiled carrots, lightly coat with mayonnaise.

We cover the carrot layer, crab sticks, crushed with large chips, again apply mayonnaise with a thin layer.

With a coarse grater, rub the cucumber on a flat plate. We express the juice and lay out the fourth layer of lettuce.

Lastly, we rub the eggs on the cucumbers and grease the surface of the salad well with mayonnaise.

We decorate the treat with slightly dried corn, carefully laying out the grains. Cutting the onion feathers along, we imitate greens.

Option 8: "Mexico City" - crab salad with corn and beef liver

They say that menacing machos live in Latin America, fit and cheerful. Perhaps this is just a legend, but it's definitely not a reason to refuse a Mexican-style snack.


  • steam veal liver - 300 gr.;
  • two carrots;
  • large onion;
  • 300 grams of canned corn;
  • mayonnaise - 150 gr.;
  • 240 gr. crabmeat or sticks.

Step by step recipe

We wash the liver, cut off all the excess, remove the film. Dipped in cold water, boil until tender. In order for the liver to boil well, it is enough to cook for 40 minutes after boiling at a low boil. After cooling, cut into thin strips, up to four centimeters long.

In parallel with the liver, boil the carrots. After cooling, peel and cut, shaped like a liver, but a little thinner.

Thinly, with beautiful half rings, chop the onion.

Crab sticks, like the liver, cut into strips. The cut will look neater if you hold the knife at a slight angle.

We combine all the products in one bowl, mix with mayonnaise and transfer to a salad bowl.

Option 9: Crab Salad with Corn and Rice

Can a traditional celebration be complete without a luxurious table, and he, in turn, without salads? In a couple of years, new recipes become so familiar that it seems that a feast has never been held without them. Crab meat salads with canned corn are so diverse that it’s hard to even think of a name for them, it’s easier to name them according to the main products. Let's start with the most familiar treat.


  • round-grain rice (groats) - 80 gr.;
  • 200-gram package of chilled crab semi-finished products;
  • small bulb;
  • two eggs;
  • four tablespoons of Provencal mayonnaise;
  • jar of canned corn.

Step by step recipe for crab salad with corn

After sorting, fill the rice with cool water. Add a little salt, put the pan on the stove and bring, stirring occasionally, until boiling. Next, cook until tender with a slight boil. After washing the finished rice with cold water, we recline it on a sieve.

We boil the eggs. To prevent the yolk from spreading, eggs should be boiled for 10 minutes. After cooling with cold water, we clean the shells from the eggs and wash them just in case - small fragments of the shell can stick to the protein, they must be removed.

We cut the crab meat with a thin knife in the form of small cubes, chop the eggs into small slices. We spread the chopped components in a salad bowl.

Having drained the entire marinade from a jar of corn, pour the grains to the previously laid out components.

After cleaning the onion, finely chop. Pour the slices into a salad bowl, and spread the soda and well-dried rice.

Slightly salted, begin to mix. In the process, gradually add a little whipped mayonnaise with a fork.
