Signs to pluck indoor flowers. Folk omens about flowers

Home flowers are not only pleasing to the eye, but also protect from negative energies. With the help of properly selected plants, you can get rid of quarrels, bring happiness and prosperity to the house, and solve health problems. Signs: flowers for home well-being - what flowers can attract happiness and joy to our home? Let's consider the issue in detail.

The widespread opinion about the death of flowers in a house filled with negative energy is far from the truth. Plants are able to process negative energies and even feed on them - they extinguish quarrels and conflicts.

The death of one plant in the house suggests that it has taken on a strong hostess negative. But this does not mean that the whole house is filled with negative energy. The withered flower must be thanked for the help and buried. However if all the flowers in the house die- one by one - you should seriously think about damage to the house. If the question does not concern poor flower care.

With the help of plants, you can determine trouble zones in the apartment. If a previously healthy flower begins to fade when moved to another place, then there is a zone of negative energy. Also An unfavorable sign is the unexpected flowering of a plant out of season.

Never accept a flower in a pot as a gift - it is believed that all the failures of the giver will pass to you. If it is impossible to refuse a gift, give the giver a nominal fee - a ruble or a penny. Thus, you pay off the trouble.

happy flowers

Some varieties of flowers bring happiness and prosperity to the house, others help to eliminate or extinguish conflicts, others harmonize marital relations. What flowers you need in the first place, decide for yourself.

Money well-being and wealth

Attracts the energy of abundance fat woman or crassula. If the fat woman is properly cared for, she attracts the energy of abundance. Transplant the plant into a green or red pot and you will soon notice a change in your budget. In some cases, it is recommended to put a few coins on the bottom of the pot.

If you need career growth, you can not do without bamboo. This plant has a powerful energy of growth and development. To bamboo helped in career growth, it should be placed in the office or near the desktop, but not in the bedroom.

ficus, a type of fig, attracts the energy of abundance and joy. This plant is considered the patron of the family hearth and protection of the home.

happiness in love

Plant spathiphyllum attracts female happiness. This flower must certainly be in the house so that there is prosperity and well-being.

Anthurium considered a flower of male happiness - enhances the fire of passion and emotional attraction between lovers. The flower is considered an indicator of the fidelity of a loved one.

Roses help in marital relations and protect marriage from adultery. Place white roses in the bedroom, and you will not worry about your spouse's infidelity.

modest oxalis with delicate flowers in the form of stars attracts happiness in marriage. If you are tired of being alone, put acid in the bedroom. Also, sour helps to harmonize relationships in an already established couple.

Bright hibiscus attracts passionate love. This exotic plant is placed in the bedroom. Hibiscus helps build relationships for both young spouses and the elderly.

Flowers for peace and harmony in the home

gentle violets help in conflict situations - they extinguish the energy of a quarrel, preventing it from turning into a scandal. Violets are also considered the flowers of love and tenderness.

Geranium has a calming effect on the atmosphere in the house. The flower helps fight depression, despondency and loneliness.

Dracaena brings the energy of success and happiness into the house. All citrus plants have the same property.

Fern well absorbs negative electromagnetic radiation, not inferior to cacti in this. Therefore, ferns are recommended to be placed next to the computer and TV.

Agave (aloe) takes care of the harmonious atmosphere in the house. If you are tired of the visits of guests and want to feel peace in the house, put the plant near the hallway - the visits will stop.

unlucky flowers

To avoid adversity, you need to know which plants are undesirable to have in the house. Unlucky colors include:

  • varieties of ivy;
  • cacti and their varieties;
  • callas, monstera and orchid.

Ivy you can’t have single women - he drives away men. Interestingly, in the house of an accomplished couple, ivy cannot do any harm. Ivy cannot be placed in the bedroom - this plant absorbs energy. However, the property of ivy to absorb energy can be used for good purposes - the expulsion of intrusive visitors.

cacti also absorb energy, so they are advised to be placed near computers and appliances. However, the cactus tends to worsen marital relations - keep in mind.

callas- flowers of mourning and funeral. Do not grow them in your home.

Monstera actively absorbs oxygen, worsening the atmosphere in the house. Putting a monster in the bedroom is extremely dangerous - you will not get enough sleep, a headache is guaranteed.

Orchid takes away the vitality of a person, so it is dangerous to keep a flower in the house. Orchids are especially dangerous in the bedroom, as they are considered vampire flowers.

There is conflicting opinion about wax ivy. This is a nocturnal plant - flowers bloom at night and begin to exude a sweet aroma. The plant patronizes lovers, but too overgrown ivy destroys marital relations. sometimes overgrown wax ivy can expel the spouse from the bedroom.

dangerous plants

These flowers and plants are dangerous for their poisonous properties, so they should not be kept in the house:

  • Dieffenbachia.
  • Oleander.
  • Croton.
  • Sims.
  • Mimosa Bashful.
  • Ivy is evergreen.
  • Adenium.
  • Philodendron.
  • Primrose.
  • Steller's Dwarf.
  • Nightshade.
  • Tulip Gesner.
  • Trichocerus.

Home plants can carry not only beauty, but also danger. Therefore, to bring prosperity to the house, the first step is to get rid of harmful flowers.

After reading this article, you can find out which indoor plants bring misfortune to the house. The superstitions associated with them were formed over a long period of time under the influence of real cases that happened to some people, and were passed down from generation to generation.

Despite the fact that most biologists are sarcastic about such beliefs, whether or not to believe in their validity, you must decide for yourself, because even psychologists say that when choosing plants for a house, you should not be guided by superstitions, but trust your own feelings.

Don't forget that there are bad things that bring bad luck to the home for good reason - many of them are poisonous, and some cause severe allergic reactions.

Basic data

The main superstitions associated with indoor plants are based on their death. So, for example, if a plant dies, it is believed that it averted misfortune from the owner, and the opinion that stolen flowers take root better killed many beautiful plants from which cuttings were separated without the consent of the owners.

Signs that there are bringing misfortune to the house were formed only in relation to the most popular house plants. As for species that have recently appeared in flower shops, such as orchids, they simply have not yet managed to earn a negative attitude towards themselves. At the same time, it is likely that in a few decades they will “acquire” their own signs.

Below are the most famous indoor plants that bring misfortune, the signs of which are often extremely controversial.


In the Middle Ages in Greece and Rome, ivy was not only a symbol of devotion, but also acted as one of the most common talismans for young girls. It was believed that it symbolizes not only the possibility of a successful marriage, but also allows the owner to maintain youth and attractiveness for a long time. To do this, it was enough just to wear a sprig of ivy on his chest.

As for the present time, in the East they believe that it increases the vital energy of the owner, prolonging his life. At the same time, in the post-Soviet territories, there is an opinion that ordinary ivy, massively distributed in the southern regions, attracts misfortune to the house. In addition, it is not recommended to put it in the house of the newlyweds, as it can also cause quarrels, as a result of which men leave their families.


Even in pre-war times, ficus was considered one of the most pronounced symbols of well-being. It was believed that he attracts wealth to the family. That is why this plant sought to get even the poorest segments of the population. However, after the war, attitudes towards him changed dramatically. The opinion began to spread actively among the people that in those families where men survived and returned from the war, there were no ficuses.

Since people called it the "widow plant", within a fairly short time, notoriety was firmly entrenched in it, and most of the chic specimens of these plants were ruthlessly destroyed.


Monstera is a fast growing vine with carved leaves. In China, it is customary to give it to respected elderly people, as it is believed that it can influence the increase in the number of days allotted for a person to live. Because of this sign, it is considered a wonderful gift for almost any occasion. However, our people's superstitions about keeping monstera in the house are radically different from Chinese ones. There is an opinion that this is one of the most dangerous vampire plants that absorb human energy, which makes people lethargic and lethargic. In addition, it is not recommended to start it in families where there are people with a sick heart or lung problems, since at night it can “suffocate” a person.

But the monstera can be placed in a public place where a lot of negative energy accumulates, for example, in court. There, she will not only please you with her appearance, but will also consume excess negative energy.


The opinion about the “mystical” fern plant, whose flower has long been sought on the night of Ivan Kupala, is quite contradictory. So, in some parts it is believed that by bringing a fern into the house, you will bring trouble with it, and while the plant is in it, various misfortunes will be attracted to you. However, in other places it is believed that the fern, on the contrary, protects the family from the evil that other people do, and any evil spirits. It is believed that if the fern suddenly dries up, then it has taken over the damage directed against the owner of the home.


There is a widespread superstition that if a girl living in a house is kept in a house, she will never be able to marry for love. In fact, this plant is considered an invariable reason a girl can remain alone until old age. In addition, violets are not recommended to be kept in the house also due to the fact that the female part of the family may develop a variety of diseases of the reproductive system.


It is believed that this plant has such a powerful energy that it easily suppresses the human biofield, having a powerful negative impact on the health of people who are daily in close proximity to it. People who have it at home are often and seriously ill. Despite the fact that today there is no scientific evidence of this fact, if you still decide to have cyperus in the house, be sure to listen to your well-being.

"Husband Plants"

There are a large number of plants that should not be planted in the house from an emotional and psychological point of view. These indoor plants, which bring misfortune to the house, have received the name "husband plants" from people.

  • Scindapsus is one of the most popular varieties of tropical vines. It is believed that she not only brings quarrels into the house and is the culprit of divorces, but also “expels” all men from the family, including even sons and grandchildren.
  • Cissus - like scindapsus, belongs to the category of plants that have a direct impact on the fact that men leave families. In addition, cissus is considered a real magnet for attracting misfortunes to the family.
  • Hibiscus - it is not recommended to start it for unmarried women, as their personal life begins to deteriorate, and the lover may sooner or later go to another.
  • Hoya - it is believed that this plant can not only "drive" a man out of the house, but also kill him from the world.
  • Tradescantia - in the house where this plant is located, the marriage may soon collapse.

Signs associated with the coloring of flowers

As a rule, the signs associated with flowers do not portend anything terrible. Often, flowers that bring misfortune to the house are also divided according to color. For example:

  • White flowers symbolize purity and innocence. That is why there is a belief that it is better for newlyweds to give flowers of this color for a wedding.
  • Red flowers symbolize passion and love.
  • Yellow flowers portend an imminent parting.
  • It is customary to give blue flowers to loved ones, as they symbolize sincerity and kindness.


Don't be in a hurry to throw away your favorite flowers just because someone told you they are bringing bad luck to the house. Of course, to believe or not to believe in such statements is a personal matter for each person, but you should first of all trust your own feelings.

Even if you are personally acquainted with people whose life did not work out for some reason and some of the plants listed in this article just stood in their house, this does not mean that people suffered precisely from their negative influence. After all, most countries are characterized by their own folk signs associated with plants.

Indoor flowers should be selected into the house only taking into account your taste preferences, because first of all they should please you with their appearance and cheer you up.

1. Overwatering.
Overwatering is the most common mistake that causes flowers to die in the house. With the exception of marsh species such as Egyptian papyrus (Cyperus papyrus), flowers should not stand in water. In too wet ground, the roots cannot breathe, they gradually rot and the plant without healthy roots is doomed to death.
Often the soil itself can deceive you. The surface may be dry, but the inside may still contain enough moisture. This is easy to check with a wooden stick: stick it into the ground the way you stick it into a pie to check. did he bake? Like dough, wet soil will stick to the stick. If the removed stick is dry, it is time for watering. There should be enough water so that it remains in the bowl for no more than 15 minutes. The larger and lighter the leaves of the plant, the more water evaporates, so it will drink more.

So that home flowers do not die, theywatered with a slander:
"My garden of paradise before God is small, so that with God's help it will not be lost. Amen."

2. Drying.
No plants can live without water. The exception is almost immortal succulents with thick leaves, which retain a supply of water for difficult times. If the plant is withered but not completely dry, try saving it. Lower the flower pot for a few minutes entirely in a bucket of warm water. Because a dry substrate, especially containing peat, absorbs moisture worse. The quality of the water is also important. Plants need soft and settled, in no case icy.

3. Insufficient lighting.
If the plant loses its beauty and rich color, then it does not have enough light and you need to put it as close to the window as possible. Shade-loving plants, such as monstera, which is used to using the smallest portion of light that it will receive in its native rainforest, will be well away from the window. On the contrary, light-loving plants have a place only on the windowsill or close to it. The intensity of the light will be enhanced by white walls, and a mirror will help. The most expensive option is a fluorescent lamp.

4. Sunburn.
Surprisingly, some plants are harmed by excess sun. For example, direct sunlight harms almost all orchids - they need diffused light. They will not withstand hot morning or evening rays, but the midday sun, enhanced by glass, will simply burn the leaves and the plant will die. Therefore, orchids should be placed at the east window or far from the south or west.

5. Inappropriate temperature.
Flowers in your home differ in temperature requirements, so you need to know these requirements before buying a particular plant. Subtropical and Mediterranean species require warmth, but in winter, as a rule, rest at a temperature of 10 - 15 degrees, so that they are beautiful and healthy next year. For wintering, it is better to put them on verandas or winter gardens, if the house has a bright cold corridor, it is also a good place. And for example, the legendary camellia simply needs cold. Subtropical plants are not harmed by fluctuations in day and night temperatures from spring to autumn.

6. Dry air.
The lack of moisture in the air will not kill the plant, but it will affect its appearance. Therefore, all flowers in the house (with the exception of succulents, which do not care) need to be irrigated. Spray for flowers should be irrigated once or twice a day. If you do not have time for this, bowls of water placed near the pots will help.

7. Pests.
Flowers in the house will enliven the interior, but unfortunately, not only they like the house, but also the insects that feed on them. Most often, flowers are attacked by mites (spider, cyclamen), aphids, whiteflies, scale insects, thrips, etc. In order to detect them in time, plants need to be inspected regularly. You will see the aphids immediately, but the red spider is not so easy to find. You will see only small cobwebs on the underside of the leaves. First, try to remove intruders mechanically, for example, by placing the plant under a shower or by wiping the leaves with a cotton swab wrapped around a stick. Then, instead of insecticides, try a human-friendly spray based on Biool oil and lecithin, which will glue the insects and thereby kill them. These funds do not work on the testicles, so after a week or two, you need to repeat the spray.

8. Diseases.
Even worse than insects, diseases caused by microscopic fungi and bacteria are determined. Most often, plants are affected by fungi that form brown weeping spots on the leaves. Damaged parts must be removed, the plant isolated from the rest, and if the disease persists, try treating the plant with fungicides according to the attached instructions, which you can buy in gardening needs.

9. Lack of nutrients.
Plant roots will quickly scoop up nutrients from the soil in a small pot. Therefore, you need to add them regularly, otherwise the plants will not grow and become prettier. There are many fertilizers, it is easiest to use liquid ones. They dissolve in water according to the instructions and are added during irrigation. You can use one universal remedy or special ones for plants with beautiful leaves, flowering plants, palm trees, etc. Plants that do not tolerate calcium, such as citrus fruits and orchids, need to be fed with special means. From spring to autumn, plants are fertilized once a week, in winter - once a month, and those plants that winter in the cold do not fertilize at all. You can also use concentrated fertilizers in the form of tablets or sticks, which will last for a month or more. However, not all of the nutrients from them will reach all roots.

10. Too small dishes.
If the roots of a plant completely fill the pot, they cannot grow further. If you regularly fertilize a plant, it will not die, but it cannot grow and develop. So buy your plant a new pot and repot it! The best time to transplant is spring. The pot needs one or two sizes larger. If the plant is already large and heavy and the pot is difficult to change, then at least replace the topsoil and feed it well.

We all love indoor plants - beautiful flowers, but we know so little about them: what they carry and how they affect people. Get to know some of the features of a particular flower.

It is interesting!

Step by step solution

Let's start with color.

Plants that have a red color in their color (it doesn’t matter whether they are fiery red flowers or burgundy veins on the leaves) energize a person, stimulate his activity, activate brain activity, and increase endurance. For example, amaryllis, placed on the desktop, will help make the final decision, and Gusmania will cheer up and shake those prone to thoughtfulness. Bright red flowers are best placed in the living room, but for a child's room or bedroom, choose a calmer shade of pink.

  • Blue flowers set in a peaceful mood. But the main thing here is not to overdo it. Deep blue color can cause bouts of melancholy. But saturated blue inflorescences will be very useful for creative people. In any case, it is better to dilute plants of this color with other shades - yellow or orange, white is also suitable.
  • Orange and yellow invariably cheer up. Looking at a flower in orange tones, most people feel better and feel like smiling - smiling just like that, for no good reason.
  • White color is a symbol of purity, freshness, light. It is difficult to come up with a more suitable plant than blooming with white flowers for decorating a child's room, since such plants neutralize negative energy and contribute to the development of a healthy child's psyche.
  • If a person often changes plants in the house, gives something, gains something, and all the plants are not alike, then this indicates that the person is perfectly adapted in society, has a broad outlook on life and a balanced character.
  • People who do not tolerate surprises, easily excitable and overly emotional prefer plants with flowers, but without a bright smell.
  • But strong-willed passionate natures will choose a sharp, strong aroma.
  • Wildlife lovers, starting from a neighbor's dog, ending with a cornflower in the field, must have at least one flower on a long stem at home (cyperus, strelecia, orchid).
  • Cheerful and inveterate optimists who love noisy companies and know how to have fun from the heart, will be happy to receive plants blooming with lush flowers (chrysanthemum, hydrangea, azalea) as a gift.
  • The presence of roses or hibiscus in the house characterizes the owner as a jealous person. At the same time, these plants are almost never grown by pessimists who feel like losers.
  • Bulbous plants in an apartment are often bred by people in whose lives there is a lack of strong and joyful feelings.
  • Aggressive, assertive, fighting persons prefer cacti and other plants with thorns and thorns (acanthus, aphelandra, pandanus).
  • And now - about certain types of flowers (the most common in our apartments). Aloe growing at home will not only help you with its leaves in the treatment of a runny nose, herpes and other sores, but will also protect you from the bad energy of unkind people who come to your house.
  • Begonia, which is in sight, stimulates the speed of thinking and ingenuity. If disputes often arise in your family, as they say, from scratch, start a continuously blooming begonia. It will smooth out contradictions and conflicts.
  • Geranium secretes essential oils that can relieve stress, eliminate insomnia, treat neurosis, improve metabolism and prevent respiratory diseases. This plant is recommended for those who want to temper their character and achieve personal success. Geranium is an excellent assistant in the pacification of aggressive inclinations and the development of a sense of humor.
  • Laurel helps to cure insomnia and mild depression. To do this, you just need to lean towards the flower more often and inhale the outgoing aroma with full breasts.
  • Golden mustache (or, as it is called, "homemade ginseng") not only disinfects and heals wounds. This plant is a powerful energy donor. Look at it for 30 seconds and your business will definitely go uphill.
  • Cacti are able to absorb bad energy. It is said that the longer the needles of a cactus, the faster it absorbs negative emotions.
  • The myrtle tree is said to help people who quit smoking. As soon as there is an irresistible desire to smoke another cigarette, you need to pick up a pot of myrtle and carefully peer into its small leaves.
  • The fat woman, popularly called the "money tree", attracts material well-being to the house. In the morning, leaving for work, hold on to her leaf, and your karma will not be empty.
  • Ficus is a source of family harmony and mutual understanding. To always have harmony in the house, put it in the kitchen. If you need to improve relations with your spouse - place a ficus in the bedroom. And if you have been dreaming about children for a long time, you need to often transplant this flower from a pot into an even larger pot.
  • But ivy is not in vain popularly called "husband". It is believed that by settling in your house, he survives men. True, the experience of my familiar married ladies refutes this belief. But still - if you are looking for a mate, wait a little to acquire ivy. But if your dream is to get rid of an unpleasant neighbor with whom you still can’t part, or from annoying neighbors on the site, then it’s better not to find money for ivy.
  • Delightful orchids also have a bad reputation. They are often referred to as "energy thieves". It is not recommended to grow them at home, especially in the bedroom or room where children live. On the other hand, people are energetically vampires, as well as lovers of squabbles and gossip, get along well with these colors.
  • White violets will calm too emotional people, violets with blue flowers help reveal talents, and purple ones allow you to look at problems from a philosophical point of view. It is believed that violet protects against diseases and all sorts of misfortunes. If you place several pots of white flowers in the nursery, then the children will be more docile.
  • Ferns and palm trees contribute to the establishment of friendly relations. If you want to come to a consensus with a person with whom you have not been able to agree for a long time, plant him so that a yucca or nephrolepis is in his field of vision.
  • Croton is simply necessary in a house where there are teenagers, especially "difficult" ones. It will give self-confidence, protect from bad influences and street companies.
  • Calla helps spouses find a common language, serves as a talisman for family happiness.
  • Kalanchoe protects against apathy, resists mental discord and does not allow despondency to take over a person. This flower is recommended to give to people who find themselves in difficult life situations.
  • Cyclamens give the owners independence and reduce the influence of others.

Indoor plants can transform your home almost beyond recognition. With their help, you can visually increase or narrow the size of the room. For example, if there are large creepers in the room (ivy or monstera), it visually seems more compact and comfortable. But tall plants growing vertically upwards will visually increase the height of the ceilings. Therefore, people who experience discomfort from the low height of the room Subconsciously choose tall plants.

Choose for yourself the plant that will benefit you.

Plants are living beings. They are able to feel, worry and rejoice, they can even help a person in one way or another. If we listen and look at plants very carefully, we can easily guess the future.

Signs about plants were collected by our ancestors for a long time and carefully, and fortunately, today no one has forgotten about them. Consider the most reliable of them.

Signs about indoor plants

If there are no houseplants in the house, or they never bloom, then there is often a row in this house. This sign may still have another justification. Flowers feel the energy of their owner, and if it is negative, then the flowers will feel bad and will not take root.

A flower or even a few suddenly withered in the house - a pleasant new thing is expected.

If a flower that is supposed to bloom in summer suddenly blooms unexpectedly in winter, this is a bad omen. It is possible for someone in the house to become very ill or even die. This very belief also applies to outdoor plants that mixed up the time of flowering.

There is another interpretation of the untimely flowering of plants, many people prefer to believe in it: the flower has blossomed at the wrong time - soon unexpected news will fly into the house.

If you hide the trimmed nails and a piece of hair of a person with a fever in an aspen stump, then he will soon recover.

There is also a sign that aspen is able to take away a child’s illness. If several children's hairs are hidden in an aspen trunk at the level of the baby's growth. As soon as the child grows a few centimeters, his illness will go away by itself.

A sick person can sit on a stump from a freshly cut aspen - then his illness will leave him.

There is a slightly dishonest sign among the people that if you steal a shoot of an indoor flower, or pull out a bush imperceptibly in someone else's front garden, then it will definitely be accepted, unlike the one bought or donated.

When you want to give another person a plant, take a ransom, otherwise it will wither and not take root in a new owner.

Can plants predict the weather?

Signs of the weather can be found by plants. It is very simple, the main thing is to carefully observe the surrounding nature and know about the wisdom of our ancestors.

When rowan gives a large harvest, it is safe to say that the winter will be long and harsh. Nature thus takes care of wintering birds, which should have enough food until spring.

There are signs associated with water lilies. The leaves of these beautiful flowers covered the entire surface of the reservoir, which means that frosts are no longer expected.

Appeared coltsfoot on thawed patches - spring has begun and there will be no more snow.

Birch gives a lot of juice in the spring - so the summer will be wet, rainy.

When honeysuckle emits a pungent odor that spreads over a long distance from the plant itself - it will rain in less than a day.

Spruce lowered the branches down and closed the cones - heavy rain is coming.

The leaves fly around from all the trees together - a harsh winter is approaching.

In rainy weather, spruce branches began to reach for the sun, rising up - soon the rains would end.

Until mid-October Birch did not shed its leaves - the winter will be late.

suddenly began to close the flowers - it was going to rain.

The leaves first bloom on the birch - dry summer ahead; on alder - rainy and cold.

Birch leaves should turn yellow evenly throughout the tree, then the next spring will be even. If the leaves at the top turned yellow at first, early spring will come, if at the bottom - late.

The birch will be pubescent earlier than the maple - the summer will be dry, if later, then the rains will torment.

onion peel thick - harsh winter is coming, thin clothes on a bow portends a warm winter.

If a Rowan does not fade for a long time - autumn will please with a large harvest of mushrooms.

When roses bloom - abundant dew will be shed on the ground.

Folk signs about plants are very diverse. Some portend us the weather, others broadcast about life circumstances, and others warn against dangers. To believe or not to believe in folk signs - everyone decides for himself, only many cases are known among the people when a person is given a lot of tips, and he, despite this, chooses the wrong path. You need to listen to the voice of nature and then it will become your faithful assistant.

What signs indicate the onset of heat?

What signs indicate the approach of rain?

Signs about plants associated with changes in weather conditions are very numerous and varied. If you study any plant, you can learn to notice the slightest changes in its behavior. Plants feel the approach of heat and cold, they react very subtly to all changes that occur in weather conditions. Every tree, every shrub, every flower can tell us what to expect in the future.

There are good signs that speak of a good harvest:

You can also meet harsh, even dangerous signs:

  • Whoever plants a willow will soon die. As soon as a good shovel can be hewn out of this tree, death will come for those who planted it.
  • If you paint a thing with a decoction of the bark collected from a wolfberry, the color will turn out to be rich yellow, beautiful, but the owner will soon lose this thing;
  • If you eat a wolfberry, then the teeth will deteriorate and fall out, and those that remain will become long, sharp, like a wolf;
  • If you trample on peas that have fallen out of a pod, there will soon be a big scandal in the family.

If you prefer not to believe in bad omens, this is your full right. Just do not forget that they tend to come true even when you do not suspect anything about them. So, do not ignore the warnings of nature.
