Pruning a house rose. Is it necessary and how to prune indoor roses? Step by step instructions and further flower care

A home rose is a magnificent mini copy of a garden one. This beautiful flower is very popular among indoor plant lovers. A rose that grows in a pot is a very capricious creature and for its fruitful flowering it will take maximum effort. But trust me it's worth it. A rose can decorate with its presence even the most unattractive interior of an apartment.

At home, only the dwarf species of this beautiful plant should be grown. The fact is that a garden rose has an extensive root system that simply cannot fit, even in the largest pot.

Rosa loves light and fresh air very much, so the best place where she can feel good in the summer is a balcony. If it is not possible to keep an indoor rose on the balcony, then you should place it in a warm, well-ventilated area. It is necessary to water frequently, but moderately, without flooding or allowing the soil to dry out. In winter, the rose should be watered less often and kept at a temperature of ten degrees. Fertilizers are applied only during the period of rapid growth, at least twice a month.

In order for the rose to bloom as long as possible, it needs to create a certain temperature regime, which is closer to cool than warm. In a warm room, you can achieve a long flowering plant, but for this it needs to be irrigated with warm enough water every two days. A prerequisite for flowering roses is a room in which there is a lot of light.

Proper watering of this plant in summer plays an important role in the health and rapid flowering of home roses. Watering is done in the morning and in the evening, but in no case not in the sun. The rose should be in moist soil almost constantly, but you should not allow waterlogging of the soil.

The soil-soil must be very nutritious and saturated.

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We are constantly getting letters in which amateur gardeners are worried that due to the cold summer this year, a poor harvest of potatoes, tomatoes, cucumbers, and other vegetables. Last year we published TIPS about this. But unfortunately, many did not listen, but some still applied. Here is a report from our reader, we want to advise plant growth biostimulantswhich will help increase the yield by up to 50-70%.


It is good to take the soil for planting in the place where nettle thickets rage. Nettle does not grow in poor soils, this is a well-known fact.

The rose is very often attacked by various kinds of pests. This is a spider mite, and aphids, and a rose sawfly.

Aphids are washed off with an ordinary solution of soapy water, and this should not be a one-time treatment, it is desirable to carry it out once a week.

Spider mites and other pests can be killed with garlic. To do this, you need to take fifty grams of crushed garlic and pour 200 grams of cold water over it. When infused, for 15 minutes, strain, bring the volume to one liter. When processing, one and a half glasses of infusion are taken for ten liters of water, and in cloudy weather the room rose is washed with this solution. But you can buy the drug "Fitoverm" in the store, which you need to spray for at least a week within a month.


In order for the home rose to bloom violently in the spring, the transplant must be carried out already in August, this will allow the roots to adapt and take root well. Otherwise, the rose will take root during the entire period of rapid growth and will bloom only by autumn. When transplanting a plant, you should try not to destroy the earthen lump, since the rose is very sensitive to damage to the roots and then gets sick for a long time.

An indoor rose should be planted in small flowerpots, since with an excess of space in a flowerpot, the rose will give a lot of greenery and rarely bloom.


This is an indispensable part of caring for a room rose. If you neglect pruning, the plant will be weak. With thin long branches and small rare flowers. Answering the question “when the main pruning is done”, usually in early spring, before the rapid growth of the plant has yet begun.

Some flower growers who are closely involved in breeding room roses want to achieve from it not only long flowering, but also large buds if possible. Pruning is carried out during the entire flowering period, removing newly grown shoots and leaving three or five buds on the main shoots.

Pruned home beauty for good flowering and decoration of a bush of a beautiful shape.
In order to properly trim you need to know:

  • First, all weak and underdeveloped stems are removed. As well as branches that are intertwined.
  • No more than five strong shoots, of medium length, should be left on the bush.
  • If the shoots are long, then they need to be shortened, leaving six live buds.
  • If the sprouts are long, but not very developed, then five buds are left for further growth and development.
  • When weak shoots appear, it is advisable to remove them, but if this is not possible, then three buds are left on them.

Caring for a beautiful but capricious plant

It is important that sharp tools are suitable for pruning, which will not leave a hitch on the shoot of the plant. The fact is that when trimming with blunt tools, torn edges are obtained at the place of trimming, and this is fraught with the development of various diseases and decay of the cut edge. Pruning should be carried out strictly at an angle of forty-five degrees, just above the living kidney.

In order to prevent new shoots from stretching out, the flower after pruning should be placed in a cool room and only after the first leaves appear, put on a sunny window for further growth. Small shoots that will appear during the period of violent growth are removed immediately so that all the forces of the plant go to the formation of beautiful buds on the main shoots.

After the first flowering of the room beauty, it is necessary to re-pruning so that the plant does not give strength to the growth of greenery, and after a while it can bloom again. All faded buds and small shoots are cut off, leaving three or five buds on the main layers.

If you follow all the rules of maintenance and cut it properly, then it will delight you with its flowering until the end of summer.

And a little about the secrets of the Author

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How to prune a house rose in a pot? This question sooner or later arises even among those who have just begun to get involved in indoor roses. In a flower shop, we get a beautifully formed bush or stem tree, but over time, the rose grows and loses its shape. Don't get upset if this happens.

How to prune a house rose in a pot

Restoring the shape of a flower with pruning is not at all difficult.

If the rose is not cut off, the rose grows, which spoils its shape.

Why else do you need to prune a home rose?

Pruning rose bushes is an operation of paramount importance, it gives the plant a harmonious and graceful look, guarantees excellent flowering every year, helps to avoid intertwining and tangling of branches, as well as getting rid of overgrown, frail or dead branches prone to diseases and pests.

On young rose bushes, it is useful to do the so-called sanitary pruning, best of all - in spring or autumn, although theoretically it is possible at any time of the year. Sanitary pruning will allow you to get rid of not only dead or damaged branches, but also from too weak shoots that are cut just above the main branch.

Weak or strongly interfering processes are usually cut off.

Formative pruning helps maintain or shape ornamental plants. Rejuvenating pruning, which is done at intervals of several years, is intended to restore vitality to the bushes of a house rose, which have become too tall and thick over time.

Usually such pruning is done in late winter or early spring. All weak branches are removed, and the remaining branches are shortened.

Pruning roses is necessary not only to give the rose a beautiful look, but also to improve flowering. By cutting off the excess parts of the branches, we provoke the appearance of new buds.

In roses, pruning is done mainly to remove old and weak parts of the bush in order to rejuvenate it, stimulate new flowering, and make the plant less susceptible to pests.

Types of pruning home roses

Types of pruning roses.

  1. Restraining pruning - needed to give the bush the appropriate size.
  2. Promoting pruning - to encourage flowering.
  3. Formative pruning - necessary to give rose bushes the desired shape.
  4. Apical pruning - done in plants to stimulate the growth of a rose bush in breadth.
  5. Anti-aging pruning - removal of old branches to rejuvenate the bush.

How to trim?

Making cuts when pruning a rose.

The cut should be oblique with respect to the kidney and be at a certain distance from it. The optimal distance between the kidney and the cut is about 1 cm. It should not be too sharp (a 45 degree slope is better) and is done in the opposite direction from the kidney. And the last thing: the tool must be well sharpened, then the cut will be clean, without burrs, which often contribute to the reproduction of pathogenic organisms.

You need to remove all dead, damaged and tangled branches that interfere with the development of the middle part of the bush. Full pruning involves cutting back all branches to encourage flowering and give the plant the desired shape and size.

Be sure to remove all wilted flowers. The fact is that the energy that the plant spends on withered flowers is not used to give birth to new flowers.

Time to prune indoor roses

Pruning is one of the most important rose care practices. It is equally important to choose the right time for pruning. There are three ways to crop:

  • short (spring) - remove branches affected by dry air and pests, and shorten healthy branches, which stimulates lush flowering;
  • medium (summer);
  • long (autumn) apical pruning - remove wilted flowers and stimulate secondary flowering in some varieties.

Winter pruning is done in February-March, when new buds begin to swell on rose bushes. It is very important that the pruning is done before the buds begin to open; if pruned later, it will damage the plant.

Summer apical pruning is done in early August and only for roses that bloom several times a year to stimulate new flowering.

Plants should be pruned whenever possible when the room is not too hot. It is better if the room is cool. At low temperatures, the flow of vital juices in the tissues of the plant slows down, and the damage caused by injury will be minimal.

Cut rose cuttings can be planted.

A multi-color dwarf rose with large buds should be cut into 3-5 eyes in the spring. Small-flowered dwarf rose gives abundant flowering if cut into 2-3 eyes. With a short break, it will bloom until the end of the growing season.

After cutting, a room rose is immediately brought into a room or room with a temperature not higher than 10-12 ° C (you can put the plant in the basement for a while). This is necessary so that the eyes have the opportunity to germinate slowly. As soon as the first leaves appear, the plant can be moved to a sunny place.

All new shoots at the rose must be cut at the base, so they will not take micronutrients from the bush and will not stop its development. If you do everything right, powerful shoots and beautiful buds will soon appear on the bush.

Pruning is preferably carried out in the growth phase of the moon. If roses are not pruned before the onset of winter, the next year the flower will bloom less luxuriantly, and the plant may look a little sluggish. To prevent this, pruning should be done in early spring.

Immediately after acquiring a room rose, do not rush into pruning. Wait 2-3 weeks, give the plant time to adapt to new conditions. Thoroughly disinfect all tools with an alcohol-based cleaner before cutting. Trimming indoor roses is not at all difficult, but if you doubt whether you can do everything right on your own, it is better to prune with a specialist for the first time. Having received the necessary skills, you can easily independently apply this technique on indoor roses and other plants in your home.

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Indoor rose differs from the usual in its miniature size. Its bushes reach a height of no more than 35-45 cm.

Note to the florist

Indoor rose differs from the usual in its miniature size. Its bushes reach a height of no more than 35-45 cm. Potted rose flowers are very beautiful, small, of various colors, can be fragrant or odorless. Often Dutch or Danish roses in pots are sold in Russia. As a rule, pot roses are sold already in bloom. A healthy plant has juicy green leaves without painful-looking spots and damage. The leaves must be elastic, hold well on the stem and not fall off! In no case should black areas be observed on the stems! When buying, you need to take a good look at the flower: a large number of buds are approved, but they should not be open! Be sure to remove the gift wrapping and examine the leaves and stems carefully.

Most roses for sale are stored in refrigerators. Getting into a warm apartment, the plant is under stress, for acclimatization, they should be kept indoors at a temperature in the range of 15-18 ° C.

The most optimal time to buy roses is the cold season, the period from autumn to spring. It is best to purchase this houseplant in February and March. Potted roses prefer:

  • the sunny side of the house; it is necessary to choose southern windows or southeast;
  • enriched soil;
  • free access to fresh air during the hot period;
  • good watering;
  • top dressing at least once a week during active growth and flowering;
  • transplanting into a spacious pot from a cramped one.

Flowers do not like:

  • excessive heat;
  • withered flowers on the plant;
  • cold water for irrigation;
  • pests and diseases;
  • damage to the root system during transplantation.

Caring for a rose is not as troublesome as it seems at first glance. You just need to follow some rules. It will be good to arrange a warm shower for the rose immediately after the purchase.

How to prune an indoor rose after flowering

This procedure will help clean the leaves from road dust, and also partially relieve them of the presence of spider mites, if any. Just in case, at first it is better to place the "newcomer" on a separate windowsill. This will help protect the rest of the plants from pests that could choose a potted rose in the store. It should be borne in mind that when selling, most roses are stored in refrigerators. Getting into a warm apartment, the plant is under great stress. In order for acclimatization to be soft and gradual, at first the temperature in the room should be maintained within 15-18 ° C.

Water the flowers with ordinary tap water at room temperature, previously settled for at least a day. Watering is carried out as the soil dries up: not too often, but not rarely. Make sure that the water in the pot does not stagnate. Because of this, the root system begins to rot, which often causes the death of the plant. It would be good from time to time to spray the underside of the leaves with cold boiled water from a spray bottle. A good period for a transplant is when the moon is in its growth phase. But don't delay it! Most often, a peat substrate is poured into store pots, which over time can destroy the roots. Ideal for transplanting special land for roses and chrysanthemums. Its composition is most favorable for the growth of a plant that is accustomed to soil of neutral acidity.

Transplantation should be carried out very carefully so as not to injure the root system in any case!

It is better to choose a larger pot for a rose. Experienced gardeners advise not to take containers less than 40 cm in diameter. A layer of drainage about 1-3 cm thick is usually poured at the bottom of the pot, and soil is poured on top. After transplantation, the plant is not watered, put in a dark and cool place for a day, and then placed on a well-lit windowsill. Roses are fed throughout the entire growth period (especially in spring and summer) in small doses, but often enough. It is best to choose special fertilizers that contain the necessary trace elements. Fertilizer can also be applied foliarly, in which the leaves of the plant are sprayed with a weak solution of fertilizer.

In winter, caring for roses is to maintain the necessary lighting for them. To do this, you need to create additional illumination for them with the help of LED and fluorescent lamps. If this is not possible, then it is better to immerse the plant in hibernation. To do this, reduce the temperature regime to + 10 ... + 15 ° С. At the same time, the metabolic processes of the plant slow down, but it does not die and tolerates winter well. During sleep, fertilizer is not applied, the frequency of watering is reduced, but a small amount of soil moisture is maintained. If the "green friend" begins to slowly dry out, do not immediately become discouraged! This often happens in the first 2-3 weeks after the acquisition, and this can already be considered a pattern. However, you still have to provide special care for the flower. As a rule, the process of wilting begins at the ends of the branches. They need to be cut to a healthy stem, not sparing the plant. After pruning, the rose sprouts young shoots from the thorns, and soon new ones form in place of the old branches. By the way, professionals advise periodically cutting the plant several times a year. This procedure contributes to the violent flowering of the bushes.

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What care does rose Cordana require after purchase

Many have probably succumbed to the temptation to purchase a miniature rose in a pot. This is the Kordana rose, after-purchase care for which has a number of features. The lush greenery and varied colors of its numerous flowers have made it a favorite among lovers of miniature roses. Reaching a height of only 30 cm, Cardana looks no different from ordinary roses. The only difference is the complete lack of flavor. But, on the other hand, allergy sufferers can grow such roses. In stores, they are sold in 3-4 bushes in a pot, bloom from May to October.

Rose Kordana is distinguished by lush and long flowering.

Before buying such a rose, be sure to carefully inspect the bushes. Leaves should be smooth and shiny. The presence of spots indicates the presence of fungal or bacterial diseases, and the yellowness of the leaves begins with improper care. There should be no insects on the plant. Outwardly, the flower should look healthy, with no signs of wilting.

How to ensure the adaptation of the plant after purchase

The first 2-3 weeks will be the most difficult for the flower. Getting used to a new place, he can drop all the leaves and buds. But with proper care, after about a month, the plant will bloom again.

In order to get rid of possible pests for sure, immediately after purchase, wash the rose under a warm shower and treat it with a special universal preparation.

It is better to transplant a non-blooming or pre-blooming rose. The most gentle method for this is transshipment. This way you keep the roots intact. The soil in the pot should be nutritious, with good drainage. After planting, treat the plant with a growth stimulator. If you have purchased a pot with several bushes, plant them.

Conditions for keeping a flower

Rosa Cordana loves sunlight, but foliage burns must be avoided.

Lighting. Rosa loves the sun very much. The best place for her would be the southern windows. Leaf burns should be avoided during the peak of solar activity.


The most comfortable temperature range is 15°-20°. Likes airing, without drafts.

Watering should be plentiful and regular. In no case should moisture be allowed to stagnate, so excess water from the pan must be drained. Before the procedure, check the soil for moisture with your finger. Soil must not be allowed to dry out. Water is required warm and separated. Remember that properly organized watering will contribute to long and abundant flowering.

Although many sources recommend spraying, experienced flower growers believe that it contributes to rose diseases. With proper watering, she feels great in a standard home environment without additional moisture.

Rosa is very positive about top dressing. During the period of active growth, it should be watered about once a week with liquid complex fertilizers.

Transshipment is the best way to transplant Cordana roses.

Pruning rules. Withered flowers are pruned, which stimulates the emergence of new ones. Before wintering, a complete pruning of the plant is carried out. Unlike garden roses, Kordana never produces unnecessary shoots. Young shoots must be preserved because they will gradually replace the old ones. They, along with adult branches, are cut off, leaving 3-4 buds. It is also necessary to remove all crooked, frail and thickening bush shoots.

Rest period. This is the most difficult time for a flower. In the dry air of a heated room, the rose sheds part of the foliage and almost stops flowering. Therefore, the plant must be allowed to rest. To do this, the indoor beauty is cut off, watering is minimally reduced and placed in a cool place with a temperature of 5 ° -8 ° for “deep sleep”. In February, the rose should be moved to its usual place, gradually increasing watering.

Reproduction. The most affordable way is cuttings from May to August. To do this, cut the branches on which there are 3-4 buds? and put in a glass of water, adding a growth stimulator. Roots should appear in a couple of weeks. When they grow to 2 cm, plant the cuttings in separate pots. This method of reproduction allows you to achieve flowering in a young bush in a month.

Rosa Cordana is a plant with a very capricious character.

She can get sick when changing places, drop all the buds if she forgot to water. But for attentiveness and diligence in relation to itself, it will reward the owner with an unforgettable flowering within 7 months.

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Roses in a pot: home care rules

What does a rose love? southern, southeastern and eastern windows and balconies, nutrient soil, fresh air, abundant watering as the soil dries out, fertilizing once a week during growth and flowering, regular transplanting.

What the rose does not like: destruction of a clod of earth during transplantation, dry air, cold, hard water for irrigation, overheating of the pot in summer, unharvested withered flowers, pests on the leaves.

Proper watering - one of the main components of your success on the path of growing indoor roses. I must say right away: in many floriculture guides you will read that roses need to be watered abundantly. But there is one caveat - abundantly, but not often, you have to wait for the lump with the roots to dry out. In the summer, the state of the coma should be monitored especially carefully. A plant placed on the balcony may need to be watered up to 2 times a day - in the morning and in the evening. During this period, roses are watered to full saturation, but not during the hottest time of the day. By the end of summer, watering is reduced. Water for irrigation should be at room temperature, settled for 2-3 days. Ideally, use spring or well water. The best way to check if a rose needs watering is to test the soil in a pot at a depth of 1 cm; if it is still wet, wait with watering. You can water very little, but every day. The fact that watering is excessive is indicated by such signs as a white or gray coating on the top layer of the earth, an unpleasant smell from the pot. With excessive watering, the roots of the rose rot and it dies. Saving such a plant is almost impossible. If you notice signs of root rot during transplantation, cut off the affected ones, and after transplanting, water the plant more moderately.

Good results are obtained by simultaneous watering and spraying the plant. Spraying in the summer is carried out in the evenings with cold boiled or settled water or a solution of special fertilizers. It is necessary to spray from a spray bottle that gives a misty spray, without spraying on flowers and buds, especially carefully from the underside of the leaves. In winter, with very dry indoor air, you can spray 2 times a day. It is undesirable to ventilate the room immediately after spraying.
It is necessary to water so that water does not fall on the leaves, especially in summer, it is best from a watering can with a thin spout.

It is good to water roses and other plants with water from the aquarium, rain and snow - it is softer, and the aquarium also contains organic fertilizers.

In winter, watering is reduced to a minimum if the plant is at rest, and increased by adding fertilizer and highlighting the plant if it is necessary to achieve flowering by the New Year. When the plant is resting, it needs coolness and watering only when the earth ball dries completely. From February, watering is increased, first with room water, and then with lukewarm water, at this time the rose has enough light from the window, and it starts to grow, preparing for spring flowering. During the period of growth and formation of buds, roses should not lack moisture or light.

Miniature roses need plenty of light. Ideal conditions - light from 16 to 18 hours a day. For illumination, you can use a variety of fluorescent lamps, in extreme cases, even an ordinary lamp is suitable, located not too close so as not to burn the plant. Under optimal conditions, the mini rose blooms throughout the year every 8 weeks. Only with additional illumination can flowering be achieved from November to mid-February. At this time, the rose growing in the house lacks natural light, but the warm air of the room contributes to the growth of shoots. Therefore, you need to decide right away whether you will achieve winter flowering or give the plant a dormant period. You can give the rose a rest for a very short time - for example, from mid-January to mid-February. To do this, it needs to be cut, cut off most of the leaves, put in a cool place (basement, glazed balcony, greenhouse, between window frames) and not watered, but only slightly moistened with a clod of earth. You should not worry if the room is dark during the dormant period of the plant.

rose fertilizer
Roses need fertilizer more than other plants. Only frequent transplants, which roses do not like, can replace it. The quantity and size of flowers, the frequency of flowering depends on the quality of the fertilizer. Beginning flower growers can recommend ready-made complex fertilizers or special fertilizers for roses. The basic rule is to fertilize plants during the period of growth and flowering, and reduce top dressing during the dormant period. Of the natural fertilizers for roses, the best is a solution of mullein or horse manure. Flowering greatly depletes small bushes, therefore, in terms of fertilizer, rosettes are “gluttons”. Good results are obtained by alternating organic and mineral fertilizers, spraying with solutions of preparations such as "Epin". The first top dressing is carried out a month after transplantation, and then every 2 weeks until new shoots begin to appear. With the advent of shoots and buds - 1 time per week. It is best to use liquid concentrated fertilizers (Effect, Rainbow, Pocon), slow-acting fertilizers, such as Kemira Universal (1 teaspoon per bush every 15 days) or a little pure vermicompost to fertilize roses.

Fertilizer for roses blooming in spring and summer (without additional illumination):
spring-summer: once a week with mineral and organic fertilizers;
from August: watering is reduced and fertilizers are stopped; winter-autumn: without top dressing;

Do not feed newly transplanted and diseased plants.
- it is best to feed in the evening, after watering;
- if the room is cold and damp, it is better to postpone feeding;
- roses planted in the garden in summer do not fertilize in cold, rainy weather.

Organic fertilizers for roses are prepared independently or purchased in flower shops.

Mullein solution. Any container is filled with 1/3 mullein and 2/3 water. The container is closed and left for 3-4 days, stirring occasionally. After fermentation stops, when the solution becomes lighter (the duration of the process depends on the temperature around), the solution is diluted with settled tap water 1:15 (one part of the solution to 15 parts of water) - top dressing is ready.

bird droppings solution. One part of bird droppings is poured with 200 parts of hot water and insisted for two days. The finished solution is diluted with settled water 1:25 (1 part of the solution to 25 parts of water) and the plants are fed.

soot solution. Miniature roses growing in the garden can be fed with a soot solution. To do this, before feeding, loosen the ground around the plants, pour soot into a rag bag and lower it for several hours in a container of water. When the water becomes richly colored, you can start watering the roses. Within a week after abundant watering, the shoots become more juicy, flowering is more abundant, and the color of the leaves is rich green.

You should transplant a newly bought rose immediately after purchase or wait until the end of flowering. To achieve a decorative effect, growers often plant 3-5 plants in one pot. The main indicator that the plants are getting crowded is that roots are visible in the drainage holes; then you need to transplant immediately, without waiting for the end of flowering. With a large crowding, plants lack nutrients and light, a clod of earth quickly dehydrates. As a result, the buds wither on the bushes, the leaves fall, the plants may die.

Roses can be transplanted at any time of the year, but it is best - in early spring or late summer, then they will bloom more abundantly, because the root system will be completely formed by the time of flowering. Land for transplantation should be loose, light, slightly acidic. It is good to use professional mixtures that are prepared in flower shops and botanical gardens.

The basic transplant rules are the same as for all plants, but there are some peculiarities.

1. Be sure to take care of drainage. If the pot has a hole, the layer must be at least 1 cm. Pots without holes are also on sale. In such pots, the drainage layer should be at least 3 cm. Expanded clay, clay shards, pebbles, polystyrene are suitable for drainage. Ready-made drainage mixes are on sale.

2. If the plant is transplanted after flowering, the shoots must be severely cut, leaving 2-3 buds.

3. The best time of day for a transplant is when the moon enters its growth phase.

4. The pot should be larger than the old one by 2-3 cm in diameter and 5-7 cm in height, but if the purchased rose is planted in a very tiny glass, you can take the pot a little larger. Approximate size - 15-20 cm in height, bottom diameter 10-12 cm. The height of the pot should be approximately the same as the height of the plant. In the second and third years, a larger pot will be needed. If you plant a rose in a pot that is too big, it will not bloom as well. One-year-old plants are planted in a pot 10-12 cm high and 10 cm in diameter, and adult plants - 20-22 and 24 cm, respectively).

5. It is best to buy a ceramic pot with glazing for a rose - in such a pot the soil will not dry out, because clay with glazing does not draw moisture into itself as much as without glazing. Ceramic pots are soaked in warm water for 2 hours before planting.

How to prune indoor roses

If an old pot is used, it must be thoroughly washed without detergents; soda can be used for cleaning. If you buy a plastic pot, choose one with thicker walls and a larger tray.

6. Land for transplantation must be nutritious. You can prepare a mixture of clay-turf soil, sand and peat in a ratio of 2: 1: 2; instead of peat, you can use well-rotted manure. Or from sod-humus soil and sand in a ratio of 4:4:1. If it is not possible to get the necessary components, roses can be planted in ready-made potting soil, which is sold in flower shops, and complex fertilizer granules can be added to it. On sale there is also a special mixture for miniature roses. The balanced composition of mineral and organic substances of this soil is designed to achieve stable flowering of indoor roses in an ordinary apartment from early spring to late summer.

Tip: if you are preparing the earth mixture yourself, add a little fine expanded clay to it, which will absorb excess moisture and make the soil more breathable.

7. If you use garden soil when planting, make sure that there are no pests in it. The soil sold in stores may contain too much fertilizer. In such a land, the plant simply “burns out”. Leaves and shoots turn black and dry. Use only proven brands of soil mixtures and experiment carefully. Do not buy mixtures intended for other plants for planting roses.

8. When transplanting, do not disturb the earthen ball, just add new earth around the edges and on the bottom of the pot.

9. Do not compact the ground. You can compact it by shaking the pot evenly. If the earth settles after watering, add more - to the level of the earthy coma of the old pot.

10. If the earth from the old pot contains white granules, you do not need to remove them - this is fertilizer.

11. Fertilizer granules can be poured over the drainage, then a layer of earth without fertilizer, and on top - a clod of earth with roots so that its top does not reach the edge of the pot by 1-2 cm.

12. When taking a rosette out of an old pot, simply turn it over, passing the plant between your fingers, and shake well. The root ball will come out easily and undamaged.

13. Before transplanting, place the old pot in a container of water so that the earth is well saturated. Transplant to a new pot, spray the rose and place in the shade, but do not water. A day after the transplant, you can put the plant on a "permanent place of residence" - a bright and cool window.
14. Pour the transplanted plant the next day with settled water at room temperature.
15. Be sure to spray the plant 2 times a day after transplantation

The annual transplant is done in the same way.

do not transplant an overgrown plant into an oversized pot - water will stagnate in it, and the soil will turn sour;
when transplanting at the end of summer, it is not necessary to apply fertilizers to the soil (granules), but in the spring it is simply necessary.

Very often, overseas beauties take root perfectly in the house, but refuse to bloom. Some features of the flowering time, the number of buds and the preservation of loose flowers on the plant may be due to the variety. But if the plant does not bloom during the year, then the reason is improper care and lack of minerals.

If the rose does not get sick, but does not bloom, try the following activities:

- transplant the plant into a larger pot with fertile soil;
- prune, leaving no more than 3-5 buds on each shoot (depending on how strong the shoot is);
- turn up the lighting
- take the rose to fresh air or plant it in open ground;
- fertilize as described above, at least 1 time in 10 days for 2-3 months and after the appearance of buds until the end of flowering;
- when buds appear - pinch the first 2-3. The rose will bloom more abundantly, more magnificently and longer;
- do not place flowering plants near vases with fruits, vegetables, especially rotting ones, otherwise they will fade faster;
- ask a rose to bloom, and she will certainly answer your request.



Care mistakes, pests and diseases


Lunar calendar for roses

Rostova L.V. "Atlas of miniature roses" - M .: Knizhkin Dom, Eksmo Publishing House, 2004. - 80 p., ill.

The procedure is vital for your rose, because it contributes to its development and rejuvenation.

There are three types of plant pruning:

  1. Pruning weak shoots that go beyond the contour. It is essential for full growth.
  2. Formative cutting. It promotes flowering and is held every year.
  3. Pruning of withering and old shoots is carried out every season.

An indoor rose is cut when the bud is already fully opened, and the middle is almost visible.

Features of pruning in spring, summer, autumn and winter

The main pruning takes place in late winter - early spring. Then, when the flower begins to actively grow. This is the time to get rid of dried leaves and stems. Rose pruning also depends on the seasons. The change of seasons also affects the apartment plant.

  • spring branches damaged by dry air and pests are cut off. Unaffected branches should simply be shortened to stimulate flowering.
  • Summer deadwood pruning is important (dry flowers, branches, leaves). It is necessary to monitor the appearance of excess shoots and cut them off. They can cause fungal infections. To stimulate new flowering, summer pruning is carried out in early August, but only for those plants that bloom several times a year. Indoor rose should periodically be in the open air.
  • autumn cut off the top and wilted flowers. In some varieties, secondary flowering is stimulated. Pruning during this period is especially useful: nutrients are prepared for the next season and the root system is nourished.
  • Winter pruning. To stimulate growth and flowering, the plant needs pruning for the winter. It is carried out after the flower drops its leaves. This procedure must go through those roses that need to be covered. During such pruning, even before frost, the stems are shortened and unripe shoots are removed. In order not to infect the flower with fungal diseases, you will need a sharp sterile knife. It is necessary to cut the branches, leaving 3-4 buds.

    The main winter pruning is carried out at the end of February, when the buds have just begun to swell. At this time, the room should be cool. Then the injury will not cause harm, as the growth process slows down.

What parts of the houseplant are removed?

It is important to know which parts of the plant should be removed without damaging the home rose.:

  1. wild stems growing from the base;
  2. fresh shoots that will not survive the cold;
  3. branches growing towards the stem of the bush;
  4. dried twigs and flowers;
  5. old shoots that are more than three years old.

When can a plant part be removed and when not?

  • When flowering once a year, in autumn, decorative fruits are formed at the rose, in this case the flowers of the plant are not removed.
  • Shoot growth is undesirable in summer. It is stimulated by pruning wilted flowers. Therefore, the procedure does not need to be carried out at this time of the year.
  • It is necessary to remove the wild shoots growing at the base of the rose. If you do not carry out the pruning procedure, this can cause the death of the plant.
  • Prune branches and remove leaves in autumn. This will help the plant not get infected with fungal diseases.

What is the difference between the procedure before, during and after flowering?

  1. When pruning during flowering, at least 3 buds should be left on the branch. This contributes to the rejuvenation of the rose and activates the growth process.
  2. Before flowering, only weak shoots are pruned. This is necessary for the formation and full growth of a healthy plant.
  3. After flowering, dry branches and buds should be removed. This contributes to the growth of room beauty.

    You can cut cuttings with 2 - 3 buds, from that part of the plant, the flowers of which have already faded. They will be needed for further reproduction.

Step-by-step cutting instructions

For the procedure you will need:

  • garden gloves;
  • sharp and sterile secateurs;
  • scrap basket.

  1. Peduncle. Pruning of the peduncle is required when the plant has faded and does not have enough strength for future flowering.

    With the help of a pruner, we remove those flowers whose petals crumble at the slightest movement, and the bud leaned down.

  2. Stem. It is necessary to remove the dark and dull stems of the plant. If the stem is only half damaged, cut it off a little above the eye socket.

    The movement of air, which is important for the plant, can be prevented by weak and thin shoots growing towards the stem of the bush. It needs to be cut off at the base.

  3. Leaves. In the autumn and spring seasons, the leaves are trimmed for health purposes. This contributes to the lush flowering of home beauty.
  4. Arrows. Prune flower arrows without leaves when they are weak. If the flower is too heavy for the stem, the insoles should also be removed.


Do not neglect timely preventive treatment. It will help to avoid infection by external pests. It is necessary to immediately process the cut with carpentry or white glue. An antifungal spray will also help prevent unwanted effects.

First time care

  • As before the procedure, sunlight is an important factor after pruning a room rose, but it should not be neglected. Lighting should be diffused, and the temperature should not be high.
  • Water regularly, but moderately necessary if pruning was carried out in the fall. Reduce watering during winter pruning. In summer, it is important, at least once a month, to fertilize the plant.
  • The defeat of indoor roses with fungal infections can provoke high humidity in the first weeks after pruning.

Read in detail about what kind of care is needed at home for a room rose, and from you will learn how to take care of a flower in winter.

How to properly cover a flower in a pot after the procedure?

  1. Cover the soil with dry wood.
  2. Fasten the stems of the flower closer to the ground.
  3. Cover the stems with dry grass or leaves.
  4. Make a rounded design so that the plant does not suffocate.
  5. Cover the structure with foil.
  6. Monitor the condition of the plant daily.

Possible errors and their consequences

Incorrect pruning of a room rose is a failure to follow simple rules for caring for a plant during this procedure. There are a few general points to keep in mind:

  1. Sharp and clean tool. Mandatory disinfection with a solution of copper sulfate or a strong solution of potassium permanganate.
  2. Be sure to work in garden gloves so as not to damage the skin.
  3. We make the cut at an angle so that the water flows down when watering.
  4. The bud should look outside the bush, not inside. You need to cut 1 cm below the kidney.
  5. After the procedure, we must process the cut.

Incorrect pruning can contribute to a deterioration in quality and a decrease in the number of flowers, a loss of decorativeness of the plant. Sometimes this even leads to his death (you can learn how to prevent the death of a flower and revive a rose at home).

A common mistake during summer pruning is carelessness in removing wilted flowers. Leaving them, one can doubt the further flowering of the rose this year.

One more a common pruning mistake of this period is considered to be insufficient attention to blind shoots. If such shoots are cut in a timely manner, they will turn into flowering ones.

Proper care and attention to your home rose will ensure healthy and lush flowering, which will surely delight you with its decorative and beauty.

Useful video

We offer you to watch an informative video about pruning a room rose:

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Today we will tell you about how to prune indoor rose, because this is one of the main conditions for the fact that your flower will develop and form correctly. Caring for roses at home requires a little work from you, but you will be satisfied with the result, because if everything is done on time and according to the rules, she will thank you in full, and your house or apartment will be transformed beyond recognition.

Should I prune my indoor rose?

The answer to this question is in the affirmative. When to prune a rose? It should be cut when the flower has already fully opened, and the middle is already almost visible. Pruning a rose is useful both for sanitary purposes: you cut off shriveled, dead shoots that only harm the flower, and for decorative purposes: you form a neat, decorative bush that will look the way you want it, and will not grow in a chaotic form.

How to prune an indoor rose?

We count 5 buds down from the flower, and cut off under 5 buds.

You can also prune the rose if necessary, for example, if you have large ugly knots on the stem, from a previous unsuccessful pruning, you can prune right under that place, and thereby bring two useful actions at a time. If the branch is thick and large, it will give a very good shoot.

What should be the cut? It must be done obliquely with respect to the kidney, it must also be about one centimeter away from the kidney, this distance is considered ideal, the cutting angle should not be very sharp, the ideal slope is considered to be an angle of 45 degrees. Trim with sharp scissors or a knife.

Reproduction of a room rose:

Cut cuttings should not be thrown away. They can be used for . To do this, we need to prepare them.

  • To do this, we cut the flower, as you see it in the photo.

  • You also need to cut off the two lower leaves.
  • The stalk prepared in this way, we put it in the water, and wait until they have roots, after which the rose will be suitable for transplanting into a pot.

The second method of propagating a room rose is as follows:

  • For this, we will take a large stalk, which was with several knots, from previous circumcisions, and cut off a flower from it, and also cut off the lower leaves.

  • As you can see in the photo, the shoot turned out with a very powerful stem - an almost ready-made bush when it sprouts.
  • Further in the pot, where the rose bush is already growing, we dig a hole in a free place and put our cutting there.

  • We deepen this knot into the ground and press it. The rose should be watered every day, she does not like her earthen ball to dry out, and keep her not in the open sun, but in the shade.

Trimming an indoor rose is not difficult, and now you know how to do it right. The main thing is to do everything according to our advice, and a bush of this wonderful flower will delight your eyes. On this we say goodbye to you, we wish you a good mood, and your flower - the right pruning, until we meet again on our website!

Knowing how to prune an indoor rose, you can make it bloom all year round. Without pruning, the flower will not form a beautiful bush, the shoots will stretch out, become weak, the plant will eventually stop blooming. The exact shape of the crown and abundant flowering every year depend on when the indoor rose is cut.

You need to know how to properly cut a room rose so that it does not die.

Why else do you need to prune a home rose?

Pruning a home rose is done in order to give the plant a beautiful shape.

There are several other important reasons for this procedure:

  1. Ensuring abundant flowering.
  2. Prevention of branch entanglement.
  3. Removal of damaged and old shoots.
  4. Prevention of stretching of the bush and thinning of branches.
  5. Stimulation of the growth of new shoots with buds.
  6. Eliminate the possibility of pests.

So, the rose must be pruned so that it is not sloppy after flowering. Another reason is the rejuvenation of the bush. After cutting off old and stretched branches, the rose has new vitality. Buds are formed only on new shoots that grow in the current year. Thanks to the cleaning of unnecessary branches of the plant, the flower lays new buds, which then give abundant hats of roses.

If the roses are not pruned, they will lose their shape, stretch out, flowering will gradually come to naught. Pruning rejuvenates the bushes, allows you to lay new buds. By removing old or weak shoots, the grower frees the plant from unnecessary stress. All the power goes to healthy shoots, leaves and flowers.

Types of pruning home roses

Roses need a pattern all the time. At the flowering stage, it is carried out in order to remove wilted buds. During the dormant period, dried branches or wilted tops are removed. In spring, it is needed for abundant flowering. In autumn, pruning is carried out for sanitary purposes, to remove dried parts, unnecessary branches and prepare for wintering. There are 5 types of pruning roses.

Types of pruning room roses.

Depending on the purpose, the following pruning can be carried out:

  1. Restraining.
    Needed in order to regulate the size of the bush.
  2. Apical.
    The top of the bush is cut off so that it stops growing up and begins to form in breadth.
  3. Stimulating.
    It is done to encourage the bush to abundant flowering.
  4. Formative.
    Trim a house rose in a pot, this will give the crown a beautiful or unusual shape.
  5. Anti-aging.
    Promotes rejuvenation of the bush by removing old shoots.

There is another classification.

Depending on the height at which the shoot is cut, there are 3 types of pruning:

  • short;
  • average;
  • long.

With a short pruning of a room rose, the branches are removed up to 2-3 buds. This cardinal method is used in the spring. Removed all dried twigs, parts of the plant damaged by pests. Healthy shoots are also cut off so that the flowering is lush. It is often not necessary to use this method. It can make the bush vulnerable to low temperatures.

With medium pruning, the shoots are cut 25-30 cm above the soil level. 6-7 buds should remain on the branches, located above ground level. It is used in the summer when it is necessary to remove the faded parts so that the plant blooms again.

With a long cut, the gardener can cut the indoor rose only slightly. Only the tops of the shoots are removed. Therefore, the method is called apical. Considered the most gentle, it is used for elite plant varieties or in order to prolong flowering in the fall.

How to trim?

All varieties perfectly tolerate such procedures, even if we are talking about cardinal cutting of shoots. Therefore, do not be afraid to prune for a rose in a pot.

But at the same time it is necessary to observe hygiene standards:

  • use only clean tools treated with an antiseptic;
  • use sharp secateurs or garden shears so as not to provoke the reproduction of harmful organisms;
  • slices should be immediately treated with special protective preparations.

It is important to make the right cut. It is done at a 45⁰ slope, in the opposite direction from the kidney. Before cutting indoor roses, you need to carefully examine the kidneys. The cut is made as close as possible to the bud, but a distance of at least 0.5 cm must be left, the optimal indent is 1 cm. This is done so that the plant buds are not damaged.

The main pruning of the bushes is done after the winter period of rest and before the start of active growth.

The rules of procedure are the same for both garden and indoor varieties:

  1. Removal of all dry and damaged shoots.
  2. Elimination of elongated, weakened and too thin branches up to the base of the bush.
  3. Cutting of all shoots growing inside the bush.

Along the way, branches are removed that overly thicken the crown. Crooked branches are also subject to cutting, ugly nodes after an unsuccessful previous pruning, several branches growing from one kidney. Plugs are removed, or shoots without an upper bud in the center. One of the tangled, woven branches is cut off.

For beginners who still do not quite understand how and when to process branches with secateurs, you can offer an easier, more versatile pruning option. It is done simply: at the beginning of spring, cut off all the shoots by ½ length. This method will update the bush and prepare it for flowering.

Rose pruning levels.

If the grower already knows how to correctly count the buds on a plant, then you can proceed to a more complex but effective procedure.

All branches are cut to 4-5 or 3 buds from ground level. The height is selected depending on the condition of the shoots, the shape of the crown, the thickness and height of the branches.

It is important to follow a few rules:

  1. Weak, thin shoots are best cut to 3 buds.
  2. Vigorous, thick branches - up to 5-6.
  3. In each bush, you need to form 4-5 main shoots. To do this, the strongest of them are left and shortened to a height of 10-15 cm, keeping 3-5 buds.
  4. Small-flowered varieties are pruned deeper than large-flowered ones.

If you want to give the crown a new shape, different from the previous one, then this is done within a few years. Each time after the bush overwinter, the cut rose will take on a new shape after shaping.

If the flower was already purchased with a given crown shape, then it is supported by regular shaping pruning. At the same time, overgrown shoots are removed. You can give the bush any shape: a ball, a cone, an ellipsis. There are options when the crown is cut evenly and it turns out flat.

In addition to the annual plants require regular pruning. It is necessary to constantly remove weakened and elongated shoots without leaves and with a small number of buds. Such layering will not be productive during flowering.

Time to prune indoor roses

Basic cutting of shoots is carried out after the plants have overwintered; pruning indoor roses for the winter is not done. In winter, the plant has a dormant period, so at this time only light, sanitary pruning of the bush can be done.

For the basic processing of a plant with a pruner, it is important to catch the moment when the dormant period has already ended, and the active growth phase has not yet begun. The kidneys will be the guide. If they are already swollen, the first signs have appeared that they are starting to hatch, then you can start caring for the flower. It is best to prune roses in the spring, in early March. The earliest time is the end of February. Light day should last at least 10 hours.

Follow our indoor rose pruning tips.

Too early and late pruning of roses are equally harmful. The basic procedure, carried out ahead of time, will cause weak shoots and a small number of flowers due to the short daylight hours.

A late procedure will cause the growth of a bush formed in autumn to stop. The plant will spend its energy recovering from a belated spring pruning. The active growth of the shoots has already been started, cutting the branches will bring down the biorhythms of the plant and weaken it. Abundant flowering in this case is not to be expected.

In some cases, the question arises, if the hat of flowers has already blossomed, whether it is necessary to cut the indoor rose cardinally. When the rose has already bloomed flowers, it is too late to do a deep pruning. You just need to cut off faded shoots to prolong flowering and remove plugs that will not bloom.

Sanitary pruning is best postponed until the fall. Then you can collect the cuttings. They will be useful for further reproduction. To do this, after flowering, the rose is cut, removing excess shoots, then the best of them are selected and left to breed your favorite variety.

Care after the main pruning of indoor roses

After basic pruning, roses should not be immediately placed where they will be exposed to direct sunlight and high temperatures. It is better to place the plants in a cool place. Suitable temperature conditions - + 10 ... + 15⁰С, lighting - diffused.

It is necessary to withstand pots of roses in such conditions until the first leaves appear on the shoots. Only then can they be exposed to a warm, sunny room.

In further care, the following rules must be observed:

  1. Water the bushes carefully. Overdried soil will not allow strong shoots to develop, and waterlogged soil will lead to diseases of the root system.
  2. At first, do not feed the plants. They should be fertilized only when they begin to actively develop.
  3. Monitor humidity. Too high humidity can provoke the development of diseases on open sections.

When the flowers enter the active growth phase, they require standard care.
