Make your own lounge chair. How to make a chair with your own hands from wood: drawings and dimensions, plus assembly instructions and explanations for working with lumber

Beskarkasny furniture in the Russian markets has appeared quite recently. But thanks to its many benefits, it quickly became popular. But the price of such a novelty is often too high.

In the meantime, making an easy chair with your own hands is not difficult at all. Such work will not take you much time. And you can involve children in sewing and decorating such an original decoration for your room.

Preparatory stages

Before you start doing, prepare a detailed drawing. If you do not carefully calculate all the necessary dimensions, then you may not get the result you expected at all.

The easiest way is to make an easy chair in the form of a pear or an ordinary bag.

Figure 1. An example of a drawing of a simple chair.

But you can give it the shape of a pyramid or, for example, a cube. Often, ottomans are made for children's rooms in the form of a drop or a funny animal, for example, a dragon.

An example of a drawing of a chair of a rather simple form is shown in fig. 1. Naturally, you can change the dimensions given in it as you wish.

Next, choose a fabric. You will need two types of matter. For the inner cover, get a fairly thick fabric with a tight weave. Otherwise, the filler balls may eventually come out of the bag. For this purpose, satin, coarse calico, a fabric intended for sewing breastplates are well suited.

But the outer cover can be sewn from any material. Denim, artificial leather, fur or furniture velor will look good in any interior. The color of the material depends only on your taste, preferences and the appearance of the room.

In order to, you need to buy a special filler. Usually frameless furniture is stuffed with polystyrene foam. It can be purchased at stores that sell furniture repair products.

Be careful when buying this product remotely (for example, from a catalog or via the Internet). This filler is very light and voluminous. To transport 10 kg of “balls”, you will need a cargo gazelle, because it will not fit into an ordinary passenger car. When buying a filler, pay attention not to the weight, but to the volume of the package. For tailoring an easy chair, you need a bag with a volume of 200-250 liters.

If desired, polystyrene foam can be replaced with foam chips. It can be obtained by crushing, for example, decorative tiles used to finish the ceiling.

Some experts advise stuffing frameless furniture with hay or buckwheat husks. But, using natural materials, remember that they should be changed about 1 time in 5-6 months. Fillers of plant origin absorb moisture well, which is why mold fungi can start in them. In addition, such materials are quickly compressed, and the easy chair will lose its volume and elasticity.

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Sewing a frameless version

In order to make an easy chair of the dimensions indicated in the drawing, you will need the following materials:

  • fabric for the inner cover (with a width of 150 cm) - 3 m;
  • fabric for the outer cover (with a width of 150 cm) - 3 m;
  • zipper, 22 cm long;
  • sewing threads;
  • decoration materials (piping, braid, ribbons, inlays).

Start by cutting out all the necessary details. Don't forget to leave seam allowances! They should be 1.5-3 cm.

First you need to prepare the patterns for all the elements of the easy chair. They are usually made from paper or plastic wrap (if you want to make reusable patterns). When creating patterns, allowances do not need to be taken into account.

The finished pattern is placed on the wrong side of the fabric and circled around the office with chalk or a bar of soap. Between the details of the pattern leave a space equal to the allowances. If you provide the same allowances for all parts, then the elements can not be marked separately. It is enough to fold the fabric in several layers and circle the pattern 1 time.

Tailoring should begin with the manufacture of the inner cover. “Petals” are sewn to the bottom in turn. Then the sides of the long parts are sewn together. Leave a hole in one seam for stuffing. The top part is sewn on last.

Next, make a cover. It is done in the same way, only a zipper is inserted into one of the seams. To do this, the seam is sewn from below, to a length of 3-5 cm. Then a pass is made equal to the length of the zipper and stitched to the end. The parts sewn in this way are turned right side out, and the allowances for the fastener are folded over and ironed. Lightning is placed under the workpiece from the inside and pinned to the allowances with pins. First, a line is laid on one side, trying to place it as close as possible to the teeth (usually special paws for sewing machines are used for this), then on the other. The fastener is finished by laying double seams at the beginning and end of the zipper.

Additional decor will make the chair a unique detail of your room. It can be decorated with embroidery, appliqués, decorative braid. This finish depends only on your personal taste.

In this article, we will consider the topic of making classic furniture for almost all apartments and houses - a do-it-yourself chair. This solid wood chair with armrests will not be bulky and the best use of such a product is in dining rooms. According to these instructions, it will be possible to make it at home.

The production of the chair will take place in several stages. All of them will be presented below and you can easily make it in a few evenings if you have tools and materials, because all the schemes will be presented below. There will be no ready-made drawings in this article, since everything is done from improvised means: from boards, plywood bars, which are available.


Let's call this stage - the frame of the chair.

Of course, almost the entire skeleton will be covered with foam rubber, cloth. Only part of the legs will remain visible.

The back legs are the most important parts of the wood chair because you have to make them at some angle.

Without thinking for a long time, for the manufacture of the back of the chair structure, we took the usual dining chair, which was available, although it was without a seat. But he was well suited for the role of a template. You can take some old grandmother's chair.

Markup was made on the board 50x150.

Be sure to mark the level of the seat of the chair, make it the same as for the chair. In this case, it was approximately 410 mm from the floor.

To cut the legs of a homemade fireplace chair, use a jigsaw.

Then we used the finished part as a template to make three more legs, because we make two chairs at once with our own hands from improvised materials.

The front legs will be straight and square - 55 × 55 mm. To obtain such a section, you can glue the boards together, and then saw them to the required size. We glued 2 pairs of 2 boards 120 wide and 30 mm thick.

There is no glue between boards 2 and 3

Note. A chair that has a solid structure is called a frame chair.

While the front legs are drying, we finished assembling the back frame - we made the upper part, in which the upper part has a slight rounding. Then they made the rear crossbar of the seat support.

We assembled all parts of the back using self-tapping screws 60 mm long. Before tightening the self-tapping screws, it is necessary to apply carpenter's glue to all connections, drill mounting holes.

Mounting holes are also called - auxiliary or guides. They must be drilled so that the self-tapping screw does not go to the side when screwing and so that the workpiece does not crack. The diameter of this hole is approximately equal to ⅔ of the diameter of the self-tapping screw.

We continue to make our wooden chair with our own hands. The blanks for the front legs stuck together and dried. We cut them to the required size 55 × 55 mm.

Lay them on the backrest structure and check the length of the legs and whether they lie on the same surface so that the chair does not wobble when in use. If the lengths are different, then align them.

The ends of the front legs need to be narrowed. To do this, make small bevels on all four sides.

Make side rails 400 mm long and fasten them as shown in the figure below. For better fixation, it is advisable to use screwing screws at an angle, having previously made auxiliary holes.

Install the front seat support bar. It is the same length as the back bar.

To make the English armchair with ears strong, we prepared four parts, the ends of which were cut at an angle of 45 degrees. We applied glue and fixed them with self-tapping screws in the corners of the frame.

Then they sawed off a piece of plywood to fit the size of the seat. Plywood thickness 18 mm. We fixed them with self-tapping screws, having previously applied glue.

If you want to make the seat softer, then you need to use furniture textile tapes instead of plywood. We will use such tapes in the manufacture of the back.

The chair must be with armrests, otherwise it will be a chair. Consider the stages of their manufacture.
The A-pillar and armrest bar should be set at right angles. Determine the height of the armrest yourself, it will be equal to 200-300 mm. The cross section of the bars is square - 50 × 50 mm.

Secure them with self-tapping screws, screwing them in at an angle.

A classic chair should be with “ears”. To make them, prepare a board and a bar of the same thickness for each side. Examine all the photos of the “ear” making process. Connect the blanks with self-tapping screws, then draw a rounding and cut along the lines. Fasten the finished assembly to the back and armrest.

For the right side, use the left “ear” as a template

You may think that making a chair with your own hands is not such an easy task, but I want to assure you that the hardest part is left behind.

Before proceeding with the upholstery, we will strengthen the frame a little - add crossbars to the back and armrests, as shown in the photo.

Add a plank to level the surface of the armrest, round it and sand it.


Now you can start the upholstery process.

Cut foam rubber 50 mm thick to the size of the seat, glue it to the surface of the plywood.

Fasten the horizontal textile straps to the back of the chair with a construction stapler, and then the vertical ones.

Take 10 mm foam rubber, cut off a piece from it, which will be 40-50 mm larger than the seat area.

Now cover the top with furniture cloth. Then, using a furniture stapler, fasten the cover, synthetic winterizer and foam rubber to the chair seat structure on all four sides.

We fix foam rubber 25 mm thick on the sidewalls and armrests of the chair. To bypass roundings, make several cuts as shown in the photos below.

Then remove all unnecessary.

We continue to consider the topic of how to make a fireplace chair with your own hands. The furniture fabric at the back must be fixed, as shown in the photo.

At the front of the seat, we made a slit so that the fabric can be folded over and secured.
An overview photograph of the intermediate stage of manufacturing the chair without drawings.

Then we covered the sidewall and armrests with padding polyester. To fix the synthetic winterizer, it is better to use aerosol glue so that the bonding occurs over the entire surface.

We wrap the almost finished chair with armrests with a cloth.

And on the front, at the junction of the armrest with the seat, we bend at an angle.

See how the skin is fastened from the inner invisible part, the excess is cut off.

Most likely you have already noticed that the sidewall itself is not sheathed. Because for this we will use a separate piece of fabric, it is easier to fit all the bends and roundings - we do all this at home.

And here is the view from the outside and what will remain in the invisible part.

Finally we got to the back. We use the same foam rubber (25 mm thick), synthetic winterizer and go through all the steps that were made with the armrests, sidewalls.

We close everything neatly with a cloth.

Video on how to make a do-it-yourself chester chair with leather coating

Before sheathing the back, remove all unnecessary, cut the fabric, threads. Nothing should be left protruding beyond the frame.

To give volume and a complete look, we need the back of the wooden chair to be beautiful and even, for this we will fix the straps and the lining fabric on top of them, as shown in the photo.

In the manufacture, we do not use a drawing of a chair with exact dimensions, we do everything on the spot. But if you will make 2 or more products and you want them all to be the same, then based on the first chair, take all the necessary measurements and transfer them to paper.

Fasten the synthetic winterizer and then the fabric on it.

Close-up of the back of the top of the back.

We offer you to watch a video with different chips and useful tips. The video is in a foreign language, but it is understandable.

DIY sofa chair master class

We fix the textile straps on the outside of the sidewalls and armrests. Then cover with a cloth.

Then we attach the fabric along the back edge.

Catch the fabric pattern so that the picture does not have any overlaps at the fold.

How to sew the corners of fabric beautifully

Chair examples

You can also make a round chair with your own hands

Wooden chair-sofa

Wooden chairs with their own hands. Examples of self-made products

Each person wants to make the atmosphere of his house or apartment as cozy and comfortable as possible, but at the same time unlike any others.

To achieve the uniqueness of the interior, you can use hanging chairs. You can buy them at furniture stores or make your own.

Today, on the Internet and in specialized magazines, you can find drawings of chairs of various designs and shapes.

In our article we will look at how to make such a chair with your own hands.

Varieties of hanging chairs

Today, manufacturers offer a huge range of hanging chairs, among them there are those that can be made by hand.

Such furnishings can be an unusual accent in the design of the room. Below we consider several options for chairs that you can create yourself.

Armchair in the form of a swing

In the manufacture of original hanging swing chairs, a variety of materials are used. Such models are characterized by an elegant appearance, a fairly simple design, a rigid or soft frame. They will decorate the cottage beautifully.

They can also be used as an original piece of furniture for a bedroom or children's room, terrace.

Armchair in the shape of a cocoon

This is one of the most common models of hanging chairs. The difference between such a chair is the presence of walls hiding the inside of the chair.

This product is designed to enjoy loneliness, it is also very popular with children, as it looks like a hanging house. Only natural materials are used to make the cocoon.

Armchair in the form of a nest with a hoop frame

These chairs are the most popular. They can be equipped with a large amount of decor and perfectly complement modern interiors. For such models, a variety of weaving techniques are used.

What are chairs made from?

When choosing materials for a chair, it is necessary to take into account its specifics.

If you settled on the swing chair option, then you will need a dense fabric, different types of artificial ropes and wood bars.

To make a chair in the shape of a cocoon, you will need rattan, willow twigs, bast, branches of bird cherry or willow.

For a chair in the form of a nest, a hoop made of plastic or steel, durable fabric that is resistant to wear, synthetic filler, special cords for weaving, and a variety of wood bars are suitable.

For the seat itself, the following techniques are used:

  • Macrame;
  • Patchwork technique;
  • knitting;
  • Tatting.

Do not forget about the compliance of the selected materials and fasteners with the planned load.


Workshop on creating a chair

This is the simplest type of hanging chair you can make yourself. To make it, you will need:

  • dense material - 2 m;
  • wooden beam - length 1 m, radius 3 cm;
  • several carbines (0.11 m) designed for a weight of up to 0.16 tons;
  • cable with a diameter of 1-1.15 cm with a tensile load of up to 3200 kgf;
  • paints, brushes, kapron threads.

From the tools you will need a drill, a sewing machine, an iron, scissors, a ruler.

We work wonders step by step

Step 1. Fold the material in half, measure 0.18 m from above and cut off the resulting triangle.

Step 2. We bend the edges of the canvas by about 1 - 1.5 cm and carefully hem them.

Step 3. We make pockets for the cable. To do this, it is necessary to bend the edges on the long part by 4 cm and stitch them on a typewriter.


Step 4. We make 2 holes on each side of the wooden beam. Between two adjacent holes there should be a gap of 5 cm, and between pairs of holes - approximately 0.8 m.

Step 5. We put the rope into the central holes and fix it with knots. First, in the middle of the rope, we make a knot for the carabiner.

Step 6. We pass the ends of the cable through the prepared fabric, stick them into the free holes and fix them with knots.

Step 7. To the hook previously attached to the ceiling, we attach a pair of carabiners that are connected to each other. This will give the reliability of the design. We put a rope into the last carabiner.

You can decorate the swing chair with bright pillows.


Hanging chairs are quite a popular piece of furniture. They can easily become the highlight of your interior.

We hope that this article has convinced you that it is not difficult to sew a stylish bean bag chair or a fashionable hammock chair with your own hands.

Such self-made products have a unique charm. They are sure to impress your guests with their uniqueness.

DIY armchair photo

Not only craftsmen know how to make exclusive comfortable furniture from improvised materials. The advantage of such an occupation is obvious - it is the possibility of translating into reality the most daring ideas for a variety of living space. An additional bonus is the low cost of making homemade soft chairs with your own hands. Following the advice of designers, you can make an easy chair for a pleasant pastime in your own home. At home, you can exactly repeat all the stages of factory production of this modern and convenient attribute for decorating a nursery or living room. On the Internet, you can find both the simplest and most complex schemes.

The first step in the manufacture of home upholstered furniture is the choice of fabric for the external design of the soft parts of the structure. Each master selects upholstery depending on the physical properties and price aspects and features that different drawings have. Consider the most common fabrics for decorating chairs in our time:

  • velor - velvety to the touch, gives the furniture a certain charm;

Velor upholstered

  • flog - a distant analogue of velor, easy to clean, so designers use it to decorate children's upholstered furniture;

Flog in upholstery

  • chenille - a fabric based on a combination of natural and synthetic fibers, has a special wear resistance (a well-thought-out structure prevents the formation of pellets);

Chinille in upholstery

  • jacquard - the upholstery is considered durable, but over time, the loops turn into puffs;
  • natural tapestry - the most expensive and beautiful type of fabric for upholstery;

Jacquard in upholstery

  • artificial suede - a universal option for armchairs in a sunny room, resistant to UV rays and easy to clean;

Upholstered faux suede

  • leatherette is a durable material that allows you to play with decorative embossing.

Leatherette in upholstery

Material, fittings, tools for frame attribute

Creating a frame chair from scratch presents some difficulties. But the finished product will have a more respectable appearance. You can verify this by looking at the photos of finished products by home craftsmen. You can also use the old Soviet "grandmother's" chair for the base.

To make a simple frame for a soft chair, you need to pick up strong sheets of 20 mm plywood for cutting out parts with your own hands. Also useful is a standard repair tool kit with an electric drill, jigsaw, steel ruler, emery cloth, metal rims, masking tape, pencil, tape measure, thin nails, self-tapping screws, wood glue, stain, glossy paint. For upholstery you need: artificial leather or fabric, foam rubber (filler).

Step-by-step creation of upholstered furniture with a wooden base

  1. If you do not know how to make a drawing for the base, then look for ready-made schemes on the net. As a rule, they are transferred to a cardboard template with a pencil. Only after that proceed to perform the operations of the described algorithm. This will help save on excess material, or vice versa - do not buy the missing parts.
  2. According to the cardboard template, future constituent elements are cut out of plywood sheets:
  • banana-shaped sidewalls;
  • cross bars.

It is important to determine the desired angles of inclination, bending and dimensions of the future frame. This will help the photo of the finished chair, created according to your scheme.

  1. The next stage is the surface treatment of wooden parts by cleaning and grinding. With special care, the ends are worked out to improve the quality of the work done. Previously, these parts are impregnated with heated drying oil and only then bends are formed with a hammer, if they are provided for in the sketch. Each component is cut with an electric jigsaw.
  2. Stained or treated with varnish-stained sidewalls. The ends of the side parts are reinforced with metal rims.
  3. The next course of action is connected with the close-fitting of the frame. Using an electric drill, make the necessary holes. The rims are fixed with screws.
  4. First, the back of the back is covered with artificial leather or fabric, then the remaining fragments of the structure, incl. and seats.
  5. The upholstery is fixed with wallpaper nails, which are characterized by large hats. In the back of the frame chair, the upholstery is fixed along the edge, along the transverse parts to better cover the slats.

Pattern of a round chair Wooden frame We sheathe the frame with fiberboard cardboard

Experienced furniture makers advise the attachment points to be additionally treated with wood glue. Such a move is needed to increase the durability of the created furniture with your own hands.

Secrets of reliable upholstery: how to sew

The process of stretching the upholstery of soft chairs has its own nuances:

  1. Foam rubber is cut to the size of the seat (average thickness - 5 cm). The part is glued to the surface of the plywood sheet.
  2. Horizontal and vertical fabric straps are fixed to the back with a construction stapler. Similar belts are added to the armrests and sidewalls from the inside along the form.
  3. From a piece of foam rubber 0.1 cm thick, a part is cut off, which will be larger in size than the area of ​​​​the seat (difference by 4-5 cm). They take a flap of synthetic winterizer fabric of the same size with an elongated front part and fix it with their own hands.
  4. After the done manipulations, the upholstery is covered with furniture fabric. With the help of a stapler, textiles are fixed in all corners of the cover, the synthetic winterizer-foam layer to the seat frame of the chair.
  5. The sidewalls and armrests are also covered with synthetic winterizer, fixed with aerosol glue over the entire surface. Only after that, the parts are sheathed with a cloth, securing the flap along the staples.

We sheathe the chair with foam rubber. In addition, we put a synthetic winterizer
