How to fold a tent: tips from experienced tourists. How to assemble a figure eight tent quickly and easily

The author of the presented video and, concurrently, the owner of the shown tent, immediately stipulates several conditions. The product is quite light, two people can fit in it, although three are declared, it is not at all expensive, and the main plus is that installation takes no more than a minute. A wonderful quality when you are unexpectedly invited to a hike or picnic, and there is practically no time left to carefully pack.

True, the young man immediately reports that on a multi-day trip it is better to choose something of higher quality and stability and proceeds to the demonstration. Indeed, deploy and put up a tent of this type, though not the first time, but he succeeded quite easily. In appearance, it is quite suitable as protection against rain and all-penetrating mosquitoes. No need to drive in pegs, put up stretch marks and stretch the awning. Everything is really simple.

But the most important thing in this five-minute video is its last part. In working order, the tent is quite bulky, and how to fold it into its original position is a real puzzle. Chinese production does not inspire confidence that something will not break. However, the author shares his secret. Not complicated hand movements and the tent is again behind you in the form of a small round backpack. Watch the video "How to fold the tent in round case" in good quality 720HD. All materials of 2017 and 2018 are contained on and are available on our website without registration.

When I bought it, I did not immediately understand how it was going to. I tried to find a video guide, it did not work. Reading the instructions, not particularly flavored with pictures, also raised a lot of questions. As a result, following a logical path, I assembled the tent the way it is recommended to assemble it in different blogs. But it turned out that TRAMP SARMA has its own assembly ideology. Which made it even more convenient and practical in my eyes.

So, today we had a meeting of the expedition group, at which we approved the route, exited the route, preliminarily reviewed the food layout, went through the equipment one more time, and at the end of the meeting we got out into nature with my tent, for its more detailed study. This study was necessary in view of the fact that the rest of the group is still faced with the question of buying a tent.

We moved to the nearest picturesque clearing where we chose a place for setting up a tent. We got the coveted pile of rags, which promised to become our home for a week of life in the fierce north. We had a smoke break to gather our thoughts.

Collecting thoughts

We started assembling the tent using the classic method. They got everything, rolled it out. They laid out the inside of the tent.

We spin
We laid out the inside of the tent and collect the sticks.

We insert the assembled sticks into the holes parallel to the walls with entrances. And cross them as shown below.

We insert the sticks parallel to the wall with the entrances
And we cross them.

After that, we attach all the “clothespins” to the sticks and, voila! it turns out the inside of the house!

Voila! House!

Of course, if all this was in heavy rain, then the water would have to be scooped out of it. People pay attention to this fact in some reviews about this tent. For this, further below, another method will be presented, which practically excludes the critical wetting of the tent. But more on that later. And now we have completed the tent. Many questions arose from the ropes with which the crosshair is knitted, and from the Velcro, with which the awning is then attached to the sticks.

The floor is also stretched on sticks
The tamburok is very pleasant, and it’s not for nothing that there are two of them, right?
And, by the way, the three of us can play cards when it’s completely bad weather, though it’s crowded.
They didn’t pull too hard, everything is clear there. Pegs, by the way, can be tied.

So we got to the interesting part. After collecting the tent, there was still a slight feeling that you were deceived somewhere. Well, the manufacturer of tents, with which people will go where an awning is useful, cannot come up with such a tent. After all, while you collect it, it will turn into a children's pool. And then, with these Velcro, it’s not clear how it squirms. Everything is somehow inconvenient, inconvenient. Well, it doesn’t happen with equipment! It just shouldn't be!

And here are those stickies

And then brainstorming, as usual, gives us a bright bright solution. So gentlemen of the jury - assessors, The ice has broken! Meet the magnificent TRAMP SARMA.

The decision came to us from an unexpected quarter. We lay an awning top to the ground. And, still parallel to the sides with the entrances, we stick the sticks into the holes.

We turn over the awning, insert the sticks.

As we did before, we cross them.

We cross them

We slightly bend inside the tent and we can begin to sculpt the Velcro. Everything happens very conveniently and simply. At this moment, the inner part of the tent, rolled up so that the floor is outside (as it was originally folded by the manufacturer) Lies to itself and does not get wet, because the floor is its most waterproof part. So, op! And the tent is ready!

The tent is ready!

At the same time, if water managed to get into it, you can turn it over and shake it. And it will again be dry inside. The main thing is to keep it strong if the rain is richly flavored with a breeze.

From this point on, the downpour can be considered conditionally defeated.

So, we can just get under the awning, and put the inner tent rings on the poles. And then from the vestibules it is quite convenient to fasten the clothespins of the inner tent to the sticks. When it's raining all around. You are calmly collecting a tent under an awning.

You can collect the inner part already sheltered from the rain.

When we fixed this assembly method, it became clear that the designer of this miracle went a little different from the standard way of assembly logic. Moreover, this explains everything: the presence of two vestibules, and crossed sticks, and Velcro, and even shoelaces (which, by the way, can be tied and untied through the ventilation windows).

This method of assembling the tent turned out to be really simple, logical and very fast. To be honest, until today I had some doubts, inspired by reading terrible reviews in which people condemn the design of the TRAMP SARMA tent for the clumsiness of its assembly. Now I am deleting this item. Summary: The group decided to equip with TRAMP SARMA tents, as the most practical and worthy specimens of their price category.

In conclusion, I will say that we do not refuse the idea of ​​using two entrances, and we will definitely try the joint placement of two and three tents side by side. There is an assumption that witchcraft with vestibules will allow you to organize a comfortable transition between tents.

Having bought a tent and set it up safely, many people completely forget about one detail. Sooner or later, a terrible hour will come when the tent will have to be folded :)

Surprisingly, this often becomes an insoluble dilemma. We have analyzed all requests and provide several options for how to properly fold a tent .

How to fold an automatic tent?

Automatic tents (or automatic tents) consist of flexible spring steel covered with polyester. Such tents have a great advantage - they are very quickly and easily installed. But there are problems with the reverse process, although folding such a tent is also easy.
So, how to fold the tent-machine?
Stage 1: fold all sides of the tent into one, i.e. roll the tent to a flat state. You should get one flat triangle, square or something similar.
Stage 2: put the tent on the floor and pull one of the sides towards you, pressing it to the opposite edge of the plane. The steel arcs of the tent will begin to twist into a figure eight. Then it remains to tighten the figure eight, turning it into 0 or a circle. Voila! :) This is general principle, but there are subtleties. For example, large automatic Chinese tents (such as Quechua) need to be rolled up several times.
There you are good advice- fold the automatic tent at home several times before taking it out into the countryside.
And for clarity, here's how to fold the automatic tent into a ring:

How to fold a children's tent?

A children's tent is usually the same automatic tent, only reduced and simplified. Accordingly, it is assembled in a similar way (for details, see above). We fold the tent until a single plane is formed, and then we twist the metal arcs, as if squeezing the tent and forming a figure eight. Sometimes you just need to pull one of the edges of the tent towards you and only then twist it. Sometimes there are non-standard and hybrid forms of tents. For example, in cylindrical tents there are often plastic arcs that must first be removed. Below is one of the difficult cases"(the process of folding the children's tent - at the end):

And here's another one on how to fold a children's tent:

How to fold a camping tent?

This question arises less often, but still people sometimes do not know how to properly fold a tourist tent. We are talking about a conventional two-layer tent with a fiberglass frame, with struts made of pegs. They assembled it, but it’s impossible to disassemble it so that everything fits into the case :) Here’s a standard scheme for you:

A) If the frame is internal (frame arcs are hidden under the awning):

  1. Remove the awning (outer layer). It is desirable to dry the awning.
  2. Check if everything is taken out of the inside of the tent. Pull out the frame arcs, disassemble and fold into a special case (if any).

B) If the frame is external (frame arcs are visible and stretch the awning from the outside):

  1. Go around the tent in a circle and remove all the pegs. The pegs must be removed by hand, do not pull on the spacers.
  2. Check if everything is taken out of the inside of the tent. Remove the inside of the tent.
  3. Remove the frame arches from the awning, disassemble and fold them into a special case (if any).
  4. Shake and dry the awning if possible.
  5. Lay out both layers of the tent separately on the ground and fold each one at the seams, evenly. Put the inner part on the awning and roll into a tube. Another option is also possible: initially put the inner layer on the outer one and roll them together.
  6. Put the rolled-up tent into the case first, then the arcs and pegs. Pull off the cover. If the tent does not fit into the bag, then it is not properly folded.
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Today it is simply huge - they are single and double, summer and winter, camping and beach. You may need a tent for a trip to a distant mountain camp or for a trip to the nearest forest, fishing or barbecue. Modern tourist tents are much easier to manage than their old Soviet canvas counterparts. But if you decide to practice and assemble a tent for the first time, this fact-finding instruction will not interfere with you at all.

How to assemble a tourist tent?

If you have already chosen a resting place, then before you assemble the tent, choose a place for it on flat and solid ground. Otherwise, it runs the risk of being unstable, which is very inconvenient, especially if you have children. Also, near the installation site should not be electrical cables- don't neglect it elementary rule security.

For example, consider the most popular type of tent, which consists of a frame and an awning. They are called - frame tents.

The basic instructions on how to assemble a double, camping or winter tent will differ little from those described above. The difference is only in the scale of work: keep in mind that it is more convenient for people with tall stature to assemble tents.

Tents should be pitched in reverse order: first remove the pegs, then carefully remove the awning from the frame (you may need to make some effort to do this). After that, you can safely disassemble the frame and pack the tent in a backpack or in a special case. It will be useful to take spare parts of the frame with you if they were included in the kit, since parts, especially plastic ones, tend to break at the most inopportune moment.

How to quickly assemble a children's tent?

Serve not so much for outdoor recreation, but for games. You can assemble such a tent even at home, taking the children fun game hide-and-seek. They are no less convenient in nature: absolutely all kids like to frolic in tents!

To choose a tourist tent for yourself, it is advisable to familiarize yourself with what they are. For starters, you can view their classification. When choosing tents, they usually pay attention to their shape, which will directly affect their stability, comfort and capacity.

What are the types of tents

The shape of tourist tents can be:

  • Dome (hemispheric), which are used mainly by hunters and tourists. Such tents can be quite stable, they protect well in bad weather and when strong wind. They are easy and quick to unfold and fold. However, such tents have a significant drawback - a fairly solid weight of 4 to 6 kg, thanks to the frame arcs;
  • Tunnel (semi-barrel) or hangar tents, which are something like half a cylinder. Such tents are more spacious than the previous type, but tunnel tents have less stability;
  • Tent is the oldest type of tent. The tents are easy to install, have a low weight (3-4 kg), but are inferior to the two previous options in many respects. Tent tents can have spatial frames, be installed on central stakes, stretched with guy wires, or can be hung from trees;
  • Tourist (trekking), which are made of high quality and durable species fabrics, have water-repellent impregnation and weight not exceeding 2.8 kg;
  • Storm (extreme), designed for serious trips. They have more stable structures that can protect people from showers and winds;
  • Ultralight tents that weigh no more than 600-800 grams. The "insides" of the tents are minimized, they are hammocks with awnings, and single-layer fabrics serve as the material for their implementation.

It is desirable to set up tents on flat, smooth and dry places. Of course, this is not always possible, especially in the mountains.

How to fold a tent in a figure eight

To begin with, the structures are stacked so that they become gentle. To do this, opposite sides are taken and brought together as if the book should close. The frames of the tents are semi-automatic, so voluminous structures easily take on flat shapes. However, their shape and size are not so important. Based on the models, the result should be rectangles, squares or triangles.

Next, the resulting structures must be picked up and placed in narrow parts on the ground as an emphasis. For example, if triangles are obtained, then the tops should focus on the ground, and the wide bases should remain in the hands. Then the lower parts are pressed down with their feet, and the upper parts are bent to the ground as if they want to lay the canvases in half. From the moment the frame arcs close, the joints are pressed by hand. After that, the right and left corners of the resulting shapes are folded one on top of the other. In the course of this, the corners themselves will begin to curl.

In semi-automatic tents, with the right effort, the frames themselves fold into circles or ovals. small sizes. When bending, the arcs will begin to wrap themselves inward, you just have to come to their aid a little. In the end, some sections of the tents are tucked inside the resulting circles and the assembled structures are removed into covers.

Connoisseurs recommend for a better understanding of the structure of the frames to practice assembling awnings in pairs. For this, canvases are taken from two sides, and people go towards each other. Then one will have to hold the ends firmly, and the other will have to twist the corners towards the middle. In some tourist tents with automatic installation, for example, in multi-seat models with high ceilings, there may be additional elements frameworks, such as supporting central axes. Such parts are usually removable and have similar assembly systems.

How to assemble a winter tent figure eight

In winter tourist tents there are external and internal frames, they may have locks and Velcro. Velcro designs are slightly different from ordinary ones. To fold them, all Velcro, locks are closed, after which one of the corners is pressed inward to obtain a kind of book. Then it is positioned so that one corner is turned “towards itself”. The lower ribs are pressed to the ground, while the upper ribs are bent forward and down, then packed into cases.
