How to make a piece of wood. How to make artificial trees

Things made by hand are distinguished by their beauty and decorativeness. They add a piece of warmth and comfort to the interior space. Wooden crafts for home and garden have an aesthetic appearance and allow you to reveal your inner potential. They help to decorate the residential interior and add a kind of zest to the backyard.

Both adults and children can make such products. Modern drawings of wood crafts will help to cope with the task. A good imagination and a little patience allow you to get the desired result.

Original wood decor ideas

Since ancient times, natural solid wood has been widely used as a finishing material. The beautiful texture and unusual coloring amaze the human imagination. From wood, luxurious furniture and decor items are obtained.

To create unusual crafts. you cannot do without plywood, plywood, on the site you can choose the size and place an order.

DIY wood crafts add a piece of warmth and conciseness to the environment. For example, a beautiful photo frame with carved patterns will be a wonderful decoration in the reception area for guests and loved ones. To do this, you can use different types of tree crops. Special stains and impregnations will help to add colors and emphasize the texture.

For a suburban area, the original solution will be the figures of animals. To do this, you need flat wooden elements. For example, thin saw cuts are used to create an owl.

The design consists of five main parts: head, torso and eyes, tail wings. The head and body are made from round cuts. For wings, you will need bark or vine, previously fixed to each other.

Crafts from saw cuts of a tree will become a real decoration of a personal plot. Thin parts of wood are used to make many tiered racks and shelves, on which flower arrangements will be placed in the future. The surface of the array can be processed with sandpaper or left in its original form.

Wooden saw cuts are widely used as a basis on which various decorative trifles are subsequently located. For example, crafts in the form of a picture. In the foreground there will be flat pebbles. They will help to imitate the torso and head of little men.

From gift paper, you can make beautiful clothes. Draw other small elements with a thin marker.

Natural landscapes are made using the same technique. Marble or granite chips will help add luxury. For these purposes, you can use small amber. To fix the result will help the paintwork. The photo of wood crafts shows exclusive decoration options. They add sophistication to the environment.

Master class on creating a three-dimensional wooden appliqué

Wooden appliqué impresses with its beauty. Modern technologies allow you to create a complex pattern made of thin wood. We bring to your attention a detailed master class on creating an application from a natural array.

Before starting the workflow, you need to prepare the following tools and materials:

  • thin wood;
  • simple pencil;
  • image based on which we will create an application;
  • paper;
  • thin plywood;
  • glue for wood;
  • impregnation. It will be needed to give color to future crafts.

The workflow is divided into several stages:

  • On a piece of paper we draw a future sketch. The weight of the part is signed and numbered.
  • Next, we cut the whole drawing into separate parts;
  • Cut sharp corners carefully.
  • We grind every detail with sandpaper.
  • After the surface is prepared, each element of the application begins to tint. To do this, you need a thin brush and a water-based stain.
  • When all the details have dried, you can start making a wooden panel.
  • Each element is covered with glue.
  • After that, we fix them on a sheet of plywood.
  • When all the elements are in place, leave our panel to dry completely.
  • You can give a clear outline with a thin marker.

As you can see, creating a beautiful thing is quite simple. The main thing in this matter will show a little imagination and perseverance.

Even more instructions on how to make crafts can be found on the site of our friends.

Photo of wood crafts

Outwardly, it will practically not differ from a living tree. But the advantages and advantages of an artificial tree are immeasurably greater: it does not need to be grown for many years, it does not require watering and special care.

You can decorate such bonsai in places far from the lighting in the room. The most important thing is that this pleasure is not worth the crazy.

Start creating a man-made masterpiece by finding a suitable driftwood or. They can be found in the forest or in. Do not pay attention to the fact that the snag with small defects, they can be eliminated in the process of making artificial wood. So, we have selected the material for the bonsai trunk.

You should also save green branches of coniferous trees. Suitable pine, juniper, spruce. Not to do in our creativity and without a moss. Reindeer moss is best. Now that the material for the tree has been selected, you can proceed to the conservation stage. Preservation is necessary so that the needles do not crumble when dried, but remain in their original form for several years. Preservation, in addition, will help preserve the bright green color of the needles.

For chemical preservation, it is necessary to prepare a solution of denatured alcohol, acetone and glycerin in a ratio of 1:1:2. The solution must be stored in a tightly closed jar, since it has a strong.

Thoroughly rinse the plant branches you have collected in water to clean them of dirt. Then place them in the solution for at least a week. The branches should be completely covered with the solution, and not float on its surface. At the end of the treatment, the plants should be washed in water. Keep in mind that with such a chemical treatment, not only conservation, but also bleaching of plants occurs. In the future, the branches are to be painted.

Processed and washed branches should be hung on the balcony (or in the attic) and dried for at least a week. Glycerin makes plant branches elastic and prevents shedding of needles. Dried branches can be dyed.

Use oil paints, diluting them with drying oil, turpentine or acetone. It is more convenient to process needles with a brush or a spray bottle. So that the paint lays down evenly, first dip the branches in hot paraffin. The paint should only be applied to the needles.

In addition to branches, driftwood and dried moss, we also need glue and wire. Mounting bonsai requires some skill and patience. As a result, we should get a composition that is as similar as possible to a living tree.

Cut the branches to length and glue them to the tree trunk, the role of which will be played by a snag. Use wire for fastening. Later, when the glue dries, it will need to be removed. Places that have been treated should be decorated with moss. When installing your artificial tree, keep in mind that the center of gravity of the composition should allow it to be stable in its place.

If you were careful and patient, then soon your eyes will see a composition that is very similar to a living tree, capable of maintaining its shape for several years. You will only have to blow dust from your creation from time to time.

Decorative trees made of artificial materials are ideal for decorating your home or office. They will perfectly fit into the design of any interior, creating a cozy atmosphere in the room. Such hand-made crafts do not require special conditions of maintenance and careful care compared to living plants. From this article you will learn how to make artificial trees with your own hands in different ways.

artificial pistachio tree

You will need:

  • Gypsum;
  • Pot;
  • Pistachio shell;
  • Spray paint gold;
  • Wire.

How to make a tree with your own hands from pistachio shells:

  • Using a drill, make a small hole in each shell;
  • We cut the wire into segments 15-20 cm long and fix one shell for each of the segments. Next, we twist the wires and get blanks;

  • We connect several leaves together by twisting the wire. Thus, a branch is obtained;
  • We make several branches and twist them together - we get the trunk of a tree;

  • We wrap the branches and the stem part with FUM tape. Instead, you can take a thread or rope;
  • Let's paint the craft;

  • Let's prepare the base: we will prepare a pot suitable for crafts, which we will fill with plaster and insert our “golden” masterpiece into it;
  • Let's wait until the plaster dries. We paint the pot with paint;

  • Additionally, we make out the finished craft with coins.

Similar ideas for hand-made crafts can be found in the article.

Master class on making decorative poplar

Such a beautiful "poplar" is a great decoration for a house or street.

Required materials:

  • Candle;
  • Glue;
  • Needle;
  • Matches;
  • Thin and thick wire;
  • Pot;
  • Gypsum or cement;
  • Gray and green threads;
  • Green plastic bottle;
  • Scissors.

Step by step master class with photo:

  • We separate with wire cutters from a thick wire 3 segments that are identical to each other, connect to each other by twisting. We wrap the ends of the blanks on one side;
  • We dilute the fixing mixture, pour the solution into the pot, put the “poplar” trunk with curved ends there. We are waiting for the mass to solidify, and at this time we are making artificial branches;
  • We cut squares of different sizes from the bottle, cut out the leaves from them. We heat a needle over the flame, make holes in the upper part;

  • Insert a thin wire into them, fold in half, twist. We combine three branches into one and make several identical blanks;
  • Next, for the manufacture of crafts for the home interior, we take several blanks, which consist of three branches, and connect them together;

  • We close the wire part with the help of gray threads, fix the ends with glue. We leave the lower part of the branch free, which we attach to the trunk;
  • Using the same method, we make the entire “poplar”, we wrap its stem part with a gray thread;
  • To imitate grass, cut green threads of the same size, fold them in half. Lubricate the bending points with glue, fasten the blanks to a cement or gypsum base.

Thus, we get beautiful artificial trees in pots that can safely stand both at home and on the street - they are not afraid of rain and bright sunlight.

artificial home apple tree

It is advisable to place such decorative artificial trees only indoors, because their flowers are made of yarn.

You will need:

  • Glue;
  • wire cutters;
  • Cardboard;
  • Hook;
  • Scotch;
  • Wire;
  • Pencil;
  • cement or plaster;
  • Scissors;
  • Brown and green fabric;
  • Pot;
  • Red and brown threads.

Stages of work:

  • We cut off with wire cutters six wire blanks of 30 cm each, five - 25 cm each, and twenty-two - 4 cm each;
  • We attach with tape to a large wire branch 3 small ones. Let's make some preparations. Branches can be wrapped with matter, for example, velvet or fleece;

  • We cut strips 2 cm wide from brown fabric. We wrap them with blanks of branches (several pieces), leaving 3 cm free at the bottom. We fix the ends of the matter with glue;
  • We collect the blanks into a single "apple tree". We cut off a strip of 3 cm from the fabric, wrap it around the canvas and the branches connected to each other. We also fix the fabric ends with glue;

  • To make a decorative apple tree further, we install it in a container with a narrow neck. If such dishes could not be found, then in order to fix the “plant”, we pour cement or gypsum mortar into the container. We straighten the branches and begin to decorate our craft;
  • Now we will cut leaves of different sizes from green matter, and singe their edges over the flame, not bringing them very close to it so that they do not spread;

  • We glue the leaves on the branches and begin to create fruits that are made from. Cut out 2 circles from cardboard, 3 cm in diameter. We draw a smaller circle inside and cut it out, we get 2 cardboard rings;
  • We connect them into a single part, we wind a red thread on it with a hook. The yarn should completely “hide” the workpiece. We cut it from the outer edge, lay a brown thread and use it to tighten the resulting pompom;

  • Cut out leaves from green material, glue on a brown thread;
  • We hang ready-made "fruits" on the branches. You can also decorate the pot as you wish.

Volumetric tree on the wall

This unique 3D decoration can be made by hand on the wall (and even on part of the ceiling) without any problems. To get a real masterpiece, it is not necessary to have the knowledge of a sculptor or artist.

Important: This decor requires a lot of space.

You will need:

  • Master OK;
  • Bucket;
  • Marker and scissors;
  • Acrylic paints and brushes;
  • Scotch;
  • A bag of dry gypsum;
  • Large sheet of cellophane film.

Working process:

  • Let's draw a contour mirror image on a cellophane film with a marker, and when we cut out the traced middle, we should get a stencil;
  • We stick it on the wall with adhesive tape;
  • Pour water into a bucket and dilute gypsum;
  • Carefully fill in the empty stencil space with the help of a trowel;
  • Remove the film after the mixture has dried;
  • We apply a few more gypsum layers, the last one is rounded;
  • When the solution dries well, paint the sculptural image with acrylic-based paints.

You can choose from a variety of palettes. In the living room, a “natural” image will look great, in a children's room on the wall - a fabulous tree, unusually painted.

decorative tree from branches

To decorate the interior of your home, you can make large artificial trees with flowers.

Necessary materials:

  • Glue hot gun;
  • Twigs;
  • Sea pebbles;
  • Square flowerpot;
  • Decorative flowers (you can - paper);
  • A piece of foam.

How to make a decorative tree yourself from ordinary branches:

  • We fill the bottom of the flowerpot with sea pebbles and put foam plastic on them, and insert the prepared branch into it;
  • We sprinkle it again with sea stones for good stability, insert moss on top;
  • Now we decorate the branch. To do this, glue the decorative flowers randomly to the branch with a glue gun;
  • After the end of this procedure, such a decorative craft will rightfully serve as a decoration for your house or apartment.

On the Internet, you can find many photos of trees made by yourself, choose the option that suits you and create your own masterpiece based on it. For another interesting idea for creating an artificial tree, see the video below.

Video: How to make a do-it-yourself LED tree

After carrying out garden care work, as a rule, a summer resident has a lot of waste at his disposal: from thin twigs to massive logs. They can be firewood, but it is much better to make DIY garden crafts from wood that will decorate your site and attract everyone's attention.

Landscape Design Elements

garden buildings

Wood can serve as a material for the construction and decoration of various structures: a barn, a well, a gazebo, a barbecue, and so on. Such do-it-yourself wooden crafts for the garden look especially attractive against the background of a country house made of logs or planed timber, forming a single style of landscape design of the site.

It should be remembered here that the construction of even a very small structure will require a sufficiently large amount of wood. Therefore, you need to be prepared for the fact that the missing amount of lumber will have to be bought in addition. However, the result is worth it.

Organically combining rounded logs and branches obtained after pruning trees in the garden, you can create unique and inimitable exteriors.

garden path

Paths paved with tree cuts will help make your summer cottage beautiful and unusual. For this, pruning of thick branches and sawn tree trunks that remain after cleaning in the garden are perfect. You just need to make sure that they are not spoiled by pests, as this affects the strength and durability of the coating.

The work is done like this:

  • the tree must be sawn into segments of the same length (diameter does not matter here);
  • treat blanks with a special compound that protects them from decay;
  • according to the pre-made markings, dig a trench, the depth of which is equal to the length of the prepared cylinders plus 15-20 cm;
  • pour a sand cushion at the bottom of the recess, which is then carefully compacted;
  • only after that you can install saw cuts.

The gaps between large elements can be filled with thin blanks that you have sawn from tree branches.

After work is completed, the remaining gaps are covered with sand or earth. The latter can be mixed with seeds, after the germination of which the path will become even more attractive.

Fences and supporting walls

Wood is perfect for the construction of various fences. In addition to the main purpose - zoning a site or restricting access to people and animals - a wooden picket fence or wattle fence also performs a decorative function, complementing or emphasizing various design solutions in landscape design. Such a fence can be easily made from improvised materials without spending money on their purchase.

Zoning of the site can also be carried out using supporting walls made of dry tree branches or logs of suitable thickness. This solution will be effectively combined with a log house, log paths, wooden garden furniture and so on. It is only important not to overdo it and keep a sense of proportion.

Decorative bridges

The ensemble of wood crafts can be completed by bridges made of logs and branches thrown over streams or artificial reservoirs. They look very colorful and are often used by designers to decorate the landscapes of summer cottages.

They have one drawback - the need to use a large amount of material. It is unlikely that you will find a sufficient number of logs and thick branches in your country house. However, in this case, the nearest forest can help out. Surely there is a sufficient amount of dead wood that can be used to good use.

Before cutting down trees in the forest, you need to make sure that by doing this you do not violate the current regulations regarding the use of natural resources.

Decor elements

flower bed

After sawing down an old or withered tree, a massive trunk remains at your disposal, which is most often sawn into firewood and burned in a fireplace or bath. However, with a little imagination, you can turn it into a unique and attractive club that will decorate the yard, barbecue area or outdoor summer kitchen.

For its manufacture you will need:

  • trunk of an old tree;
  • chisel and hammer;
  • chainsaw;
  • planer or grinder.

You won't need a how-to guide. You just need to arm yourself with patience and imagination, and then give an unsightly piece of wood any desired shape. Also, do not forget about the recess, which subsequently needs to be filled with soil and plant flowers there.

When choosing plants, make sure that they are combined with each other in shape, color and flowering time.
So you will achieve the best effect and get rid of the dead wood in the flower bed.

garden furniture

Do-it-yourself garden crafts made of wood, which act as furniture, have recently become widespread. The price of such products made by professional craftsmen is quite high, but you can make a simple chair, table or armchair yourself.

It is only necessary to take into account the following nuances:

  1. For the manufacture of furniture, it is necessary to use wood with a thick section, which is difficult to find in a summer cottage.
  2. Professional tools and equipment are used in the manufacturing process. If you do not have them, you can rent the necessary power tool at the nearest building supermarket.

Wood processing and furniture manufacturing is carried out in the following sequence:

  • a log or branches of suitable thickness and length are processed with an ax to remove the remnants of bark and knots;
  • with the help of a chainsaw, objects are given the final shape and size;
  • after fastening the parts to each other, they are finally finished with a hammer and a chisel;
  • at the very end, all surfaces should be cleaned with sandpaper, achieving perfect smoothness.

In order for the resulting garden furniture to serve for a long time, it must be treated with an antiseptic, getting rid of pests inside the wood, and varnished to protect products from negative external factors (sun, water, and so on).

Decoration of the playground

The wood can be used to make various figurines that decorate playgrounds. They will serve not only as a design element, but also as a game item. For example, a wooden horse. Its production will not require much effort from you.

The work is done in the following sequence:

  1. The body is built first. To do this, you need to take two saw cut logs of large diameter and connect them using small boards. The thickness of the cut should be about 3-4 centimeters, and the diameter should be at least 25 centimeters. Thus, a box is formed, which, if desired, can later be filled with earth in which to plant flowers.

  1. The next step is to make the legs. In order for the horse not to fall during the games, they must be strong and hold the body steadily. A wooden beam with a cross section of at least 5-6 cm or tree branches of a similar diameter will do. It is advisable to select the length based on the height of the children.
    Remember that the legs must be firmly attached to the body and planted in the ground. You can use metal corners for rigidity, and bury the lower ends of the bars in the ground.
  2. The final stage is decorative details. This includes the head, mane and tail. The last one is the easiest to do. You just need to fasten a few pieces of rope. The head is made of plywood, which is shaped with a jigsaw. You can attach the head to the body using a wooden block 30-40 cm long.
  3. Don't forget to color the figure. This will not only give it an attractive appearance, but also protect the wood from the negative effects of the sun, rain and snow. Remember to use wood varnish or paint that is safe for children and does not release harmful substances into the atmosphere.
    Another way to make a horse out of wood is to use trimmings of branches and logs left after cleaning the garden. But in this case, it is necessary to show remarkable imagination by constructing some kind of sculpture out of them.

You can also make children's swings and a sandbox out of wood. With a little imagination, you can design climbing stairs, mazes and many other items that the younger generation loves so much.

All items installed on the playground must be safe.
Make sure that the base of the swings and stairs is carefully concreted, all parts are securely connected to each other, and there are no nails, splinters, knots and various defects on the surface of the wood that can injure the baby.

By the way, the old logs at your disposal can be successfully used to make cars, trains, and so on. All you need is a chainsaw and some paint. And the delight that will be reflected on the faces of your offspring will serve you as the best reward.


It is hardly possible to give an exhaustive list of garden crafts that can be made from wood. Having shown imagination, you can come up with many more ideas, each of which is worthy of implementation. After reviewing the video in this article, you will learn a lot of interesting things for yourself.

Artificial trees will create beauty and comfort in your home.

When planning a design in a house, it is impossible to do without original little things. It is unusual crafts that bring a special charm, emphasizing any style, design theme. Artificial trees are luxurious decorative elements, the role of which in the interior is difficult to overestimate.

In addition to a subtle eco-friendly note, they are a good alternative to living plants, they do not require reverent care, the creation of a microclimate and special conditions. There are many ways to make artificial trees with your own hands: bonsai, topiary, as well as many other creative ideas. Stylish hand-made crafts will help not only make the interior of the rooms more comfortable, but also bring fresh, informal notes to the design of a strict institution or office.

Advantages of ornamental trees

In the old days, people said that a craftsman and a needleworker brings joy to himself and people. Unique handmade items are always a valuable and welcome gift. Ornamental tree making is a special art that keeps vibrant gardens in full bloom all year round. Designing unusual crafts has a lot of advantages:

  • With the help of original details, you can breathe new life into your home interior, refresh it without any special financial costs.
  • Artificial trees will retain their original beauty for a long time without requiring special care. They do not depend on weather conditions, please the eye with their beauty.
  • Decorative details will help to harmoniously complement the stylish modern design even in a strict office space.

Decorative trees will breathe new life into the home interior

Looking at the skillful ornamental plants presented in stores, it's hard to believe that they can be made by hand. Do not rush to spend money on copyright crafts. We will reveal the secrets and secrets of this work, we will offer several original ideas, as well as simple master classes, during which you can “grow” many marvelous trees with your own hands.

Create a bonsai

The tradition of creating bonsai originated in ancient China over two thousand years ago. The name "bonsai" is written in two hieroglyphs that mean "bowl" and "tree". Later, already in Japan, the unusual method was actively developed, ascended to the rank of fine art. It was the Japanese who brought the method to perfection, creating a special system of canons, proposing the rules of exposure. Miniature trees are an aesthetic delight for perfectionist people. Many argue that looking at an elegant bonsai, they are seized by an extraordinary sense of calm, peace, anxiety goes away, as if by magic. Decorate the world around you, try your hand at creating amazingly beautiful products.

Varieties of bonsai


Do you want to create a luxurious garden in miniature at home that does not require special care? Then an interesting master class will help beginners in creating a bonsai tree with their own hands. Step-by-step instruction:

  1. We select materials for work. Any gifts of a generous nature will be required: intricately curved twigs, snags, branches of juniper, spruce or pine, moss, reindeer moss.
  2. Canning branches. For processing, we will prepare a special solution consisting of denatured alcohol, acetone, glycerin. We take everything in the exact proportion of 1: 1: 2.

Important: The solution for the preservation of natural materials should be stored in a tightly closed container, as it has a pronounced chemical odor.

Initially, we wash the branches under cold water, carefully cleaning them of dust and dirt, then we place them in the solution for at least a week.

  1. Next, the decorative material is dried, if necessary, painted. Let's reveal a little secret: before painting, you need to dip the branches in hot paraffin, processing will help to evenly apply paint to the surface.
  2. Let's start making a decorative bonsai tree. We cut the branches to the desired length, carefully glue each to the base. So that the structure does not crumble, we fasten the individual elements with wire, after gluing it can be removed.
  3. We decorate separate sections with moss, reindeer moss, white sand or decorative pebbles. In the work, we will definitely designate the center of gravity of the structure in order to give the craft greater stability.

Creating a bonsai tree with your own hands

After the end of the painstaking work, a unique live composition will open up to your eyes. An eco-style bonsai will please the eye for a long time, it remains only to occasionally brush off the dust from an elegant creation.

Bonsai in a pot

We offer another way of how easy it is to make an artificial bonsai tree with your own hands. The algorithm of work is simple:

  • Selecting a container. Ideal ceramic flower pot with holes for draining water.
  • Fill the pot with soil. Land should not be collected in the yard. It is better not to save money and buy a ready-made mixture in a flower shop. What is it for, if the tree is still artificial? From above, we will grow moss or lawn, so good soil is necessary.
  • For the trunk of an ornamental tree, we select a branch, thick enough, intricately curved to resemble a sprawling plant.
  • We attach decor to the branches of a wooden frame. It can be made from matte paper, fabric, satin ribbons, or any material. The more original the decor, the more spectacular the end result.
  • We plant a lawn mixture in the ground, water it abundantly daily. It will take quite a bit of time, and under the original tree a bright and juicy lawn will spread like a summer.

original decorative tree

By combining natural and synthetic materials, you can achieve unprecedented results in the art of bonsai, turning your favorite hobby into a successful business.

Many-faced topiary

The art of topiary is no less ancient, its origins go back centuries, when people came up with the idea of ​​“playing” with nature, giving shrubs and trees in gardens a variety of forms. Modern topiary is a stylish solution for a budget, but exclusive interior design. Skillful craftswomen are constantly looking for new ideas for creating decorative trees. A large flowering garden made by one's own hands is a wonderful gift not only for oneself, but also for relatives, friends, colleagues. Lovely presents are very symbolic. Using this or that decor, you can create amazing things with your own hands.

Bright flower topiary - will be a great gift

Fragrant big baobab

Coffee trees are a separate "fragrant" caste in the art of topiary. There are several variations on this theme, but we offer a lesson on how easy it is to make a big tree with your own hands. To work, you will need several small foam spheres, a package of coffee beans, thick linen yarn, a pot stand, glue, scissors.

If you don’t have a ready-made base at hand, you can make it yourself using the papier-mâché method. Work algorithm:

  • Let's prepare 7 small base balls, generously coat each of them with glue. We begin to fix the grains with the flat side down. We move arbitrarily, in a circle, horizontally, vertically. The main thing is that there are no gaps between the elements. When the first layer is dry, repeat the process, but with the flat side of the grains up.
  • We make a trunk for a sprawling baobab. We take a strong, thick wire, we fasten sprigs of thin wire to it with adhesive tape. We bend beautifully, giving a bizarre shape to the plant.
  • From above, we carefully wrap the branches and trunk with twine, making sure that each turn lies tightly to each other. So that the rope holds firmly and does not slip along a smooth trunk, we coat the wire with glue.
  • We string coffee balls on the branches, lubricating the holes with superglue.
  • In a pot, mix gypsum with water to the consistency of thick sour cream, insert a tree, let the mixture “grab”.

Important: For a topiary, it is necessary to choose a base ball of light weight so that a thin trunk holds the entire structure. A plastic hollow ball, Christmas tree toy is ideal.

Fragrant baobab do it yourself

When the gypsum has completely dried up, we decorate the stand. You can put coins, decorate with moss or use floral sisal. For a thick and rich aroma, decorate the tree with cinnamon sticks, stars of spicy star anise. The coffee tree is not only beautiful, but also symbolic: seven wonders of the world, seven days a week, seven colors of the rainbow - all this is not accidental! An original gift will surely attract good luck, family and financial well-being to the house.

A simple but beautiful craft can be made by a child from pistachio shells and wire.

original pistachio tree

Work algorithm:

  1. In each pistachio shell we make a hole with a gypsy needle.
  2. We cut a thin copper wire into several small segments, 15-20 centimeters long.
  3. We string a shell on each branch, make a loop, twist it. We fasten small branches together, 3-5 pieces each. The more such blanks you make, the more magnificent the crown of the decorative tree will turn out.
  4. We wind the branches alternately to the trunk, fixing them with construction tape or FUM tape.
  5. In order to give the product magnificence and luxury, we will cover the entire surface with spray paint in gold or bronze color.
  6. Let's prepare the base. Add a mixture of alabaster and water to the pot, carefully insert the tree, let the structure dry.
  7. We will cover the alabaster with a layer of beautiful pebbles, golden beads or coins.

DIY pistachio tree

A beautiful souvenir will be a wonderful gift for all lovers of eclectic hand made products.To create your own large, ever-blooming garden, you only need imagination and a little skill. As Fyodor Mikhailovich Dostoevsky liked to say, fantasy is a natural force in every person, without giving it satisfaction, we do not allow it to grow and develop. Create, share your success, because the world of creativity is a bottomless ocean of creative ideas.

Many-faced topiary
