How to make handgum: simple recipes for making gum for hands. Gum for hands or hand ghost - how to make a slime yourself Gum for hands what balls are added

Handgum is a chewing gum that resembles a slime toy in its properties. Smart plasticine is a great option for the creative development of children. Unlike ordinary plasticine, it does not leave marks on furniture and any other items. Handgum relieves stress, develops fine motor skills. It is sold in stores packed in small containers, but you can make your own chewing gum for your hands.

Many are skeptical about the handgam, considering it a useless toy. Nevertheless, this chewing gum has a number of very useful properties:

Hendgam consists of an elastic polymer, silica dust and various additives that stabilize, color the material and give it special properties. The toy is absolutely harmless if used for its intended purpose. Restrictions are necessary for children under 4 years old, who, without parental supervision, can break off and swallow a piece of a toy. Types of hand gum:

The popularity of this toy does not allow manufacturers to sit still. New, more and more original models are being created.

For an ignorant person who first learned about chewing gum for hands, it is not always immediately clear what can be done with it. However, there are many options for using smart plasticine:

When chewing gum is in the hands for a long time, it becomes liquid. If left for a while, it will harden. It also begins to melt in a warm room, it may even turn into a puddle or drain off the table. At the same time, it will not stain the surface of the table and floor.

For those who like to be creative, fantasize and create many useful things with their own hands, there is an opportunity to make smart plasticine at home. There are several ways, but it is worth stopping at the simplest and most affordable.

The first do-it-yourself gum recipe is the most popular. For work you will need:

It is necessary to pour the glue into a dry container, add a dye to it and, if desired, glitter or flavor. Stir the mixture gently with a spatula and pour tetraborate into it. Stir until the mass becomes thick and homogeneous. Then pour the rubber mass into a container and wait until it thickens.

The second method allows you to make handgams with your own hands without sodium tetraborate and dyes. To make such a toy, you need to take:

Pour 150 ml of water into an aluminum bowl, bring to a boil and, stirring constantly, gradually add gelatin. After the mass begins to thicken, reduce the heat. Cook over low heat for 6 minutes, cool and pour into a plastic container.

The remaining 100 ml of water is boiled. At the same time, small balls must be molded from white plasticine. When the water boils, these balls are thrown into boiling water, reduce the heat and, stirring constantly, cook until completely dissolved. Next, the gelatin mixture is poured into the hot plasticine, everything is thoroughly mixed and a little brilliant green is added. After complete mixing of all the ingredients, the fire is turned off. After the finished mass has cooled, it is transferred to a plastic bag and kneaded with your hands.

It should be remembered that smart plasticine made by one's own hands differs from the factory one, for which more stable compositions are used. A homemade product can dry out faster and lose its original properties.

Wash your hands before using chewing gum to protect it from dirt. To protect against dust and debris, handgam should be stored in a plastic container.

Handgum is an interesting toy for children that promotes creative development. You can make such chewing gum for hands from fairly simple ingredients at home.

The composition of the industrial handgam includes a silicone polymer and various additives that color and stabilize it. The polymer is non-toxic and harmless, therefore it is used for children's creativity.

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To make gum for hands at home, you will need:

  • PVA glue - 200g;
  • Sodium tetraborate - 2 bottles (sodium tetraborate is a medical product and can be purchased at a pharmacy);
  • Food coloring;
  • Plastic bucket, spatula and gloves.

Making gum for hands

When all the ingredients are cooked, you can start creating gum for hands:

  • All the glue is poured into a plastic bucket or other suitable container (wearing gloves).
  • You need to add dye to the glue. If you have not found a suitable dye, then you can take green (by the way, you can try adding sparkles).
  • Now you need to mix everything well to get a homogeneous mass in color.
  • Next, sodium tetraborate is poured into the prepared mass and thoroughly mixed with a spatula. The mixture should thicken and acquire all the properties of a handgam.
  • Carefully remove it from the bucket and transfer it to the container in which you will store the chewing gum for your hands.

Storage and Precautions

At home, handgam are stored in a container with a lid, a jar, or a plastic bag in a cool place.

When exposed to the sun, chewing gum deteriorates very quickly. Try to keep the resulting hand gum away from fabrics, otherwise the gum will lose its properties and it will be very difficult to remove the stain.

When working with a handgam, put on an oilcloth apron for yourself and your child.

Hendgam prepared at home (unlike industrial) quickly loses its properties. After a week, it may become dry.

Industrial chewing gum can be used for up to a year. However, making handgam yourself is much cheaper.

Gum for hands is designed to help adults who are tired of problems relieve stress. And children, playing with such an interesting "live" plasticine, have fun and develop at the same time. However, do not allow kids under four years of age to play with such a toy without adult supervision.

What is this toy?

Externally, slime chewing gum for hands resembles a ball of many chewing gums. It just looks brighter and nicer. The substance from which this unique thing is created does not stick to hands and does not stain the surfaces that come into contact with it.

The gum for hands stretches well and does not tear at the same time. And crushing and pulling such an interesting substance in different directions is a rather entertaining activity that really "disconnects" from problems. Even children can play with it - the substance from which the anti-stress toy is made is not poisonous. Although you do not need to gnaw and try to try.

What can she do

At the dawn of its appearance, chewing gum for hands (lizun) caused some negative emotions. When such a slippery thing appeared in someone's hands, those around them grimaced contemptuously and with disgust. They didn't like the look of the substance, it was associated with something not very good. Now more and more people prefer to relieve stress and have fun with hand gum. Let's talk about the interesting properties of handgam, as it is also called differently:

  • Initially, it is a liquid substance. If you leave chewing gum on any surface, then it will "crawl" into every crack (even the smallest one). At rest, matter spreads over the surface.
  • But if it is crumpled for a long time and sharply, a rather dense and hard lump is obtained from a pliable substance.
  • Roll a ball of gum for hands and throw it on the floor or hit the wall - the ball will immediately bounce.
  • If you pull the hendgam without jerking, it will never break. And if you make a tearing movement, the handgum is easily torn. No wonder it is called "smart plasticine".

Types of chewing gum for hands

Finding that the toy is attracting more and more people, manufacturers are not sitting still. They invent innovations to make the anti-stress toy even more interesting, and therefore more tempting. Here are some unusual ones:

  • Chewing gum-chameleon is a heat-sensitive plasticine that can change colors and shades depending on the temperature of the hands.
  • Magnetic chewing gum for hands contains metal microparticles. Due to which the mass sticks around the magnets. And if you "magnetize" it well, then the substance is able to attract small metal objects (pins, nails, paper clips).

  • Flavored chewing gum for hands. It contains aromatic substances that can become a kind of assistant in relieving stress. Such is aromatherapy.
  • You can choose for yourself a chewing gum with sparkles, crystals or with the effect of "electric".
  • Glowing plastic mass is very pleasing to the kids. However, such chewing gum for hands needs a preliminary "recharging" from the direct rays of the sun.

Its properties

This substance should not be set on fire. She can catch fire. Substance sinks in water, but does not dissolve. Do not keep the gum in a humid environment for too long if you do not want it to lose its unusual properties. Do not wash the toy with soap. Soap contains elements that interact with the mass and are able to destroy it. The fabric surface is not the best place for "hand gum". It will be very difficult to remove it from a fleecy fabric. The refrigerator will easily destroy the useful properties of this plastic mass.

Let's make handgum on our own

For this you will need:

  • sodium tetraborate (borax) - powder;
  • PVA glue;
  • watercolor or gouache paints (you can use food coloring);
  • a bowl for mixing the mass;
  • wooden stick.

Cooking technology:

  1. Mix a pinch of borax with water. If sodium is in solution, take a couple of drops. You don't have to pour a lot of water. One tablespoon is enough.
  2. Add paint to the bowl with the dissolved borax.
  3. Shake the PVA tube and pour the contents into the rest of the ingredients.
  4. The resulting substance must be mixed with a stick. It should become like a small ball.
  5. If the chewing gum composition is liquid, add more borax powder. Stir the mass again.
  6. When the ingredients look like hendgam, put the mass on a napkin so that excess liquid comes out of the gum. Ready! The amount of glue determines the amount of the final product.

If you want to make anti-stress chewing gum for children and you would like to secure the composition of the toy as much as possible, use the recipe for chewing gum for hands without sodium tetraborate. There he is:

  • water - one hundred and fifty ml;
  • aluminum container;
  • plastic container;
  • brilliant green;
  • gelatin;
  • plasticine.

Preparing safe chewing gum for hands

  1. Bring water to a boil.
  2. Pour gelatin into boiling water and cook, stirring constantly, for about 5 minutes. It is necessary that the entire mass is dissolved in water.
  3. Now the gelatin mixture should cool down.
  4. After cooling, it must be poured into a bowl in which the "kneading" of chewing gum for hands will take place.
  5. Divide the plasticine into small balls. Pour 100 ml of water into an aluminum container and bring to a boil. After boiling, you need to reduce the fire.
  6. Pour the balls into boiling water and "cook" them, stirring constantly with a wooden stick.
  7. Soon all the plasticine will melt and mix with water. When this happens, pour the mass of jelly into the pan.
  8. Stir vigorously the resulting mass and color it with brilliant green. A few drops will be enough.
  9. Wait for the hand gum to cool and put it in a plastic bag. In the package, thoroughly knead the composition. Keep the resulting chewing gum for hands in a closed container so that it does not dry out.
This is a toy made of silicone. It has the shape and consistency of plasticine. Its original name is Hendgam (translated from English). She appeared in 1943 after an unsuccessful attempt to create rubber. As a result of the incorrect ratio of materials, a composition has appeared that can take almost any form. Gradually, the invention was finalized and only ten years ago it entered the retail trade and became available to the public. Chewing gum is a soft mass of heterogeneous shape. Handgam is designed for children's games, development of motor skills and imagination. But adults can also find entertainment for themselves in this chewing gum.


The use of chewing gum

Develop hand motor skills, especially in childhood; Has not found application in industry. But that hasn't stopped people from using Handgams to good use. Here's what you can do with chewing gum:

  • relieve stress, get rid of bad habits (nail biting, smoking, and so on);
  • massage the hands, acting on the acupuncture points on the palms, improving well-being;
  • pump up the muscles of the hands instead of special simulators;
  • play throws, developing dexterity;
  • play with pets;
  • take fingerprints and key impressions;
  • make bubbles and then pop them;
  • in a solid state, chewing gum can even hammer a nail.

The main properties of chewing gum

Hand chewing gum has several basic properties that are determined by the condition of the toy. They also help to play with Handgun and play entertaining games with children. The main properties are as follows:

  • smells- the toy has a very pleasant smell that lasts for a long time. And a huge range of chewing gum allows you to buy your favorite fruit flavor - watermelon, strawberry, orange and others.
  • Changes color- if you hold the gum in your palms for a long time, it will change its color. Put on the table - will return to the original version. Such a chameleon will certainly please the child.
  • Glows During the day, the chewing gum absorbs light, and at night it emits a slight glow. It does not last very long, but it allows you to gain positive emotions.

Properties of chewing gum by consistency

The consistency of chewing gum can be as follows:

  • solid- Handgum becomes like a stone. If you hit it with a heavy object, it will break into several small pieces.
  • Liquid- chewing gum can be given any shape, but it quickly spreads on the table. The liquid consistency opens up a huge scope for imagination, allows you to create the most unimaginable figures.

What can you do with chewing gum?

Thanks to the silicone base, chewing gum can not only turn into various figures, but also perform interesting actions with itself, violating all the laws of physics. What can be done?

  • Stretch- chewing gum is able to stretch and not tear. It looks like hot cheese.
  • Break- if the chewing gum is sharply pulled in different directions, it will tear or break.
  • Make jump- chewing gum must be molded into a ball and thrown on a hard surface. She bounces easily like a ball.
  • Make it drain off the table- if Handgam is placed on the edge of the table, then it will easily flow off it, like a big drop.

How to care for chewing gum

Chewing gum does not require special care. It does not tear or break, even if you step on it. But if this happens, then it can be molded again into a homogeneous mass. But still, you should not throw gum anywhere. It easily picks up hairs, fur and debris. And this adversely affects its composition.

Chewing gum can be washed without the use of chemicals. And it is desirable to do this as little as possible. To protect the Handgum from debris, you need to store it in its original packaging. And then the toy can last for several years.

It is not recommended to give chewing gum to children under 8 years of age. Immediately you need to tell the baby that you can’t take a toy in your mouth. This rule also applies to pets. It is necessary to protect them from the possible swallowing of part of the chewing gum.

What can be said in conclusion?

Chewing gum for hands is an original and very interesting toy that allows children to spend time with benefit, and for adults to relieve stress. Handgum is an extremely useful invention, improved thanks to modern technology. If you need to please children, give them a nice gift that develops their imagination, then hand chewing gum is best suited. It combines several entertaining and educational toys at once. With Handgun, it is very easy to explain the laws of physics to a child and show with a good example how a liquid or solid body behaves. Children will certainly like such lessons, who in the future will be able to show their knowledge at school, based on personal experience.

Gum for hands, known by another name as neogum, is a toy that is used for various purposes. Recently, the product has been used as. How to make chewing gum for hands at home in different ways, you can find out below.

Along with soap bubbles, the handgam toy is becoming very popular. we have already considered, now let's talk about chewing gum for hands.

The toy itself was first invented a very long time ago. Outwardly, the finished chewing gum for hands resembled plasticine, but unlike the latter, it did not hold a given shape. Today, using new components, a perfect result was obtained, tactilely pleasant to the hands and interesting in the game. Chewing gum is not dangerous to health, it is made even without chemical components.

Not many dare to learn how to make chewing gum for their hands, as they believe that the toy is useless. This opinion is erroneous, because such a toy has many good qualities besides eliminating stress:

  • allows you to create figures of any shape;
  • develops creative abilities;
  • due to the change in the handgam during use, the game becomes even more interesting;
  • the toy is a great hand trainer;
  • improves handwriting;
  • develops fine motor skills;
  • using toys allows you to get rid of bad habits;
  • housewives use neogham as a means to collect dust and wool in hard-to-reach places.

Buying a toy in the nearest toy store is not difficult. They began to be made, colorful and with different qualities that attract children. Modern chewing gum can have a 3D effect, be magnetized and even glow. But it is not necessary to purchase such a toy. It is enough to learn how to make chewing gum for hands at home.

The main method of PVA

In one of the articles, we considered how you can create handgams. We will need:

  • sodium tetraborate;
  • liquid
  • gouache or food coloring;
  • glitter (optional)

Purchasing ingredients is not difficult. Glue can be bought at any stationery store, and sodium tetraborate is sold at a pharmacy, or make it. If you wish, you can use flavoring.

In addition to the components, for work you will need a container in which we will mix the ingredients and a spatula. You can start the manufacturing process:

The chewing gum is ready. There are a few more important points that you need to know before making such hand gum at home.

The period of use differs from that purchased in the store, even if the storage conditions are observed. So a toy from a store can be used for a whole year, and a cooked toy can become unusable after a few weeks.

This is not a reason to stop cooking. Such a short period only indicates that there is nothing superfluous in the prepared handgam.

Well, if you couldn’t find the above components, we suggest you learn how to make another chewing gum for hands.

Making gum without glue

To create a safe toy, you can use the instructions, which do not include glue. We considered several similar ones in another

Method one with gelatin

Before you make chewing gum for hands without glue, prepare:

  • gelatin;
  • soft plasticine;
  • water;
  • deep plate.

Such a neog is made as follows:

You will get a dough-like composition. This is the right toy.

The cooking method does not need to waste money and time, it is considered safe if handgam is made for young children.

The second method with tetraborate

Unlike the previous method, you will spend more time and ingredients on this one.

What you need to prepare:

  • borax;
  • gauze;
  • water;
  • glycerol;
  • paint;
  • water-soluble thermoplastic alcohol (sold in a pharmacy);
  • plate.

How to make this gum for hands without glue:

  • we dilute alcohol with water;
  • the solution that we received, put on fire and boil on the smallest fire for half an hour;
  • add tetraborate to the cooled mixture, filter the resulting consistency and remove excess liquid;
  • to make the toy soft, add glycerin;
  • add dye and mix.

Ready. This method is used more often than the first, since this toy has a longer life and is of better quality.

Making from starch

The next composition is made from available means, these are PVA, starch, paints and a deep bowl. For work, it is better to use liquid starch, or use the usual, diluted with water.

How to make this chewing gum for hands:

  • pour liquid starch into a bowl and add paint to it;
  • mix the resulting consistency with PVA, mix everything thoroughly;
  • We put the composition in the refrigerator for several hours.

Neogam is ready.

This recipe is suitable for those who do not want to use chemicals, but at the same time want to get a quality toy at an affordable cost.

Ways to play with the received toy

Handgum is an amazing polymer. If you squeeze it quickly, it will begin to become hard, it can be divided into several parts. If you squeeze it slowly, it will become soft and begin to spread on the surface.

What to do with the toy:

  1. Stretch. The toy is plastic, it can be pulled without breaking.
  2. Use as a jumper. A handgam can be formed into a ball and thrown to the surface. He will jump.
  3. Give chewing gum a different shape. Use molds. This game will be interesting for young children.
  4. Break up. Hardened chewing gum can be broken with a hammer into several parts.
  5. Tear. With a sharp movement of the hands, the chewing gum is separated. Connecting the toy again is not difficult.

All these games are aimed at developing motor skills and improving hand work. Exercises and games can also be used by those who want to restore the work of the hands after injuries.

How to store the toy and safety measures

Before making gum, you need to know a few important rules for use. Familiarize yourself with them, and tell your children about it. Terms of use:

  • the toy has an age limit, it should not be given to children under three years old;
  • make sure that the child does not eat handgam, many advise not to use flavorings;
  • depending on the components, the toy can be flammable;
  • tell your child that chewing gum should not be left on furniture and attached to hair;
  • do not wash the toy with chemicals;
  • chewing gum cannot be used as an adhesive base;
  • it is strictly forbidden to put chewing gum on the face and cover the organs of vision and breathing with it.

There are rules regarding storage conditions. For example, a purchased toy should be kept in its original container or other packaging. But we made chewing gum at home, you need to choose the packaging yourself. For home storage, use plastic containers that are hermetically sealed or bags with a latch, in such packages the home toy will be stored longer.

If you have already used such a toy, you have noticed that it often accumulates wool, debris, dust and hair. All this can be removed if gently rinsed under water. As already mentioned, chemicals cannot be used for this. Try to wash neogham as little as possible, the expiration date depends on the frequency of washing.

Do not leave the toy within the reach of children and pets. After playing, make sure your child is washing their hands.

Handgam made can be a great gift idea. You can give chewing gum to a child and an adult, because, as already mentioned, this attribute can be used for different purposes. Chewing gum has no specific purpose, but it can cheer you up.
