How to fill out an application for a loan online? What is a typical online loan application form. Keep in touch

Volodya asks

Hello! Tell me how to fill out an application for an online loan on a card? They say that because of mistakes they can refuse a loan. How to avoid them?

Hello Volodya! An online application is a quick way to contact a bank for a loan. However, if it is submitted illiterately, then the lender may refuse the applicant for a loan, often without explaining the reasons for the refusal. Just a message of the corresponding content comes to the phone.

I would like to draw your attention to the fact that even an applicant with an excellent credit history and stable solvency at the time of sending the questionnaire can receive a negative answer, which is especially offensive.

First of all, state the purpose of the loan. If you have a clear idea of ​​what the funds are required for, it will not be difficult for you to decide on the size of the loan.

Of course, there is no guarantee that the bank will agree to provide the amount specified in the application. Its specialists will analyze your financial solvency and only after that they will give out as much as, in their opinion, you can return. The interest rate is taken into account.

Knowing the size and purpose of the loan, you choose a loan program and, according to its terms, prepare a package of documents. Please note that the dates stamped on them are not out of date.

All information that you will enter in the columns of the questionnaire, carefully check. The main thing is accuracy. Be sure to leave a phone number by which the lender can contact you to clarify this or that information.

Correctly indicate the place of work and position held. It is highly likely that a financial institution specialist will call the place of work to verify the authenticity of the specified data, as well as some documents (in particular, income statements).

You need to be honest. If there are debts or open loans, it makes no sense to hide information about them. The bank will certainly get acquainted with the credit history of a potential borrower and, having found inconsistencies, will refuse without explanation. Moreover, the actions of the applicant who tried to mislead the creditor will be qualified as fraud.

Volodya, keep in mind that your application will be considered in stages. The department manager is the first to work on it. If there are no complaints, the application is sent to the central office. There it is analyzed by experts of the credit commission. If a positive decision is made, the client is contacted and invited to the office to conclude an agreement.

Questionnaire* is a statement in writing about the desire to take a loan. Approval of a cash loan at a bank depends on how accurately and correctly you complete the application.

First, carefully read the questionnaire and the main columns. Try to fill in 70% of the information yourself. If you don't understand, ask the manager.

Let's analyze the main points when filling out the questionnaire:

1. Fill out the questionnaire accurately and competently. If the handwriting is bad, it is better to write in block letters. Made a mistake - ask the manager how to fix it. You may need to rewrite the application. If corrections are allowed, you need to carefully cross out and write the correct information on top.

2. Filling in passport data. The data is filled in in strict accordance with the passport.

  • series - the first four digits, number - the next six digits.
  • in the column "who issued the passport" you can apply acceptable abbreviations (for example, abbreviation of the name of the department that issued the passport).
  • the column "registration address" is filled in in accordance with the data indicated on page 5 of the passport. The address of actual residence may not coincide with the registration and must be indicated in a separate column.
  • marital status is filled in if there is a stamp on page 14 in the passport. If for some reason the stamp is missing, attach a marriage certificate. If you are not married, but live with a common-law wife, such a column is also present in the questionnaire.
  • The presence of children is indicated if they are not yet 18 years old. It is necessary to indicate children, even if the information is not in the passport.

3. If you changed your last name, first name or patronymic. Common cases of changing a surname are marriage. In this situation, the maiden name, or the previous one, is indicated. But there are cases of changing the name or patronymic. This should also be reflected in the questionnaire.

4. If there is no home phone number. Now banks are loyal to the indication of a mobile number. And usually, this does not serve as an obstacle to obtaining a cash loan. Check with the manager if the absence of a home phone number is a prerequisite for applying. It may be worth writing the contact phone number of a close relative.

5. Do not include the phone number of neighbors or work colleagues. List your spouse or parents. When calling from the bank, the husband / wife / parents must confirm that they know that you are taking out a loan, give a positive reference and be aware of the purpose of the loan.

6. Attitude towards military service. This column is filled in by men. A cash loan is issued to the following citizens:

  • not liable for military service (before reaching the age of 27, it is required to provide a military ID, which states that the citizen is exempt from conscription into the army);
  • persons who are in the reserve or retired (document is not required);
  • persons with a deferment from conscription (certificate from the military registration and enlistment office indicating the date of deferment);
  • military personnel, subject to their service under the contract (a certified copy of the contract is required)

7. Specify the available property. The presence of property indicates your status and adds points to your assessment. The property must be registered in your name in whole or in part. For example, an apartment in shared ownership, a car is completely your property.

8. Don't hide your credits. The bank checks your credit history, so it makes no sense to hide information about existing loans. In addition, the availability of loans is not a "stop factor" if they are repaid in a timely manner. If you took the goods on credit or have a credit card, a bank specialist may ask for the following information:

  • loan amount;
  • amount of monthly payments;
  • credit term;
  • the approximate amount of the remaining debt.

You will find this information in the completed documents. It is more convenient to immediately take papers with you.

9. Indicate permanent income. The bank assesses your ability to repay the loan on a monthly basis. Indication of irregular earnings will overestimate wages, but will not save in difficult financial situations.

10. Indicate consent for the bank to receive credit reports on credit history and process information in the questionnaire. Without this, the bank does not have the right to verify the accuracy of the data. And that means a cash loan.

Credit is always a lottery, and playing it is by no means fun. Winning is not guaranteed, and it takes a lot of time to “buy a ticket” - collecting documents, submitting an application, waiting for a decision. Well, since life is a game, let's play. Making the lottery win-win will not work. But you can increase your chances of winning if you follow our tips. Let the probability of approval be not 100 percent, but in some cases you can come close to such a result. Read how to do it!

Faster, higher, stronger

If you need a loan, you will have to convince the bank that you are a trustworthy borrower. To do this, you need to understand who the bank considers trustworthy people.
Each bank has its own criteria for evaluating borrowers. They are kept in the strictest confidence, which is known only to a small number of employees of a particular bank. Therefore, you can focus only on formal requirements and failure statistics.

Consider an exemplary algorithm for assessing the reliability of a potential borrower. So, you have applied for a loan and attached the required documents to it. What happens next is something like this:

  • You are evaluated by a special program that assigns a certain score based on the parameters laid down. The completeness of the application, credit history, income level, length of service, age, the presence or absence of permanent registration and citizenship, the presence of property, family and social status, the presence of additional sources of income, the presence of a criminal record, the presence of collateral or guarantors and many other criteria affecting the chance are taken into account. loan approval.
  • If the first stage is passed, the security service takes over. What exactly it will check depends on the results of the initial check. In one case, they will be limited to calling the home phone number. Another time they will call to work and ask the company's management to give a description. Well, the third client will be "punched" through unofficial channels in law enforcement agencies for problems with the law.

The second stage does not always take place. Express loans in 15 minutes - the case when your "fate" is decided by the computer, and "manual" verification is carried out only if the robot has "doubts".

Often they check not only the client himself, but also his relatives, as well as the employer (how long has the company been operating, is everything in order with its finances, is there any debts, courts, etc.).

The general principle is that the fewer aspects a bank considers, the higher its risk, and the more expensive the loan. And vice versa. If you want to get an express loan with only a passport and an insurance certificate in hand, the chances of getting a loan approved are high. But the interest rate can reach 70% or more, life insurance will be imposed and additional commissions will be charged.

Much depends on whether the loan is targeted. It is easier to get non-targeted, but, again, its cost is higher.

Learning to take loans

Now that we know where the bank is looking, we will try to focus its attention on the advantages and distract from the disadvantages. We will talk, first of all, about consumer cash loans, but the above tips can be considered universal.

We estimate income

Archive item. Solvency is what the bank is primarily interested in.

A rough guideline is as follows: no more than 40% of your income should go to paying off debt. Income is taken into account minus current costs - available loans, insurance payments, expenses for the maintenance of minor children, etc. And those 60% that you have left should not be below the subsistence level.

If you receive a “gray” salary, do not fail to use a certificate in the form of a bank along with 2-personal income tax. Not every employer will agree to sign it, but try to convince your superiors, this will increase the chance of loan approval.

With a “black” salary, you can only count on those loans for which the 2-NDFL certificate is not a mandatory document.

Please enter your spouse's income. If there are additional sources of income or savings, be sure to report this, even if you cannot document it. Do the same if you own property (houses, apartment, car, securities, garage). Let the bank know that if you lose your main source of income, you will still have something to take.

Equally important is the length of service in the last place. The larger it is, the more stable the income from the bank's point of view. For the same reason, borrowers who frequently change jobs are not welcome.

Unfortunately, disabled people and pensioners have a low chance of getting a loan approved, although they receive a stable income in the form of a pension. And there are stereotypes about individual entrepreneurs. It is believed that it costs nothing for an entrepreneur to indicate any income in 2-personal income tax, which lowers their credibility. However, in addition to the certificate, you can present a copy of the tax return to dispel doubts.

Working on credit history

The second archival point. Delays and especially outstanding debts reduce the chances of a new loan to almost zero. Of course, much depends on the reasons for delays, but not every bank will spend time clarifying the circumstances. If everything is bad here for you, then until you are rehabilitated, even a good collateral does not guarantee loan approval.

The reason for refusal may be not only a credit history with a minus sign, but also its absence as such. If you have never taken loans, then the bank does not have a "sample" of your credit "discipline". Take a small loan (for example, buy a new phone with credit money) and pay it off on time.

Or get a credit card. If you regularly pay for small purchases with it and return the funds before the expiration of the grace period, then the costs will be small, and your credit image will increase. This will give you a head start when applying for a large loan and help reduce its cost.

Alas, now the trend is such that if you are already paying off one loan, this circumstance reduces the likelihood of approval of a new one. And it does not matter that you make monthly payments on time and in full. Incomes of the population are growing more slowly than the demand for loans. The number of non-returns is high. The Central Bank does not like this situation, so all banks received a verbal order to “shut shop”. And they do it.

We give money back guarantees

Nothing makes a bank as accommodating as collateral and guarantors. Real estate, a vehicle, expensive equipment can serve as a pledge. Guarantors must fully comply with the formal requirements of the bank, have a good income and a positive credit history.

We look in the passport and the mirror

Age. Usually a loan is given from the age of 21, but it is considered that young is green (read, insolvent). Ideal if you are 25-40 years old. Those who are younger or older will also receive a loan, but it will cost them more.

Appearance and behavior. No one says that you need to read a book on etiquette and put on a business suit before visiting the bank. But following the basic rules of behavior and a neat appearance will definitely increase your chances. If you are counting on a large amount, but there is nothing to give as collateral, and the income is small, then for the bank you are not the client who is always right. Be polite, radiate calmness, do not plan a festive feast for the evening if you have a meeting with a loan manager the next morning, etc.

We collect documents

Sometimes bank employees ask to bring additional documents that are not listed in the standard list. This is annoying, but since they demand something in excess of the “norm”, it means that at some point you “do not reach”, but they don’t want to refuse you and give you a chance. Make concessions. But only once! If they “drive” back and forth and request more and more new data, this means a refusal. For some reason, the bank does not want to refuse directly, so it deliberately creates difficulties so that you yourself change your mind.

It is in your hands to present as many documents as possible, especially if the official salary is more than modest. Banks are aware that half of the country receives salaries in envelopes, so they agree to study "indirect" evidence of financial stability. Attach to the application the PTS, the CASCO policy, the receipt of payment for expensive household appliances, the contract for renting an apartment, the contract for the provision of tourist services (let them know that you were vacationing at an expensive resort), a bank card account statement, to which unofficial earnings are regularly transferred and etc. All this will help not only increase the likelihood of loan approval, but also reduce the interest rate.

Fill out the form

Be careful when filling out. Write legibly. The more correctly and completely the questionnaire is filled out, the less time it takes to process it, and the more reliable you are in the eyes of the bank. Even if some item seems optional to you, show that you have nothing to hide. Feel free to include the phone numbers of relatives and friends with whom you are on good terms, as well as colleagues who can provide positive references. Just remember to warn them and remind them what a wonderful person you are.

Play with words. Formulate your answers in such a way as to present yourself in a more favorable light. For example, if you want to give your wife a refrigerator, then when specifying the purpose of the loan, write not “a gift to your wife”, but “purchase of kitchen appliances”.

Remember that almost everything is easy to verify, and every item that cannot be verified increases the interest rate. So it's better not to lie. The bank can forgive anything - from a bad credit history to an extinguished criminal record - except for providing knowingly false information. If you decide to distort the facts, do it in such a way that the mosquito does not undermine your nose. Otherwise, the blacklist is guaranteed. They will also tell other banks.

Don't opt ​​out of having your data shared with credit bureaus, unless you're taking out a loan with the intention of never paying it back. But this is illegal, fraught with problems, and permanently prevents you from getting loans in the future. Do you need it?

Just as you should not refuse to check your data with the credit bureau by the bank. If you do not allow the bank to collect all the important information, it will prefer to refuse you.

Avoid "live communication"

Fast loans, which are decided by the robot within 15 minutes, will save you from the need to collect documents and spend a lot of time. You will be able to hide some of the facts of your biography, which may be an obstacle to obtaining a loan. But the amount will be less than what you expect, and the rate will be high.

Going to the right bank

To begin with, you need to apply to those banks whose requirements you meet. It will take time to find out the terms of lending in different banks, but it will take even more time if you act at random. What is the point of applying to a bank that gives loans from the age of 23 if you are 21? Rejection will come automatically.

If you receive a salary on a card, try to take a loan from "your" bank. First, there will be fewer requirements. Secondly, they are unlikely to refuse. Thirdly, the conditions will be favorable.

You can also contact the bank where you have already taken a loan and successfully repaid it. Banks love regular and responsible customers and offer them special conditions.

A few words about registration. Today, many banks quietly issue loans to customers who have permanent registration in another region. But situations are different, so it is preferable that the borrower is still in the zone of easy and quick reach. So the local "propiska" is welcome, and the terms of the loan for those who have it are more profitable.

well behaved

The bank can "poke its nose" into those of your affairs in which you would prefer not to devote anyone. For example, to check whether you have paid all taxes, whether a criminal or administrative case has been initiated against you, etc. If he finds something bad, he will refuse.

We take a number

Apply to several banks at the same time. So you will not lose time if the selected bank refuses. At least one bank will approve the loan.

Keep in touch

The phone numbers you give to the bank must be valid. And wait for a call - if the bank cannot get through to you, it will become suspicious.

Contacting an intermediary

A credit broker is oriented in the banking sector, knows the nuances, has acquaintances among bank employees. He will tell you which credit institutions you should apply to so as not to be refused. He will also be able to identify what your mistake is if all banks refuse, and you do not understand why.

What can't be done?

  1. Deceive. Especially when specifying information that is easy to verify - contact details, place of work, current loans, etc. But sometimes it is very desirable to remain silent. For example, you can tell the bank what exactly you will spend the money on, but for what purposes you are going to use the purchased property, it does not need to know.
  2. Forge documents. Forgery may not be noticed, unless they specifically check the authenticity. But you can never predict which document will be "punched" and which will not.
  3. Talk about plans for the future. For example, that you are going to move, go on maternity leave, skydive, invest credit money in starting your own business (unless it is a targeted business development loan), etc.

We wish you successful cooperation with banks and hope that our advice will help you achieve your goals!

An example of filling out an application for registration of NVOS objects

If you have any questions about filling out an application for placing an object that has a negative impact on the environment on state registration, we strongly recommend that you familiarize yourself with the example of filling out this application using the "Registration of objects" module. In this example, we will consider the execution of an application for registration of objects of the enterprise LLC "Primer".

1. In order to create an application for registration of an object, you need to open the register of documents "Registration of objects" and add a new application. To do this, press the key<-insert->or click on the button - "Add Document (Ins)". The Object Registration (New) screen will open. In the field "Registration of the object number" and "from" manually enter the number and date of the application. The "from" field, when creating a new document, is filled by default with the current date. Select the company "Primer" LLC in the TIN field (you can enter the TIN manually or select "Personal Account" from the document log by clicking on the button). When entering the TIN manually, the program checks if there is a user of natural resources with such TIN. If the nature user is found, then the fields “Organization”, “Main. No. in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities”, “Date of the Unified State Register of Legal Entities”, “Name of the Head”, “Position”, “OKTMO”, “OKPO”, table “Types of activity”, “Date of state. registration", "Date of registration", "Checkpoint" "Phone", "Address". The data is taken from the document "Personal account". If any of the values ​​are not filled in automatically, then enter them manually. If the user of natural resources is not found by TIN, then the journal of the document "Personal account" is opened, from which it is necessary to select the user of nature. Next, you need to fill in the fields: “Sea”, for this, a directory is used, opened using the button, “Territory type” is selected from the drop-down list (areal, point, linear), “Date of putting the object into operation” is filled in using the drop-down calendar, or manually . The coordinates of the corner points of the object are entered in the table "Coordinates of the corner points". You must specify the coordinates of the extreme boundaries of the object. To find out these coordinates, use the appropriate services on the Internet. In the table "Name and volume of products manufactured, goods sold, services provided" enter the relevant data in order. The unit of measure can be selected from the drop-down list. In accordance with it, enter the volume and power. If there is a conclusion of the state environmental expertise (SEE), enter its number and date in the appropriate fields, the body that issued the SEE Conclusion is selected from the directory "Rosprirodnadzor" using the button. The basic information about the object is filled in, go to the "Registration" tab.

2. Tab "Registration" it is necessary to indicate whether the use of recycled water supply is used. After that, in the table "Criteria for classifying an object in categories I-IV" it is necessary to indicate the appropriate criteria. They are selected from the "Criteria" directory, compiled on the basis of the Resolution of the PRF dated September 28, 2015 No. 1029 "On approval of criteria for classifying objects that have a negative impact on the environment as objects of categories I, II, III and IV" . Based on the criteria you have chosen, indicate the declared category of the object. To do this, select the desired category from the drop-down list. Rosprirodnadzor will subsequently assign a category to the facility based on your Application. The level of state control must also be selected from the drop-down list (Federal or Subjective). You can find out which one to choose from your Rosprirodnadzor. The last thing to fill in on this tab is “Information about the technologies used at Category I facilities and their compliance with the best available technologies.

3. Let's move on to the consideration of the tab "Environmental Protection Measures". If the enterprise has a program of industrial environmental control, then you need to enter information about it in the program. There is a corresponding field for this. If the enterprise is taking measures to reduce the negative impact on the environment, then they must be listed in the appropriate table, indicating the start date of the activity, the date of its completion, the costs incurred for the activity and direction. The direction is selected from the drop-down list: reduction of emissions, reduction of discharges, reduction of waste generation.

Further, information is entered on the technical means for neutralizing, measuring and accounting for emissions and discharges of pollutants, as well as on the placement of production and consumption waste (hazard class I-V), if the waste is not transferred for use by specialized enterprises.

4. Consider a tab "Emissions". On the left side of the form is a list of emission sources. Let's enter the data for "Workshop 1". First you need to specify the geographical coordinates of the object of the release. Specify the Type of source (organized or unorganized) and the type of territory (areal, point, linear) using the drop-down lists. Next, you need to specify the geometric parameters of the emission source: the height of the pipe in [m], its diameter (or length and width in [cm]). Then data on the Thermodynamic characteristics of the gas-air mixture (DHW) are entered: DHW outlet velocity [m/s], temperature [C] and flow rate (volume) [m3/s]. The share of associated petroleum gas (APG) flared is indicated as a percentage, the actual mass of carbon dioxide emissions - in tons / year. In the table "Substances" substances are indicated by source: their code, name, mass and power. The substance is selected from the appropriate directory. Weight and power are filled in manually. It remains to fill in the table reflecting the technological processes and technologies at the facility. Similarly, data is filled in for "Workshop 2" and other sources of emissions that are available at the facility.

5. Tab Interface "Resets" similar to the interface of the Outliers tab. In the left part of the form there is a table reflecting the list of resets. It indicates the name of the release, the river basin where the discharge is made. For each issue, data on its geographical coordinates, location, volume of MPD [m3/year] and volume of WSS [m3/year] are filled in. We enter information on the Decision on granting the object for use, then using the drop-down lists we select the purpose and type of water use and the category of fishery significance. It remains only to enter data on substances by release into the table "Substances by release". This is done using a reference book, and the mass of substances must be indicated in the “Mass” column, it is measured in [t / year]. If there are more issues, then you need to add them to the list and fill in the data in the same way for each issue.

6. Tab "Waste". On this tab, you must specify a list of waste disposal facilities. To do this, it is necessary to add the serial number and the name of the waste disposal facility (ORO) in the table. If the ORO is present in the GRRO, then it is necessary to indicate the “GRORO Code” from the directory and enter and indicate its geographical coordinates. Below is a table in which it is necessary to provide a list of enterprise wastes exported to this distribution center, their hazard class and actual weight [t./year].

7. The last tab is called "Permissions". It includes a table containing information on three types of documents: ejection, reset, limits. The following data must be entered in the table: the number and date of the document, the start and end dates of the permit (or limit). The authority that issued the permits and limits is selected from the directory using the button in the right corner of the cell. If you are the owner of the ECO-Expert PC, then bookmarks for emissions, discharges, wastes and permits can be created in a semi-automatic mode using the “Generate according to fee calculations” function, indicating the required year. In this case, most of the data will be filled in automatically based on the fee calculations that were made in the PC "ECO-Expert" for the selected year. This will significantly simplify and speed up the preparation of an application for registration of objects.

8. This completes the input of the document, press the button . To print the application, click on the "Print" button in the register of documents "Registration of objects". A window with a list of printables will open. Select the report "Application for registration" and click the button .

The application will be generated automatically, a text editor will open with the text of the application. It remains only to print it, sign it and take it to the RPN. We wish you success!

An online application is a convenient sales channel for financial products. It is used by all major banks and regional market representatives. The effectiveness of remote treatment is high and has advantages for both the lender and the client. The first ones reduce financial costs and the load on their offices, the second ones save time on visiting branches.

Banks themselves are interested in protecting the client. Therefore, they use the encryption of transmitted information using the SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) protocol. This prevents data interception and controls secure communication with the bank's server. At the time of online application, the browser must have a secure connection icon.

It looks like this:, exactly https.

The applicant himself must also be careful:

  • secure your Internet access;
  • do not transfer your data to third parties;
  • make sure that the questionnaire is filled out on the official website of the bank, and not on a fraudulent clone.