How to repaint an old table. How to paint a wooden table

Probably, in every house there are wooden products that need to return the "second youth". Indeed, why throw away quite decent, but slightly shabby tables, chests of drawers, chairs or hangers from a material that can last for decades. Below we will learn how to paint a table and other wooden furniture, giving it a modern or original look, as well as what will need to be done to do this.

Restoration technology

The process is actually not as complicated as it might seem. Any person who is used to doing everything with his own hands can overpower him. In this article, we will try to explain using simple examples how to paint a lacquered table so that its surface looks like new again.

Let us draw your attention to the correct processing of materials from which home furniture is usually made. In particular, we will explain how to repaint a chipboard computer desk so as not to damage it.

In the early stages of any restoration, you will need to prepare tools and materials. The first will not be particularly difficult and include various spatulas and sandpaper of different grits.

Simply put, you will need to use them to remove the previous coating as carefully as possible, reaching the base material. In addition, you will need brushes and .

Before you paint the old table in the kitchen or in the children's room, for the convenience of work, it is best to disassemble it into separate elements. Remove the tabletop, legs and other parts. Although you can do without it if you think that extra promotions can damage it or it's simply impossible.

Tip: if the table is hard on the floor, then you can safely finish it.


Below is a simple instruction that will help you understand the essence of the process:

  1. At the first stage, all layers of paints and varnishes that have formed there over a long period of operation should be removed from the wooden surface. Try to do the job as carefully as possible to extend the life of the furniture as long as possible.

For this you can use:

  • building hair dryer;
  • special washes;
  • spatulas and other "scratching" tools.

Tip: if the base is plastic, then before you paint a coffee table made of such material, make it rough with coarse grit sandpaper.

  1. From the supports, also peel off all the layers to the base, clean them with fine-grained sandpaper and do nothing else. This preparation will suffice.

Main Process

After completing the surface preparation, you can proceed to further work. Let's not limit ourselves to ordinary painting, but try to create some kind of pattern or visible structure on it. Offering you such conditions, we take into account that there are quite a few artists among the readers of the site, so we will offer several interesting tricks.

With tulle

An interesting way was suggested by one young family, with the help of which even those who have never mastered artistic painting can feel the master. As the main subject for work, let's take a lacquered table-book, which was, and maybe is, in every family.

In the photo - how to paint a wooden table yourself

Prepare for work:

  • sandpaper, preferably a grinder;
  • white acrylic interior paint;
  • blue acrylic paint in aerosols;
  • roller;
  • masking tape;
  • beautiful tulle;
  • acrylic lacquer;
  • old newspapers.

The advantages of acrylic are:

  • do not have a strong chemical smell, so they can be freely used indoors;
  • non-toxic, environmentally friendly in its essence, since water is used as a solvent in most cases, this makes it possible to use them in children's rooms;
  • dry quickly, depending on the ambient temperature, the period is 1-2 hours;
  • durable service life.

After preparing the surface with sandpaper and painting with two coats of white interior acrylic paint, the finishing process of decorating begins. For this, blue acrylic paint from a spray can is used, however, you must first cover with masking tape and newspapers all places on the table that should not be painted.

After that, lay a wet tulle on the countertop and straighten all the folds on it, otherwise they can ruin the final drawing.

After the paint has dried, the countertop should be opened in one layer with acrylic varnish. So you can protect the surface from various mechanical and chemical damage.

Tip: Before you paint the children's table, you can discuss its appearance with the child, and then let him do most of the work.

Creating a wood pattern

  1. Prepare a clear varnish and alkyd enamel in two colors - white and black. Apply the first layer (white) with a brush, and you don’t have to worry about its uniformity, so the final look will look more interesting. After the paint has thickened after about an hour, make a texture with a brush over the painted surface.

Tip: the movements should be in one direction, then you will get small grooves that should remain after the material dries. Keep an eye on them, and aim them again if they start to disappear.

  1. We figured out how to paint the table white, now wait until the first layer dries, it usually takes 24 hours, then apply the second layer (black) to the surface. We will now use .

Pour the paint onto the surface of the table and distribute it evenly over the entire area. You must fill in all the depressions and depressions that are left after the first layer. Ruthlessly remove excess paint, white streaks should be visible as best as possible. Otherwise, you will have to work on their manifestation for a long time.

  1. Leave the table alone for 3-4 days until the paint is completely dry. Don't rush, otherwise you can ruin all the previous work. At this time, it is better to varnish the sides and legs of the table.

  1. Clean the surface of the table with a fine-grained emery cloth or grinder. As a result, you should have a clear border between white and black "fibers". Remove surface dust with a slightly damp cloth.
  1. Apply a layer of varnish on top. Use any tool to work, but the surface should be shiny and smooth.

Tip: apply varnish in layers, then the surface will be even and there will be no stains on it. Try to keep dust and debris from getting on the varnished surface when it dries.

  1. It will be possible to use the product in 2-3 days.


From the article it became clear that a good alternative to getting rid of old furniture is to paint a table with your own hands, a chest of drawers or other products. Wood is a resistant and durable material, so it would be a mistake to just send it to the scrap.

Using the methods shown above, you can create original products yourself and at very little cost. The video in this article will help you find additional information on this topic.

A factory-made decorative table top, no matter how high-quality it may be, will fade, rub and crack over time. Maybe the paint is peeling off. In order to continue using the item, it is advisable to restore it, giving it a beautiful look. The easiest way is to purchase a ready-made table, painted and varnished. However, if you have some carpentry skills, then you can restore a piece of furniture with your own hands. Of course, we should not forget that after this you will need to apply some kind of protective coating (lacquer or paint). In this article, we will tell you how to paint a wooden table correctly. The main thing is to set a goal, and you can give a second life to your table.

Why does wood need to be painted?

Everyone knows that natural wood is a fairly strong and durable material. It is used not only for the manufacture of utensils, furniture, interior items and household goods, but also in construction.

Due to the influence of the external environment, wood deteriorates over time:

  • It dries up, or - on the contrary, swells.
  • Rotting due to exposure to moisture.
  • Darkens, fades or fades, deforms or warps.
  • Attacked by woodworms.
  • It scuffs and rubs off.

Important! To prevent all this, wood must be protected and strengthened with various impregnations and decorative coatings.

In some houses, where wood products are properly cared for, cabinet furniture can serve more than one generation. To protect the wood to increase its service life, you can use various impregnations, paints or decorative coatings.

So, you have a table that has served you faithfully for many years and you would like to extend its life by painting it. It's time to figure out how and with what to paint a wooden table.

What to paint?

Painting wooden furniture, including a table, is actually not such a difficult process, of course, if you know what materials should be used in the work. The painting technology itself is similar to other types of painting work.

The choice of the necessary coating depends on the features of the use of furniture:

  • The kitchen cutting surface is subject to frequent external influences, as is the dining table.
  • Wooden furniture on the terrace, porch or in the gazebo is subject to an increased influence of the atmosphere.
  • Decorative tables, which are more used as pedestals, are less exposed to mechanical stress.

Water-dispersion paints

For the correct processing of furniture that is used indoors, water-dispersion acrylic paint will be the most successful protective coating. She is:

  • non-toxic, therefore applicable for interior work;
  • dries quickly;
  • lays down well;
  • easy to apply, so even a person who does not have experience in this matter can paint a wooden table on their own.

Important! This paint has a wide palette of colors and shades, and after drying it provides the wood with excellent protection against moisture.

With the use of an aqueous dispersion, a simple correction of minor flaws in the work is allowed - until the paint has dried out, it can be easily washed off with water. But now the dried decorative coating is already becoming immune to moisture. It is frost-resistant and not afraid of ultraviolet rays.

Important! Water-dispersion acrylic paint is the best protective coating for indoors.

But, there is still a minus - acrylic paint is subject to mechanical stress and abrasion. Too aggressive chemical environments are highly undesirable for surfaces painted with such paint.

Important! To paint a wooden dining table, you can purchase any paint and varnish. But for woodworking outdoors, it is advisable to use alkyd mixtures. They are able to create a durable and strong protective coating that repels water well.

Oil paints

There was a time when oil paints were used everywhere. However, with the advent of analogues that are cost-effective (oil paints have too much consumption), and are also more environmentally friendly in composition, they have lost their relevance.


You can also paint a wooden table white or any other shade with enamel. This material also does a good job:

  • A beautiful, light-insensitive, fairly resistant to all kinds of influences coating is formed on the surface, which has anti-corrosion resistance.
  • Enamel paints and enamels have a decorative appeal, because they are distinguished by their glossiness (although matte mixtures are also found).
  • Nitroenamel compositions dry quickly - 15 minutes are enough for them to set.

Important! It is worth remembering that the choice of a suitable coating will depend directly on the type of wood from which the table is made. Softwoods lend themselves better to waxing than to painting.

As we mentioned above, the nature of the environment and operating conditions play an important role when choosing materials for painting wood products. If it is planned to restore a previously painted table, then the craftsmen recommend choosing a coating that is similar in characteristics to the old one.

Painting works

When you have decided on the type of paint, you can proceed to the next steps. The first is the purchase of related materials:

  • Painting tools - brushes, a pile roller (for painting countertops) or a spray gun.
  • Sudok for paint for wetting the roller.
  • Personal protective equipment - mask, gloves, goggles if you plan to spray.
  • Wood preservative.
  • Primer for wood (for better adhesion of the base and paint, as well as reducing the consumption of the paint mixture).

This is a list of basic materials for painting a wood table. If desired, you can buy a means for finishing varnishing. And if the table needs preliminary sanding and cleaning of the old coating, then you should apply:

  • Chemical cleaners and solvents for old coatings.
  • Metal sponge.
  • A set of emery with different abrasives.
  • Rags and unnecessary newspapers or polyethylene to protect the area within the radius of work.

Important! Please note at this point that even if the paint box says “quick dry”, it is still advisable to let the coating dry well. This means that you can start using the table no earlier than a day later, or even more. For example, this applies to water-dispersion mixtures, because water evaporates longer than organic solvents. And until the coating is completely hardened, it will be vulnerable.

Operating procedure:

  1. The table prepared for painting is initially treated with antiseptic impregnation.
  2. Then primed using the instructions for use of the product indicated on the package.
  3. After the primer dries, you can start painting.
  4. Traditional coloring is multi-layered. At the first application, the paint is rubbed well and allowed to dry completely. After that, you can apply the next layers with technical breaks for the drying period.

In order to process the table well in all its places, especially when it comes to a large object, it is better to disassemble it into separate parts. It is necessary to proceed to painting the second side of the countertop only after the opposite has completely dried.

Important! How to check if the paint is dry? - Touch the very edge with your finger: if the paint does not stick, then it has dried.

Painting through tulle

You can paint a wooden table in a very original way. Here you only need to connect your imagination and make a beautiful painting or come up with a bright interesting option with paint blots or handprints. A wonderful solution would be painting through tulle.

For this you will need the following materials:

  • Sander or sandpaper.
  • Masking tape.
  • roller.
  • Tools for disassembling and assembling the table - wrench, screwdrivers, hammer, pliers.
  • Paints: one for the drawing, the other for the background.
  • Tulle.
  • Newspapers.
  • Acrylic varnish.

Important! In order to repaint the table, it is better:

  • Buy acrylic paints because they are very practical - they dry quickly, have little to no smell, are easy to use and are durable. But any other colors will work too.
  • The colors for drawing the picture and the background should be contrasting. A great option for this method is a black and white classic.
  • Tulle should be with a beautiful pattern - large flowers or a pattern.

To paint with tulle, you need:

  1. Disassemble the table into parts. Each of their elements is prepared separately for painting - it is processed with sandpaper or a grinding machine.
  2. After that, you need to carefully wipe off the dust and paint all the elements with background paint.
  3. After that, the table can be assembled. Masking tape and newspapers need to cover those details of the table that should not be painted.
  4. After carrying out security measures, tulle is laid out on the table. This is done as carefully as possible so that the pattern is beautifully located, there are no folds of fabric anywhere.
  5. Now spray paint is applied directly on top of the tulle. It is necessary to paint over well - you should not regret the paint.
  6. After complete drying, the tulle is removed.
  7. The last step is to apply an acrylic lacquer, which will complete your table, as well as fix the pattern and protect the surface.

Decoupage technique

To paint a wooden table, you can use such an interesting method as decoupage.

Important! Decoupage is a decorative design of any object by attaching a picture to it. Often, special napkins and any drawings, fabrics, pictures, decoupage cards, decoupage paper, which can be bought at any art store, are used for this technique. With its help, you can quickly and easily give the old table an original and beautiful look.

Remaking a table using decoupage technique will require the following materials and tools:

  • PVA glue or special decoupage glue.
  • Decoupage card or napkins.
  • Clear acrylic lacquer.
  • Aqualac.
  • Primer.
  • Base acrylic paint.
  • Fan brush.
  • Sandpaper of two types, fine-grained and coarse-grained.
  • roller.

The sequence of decorating a wooden table using decoupage technique:

  • Prepare the table for future work - sandpaper and primer.
  • Apply 2 consecutive coats of base paint and leave to dry.

Important! It is necessary that the paint is completely dry before further work, because the places that remain dry are likely to change color under a layer of varnish. Because of this, the appearance of your furniture may be damaged.

  • If you are making a vintage-style table, then you need to sand it first (first with coarse-grained, and then with fine-grained paper).
  • Apply scuba polish to the surface of the table, carefully sand it after it is completely dry.
  • Cut out the pictures you like from decoupage paper and carefully arrange them in the desired order. The tabletop can be completely closed, or you can lay out a beautiful pattern with pictures, for example, along the edge.
  • Mark the location of the pictures with a simple pencil so that in the course of work you do not get lost and confuse the layout.
  • Soak the pictures in a container of water for 5 minutes, then glue them with glue, which was previously slightly diluted with water.

Important! Each picture must be smoothed with a fan brush, otherwise ugly folds and bubbles may appear.

  • When the glue and pictures are completely dry, sand the countertop again with fine-grained sandpaper.
  • Remove dust particles with a cloth, varnish the table. The varnish must be applied in two layers, while the second painting with varnish is carried out no earlier than the first layer is residually dry.


An old, lost aesthetics, but still strong wooden table can be transformed by turning it into an interior decoration. The appearance and practicality of the product depend on how to paint the wooden table. A decorative coating should protect wood from the harmful effects of moisture, drying out, fading, and extend its service life for many years.

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Restoration technology

The process of restoring old furniture is not complicated and is within the power of any person, especially a lover of handicrafts. Having studied the experience and recommendations of home craftsmen, how to paint a wooden table, showing imagination and ingenuity, you can get an original piece of furniture.

Several extraordinary ways to restore old tables by home craftsmen:

  1. Paint the countertop with spray paint through the tulle. Using it instead of a stencil allows you to get an openwork clear pattern.
  2. Using the burning technique, draw a picture on the tabletop. But for this you need to have skills and a tool for burning out.
  3. Refurbish countertops with ceramic tiles. As a mosaic, you can use multi-colored fragments.
  4. Use the decoupage technique. For this, napkins with a pattern or photographs are selected.
  5. Cover with self-adhesive vinyl.

Tools and materials

The wooden surface before painting should be cleaned of old coatings, remove defects. For this you will need:

  • putty;
  • putty knife;
  • grinder or wooden block;
  • sandpaper;
  • brushes and roller;
  • gloves;
  • paint tray;
  • protective glasses.

Table painting is done if it is made of cheap wood, such as pine. It is not recommended to paint oak furniture - it will lose its decorative appeal, and its value will decrease.

For painting work you will need:

  1. roller, brushes;
  2. dye;
  3. paint tray;
  4. masking tape;
  5. gloves.

Paint selection

An unprotected tree deteriorates under the influence of an aggressive external environment:

  • swells from excess moisture and rots;
  • deformed;
  • dries up and becomes covered with cracks;
  • fades, fades or darkens;
  • damaged by woodworms.

Therefore, wooden furniture needs a protective coating.

Before you paint the table, choose the right paint that will match the operating conditions of the furniture:

  1. furniture installed on an open terrace, veranda, balcony experiences the aggressive effects of the natural environment (heat, cold, excessive humidity, ultraviolet radiation);
  2. dining and kitchen tables are actively exploited and subjected to mechanical stress;
  3. decorative tables and bedside tables are the least susceptible to negative external influences.

Water-dispersion paints

Easy to use, fast drying and non-toxic. A non-specialist can work with them, since they lie flat on the surface to be treated. If the staining is unsuccessful, the paint is washed off with cool water, but you need to have time to do this before it dries. When the table covered with water-dispersion paint dries, it will already be resistant to cold, moisture and sunlight. Since the painted surface can be damaged as a result of mechanical stress, the table should not be washed with aggressive agents.

Painting furniture in light colors will make it elegant and light in appearance. A table painted with acrylic water-dispersion paint in white looks fresh, smart and elegant.

Oil paints

Oil paints made on the basis of drying oil take a long time to dry. They are used for indoor and outdoor work. Oil paint covers the surface with a thin film. But over time, this film is erased. Oil paints used to be used for coloring often. But when manufacturers mastered the production of less toxic and more economical paints, oil paints lost popularity. Therefore, for painting the table with your own hands, it is advisable to take a better analogue.


Nitro-enamel paints dry quickly and are relatively inexpensive, resistant to mechanical stress and ultraviolet radiation, and are not destroyed by corrosion. But when working with them, precautions must be taken, since nitro enamels are toxic. The disadvantage is their thermal instability. You can paint the table with enamel for wooden surfaces if it will stand in the shade and will not be exposed to sunlight.

Surface preparation and painting

The wooden table is dismantled, removing the tabletop, legs, and other structural elements. If disassembly can cause damage to the furniture or restoration of only the countertop is required, the structure can not be disassembled.

The old coating from wooden surfaces is removed. For this use:

  • special chemicals;
  • building hair dryer;
  • spatulas.

The order of work is as follows:

  1. Use sandpaper or a grinder to clean the wooden surfaces of the table.
  2. Coat the wood with a primer. Repair the damage with putty, treat these places with vodka or alcohol for degreasing.
  3. After the putty has dried, clean the problem areas with sandpaper.
  4. Wipe the table from dust and primer.
  5. Pour paint into the tray and paint the table using a brush and roller.
  6. Let the paint dry completely and apply a second coat. Experts advise applying several thin layers of the composition instead of one thick one.
  7. If you plan to treat the painted surface with acrylic varnish for reliability, pre-treat it with sandpaper.


You can decorate the table with your own hands in extraordinary ways. For example, make a painting, decorate the countertop with handprints or blots. Decorating with decoupage, stickers, fabric is often practiced. A suitable option is chosen according to the style of the interior.

Using tulle

Painting through tulle looks beautiful. For this, contrasting tones are selected, for example, blue or black is applied over white or blue paint through tulle. The choice of color solution depends on the style of the interior of the room.

Step-by-step guide to dyeing an old table through tulle:

  1. Disassemble the table into parts and prepare them for painting by treating the surfaces with a grinder or sandpaper.
  2. Wipe dust off parts and apply background paint.
  3. When the parts are dry, assemble the table, Cover with masking tape the parts that will not be painted.
  4. Carefully lay out the tulle on the tabletop, fix it.
  5. Spray paint over the tulle from a can.
  6. After complete drying, remove the tulle.

Important to know: to fix the pattern and additional protection of surfaces, paint over them with acrylic varnish.

If you have an old dining table that you hold dear as a keepsake, or you just want to save money on buying new furniture, then you have an interesting job as a restorer or decorator.

Keep in mind that restoring a kitchen table with your own hands is not the easiest and, in some cases, not justified, because not every table can be repaired, and it is better to entrust antiques to professionals. But more often than not, the right "upgrade" can bring your old friend back to life and transform him beyond recognition.

How can the table be updated?

To update your kitchen table with your own hands, you can use one of the following proven technologies:

  1. Traditional painting - this is the method we will consider in detail in a step-by-step master class.
  • An interesting way of decorating and painting furniture is coloring through tulle - a tabletop is painted through it, and a lace pattern is formed according to the principle of a stencil.

  1. Ceramic tiles will allow you to decorate a dilapidated, badly damaged countertop and make it more practical - you can put it hot on such a surface and wash it in any way.

  1. You can update the old table using decoupage technique. We will also talk about it in more detail.

  1. An easy way to modify the table with your own hands quickly and on a budget is to paste over it with a self-adhesive film.
  2. Burning will renew an undamaged wood surface.

Master class - 6 steps on the way to a new life

In this simple DIY dining table restoration tutorial, we'll be updating, repairing and repainting this old veneered table with a moderate amount of imperfections.

So, to update the kitchen table you will need:

  1. a grinder or sandpaper of coarse, medium and fine grit, as well as glasses, a respirator and gloves;
  2. alkyd enamel paint of the desired color (or other desired coating, such as stain), as well as a flat non-shedding paint or art brush;
  3. primer for wood and a small roller / brush for priming;
  4. wax paste or varnish.

Step 1. Inspect and repair parts

We carefully examine all the fasteners in the structure and the defects of the countertop - how much the veneer has delaminated or the tree has been damaged.

If the table is a little loose, then you just need to tighten all the screws. If it requires a more serious restoration, then you need to completely disassemble the table, re-fasten all the parts, or clean and sand all the grooves and joints so that the new glue grabs better, fix the glued parts with clamps or self-tapping screws, and then remove them after 15 hours, when the glue is completely dry.

  • Sometimes the underframe needs to be replaced, not only because its parts are very dilapidated, but also because the legs can completely modify your old table. For example, if earlier the legs were simple, now you can replace them with beautiful carved balusters.
  • When disassembling furniture, do not forget to mark the installation location of each of the parts, so you will not get confused and quickly complete the task.

Step 2. Remove the old coating

Now put on goggles and prepare 2 types of sandpaper: coarse-grained for primary processing and fine-grained for smoothing. Get ready for a long and laborious job - removing old paint or varnish is not an easy task.

Step 3. We close up cracks and chips

After grinding, we carefully clean the table from dust, inspect the countertop and look for defects. Keep in mind that even the smallest damage will be visible after painting. All chips and cracks must be locally repaired with wood putty or polyester putty, and then sanded the entire surface again when the “patches” dry out.

Note - covering the table with stain:

  • if the countertop is not severely damaged, then you can not hide the natural beauty of the wood and cover it with stain, and then with varnish, shellac or wax. The photo below shows an example of a restored table with a stained oak top.

Step 4. Prime and sand again

We continue to work. Now we need not only to clean the table, but also to degrease it. And after the table dries, proceed to the primer. This stage is mandatory, because without it the paintwork will lie unevenly and quickly be damaged. You can use an alkyd or shellac wood primer. In this master class, the universal alkyd primer Zinsser Cover Stain (pictured below) was used, which dries in just 1 hour, protects the wood well and prepares it for painting. It costs about 500-600 rubles, but is not sold everywhere. The table can be primed in 1-2 coats with a small sponge roller, allowing each coat to dry completely.

When the primer is dry (1 day), sand the countertop again with sandpaper or a medium-grit sanding sponge to smooth the primed surface and prepare it for painting. And don't forget to put your respirator back on!

Step 5. Now let's start painting.

It is very important to choose the right paint and its color. Avoid cheap paints, because this is a dining table, which means that the countertop should be well tolerated by frequent washing, rubbing, bumps, etc. In this case, a premium water-based alkyd enamel paint with a satin finish is used, but you can choose a more environmentally friendly acrylic-based enamel. Also, choose a quality brush with passion so that it does not shed in the process. Not a paintbrush, but a large flat art brush is perfect.

The paint must be applied in 2 thin layers, while the finish layer is best left to dry for 3-4 days.

  • If you have chosen a dark color of paint, then it is better to apply it in 3 thin layers;
  • To create scuffs in the style, the paint can be sanded in some places, for example, on the ends of the table;
  • Also, to create the effect of "antique", the table can be patinated.

Step 6. Apply a protective coating

As we said, you can protect the surface of the table with a varnish, for example, a matte water-based polyurethane (in the photo on the left is an excellent varnish from Varathane). It should be applied evenly in 2-3 thin layers, lightly sanding each layer before applying the next layer of varnish. Of course, all layers must be completely dry before sanding (4 hours).

The second option is wax protection, which will make the countertop matte and can be rubbed to a shine. To do this, the wax should be gently rubbed with a cotton cloth into the wood, then allow the first layer to dry for at least 1 hour. After that, polish the surface in a circular motion, and repeat the procedure 2 more times within one day. Well, now be patient and leave the table for 1 week so that the surface acquires the necessary operational properties.

Well, that's all - the restoration is completed, and the old table has found a new life in trendy white.

And here is another interesting video from the program "Cheap and cheerful" on the topic of restoring countertops at home from improvised means.

Updating the countertop with decoupage

If you do not want to stop there or your table does not have serious damage, but just needs a little update, then you can decorate the table with drawings: paint it manually with acrylic paints, use stencils and stamps, or update the table with decoupage. Perhaps, it is this decor technique that is popular today that we will consider in more detail, because decoupage will not only allow you to quickly and budgetly transform the table or, for example, style it like Shabby chic (as in the photo below), but also hide some defects of the dilapidated surface.

To update the table with your own hands using the decoupage technique, you will need:

  • acrylic primer and acrylic paints - if desired;
  • putty for wood beige;
  • grinder and sandpaper of varying degrees of graininess;
  • rubber spatulas;
  • artistic flat and artificial brushes;
  • matte or semi-gloss varnish for wood;
  • napkins for decoupage or decoupage card;
  • scissors;
  • PVA glue or special glue for decoupage.

Decor using the decoupage technique can be started either after the stage of priming and polishing it (see step number 4 above), or after painting and varnishing. Then you should choose a picture - it can be any image on paper or table napkins, as well as special rice paper for decoupage.

First, markup is performed, lightly marking with a pencil the places where the images will be located. We put the cut out paper image “face down” in a container with water and hold for half a minute. Then the soaked image is laid out in the same way “face down” on a plastic file, and all excess paper layers are rolled off. Then the picture is carefully smeared with glue and attached to the countertop. The file is not removed - through it the image is smoothed as much as possible.

The surface around the pictures is decorated with paint. The final stage of decoupage is varnishing with acrylic varnish. After three days, the varnish will dry and the table can be fully used.

And finally, a selection of photos for your inspiration.

Restoration of old favorite interior items has become a fashion trend of modern designers. Few people know how to paint the table on their own, preferring to purchase a new analogue. However, do not rush to throw away solid, but lost its former appearance, furniture, when there is an opportunity to show creative imagination and create a unique hand-made masterpiece. Experienced specialists will tell you how to varnish a table with your own hands, and what paint is best to choose.

The need for an update

Any wood product needs proper care. Despite the strength and durability, wooden materials lose their attractive appearance over the years: the paint peels off, cracks, and crumbles. There is a need to repaint the table. In addition to visible deformations, the wood itself becomes unusable. It rots with an excess of moisture, swells, chipping, and also becomes a target for pests, such as woodworms. If the irreversible destructive process is not stopped in time, then the old table will become unusable and the tabletop will crumble before our eyes. But with timely assistance, furniture will last more than one generation and will please the eye with its unique design.

There is no universal answer to how to cover the table, because it all depends on the type of wood and the nature of external influences. For example, painting conifers is not a good idea; it is recommended to cover them with wax or varnish. If the furniture has already been painted, it is necessary to choose a coating of a similar color and quality in order to paint it again. It is better to paint the countertop in the kitchen with varnish, as the material is resistant to mechanical damage. If the table is outdoors or on an open veranda, you should choose a moisture-resistant and frost-resistant coating, for example, an alkyd mixture.

Coating selection

Modern manufacturers offer a wide range of materials for every taste and budget. Consider the main features of each of the coatings before you get to work and paint the table.

  1. Water-dispersion acrylic paint. It is non-toxic, dries quickly after painting, easy to operate. Even a non-professional can cope with it and paint the kitchen table, since it evenly falls on the surface. If it was not possible to paint the table with high quality, the countertop can be washed with cold water, but only before the paint has had time to dry. After drying, the wooden coating becomes immune to moisture and is not afraid of ultraviolet exposure.
  2. Alkyd enamel. The material is suitable for outdoor finishing works with a wooden surface, so it is suitable for furniture that stands outside. Enamel has a large color palette, can be matte or glossy, resistant to aggressive detergents, frost and direct sunlight. It is usually used in aerosols, but there is also a liquid option to paint the table. When working, be sure to wear a respirator and be on the street or in a non-residential area, since the pungent smell after coating the countertop with enamel disappears slowly. To paint the table with alkyd enamel without harm to health, it is important to observe such precautions.
  3. Nitro enamel paints. Very toxic, but dry quickly. Of the advantages, a relatively low cost can be distinguished, and the disadvantages include low thermal stability, the rapid occurrence of cracks after coating due to exposure to ultraviolet rays. You can paint with this paint the table that is in the shade most of the time.
  4. Oil paint. It is made on the basis of drying oil, so it dries for a long time. It is applied at internal and external works on wooden products. Covers the surface with a thin film, but subsequently quickly erased and peeled off. Previously, oil paint was used everywhere, but today, better analogues are used to paint the table.

Coloring technology

Before you paint a wooden table, you need to arm yourself with:

  • brush, roller and vessel (if paint is used) or spray (aerosol);
  • goggles, mask, gloves, respirator (to avoid the ingress of toxic substances into the body and on the body);
  • antiseptic (needed to protect against insects) and a primer on wood (reduces paint consumption).

If you choose the color yourself, apply the mixed paint to the surface and let it dry to understand what the color will be in the end.

The painting of the table is carried out on a hard surface, previously covered with newspapers or plastic wrap, to avoid getting paint on the floor. For those who decide to cover the table with varnish or non-water-based paint, it is better to carry out the restoration on the street due to the sharp toxic smell. If the interior item is large enough, it is better to disassemble it into its component parts using a screwdriver, puncher, etc. Many experts argue that it is not worth violating the integrity of a wooden object, since in the future it may lose its shape. However, this claim is debatable. If you correctly and efficiently assemble all the parts together, this will not affect the life of the product, and it will be easier to paint it.

Before repainting a lacquered table, the old coating must be removed. To do this, you can use a chemical solvent, spatula, metal sponge. Sandpaper at the initial stage should be selected coarse-grained, which does not erase the surface so much. Next, sand the surface with fine-grained sandpaper, cover with an antiseptic and primer and leave to dry. An antiseptic is needed so that subsequently pests cannot get to the wood. After the primer has dried, the surface must be again treated with sandpaper and wiped with a dry cloth or vacuum cleaner.

Masking tape is useful if the wooden product has glass or plastic inserts that do not need to be updated. It is enough to glue unnecessary places and you can proceed directly to staining. In the case of using spray paint, be sure to wear a respirator, goggles and gloves. Such protection methods allow you to paint a wooden countertop without harm. The substance should be sprayed at a distance of 30 cm from a wooden table. Next, you need to leave the product to dry, and then cover the wooden table with another 2-3 layers of paint. The same sequence is maintained when using ordinary liquid paint, which should be applied with a roller or brush with soft bristles. To make sure that the furniture is ready for the next treatment, it is recommended to lightly touch the edge of the surface with your finger. If the paint does not stick, then you can proceed to the next step.

How to paint the countertop, how to choose a varnish for the table? The type of varnish to cover the table depends on the further purpose of the product, but the most versatile coating option is acrylic varnish, which will protect the wooden surface from mechanical damage. After painting, it is necessary to remove the masking tape, leave the product to dry for 8 hours (and best of all for a day). Only then is it ready for use.


If you want to diversify the interior and bring a touch of soulfulness and homely warmth, table painting is a great way to decorate the table and combine business with pleasure. Designers offer many different creative options for decoupage and decoration, with the help of which old wooden objects will become a real pride for their hostess. One of the simplest and most common techniques is painting through tulle. This technique will allow you to transform the appearance of the table with your own hands at minimal cost. All you need to work is white and blue paint, sandpaper and tulle with a beautiful pattern.

Manufacturing technology

  1. Using sandpaper, it is necessary to sand the wooden surface, removing the previous coating. Then you should wipe the table with a dry cloth before painting it.
  2. With acrylic interior paint, you need to paint the table white, applying 2 layers. After each coating, it is recommended to allow an interval to dry completely before painting the product again.
  3. The tulle will serve as a stencil, so the damp cloth should be laid out on the table, carefully straightening the edges so that there are no wrinkles or folds. Next, you need to paint the tulle table top with blue acrylic spray paint.
  4. After drying, the tulle is removed, and the product is varnished.

You can learn more about how to cover the table with paint and decorate the product from the photo instructions, as well as get acquainted with the training video on the Internet on how to paint the table with your own hands.

Even a non-professional can provide a new life to old interior items. A little creativity and imagination - and the result will exceed all expectations, and the table will please the eye for a long time.

Video: do-it-yourself restoration of a lacquered countertop.
