How to clean a floor gas boiler. Gas heating boiler in a private house, cleaning the boiler from soot, useful tips

The comfort of the owners of a private house, especially in winter, directly depends on the health of the heating system, and the perfect operation of the heating boiler is guaranteed only if all its parts are in perfect order. Sometimes the functioning of the equipment is disrupted for a very trivial reason - in view of the contamination of some parts, for example, a geyser or a heat exchanger. Consider whether it is possible to clean the gas boiler on your own and whether it is safe.

Pipes through which hot liquid circulates sooner or later become coated on the inside. This process resembles the sedimentation of lime on the walls of the kettle: the thicker the scale layer, the slower it heats up. Salt deposits on the walls of the heat exchanger can cause problems.

This is how the heat exchanger pipes clogged with scale will look like (sectional view), if preventive maintenance and cleaning of internal channels are not regularly carried out

Are these troubles really that big? See what awaits you if you do not flush the lines in a timely manner:

  • Overheat. The gas boiler is designed in such a way that the coolant during the reverse movement must cool the internal parts of the heating elements. Limescale interferes with proper cooling, so equipment can break down at any time.
  • Breakage of important parts. For example, a narrowing of the pipe diameter leads to an increase in the maximum load on the circulation pump, as a result of which it can also fail.
  • Increase in fuel consumption. Due to deposits, the thermal conductivity of the pipes is sharply reduced, and more energy is required for the necessary heating of the liquid, that is, the gas flow increases. Accordingly, the cost of operating a gas boiler will also increase.

To avoid these troubles, it is necessary to regularly flush.

The frequency of the procedure depends on the liquid that is used as a coolant. Suppose an antifreeze heating system requires cleaning about once every 2 years, while you need to monitor the quality of the fluid and, if necessary, completely replace it. Pipes in which purified water circulates should be washed once every 3-4 years. The higher the hardness of the liquid, the more frequent cleaning measures.

Heat Exchanger Flushing Methods

When choosing a washing method, they usually focus on their own capabilities and knowledge. Let's take a look at three commonly used methods.

Method #1 - manual cleaning

To perform it, it is necessary to carefully remove the heat exchanger from the boiler, otherwise there will be no free access to contaminated surfaces. Next, choose either mechanical cleaning or washing with solutions. To mechanically remove deposits, you will need a scraper, brush and vacuum cleaner. For flushing, which is good for double-circuit boilers, a salt-dissolving liquid.

With the manual cleaning method, all actions must be neat and careful. When mounting the heat exchanger in place, carefully check the tightness of the connections.

After removing the heat exchanger from the boiler body, you will understand that the inner surface of its main part, the curved pipe, needs to be cleaned, and it will be extremely problematic to manually perform a full cleaning

Method # 2 - chemical solution through a booster

It involves the use of special equipment - a booster, with the help of which an acid flushing solution is pumped into the heat exchanger. For a long time, it is run through the pipes several times, as a result, the plaque dissolves and is removed along with the flushing fluid. As a result, the throughput and thermal conductivity indicators grow. Even the most persistent contaminants, such as salt deposits of carbonate and deposits of ferric iron, lend themselves to an acidic solution. Acid residues in the pipes are neutralized with a special solution, which is finally launched into the heat exchanger.

Method # 3 - hydrodynamic flushing

Does not require disassembly of equipment. It consists in pumping water (in some cases with an abrasive filler) and subsequent pressure build-up. The movement of the liquid at an increased speed causes the destruction of deposits, which as a result are brought to the outside. There is a danger of exceeding critical pressure values, which may result in pipe rupture.

Self-cleaning of the heat exchanger is not recommended. The best solution is to contact professionals who have access to work with gas equipment. Knowing the methods and sequence of cleaning, you will be able to control the work of specialists.

Prevention and repair of gas equipment by specialists ensures that high-quality equipment, proven materials, safe technologies will be used - and all this in compliance with the norms

Cleaning the boiler from soot

Along with cleaning the chimney, the channels of the gas boiler itself are also cleaned. If the chimney becomes dirty and there are problems with draft, the equipment is automatically switched off. With the accumulation of soot inside the boiler, the shutdown does not occur, and the residents of the house can be poisoned by combustion products. In addition, contaminated equipment does not function properly, so it is recommended to perform the cleaning procedure annually, especially for boilers operating year-round.

Disassembly and removal of soot

To remove the parts of the boiler and clean them, you will need a simple set of tools:

  • screwdriver;
  • brushes (soft and metal);
  • brush;
  • open-end wrenches (No. 8-17);
  • rag.

By following the steps described in sequence, you can completely clean the internal parts of the geyser and prevent an accident or smoke in the room.

Any tools with which you can remove limescale from a metal surface will come in handy, as well as wrenches

So, the first thing to do is turn off the gas. Then we remove the boiler door and disconnect the wire leading to the piezoelectric element. Then, one by one, unscrew the thermocouple, the ignition electrode and the pilot burner tube. It is better to mark the position of the nozzle in the burner so as not to disturb the setting. The gasket under the pilot burner must be replaced with a new one. We carefully take out the nozzle, the copper tube, and after it the burner, unscrewing the set of clamps.

For unscrewing the nut fixing the copper tube, a key No. 17 is suitable, for removing the ignition electrode - No. 10, unscrewing the screws for fixing the pilot burner - a flat screwdriver

Having taken out the thermometer sleeve, remove the boiler cover together with the insulating sheet. Then we take out the gas duct, having previously disconnected the terminals from the traction sensor. The swirlers removed from the heat exchanger are cleaned with a brush. Similarly, we clean the base and the outer part of the heat exchanger. We blow out the internal channels with a vacuum cleaner.

To clean the burner, we use brushes and a brush. The flue must be wiped from all sides. Cleaning the nozzle requires special attention: it is enough to clean the outer surface with a brush, and for the hole you need a thin needle, the diameter of which is smaller than the diameter of the hole. If you accidentally increase the width of the hole, the combustion mode will be disturbed.

All elements of the heat exchanger, internal and external, must be cleaned with a hard metal brush. Settled dust and lime residue can be easily removed with a vacuum cleaner and a damp cloth.

The brush is ideal for cleaning any form of internal surfaces from plaque - heat exchanger elements, copper tubes. The longer the handle. the easier it is to reach hard-to-reach places

Assembly in reverse order

We return the main burner, copper tube and nozzle to their place. Then we install a pilot burner on a new gasket, having previously cleaned it with a metal brush. When connecting the ignition electrode, it is better not to use a key, but to act manually so as not to damage the ceramic base. The rest of the details are also fixed in place. As a control check, we use soaping of the joints. The tightness of fixation of copper tubes and burners can only be checked during switching on.

When assembling a pilot burner, one rule to remember is that the tip of the thermocouple must be opposite the place where the flame appears.

Preventive and cleaning work is best done on the eve of the heating season. In any case, the parts will be covered with soot, which accumulates over time, so the procedure for cleaning the elements of a gas boiler is very important - both for the efficient functioning of the boiler itself and for the safety of the inhabitants of the house. And once again we remind you that it is better to entrust any work with gas equipment to specialists!

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How to clean a gas boiler: a procedure for each node and a do-it-yourself cleaning video

An indispensable attribute of any heating system is a boiler, which acts as a heat generator for heating a home.

The modern market for heating equipment is saturated with a very wide range of boilers of various types. But a special place in this assortment is occupied by gas boilers, which are gaining more and more popularity every day.

This trend is due to the fact that units of this type are very efficient and economical devices for heating a country house and even an apartment. In order for the gas boiler to function smoothly and stably, it is necessary to properly care for it.

One of the types of such service is boiler cleaning. Let's talk in more detail about why cleaning a gas unit, as well as in what ways this can be done.

In contact with

How often should you clean

The need for cleaning arises when the following negative aspects are detected in the operation of the AOGV boiler:

As a rule, the causes of such failures are the clogging of the boiler. In order to understand where pollution accumulates, it is necessary to know the structure of the boiler.

Cleaned nodes

The device of this type of equipment has the following components that need to be cleaned periodically:

  • igniter;
  • burner with nozzles;
  • gas filter;
  • heat exchanger;
  • firebox;
  • chimney.

It is worth noting that the cleaning of each node of the gas boiler has its own specifics, which we will dwell on in more detail.


During normal operation of the igniter, its flame should look like a cone with a blue tint. If the flame becomes yellowish, then this means that the burner is dirty.

The order of cleaning occurs in the following sequence:

  • shut off the gas supply to the boiler;
  • unscrew the igniter;
  • thoroughly clean with a metal brush;
  • perform a purge;
  • install the cleaned igniter in place.

Burner with nozzles

This part is the main one in the design of wall and floor gas boilers, since it is designed directly for supplying fuel.

The sequence for cleaning the burner with nozzles is as follows:

  • the gas supply valve is closed;
  • the burner is removed from the installation site;
  • the location of the nozzle is noticed, and then it is carefully unscrewed;
  • clean the nozzle carefully with a brush;
  • the burner is cleaned with a brush, and its hole is blown using improvised pumping equipment;
  • the nozzle is inserted into the burner according to the mark;
  • the burner is installed.

Expert advice: the burner with nozzles should be cleaned once a year, preferably before the heating season.

Gas filter

This device is designed to clean the incoming gas from various kinds of contaminants and impurities.

Therefore, it is very important to regularly clean the filter from accumulated clogging.

heat exchanger

It is worth knowing that the main purpose of the heat exchanger of a double-circuit boiler is how much water will be heated and at what speed.

It must also be understood that this element of the boiler unit can become clogged both from the inside and outside.

The outer part of the heat exchanger is contaminated with soot, which negatively affects its functioning. This boiler assembly can be cleaned of soot mechanically, in other words, cleaning is done by hand.

This will require the following set of tools:

  • scrapers;
  • metal brush;
  • various forms of ruffs;
  • power tools with cleaning nozzles.

The cleaning procedure is as follows:

  • the gas supply and power supply from the boiler are turned off;
  • the heat exchanger is carefully removed;
  • cleaning is carried out with tools convenient for this;
  • the device is put back into place.

Important point: try to clean using a tool that does not have sharp edges. Otherwise, damage to the heat exchanger may be caused, which in the future may cause corrosion of the product.

The cause of contamination of the inside of the device may be a poor-quality coolant, due to which scale settles on the walls.

As a result, the throughput of the heat exchanger decreases, which generally affects the functioning of the entire gas boiler. The best way to clean the inside is to flush the gas boiler heat exchanger with chemicals.

Among the reagents that are used to clean the internal walls, the following tools can be distinguished:

  • adipic acid;
  • sulfamic acid solution;
  • special gel.

Specialist's note: the choice of washing agent should depend only on the degree of contamination of the heat exchanger.

To carry out a full range of works on cleaning the internal walls from scale, special washing equipment is used, which is called a booster.

The booster consists of the following elements:

  • circulation pump;
  • reagent container;
  • electric heater.

The principle of cleaning the heat exchanger using a flushing device such as a booster is as follows:

  • to improve the cleaning properties, the reagent is heated in a container;
  • using a pump, the solution under pressure is supplied directly to the heat exchanger.

As a result of the circulation of the chemical agent, the scale lags behind the inner walls and goes outside along with the spent solution.

Experts advise: using the booster, you can clean not only the circuit of hot water boilers, but also the pipes of the entire heating system.

To the question of how often to clean the heat exchanger, you can answer that cleaning is carried out as it gets dirty, but at least once a year.

Firebox and chimney

Although gas is a clean type of fuel, soot still accumulates on the walls of the furnace and in the chimney over time. The accumulation of this combustion product interferes with the normal functioning of the boiler, as the draft disappears.

Therefore, it is recommended to carefully monitor the formation of soot and regularly clean the furnace and chimney. We hope that the information provided in the article will be useful to you when cleaning a gas boiler.

Watch the video, which shows in detail how to properly clean a gas boiler at home:

A gas boiler is the most popular equipment used by private homeowners who plan to efficiently heat their homes during the cold season. However, the comfort of private homeowners is determined by the health of a functioning heating system, while its flawless operation is possible only if all the working elements of the system are kept in perfect order. Speaking about the ideal conditions for the operation of heating gas equipment, it should be noted that all its elements are subject to pollution, which negatively affects the efficiency and duration of its operation. Soot, soot, rust and scale often act as contaminants, which not only reduce the efficiency of heat transfer, but also adversely affect the operation of the device as a whole. How to solve the problem of pollution of gas equipment? Regular inspection, as well as preventive measures, including cleaning of heating boilers, will significantly increase the life of gas equipment, significantly reduce energy consumption and the cost of replacing individual components and elements, reduce the frequency of repair measures and lengthen the time interval between them, and also prevent unwanted emissions into atmosphere of carbon monoxide. Flushing the heat exchangers of gas boilers is the most critical step to ensure the smooth operation of the heating system. How to clean gas equipment, as well as what cleaning method is most appropriate in each case - we will consider in this article.

Functioning of gas boilers: theoretical information

If you study the basic basics of the theory, you can come to the conclusion that the gas heating system operates on the principle of elementary conversion of the energy potential of the burning fuel into the energy of the heat carrier circulating in the heating system, most often this function is performed by water. Despite the fact that the heat exchangers of various heating systems may differ slightly from each other, they are united by a common design and principle of operation: a curved pipe, also called a coil, is a conductor for the coolant (water). In the process of operation, under the action of a burning gas flame, the coil heats up, and the heat generated at this stage is transferred to the coolant, which is in a liquid state, which is subsequently fed through pipes and goes to heating radiators. The tube heated by the flame is placed in a system of plates, which contributes to a more uniform heating of the coil to higher temperatures.

Important! Heat exchangers are made of materials with high thermal conductivity, such as copper or its alloys.

In order for the coolant in the heating system to be evenly heated, it is necessary to follow several principles that ensure the efficient functioning of gas boilers:

  • It is necessary to carefully monitor the cleanliness of the heat exchanger both inside and outside;
  • Keep clean and free of blockages in gas nozzles, which are designed to release gas that heats the heat exchanger and its surrounding plates.

Important! Cleaning of a double-circuit boiler should be carried out annually before the start of the heating season, which will increase the efficiency of its operation and reduce energy consumption by at least 10-15%. However, practice shows that in the case of using soft tap water, cleaning can be carried out every three years.

Cleaning gas boilers: the relevance of the problem

One of the most common causes of gas boiler failure is heat exchanger contamination. Experts believe that constant circulation of distilled water in the system or regular topping up of untreated water can save homeowners the need to clean the boiler without affecting its efficiency. However, some owners of private houses often neglect these rules by pouring ordinary tap water of increased hardness into the system, which has not undergone additional filtration, which contributes to the contamination of the heat exchanger and the breakdown of gas equipment. However, it should be noted that in the case of a single filling of hard water into the system, the heat exchanger will not be contaminated, but if untreated water, which contains a high salt content, is constantly added to the system, the calcium contained in the water will accumulate on the walls of the heat exchanger. Calcium salts, deposited on the walls of the heat exchanger, contribute to a decrease in the heating capacity of the system, and are also the main cause of heat circulation disturbance with subsequent blockage of pipes. Thus, this process of circulation of hot liquid through pipes with subsequent sedimentation of plaque is similar to the sedimentation of lime on the walls of a kettle, which, with an increase in the thickness of the scale layer, begins to heat up more slowly.

Every homeowner sooner or later asks the question: “What consequences can arise if you neglect or untimely clean gas boilers?”

  • Overheating of the heat exchanger. In accordance with the principle of gas boilers, the coolant coming from the return line is designed to cool the internal cavity of the heating elements. The settling of scale on the walls reduces the cooling efficiency, which contributes to the failure of the heat exchanger;
  • Failure of significant parts of the system. Due to the fact that the plaque deposited on the walls of the pipes reduces their diameter, the maximum load placed on the circulation pump increases, which negatively affects its performance and contributes to its failure;
  • Excessive fuel consumption It is also due to the presence of mineral deposits on the walls of pipes, which are characterized by lower thermal conductivity, and therefore more energy is spent on heating water.

How to clean a heat exchanger: basic methods

Due to the fact that do-it-yourself gas boiler cleaning can be done in several ways, each of which is characterized by its own advantages and disadvantages, it is necessary to consider the main cleaning methods in order.

Manual cleaning of gas boilers

It is the simplest and, at the same time, the most effective method of cleaning the boiler, feasible at home. Manual cleaning of the boiler can be carried out in two ways and includes:

  • Mechanical cleaning of boilers, implying the removal of mechanical particles, including plaque, with a metal brush, scraper or vacuum cleaner;
  • flushing, the main stage of which is the soaking of the heat exchanger elements in various active solutions. The use of this method is most appropriate in the case of cleaning a double-circuit boiler, the functional elements and channels of which are most susceptible to contamination.

First of all, it is necessary to carefully study the documentation that came with the heating boiler. Flushing a gas boiler can be carried out in two ways, the first of which involves the complete disassembly of the heating equipment, and the second one omits the use of a special reagent and does not involve the complete disconnection of the equipment from the main system. If you prefer the first option, remember that the heat exchanger is an element that occupies a fairly large space inside the gas boiler and is located directly under the combustion chamber, which greatly complicates access to it. To gain access to the heat exchanger, it is necessary to perform the following manipulations:

  • Remove the outer case. To do this in accordance with all safety rules, it is necessary to disconnect the gas supply, as well as turn off the power supply, if such is provided for by the design of the device;
  • Disconnect the heat exchanger from the pipes of the heating system;
  • Remove heat exchanger mountings.

After you have carried out these manipulations, you can pull the heat exchanger out of the boiler and proceed with the cleaning. In most cases, after removing the heat exchanger fasteners, you will find that the internal cavities of the device are clogged with salt deposits (salts of calcium, sodium, and ferric iron). To clean the elements of the system, you will need metal tools - scrapers, pins, as well as a ruff for cleaning the boiler. When using these tools, it is important to be careful not to damage the heat exchanger wall.

Often, experienced craftsmen resort to soaking the device in the bathroom in a weak solution of an acid (most often hydrochloric acid). This leads to a softening of salt deposits, which contributes to their easier removal. After completing this procedure, on the advice of specialists, rinse the internal cavities of the device with water supplied under slight pressure. To make it easier for yourself, attach a hose connected to the plumbing system to the nozzle. By carrying out this event, you will make sure how much dirt will come out of the hole. Pressure flushing should be carried out until clean water comes out of the holes. To increase the efficiency of flushing, you can use a rubber or wooden hammer, which you need to tap on the heat exchanger while flushing the internal cavities.

Chemical cleaning of boilers: main aspects

Chemical cleaning of boilers, despite the seeming simplicity of execution, is not the easiest task. To carry it out, you need a specialized device - a booster. Despite the fact that cleaning the boiler with your own hands using a booster is considered a simplified version of the dry cleaning of boilers, you need to familiarize yourself with the main nuances of its implementation.

This process is considered simplified, since during its implementation there is no need to remove the heat exchanger and disassemble the heating boiler. To carry out dry cleaning by this method, it is enough to disconnect two pipes, to one of which a hose is connected that injects a chemical solution into the heating system. It is also necessary to connect a hose to the opposite branch pipe, since the spent chemical solution will exit from it. Thus, a circular movement of the reagent will be carried out inside the heat exchanger and booster.

Consider what a booster is and what elements it consists of?

  • Reservoir, for pouring a chemical reagent;
  • An electric heating element that is not present in all modifications of boosters, however, experts recommend using just such systems. This is due to the fact that the presence of an electric heating element contributes to the heating of the reagent in the system, which, being in a warm form, contributes to a faster and more efficient destruction of mud and salt deposits;
  • Pump.

In the process of dry cleaning of gas boiler heat exchangers, all safety rules must be observed, since equipment is washed using strong acids.

To carry out dry cleaning you will need:

  • Booster (powerful sediment designed for flushing boilers);
  • Boiler cleaning agent;
  • Capacity;
  • Gloves and mask.

Chemical cleaning of heat exchangers is carried out in two stages. First of all, before cleaning the boiler, use shut-off valves to isolate the water inflow into the system. Only after completing this event, you can proceed to further cleaning. Remove the top protective cover of the boiler. If you want to increase the cleaning efficiency, remove the unit after draining the water from it. The first stage involves cleaning the boiler with a chemical reagent using a booster. Cleaning is carried out due to the circulation of the reagent in the system under powerful pressure. The reagent functions in such a way that under its influence, salt deposits on the inner surface of the heat exchanger soften and lag behind the walls. Cleaning the boiler using chemicals can take from 2 to 6 hours. The second stage is somewhat simpler than the first and does not present technological difficulties. It involves the removal of the reagent and the pouring of a substance that neutralizes its residues. Then wait for the unit to dry and install it in place.

Chemical reagents used for cleaning gas boilers:

  • Adipic acid- a reagent that is diluted in water, observing a certain concentration, and then pumped into the boiler after it cools down. Under the pressure of carbon dioxide, carbonates are converted into acidic salts that are soluble in water. In order for them to precipitate, easily washed off with water, it is necessary to reduce the pressure in time;
  • Sulfamic acid- by analogy with adipic acid, it is diluted in water and pumped into a cooled boiler under pressure using a pump. After exposure to the reagent, the boiler is thoroughly washed and dried. The interaction of carbonates and internal elements of the gas boiler contributes to the successful cleaning of the walls of the device;
  • Boiler cleaning gel- a substance that is not related to acids, but successfully copes with cleaning the inside of a gas boiler from dirt and salt deposits. It contributes to the removal of scale from the metal elements of the boiler and its dissolution, which corresponds to the principle of functioning of any oil refining products. The cooled boiler is treated with gel and thoroughly washed with clean water. The specified substance acts very gently, easily cleaning the structure without damaging its walls.

Important! The disadvantage of dry cleaning is the inability to control the chemical processes of acid interaction not only with scale and salt deposits, but also with metal elements of the boiler that are not subject to contamination. However, this detrimental effect can be avoided by adding inhibitors to the acid, which reduce the negative effect of the acid on metals.

Hydrodynamic cleaning of a gas boiler

It is a method of cleaning gas equipment, during which there is no need to disassemble it. This method is based on pumping water into the system (sometimes with an abrasive filler) and then pressurizing it. Due to the fact that during the manipulation the liquid moves at an increased speed, this contributes to the destruction of salt deposits and their subsequent removal to the outside.

Important! The disadvantage of this technique is the possibility of exceeding the critical pressure in the system, which can cause pipe rupture. In this regard, experts do not recommend dynamic cleaning of the gas boiler with their own hands, as it can cause adverse effects on the equipment. To carry out hydrodynamic cleaning, contact specialists who are authorized to work with gas equipment. However, knowledge of the technology for performing work will not hurt you, since, having familiarized yourself with the information provided by us, you will be able to control the work of invited specialists.

Cleaning the boiler from soot: a step-by-step guide

Cleaning a gas boiler involves not only cleaning the chimney, but also cleaning the channels of the gas boiler itself. In case of contamination of the chimney and problems with draft, the gas equipment is automatically turned off. The accumulation of soot inside the gas equipment does not contribute to the operation of the automation and the shutdown of the boiler, which can cause poisoning of the residents of the house by combustion products. In addition, contaminated equipment does not function properly, and therefore, gas equipment must be cleaned annually, and this is especially true for gas boilers operating year-round.

Disassembly and removal of soot

To remove the parts of the boiler and clean them, you will need the following tools:

  • Screwdriver;
  • Open-end wrenches (No. 8-17);
  • Ruff for cleaning the boiler;
  • Brushes (soft and metal);
  • Rags.

Thus, any materials and tools will come into play, using which you can remove limescale from a metal surface, and you will also need wrenches.

If you follow the guide suggested in this article, you can not only effectively clean the internal parts of the gas boiler from soot and soot, but also prevent smoke in the room or an accident.


First of all, you need to turn off the gas. Then remove the boiler door and disconnect the wire that leads to the piezoelectric element. Unscrew the elements one by one, observing the specified sequence:

  • First unscrew the thermocouple;
  • Then - the ignition electrode;
  • And finally, the pilot burner tube.

Important! To avoid misconfiguration, note the position of the burner in the nozzle. It is recommended that the gasket under the pilot burner be replaced with a new one. Being careful, they take out the nozzle, copper tube and, finally, the burner, while unscrewing the set of clamps.

Important! To unscrew the fixing nut of the copper tube, use a wrench No. 17, to remove the ignition electrode - a wrench No. 10, and to unscrew the pilot burner mounting screws, prepare a flat screwdriver.

After you have taken out the thermometer sleeve, remove the boiler cover together with the insulating sheet. Then remove the gas duct, having previously disconnected the terminals from the traction sensor. Clean the swirlers removed from the heat exchanger during disassembly using a brush. Clean the base and outside of the heat exchanger in the same way. Internal channels must be blown out with a vacuum cleaner. To clean the burner, use a brush and brush. As for the flue, it must be wiped from all sides.

Important! Particular attention must be paid to cleaning the nozzle, the outer surface of which is cleaned with a brush, and the hole is cleaned with a thin needle, the diameter of which is somewhat smaller than the diameter of the hole. If you do not clean carefully or choose the wrong needle, you can expand the hole, which will disrupt the combustion mode.

The internal and external elements of the heat exchanger are cleaned with a hard metal brush. Dust and lime residues that have settled on the surface of the boiler are removed with a vacuum cleaner and a damp cloth. To clean any form of internal surfaces from plaque, use a boiler brush.

How to assemble in reverse order?

The main burner, copper tube and nozzle are returned to their place in the specified sequence. A pilot burner is installed on a new gasket after it has been cleaned with a metal brush. To prevent damage to the ceramic base, when connecting the ignition electrode, refrain from using the key and perform manual manipulations. Also fix the main parts in place. To carry out a control check, use the soaping of the connections. You can check the tightness of fixing the burners and copper tubes only when the equipment is turned on.

Gas boiler cleaning video

Cleaning the gas boiler allows you to use it as efficiently as possible throughout the entire period of operation. The article describes step by step the cleaning process before the start of the heating season using the example of the Zhytomyr-3 floor-standing chimney boiler with Eurosit-630 automation.

Cleaning a domestic gas boiler before the start of the heating season must be carried out without fail. For boilers operating year-round, this procedure is carried out at least once a year. Gas combustion in equipment with partially clogged flue ducts occurs in the wrong mode, which only aggravates the situation, further clogging the boiler with soot. The result is carbon monoxide poisoning. By the way, automatic traction is able to work out only in case of clogging of the chimney, but not in case of clogging of the channels of the boiler itself. Therefore, you should not rely solely on automation and neglect cleaning.

It is important to know that gas hazardous work should be carried out exclusively by representatives of specialized organizations that have the appropriate permits. This work is provided for informational purposes only, however, it will allow the owner of the gas boiler to control the quality of the work performed by the gas service.

Preparation for work

To perform work on cleaning a gas boiler, you will need the following set of tools:

  • open-end wrenches No. 8, 9, 10, 13 and 17;
  • flat head screwdriver;
  • brush;
  • metal brush;
  • brush.

Let's move on to cleaning the column

Turn off the gas supply valve to the boiler. Using the key No. 10, we unscrew the fastening screw under the boiler door and remove the door.

Disconnect the wire connecting the piezoelectric element and the ignition electrode.

Using the key number 10, unscrew the thermocouple retainer. Using the key number 9, unscrew the thermocouple from the valve.

Note: it is necessary to ensure that the thermocouple does not rotate during unscrewing.

We note the depth of entry of the nozzle into the main burner so as not to disturb the boiler setting.

With the key No. 17, we unscrew the nut that secures the copper tube from the burner to the valve. Using key No. 10, unscrew the ignition electrode from the pilot burner and the copper tube from the pilot burner and valve. Unscrew the two pilot burner screws with a flat head screwdriver.

The gasket installed under the pilot burner has become unusable. It will need to be replaced.

Remove the nozzle from the pilot burner.

Tip: If the nozzle is stuck, you can lightly tap the burner with a wrench.

We unscrew the four screws securing the main burner to the boiler body and the screw securing the body in order to be able to remove the main burner.

Lowering the main burner down, remove the copper tube from the valve.

Remove the main burner.

We take out the thermometer sleeve from the boiler body.

Using the key No. 10, we unscrew the four screws securing the upper cover of the boiler and remove it and the insulation sheet under it.

We unscrew the two nuts securing the flue to the boiler body.

We remove the terminals from the thrust sensor.

We remove the gas pipeline.

We remove the swirlers from the boiler heat exchanger. We clean them with a brush. If necessary, use a metal brush.

We clean the outer part of the heat exchanger with a metal brush. We clean the channels of the heat exchanger with a brush to the full depth. We clean the bottom of the heat exchanger with a brush. We also clean the gap between the boiler body and the floor. We clean the exfoliated debris with a vacuum cleaner.

With key No. 13, we release the screw that fixes the depth of entry of the nozzle into the main burner and remove it.

We clean the burner with a brush and brush, clean its holes with a vacuum cleaner. We clean the flue from dust from the outside and from the inside.

We clean the outer surface of the nozzle with a brush, then clean the nozzle holes with a needle or wire.

Note: The needle must be smaller in diameter than the diameter of the nozzle hole. Even a slight increase in the diameter of the nozzle hole can affect the combustion mode.

We install the main burner in place.

We install a copper tube with a nozzle and bait its nut onto the gas valve.

Only after that we fix the nozzle on the burner according to the mark with key No. 13.

Note: this sequence is necessary in order not to strip the threads in the valve body.

We finally tighten the nut of the copper tube with a key number 17.

We clean the pilot burner with a metal brush.

This is how the thermocouple should be installed in the pilot burner (the tip of the thermocouple against the tongue of the flame).

Install the pilot burner on the new gasket.

Before installing the nozzle in the pilot burner, it must be slightly ground to the tip of the copper tube for better sealing. The nozzle should also be cleaned or purged.

We connect the copper tube to the pilot burner and to the valve with a key number 10.

The remaining parts of the boiler are assembled in the reverse order. When connecting the ignition electrode, do not clamp it with a key, it is enough to do it by hand, because it is made of ceramic and can easily crack.

We make control washing of all connections. It will be possible to check the tightness of the connection of copper pipes to the main and pilot burners only when the boiler is turned on.

The result of the work done

This boiler is cleaned regularly every year before the heating season. No critical contamination was found during cleaning, however, it is clear that dirt accumulates during the year. The need for such a procedure is obvious. After cleaning, the boiler is easily ignited, gaining temperature well.

P.S. The photographs of the boiler show traces of burnt paint in the area of ​​​​the viewing window. This is a clear sign of insufficient draft or contamination of the boiler channels. In this case, the problem has long been eliminated, but traces, unfortunately, remain.

The dream of every home owner is the uninterrupted operation of all engineering systems, and especially heating systems. Of course, at the same time, it is desirable that the maintenance of gas equipment is required to be minimal. But in order to ensure a calm and warm life under the roof of your own house, you still need to strictly observe some non-difficult conditions, namely, a preventive inspection of the gas unit and minor repairs, if necessary. The most important tasks that will help add life to the boiler will be: cleaning the heat exchangers and removing soot.

What is a gas heating boiler

By design, a gas boiler is a combination of several diverse devices:

  • a heat generator in which thermal energy is generated by burning fuel, consisting of a combustion chamber and a burner,
  • a heat exchanger in which thermal energy is transferred to a heat carrier, which is usually water, antifreeze or air,
  • housing, in which the above-mentioned parts are enclosed,
  • a special control device that controls the activity of the fuel supply,
  • chimney.

To ensure the high efficiency of the boiler, it will be necessary to systematically clean:

  • furnaces and chimney from soot,
  • heat exchanger - from scale.

Each type of cleaning must be carried out according to certain rules, the question of how gas boilers are cleaned should be considered in more detail.

How to clean a gas boiler - wash the heat exchanger

The heat exchanger is a system of pipes designed to move the coolant at the stage of its heating. Since the water that is used as a heat carrier is usually not sufficiently purified from impurities of various salts, scale settles on the inner walls of the pipes over time, the diameter of the tubes decreases as a result, and the speed of the coolant becomes lower. In addition, scale becomes a kind of barrier that reduces the thermal conductivity of metal fragments. All these negative aspects lead to serious consequences - a sharp decrease in the temperature of the coolant in the system.

In case of untimely flushing of the system, prerequisites for a serious accident may arise, including:

  • overheating of the boiler, because scale will prevent proper cooling of the coolant, which, in the process of reverse movement, should reduce the temperature of the internal parts of the heating elements,
  • breakage of parts, which may occur as a result of increased loads on the circulation pump (which may be caused by the narrowing of contaminated pipes),
  • increase in fuel costs.

The fight against scale can be done in several ways:

  • water pumped into the system under high pressure,
  • using chemicals,
  • by mechanical means.

The first method, due to its complexity (you will need a special compressor that allows you to create a pressure of tens of atmospheres), is acceptable if the work is performed by a team of specialists. The second and third is quite possible to produce independently.

The complexity of mechanical and chemical cleaning will be the need to completely dismantle the heat exchanger, this work will require certain knowledge and skills.

How is the mechanical cleaning of the heat exchanger performed?

First of all, it should be remembered that the heat exchanger has a rather large volume and is located directly above the combustion chamber; when trying to get to it, some difficulties may arise.

  1. First, disconnect the electrical wiring (if any) and the gas supply pipes from the boiler.
  2. Disconnect the heat exchanger from the heating system.
  3. Remove heat exchanger fasteners.
  4. Remove the heat exchanger from the boiler and start cleaning it.

After the heat exchanger is removed, you can see how thick deposits are on its walls, pins, scrapers, etc. can be used to remove them. tools. When performing work, care must be taken - otherwise the walls of the heat exchanger may be damaged.

It is more rational to perform mechanical cleaning after pre-soaking the part in a weak acid solution - this will soften the scale and it will be much easier to remove it.

Upon completion of the process, it is desirable to connect the heat exchanger to a source of running water - when the liquid passes through its internal cavities, a large amount of dirt will be washed out of them. Flushing can be completed when the outflowing water is clear. Tapping on the walls of the heat exchanger with a rubber or wooden hammer will speed up the washing process.

Cleaning heat exchangers with chemicals

To perform chemical cleaning of the heat exchanger, you will need a special device - a booster. Although the dry cleaning process itself is not difficult, it is advisable to familiarize yourself with the recommendations of specialists before starting work.

It is not necessary to completely remove the heat exchanger, two pipes should be disconnected, a hose connected to one of them, a cleaning solution will be supplied through it. The supplied liquid will exit through another pipe and be fed into the booster through a hose connected to it. Such a connection will ensure the movement of the reagent in a circle.

Experts recommend choosing a booster equipped with an electric heating element. It will allow heating the chemical composition, increasing the temperature of the reagent will increase the efficiency of washing and accelerate the process of destruction of deposited salts.

Various solutions sold in hardware stores can serve as chemical reagents. However, the choice of agent should be made taking into account the degree of contamination and the composition of the deposits, recommendations should not be ignored as to which materials this agent can be used to clean.

The most commonly used acids in cleansers are:

  • sulfuric or salty,
  • less often - phosphoric or nitrogen.

Such reagents can easily remove dense deposits of great thickness, including layers of trivalent iron. To remove small contaminants, you can use solutions of weaker acids: sulfamic or adipic. If desired, you can use special gels, they are diluted with water before use.

Cleaning boilers from soot

Natural gas, which is used to heat residential premises, is a relatively pure product. However, during its combustion, the release of heavy components of oil products is observed, it is they that contribute to the formation of a black layered film on the surface of the heat exchanger and combustion chamber. such a film significantly reduces the thermal conductivity of the metal parts of the boiler, i.e. contributes to a decrease in its effectiveness.

Since only the outer parts of the nodes will require cleaning, cleaning the boiler with your own hands will not be such a difficult process. First you need to determine the thickness of the soot layer:
if it does not exceed 2 mm, then a scraper or a damp sponge can be used to remove it,
if the layer is thicker, then the use of chemicals will be required, the best option is acid-containing compounds.

Chimney cleaning

An equally important measure is the removal of soot from the chimney. There are many ways to solve this problem - after all, our ancestors, who used stove heating for heating houses, had to do this for many centuries in a row.

Modern chimneys, in accordance with the regulations, must be made of stainless steel capable of withstanding the effects of high temperatures and acid precipitation, which are formed during the combustion of natural gas. Sometimes they resort to installing a ceramic chimney, but with their high quality characteristics, ceramic models do not yet compete with metal ones. Regardless of the type and material of manufacture, chimneys are designed to improve draft. The accumulation of soot on the inner walls of the chimney pipes reduces draft, and therefore worsens the working condition of the boiler.

You can determine the amount of accumulated soot by analyzing the frequency of the boiler: its constant use will contribute to its rapid accumulation. In this case, the gas boiler must be cleaned of soot, as well as the chimney, at least twice a year.

The intensity of the accumulation of acid condensate is influenced by the ambient temperature - the lower it is, the more actively the formation of sediment that is detrimental to pipes occurs.

Severe soot clogging threatens:

  • thinning the smoke hole, reducing draft and smoke emission can create conditions in the house that are dangerous to human health (suffocation from carbon monoxide poisoning may occur),
  • since soot is a flammable material, the possibility of a fire will be quite real.

If you do not know how to clean the gas boiler and remove soot from the chimney, then it is best to turn to professionals - they will do the job efficiently and in a short time.

Soot removal mechanically

If you decide to do everything yourself, then you will need to purchase the appropriate tools for cleaning chimneys:

  • hard brushes,
  • scrapers, other hard devices for mechanical cleaning.

The most effective way to date is cleaning with a special vacuum cleaner. Accumulated in any quantities, the dirt is quite easily removed through a special pocket. The included device, drawing in air, removes all accumulations on the walls of the pipe, leaving it intact and clean.

Experts consider a special vacuum unit to be an ideal cleaning unit, it is capable of removing dirt of any composition in any quantity, but it is usually used by professionals - the cost of such an installation is within 100 thousand rubles.

When doing the work with your own hands, you can use all kinds of brushes or brushes, but you should not forget that their diameter should slightly exceed the diameter of the pipe. A very thick layer of soot can be removed with a scraper, then carefully treat the pipe with brushes or a brush. Of course, you can carry out such activities yourself. Nevertheless, at least once every few years, it is advisable to call a master who can realistically assess the condition of the pipe and determine the presence of flaws in it, if any.

The chimney can also be cleaned from the outside, lowering a brush on the transformer handle into it, the structure should be weighted with a plumb line. Under its action, the brush will move down more actively, cleaning the pipe walls will accelerate. The crumbling soot is removed from the chimney through a special pocket, using a small scoop or vacuum cleaner.

Chemical cleaning of chimneys for gas boilers is rarely used, this method is more acceptable for wood-burning stoves and fireplaces. If gas is used as fuel, then most likely it will be necessary to pay attention to the fight against condensate.

Why install condensate collectors

As we already mentioned, acidic deposits are formed along with soot during the combustion of gaseous fuels, which can have a detrimental effect on the material from which chimneys are made.

The installation of special devices - condensate outlets and collectors allows you to get rid of acid-containing vapors and completely protect chimney pipes from destruction. Today, technologists are actively developing more efficient methods for removing acid condensate, which will allow for uninterrupted operation and extend the life of chimney pipes.
