How to lubricate the fittings of plastic windows. Window care: how and with what to properly lubricate fittings and seals? There are many lubricants

The correct operation of PVC window structures depends on regular and proper maintenance. After prolonged use, the mechanisms require lubrication. How to lubricate plastic windows to extend their service life and ensure comfortable operation.

Carrying out cleaning at home, we do not forget about cleaning double-glazed windows from dust and traces of rain. However, not everyone thinks that window care is not limited to external procedures. Internal mechanisms and fittings begin to work incorrectly over time, and the decrease in the quality of factory lubricants is to blame. Dryness leads to the accumulation of dust from the street and metal particles. Faults can signal themselves with creaks, rattles, clicking, jamming of the door. When buying a new window, the manufacturer gives a guarantee of 4-5 years. This is the expiration date of the factory lubricant. Unfortunately, not all sellers notify buyers of the need to carry out preventive maintenance, and therefore situations are brought to critical moments. If you do not respond to the problem in time, then the end can be sad. Grease for plastic windows performs the following tasks:

  • reduces the level of friction of metal elements, increasing their wear resistance;
  • facilitates closing / opening of the valves;
  • protects against rust, creating a protective layer on the metal;
  • the rubber seal retains elasticity, does not stretch and provides the necessary tightness of the sash.

All moving and rubbing elements, and seals on the frame and sash are subject to lubrication. On some models of PVC windows, you can see the corresponding marking with an oiler. Thus, manufacturers give a hint which elements need lubrication.

The situation is complicated by the fact that the structures installed with the advent of the first PVC windows have fittings and fasteners, which are now difficult to replace. Therefore, the wear of one or another element leads to a complete replacement of the internal mechanism or the entire unit.

How to lubricate plastic windows, types of products

Not all products are suitable for lubricating windows. On sale you can find ready-made kits for the care of plastic blocks, but their cost is not affordable for everyone. It is better to purchase everything separately, especially since half of these kits may not be useful.

How to lubricate the mechanism of plastic windows

The best choice for lubricating window mechanisms will be the following tools:

  • silicone-based products made specifically for window mechanisms. When applied to a metal surface, a thin resistant film is formed. The lubricant is available in tubes or sprays. Both options will work;
  • universal grease, which includes the same silicone. It is identical to a special tool, but can be used not only on windows. The consumption of funds is minimal, so one tube is enough for a long time;
  • lubricating oil for sewing machines or bicycles. The tool is similar to machine oil, but better cleaning. It is easy to use and stays on the surface for a long time;
  • mineral or synthetic lubricants. The main thing is to choose products that do not include acids, aggressive reagents and abrasives.

It is not recommended to use any vegetable fats, petroleum jelly, shoe polish for lubrication. This is due to the fact that vegetable oils leave a film on the mechanisms that dries for a very long time, about two weeks. During this time, a large amount of dust accumulates on it, which makes it difficult for the fittings to work, accelerating their wear.

How can you not lubricate the fittings of plastic windows? Means with acids and chemicals destroy the metal surface, “eat up” the anti-corrosion layer and oxidize parts. Gun and car oils are also not suitable. The former are expensive, and they do not perform protective functions in relation to windows. The latter have a low degree of purification.

How to lubricate rubber bands on plastic windows

Seals also need care. You can buy special lubricants, or you can use improvised means:

  • silicone-based lubricants;
  • silicone sponges;
  • pharmacy glycerin, but only in its pure form, without cosmetic additives.

Do not use Vaseline or baby powder. Also do not choose products containing a solvent, alcohol and alkali. They will lead to the destruction of the rubber structure.

Controversial opinion exists about the use of WD-40. Some argue that the use of an aerosol will create a protective waterproofing film on the surface. Others say that at low temperatures, the product can thicken and interfere with the operation of window mechanisms. If only this tool is at hand, it can be used to lubricate the seals.

Criteria for selecting window lubricants

It is necessary to take care of window structures with high-quality and proven means. Poor quality lubrication will reduce the life of the mechanisms. When buying, be guided by the region of residence, because some products tend to "tan" at low temperatures.

Ask the seller in the store which lubricant is suitable for your plastic window model. Choose aerosol products. This is the most convenient type of lubrication with economical consumption. With the help of spraying, you can reach the most inaccessible places of the mechanism. You don't have to buy expensive stuff. Often they include components found in inexpensive lubricants, and their principle of operation is the same.

How to lubricate plastic windows yourself

It is not necessary to be an expert to carry out preventive maintenance of window fittings. To do this, you need to know the sequence of actions and have the necessary materials on hand. Be sure to remove all decorative trims from the hinges and handles.

Cleaning plastic windows

Before proceeding with the lubrication of the elements of the window structure, you need to thoroughly clean them from accumulated dirt and dust. The window sashes open wide and look good. All brackets, bolts and other moving parts need to be cleaned.

For cleaning, use a damp soft cloth, sponge or brush. Along with the dirt, a layer of old grease is also removed. After wet, use a dry cloth and wipe all parts dry. In warm weather, you can leave the window to dry on your own. Remember not to use any detergents. You can use WD-40 for metal elements. The frame is washed with ordinary soapy water. For hardened dirt, use a stiff brush, paying particular attention to the joints between the door and the frame.

Hardware lubrication

Before starting the lubrication procedure, you need to understand where to lubricate plastic windows. The lubricant is applied to all elements that move during operation. If the work is done with an aerosol, then the process is greatly simplified. It is enough to spray the agent at a distance of 3-5 cm. It is necessary to lubricate with oils by digging them onto the guide rails of the products, all rotary mechanisms and grooves. 2-3 drops will be enough. For convenience, oil lubricant is drawn into a syringe or a small oiler, the tip of which is directed to the mechanism element. In order for the lubricant to penetrate well between the moving parts, the window sash must be closed. Opening and closing in different modes is best done several times. This will allow the tool to quickly disperse to all parts and lubricate them better.

Silicone is often used to lubricate the window. Before the procedure, the canister is shaken well several times. The spray hole is directed to the lubricated element at a distance of 3-5 cm. By pressing the valve, release the product for about two seconds. This will be enough for the grease to get inside. Silicone in cylinders is good because, due to its transparency, it does not leave marks on the surface. After lubricating all the fittings, the lubricant drips are wiped off with a clean cloth.

Lubrication of seals

In order for the sealing rubber on the plastic window not to dry out and ensure a snug fit of the sash, it must be regularly lubricated. Before lubrication, the window opens completely, providing access to all rubberized places. The sealant is thoroughly cleaned with a brush from dust, and also washed with a soapy solution and left to dry completely.

As a lubricant, professional products or those that are suitable from the home arsenal are selected.

The product is applied to the seals and evenly distributed over the entire surface with a cotton swab. You can choose grease in a container with a roller at the end. It will be more convenient for them to apply the product.

The frequency of the procedure for lubricating plastic windows

The frequency of lubrication of PVC windows depends on the frequency of their use. Living conditions also matter. For example, those windows that face the road will get dirty more and faster. Accordingly, they need to be cared for more often, about once a year. It is better to lubricate plastic windows in early autumn or late spring at positive temperatures. If you notice extraneous sounds coming from the sashes between periods of lubrication, then do not wait for the right time. Tightening with the procedure can adversely affect the quality of fittings and sealing elements.

When installing PVC windows, installers do not explain to the owners about the need for preventive lubrication of working mechanisms and sealing rubbers, or they offer their services from the moment of installation, which in most cases does not suit customers. Therefore, the owners of an apartment (house) often do not know where, when and how to lubricate locking mechanisms, fittings and rubber seals.

Let's fill the gap in the knowledge of the owners of metal-plastic windows and consider how to lubricate plastic windows on our own. The process is simple, you can do it at home with your own hands.

Why grease windows

Simple housewives know that the rubbing parts of assemblies and parts must be regularly lubricated. For example, they process sewing machines or door hinges, if necessary, and without the participation of a strong half of humanity, with machine oil. For some reason, no one is in a hurry to lubricate the windows, although their situation is worse than at the doors.

Even a short opening of the sash leads to the settling of street dust on all metal parts, including grease. Every year the amount of dirt in the oil grows, making it difficult for locking devices and fittings to work - an abrasive effect from foreign impurities appears. If no action is taken, accelerated wear of rubbing units and strikers, which are not always available for sale, may occur.

Attention: the loss of a layer of oil leads to excessive friction in mating parts, which manifests itself in the appearance of extraneous sounds: clicks, rattles or creaks (often all together) - their appearance requires immediate treatment of all rubbing parts with lubricating oil.

Manufacturers of mechanisms and accessories do not produce interchangeable parts, which leads to a costly replacement of the entire locking system in the absence of a tiny part from another company. Lubrication of plastic windows solves several problems at once:

  • increases the wear resistance of rubbing parts;
  • makes the operation of the locking mechanism silent;
  • facilitates the process of opening (closing) of the valves;
  • protects metal from rust;
  • allows the sealant to maintain elasticity, preventing it from stretching or cracking.

If prevention is ignored or performed incorrectly, several unpleasant surprises await window owners:

  • unpleasant extraneous sounds appear when opening / closing the valves;
  • due to the friction of metal on metal, metal dust appears between the rubbing surfaces, accelerating the wear of parts;
  • rubber under a layer of dust quickly loses elasticity, which leads to the penetration of cold air into the apartment in winter;
  • replacement of worn parts is not always possible - manufacturers of locking mechanisms and accessories often change the model range of their kits, and it is very difficult to find a replacement for a part that was produced 5-6 years ago.

How often to lubricate and at what time of the year

Experts say that permanent lubrication for plastic windows is needed once a year, preferably in spring or early summer. However, it is difficult to agree with this. The frequency of preventive maintenance depends on several factors:

  • the presence of dust-forming objects near the house: highways, construction sites, etc.;
  • climatic zone of residence, where dust storms are frequent due to soil erosion;
  • window opening frequency.

If at least one factor is available, it is necessary to lubricate seals and hinged joints of windows 2-3 times a year, but always in the warm season. It is advisable to lubricate the seals also after each washing of double-glazed windows and plastic (shutters, frames), which allows you to extend the life of the rubber bands.

The better to lubricate plastic windows

During preventive maintenance, the question arises: how to lubricate the mechanism of plastic windows, fittings and seals. Let's figure it out.


Almost all known lubricants are suitable for lubricating locking mechanisms:

  • Silicone-based lubricants - are produced specifically for the locking devices of plastic, wooden and aluminum windows. Can be bought in tubes or in spray cans;
  • Universal silicone lubricants - used for any mechanisms;
  • Machine oil for sewing machines - easy to apply and long-lasting on lubricated parts;
  • All kinds of rubber and plastic neutral (printed on packaging) mineral, semi-synthetic and synthetic lubricating oils (spindle oil and diesel engine oil are excluded - too fluid).

Important: some experts consider WD-40 lubricant ideal for window mechanism - it creates a protective waterproof film on its surface. The second part is categorically against its use - at low temperatures it does not work well as a lubricant, thickens. The editors of the StroyGuru portal did not find strong arguments either for its use or against it. Therefore, it is better to refrain from such a purchase and purchase special tools, where 3 types of lubricant are presented: for rubbing parts, fittings and seals.

Do not try to find a replacement for the oils listed above. The use of some home or improvised means is strictly prohibited:

  • oils of vegetable and animal origin (sunflower, rapeseed, butter, etc.);
  • vaseline;
  • shoe-cleaning products (gel, wax, spray);
  • oils for 2-stroke internal combustion engines;
  • margarine.

The listed funds thicken in the cold, which makes it difficult for all window systems to work, and also collect dust well.

Sealing gum

It is a little more difficult to understand the issue than to lubricate the sealing gum on plastic windows. Profile sites recommend several professional and home remedies. Professionals include:

  • "Fenoflex" - a product of the German company "Fenosol", specially created for window seals (according to the creators, it increases their resource by 20-25%);
  • Lubricant for rubber seals from window care kits from KBE, Kaleva, etc. They are sold in plastic cans or bottles with special nozzles for squeezing out the lubricant;
  • Technical silicone is the most affordable care product for any rubber product, and the best. It is easy to apply, does not smell, transparent. Retains properties at temperatures ranging from -50 to +230 o C.

The WD40 solvent is also classified as a professional product, with which we categorically disagree. Any solvent must be fluid. Fluidity is provided either by kerosene or alcohol (there may be its derivatives) - there is no way to say for sure, since the manufacturer has classified the composition of the product.

Everyone knows about the results of the interaction of both of these substances with natural rubber or artificial rubber - over time, the molecules of the material lose their ability to move relative to each other (elasticity is lost), the product becomes brittle and cracks or stretches.

Practice confirms: a single exposure to WD40 on seals does not harm them. Long leads to the fact that the seals literally jump out of the grooves.

Among the home remedies it should be noted:

  • Glycerin is a colorless viscous liquid, a saponification product of fats. Works well indoors. However, problems begin outside: it dissolves in water (in the rain), which requires frequent lubrication of seals from the side of the street;
  • Vaseline is a great rubber softener. It does not dissolve in water, which protects the seal from the effects of rain. The problems lie in the temperature regime: it can withstand frost down to -25 o C, and in hot weather (over +27 o C) it begins to melt. Therefore, with significant temperature differences, a second application of the protective layer is required.

Lubrication instructions are simple:

  1. the rubber bands are wiped with a soapy solution with a soft cloth or sponge, after which they are wiped dry with a napkin;
  2. if the seal has two petals, the surface between them is first lubricated, and then the outer one;
  3. liquid products (glycerin) are applied with a cotton swab or sprayed if sold in cans;
  4. viscous substances are applied by hand (silicone, petroleum jelly) or with a brush;
  5. proper care of rubber bands involves 2-time lubrication: in spring and autumn.

How to lubricate the fittings of plastic windows

The answer is simple and concise: by the same means as the locking mechanisms.

Instructions for lubricating plastic windows. Manufacturers of window fittings and sash opening/closing mechanisms sometimes indicate the place of lubrication. For the rest of the owners, we will give a diagram (see photo below), which shows at what points the lubrication point.

Lubrication of the window begins with washing the double-glazed windows and profiles (frame and sashes) with special means and subsequent cleaning of all elements of the sash and frame from dirt, dust and old grease. To do this, the leaf alternately opens in different planes, so that you can first clean and then lubricate the locking devices for different opening modes.

All metal parts are wiped with a sponge, brush or damp cloth, after which they are wiped dry with a dry cloth or cloth. In this case, you must follow two simple rules:

  • no detergents for metal parts;
  • the weather should be calm - dust, soot, volatile fats, etc. can get on the cleaned surface with the wind.

Lubrication is applied according to a simple algorithm:

  • after washing and cleaning, the window is ventilated (dries);
  • all moving parts, mounting brackets, bolts and latches are lubricated (lubrication methods are shown in the photo);

  • after lubrication, the window closes and opens several times in each plane - thus, the lubricant is spread over the entire surface of the lubricated parts.

A few tips:

  • It is most convenient to lubricate with a syringe.
  • Spray cans contaminate plastic and seals next to the part on which the spray was applied (even if there is a spout tube) - you will have to wipe it in a new way. Therefore, it is better to avoid them.
  • From plastic bottles, it is enough to squeeze 1-3 drops into the lubrication point.

  • Lubrication of all parts of one window must be carried out at the same time.

If all procedures are performed correctly, the window will extend its service life by several years. But do not take risks and prevention should be repeated regularly.

Other preventive measures with plastic windows

During window lubrication, or rather, before it begins, it is desirable to treat plastic profiles with antistatic agents. The result will affect immediately - there will be less dust and dirt on the frame and sashes.


Following a few simple rules will allow PVC windows to last a long time:

  • lubricate all rubbing parts and accessories at least 2 times a year;
  • timely care for sealing rubber bands;
  • adjust windows for winter and summer;
  • carry out all procedures in the warm season in calm weather.

The annually changing design of plastic windows gives more and more new models. However, any stylish design can become just an empty phrase if the daily performance of window fittings is not ensured.

When should you take care of your window fittings?

So that your life is not overshadowed by the troubles associated with the improper functioning of window sashes, pay special attention to fittings. Caring for window fittings will consist in cleaning and lubricating individual elements and assemblies of window fittings. How to prevent the health and functioning of window fittings?

The main operating, and to be more precise, the functional face of the window system is window fittings. Thanks to the folded work of the window sash fittings, they perform the necessary functions. Therefore, in order for the window system to continue to serve for a long time, it is necessary to properly adjust and systematically care for the fittings.

When do you need to take care of furniture? The correct answer would be: “Regularly”, because when the fittings break, even though they are iron, it will be too late.

Adjustment of fittings of plastic windows

hardware condition check parameters

The condition of window fittings and its operation must be checked according to the following parameters:
reliable fastening of elements and fittings
the process and results of wear of elements and parts
ease of movement of the window sash.

Of course, its safe performance depends on the reliable fastening of the fittings. Therefore, it is recommended to check the seating of the individual fastening screws in the system. If loosening of the fasteners is detected, it is recommended to tighten the screw.
However, over time, the process of wear of the elements and parts of the window system takes place. To avoid premature wear of window fittings, it is necessary to clean and lubricate the most critical parts.

The ease of movement of the window sash can be achieved by applying basic adjustment techniques.
In addition, the adjustment of window trim fittings includes:
elimination of sagging, blowing through the window sash or balcony door
free pressure and stroke adjustment
transfer of the window system from the "winter" - "summer" mode
partial replacement of plastic window fittings
preventive cleaning and lubrication of fittings.

Do-it-yourself PVC window adjustment does not take much time. When working, it is necessary to know exactly the location of the main adjustment and adjustment nodes. Adjustment is carried out using special tools and fixtures that allow you to solve the problem of how to adjust the fittings of a plastic window.

To adjust the closing of the window sash, the protruding part of the eccentric is turned towards the inner surface of the window system, and to loosen it in the opposite direction.
How to adjust the fittings with your own hands will help you video.

Adjustment tools

For the proposed adjustment, systematic cleaning and lubrication of PVC window fittings, the following tools are required:

Hex Key 4mm
size 3 Phillips screwdriver
set of interchangeable screwdriver bits (star section, T marking)
lubrication spray WD-40.

A hex wrench, referred to in everyday life as furniture, of a standard shape and size, is the main regulatory tool. Adjustment of accessories is carried out on base points. Recall that the base points are:
vertical window sash adjustment
horizontal adjustment of the window sash
sash pressure adjustment
adjustment of the lower horizontal angle of the sash.

It is with the use of a hex wrench that adjustment can be made at all base points.
By turning the adjusting bolt clockwise or counterclockwise, the position of the window sash will move to the right or left respectively. In case of any change in the position of the window sash after a half turn or a full turn of the adjusting tool, it is recommended to control and check the operability of the window system. To achieve a positive result, the adjustment procedure is repeated.

Fastener adjustment

The window trim fittings from the manufacturer are fastened with the help of bolts with a cap for a Phillips screwdriver. Therefore, using a hex wrench and a Phillips screwdriver, it will be possible to loosen the fastening:
adjusting bolts on the "scissors" system
adjusting bolts on the lower canopy
adjusting bolts on the top canopy
mamagnetic balcony latch
clamping mechanism
trunnion adjustment

Depending on the brand of the manufacturer of plastic windows, the fittings and the algorithm for its adjustment do not fundamentally differ. If you wish, you can refer to the "primary sources" - detailed descriptions and technical instructions of the main manufacturers of window fittings Roto, Rehau, Maco, Veka.

We clean and lubricate window fittings

In the daily process of operation of window systems, a significant amount of street dust and dirt accumulates on fittings and seals, which contributes to the wear of moving elements. With regular cleaning, special attention should be paid to the folding mechanism. To clean the "scissors" it is recommended to use a brush with hard bristles on a long handle. Remove dust and dirt in the main components of the elements, and then wipe with a damp sponge.

To lubricate window fittings, it is recommended to use special oils and sprays with a long nozzle, such as WD-40z lubrication spray. Lubricated aerosols are equipped with easy-to-use tips that allow you to easily get into hard-to-reach places. The lubricant is applied in a few drops, preferably on both sides of the knot or element of the strapping fittings.

It is not recommended to use lubricants that contain acidic, aggressive or resinous substances. It is recommended to lubricate the main functional units of the window system, including silicone seals. By lubricating window fittings and seals, you can completely eliminate or eliminate the possibility of drafts.

Plastic windows in just a few years have gained great popularity. And all thanks to its clear advantages. They do not need to be sealed for the winter and painted. However, plastic windows need careful maintenance. Compliance with certain rules allows not only to maintain the attractive appearance of products, but also to extend their service life.

Why lubricate plastic windows

Caring for such products is of particular importance. To maintain the performance of individual parts, it is necessary to lubricate them periodically. This allows you to avoid many unpleasant moments, and most importantly - save the family budget. Many do not even think about why lubricate plastic windows. But guides throughout the entire period of use of products experience heavy loads.

Grease that was applied at the factory very often gets dust and dirt. As a result, this greatly harms plastic windows. After all, dirt acts like an abrasive material and significantly accelerates the wear of parts, especially guides. That is why proper care of plastic windows is required.

How to determine the lack of lubrication in the windows

Very often you can hear the question: why lubricate the elements of plastic windows? Of course, this may or may not be done. But in this case, the service life of the product is significantly reduced. In the toga, you will have to change certain parts of it or make a complete replacement.

Determining the lack of lubrication in a plastic window is not so difficult. To begin with, it is worth clarifying how often you need to carry out the procedure. Experts recommend applying lubricant to all moving parts of windows at least once every 12 months. However, in cases where the fittings are heavily soiled, the procedure can be carried out up to three times during the year. Of course, if you wish, you can do this more often.

For those who do not know: fittings are all handles, latches, various bolts and other elements due to which the window functions normally. In other words, its closing and opening in certain modes. The lack of lubrication in plastic windows becomes noticeable almost immediately. First of all, this affects the work of the pens. They may not turn well. At the same time, other mechanisms of products may make strange sounds: click, creak, and so on. Untimely replacement of the lubricant can lead to the fact that at some point the fittings simply cease to perform their functions, and the window will not open or close.

What is better to use?

In order for the windows to last long enough, all parts of the products that rub against other surfaces and move should be lubricated. Of course, many special formulations can be used for these purposes. But what to do if such a tool is not at hand, how to lubricate the rubber bands on plastic windows and guides? Here is a list of the best oils and formulations:

What not to use

Of course, many may think: why lubricate plastic windows with vehicle oils or silicone-based products? The answer is simple. Other formulations cannot be used due to some components. For example, mineral oils at low temperatures begin to thicken and eventually lose all their lubricating properties. As for other products, various shoe gels, petroleum jelly or vegetable fats, they will not give the desired effect. After their application, only a coating of dirt will remain on the windows, no more.

Preparatory work

Well, we figured out the question of why lubricate plastic windows. It remains to understand how to do it right. In fact, caring for plastic windows is quite simple and does not require much effort and effort.

First you need to remove all moving parts of the products and thoroughly clean them of dirt and residues of factory grease. This is best done using a piece of cloth, preferably cotton. If there is no such material on the farm, then you can take a viscose napkin. WD-40 can be used to clean the metal elements of plastic windows.

How to properly lubricate

If a special agent was purchased from manufacturers in the form of an aerosol for processing elements, then this greatly simplifies the process. It is enough to spray the composition on all lubricated parts. In this case, the spray can should be kept at a distance of 3 to 5 centimeters from the elements. In this case, everything is easy and clear.

But how to lubricate plastic windows with other means? If oils intended for other purposes are used, then it is necessary to drop up to three drops on the guide rails of the products, as well as on all rotary mechanisms.

When caring for plastic windows, do not forget about them. They also need additional processing. For these purposes, it is better to purchase a special composition recommended by manufacturers. Lubricate all parts of plastic windows should be carefully, but carefully. Thanks to such procedures, the mechanisms will last a long time and without problems.


Now you know why lubricate the elements of plastic windows. This process in itself is not very complicated and does not cause any special problems. As a rule, the warranty for products is about five years. However, in order for plastic windows to last much longer, it is worth lubricating all the rotary mechanisms, as well as the guides, about once a year. It is best to carry out such procedures at the very beginning of autumn or at the end of spring.

A modern person does not think about issues related to the production and history of the creation of plastic windows and generally believes that they have always existed. Only when there are any problems with the design of windows, we begin to think how to overcome them on our own. For a correct understanding of the design features of PVC windows and high-quality care for them, knowledge of the history of their occurrence and an understanding of some features of the window mechanism will be useful.

Historical information about the appearance of plastic windows

The birth of PVC

Plastic window

Germany is considered the birthplace of plastic windows, since in 1835 the German chemist Regenald was the first to obtain polyvinyl chloride (PVC). This material is the main one for the production of metal-plastic structures. Much time has passed before the moment when this material was widely used in production. Only in 1912 was the question of the possibility of its use, and in 1931 the production of polyvinyl chloride began at the production facilities of BASF.

The invention of plastic windows

The idea to create windows from a material capable of withstanding dynamic and static loads was born in Germany. The post-war years forced us to search for materials that have a minimum cost in order to restore the country as soon as possible. The design of window frames, which became the progenitor of modern windows, was invented and patented in 1952 by H. Pasha. It was far from perfect, but it got the job done.

PVC panels

After a short time in 1959, the profile was reinforced with metal fiber. This technical solution gave impetus to the growth in the popularity of plastic windows and the gradual expansion in the New World. But in America, the German invention was not immediately to the taste. In addition to consumer rejection and opposition to their popularization by wooden window manufacturers, plastic structures required improvements in terms of operation and durability, and, importantly, were environmentally unsafe.

Overcoming difficulties

In the production cycle of PVC production, it is bleached, which was carried out in the middle of the 20th century with the help of heavy metals. The presence of lead in plastic products, the concentration of which is unsafe for humans, was the main argument of opponents of PVC windows. The development of new technologies has reduced the presence of heavy metals to zero, but fears in the minds of people regarding metal-plastics have remained by inertia.

Over time, the affordable cost, manufacturability, durability and comfort in the operation of metal-plastic windows broke the prejudices of admirers of wood products. The stable pricing policy of manufacturers is associated with an unprecedented specialization of the technological chain.

PVC profile

The world-famous PVC window manufacturers produce only these products and nothing more. Such a narrow focus made it possible to establish a fully automated production, which reduced the cost of production. Complete unification of all window details makes them universal and allows them to be used in any product of the enterprise. High-quality double-glazed windows, hermetically sealed with a variety of physical and mechanical properties, are produced at glass manufacturing plants.

The production cycle is completed by companies specializing in the installation of finished products in accordance with customer requirements.

Such a construction of window production made it possible to obtain high-quality products at an affordable cost.

The current state of the industry

Plastic window

At the end of the twentieth century, after the collapse of the Soviet Union in the newly formed states, windows made of metal-plastic began to appear on the market. The cost of products was far from affordable, which is explained by the mentality of the people of that time. Now the situation has changed dramatically, and when choosing glazing, most often they tend to metal-plastic structures.

The vast majority of PVC windows are produced by German companies. However, exclusively German material does not exist in the post-Soviet space. As a rule, profile production is carried out in those countries where the sales market is located on the equipment of German companies and in accordance with their technology. The quality of products is controlled by German experts.

Why is it necessary to lubricate PVC windows?

Lubrication of PVC windows is a necessary procedure, as neglecting it can lead to serious consequences during their operation. Characteristic signs of the need for this event are characteristic clicks and grinding. Inaction in such a situation for a long time is guaranteed to require repairs, which are associated with significant costs.

The phenomenon of the production of factory lubricant during the operation of the product is inevitable. Due to the loss of the lubricant layer, excessive friction occurs in the mating parts of the window, which leads to increased wear of metal parts and strikers. Such processes lead to the accumulation, in addition to street, metal dust. The result of these processes is the occurrence of difficulties when closing the window, as well as the heavy stroke of the handle. Thus, the tightness is broken, which leads to drafts and heat loss.

The development of earlier designs of fittings in the nodes can lead to difficulties associated with the search for analogues due to the lack of original products in modern production. This necessitates the replacement of the mechanism completely, associated with the inevitable costly repairs.

Lubrication points

Hardware lubrication

How to lubricate fittings?


To lubricate the fittings, it is recommended to use a lubricant specially designed for this purpose, the basis of which is silicone. In case of its absence, the question arises: how to lubricate plastic windows? To do this, you can use ordinary machine oil, designed to lubricate various mechanisms. Moreover, there is no fundamental difference, whether it is synthetic or mineral. Pay attention to the temperature at which the oil becomes thicker. Mineral oils tend to thicken at low temperatures. Experts say that a thick lubricant like grease is in no way inferior to patented foreign brands of silicone lubricants.

Lubrication intervals

The maximum period between lubrication procedures for PVC window fittings is one year. The conditions in which windows operate have a significant impact on the need for this event. In the case when there is a significant dustiness of the environment, the frequency of lubrication of mechanisms doubles. The most suitable time for this is the off-season.

How is lubrication carried out?

It is necessary to apply lubricant to all window parts that move during operation. It is desirable that thick and liquid lubricants be used. Lubricant of a more liquid consistency is buried in the inside of the fittings. For strikers and scissors of tilt-and-turn fittings, a thick one is better suited.

We lubricate the fittings

Measures should be taken with caution, since the seal must be protected from lubrication so that it is not damaged. The lubricant layer should not be thick. A small amount will be enough to reduce friction in the parts. Excessively applied grease can cause dust accumulation and subsequent acidification of the fittings. If there is excess grease, it should be carefully removed with a napkin or rag. No need to get involved in the use of aerosol products designed to remove rust and oils. Careless use of them can lead to negative consequences.

Seal lubrication

Why does a seal fail?

The working conditions of the seals are such that they are exposed to ultraviolet radiation, moisture, temperature changes, and dust and dirt accumulate. In the absence of proper attention, the loss of its elastic properties occurs. In extreme cases, the seal will crumble and completely fail. The result of this phenomenon is the loss of tightness of the plastic window.


In order to prevent the harmful consequences of neglecting the seal, the necessary measures to lubricate the plastic window should be carried out twice a year. This will significantly extend the life of this window element.

How to lubricate seals

How to grease windows?

Before lubricating plastic windows, you must familiarize yourself with the requirements for the means used for this. It is important that they do not contain alcohol, alkali or solvents. When interacting with the seal material, they lead to violations in its structure, which significantly reduces the service life.

It is not necessary to look for branded plastic window care products; you can get by with cheaper and no less effective materials:

  • silicone spray lubricant;
  • glycerin, which can be found in a pharmacy;
  • silicone sponges.

Complete care for PVC windows

Before lubricating plastic windows, you should figure out in which places it is required to be applied. It is also important to carry out certain activities before this event in order to achieve the desired result without damaging the details of the window.

Hardware cleaning

The procedure is carried out with the window open. To achieve greater effectiveness of the procedure, it is recommended to use a hard brush. In order to perform sufficient cleaning, it is necessary to wipe all parts of the window with a cloth dampened with water. In this case, the places where the sashes are connected to the frames should be carefully cleaned. This is due to the fact that it is there that the accumulation of used grease and dirt occurs.

Lubrication of window elements

Lubrication of fittings and mechanism

Grease is applied to the cleaned surfaces in the manner described above. To evenly distribute the lubricant during its application, it is necessary to turn the handle, as when closing and opening a window.

Fittings and mechanism

Seal Care

The durability of this element of a plastic window depends on the correct care of it. If it becomes necessary to replace the seal, then, being careful, dismantle the worn one with a screwdriver, and install the new one in the seat, which is pre-lubricated with silicone grease. After mounting the seal, it must also be lubricated.

Mounting the seal

Window adjustment

This process consists in giving the required position to the window hinges and, accordingly, to the sashes. Adjustment is made by means of a threaded connection. The occurrence of window shrinkage indicates the need for its adjustment.

Adjustment is just as important


  • lubricate all moving structural elements twice a year;
  • all procedures should be carried out after thorough cleaning of the window;
  • timely processing of seals;
  • carry out the procedure for caring for windows in the absence of wind;
  • ventilation should be carried out periodically so that condensation does not occur;
  • to extend the life of the product requires careful and careful attitude to it.