Do-it-yourself cooling pad: features of assembly and selection of components. DIY laptop cooling pad How to make your own cooling pad

In which various interesting things of the electronic or near-electronic direction fall. Some, in our opinion, some of the best publications, we will broadcast in full on the Lifehacker blog.

For work on the road, a laptop is the perfect solution. But at home or in the office, it is much more convenient to use it by connecting a regular “large” keyboard. If you still raise the screen to eye level, then you can forget about the pain in the neck from the constantly crooked posture, and the eyes themselves do not get so tired when working.

To do this, a simple stand is made from improvised materials. It is compact, lightweight, easy to take apart and take with you. With a stand, the workplace is used more rationally - the laptop occupies a smaller area on the table due to the inclination, it is convenient to put keys, a phone and other small things under it.

Comfortable stationary workplace based on a laptop in 2 minutes

Laptops come in different sizes, so it's easier to make your own stand than buy it, but before you make the final version, you need to practice on the "cats" - cardboard boxes. And after that, you can sculpt a stand from plywood, plastic, or any other sheet material of the desired color + stick applications, if there is such a need. And don't forget to stick felt pads under the plastic so you don't scratch the table.

The production technology of the stand is extremely simple.

Step 1

Draw or print out a pattern. In this case, it should be borne in mind that part 1 on the pattern is only half of the real part, so circle it again symmetrically to the right (as you can see on the pattern) vertical edge. Detail 2 is a profile view of the stand.

Any user of a personal computer, sooner or later, but thinks about the need to increase the speed of the operating system, reduce the noise emitted by computer components, and achieve greater cooling of the components of the system unit or laptop, which to some extent will lead to improved computer performance as a whole. If for owners of stationary computers everything is quite simple, just open the lid and simply clean the components from dust or, if necessary, replace the cooling system, since this is done once or twice, then for owners of laptops / netbooks everything is somewhat more complicated. Of course, many modern gaming devices are already equipped with a liquid cooling system, which allows, in principle, not to pay special attention to such issues.

How to make a laptop cooling pad yourself.

For the general segment of portable computers, there are not many ways to get more power from the existing cooling system - this is the same cleaning of the fan blades from dust, its physical replacement, which does not always really improve temperature performance. In this case, specialized stands will come to the rescue, which are a metal or plastic substrate, inside which there is a fan, or more commonly known as a cooler that works on blowing in or blowing out. Such systems can be freely found in any computer store, as they are in demand regularly and have an affordable price. But, as mentioned above, the principle of their operation is elementary - these are 1 or 2 large "burdocks" that are powered by the computer's power supply using a regular USB cable. So why not make such a stand yourself, add a unique design to it, and at the same time save a lot of money? This is what will be discussed in this article.

Of course, everyone needs to reasonably assess their capabilities both in the selection of components and in their installation, and, in principle, be aware of the expediency of the intended action. So why is it beneficial. For example, there is an ASUS K95VJ laptop with a screen diagonal of 18.4 inches. The search for the cooling system in question found that all noteworthy options cost about 2,000 rubles and more. Indeed, taking into account modern realities, this amount does not seem significant, but I don’t really want to give that kind of money for a beautiful case with backlight, in fact, a dummy. And in principle, this is a rather dubious investment of funds, saving which you can, for example, invest in the purchase of components. That is why the author of this article, like many other users, set out to make a cooling pad on his own with a minimum investment of money and time spent.

Where to begin

As with any workflow, you should start with a budget / plan and determine the future stages of installation, which will be discussed below.

Step 1 Drawing up an estimate and a schematic plan

  • To begin with, it is worth answering a few questions:
  • “What expectations are placed on the future creation” - for example (for the author of the article here and below), this is a convenient substrate located at a slight angle, and 1/2 cooler for blowing in and out. And the goal is to achieve a decrease in temperature indicators by at least 5 degrees.
  • “What amount can be allocated for this” - a budget of 500 rubles.
  • “What size / dimensions” - since the device has a diagonal of 18.4 inches, then, taking into account the location of its legs, the length will be about 36 * 38 cm, width 35-37 cm.
  • "From what to make the body / base." Considering that ASUS K95VJ weighs more than 4 kilograms, the material must be strong, but at the same time it is desirable to achieve small dimensions and lightness. With these requests, polypropylene pipes for water with a diameter of 20 mm had to cope quite calmly.
  • “What to make a substrate for mounting the cooler from” — the weight of the cooler is minimal, and there will be no load on the substrate, therefore, excessive strength is not required from it. Accordingly, the choice fell on an assortment of stationery, namely a folder with a metal clip and the most dense / rough cardboard.
  • “What is already available” - there is already an old cooling pad from the device of the same Asus brand, but with a screen diagonal of 13 inches, from which you can remove the cooler and power port.
  • “What tools / items will be required additionally”:
    • Ruler, meter or tape measure.
    • Stationery knife or scissors.
    • Drill / screwdriver, drills and screwdriver.
    • Hacksaw or jigsaw.
    • Marker, tape.
    • Bolts, nuts, washers.
    • Glue gun or double sided tape.
    • Furniture stapler or plain transparent tape.

Step 2. Purchasing materials

Considering that the list of items and tools given above does not require additional costs, since any average man has all this, all that remains is to buy:

  • “polypropylene pipes” - 1.5 / 2 meters of pipe (with a margin) on average costs about 100 rubles (in the example, in fact, it turned out 75 rubles * 1.5 m.).
  • "corners and tees" - four corners at 90 degrees and two tees - in total cost 27 rubles.
  • “Binder folder” - from what we managed to find in the nearest stores, there was a folder with a rather thick cardboard worth 120 rubles.

Total: 222 rubles.


Taking into account the scheme above, the direct installation process should also be divided into two parts: the first is the assembly of the case, the second is the assembly and installation of the substrate with the cooling system.


It is worth noting that further for the frequency of narration, individual indicators will be described that correspond to the request and the size of the laptop. And it would also not be superfluous to clarify that the author’s possession of tools is at the usual household level, therefore there are roughnesses and irregularities in the details and, in general, the final result does not claim any visual and aesthetic laurels.

So let's get started:


As mentioned above, the old device has a fan with a power button and a port for connecting a USB cable. A board with a speed controller and several backlight elements with a total cost of 100 rubles were purchased separately, which increased the total amount to 322 rubles. The rest of the procedure is as follows:

Here it is worth saying a few words about how the fan should be positioned correctly - for blowing in or for blowing out. Opinions in this case differ, someone believes that if air is supplied directly to the laptop case, then dust will clog into the ventilation holes, which will increase the frequency of cleaning the computer from dirt, but will cool it to a lesser extent. We partly agree with this statement. Therefore, as mentioned above, it is planned to install two elements in the stand, one will work to supply air to the case, the other - to remove it from the case, which will allow for better circulation.

It should also be explained why the cooler is installed in this way in the figure. The fact is that the old cooling system had a fan that was attached directly to the plastic substrate, which did not imply its installation in the manner in question. Therefore, it was necessary to cut out its holding plastic part and place it in such a way that the blades were below the level of the cardboard. This was easy to achieve - just use three screws, nine nuts and six washers. That is, the connection has the following scheme - screw-washer-washer-nut-body-nut. Such a scheme allows you to lower the fan to the desired depth and at the same time achieve its strong fixation.

Power and backlight

The final stage is to install power ports, a board with a speed controller and, if necessary, backlight elements. The ports and board were placed on the left side of the stand, and a glue gun was used to fix it. In the absence of it, you can use double-sided tape. The backlight, purchased at the service center for mere pennies along with the board, has a short length, so it was placed only on one side of the laptop and fixed with electrical tape.


As an alternative, and perhaps even more budgetary, option, one can single out a fairly popular scheme, where only the resources of the folder folder are used as a stand. The principle of installation is the same: cut a hole for the cooler, fix it and make limiters for the angle of inclination. This option was not considered, since the laptop weighs more than 4 kg. and has significant dimensions, there was a high probability that such a cooling system simply could not withstand it.


In conclusion, it will not be superfluous to repeat once again that the end result is a mixture of ordinary tool skills and minimal cash costs. Now directly about the actual benefits of the additional cooling system created. Testing of temperature indicators was carried out after 20 minutes of active web surfing and watching a movie.

Figure 1 provides test data from the 20th minute of operation.

Figure 2 provides indicators for the period from 20 to 30/31 minutes of active work. As you can see, the declared result of 5 degrees was achieved without any problems.

Yes, this is not to say that these are outstanding results, but taking into account the actual costs and time spent, creating a cooling pad yourself pays off in full.

DIY laptop cooling stand allows you to speed up your device and prevent constant freezes and shutdowns.

The cooler does not have to be bought in specialized stores.

Such a simple and very useful design can be assembled independently by spending a minimum amount.

Using a laptop, users can work anywhere, because the device is easy to move. To maintain the normal operation of the device, adhere to the following recommendations:


Paper container stand

One of the easiest and most affordable ways to create a do-it-yourself cooler is using stationery.

On the shelves of any supermarket you can find flat paper coasters made of metal mesh. The price of such a tray does not exceed 300 rubles.

To design our unique laptop cooling system, we need a stand that looks like this:

Select the dimensions of the product individually, based on the size of your gadget. The advantage of such a stationery part is that it can change shape.

If you can't find a flat stand, get one. With a little effort, change its shape and proceed to further work.

Take an ordinary pan stand and cut a circle in the center of the tray according to its diameter:

Rice. 3 - creating a hole in the cooler

Now you need to attach a stand for kitchen utensils to the resulting circle.

You can also purchase it at any household goods store (the cost varies between 40-100 rubles). We recommend choosing the metal version.

You should get a structure like this:

Rice. 4 - fastening elements

Now take the fan mechanism. It is purchased separately from a computer store. An ordinary plastic part will not cost more than 200 rubles.

It consists of a rotational element and through which we will connect the resulting one to the laptop. Fix it under the tray with bolts.

Rice. 5 - installation of the fan mechanism

As a result, we get an excellent laptop cooling system from improvised elements, which, in terms of its characteristics, is in no way inferior to store devices for several thousand rubles.

You can also choose the power and speed of air circulation yourself at the stage of buying a ventilation mechanism.

Simple foam construction and homemade fan

This method is suitable for those who want to save as much as possible, because the resulting fan will cost you several tens of rubles, and you can make it from any bottle and a piece of foam.

The basis of the structure will consist only of foam.

In order for the product to last longer, we advise you to take dense extruded polystyrene foam or polystyrene foam (sold at any hardware store).

Cut it to fit your laptop.

The design of the cooler must not touch the surface of the table. It is advisable to make 4 more small figures from polystyrene foam, on which the product will stand.

This will provide better air circulation.

Note that the correct position of the cooler implies a slight inclination towards the user, so make one pore of the legs 3 centimeters high and the other two centimeters.

Accordingly, the first two parts will be the rear support.

Rice. 6 - creating a frame for the stand

You can fasten foam parts together using simple PVA glue or superglue

Wait for the mount to dry completely before proceeding to the next steps.

Cut out 4 more small squares and pin them to the corners of the top of the cooler to make it look like this:

Fig 7 - creating the front part of the cooler frame

When you place your laptop on top of the product, it will not adhere to the frame, creating more space for airflow.

All 4 small squares should be the same height. As indicated in the picture above.

Now you need to create a ventilation mechanism. It will be made of ordinary plastic. Take any bottle, cut off its top and create the following detail:

Rice. 8 - creating a fan

The resulting element will become the basis of the fan. In order for the blades to spin, forming a directed air flow, it is necessary to change the shape a little.

To do this, take a candle and set it on fire. Bring the fan to the fire and heat the base of each blade, immediately twisting them in one direction:

Rice. 9 - shaping the blades

Make a hole in the center of the cooling system, based on the size of the fan.

If the blades are too long, cut them off, and go over the edges with fire again to smooth them out.

Take 4 popsicle sticks and secure them to serve as a stand for the ventilation element. You can fasten the sticks together using ordinary adhesive tape.

Glue is best not to use. Position the fan as shown below.

Rice. 10 - creating a cooling design

Take a simple motor mechanism (available at any electronics store) and attach a bottle cap to the outside of it. Place the resulting part in the center of the blades:

Rice. 11 - creating cooling

Take the USB cable and solder it to the motor. The structure is ready. Now you can decorate by painting in any color.

Fig.12 - checking the operation of the device

4 ways to cool a laptop without a cooler

Advanced users can easily upgrade their laptop for better airflow and faster cooling.

There are 4 common life hacks that will help you cool your laptop without using a special stand:

  • Remove all caps from holes that allow air to pass through. . Thus, the air will circulate inside the laptop much faster and the fan will evenly distribute it to the surface of the motherboard and CPU.

Remove the back cover of the laptop and simply peel off all the metal meshes that are located on the air grills;

  • Mechanical cleaning of the fan. In 90% of cases, it consists precisely in other fine particles.

Even the best cooling pad won't help your laptop perform better if the inside of the device is full of dust.

It is necessary to open the laptop yourself or with the help of a specialist and clean the part using dry cotton swab or brush.

After cleaning the component follows - a substance that is applied to the surface of the parts of the motherboard (usually a video card and processor) to improve heat transfer between them.

Over time, the existing layer of paste becomes unusable.

After mechanical cleaning of the built-in cooling system, you will immediately notice improvements in the performance of the PC. It will no longer overheat and freeze.

Fig. 13 - cleaning the fan of the device

  • Cleaning the CPU fan. If the structure of the laptop allows, you need to not only clean the fan, but also remove it from the case and disassemble it. Then you should wipe each of its elements separately, because even inside the part itself a huge amount of dirt accumulates;
  • DIY laptop cooling pad

    DIY cooling laptop stand

Laptop owners often face the problem of overheating of their device. This is due to the fact that the outflow of hot air from the ventilation holes is bad. To solve this problem, when a laptop stand will help, which slightly raises it above the work surface. In the mobile accessories market, you can find cooling pads with built-in coolers or regular pads, which are a metal or plastic construction.

If you want your laptop to work longer, but at the same time it’s a pity to throw large amounts on a stand, we recommend making it yourself from PVC pipes. You will make a convenient stand with minimal cost within an hour.

  • PVC pipes;
  • marker;
  • roulette;
  • glue;
  • PVC elbows;
  • dye.

1. Take a 0.75 inch pipe and cut it into several pieces: 6 cm - 2 pieces, 16.8 cm - 2 pieces, 24 cm - 1 piece. Make sure you measure your laptop beforehand, as these measurements may not fit some models.

2. Start assembling the stand from the longest part of the pipe. From both ends, attach the elbows to it.
3. Take the two smallest pieces of pipe and insert into the elbows. On the free ends of these small pieces, fasten the elbows again, perpendicular to the base. Glue all the elbows in this design so that the stand is strong.

4. Fasten the last two elbows to the remaining two pipe sections and connect them to the structure obtained in step 3. The last pipe sections can be twisted if necessary, then the stand folds compactly.

The finished structure can be painted with spray paint in a color that will be in harmony with the desk and the overall interior. Experts recommend using a laptop stand not only to protect the device itself from overheating, but also to ensure that computer owners form the correct posture.

If you want the stand to not only lift the laptop, but also cool it, follow the instructions from another one.

  • marker;
  • screwdriver;
  • fan from a computer 12 × 12 cm;
  • USB plug (male/male);
  • insulating tape;
  • the wire;
  • folder-folder;

1. Choose a place where the fan will be located. It is advisable to install it on a stand in the place where the laptop (processor, video card) heats up the most. The size of the folder - the future stand allows you to place even 2 fans 12 × 12 cm.

3. Cut out the contour on one side of the hole and fix the fan. Install the fan so that it blows air out from under the laptop, and not vice versa.

The cooling pad is ready! You can take the idea from this master class and improve it, for example, use chipboard or some other material instead of a folder.
Watch the video: Do-it-yourself laptop cooling

The main difference between a laptop cooling pad and a regular one is the presence of a fan that blows warm air and prevents the device from overheating. Notebook stands- useful for those who like to watch movies or browse pages on social networks while lying on the couch

In which various interesting things of the electronic or near-electronic direction fall. Some, in our opinion, some of the best publications, we will broadcast in full on the Lifehacker blog.

For work on the road, a laptop is the perfect solution. But at home or in the office, it is much more convenient to use it by connecting a regular “large” keyboard. If you still raise the screen to eye level, then you can forget about the pain in the neck from the constantly crooked posture, and the eyes themselves do not get so tired when working.

To do this, a simple stand is made from improvised materials. It is compact, lightweight, easy to take apart and take with you. With a stand, the workplace is used more rationally - the laptop occupies a smaller area on the table due to the inclination, it is convenient to put keys, a phone and other small things under it.

Comfortable stationary workplace based on a laptop in 2 minutes

Laptops come in different sizes, so it's easier to make your own stand than buy it, but before you make the final version, you need to practice on the "cats" - cardboard boxes. And after that, you can sculpt a stand from plywood, plastic, or any other sheet material of the desired color + stick applications, if there is such a need. And don't forget to stick felt pads under the plastic so you don't scratch the table.

The production technology of the stand is extremely simple.

Step 1

Draw or print out a pattern. In this case, it should be borne in mind that part 1 on the pattern is only half of the real part, so circle it again symmetrically to the right (as you can see on the pattern) vertical edge. Detail 2 is a profile view of the stand.
