What is better to put lamps in stretch ceilings. What type of spotlights is better to choose on a stretch ceiling? Helpful Hints

Stretch ceilings look luxurious, it remains only to choose lighting sources and determine which chandeliers are suitable for stretch ceilings? The features of such a ceiling finish lie in the materials from which it is made - they can be damaged and deformed in the event of an unsuccessful choice of the configuration of the lighting device.

The right chandelier will not only keep the coverage, but also complement the splendor of the design.

Features of stretch ceilings

The choice of specialized chandeliers for stretch ceilings is small. But knowing the nuances, it is quite possible to choose the right model from the usual assortment. There are recommendations for the fastening mechanism and the structure of the chandelier body. The fact is that the structure of its body must have good thermal insulation in order to exclude overheating of the ceiling covering. In addition, the material of stretch ceilings requires a certain structure and arrangement of shades.

Characteristics of the right chandelier

Expensive ceiling covering is located close to light sources - lamps. It is a PVC film, which should not be heated more than 60 degrees. A slight excess of temperature standards and the film can begin to ugly deformation, or even burn out. Based on this, it is obvious that not any chandelier can be used to illuminate a room with stretch ceilings.

Pay attention to the required characteristics:

  1. the luminaire must be designed so that the light flow is not directed to the ceiling. Otherwise, expensive material may begin to burn through;
  2. the recommended configuration of shades is closed models or directing light to the sides and down;
  3. choose chandeliers that provide a significant distance from the ceiling to the lighting elements to prevent heating of the coating material;
  4. a stretch ceiling in an ordinary small room "eats" centimeters in height, so massive and overly complex chandeliers will make the room visually lower. This advice does not apply to the height of rooms under 3 m.

When evaluating the length of the suspension, keep in mind that the luminaire is attached to the draft ceiling surface, so a certain length of the suspension is hidden under the tension cover.

Mount selection

It is important to consider the type of fastening of the chandelier to the ceiling, as this is the most crucial moment.

Suitable and unsuitable chandelier fixture:

  • "Yes" - Suspended, which are mounted on a special hook.
  • "No" - Overhead, placed using a patch panel, which, in turn, is attached to the ceiling with self-tapping screws.

For stretch ceilings, a suspended option is suitable, since the overlay panel cannot be placed on a stretched film. As already noted, the size of the suspension is also important to choose, making allowance for the distance between the draft and stretch ceiling.

You can make sure that the hook for fastening is placed below the level of the stretch ceiling. In this case, it is necessary to take care of the fastening before the work on stretching the ceiling.

Which lamp to choose?

With the current variety of light sources, it is sometimes difficult to understand the choice of lamps. Which lamps to choose - heating, halogen or LED, and what nuances will have to be taken into account?

Perhaps you have decided to choose a ceiling lamp that has horns facing upwards. This is undesirable, then you must clearly calibrate the distance from the lamps to the ceiling, and for each type of lamp it can be different.

  • Incandescent lamps. Incandescent lamps are the most inexpensive, however, they heat the air, spending precious electricity, and this heats up the surface of the ceiling. For this reason, such lamps are the most unfortunate choice to use together with a similar finish. The distance from the PVC film and an ordinary incandescent lamp with the horns facing up should be at least 40 cm, in other cases - 25 cm. The lamp power should not be more than 60 W . If the distance is less, then the chandelier should be with reflectors that will not allow the ceiling to burn out.
  • Energy saving. Energy-saving lamps are perfect, which practically do not heat up and can be used at a short distance from stretch ceilings. In addition to the power converter, the lamp has no elements that can heat up. However, keep in mind that there are mercury vapors inside the lamp, so if you break it, you need to take urgent action.
  • LEDs. LED lamps are simply created for stretch ceilings - they have high efficiency and low heating. Such lamps serve for a long time, but their main advantage is the directional light flux without reflectors with the radiation of the light flux into only one hemisphere. LED low-voltage lamps are considered the most practical, but they require the installation of a power supply. Its placement should not be in an empty area above the stretch ceiling, as there is no ventilation and overheating can occur.
  • Halogen lamps. Halogen lamps with a power of 35-40 W, directed upwards, should be at least 30 cm away from the surface of the coating, 20 W - by 20 cm, and for 10 W, respectively, 10 cm.

Design secrets

You should not choose overly chic chandelier options, only if you are sure that stretch ceilings will not fade into the background. For example, huge cascading crystal chandeliers can both level the beauty of the coating and emphasize it.

A few design secrets:

  • the canvas of light-colored stretch ceilings needs to be beaten with a chandelier of a contrasting color;
  • black stretch ceilings will create great harmony with a white or metal chandelier;
  • a glossy ceiling surface can be combined with a whimsical chandelier if you want to create a unique effect in reflection.

Ceiling plates, pendants or chandeliers with horns

All these lamps are very popular and have their own characteristics. Variants with multiple horns are perhaps the most common. The main thing is that they are not directed strictly upwards, especially if you are going to use incandescent or halogen lamps. Consider also the fact that the light directed at the ceiling will create circles on the ceiling - you may not like this effect. But if the horns are directed down and to the sides, you don’t have to worry about circles on the ceiling or damage to the film.

Plate chandeliers may seem very impressive in design, but without a reflector above each bulb, this type of chandelier cannot be used for a stretch ceiling. But such items are not so often found on sale.

If you choose those models where the ceiling covers the lamps from below, choose long suspensions, then the surface of the ceiling film will be at a safe distance from the light. Such a ceiling can be safely placed on a false ceiling.

In addition to technical parameters, the chandelier should complement the beauty of the stretch ceiling without creating a stylistic imbalance. As a rule, the coating film is glossy and perfectly reflects light. For this reason, it must be taken into account that the light of the chandelier does not create unwanted reflections, especially in the bedroom, where the light is designed to bring comfort.

How to choose the right chandelier:

  • If the ceiling is glossy, it will be beautiful if the chandelier gently scatters light across the canvas.
  • For the living room, you can choose a lamp with a lot of low-power lamps, which, reflected, will create the effect of depth and a double number of light sources.
  • Stretch ceilings themselves have a luxurious look and reflective gloss of the film, so do not choose shades with prisms and reflectors.
  • To illuminate a small room of about 10-12 m 2, a chandelier for 3-4 shades is enough, and for rooms from 12 m 2 - with 6 shades.
  • For spacious rooms, chandeliers are combined with spotlights and other light sources to provide spectacular illumination.

Considering the mirror ability of the ceiling, it is necessary in advance about the possibility of reflecting the ugly “stuffing” of ceiling lamps and other elements in it.

It's great if the store gives you a special catalog of chandeliers for stretch ceilings, where you can see its appearance in the finished interior.

Experts have their own secrets in choosing a chandelier for stretch ceilings, accumulated with experience. Without taking into account their advice, you can choose expensive fixtures with many options and details that are not useful and can ruin an expensive surface. With the tips in this article, you can avoid the pitfalls of ruining a beautiful glossy ceiling surface and choose the perfect light source.

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The use of stretch ceilings with interesting lighting is becoming increasingly popular, ease of maintenance, attractive appearance and a large selection of colors will make the room a real work of art. The market is full of various models of lighting fixtures for any ceiling covering, so it will not be difficult for the buyer to choose the most suitable and interesting model.

By installing a stretch ceiling, a person can choose almost any lamps or fixtures for it, based on fashion trends or their taste preferences. For the installation of which it is only necessary to purchase special fasteners and suspensions, and a hole of the required diameter is cut in the ceiling itself. Before buying fixtures, you need to decide in advance on the model and type of lighting, this allows you to carry out the necessary preparatory work in advance and make the installation process the most comfortable and optimal.

In order not to spoil the expensive ceiling covering, you need to set certain requirements for lighting fixtures.

Requirements for lamps:

  • Spot light bulbs should not generate a large amount of heat, this can damage and melt thin material;
  • The room should not have temperature fluctuations, abundant heating or cooling of the ceiling;
  • Necessarily, specialists must calculate the correct location of the fixtures from the stretch ceiling itself in order to avoid damage to it.

Energy-saving and LED lighting fixtures meet the necessary requirements, they will work better than incandescent or halogen lamps.

Spotlights for stretch ceilings: how to choose without error

In order not to get confused among a large number of spotlights, and to know which ones you need to choose, it is better to familiarize yourself with their varieties.

There are 2 types of spot lighting:

  1. The light bulbs are located outside - with such a location, the lighting device is located at a small distance between the usual and stretch ceilings, from which it is separated by a specialized platform. The advantage is that with such an installation, neither the thin ceiling covering nor the lamp itself is subjected to heat treatment. Experts attribute the disadvantages to the fact that the appearance deteriorates due to the inability to hide the heat-insulating ring;
  2. Finding light bulbs inside - this type of location is more interesting, and is more often used during repair work. With such a location, the lamp itself is located inside the stretch ceiling, creating less diffused light and interesting effects. Not all types of spotlights are suitable for such a solution - experts make many demands on the lamps themselves. The location method does not allow it to cool quickly, so heat transfer should be at a minimum level. Energy-saving lamps will help to get out of this situation, they will not only save the owners' money, but also have a lot of positive properties, among them a small and weak heat transfer. Among the minuses - they are placed only if the distance between the main and tension coating is at least 6 - 10 cm.

Such lighting allows you not to use bulky lighting fixtures, such as a chandelier, they become unnecessary, because it is easier to use small and neat-looking spotlights, they will save money and be an excellent alternative in a room with low ceilings.

Which light bulbs are best for stretch ceilings

Installing a stretch ceiling in a room allows you to instantly transform its appearance and create an atmosphere of luxury and comfort. To date, there are a large number of different colors, and you can choose the most suitable for this type of room. Compliance with simple rules, and the choice of the necessary lighting will increase the life of the ceiling covering.

Stretch ceilings can be damaged by standard incandescent or fluorescent lamps, they tend to get very hot, and with a non-standard size they will not look aesthetically pleasing.

The best option is to purchase lamps made from halogen, metal halide or LED. For a more spectacular appearance of the ceiling, specialists can combine some types of permitted lighting fixtures. Luminaire housings are made of cast aluminum, which is then painted with a glossy or matte paint. In expensive types of lighting fixtures, a glass diffuser is created, in cheaper versions, multi-colored plastic.

The most effective option for combining different lighting devices is the installation of the Starry Sky system. Light and unobtrusive twinkling allows the child not to be afraid of the dark and fall asleep peacefully, watching the little stars. For adults, it has a calming and calming effect. To create such a miracle, a light generator is used, from which fiber-optic LED filaments depart. A slight glow at the ends of the threads creates a shimmer, in addition to more expensive models, they attach crystal or Swarovski crystals, they serve as an additional diffuser and decorate the room. You can create an option for projecting LEDs onto the inside of a stretch ceiling - with such lighting, a normal surface will be visible during the day, and at night - a scattering of twinkling stars.

Where are spotlights used?

Most often, spotlights are used for such rooms:

  • bathroom;
  • corridor;
  • Kitchen room.

In addition to spotlights, designers advise using a chandelier to illuminate the room and as a decorative element.

There are certain tricks that allow you to choose the right lighting device - if the ceiling has a haze, then you need to select a chandelier with directional light on the walls and floor, if the stretch ceiling is glossy - the light should be directed upwards.

A novelty are LED chandeliers, which are often used for bedrooms and children's rooms.

They emit a soft, pleasant and subdued light, and a big plus is their long service life - more than 10 years. The quality of such lighting fixtures is checked using a specialized test, where they look not only at the correctness of the assembled parts, but also at the compliance with the required incandescent temperature - this allows you not to damage the expensive ceiling covering and eliminate defects at the first stage of inspection.

Luminaires for stretch ceilings (video)

The use of LED strip greatly simplifies the work with electricity and makes the interior much more interesting. The correct and uniform distribution of such lighting around the entire perimeter of the room makes it possible not to use other additional lighting devices, and the light is muffled and does not blind the eyes of adults and children.

Fixtures for stretch ceilings (photo)

Luminaires for stretch ceilings are presented in a variety of designs, different in design, parameters, mounting method and type of light source. Such a variety of models of different brands (in particular, Ecola) allows you to implement an individual project of a lighting system in a room of various configurations.

You can simultaneously use the main types of devices: chandeliers, built-in spot designs. It is important to select lighting elements in accordance with certain requirements for luminaires that will be installed on a suspended structure with a stretch fabric.

Overview of Existing Views

First of all, ceiling lighting fixtures are divided into groups according to differences in installation methods:

  1. overhead (chandeliers);
  2. built-in versions.

The last option mentioned exists in different versions:

  • external - with a part removed below the level of the stretch ceiling;
  • internal - do not have protruding elements, and the light source is flush with the suspended structure.

Also, recessed fixtures are divided into types in accordance with the differences in functionality: fixed, rotary. All these variants are presented in the product range of the Ecola brand.

Rotary lighting devices allow you to change the direction of the glow, which is very convenient, because over time you may want to change the lighting scheme.

There are different options for light sources for fixtures:

  • incandescent lamps;
  • halogen versions;
  • compact fluorescent (they are also energy-saving);
  • LED counterparts.

The last two groups of products can rightfully be called the most efficient and safe, due to the minimum level of energy consumption at high radiation intensity. Under the Ecola brand, both options are available: LED and energy-saving recessed lighting fixtures.

The range of models of such lamps is very wide, which simplifies the choice. Another plus of the light sources under consideration is the compact size of the ceiling part, which saves space in the room.

Regardless of which fixtures for the stretch ceiling are selected (LED, fluorescent, etc.), they must meet the requirements for lighting fixtures that are mounted on a suspended structure with a stretch fabric:

  1. When using a chandelier to illuminate a room, it is necessary to select models with shades directed towards the floor. This is due to the fact that prolonged exposure to powerful light sources will adversely affect the state of the tension material. Especially this recommendation applies to halogen lamps and analogues with an incandescent filament. If, nevertheless, chandeliers with shades located upwards are considered, in this case the minimum distance between the end part of the diffuser and the stretch ceiling is 25 cm.
  2. There are power restrictions for incandescent lamps: no more than 40 W when mounted on a film sheet, no more than 60 W for a fabric ceiling. Halogen ceiling lights also have some limitations: the power must be in the range of 20-35 watts.
  3. It is necessary to exclude the possibility of heating the metal structural elements of the devices.
  4. If you plan to use low-voltage lamps and chandeliers, the transformer is not recommended to be installed in the ceiling space.

Basic selection options

The most important characteristics are: lamp power, color temperature, base type and diffuser properties, lamp type, overall dimensions and mounting method. If a chandelier is chosen, the market offers models of two design options: for installation on a ceiling hook or a special bar.

Recessed luminaires by Ecola or another manufacturer are usually mounted using special clamps.

When considering LED versions (Ekola or others), the possibility of heat dissipation must also be taken into account. This will extend the life of the light source and the stretch fabric itself. The brand is equally important.

When choosing LED lighting products, you should be aware that the quality of the crystals is a key factor in determining the life of the product.

Ecola products are manufactured in a licensed facility, which is already a good reason to choose.

Lighting calculation and placement

For rooms of different purposes, there are certain standards of illumination: living room - 20 W / sq. m, bedroom - 12 W / sq. m, up to 18 W/sq. m in the nursery and office. This is provided that the height of the ceilings is not more than 3 m, otherwise the value is multiplied by 1.5.

The total illumination of a room of a certain size is calculated by multiplying the area of ​​the room and the table value of the illumination. From here, you can determine the number of fixtures by dividing the resulting value by the power of one lamp.

Considering that the load of a diode chandelier or an Ecola built-in appliance is much less than the indicated table values, other values ​​\u200b\u200bmust be guided by. For example, for a living room, the illumination rate for an LED lamp is 3 W / kV. m.

Regardless of what types of recessed fixtures are planned to be installed, they should be located so that the room is fully lit and there are no dark corners left. Ecola brand appliances can also be installed in accordance with standard schemes, if the room configuration allows:

These are just some of the possible options.

Diode or energy-saving lamps?

Both versions are produced under the Ecola brand. For comparison, it is proposed to draw a parallel between the main parameters of the devices of the two types under consideration. In terms of power, Ecola chandeliers or lamps in both versions are in a more advantageous position, but if we compare LED and fluorescent versions with each other, it turns out that the first group of devices consumes 2-3 times less electricity (3-5 W).

In this case, the radiation intensity will be at the same level. Lifespan is a key factor when choosing Ecola or other brand lighting fixtures, and for LED light sources this parameter is 30,000 hours, which is 2-3 longer than energy-saving lamps.

Thus, before buying an Ecola chandelier or recessed luminaire, you need to consider the main parameters of the device. Making a comparison between the most popular options (diode and fluorescent compact), the first group of products named for some characteristics is more attractive.

In this article, we will cover:

  • how to choose spotlights for stretch ceilings to organize good lighting and create a stylish interior?
  • Does the type of canvas affect the choice of lighting fixtures?
  • which fixtures are suitable for stretch ceilings, and which ones are not?
  • which lamps do you prefer?
  • and also try to give detailed answers to these and other questions.

Features of choice

First of all, it should be noted that it is recommended to install spotlights as the main light sources in small rooms. Such lamps will provide the necessary level of illumination in small-sized kitchens, bedrooms, children's rooms, corridors, bathrooms.

In spacious rooms, it is advisable to mount spotlights in combination with a chandelier.

This option opens up a wide field for experimentation. The chandelier can be hung in the center of the ceiling, and spotlights can be placed around the perimeter of the room. If the design of your interior provides for the creation of several zones in one room, then in this case the chandelier is mounted in one zone, and spotlights in another.

Note: stretch ceilings allow you to create multi-level structures, the originality of which is perfectly emphasized by spotlights.

Today on sale there is a huge number of spotlights of various shapes and sizes.

To choose the right option, you need to consider the following nuances:

  1. 1. With constant heating to 55-60 degrees and above, the stretch ceiling canvas begins to deform. The permissible power of lighting lamps is 35-40 W for film ceilings and 60 W for fabric ones.
  2. 2. When choosing a spotlight, pay attention to the presence of a wide side of the structure. With its help, a ring is masked, which is mounted on the edge of the hole in the canvas to prevent tears and wrinkles.
  3. 3. The number of landing points on the stretch ceiling depends on the area of ​​the room, the reflectivity of the canvas, the dimensions of the fixtures and the type of lamps they use. To level lighting was sufficient, we recommend placing fixtures at the rate of 1 point per 1.5-2 sq.m.
  4. 4. If you want to adjust the direction of the light flux, give preference to models with movable elements. Their location can be arbitrary or correspond to a pre-compiled scheme.
  5. 5. To prevent light from entering the interceiling space, illuminating the canvas from the inside, choose lamps that have a mirror finish or a black bulb.

On the Internet, you can find tips on using foil or foil penoizol as thermal and light insulation.

We advise you not to risk and replace the lamps in the fixtures, if they reflect into the interceiling space or heat up, with better ones. Self-made isolation can lead to various unpleasant situations, up to irreversible damage to your property.

Important: follow the rules of electrical safety during the installation of spotlights on stretch ceilings and their operation! Entrust the installation of lighting fixtures to specialists.

As for the influence of the type of canvas on the choice of spotlights, everything is simple here.

Glossy film has a high reflectivity, given which you can create additional effects. If you choose a luminaire model with a polygonal shade, then the light from the lamp will be refracted in the edges of the shade and reflected on the surface of the film in the form of many rays.

Ceilings with a matte surface are well combined with spotlights, in which the light stream is directed downwards.

In addition, factors such as the amount of space between the stretch ceiling and the main one, your requirements for lighting power and its type (main, additional or decorative), electricity costs and the need to install a transformer (as well as its options) also influence the choice of lighting devices. installation - in the inter-ceiling space or outside the stretch ceiling).

Types of spotlights for stretch ceilings

According to the installation method, spotlights that are suitable for stretch ceilings are of two types - mortise and overhead.

Installation of mortise-type luminaires is carried out in a specially prepared slot of the stretch ceiling fabric. So that the edges of the hole do not diverge, increasing it, a special fixing ring made of plastic is put on the slot.

For installation, lamps with low weight and small dimensions are used. The model is selected in accordance with the wishes of the owner regarding the level of the lamp - above the canvas, below it or on the same level with the stretch ceiling.

Features of mounting fixtures above the level of the canvas

Models of this type are mounted in such a way as to give the impression that they are "recessed" into the ceiling. This setup has both advantages and disadvantages. The advantages include the original visual effect: the ceiling seems to glow by itself. This option looks good in multi-level ceilings.

Among the disadvantages are the loss of light, which partially goes into the space between the canvas and the main ceiling, as well as strict requirements for the choice of lamps. Air access to a luminaire installed above the level is difficult. To prevent overheating of the case and melting of the film, it is necessary to use energy-saving or LED lamps.

Features of mounting fixtures below the level of the canvas

The luminaires installed below the level of the canvas protrude significantly beyond its outer edge.

The length of the protruding part depends on the design of the model, optimally - in the range of 5-8 cm.

This installation option provides a high level of illumination, since the light from the lamps is scattered without loss.

If you plan to install fixtures below ceiling level, choose models designed for a voltage of 220 V. Otherwise, you you will have to mount a transformer in the interceiling space, to get to which then will be quite difficult. If the transformer fails, you can replace it only by dismantling the stretch ceiling at the location of the device.

Installation of fixtures on the same level with the canvas

Lamps mounted flush with the canvas only slightly protrude beyond its edge - by 1.5-2 cm, maximum - by 3 cm. They provide good diffused light and serve as an original decor element. The principle of choosing a model for mounting this type is the same as in the option with installing lamps below the level of the canvas: the allowable voltage is 220 V, the lamp power is 35-40 W.

Overhead lamps

Such lamps are structurally similar to pendant lamps. Before their installation, a hole is prepared in the stretch ceiling, which will be hidden by the body of the device. A bookmark is mounted on the main ceiling, to which the lamp will then be attached.

The range of overhead spotlights is quite diverse: manufacturers offer models with an elongated body, on swivel elements, and there are also models for sale that consist of several lamps in one body.

These lighting devices give a powerful directional stream of light. If necessary, the direction of the light beam can be adjusted by changing the position of the lamp, which is mounted in the housing on a rotating bracket.

Due to the rather large size of the housing, any lamps can be used in lamps of this type. The distance from the light source to the canvas is quite enough to prevent heating of the film and its deformation, even if a conventional incandescent lamp is installed in the lamp.

Types of lamps for spotlights

A variety of options for spotlights allows you to choose the right model for your taste and wallet. The type of light source used affects the cost of a lighting device and the features of its operation. In its role can be an LED or halogen lamp, as well as a conventional incandescent lamp.

LED bulbs

The service life of this type of lamp is about 5 years in continuous operation.

They consume less electricity than other lamps, producing a flicker-free panoramic light that is pleasing to the eye.

Modern models of spotlights on LED lamps are equipped with a built-in current stabilizer, so that during their installation it is not necessary to additionally connect a transformer.

Halogen lamps

The design of halogen lamps provides a special reflector, which reduces light loss, preventing the luminous flux from going up. The service life of halogen lamps is approximately 4,000 hours.

Incandescent lamps

The main advantage of these lamps is their low cost.

At the same time, incandescent lamps are not very popular as light sources for spotlights, since have a short service life (up to a thousand hours) and get very hot.

The optimal power of such a lamp is 35-40 W, which reduces the range of its application. Such weak light will be appropriate in small rooms - latrines, corridors, pantries, bathrooms. These lamps are not capable of serving as the main source of light, it is advisable to use them only for organizing additional lighting.

A thoughtful choice of lighting fixtures for stretch ceilings and their competent location will provide you not only with good lighting, but also allow you to create a stylish interior.

Simple and concise, spotlights look great in classic rooms, in interiors in modern, art deco, hi-tech and minimalist styles. With their help, you can visually enlarge the room and turn even the most ordinary room into a cozy corner filled with soft light.

It is up to you to decide which spotlights are better to choose for a stretch ceiling, and we hope that our tips will definitely come in handy for you!

The market for lighting fixtures for stretch ceilings today is simply overflowing with all sorts of modifications and options for fixtures. When visiting stores, the eyes simply diverge in the wealth of choice.

Naturally, not all, but only three types of fixtures, most often used for installation, will be presented in the article. Consider separately their advantages and disadvantages.

Luminaires G5.3

The first type is luminaires for a light bulb with a G5.3 base. This view is shown in the photo below:

There are halogen and LED versions. For halogens, the main disadvantage is that the reflector of the lamp transmits part of the light into the interior of the stretch ceiling.

The result is a picture when you can see all the insides of the ceiling and communications. Namely - fastenings, wiring, mortgage.

Previously, this problem was solved in two ways:

  • the back wall of the light bulb was covered with foil
  • or just painted over

Now everything is much easier. It is enough to purchase an LED light bulb, in which the back surface is completely opaque and the light from it passes only down.

The disadvantage of the lamp itself is that the light bulb is planted deep enough inside.

Because of this, the light diverges at an acute angle, not covering the maximum possible area, and not scattering throughout the room. It turns out that the lamp will shine with a spot.

In addition, due to the very small diameter, the power of the LEDs is limited.

Even a more developed radiator will not allow you to install a light bulb of more than 7 watts.

And this is if it is made of aluminum. When it comes to some kind of composite cooling design, it is unlikely that such a lamp will last a long time. It will simply overheat and burn out.

In other brands, because of their larger size and better cooling conditions, you can "shove" all 15 watts.

Luminaire GX 53

The second type of lamp has the brand GX 53. Its main advantage is the larger diameter of the light bulb. In addition, the lamp itself is not recessed into the depth, but rather protrudes from the plane by several millimeters.

Due to this, the light is obtained as diffused as possible, and the illumination angle is wide enough. We can say that this light bulb shines all 180 degrees.

There are two types of lamps for such lamps:

  • LED
  • energy saving

Everyone advises to put LED. Firstly, they serve much longer, and secondly, they flare up instantly after switching on.

Energy-saving ones need a certain time for this, often several tens of seconds!

Luminaire heating

What should I pay attention to when choosing bulbs for this type of lamp? First of all, on the shape of the base. When you buy LED bulbs, look for those that have radiator grilles.

Since there are instances with a flat surface, completely covered with plastic without a hint of at least some kind of lattice.

New items with so-called composite radiators also appeared. Outwardly, they can be absolutely smooth in shape. According to the manufacturer, due to the combination of different materials and components (aluminum with plastic in one casting), the cooling effect is achieved as on lamps with powerful aluminum radiators.

However, many firms openly cheat and follow the path of reducing their costs, while not providing the proper quality, closing only with catchy names. In fact, there may not be anything composite there. Here is the confirmation:

There is a widespread belief that LEDs do not heat up in any way, but this is not entirely true. In any case, they generate heat, and this heat must be removed. And all this ultimately affects the service life.

On average, such lamps should work for at least 3 years. Although the warranty from most manufacturers is 1 year. Often this whole thing is reflected in the packaging in hours of operation.

The absence of heating in fixtures is the most important parameter for stretch ceilings. Otherwise, incorrect selection may result in deformation and sagging of the film, or even damage to it. Since the stretch ceiling has a high thermal sensitivity, under thermal influence it loses its elastic properties, melts and stains form on it.

Varieties of the GX-53

The GX 53 luminaires are available in a very wide range of colours. The most popular model from Ecola GX 53 H4 has up to nine colors. Their landing diameter is 90mm.

A set of quality products should always include a thermal ring.
It is necessary specifically for installation in a stretch ceiling. Without it, the film will simply tear spontaneously in the direction where you don’t need it at all.

The GX53 H4 models gained popularity due to the fact that they take up very little space in the interceiling space. This lamp also has a very secure mount.

The eyelet on which the spring is attached is made of metal and does not fall off over time.

So in similar models GX53 H6 everything is made of plastic. And plastic ages over time, especially under the constant influence of heat. Such a mount breaks off and the lamp hangs in the air only due to electrical wiring.

An additional plus before the G5.3 is the protrusion of the lamp by a few millimeters from the lamp body. Due to which the light is scattered by 180 degrees without the formation of dark corners in the room.

True, some do not quite like it when the light bulb is not flush and not completely recessed into the seat. For this design, choose the brand GX53 FT3225. It is just the same and is called - a deep recessed lamp.

However, firstly, it is more expensive, and secondly, the same trouble with fixing plastic, and the color scheme is only three options.

Therefore, look in stores for new H4 models, but with a recessed seat for the lamp. These are also available, be guided by the inscriptions on the package.

All of the above models are suitable for installation in ordinary rooms - a hall, a kitchen, a bedroom. For installation in the bathroom, you must buy waterproof with a degree of protection IP65. For example lamp GX53 H9.

He has his own nuances. There is a silicone gasket on top, and the lamp itself is protected by glass, which is removed by turning. From the side of the illuminated room, the device is completely protected from water splashes.

However, the same protection gives restrictions on the power of the lamps. All this should be indicated on the packaging.

  • by LEDs - 6W
  • for energy-saving - 9-11W

More than these capacities cannot be used.

Installation of the lamp in the ceiling without a mortgage

Another plus of the GX53 H4 is that with some refinement they can be mounted even without a mortgage. This may be needed if you do not want or do not have the opportunity to lower the ceiling low.
The whole change takes a few minutes.
