Arbor with their own hands made of wood. Do-it-yourself gazebos: drawings, sizes, diagrams, projects and sketches Make a gazebo with your own hands drawings

Arbor rectangular for the site - this is the best option for the implementation of this structure. It can be completed in the shortest possible time, subject to technology and with competent drawings, and such a rectangular arbor will serve its owners for many years.

It is not necessary to use the services of professionals to install a rectangular arbor, it is enough to have a little experience with the tool and an idea of ​​\u200b\u200bwhat should be the result.

Questions before construction

In order to understand exactly which rectangular gazebo will be needed for a summer residence and what its dimensions will be, before installation, it is necessary to clearly consider the following nuances:

  • Location of the building.
  • A variety of territory for a future gazebo and its relief for the right choice of foundation.
  • Possibility to arrange a summer kitchen inside.
  • The number of people who are planned to be placed in a rectangular gazebo.
  • View of the seats and table that will be placed inside the gazebo.
  • The possibility of adjoining the structure to the house with the help of a canopy.
  • The need for communications.

If there are no frequent meetings with a large company in a rectangular gazebo, then you can not make it too big, since you will need to spend extra money on materials and further maintenance of the building. Be sure to immediately decide whether the gazebo will be open or closed, and maybe some of it will be fenced with bars.

Drafting a project

After the main questions have been answered and there is already a small idea of ​​what kind of rectangular gazebo to build and what it will be needed for, you can begin to develop project documentation.

Among all the projects, there are several that, with a modest size, will help to place everything you need inside, and also will not take up too much space on the site:

This list of sizes only indicates possible dimensions and solutions. In each case, the size and internal, as well as external execution are selected individually, depending on the needs and capabilities of the owner.

The plan clearly shows all the dimensions of the gazebo and its appearance. It also reflects the type of base that is selected for the structure. Usually gazebos are installed on a tape, pile or column type of foundation, made in a rectangular form. The detailed manufacture of each of these types will be discussed later. The plan takes into account the material from which it was decided to build a rectangular gazebo with your own hands.

It can be wooden, brick or metal. The first option is more preferable for self-construction, as it is easy to process. The metal rectangular frame of the gazebo will require the skills of a welder, and the brick one will be quite an expensive pleasure, but the appearance of the building will not leave anyone indifferent. It also takes into account the fact of the presence of windows and their varieties and design features.

Material for making a gazebo

Since in this article we are talking about the self-construction of a gazebo, the most acceptable material for this will be timber. It can be made of different types of wood, which differ in some features:

Do-it-yourself flooring for a gazebo is made with an edged or tongue-and-groove board, which has a thickness of at least 32 mm.

Foundation selection

In order to choose the right type of rectangular base for the gazebo, you need to determine the bearing capacity of the base and the mass of the gazebo.

Tape base

Typically, this type of foundation is used for heavy buildings, which include brick gazebos. But you can often find such a base at a wooden gazebo. This is due to the reliability of the foundation. The strip foundation helps to distribute the load from the structure evenly over the soil, which will prevent partial subsidence of the structure.

The algorithm for performing the foundation tape for a rectangular arbor is as follows:

  1. In accordance with the project, a foundation pit is dug on the marked area along the entire perimeter of the future rectangular structure. Its width, as a rule, is from 30 to 40 cm, and its depth can reach 50. Its minimum indicator is 20 cm.

    Important! For heaving soil, a shallow strip foundation is not suitable, since heaving forces will push it out.

  2. The bottom of the pit of the future foundation is covered with a fifteen-centimeter layer of sand and spilled with water for greater density.
  3. Formwork is constructed above the ground from metal sheets or boards hammered together.
  4. Laying a waterproofing material on the bottom and walls of the trench, which is usually used as roofing material.
  5. Installation inside the reinforcement grid.
  6. Pouring concrete mass and processing it with a deep vibrator.

You can also make a base tape from bricks or ready-made rectangular blocks. If one of these base types is selected, the bottom of the trench is covered with a thin concrete screed. The device of such a base is shown in the photo.

columnar base

For a wooden and metal gazebo, a columnar foundation is ideal. This type of foundation is carried out only on soil with sufficient bearing capacity. Important! This version of the foundation is much less expensive than the previous one.

A columnar base is carried out according to the following technology:

  1. On the finished site, pits are dug under the pillars in accordance with the project, where their locations are marked.
  2. The bottom of each is sprinkled with sand or gravel. The finished pillow is poured with water and rammed.
  3. A concrete screed is made from above, on which bricks are laid out or ready-made blocks are placed.

Important! For such a base, waterproofing with roofing material is also arranged.

pile foundation

If the site has a significant relief or soil with low bearing capacity, then a rectangular gazebo in this case is installed on a pile foundation. They can be:

When using piles of the second type for the foundation, it is necessary to take into account several nuances:

  • Corrosion protection, which is performed using bituminous mastic.
  • When used on stony soils, it is better to use cast-type pile tips.
  • It is better to fill the piles with concrete during installation, since even if the pipe is damaged by corrosion, it will be able to withstand the weight of the gazebo.

The technology of erecting a rectangular gazebo

A wooden rectangular arbor is performed in this way:

Important! The wooden structure of a rectangular arbor must be properly maintained. This means that every 3 years, you need to change the paintwork to prevent rotting and drying out.

Particular attention is paid to fire safety in the case of building a rectangular or barbecue inside. The material for such a structure is necessarily impregnated with a fire retardant to resist fire.

The installation of such a rectangular gazebo should be carried out at a distance of more than 5 meters from the house and other buildings.


A rectangular gazebo will decorate any site and fit into absolutely any landscape. For large plots, a large gazebo with a barbecue and a dining area can be chosen, and for small plots, a small cozy design for two or four. Regardless of size, building a gazebo requires certain knowledge and skills, as well as strict adherence to technology. Only with a competent approach to construction, you can make a truly high-quality gazebo, in which it will be convenient to receive guests at any time of the year.

Is there enough space for small architectural structures in your summer cottage or house adjoining area? Then use it for the construction of an open gazebo, where in the summer you can have a bite to eat and relax in the shade or celebrate an important event. If you do not have such experience, then for manufacturing it is better to take improvised materials from wood - beams, boards and logs, building walls from stone or brick is a more difficult task. But first you need to figure out how a wooden gazebo is built with your own hands, which is described in this article.

We select a gazebo project

The first stage is the choice of a design suitable for your dacha. If everything is correctly calculated from the very beginning, then nothing will have to be redone later, which means that the construction will be inexpensive. To do this, you need to answer the following questions:

  1. What area are you willing to allocate to make a gazebo? Sketch out a detailed plan of the site and indicate on it not only the future structure, but also other planned and existing objects - a garden, a vegetable garden, a street barbecue and even a children's swing. This will help determine the exact location of the building and its dimensions.
  2. How many guests and residents of the house will be in the gazebo at the same time?
  3. What should be the design and decor of the new building, including the interior?
  4. What materials are available and how many more will need to be purchased.

Note. The dimensions of the open pavilion depend on the planned number of vacationers. To freely accommodate 2-3 people, a room of 2 x 2 m is enough (including a table and benches), and for 10 guests you will already need a platform of 4 x 4 m.

For homeowners without construction experience, a rectangular or square design is recommended, this is the easiest and cheapest option. Hexagonal and octagonal arbors look much more beautiful, but they are also more difficult to build. The same applies to round structures, where during the assembly process it is necessary to provide for smooth turns of the walls. An example of an original do-it-yourself gazebo is shown in the photo:

The main difficulty in the construction of hexagonal and round structures is the roofing. A budget option with a single-pitched or gable roof, which overlaps square pavilions, will not work here. You will have to make a hipped roof in the form of a tent or dome, shown in the photo below, and this complicates the task.

Reference. In landscape design, unusual architectural forms are used that do not have a roof at all. These are pergolas - canopies covered with grapes and other climbing plants. Roofing in such arbors is a crate of boards or timber, which is subsequently wrapped around with a vine.

It looks like a pergola - a gazebo without a solid roof

As for building materials, it is better for beginners to build their first gazebo from wood - boards, timber, OSB boards. People with experience can take on the metal pergola with polycarbonate roofing shown in the picture. But we must understand that metal, in particular pipes and profiles, will cost more than timber.

The interior design of the gazebo is up to you. But the arrangement of furniture and various fixtures must be thought out in advance so that there is enough space. The minimum set is a table and benches for vacationers, how to arrange them is shown in the photo. An oven with a barbecue grill, a fireplace and various furniture, such as wicker chairs and cabinets, can be added to the interior.

How to make a simple gazebo

We present a rectangular structure measuring 2.2 x 3 m, assembled from boards with just two tools - a screwdriver and an electric jigsaw. To build a wooden gazebo shown in the diagram, you will need:

  • board 150 x 40 mm - approximately 1 m³;
  • sheets of ondulin or corrugated board - 10 pcs.;
  • ridge shaped elements - 5 pcs.;
  • galvanized self-tapping screw 4.2 x 75 mm - 450 pcs.

The idea of ​​this building is to apply the method of rapid construction of frame houses, when all the walls are assembled on the ground, and then placed in a vertical position and connected to each other. Due to this, you can make a gazebo in just one day, which is shown in the video at the end of the section. Next, we will consider the implementation of work in stages, starting with the construction of the foundation.

Foundation preparation

Before you build a simple garden gazebo for a summer residence, you need to clear the site, remove all interfering objects from it and level the ground. Since the structure is very light, the soil settlement under its weight will be minimal. Here, the columnar foundation is more likely to serve as an anchor so that the building does not budge from strong gusts of wind.

Note. The video below shows that the master does not make a foundation for his structure at all, but only lays concrete tiles.

Scheme of the base from cinder blocks

For the construction of a columnar foundation, use the following step-by-step instructions:

  1. Mark out the area and locate the 4 corner posts. Dig holes at the marked points for brick posts measuring 380 x 380 mm. The depth of mini-pits is 0.7-0.8 m.
  2. Tamp the bottom of the pits and pour a sand cushion 10-15 cm thick. Prepare 4-5 buckets of M150 concrete and lay on the sand to make a platform.
  3. After the concrete mixture has hardened, lay out columns with a cross section of one and a half bricks. Cinder blocks laid in pairs with dressing are also suitable.
  4. Cover the walls of the pillars with bitumen, then fill the remaining sinuses with soil. On top of the foundations, lay waterproofing from 2 layers of roofing material.

For the subsequent fastening of the wooden frame, iron rods are inserted vertically inside the posts. There is another way - mounting beams on anchor bolts. The base of this type is also suitable for building a pavilion on an iron frame welded from round and shaped pipes.

An important point. If you plan to lay a stove and bricks inside the gazebo, then you need a separate foundation for it. How to build it correctly is described in.

Construction of walls and roofs

In short, your task is to twist 2 end walls, set them in a vertical position and connect them with beams. Step by step it looks like this:

  1. Make the frames of the end walls, as shown in the photo. For corner posts, use 2 boards each, between which the lower crossbar and rafters are fastened with self-tapping screws. For rigidity, screw a small jumper between the boards that form the roof ridge.
  2. Install the frames in the design position and fix with props. Connect them together with boards from below and from above.
  3. Cut out the floor joist and fix it in the middle of the building between the two boards connecting the gables.
  4. At a height of 0.8-0.9 m, attach a railing that will serve as additional rigidity. Tie them with vertical posts to the bottom board of the roof sheathing.
  5. Finally form the roof frame from longitudinally laid boards. Lay an ondulin or profiled sheet on top and screw the ridge elements.

Advice. It is not necessary to repeat the sloping design of the walls, as the master does in the photo. For simplicity, make gables with vertical posts, and then proceed in the same order.

Do not forget to saturate all the wood with an antiseptic composition before assembling the frame and let it dry. This operation is mandatory if you want to extend the life of the structure. Priming and painting will be done at the end of construction.

Flooring and decoration

In this design, the floors are laid very simply: on 3 existing logs, you need to lay the boards, aligning along one edge. Then screw them with self-tapping screws to the lags and cut off the ends sticking out from the other side. Leave a gap of about 1 mm between the floorboards so that they do not rub against each other and do not creak.

Advice. Before laying the floors, attach vertical posts to the central log, they will serve as supports for future benches.

When the floors are ready, along the side walls it is worth making stationary benches from the same boards. To do this, you need to install short racks in the corners (the middle one is already there) and connect them with crossbars. The role of the backs will be played by the horizontal jumpers mounted earlier.

To design the resulting gazebo, you can give full rein to your imagination. Instead of an unsightly ondulin, you can put reed mats on the roof, and decorate the side openings with decorative grilles. It does not hurt to bring lighting inside the gazebo and paint it in the desired color or cover the wood with several layers of varnish.

Video build process

Construction of a hexagonal gazebo

Building a gazebo with six corners is somewhat more difficult, although the order of work is preserved. The following materials are usually used for construction:

  • timber 15 x 15 cm - on horizontal beams;
  • timber 10 x 10 cm for racks;
  • board 10 x 5 cm goes to the roof device.

Foundation drawing with laid beams

To begin with, on the site plan, draw a sketch of the future building - a regular hexagon. Inscribe it in the area allocated for construction and locate the center of the structure. Now you can start marking in the yard.

Since hexagonal garden arbors differ in shape, marking the site will take more time. To mark the mounting points of the foundation pillars and the vertical posts of the gazebo, find the center of the structure and drive a peg into the ground, referring to the drawing. Then tie a rope to it, whose length is equal to half the outer size of the pavilion, and fasten a stick at the end. You will get an impromptu compass, with which you draw a circle on the ground. By breaking it into 6 equal segments, you will determine the position of the supports.

  1. Lay out the column foundations at the marked points, as described in the previous section.
  2. Having laid roofing material on the foundation columns, attach beams from a bar connected to each other in half a tree to them. In the middle, install 3 intermediate logs (it can be made of round timber) for laying floors.
  3. Put 6 vertical posts and fix them to the beams at the corners. Connect the upper ends of the supports with boards and put up a railing, thereby strengthening the frame of the gazebo.
  4. Assemble the truss system. The base should be a hexagonal element carved from wood, adjacent to it are rafters extending from each corner and the middle of the face (shown in the photo). Make a crate and lay a roof covering from the selected material.
  5. Lay the floors and finish the walls.

Note. The rafter system does not have to be assembled in place, at a height. The structure can be knocked together on the ground, and then lifted with helpers and attached to the racks.

The device of the truss system

If desired, a winter garden can be made from a large hexagonal gazebo. To do this, you will need to glaze all openings and provide for the installation of a stove with a chimney. The procedure for conducting construction work is shown in detail in the video:

Graduated from East Ukrainian National University. Vladimir Dal with a degree in Electronic Industry Equipment in 2011.

Related posts:

A gazebo is an indispensable attribute of a personal plot. The Internet is replete with offers to buy ready-made drawings of gazebos for, or entrust the construction of a small architectural form to professionals. But often, for some reason, existing proposals do not meet the needs of land owners, either the size does not fit, or it does not suit, or it is simply expensive. And in itself - the process is not complicated and quite feasible with your own hands.

This article is devoted to how to draw up a plan, drawing and diagrams of gazebo nodes, depending on the purpose of the building, how to do it right, a place to relax, a kitchen, etc. And of course, we have selected for you ready-made schemes and drawings of gazebos.

In the photo, the layout of the space with a barbecue, corner structures save space


The first thing to decide is where the building will stand. To do this, you will need a site plan on a scale convenient for you, which indicates: the main building (house), outbuildings (bathhouse, sheds), garden paths, trees.

Advice: It is better not to cut down perennials, they will still serve for shade and landscape design.

Drawings of a do-it-yourself garden gazebo, in the diagram there is a rectangular building made of timber

Do-it-yourself gazebos with drawings, a photo of a canopy made of logs of a non-standard simple shape with a corner barbecue

Carefully study the plan of the infield, taking into account the totality of circumstances, and mark on the diagram where, in your opinion, the gazebo will be most appropriate. It is better to place it in the depths of the garden, at the end of the path, between the trees. The distance from the main house is 3-5 m. If, then it is desirable to move it away from the main residential building by more than 8 m.

Gazebo plan for a summer residence, an independent drawing with dimensions

When drawing up a drawing, do not forget about. For optimally arranging a columnar base. The distance between the posts is 1500-2000 mm, for each vertical support. Post section 300*300, 400*400 mm. When marking the foundation scheme on the ground, add 100 mm on each side so that the base is larger than the dimensions of the building.

Approximate layout of furniture in an 8-corner building

Functionality and dimensions - what you need to know

For comfortable outdoor recreation, which means that they should be comfortable, durable, reliable, everything should be at hand, nothing should interfere, annoy. And for this you should know some rules of ergonomics.

Typical drawing of a rectangular structure

As a rule, rectangular buildings have a two- (as in the diagram above) or a hipped roof.

Wooden gazebos, drawings of a square building with a hipped roof

Standard table width 600-800 mm, length 800 mm - for 4 people, 1200 mm - for 6 people. The convenient size of the seat of a chair or bench is 400-450 mm. Thus, the minimum width of the gazebo is 1500 (600+450+450) mm, length 1500-2000 mm.

Do-it-yourself country gazebos, drawings of a mini log construction

Note: If necessary, it can be reduced, in which case it is better to opt for a small, frame canopy building, see an example in the diagram below.

Arbor scheme for a small area

The product is on a metal frame, the dimensions are schematic, the length and width of the gazebo can be changed to suit your needs

For comfortable accommodation of one person, a floor area is required - 2 m 2, therefore, the optimal size of the gazebo for a company of 4-8 people is 3 * 4 m, 4 * 4 m (12-16 m 2).

Do-it-yourself hexagonal gazebos, drawings of a standard wooden structure

If not only a place for gatherings is planned, but also a recreation area, with, then the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe gazebo is calculated at the rate of 4 m 2 per 1 person.

To correctly make a drawing or a fireplace, when calculating the area. The optimal depth of a brick barbecue is 750-1000 mm (3-4 brick lengths), width - 1200 mm (10 brick widths).

Drawing of a standard brazier

In addition to the barbecue or, on the side of it, for convenience, a desktop with a width of 600-800 mm should be provided, to it, preferably, a sink - a width of 600-800 mm, and on the other side a place to store firewood, for symmetry the same distance. Based on this, the minimum length of the kitchen, including the oven, is 2400-3400 mm.

Scheme of a brazier with a working area

In front of the barbecue, it is necessary to provide a free space of 1000-1200 mm in order to move freely during cooking, and the heat does not interfere with those sitting at the table. Thus, when drawing up a drawing of a gazebo, in addition to a place for gatherings of 8-12 m 2, an additional area should be allocated for the barbecue: at least - 2400 * 1750 mm, with comfort - 3400 * 2200 mm.

Gazebo with barbecue, drawing of furniture placement

Scheme of construction with a barbecue, wooden structures should be treated with a fire-resistant compound

To save space, or make a separate canopy on the site near the building.

Drawings of gazebos with barbecue, this form of construction contributes to convenient zoning of the kitchen and dining area

Shape and design features

In addition to being and, they also differ in shape: rectangular, polyhedral, round, combined, etc.

Assembly diagram of a closed square garden summer house under a hipped roof

Scheme of a large gazebo made of wood under a hip roof, on a foundation 4 * 6 m

The easiest way is to make a drawing of a rectangular gazebo, but pitfalls lie in wait here: when transferring the scheme to the site, make sure that the angles are strictly 90 o, the diagonals are the same, or use the rule of the Egyptian triangle.

Marking the area for the gazebo

Measure 3.0 m on one side, 4.0 m on the other, connect the points in a straight line, check the geometry, if the connecting line is 5.0 m, then the angle is 90 °

Simple rules for building circuits

Drawings of multi-organ structures cause some difficulties. But let us remind you of just a few rules from the school course. So, for example, a hexagon with equal sides always consists of 6 equilateral (all sides are equal, and angles = 60 o) triangles. Or from two equal trapezoids.

A diagram of how to simply draw the base of a hexagonal gazebo

If you want to change the shape of the gazebo, for example, to enlarge some sides, then first a rectangle is drawn (in the diagram below with a green line), then its diagonals are drawn, the middle is found. From the point of intersection of the diagonals, perpendicular to the long sides of the rectangle, I set aside the same segments (yellow line in the diagram), then the points are connected. Or you can still draw 2 equal trapezoids with a common base, the height of the trapezoid should be equal to half the side of the gazebo.

Do-it-yourself hexagonal gazebo drawings, if you want to change the length of the sides

To draw an octagonal gazebo, its base must also be decomposed into simple shapes, as shown in the diagram below.

2 perpendicular intersecting lines are drawn, equal to the length and width of the structure, a rectangle is built, one side of which is equal to the side of the building, the other is the width

The drawing of the gazebo is 8-sided, in the diagram it is marked in yellow how to connect the sides of the polygon

To increase the number of sides in a polygon, just draw another rectangle and connect the vertices along the path, as shown in the diagram.

Projects of gazebos - we build with our own hands

Drawing of a gazebo made of wood, 6-sided design

Scheme of the base and roof of 6 coal buildings

Drawings 8 coal elongated structure

In the form of a polygon, it is a little more difficult to build relatively simple rectangular buildings, but they look more original and spectacular. To make the gazebo not only functional, but also become, decorate it or choose a lighting scenario.

The scheme of how to build a gazebo in the Japanese style

Scheme of assembling a wooden house grill

Arbor do-it-yourself drawings, photo metal constructions

Arbor metal from a profile pipe, decorated with decorative forging elements, frame scheme

Drawing how to make a gazebo in the country with your own hands

Please note that in many drawings and diagrams there is no floor in its usual form; instead, a flat area of ​​paving slabs is laid out or a monolithic concrete slab is poured.

Drawing of a gazebo made of metal, photo of a simple design with forging elements

Try to adjust the size of the gazebo to a standard sheet of 2100 * 6000 mm.

Hexagonal metal structure

In order to accommodate more people, they are installed around the perimeter, it is advisable to provide a round table in such a building.

Drawing of a welded portable structure with a polycarbonate roof

Large square canopy made of rolled metal and polycarbonate, frame diagram with dimensions

Even large buildings and polycarbonate look light and airy. For protection from side rain and wind with transparent monolithic polycarbonate, screens made of special durable polyethylene or waterproof fabric.

Drawing of a wooden gazebo, cross section of an octagonal structure

Summer construction made of polycarbonate, a diagram of how to weld a metal frame

Drawing of a wooden building made of timber, decorated with a wooden lattice

Closed Structure with Lattice, Hexagon Building Project

Scheme of a log building in the Russian style

We have brought to your attention the most popular ones. If you have not found a suitable option, then use our tips on how to complete the drawing of the building yourself.

Drawing of a shed building from a bar

Drawing of a combined summer building with a barbecue, placement of the main zones

If you do not have professional builder skills, try to choose simple designs, without complex lines and architectural frills.

Summer room for a large company with a barbecue and a bathroom, space zoning drawing

A gazebo in the country or in the courtyard of the house is a place for tea drinking and gatherings in the summer. In buildings slightly larger, it can be installed. Then you can think about glazing it: barbecue in winter is a rare pleasure, and the barbecue will simultaneously warm the air inside. They usually start with simpler and cheaper models: they build a gazebo with their own hands, most often there is not enough time. Hence the choice. We will talk further about how to do it correctly, about materials, methods, methods of construction.

A little theory: what are gazebos

Nothing complicated: let's talk about the types of gazebos and the materials from which they are built. First of all, buildings of this type are divided into open (summer) and closed (glazed). This does not mean at all that there are only two of these types: there are also combinations with removable glazing, and there are also awnings made of transparent film, which, if necessary, are stretched over the frame of the gazebo. Another option - some of the walls are closed, some are open. Choose the one that is closer to you.

With or without floor

More gazebos can be divided into those with and without a floor. Gazebos without a floor are placed on a prepared platform made of paving slabs, filled with concrete, lined with paving stones, etc. Although no one bothers to build directly on the grass. Only the framework must be treated accordingly: direct contact with the soil requires enhanced protection measures. If we are talking about a wooden arbor, it is impregnated with rot and fungal infections, if it is made of metal, it is treated with a rust preventative.

Pergolas with a floor suggest the presence of a foundation. Most often do columns. They can be folded from brick or buta, poured from concrete, put foundation blocks. If you have large flat-topped boulders to lean on, use those. But all this - if the building is light - on a frame made of wood or metal. required, albeit a shallow laying (20-30 cm below the level of the fertile layer).

This is also a gazebo made of wood, but with a wooden floor. That's why she's up on her feet. The upper part is originally finished in it - the binding from processed thin boards looks great

If you want to tile the floor in the gazebo for a summer residence, you will have to fill in the insulated slab with concrete, and put frost-resistant types of tiles on it. Moreover, the insulated slab must be at least 50 cm wider in all directions than the building on it. And these 50 cm are made at a slight slope so that moisture drains. This is actually, which will not allow the soil to freeze under the gazebo. So the tile will not turn out and it will not crack.


The frame of garden or country arbors is made of three materials:

  • wooden bursa or round timber of small diameter;
  • steel pipe (from a profile it is more convenient);
  • polymer pipes (PVC).

The only material that does not require protection is polymers. They do not rot, are not affected by fungi. Some species tolerate freezing and thawing without much harm. So they can stay over the winter. That's just to make the gazebo for giving PVC pipes durable, they need a solid diameter and with a thick wall. And even in this case, you don’t need to rely on the frame: you will have to install such furniture that will not put pressure on the plastic. Well, the brazier will need to be put aside (if provided).

In order for a wooden garden gazebo to remain attractive for a long time, all the wood that will be used in construction must first be coated with a protective impregnation in one or two layers. The cheapest today are the SENEZH and Usadba impregnations, and the reviews about them and their protective properties are very good. These manufacturers also have tinting compositions.

This is the whole theory in a nutshell. There may be some other special cases: there are many materials, as well as the possibilities of their combination. We will publish the most interesting original gazebos from non-standard materials at the end of the article. And now - practice.

How to make a gazebo with your own hands

Most often, we build garden arbors made of wood on our own. The second place in popularity is with metal ones. Everyone else does it infrequently. Brick and from other building materials due to the fact that they are expensive, from PVC pipes - because there is no confidence in the material.

We will analyze an example of building a frame gazebo made of wood. But even if you are going to make it out of metal or PVC, the procedure will be the same. Another principle of connecting frame materials, but otherwise, everything is the same.

When working with wood, it must first be treated with antibacterial and flame retardant (reducing the combustibility of the material) impregnations. Only after the compositions have dried can you work. If this is not done, the wood will darken very quickly and lose its attractiveness.


Two similar projects were implemented, of the same type: a quadrangular gazebo under a gable roof, only with different sizes and they were designed differently. A drawing of one of them, see the photo below.

Rectangular gazebo with a four-slope roof (in one project, the roof was replaced with a gable roof)

Step by step instructions with photo

It all starts with site preparation. If there is sod, it is removed, and the fertile layer is also removed. If this is not done, the roots, greens and all leftovers will rot. On sandy or sandy loamy soils, screenings, crushed stone or broken construction debris are poured into the pit, everything is tamped down, covered with sand from above. On clay soils, on which water does not drain well, it is better to fill the pit and compact your own soil (clay, but without a fertile layer). Otherwise, water will accumulate and stagnate in the pit, which will lead to an unpleasant odor. Not what you need at all.

The choice of the type of foundation and the lower trim

If there is not much time, the fastest way is to install ready-made concrete blocks on a compacted pillow. More time will have to be spent if you fold brick columns, even more - pour them out of concrete. The distance between the supports should be no more than 1.5-2 meters. More specifically, it depends on the thickness of the timber from which you will make the strapping. Under a bar 100 * 100 mm, the distance is 1.5 meters, under a metal profile pipe 60 * 60 mm can be placed every 2 meters.

When all the supports are installed and level (use pegs, a stretched string and a building level), waterproofing is laid on them. This is roofing material or roofing felt, rolled up in two layers, or bituminous mastic, which is also impregnated twice with the surface. Then the lower trim of the gazebo from the timber is laid. Everything is hammered together with nails of at least 150 mm in length or connected with wood screws. For greater strength, corners are used (if you find reinforced ones - as in the photo - it will be great). Although the gazebo is built initially as a summer arbor, after some time the majority decides to glaze it. That's when a margin of safety is needed.

Rack installation

At this stage of the construction of the garden gazebo, it is important to place the racks strictly vertically. It is undesirable to use the building level: it has a large error, especially for household models, which are usually used by developers. Therefore, we take the good old plumb line and put it on it. Check the vertical from two adjoining sides so that the racks do not fall anywhere.

Fix the racks with jibs (see the photo). If they interfere with you in the future, you can make a temporary option, as in the photo on the left. If the sheathing below is opaque, do it thoroughly: cut down the beam at 45 ° (it is more convenient to use a miter box) and nail it with two or three nails obliquely. Check if it has gone astray after each mowing installation. These small triangles give rigidity to the whole structure and it stops staggering.

Two projects and two ways to set the corner bars correctly. On the left - temporary jibs, after installing the strapping they will be removed, on the right - permanent

Top trim and floor boards

Further, after all the racks are installed and fixed, the upper harness is mounted. There shouldn't be any problems here. To increase the reliability of the connection, use the corners. Racks, by the way, can also be fixed on the sides with corners. Especially if there are no permanent mowings. Otherwise, your design from lateral loads may develop.

After that, the floor boards are laid. It is very desirable to treat them on all sides with antibacterial impregnation for wood in direct contact with the ground. Senezh has two such squads. One of them is called "Senezh", the other "Senezh-Ultra". They differ in that "Ultra" does not stain the wood, and "Senezh" gives it a greenish color. If you cover everything with a dark stain, the greens are invisible, such a composition is not suitable for a light one.

After laying the floor, it is better to paint the boards, otherwise, by the time you finish the construction, they will get dirty. Therefore, take the time to apply varnish or oil-based tinting paints - the best option for outdoor wood. Do not confuse with oil paints! These compounds are often called wood oil, because the base is oil, to which protective substances and coloring pigments are added. As a result, the wood takes on a different shade (even pink or green, if you so desire), but the texture becomes clearer, and not painted over.

Medium strapping

The next step is to install the middle strapping, if there is one for the project. A quarter is taken out under the beam in the racks - a small recess, in this case, with a beam of 100 * 100 mm, a quarter is 25 mm.

Making a roof

While the frame of the wooden gazebo dries, you assemble the truss system. It is a triangle (see the photo below).

They are installed on the frame. This project does not include a roof overhang. Therefore, they are simply placed strictly vertically and nailed directly to the beam of the upper trim. Such a roof is easy to install, but the rain will pour heavily inside even with a slight wind.

If you do with overhangs (the roof protrudes beyond the perimeter of the gazebo), then in the beam you will have to cut out “seats” under the rafters. They look like triangles (see photo).

Two options are shown. In fact, there are more of them, but since the roof is small, the first, the simplest, will be enough. In order not to mess with each triangle, sawing the wood at the top, make a template. Take a piece of board, cut out a hole of the desired shape, try it on, check it, adjust it. Then you just put it in turn to all the rafters, draw around with a finely sharpened pencil and cut it out. What's the best way to cut? Electric jigsaw, but you can also use a hand saw. Having prepared all the triangles, throw them up and install (with long nails obliquely from the spirit of the sides, you can still fix them with corners). Before fixing, do not forget to check the vertical and horizontal.

After installing the triangles, the crossbars are stuffed: two on both sides of the ridge, and then with a step that depends on the type and type of roofing material. Under, for example, a solid crate is generally needed. Then the entire truss system is painted. And then the roofing material is mounted (in this case, a metal profile).


The bottom trim is nailed last. In this project, lining was used, which was then painted with wood oil.

This country gazebo is from the category of "simple, fast, cheap." Having it as an example, you can make something of your own, more, in your opinion, attractive. Here, for example, what happened according to the same project, but in a different design: sheathing of the veranda from a blockhouse, which is painted in a light color, and the frame is dark.

And also - such an option: country gazebos for this project turn out to be completely different

We will lay out several more complex projects with drawings and dimensions below, and even more interesting photos, but without drawings at the very bottom. Might be useful to someone...

Sketches of gazebos with drawings and dimensions

Available sizes can be scaled up or down proportionally. It is important that you understand that with a significant increase in size, a more powerful frame is required. Do not forget about this, and everything will work out for you: a gazebo made by yourself will be beautiful and reliable.

simple wooden gazebo

Almost the same project, but with different dimensions: the upper point of the roof is raised higher, which makes it visually lighter. The gazebo is also quadrangular, the roof is hipped.

When constructing such a roof, the most problematic are two places (nodes) indicated by circles. How to do them, see the photo below.

Chinese style gazebo (with drawings and dimensions)

A project with all dimensions, foundation layout, roof truss system, etc. Arranged in a photo gallery.

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Main façade - height from floor to top rail 2.160 m Main façade without roof: vertical posts 150*150 mm Cross section of a wooden arbor. In the photo on the right - how to make raised ends of the roof Installation of floor beams (the numbers are the designation of the material from the specification) Detailing node 2 - how to install racks How to make steps to the veranda - node 2 Attaching the truss system to the upper trim - on wooden pins

Large gazebo on the foundation

Before you build this gazebo is required. Its parameters depend on soils, on the material that you are going to use for the frame: metal or wood, and what you are going to glaze it with. In general, the width of the tape is about 20 cm, the depth of occurrence is 20-30 cm deeper than the level of the fertile layer. On heaving soils, it is better to do the so-called.

Drawing gazebo-swing

The swing arbor requires special attention: it is fixed very firmly so that the resulting variable loads do not loosen and turn the structure over. To do this, you can extend the legs down, dig a hole under them, fill them with rubble, tamp, and then pour everything with liquid concrete. If you make the frame from a pipe, there are no questions; for a tree, you can use "P"-shaped fasteners with a pin mounted in the lower part. Here it can be bent and poured with concrete.

For even greater reliability, crossbars are attached to the legs, which turn out to be slightly recessed into the ground. They are hammered with U-shaped brackets.

Photo of original wooden gazebos without drawings

This option is both stone and wood. Oprahs made of timber are installed on columns made of rubble. The style is the same - dried trees are used as supports.
